1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)專心-專注-專業(yè)精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)The QueenAfter weeks of campaigning Tony Blair and his family strolled to the polling station this election day morning. The Labour faithful feel pride in Mr Blairs achievements as he is about to become the youngest PM this century. - Ha
2、ve you voted yet, Mr Crawford? - Yes, Maam. -I was there when they opened. First in line, seven oclock. I dont mind telling you, it wasnt for Mr Blair. - Youre not a moderniser? - Certainly not. Were in danger of losing too much that is good about this country. (Man) There is a growing sense of exci
3、tement. I envy you, being able to vote. Not the actual ticking of the box, although it would be nice to experience that once. .but the sheer joy of being partial. Yes. Of course, one forgets that as sovereign, youre not entitled to vote. - No. - Still, I dont feel sorry for you. You might not be all
4、owed to vote, maam. (Chuckles) .but it is your government. Yes. I suppose that is some consolation. (Chuckles) (Slow march on bagpipes) (Soft knocking) Good morning. - Shall I draw the curtains? - Yes, please. So, did you stay up all night? Yes, maam. And was it as expected? Yes, maam. Mr Blair. By
5、a landslide. Oh, I see. (Man) Theyve stopped the traffic completely for Tony Blairs first day of power in London. Youve got the ceremonial, the official and youve got a lovely summers day. Tony Blair waving to the crowds, people waving to them there. I guess they know its the Prime Minister on the s
6、treets. (Soft knocking) The Prime Minister is on his way, maam. To be, Robin. The Prime Minister to be. I havent asked him yet. Hes a hard one to read, isnt he? Yes. On the one hand, his background is quite establishment - father a Conservative, educated at Fettes. He had the same tutor as the Princ
7、e of Wales. Well try not to hold that against him. On the other, his manifesto promises the most radical shake-up of the constitution in 300 years. - Think hell try to modernise us? - I wouldnt put it past him. His wife has anti-monarchist sympathies. You may remember her curtsy the first time you m
8、et. It could best be described as shallow. (Chuckles) I dont measure the depth of a curtsy, Robin. I leave that to my sister. Downing Street is expected to be informal - everyone on first-name terms, at the Prime Ministers insistence. - What, Call me Tony? - Yes, maam. Oh, I dont like that. Have we
9、sent him a protocol sheet? - Funny, Im actually rather nervous. - Why? Youve met her before. I know, but never one to one, and never as Prime Minister. Well, remember, youre a man thats just been elected by the nation. But shes still, you know, the Queen. The audience room is upstairs. When we reach
10、 the audience room, I will knock. We shall go straight inside. Standing by the door, we bow, from the neck. I will introduce you. The Queen will extend her hand. You go to her, bow again, then shake her hand. A couple of other things - its maam as in ham, not maam as in farm. When youre in the prese
11、nce, at no point must you show your back. - The presence? - Yes, sir. Thats what its called when youre in Her Majestys company. Would you like to sit there, Mrs Blair? (lndistinct murmuring) How nice to see you again, Mr Blair. - And congratulations. - Thank you. - Your children must be proud. - I h
12、ope so. - Youve three, havent you? - Thats right. Such a blessing, children. Do sit down. Thank you. Have we shown you how to start a nuclear war yet? - Er. no. - Oh. First thing we do, apparently. Then we take away your passport and send you round the world. You obviously know my job better than I
13、do. Yes, well, you are my tenth prime minister, Mr Blair. My first was Winston Churchill. He sat in your chair in a frock coat and top hat. He was kind enough to give a young girl like me quite an education. I can imagine. With time, one has hopefully added experience and wisdom, better enabling us
14、to execute our constitutional responsibility, to advise, guide and warn the government of the day. Advice which I. Iook forward to receiving. Yes. Well save that for our weekly meetings. If theres nothing else, I believe we have some business to attend to. Of course. Your Majesty, my party has won t
15、he election, and so I ask your permission to form a. No, Mr Blair. I ask the question. The duty falls upon me, as sovereign, to invite you to become Prime Minister and to form a government in my name. And if you agree, the custom is to say yes. Yes. (Bell jingles) Mrs Blair, lovely to see you again.
16、 And congratulations. You must be very proud. - Yes. - And exhausted, I imagine. - Where will you spend the summer? - France. - Lovely. - Youll be in Balmoral? Yes. Wonderful place. My great, great grandmother, Victoria said, In Balmoral, all seems to breathe freedom and peace and make one forget th
17、e world and its sad turmoils. - Your Majesty. - Oh, excuse me. - (Whispering) - No. Really? (lndistinct whispering) Oh. Yes, of course. Im so sorry. Were going to have to leave it there. Not too short, was it, 15 minutes? - One doesnt want to be rude. - No, maam. Morning. - Thanks for coming. Now, f
18、uck off. - What was that about? God knows. Itll be something to do with Diana. (Woman) Princess Diana embroiled in controversy as she pulls out of a meeting with MPs. Princess Diana moved to mend relations with the former nanny. Princess Diana attended a memorial service for the fashion designer Gia
19、nni Versace. (Man) . where another royal controversy sparkles. .was embroiled in a second controversy this week. I am not a political figure. Princess Diana sailed out into the Mediterranean in one of Mr Mohamed Al Fayeds yachts today. - With his son. .quarter of a million pounds for photographs whi
20、ch appear to show the couple embracing. Once again, her judgements under scrutiny. (lndistinct chatter) (Speaks German) Earlier today, they visited the. (Speaks French) (Engines rev) (Telephone rings) Robin Janvrin. What? (lndistinct chatter) Tell Sir Guy I want everyone in ASAP. (Knocking) Maam? Ma
21、am? - Yes? - Maam, Mr Janvrin is here to see you. What? Oh. Good evening maam. Im sorry to disturb, but Ive just had a call from our embassy in Paris. - Its the Princess of Wales. - Why? Whats she done now? I see. Er. Who are we speaking to there? Right, well, keep me updated. Its Diana. Shes been i
22、n a car accident in Paris. Is it serious? Apparently Dodi Fayed is dead. Lets recap on the details of those injuries, Maxine. Theyre saying the Princess is in the intensive care unit of a southeast Paris hospital. - She has concussion, a broken arm. - Why was she in Paris? - I thought she was in Lon
23、don. - You know what shes like. Charles, isnt this awful? - What will you do about the boys? - Let them sleep until we know more. - Yes, thats sensible. - I should go to Paris. I told my people to organise a jet. - What, a private one? - Yes. Isnt that the sort of extravagance they attack us for? (C
24、harles) How else can I get to Paris at this time of night? Charles, dear, use the royal flight. They keep one plane on permanent standby in case I should kick the bucket. No, Mummy, he cant. This isnt a matter of state. What are you talking about? Diana is not one of the royal family. Shes not an HR
25、H. - Its a private matter. - Shes mother to your grandchildren. What is happening now? I dont know. I cant hear. Everyones shouting. - Thanks for coming in. - The ambassador from Paris. Good evening, sir. (Knocking) Yes? Ive just spoken to our ambassador in Paris, maam. Im afraid its not good news.
26、No! No. No. No. No. No. Diana, Princess of Wales, has died after a car crash in Paris. The French government announced her death this morning. - What have I got on this week? - Writing your conference speeches. Well, lets cancel everything else. This is going to be massive. (TV) Her death was confir
27、med by the French. - Ill make a statement in the morning. - Ive started coming up with ideas. - Shes only been dead an hour. - Would you prefer I didnt? (Charles whispers) Try and be very brave. Its Mummy. Shes dead. Theyre going to go back to sleep. Try, anyway. My private secretarys office have fo
28、und a travel agency in New York that will sell me a flight to Paris with an hours stopover in Manchester. Perhaps you might consider if its an extravagance to bring back the mother of the future king of England in one of our planes. All right. Of course. (Door shuts) John, I dont want the boys to se
29、e the news and get upset. Take the radio from the bedroom and the TV from the nursery. Yes, maam. - Well, well, well. - Yes. Are you all right? (Sighs) Your sister called, from Tuscany. I hope you told her to cut her holiday short. - I did. - I cant imagine she was pleased. - Thats putting it mildly
30、. - What did she say? Something about Diana being more annoying dead than alive. Never let the boys hear you talk like that. Of course. Something to help you go down? No, I think Ill write my diary a little longer. Fine. Im going to bed. (Door shuts) (Man) Weve heard nothing official from the palace
31、. We dont know when well get any statements from the palace or when the royal family are due. Thats how she will remain, in our minds, our hearts, forever. - OK? Got it. - (Alastair) Where will you do it? - At the church, on the way in. - Ill organise it. (TV) Viscount Althorp, Dianas brother. Hang
32、on. I want to watch this. (Althorp) This is not a time for recriminations, but for sadness. However, I would say I always believed the press would kill her in the end. Not even I imagined they would take such a direct hand in her death as seems to be the case. Lt would appear that every proprietor a
33、nd editor of every publication that paid for intrusive photographs of her has blood on his hands today. Not the press, mate. Youve got the wrong villain. Tony. - Oh. Got to go. - You about to speak to the Queen? - Yeah. - Ask her if she greased the brakes. Now, now. Thanks. - Hello? - (Woman) Puttin
34、g you through. Oh. Right, OK. - Is the Prince of Wales with the boys? - Yes, maam. - Good. And hes going to Paris? - Yes. Im sorry to disturb, maam. Maam. .but I have the Prime Minister for you, from his constituency. Lucky you. Thank you, Robin. Ill take it in the study. - (Tony) Your Majesty. - Pr
35、ime Minister. May I say how very sorry I am. The thoughts and prayers of my family are with you at this terrible time, and with the princes in particular. Thank you. (Tony) ls it your intention to make some kind of appearance or statement? No. No, certainly not. No-one in the royal family will speak
36、 publicly. This is a private matter. We would appreciate it if it could be respected as such. I see. I dont suppose anyones thought about the funeral. Weve spoken with the Spencer family, and it is their express wish that this should be a private funeral with a memorial service to follow. Right. As
37、Diana was no longer a member of the royal family, we must respect their wishes. I see. You dont feel that in view of her high profile and popularity, it might be an idea to pay tribute to her life and achievements, or even just to her as a mother? Well, as I said, its her familys wish. And the publi
38、c, maam, the British people? You dont think that might be denying them a chance. A chance to what? (Tony) To share in the grief? This is a family funeral, Mr Blair, not a fairground attraction. I think the Princess has already paid a high enough price for exposure to the press, dont you? If theres n
39、othing else, the children have to be looked after. - Of course. Goodbye, Your Maj. - (Hangs up) Her instinct is to do nothing, say nothing, and give her a private funeral. Are you surprised? She hated her guts. I think its a mistake. They screwed up her life. I hope they dont screw up her death. Whe
40、re can I get a black tie? Oh, the chaplain called. He asked if he should make any changes in the service, any special mention of Diana. What did you say? - I told him not to change a thing. - Quite right. The less attention drawn to it, the better, for the boys. Yes. We should find some company for
41、them, some young people. Ill take them for a long walk up Craggy Head. Yes, but no guns, Philip. It is Sunday. Were going, I believe, to Sedgefield, the Prime Ministers constituency, where he is about to make a statement. Yes, the Prime Minister coming now with his wife, Cherie. Yeah, well, apart fr
42、om that? Hes on. Alastair, hes on! Come on! Though her own life was often sadly touched by tragedy, she touched the lives of so many others in Britain and throughout the world. .with joy and with comfort. The people everywhere, not just here in Britain, everywhere, they kept faith with Princess Dian
43、a. They liked her. They loved her. They regarded her as one of the people. She was the peoples princess. . and thats how she will. stay, how she will remain. . in our hearts and in our memories. forever. A bit over the top, dont you think? (TV) The Prime Minister, paying his tribute to the Princess
44、of Wales. The people of Britain, he said, kept faith with Princess Diana. They loved her. She was the peoples princess. - Do we have the Royal Standard? - Yes, sir. - And flowers? - Yes, sir. If we left it to the royal undertakers, theyd bring her back in a crate. (lnaudible) - (Phone rings) - Hello
45、? (Man) This is Lord Airlie. May I speak to the Prime Minister? One moment, please. Lord Airlie. The Lord Chamberlain in charge of the funeral. Youre meeting him at the airport. - Lord Airlie. - Good afternoon, Prime Minister. Its my job to organise all the ceremonial events. Theres no precedent for
46、 the funeral of an ex-HRH. Perhaps we should plan for any contingency. I propose a meeting tomorrow morning at Buckingham Palace, officials from all three palaces, representatives of the Spencer family, the emergency services and your people. Absolutely. Of course. (Phone beeps) Precedent? Where do
47、they find these people? Thank you. Brigadier Sir Charles Wood. Air Commodore Wessex. - Prime Minister. - Im so sorry, sir. If theres anything I or my government can do. They stood up as we drove past, in cafs, in restaurants, removed their hats. This was Paris, and you could hear a pin drop. - I ima
48、gine it will be the same here. - The palace prefers a private funeral. - What are your feelings on that? - I. I think thatll present us with difficulties. So do I. My mother. The Queen comes from a generation not best equipped. She grew up in the war. I think what we need, what this country needs, i
49、s a more modern perspective, if you follow. - Balmoral is. - I think I understand. (Marching feet) (Man) An aircraft of the Queens Flight brought the Princesss body home, where the Prime Minister gathered with members of his government. A black hearse crossed the Tarmac and a Royal Air Force guard o
50、f honour moved forward. Has anyone heard from the Spencers? Did they say when the funeral will be? Hmm? I dont know. Nobody tells me anything. (Man) President Clinton heard the news last night. We liked her very much. We admired her work for children, for people with AIDS for ending the scourge of l
51、and mines. On our walk today, one of the gillies said hed seen a stag up Craggy Head. - He reckoned 14 points. - Oh. We havent had one as big as that on the estate for years. No. Quite. . and I was tremendously impressed. Anyway, I thought it might be a good distraction. - For the boys. - What, stal
52、king? - You dont think its too soon? - Anything that gets them out is good. (Man) . as their relationship deteriorated, she became increasingly unhappy. The couple divorced in August of last year. (Crowds cheering on TV) (Man) Their love story brought crowds into the streets. They came to see the Qu
53、een and the Prince, but most of all, they came to see Diana. - Im going to bed. - (Man) But the fairytale was destined. Ill ring the Lord Chamberlains office to say well send representatives to the meeting. Thank you, Stephen. She gave us so much. Why couldnt we have given her something and left her
54、 alone? It just. hurts me so much. Ive never experienced anything like this. I wait to wake up, like its a bad dream. (Gavel bangs) Right, its ten oclock. Lets get started. Thank you all for coming at such short notice. I think we all agree that this is a sensitive occasion, which presents us with t
55、remendous challenges - logistically, constitutionally, practically, diplomatically and procedurally. (Whispers) Oh, Christ. After 18 years of opposition, I am proud to stand before you as the new Prime Minister. Labour Prime Minister. I want to set an ambitious course to modernise this country, to b
56、reathe new life into old institutions, to make privilege something for the many, not the few. You think the royals are nutters? You should meet their flunkies. Two and a half hours to choose between a hearse or a gun carriage. You got raves in the press. This calls you The nations mourner in chief.
57、This lot says you correctly judged the countrys mood. - Hello? - Even The Mail was impressed. Peoples princess, mate. You owe me. - Gordon for you. - Tell him to hang on. Alastair. - Is it going to be a public funeral? - Yeah. Saturday. - Its a whopper. The Abbey, the works. - Great. - Has anyone to
58、ld the Queen? - I dont know. No doubt some flunky will be dispatched, grovelling on all fours. Do you think its wise for the boys to go stalking? (Queen Mother) Anything that gets them out is good. Maybe they shouldnt take guns. If a photographer saw them, it might send the wrong signal. If there is
59、 a photographer out there, he could be the first kill of the day. I see Mr Fayed was buried last night. At midnight. No cameras, no fuss. Very dignified. Why do they do that? Why do they bury the bodies so soon after death? Islamic tradition. - Something to do with the heat. - Mmm. It stops the body
60、 decomposing. - (Knocking) - Come in. Good morning, maam. Maam. Yes, Robin? What can we do for you? Er. maam, there was a meeting at the palace this morning. About the funeral arrangements. Yes. The Lord Chamberlain faxed these plans for you to consider. There is now general agreement, maam, that a
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