1、國際油品貿(mào)易合同樣板Con tract No.: DieselThis Sales and Purchase Con tract ( herein referred to as“ Contracf' ) is entered into this date of X X,X X ,2021 本購銷合同于-年-月-日 簽署。Between :BUYER (買家):SELLER (賣方):(herein after referred as “the Seller” ) Subject to the followi ng terms and con diti ons of this Con t
2、ract and for mutual ben efits of the Seller and the Buyer (here in referred to as“ PartiecT ),the Parties hereby agree to en ter into this Sales and Purchase Con tract買賣雙方一致同意本合同的各項條款: Article 1 COMMODITY : 產(chǎn)品 1.1 Quality and Description:質(zhì)量 High Speed Diesel / in accordance with the specifications h
3、ere to attached as Appendix 1 高速輕柴油質(zhì)量標準符合附件11.2 Country of Origin: Russia :原產(chǎn)國:俄羅斯 Article 2-QUANTITY : 數(shù)量 The first lot of the goods X X Mts shall arrivedPort Chi na within 60days after Buyer issu ing the BankGuarantee, Total quantity: X X Mts(12 shipment)shall arrived Shanghai PortChina within 75d
4、ays after Buyer issuing the Bank Guarantee.第一批貨 () 萬噸在買方開 出銀行保函后()天內(nèi)船運到達中國()港口,總數(shù)量()萬噸份12船裝 運)在買方開出銀行保函后()天內(nèi)到達中國()港口。,Article 3-PRICE :價格3.1 The price of the products to be delivered un der the prese nt Con tract is established in United Stated Dollar per metric ton, on basis of CIF destination port
5、.產(chǎn)品以美元 按照 CIF 條款計價。3.2 Price: USD X X (X X US Dollars) per metric tons CIFShan ghai PortChi na .價格:每噸()美金運送到中國()港口價,Article 4-DELIVERY :交運 4.1 Ports of Loading: Vladivostok, or the other Ports of Russia designated by SELLER裝運港:俄羅斯 海參崴港 或其它賣方指定的俄羅 斯港口。Port of Destination: X X Port China .目的港:中國()港口。
6、1)Shipp ing advice: Not later tha n the five day before the read in ess of each shipme nt. SELLER shall notify BUYER by fax of the following contents :賣方應(yīng)在準備裝船前5天內(nèi)用方式通知買方以下內(nèi)容:(a) CONTRACT number:(a) 合同號:(b) Date of read in ess(b) 裝船日期:(c) Total volume:(c) 總?cè)萘浚?d) Total weight:(d) 總重量:(e) Package: in
7、 bulk:(e) 包裝:(f) Loadi ng port in Russia:(f)裝貨港:2) Within two (2) working days after completion of loading of each shipment, SELLER shall inform BUYER by fax of CONTRACT number, the date and the number of Bill of Lading, name of the carrying vessel as well as name, total price, total number of packa
8、ges, total weight and total volume of the High Speed Diesel . The SGS inspection Certificate number and date & the insurance Company and policy number also need to be notified by SELLER. 在裝船完畢后的 2 個工作日內(nèi),賣方 須以 方式通知買方:合同號、提單日期及號碼、承運船只名稱、提單號、高 速輕柴油品名、總價、包裝總數(shù)、總重量、總?cè)萘?、SGS檢驗證書編號和日期、保險公司名稱和保單號。4.4 The
9、Seller shall provide the Buyer of the full-chartered ship's particulars (general dimensions, cargo system arrangement maximum unloading capacity rate, cargo tanks capacities at 98% loaded, manifolds sized and reductions available on board the vesse'l s registry and others). This information
10、must be provided to the Buyer prior to the Seller's vessel nomination, so as to assure compliance at the Buy'ers discharge port and shall get the confirmation of the buyer. 通知買方所租用船的規(guī)范,并得到 買方合理的確認。4.5 Seller's chartered vessel(s) shall in all respects meet port rules and regulations inte
11、rms of seaworthiness, fire and common safety, ballast operations, and discharging rates, otherwise, or and any damages caused by non-compliance with such rules and regulations shall be imposed on the seller, shall arrive at the loading port with her tanks in a prepared state for fitness and cleanlin
12、ess inspection. Ves'sesl tanks must be clea n. Vessel shall be with double hull a nd less than 15 years old所 租用的船舶要符 合卸貨港的規(guī)定。具有雙層底并保持油艙清潔,船齡小于 15 年。4.6 The SELLER shall book space in the shipping companies which enjoy good reputation. The carrying vessel shall have good record of transportation.
13、 Its service time shall not be over 15 years, and its flying flag and/or its nation amity shall be acceptable by Buyer. If its service time is over 15 years, the SELLER shall take out the in sura nee at his own cost for this regard.賣方應(yīng)向有信譽的船務(wù)公司預(yù)定租 船,運貨的船只應(yīng)有良好的運輸記錄。其服務(wù)時間應(yīng)不超過 15年,所懸掛的旗 幟或國籍都應(yīng)是買方所能接受的。
14、如其服務(wù)時間超過 15年,則應(yīng)由賣方另付保 險費用。4.7 The Seller shall (ship) deliver the goods from the loading port to the destination port within delivery date in accordance with the stipulations of the Contract. The seller shall inform the buyer on the following days before the goods arriving at the dest in ation port:
15、 7th day, 5th day 3rd day, 2nd day, 1st day賣方需要按照合同規(guī)定 按時在目的港交貨,并提供 7/5/3/2/1 天的預(yù)抵通知。4.8 The Seller shall notify the Buyer of any changes of the ship arrival latest forty-eight (48) hours in advance by using existing communication equipment available on the ship. 船舶動態(tài)如有任何變化, 賣方要通過船舶電子通訊設(shè)備提前 48 小時通知買方
16、。4.9 The Seller shall send directly the following documents by courier to the Buyer not later than 72 hours after the loading is complete;d 裝船完畢,賣方要在 72 小時內(nèi) 將下列文件快遞給買方。 1 )1/3 of set (including 1 original and 1 copy) Bill of Lading, clean on board, showing “To order”, blank endorsed, marked“freight
17、prepaid” and notify the Buyer. 已裝船清潔海運提單,標注“憑指示” ,“空白背 書“,“運費已付”通知買方“。一份正本, 3份副本。2) One copy of inspection Report on Quantity and Quality issued SGS at loading port. 裝貨港 SGS 數(shù)量及重量檢驗報告,一份副本。3) Signed Commercial Invoice in 1 original and 1 copy evidencing unit price and total value of the goods and B/
18、L quantity in metric ton, B/L date, showing the number of B/G and number of B/L. 已簽署的商業(yè)發(fā)票,標明單價和總價、裝船數(shù)量、海 運提單編號和日期、合同號、銀行保函號。一份正本,一份副本。4) Charter Party in one copy. 租船合同,一份副本。 Article5-INSURANCE :保 險 The seller shall provide and bear the expense to procure a policy with a first class industry, marine
19、 insurance institute to cover one hundred and ten percent (110%) of Invoice value. The Insurance Policy shall cover All Risks (Institute of Cargo Clauses A) and War Risks. 賣方應(yīng)提供一流保險承保的包含 110%商業(yè)發(fā)票金額的保險單。保單要包括一切險和戰(zhàn)爭險。Article 6 - PAYMENT:支付6.1 Paymentwill be secured by an IRREVOCABLE, BANK GUARANTEE (B
20、G) from PRIME BANK (HSBC Hong Kong Branch)covering full value of X X Mts and valid for 12 months and 15 Days. The Bank Guarantee will be null and void automatically if the Seller failed to delivery the cargo within 60 calendar date of Bank Guarantee or within 60 cale ndar days after the last shipme
21、nt date 由一流銀行開具不可撤銷的銀 行保函作為付款擔保,該保函金額為三個月的裝船數(shù)量,保函期限為三個月另 15天。在開出保函后 60日歷天或者上一船裝完后 60日歷天內(nèi)未能裝船,該保 函則自動失效。6.2 The Seller will issue 2% Performance Bond of total value USD X X to Buyer's Bank. If Seller could not deliver High Speed Diesel (except force majored) to Buye'r s destination port as ou
22、r contract, Buyer has right claim under this performance bond within 5 banking days. 賣方須開出總合同金額 2%的履約保函給買方銀行。如果 賣方不能按計劃 (合約條款中銀行保函有效期限內(nèi)) 提供商品不論什么原因 (除 了不可抗力),買方可以在 5 個有效銀行工作日之后預(yù)支賣方的履約保函,只要 賣方未能按照合同規(guī)定交貨, 買方就有權(quán)支取履約保函。 6.2 Basis B/L quantity in US Dollars. If there is no large difference (0.1%) between
23、 the B/L quantity and the inspected quantity in discharging port, or the final quantity should be subjected to the other international inspected authority' s inspection providing for payment 30 days after B/L date (B/L date to count as day one) against presentation of the documents specified in
24、Article 10 of this contract. 如按本合同第十條規(guī)定提單日期后 30 天(提 單日期作為一天計算) 出示單據(jù)結(jié)算, 卸貨港檢驗數(shù)量與提單數(shù)量無較大 (0.1%) 差異,則以提單數(shù)量計算美金; 如差異過大, 則最終數(shù)量由買賣雙方另請國際商 檢部門商檢為準。6.3 The expenses of Selle'r s bank shall be borne by the Seller and the expenses of theBuyer' s bank shall be borne by the Buyer.賣方銀行產(chǎn)生的費用由賣方承擔,買方銀行的費用由
25、買方承擔。Article 7 - PROCEDURE:交易程序 7.1 After sig nsthe final Contract. Seller shall send the signed contract via EDT format to the Buyer and three (3) Origi nal Hard Copies with sig natures to the parties viaDHL.電子形式 簽訂合同后,需要將 6 份正本文件通過快遞給各方進行簽字。7.2 Within 5 international banking days after the signatu
26、re, the Selle'r s bank shallissue a 2% Performance Bond to the Buye'rs bank, and the Selle'r s bank provide to the Buyer' s bank with the Proof of Product. 簽約五天內(nèi)賣方銀行開具 2%履約保 函,同時賣方銀行給買方銀行開出以買方為受益人的POP。7.3 Within Five (5) international banking days receipt of Non-Operative 2% PB from
27、Seller' s bank, the Buyer' s bank shall issue an Operative Irrevocable Bank Guarantee to active the Seller' s 2% P/Bond. 在收 P/Bond 后的 5 個銀行工作日內(nèi), 買方銀行 開出正式生效的銀行保函并啟動 P/B。7.4 All banking fees and associated costs including confirmation from Buye'r s bank shall be borne by the Buyer and
28、 all banking charges incurred by the Seller at Sell'ers bank shall be borne by the Seller.買方銀行發(fā)生的費用由買方承擔, 賣方銀行發(fā)生 的費用由賣方承擔。7.5 Should any amendment to the Bank Guarantee be requested after it has issued from Buyer' s bank, the Party requesting the change will be responsible for payment and/or
29、 absorption of all costs associated with the change of terms eventually agreed, including among other items all fees at both banks. The party requesting the change shall bear all such fees and costs regardless whether and to what extent the change eventually agreed and adopted may depart from the or
30、iginal request for amendment. 銀行保函一出后發(fā)生的所有銀行費用,由提出修改方承擔。7.7 Delivery comme nee as per Con tract.按照合同開始交付貨物。7.8 The Seller will provide the followi ng docume nts as POP: POP 應(yīng)包含以下文件: -Copy of lice nse to export, issued by the mi ni stry of en ergy.俄羅斯能源部簽發(fā)的出 口許可證。-Copy of approval to export, issued b
31、y the ministry of justice. 俄羅斯司法部簽發(fā)的 出口批文。-Copy of statement of availability of the product. 供貨能力證明-Copy of the refinery commitment to produce the product. 煉油廠提供的供貨承諾。 -Copy of the charter party agreeme nt(s) to tran sport the product to discharge por租 船合同副本 Article 8- INSPECTION :檢驗 8.1 The product
32、 shall be inspected and compliant with the Contract specifications at the place of loading by “Societies General de Surveillance” (SGS). SGS shall issue an inspection certificate of Quality and Quantity for each shipment to certify that the inspected goods are in compliance with the terms of the Con
33、 tract.雙方同意在裝貨港由 SGS對產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量和數(shù)量進 行檢驗。8.2 The product shall be inspected and compliant with the Contract specifications at the place of unloading port by CIQ. 雙方同意在卸貨港由 CIQ 對產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量和數(shù) 量進行檢驗。8.3 In the case of discrepancy between SGS reports at loading port and SGS report at the unloading port. The final
34、quantity and quantity should be inspected by third international authority's inspection and the result shall be final for both parties. The cost be for duty partie's account. 如果兩港的檢驗結(jié)果出入很大,由國際第三方 檢驗機構(gòu)重新檢驗,費用由責任方承擔。8.4 Costs of inspections at the loading port shall be borne by the Seller. Cos
35、ts of thein specti ons at the uni oadi ng port shall be borne by the Buyer裝 貨港的費用由賣方 承擔,卸貨港的費用由買方承擔。Article 9 - TITLE AND RISK:貨權(quán)及風險轉(zhuǎn)移 The property and risk on the product shall pass to Buyer as the product passes Vesse' s first (1st) perma nent hase conn ecti on at discharg ing port貨物越過卸貨港口船保第一
36、固定軟管后,貨權(quán)及風險轉(zhuǎn)移至買方。Article 10 - DOCUMENTS單據(jù) 10.11) Signed Commercial Invoice in 3 originals and 3 copies evidencing unit price and total value of the goods and B/L quantity in metric ton, B/L date, showing the number of the Contract, and number of B/L. 已簽商業(yè)發(fā)票,三分正本三份副 本,標明單價及貨物總價值和提單數(shù)量、提單日期,標明合同號、提單號。2
37、) 1 originals and 2 copies of Bill of Lading, clean on board, showing “To order”, blank endorse, marked“freight prepaid”and notify the Buyer. 一份正本兩份副本) 提單,清潔已裝船,標明“憑指示”空白背書,標注“運費付訖”并通知買方。3) Certificate of loaded quality issued by SGS at loading port.裝貨港 SGS 出具裝貨 質(zhì)量證明4) Certificate of loaded quantity
38、 issued by SGS at loading port.裝貨港 SGS 出具裝 貨數(shù)量證明5) Certificate of origin issued by local chamber of commerce. 當?shù)貒H商會出具產(chǎn) 地證6) Cargo Mani fest issued by the Ship s master in cludi ng shipp ing In sura nee.船長出 具貨物清單包括運輸保險7) Vessel master s aeeeptanee receipt of cargo船長的貨物接受函8) Full set of Insurance Pol
39、icy covering the Marin Transportation All Risks (I.C.C.A) and War Risks showing claim payable in the currency of invoice and in the country of the destination port.全套保險單,投保海運全險及戰(zhàn)爭險, 標明索賠以發(fā)票貨幣計算, 在目的國索賠。9) Fax copy of Certificate of quantity and quality issued by CIQ at port of discharge. 卸貨港 CIQ 出具的
40、質(zhì)量數(shù)量證明 副本。10) The Seller's certificate of fax's sending to the Buyer within 24 hours after complete of loading. The fax shall advise the name of vessel, the vessels registry, the age of vessel, number of B/L, the name of commodity, quantity of loading, dispatch port, date of sailing, Destina
41、tion Port and Estimate Date of Arrival, Contract number and Bank Guarantee Number, etc.賣方出據(jù) 證明,標明在裝貸結(jié)束后 24 小時內(nèi)發(fā)出裝船通知。 告知買方船名船 籍港,船齡,提單號,商品名稱,已裝船數(shù)量, 卸貨港,開航日期,預(yù)抵日期 , 合 同編號以及保函編號。10.2 All documents with the sole exception of the invoice shall not report any costs, price, etc. 所有單據(jù)除發(fā)票外不得標注任何費用單價等。10.3 A
42、 full set of copy of shipping documents is to be faxed to the buyer within 48hours after the completion of the shipment. 裝貨完成后 48 小時內(nèi)所有整套船單據(jù) 應(yīng)至買方。 Article 11 - LAYTIME 卸貨時間 11.1) In case of loading delaysdue to the seller, all demurrage and/or additional vessel charges shall be for the account of th
43、e seller. In case of delays due to direct default of the buyer at destination port, charges shall be for the acco unt of the buyer由 賣方造成的裝運延誤,滯期費 及其它的船舶損失由賣方負責。 若因買方的原因造成的卸貨港延誤, 滯期費及其 它的船舶損失由買方負責。11.2) Subject as hereinafter provided, the Lay time allowed to Buyer for discharging a Cargo shall be Se
44、venty-two (72) running hours (Port a Part Cargo) after the arrival of vessel at the discharge port in cludi ng Sun days and holidays在 下歹U所歹U條件下,每 船卸貨時間為船舶抵港后 72 小時,含星期日和節(jié)假日。11.3) Vessel shall tender Notice of Readiness (NOR) to Buyer or its representative (as the case may be) between Buyer and selle
45、r, whichever is applicable at the DischargePort船舶應(yīng)遵循卸貨港規(guī)定,于抵達慣例的錨地或者領(lǐng)航站,或雙方同 意的地點時,向買方或代理發(fā)出作業(yè)就訊備通知書。11.4) For vessel tendering NOR within the discharge date and area specified in the Agreement, lay time shall commence, berth or not berth, six (6) hours after NOR is tendered or the time when the vess
46、el is securely moored at the berth whichever is the earlier. 若船舶于規(guī)定的時間內(nèi)抵達指定地點并發(fā)出作業(yè)就緒通知書,無論靠泊 與否,卸貨時間應(yīng)從作業(yè)準備就緒通知書出 6 小時后,或者船舶安全靠泊, 兩者 任一發(fā)生的時間開始計算。11.5) For vessel tendering NOR prior to the discharge date range as specified in the Agreement, lay time shall not commence before 06:00 hours on the first
47、Day of such discharge date range or when vessel is securely moored at the berth whichever is the earlier. 若船舶于規(guī)定卸貨時間之前發(fā)出作業(yè)就緒通知,則卸貨時間不應(yīng)于規(guī)定 卸貨期第一天 06:00 前、或船舶安全靠泊,兩者任何一先行發(fā)生之時間開始起算。11.6) For vessel tendering NOR after the discharge date ranges specified in the Agreement, Buyer should make best efforts
48、to berth vessel as soon as possible after arrival. Lay time shall comme nee whe n vessel is securely moored at the berth若 船 舶于規(guī)定的卸貨期間之后發(fā)出就緒通知,買方應(yīng)積極安排船舶抵港后盡早靠泊。 卸貨時間應(yīng)于船舶安全靠泊開始起算。11.7) For vessel tendering NOR within the discharge date ranges, if a safe berth is not available or storage facilities is
49、not available within six (6) hours, and the vessel is compelled to utilize an alternative berth as a sate berth at the discretion of the Master of the vessel, then all direct and indirect expenses resulting from this change shall be bone by the Buyer, including d e m u r rage .若船舶于規(guī)定卸貨時間內(nèi)發(fā)出作業(yè)準備 就緒通知
50、, 而買方無法于六小時內(nèi)安排安全???、 或無油灌可供卸貨, 迫使船長 必須自行利用其它??康攸c, 所有因此引發(fā)之直接或間接費用, 包括延滯費, 皆 應(yīng)由買方負擔。11.8) If vessel shifts berth by the orders of the Buyer, all extra costs, including shitting and/or freight differential shall be for the buyer's account. 若買方命令船舶變更靠 泊位置,一切相關(guān)費用皆由買方自行負擔。11.9) Demurrages at both load
51、and discharge ports, if any and if not caused by Buy'er s nominated discharge terminal will be paid by the Seller to the Buyer at sight, at first and simple written request. Conversely, if demurrages have been caused by the Buyer's discharge terminal then the corresponding Amount shall be bo
52、rne by the Buyer to the Seller at sight, at first and simple writte n request.非由買方因素弓丨發(fā)之 裝貨港及卸貨港之延滯費由賣方自行負擔, 反之, 則由買方負擔, 延滯費用應(yīng)于 另一方書面索賠之后立即支付。11.10 Demurrage will be based on daily rate or pro-rata thereof. And shall be computed at the Chartered Party Agreement rate. For this purpose, seller shall p
53、rovide the Buyer with a copy of the original Charter Party Agreement. The Dispatch is half of demurrage. 延滯費根據(jù)租船合約規(guī)定,以每日費率及船舶裁裁比率計算,賣 方應(yīng)提供租船合約副本給買方以作為滯期費計算依據(jù),速遣費為滯期費用的一 半。11.11 Seller shall inform the buyer on the following days before the goods arriving at the dest in ation port: 7th day 3rd day, 2
54、nd day, 1st day賣方應(yīng)于船舶抵達卸港前 7 天,5天,72,36,24,12小時通知買方或者買方的代理公司。ARTICLE12-CLAIMS :索賠 12.1 Any claim(s) of either party has to be submitted to the other party within a period of sixty (60) calendar days from the date of the occurrence causing the claim. 如果發(fā)生任何索賠,應(yīng)在發(fā)生日 60 日歷天內(nèi)提交對方。Any claim regarding the
55、 quantity and quality shall be presented within sixty (60) calendar days from date of discharge of vessel at the discharge port according to the Inspection's Certificate issued by SGS at discharging port. If the Buyer fails to inform the Seller confirming the non-compliance within the above-ment
56、ioned time limit, the commodity will be deemed to have been accepted by the Buyer and no claim will be accepted by the Seller. 任何關(guān)于數(shù)量或者質(zhì)量的索賠, 需要憑船卸貨 港 SGS 的出據(jù)的檢驗證書在 60 日歷天內(nèi)提交。 如果買方未能在上述時間內(nèi)提出 索賠,即視認為買方同意接受貨物并無任何索賠要求。12.2 All claims in written form will be valid. 全部索賠文件要由書面形式提交。 Article 13-TAXES, DUTI
57、ES AND CHARGES :稅費 13.1 The Seller is responsible for payment of any taxes, duties, exports fees, charges and dues of e very description on the product in respect of any stages at the country of orig in and loadi ng port賣方 負責支付貨物在裝貨港的所有關(guān)稅和費用。13.2 The Buyer shall be responsible for payment of any tax
58、es, duties, imports, fees, charges and dues of every description on the product at the discharge port and in respect of any stages after the property and risk of the product has passed to the buyer according to the relevant provisions of this Contract. 買方負責支付卸貨港貨物在通 過船舶卸貨設(shè)備以后的所有關(guān)稅和費用。 Article 14-FOR
59、CE MAJEURE :不可抗力 14.1 In case of Force Majored such as war, serious fire, flood, typhoon and earthquake or other events of Force Majored, any Contract party shall fail to fulfill the stipulations of the Contract, Should the above circumstances continue to be in force more than 90 (ninety) days, the Parties shall have the right to cancel this Contract completely or partially. In this case neither of the Parties shall have the right to make a dema nd upon the other Party for the compe nsati on of any possible losse如 果發(fā) 生不可抗力事件,各方均免費,
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