1、目錄 TOC o 1-5 h z HYPERLINK l bookmark7 o Current Document 產(chǎn)品介紹1 HYPERLINK l bookmark13 o Current Document 技術指標2床裝箱單3 HYPERLINK l bookmark19 o Current Document 箱內(nèi)部件4 HYPERLINK l bookmark22 o Current Document 產(chǎn)品安裝5 HYPERLINK l bookmark4 o Current Document 使用方法6警示標志7 HYPERLINK l bookmark26 o Current Do
2、cument 注意事項8 HYPERLINK l bookmark35 o Current Document 保養(yǎng)方法9 HYPERLINK l bookmark41 o Current Document 故障排除方法11關于售后服務12床保修單13產(chǎn)品介紹博朗電動護理坐便病床(型號BL-FA001)是我公司在中國首家請進國外技術,并獲得國家 專利證書。使用電動護理坐便病床,只需要操作按鈕隨意調(diào)節(jié)背部和腿部的不同角度,能使在電動 護理坐便病床上修養(yǎng)的人,如同坐在椅子上的自然姿勢那樣使人感到舒適。使用電動護理坐便病床能有助于在替換衣服或變換身體位置時減少不適而提供方便。還能在病 床上吃飯、喝茶、
3、看電視盒讀書寫字,及方便又舒適。既使生活不能自理者,通過床上按鈕,在床 上可以隨意大小便,也大大減輕護理人員勞動負擔。同事,為了避免病人由于長期臥病而產(chǎn)生褥瘡, 有助于早日康復。我公司采用床墊是聚酯纖維新材料。它具有良好的透氣性,特難燃燒的材質(zhì),非 常輕便,便于搬運等特點。一、該產(chǎn)品只要結(jié)構:有背板,腰板,腿板,足板,床欄頭端板,床欄腳端板,便盆和 補位墊,護欄,床墊,桌板,腳輪等組成。背板最大折起角:習0;腿板、足板折 起角130、腿板下折角N50;桌板前后移動范圍:N450mm;二、該產(chǎn)品適用范圍:供患者修養(yǎng),接受診療等用。三、該產(chǎn)品正常工作條件:-10-55,相對濕度85,大氣壓力:86
4、kpa-106kpa,電 源:(220 + 22) V,頻率(501) Hz。此外,該護理坐便病床均采用優(yōu)質(zhì)碳素鋼材焊接而成。動力裝置采用永磁直流全封閉式電機。 它具有噪音低、載重量大、適用壽命長的有點。此外,還裝有聚氨脂靜音萬向輪,便于移動。另外 配有剎車、拆卸式護欄,ABS床板可瞬間拆卸。電動護理坐便病床科技領先,功能齊全、性能卓越、適用更方便,可由于專業(yè)病房,也可用于 康復病房、療養(yǎng)院以及家庭適用。親愛的用戶:非常感謝您購買本公司博朗BL-FA001產(chǎn)品。適用本產(chǎn)品前,請仔細閱讀本操作說明書,正確使用。在本使用說明書內(nèi)附有保修單。今后在報修時要用到本說明書,因此請妥善保存說明書。技術指標
5、型號BL-FA001品名電動護理坐便病床底架鋼網(wǎng)架焊接噴塑基架矩形鋼管焊接噴塑床頭板ABS制塑床面長X寬(193030) X (87030)mm床面最低離地距W450mm足板最低離地距W190mm床頭板高度頭端(55030)mm 腳端(45030)mm床頭板寬度92030mm護欄高X寬(33030)X(104030)mm桌板長X寬(正負公差10mm)950X290mm (承重 10kg)背板最大折起角N70腿板、足板折起角W130腿板下折角N50桌板前后移動范圍N450供電電源電壓(22022) V (501) Hz載重170kg自重72kg輸入功率400VA電流4A熔斷器250VT1A運行模
6、式間歇加載連續(xù)運行S2-10minBL-FA001型電動護理坐便病床裝箱單箱名零部件名稱數(shù)量床體箱基架部分床體基架 電動裝置一臺1套腳輪特制腳輪萬向腳輪2件2件床板網(wǎng)架1副1套護欄床墊、床墊套坐便盆以上部位已安裝好在床上頭部床板1副安裝與操作說明書1份箱內(nèi)部件圖一個人即可完成床體安裝,但如果兩個人一起安裝,將會更加順利。請確認箱內(nèi)有以下零件。產(chǎn)品安裝圖1-1將床頭尾板上插件保險勾打開,對準基架上的螺釘,插入后向下移動固定,隨后把床板插件保險勾放下。1-2床體內(nèi)放便盆的位置。使用方法通電顯示燈背部的操作按背部按鈕,背部上升按背部按鈕,背部降低若中途松開按鈕,則背部就停止在松開的位置。背和腳部一體
7、的操作按盅按鈕,背部上升,腳部降低。A按是按鈕,背部降低,腳部上升。若中途松開按鈕,則背部和腳部就停止在松開 的位置。腳部的操作按腳部按鈕,腳部上升。按腳部按鈕,腳部降低。若中途松開按鈕,則腳部就停止在松開的位置。便盆的操作按便盆按鈕,補位墊下降,便盆會上升到床板的便盆口。按便盆按鈕,便盆下降。補位墊會恢復到復位。注:1、背部的操作、腳部的操作、便盆的操作可以分別進行,也可以同時進行。2、將床的腳部調(diào)低后,從床上下來時,腳底可以接觸到地面,比較安全。注意事項請正確適用造作,以確保安全,在使用病床過程中應嚴格遵守以下事項。1、請防止身體及手腳、小孩、寵物、物品等進入電動護理病床內(nèi)。2、請不要將手
8、腳等探入床底等可活動部位,可能引起受傷,骨折。3、務必擰緊螺釘,以防造成重大事故。4、翻倒,破損可能引起受傷,禁止坐靠。5、電機上有警示標志,請勿觸摸。6、絕對禁止自行拆御,以防觸電。保養(yǎng)方法運輸和貯存:經(jīng)包裝后的電動護理坐便病床可用普通運輸工具運輸。運輸中應防止強烈沖擊、 震動、擠壓和受潮。經(jīng)包裝后的護理病床,應存放在干燥劑通風良好無腐蝕性氣體的室內(nèi)。清潔床本體時,將布在用水稀釋的中性洗滌劑中浸濕,絞干擦拭,然后用干部擦拭。(請不要 用稀釋劑、汽油、酒精等揮發(fā)性化學溶劑)請經(jīng)常用抹布和刷子清潔電機周圍的驅(qū)動部位。要求用戶至少每年檢查一次病床正常使用的情況。在病床的使用過程中,床罩要經(jīng)常進行清
9、洗。注意事項患者在床上無人看護的情況下,為了減少患者上下或者躺在床上滾落而造成傷害的危險,應該將床 位置于最低位,請保持正確的造作方法。請不要2人共用(應該1人用)腿部支架抬高(床為水平)狀態(tài)下,請不要在床上放置重物。請使用專用床墊。如果使用一般的無法曲折的床墊,可能造成事故。移動床體時,不要抓住兩側(cè)的護欄。床體在需要移動時,先要操作傾斜按鈕。上升腳部支撐點,窗體定位后,要放下腳部支撐點。不要將易燃物品放置床邊。請不要將水果汁等液體潑在按鈕開關上。建議操作者在使用過程中避免與強磁共同使用,以免產(chǎn)生干擾。由于不恰當?shù)奶幹密涬娋€可能會造成安全方面的危險。如:滾輪滾過電纜線或電線,頭/腳,板組件與可
10、移動部件間的擠壓。故障排除方法故障手控開關沒有反應電源線的插頭有沒有插好插座上是否有電是否長時間連續(xù)使用請將插頭插好在插座上插其它電器來確認請等待1分鐘后操作操作時發(fā)出噪音請確認雜音來自那里 是否夾有異物如果是活動部位,請加潤滑油 請出去雜物電機在不操作情況下有反應手控按鈕開關是否失靈請及時拔除手控開關上得圓 口應急圈親愛的用戶:一、承蒙您選用本公司產(chǎn)品,在此深表謝意。二、本公司宗旨“關愛人生,共享幸福”。三、本產(chǎn)品附帶有保修單。請確認(銷售商店、購買日期)填寫無誤后,仔細閱讀保修單的內(nèi)容并 請妥善保管。售后服務1、保修期為壹年(按發(fā)票當日計算)2、壹年保修期過后的修理服務,您需要支付維修費和
11、上門維修費。免修范圍1、在保修期內(nèi)發(fā)生故障需要免費維修時,請聯(lián)系您所購買本產(chǎn)品的銷售店或者直接向本公司聯(lián)系, 在維修人員修理前請出示本保修單。2、在保修期內(nèi)諾根據(jù)使用說明書正常使用中出現(xiàn)故障,免費給予維修(不包括床墊)不免修范圍1、由于使用失誤或自行修理及造成不當引起的故障及損壞。2、購買后由于跌落、碰撞等引起的故障及損壞3、火災、地震、水淹、雷擊等其它自然災害和電壓異常等引起的故障及損壞。4、沒有提交本保單的情況下5、本保修單沒有記載購買年月日、顧客姓名、銷售店名或字句被改的情況下。環(huán)境保護該設備及附件在其使用壽命未到時,本公司將對有關廢棄物進行回收統(tǒng)一處理,使用者切勿自行處 置以免造成環(huán)境
12、污染。本保修單將承諾,誰銷售誰負責的售后服務原則。在購買本產(chǎn)品后,銷售商負責送貨上門并負責安裝調(diào)試。如果您在外省購買本產(chǎn)品,將由我們總公 司委托外省代理商全權負責一切售后服務事宜。在要求修理前請再次仔細閱讀本操作說明書,如果您還不能解決問題請與銷售商店聯(lián)系,請告訴銷 售商店您所購買的產(chǎn)品名稱型號和具體故障情況。關于售后服務如有不明白的地方,請與您的銷售商店聯(lián)系或者直接向總公司客服聯(lián)系。保修單品名BL-FA001生產(chǎn)編號保修期間保修范圍時間(從購買日起)床(不包括床墊)壹年購買日期年 月 日姓名聯(lián)系方式住址本保修單保證按記錄的壹年保修期內(nèi)進行無償修理服務。您從購買日起壹年保修期內(nèi)如果發(fā)生 故障,
13、請出示保修單,向您購買本產(chǎn)品的銷售商店要求休息。維修記錄:日期故障現(xiàn)象銷售店地址電話號碼損壞零件維修員本保修單保證本單所寫明的時間、條件下進行免費的修理,有關保修期結(jié)束后的修理事宜,您可以向您的銷售店咨詢。本保修單遺失不補,請妥善保存、切勿遺失。目錄(Catalogue) TOC o 1-5 h z Product introduction1Technology data 2Packing list for bed3Conponents inside4Product installation5Usage6Warnning sign7 HYPERLINK l bookmark73 o Curre
14、nt Document Attention8Maintenance Mothod9 HYPERLINK l bookmark76 o Current Document Troubleshooting Mothods11 HYPERLINK l bookmark82 o Current Document About after-sale sevice12Guarantee13Bolang electric nursing sit hospital bed (Model:BL-FA001) is the first company in china come in foreign tech and
15、 gain national patent certificate. While using electric toilet seat hospital bed, the patient just press the button to adjust the angles, which will make the patient feel comfortable as if he or she were seated in a normal chairWhile using electric toilet seat hospital bed,there is less discomfort a
16、nd can give you more convenience when the patient change clothes or body position.and also it is very convenience and comfortable for the patient to eat ,drink,watching tv ,read and writting.Even if the patient cant take care of herself or himself,but pressing the buttons ,they can public urination
17、and defecation in any time, also reduce the burden of nursing staff.Meanwhile,avoiding the patients performing hand jobs which are not allowed at hosiptal 。The bed mattress which good air permeability and hard to burn is made of new material called polyester fiber, it is very light and so that to tr
18、ansport.Product instructure: the bed is make up back veneer ,winscot,leg panels,foot plate,bed head end plate, foot bed end plate, bed pan,guardrail, mattress, table plate,and truckle . The biggest fold angle of back veneer should be;70。,the angle of leg panels,foot plate should be130。、the angle of
19、leg panels should be 250。、the moving range of table plate should be 2450mm.Range of application: For patients with accomplishment, accept the diagnosis and treatment etc.Product normal working conditions: temperature:-10-55, Working Humidity:850, atmospheric pressure: 86kpa-106kpa, power: (22022) V,
20、 rate (501) Hz。The electric nursing toilet seat hospital bed adopts high quality carbon steel welded together.Power plant adopts permanent magnet dc totally enclosed motors. It has a low noise, large capacity, long service life. In addition, also equipped with polyurethane mute universal wheel, easy
21、 to move. Additionally equipped with brake, disassembly type guardrail, ABS bed board can instantly remove.The electric nursing toilet seat hospital bed sickbed leading technology, complete functions, outstanding performance, more convenient, it can be used professional room, also can be used in the
22、 rehabilitation wards, nursing homes, and family.Dear users:Thank you very much for you buy our company products bolang BL - FA001.please read the operating instructions carefully and used correctly.before when you using this product In this instruction manual comes with a warranty. Should use this
23、manual when repair service in the future, so please keep the instructions.Technology dataModelBL-FA001PartsElectric nursing toilet seat hospital bedUnderframeSteel frame welding coatingBed frameRectangular steel tube welding coatingBed head boardABS plasticBed surface(lengthXwide)(193030) X (87030)m
24、mMinimum distance from surface to the earth450mmMinimum distance from Foot plate to the earth70The fold angle of leg panels,foot plate50The moving range of table plate450Mains input(22022) V (501) HzLoading weight170kgDead-weight72kgInput power400VAElectricity4AFuse protector250VT1AOperational modeI
25、ntermittent load run continuouslyS2-10minElectric nursing toilet seat hospital bedPacking list (Model :BL-FA001)Box nameConponents namequantityBed body boxPedestal partElectric device of Bed pedestal1 unit1 setsTruckleSpecial truckle Universal truckle2件2件Bed board rack1 sets1 setsGuiderailMattress、M
26、attress protectorBedpanAll the above parts are installed in the bedThe head plate1副Installation and operating instructions1份The photo of the conponents for a bedProduct installation drawing1-1 Open the Plug-in the insurance hook located on head of a bed tail plate e, aim at screw on the base frame ,
27、moving it and fixed toward down after insert, then put the bed board plug-in insurance hook down.1-2 The section of bedpan in the bodyUsage mothodPower indicator lightThe backs operationPress the button of back, the back rises up Press the button of back, the back rises up If loosen the button midwa
28、y, the back stops in the release positionBack and feet integrated operationPress the button, Back rises up, foot drops downPress the button , Back drops down, foot rises upIf loosen the button midway, the back and feet stops in the release positionThe operation of the footPress the foot butoonA, foo
29、t rises upPress the foot button, foot drops down。If loosen the button midway, the foot stops in the release positionThe operation of the bedpanPress bedpan button, 補位墊 drops down, bedpan rises up to the便盆會上升到床板的便盆口。notice:1、the operation of the back, the operation of the foot, the operation of thebe
30、dpan can work separately, also can work at the same time.2、When patients want to step down from the bed,they can Adjust the foot of bed dropping down, their foot can be touched the groundfor safelyAttentionPlease use correctly, in order to ensure safety, in the process of using the bed shall comply
31、with the following items strictly.Please prevent the body and the hands and feet, children, pets, items into the electric care beds Please do not put hands and feet into bed which movable parts into bed , these may cause injury, fracture.Be sure to tighten the screw to prevent major accidentsAny ove
32、rturned, damage may cause injury, forbidden to sit onThere is warning sign on motoi, do not touch.avoiding shock which dismantlement is forbiddened absolutely ,Maintenance Mothod Transportation and storage: it is available to use common transportation after packing the electric nursing toilet seat b
33、eds . should prevent intense impact, vibration and extruding and be affected with damp During transit. , should be stored in indoor desiccant ventilation without corrosive gas After packaging the nursing bedWhen Cleaning the bed body, will cloth soaked in neutral detergent diluted with water wring d
34、ry wipe, then use cadres to wipe. (please do not use thinner, gasoline, alcohol volatile chemical solvent, etc.)Please always use dishcloth and brush clean the driving area around the motor .Requires the user to check normal using conditions of bed no less than once a yea, ,In the process of using t
35、he bed, bedspread need to be cleaned usually.AttentionUnder the condition which no one take care of patients , in order to reduce the patients lie in bed or up and down tumbled and the risk of harm, should put beds at its lowest level, please keep the correct artificial method.There is only one pers
36、on to use(not two person sharing)Bed legs stand up (level), please do not place heavy objects on the bedPlease use the special mattress. If you use common mattress which not be twists and turns of mattress, may cause an accidentWhen Moving bed body, dont catch on either side of the fence.The Bed bod
37、y need to be moved,please press tilt button, Up the foot support, form the localization, to put the foot support.Do not place flammable objects by the bed.Please dont spill fruit juice like liquid on the push button switch.Suggest the operator avoid using with strong magnetic jointly, lest produce i
38、nterference.Due to the improper disposal of soft wire may cause security risk. Such as cable or wire rollerthehead/foot, plate group are extrusion between the moving parts.Trobleshooting methodBreakdownProblemmethodManunal switch no responseIf the power cable plug is okIf the socket has powerIf it i
39、s a long time to usePlease insert the plug wellInsert the other appliance on the socket to checkPlease operate after one munitesThere is noise when it worksPlease comfirm the noise where is from If there is foreign bodyIf its activity area, please add lubricating oilPlease remove the dopantMotor has
40、 reaction without workIf the manual switch is failurePlease pull out the hand switch on emergency circle round mouthDear users:Thank you choose our products, appreciate here sincerely.Our company tenet love life, share happiness.This product comes with warranty. Please confirm (sales store, purchase
41、 date) is correct, reading the content of the warranty carefully and please safekeeping.After-sales seviceWarranty for one year (According to the invoice date )you need to pay the maintenance costs after one year warranty repair sevice.Range of repair for without payPlease contact with the saler who
42、 you bought with or contact company derectly when there is problem to need repair which in the warranty date. Please show the warranty before the maintenance personnel to repair.During the warranty period, if appears problem according to the instruction manual in normal use, free of charge for maint
43、enance (not including mattress)Range of Repair for with payDue to improper using fault or repair itself and cause of the malfunction and damage.After buying caused by fall, collision and so on fault and damageFire, earthquake, flood, lightning and other natural disasters or abnormal voltage caused b
44、y fault and damage.No submitted under the condition of this policyThis warranty does not relate to purchase date, customer name, sales name or word is changed.environmental protectionThe service life of equipment and accessories doesnt reach time , our company will handle the waste recycling processing, users cant own disposal so as not to cause environmental pollution. Who will the warranty commitment, sales who is
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- 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。
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