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1、2020年重慶市南岸區(qū)中考英語一診試卷II從A、B、C、D四個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳答案,并把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的 答案標號涂黑. TOC o 1-5 h z 1 I have a ClOCk Its Ondesk in my room ()A a B an C the D /YOU Can beme better at EngiiShreading SOmething you enjoy every day ()A With B about C between D byThere are fewer fishes and IeSS Cleanin the river because O

2、f the POllUtiOn ()A boats B Water C SOUP D dishes- - - Do you Iike WatChing CCTV news ?-Yes, andfavorite reporter is Bai YanSOng()A I B me C my D mineYbUgot killed by that car! DOnlt Play the PhOne game While CrOSSing the road ()A nearly B USUalIy C hardly D finallyIthe HiStOry MUSeUmtWiCe IVelearne

3、daIOtthere()A ViSit B am visiting C have ViSited D Win ViSitThiS PiCtUreby my COUSin IaStyear ()A draws B drew C is drawn D WaS drawnSPeCial gift She had today! She got a Ietter from her mother ()A What a B HOW a C What D HOWIttOOkmOrethantWOmOnthSfOrUSOnIine IeSSOnS ()A Iearn B to learn C Ieaming D

4、 Ieamed- - - DO you know?Let me See I remember it WaS On MarCh 18th()A Why did they move here B Why they moved here C When did they move here D When they moved hereL完形填空.(每小題15分,共15分)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從A、B、C、D四個選項中選出 一個能填入相應(yīng)空格內(nèi)的最佳答案并把對應(yīng)題目的答案標號涂黑.On Jan 23, WUhan WaS IOCked down HUa YUChenJ a music teacher at W

5、UhanlSGanghUa JUniOr SChOOl SaW a notice On WeChat (1) VOIUnteerS to fight thevirus. She registered (登i己)at OnCe,At first, I had no idea What kind Of WOrk I WaS going to do, HUa Said MBUt as a WUhan native, I knew I must do (2) for my hometown, even though I am just a USUal PerSOnand CannOt SaVe Pat

6、ientS as (3) do MHaVingbeen a VOlUnteer in WUhan for more than (4) days, a month, HUa has beenbusy at the PlaCeS Where help is most needed She SendS medical WOrkerS to and from WOrk She takes the temperatures Of drivers at toll (H攵費)StatiOnS She removes goods and WOrkS as a PerSOn ata hospital (5 )

7、SPeakS On the radio.On OUr team, everyone is making an effort to WOrk Silently TherelS always SOmeOne WhO arrives (6) than me does more WOrk and IeaVeS late HUa SaidThe VOlUnteerS are PaSSingCOUrage and responsibility (責任) around I feelPleaSed and (7)When m WOrking With them ,AS her ParentSr Only ch

8、ild, HUa didn,t tell them that She WOUld do VOklnteer WOrk at first for fear that they WOUld WOrry about her (8) , When She finally told them, theySUPPOrted her HUa Said She Wanted to Share her VOlUnteerexperience (9) her StUdentS She Willtalk to them about What they ShOUld do (10) the epidemic (疫情)

9、is OVer(1)A IOOkingafter B IOOkingfbr C Paying for D taking after(5)A WhereB WhiChC When D WhO(6)A earlierB fasterC more SUddenly D more quietly(7)A tiredB activeC afraid D IOVely(2)A SOmethingB nothingC anythingD everything(3)A teachersB ParentSC doctorsD WOrkerS(4)A thirteenB thirtyC SiXteenD SiXt

10、y(8)A InStead B UnlUCkily C HOWeVer D WhiIe(9)A to B from C for D With(10)A When B Until C Why D becauseIV閱讀理解.(41-43每小題3分,4459每小題3分,共35分)閱讀下列材料,從A、 B、C、D四個選項中選出最佳答案,并把對應(yīng)題目的答案標號涂黑.12.http:/WwW jobs - in - IiVerPOOl COmBa by Sitter WantedWeekendS and SOme evenings EXPeri ence With dhildren neccessary

11、 Sol& SOmbra Cafe needs WaiterS and WaitreSSeSSatUrdayS 10 am 5 PmCOmPUter ByteS ShOPShOP assistant needed SatIlrdayS 9 am - S Pm GOOd knowledge Of COmPUterS neccessaryLifegUard at Cherry Tree ROad SWimming POOlTUeSday and ThUrSday evenings.5 - 8 Pm MUSt have 4 ifeguard CarifiCate (救生員執(zhí) 照) Or qualif

12、ication NataSha Anne LaneDate Ofbirth: 15 JanUary 1998COntaCt in formation37 Cherry ROad LiVerPOOl LA 12 456natashannemyworld COm0044 - 151123456EdUCatiOn9 GCSES including EngIiSh and mathsEVeSOP High SChOol LiVerPOOlWOrk experienceHeIPer at Playland NUrSery SChOOl (幼兒園)in SUmmer holidays - 1 monthW

13、aitreSS at ItaIia PiZZa restaurant On SatUrdayS - 17 monthsLangUageS FrenCh - BI IeVel SPaniSh - A2 IeVelSkilIS and interestsSWimmingLifegUard COUrSe - EVeSOP SWimming POOlReferenCeSMrS M NOiton, PIayland NUrSery SChOOb 42 Cherry ROadl LiVerPOOlkinds Of j ObS are needed here A One B TWO C Three D Fo

14、ur.Jane didnl t have any experience Or SkinS to WOrk as a.A babysitter B WaitreSS C ShOP assistant D IifegUard.We Can read the job acts.A Online B At a house13 After COming to AmeriCa,USe in KOrean (韓語is different from that in EngiiSh FOr example, if I am asked ,Haven,t you had dinner yet? M and I h

15、ave not had dinner yet, then in KOrean I USUally Say MYes, I haven,t BUt in English, I have to Say No, IhaVen,t.,BeCaUSe Of this, my friends Often get the OPPOSite meaning from What I Want to give themOne day Only a month after I Came to AIneriCaJ I had dinner with an AnIeriCan student, BOb He asked

16、 me SOme questions and I answered them SinCerely A few days late I found SOme roommates thought that I Came from NOrth KOrea One day I StOPPed by BObfS room and asked Why he WaS SPreading the WrOng infbrmation. Oh, you told me that Don,t you remember? He SaidJ MWlIen I asked you You are not from NOr

17、th Korea, are you? , you Clearly answered, MYes, Of COUrSe Didnt it mean that you are from NOrth Korea?,The different USe also CaUSeS PrOblemS between my friends and me One Weekend night my roommate Mark brought his Children into the dorm (宿舍) They made SOme noise While PIaying I didn,t mind the noi

18、se SinCe I WaS just WatChing TV The next morning, I met Mark He asked me With a SmiIeJ MDidn,t my ChiIdren make noise IaSt night? Didnt make you UnCOmfbrtable? , BeCaUSe I did not mind the noise at all, I Clearly Said MYeS!n The Smile SUddenly disappeared from MarkIS face, and he SaidJ I am SOrry ab

19、out that They are going right now. See you Iater I COUId not UnderStand What he WaS SOrryabout, and I just said,M OK Bye!n Aftera moment Of thinking, I realized how StlIPid I WaS That evening, I explained Mark and Said SOrry to him I knew he thouglt that I had been Very nde NOW to deal With this PrO

20、blemJ I have Set SimPle rules: FirStJ take a five SeCOnd break if I am not SUre OfMyeSM Or MnOn Second, USe MPardOn me, SO the PerSOn may explain to me in a direct way. TOC o 1-5 h z (1)FrOm the PaSSage, We Can infer that the Writer COmeS fromA NOrth KOrea B AmeriCa C SOUth KOrea D China(2)In Paragr

21、aPh 3, When the Writer answered MYeSN, Mark might think the WriterWaSA rude B kind C helpful D POIite (3)The UnderIined WOrd Mitn in ParagraPh3 refers to (指的是)A MyeSM B the noise C WatChing TV D the Smile (4)If the Writer is not SUre OfMyeSn Or HnOM next time, he Will Sayf, MA IdOntknOW B yes C no D

22、 PardOn me AIIger SeemS SimPle When WeIre feeling it, but the CaUSeS Of anger are different The main reasons We get angry are triggering (觸!發(fā)) events, PerSOnaIity traits (特征) and OUr OPiniOnS On SitUatiOnS KnOWing them Can make US examine OUr behavior and UnderStanding them Will help US COntrOl OUr

23、OWn anger When it is about to happen Triggering events for anger are SO many that to describe them all WOUld take hundreds Of PageS being CUt Off in traffic, the IaSt day OfyOUr report PreParatiOnJ having Pain inthe body and SO on NOt everyone acts the Same SinCe a report preparation, and PSyChOlOgi

24、Cal (心、理的)traits are different EaCh PerSOnJ no matter WhO they are, has their OWn PerSOnaIity traits. PeOPle WhO Iike to COmPete With OtherS and easy to be UPSet because Of daily things are much more IikeIy to get angry HaVing these PerSOnaIity traits SUggeStS the Pre - anger State Where anger is ab

25、out to happen AISOf SOmetimeS Pre - anger does not IaStIOng, but rather a ShOrt time before a triggering event happensOUr OPiniOnS On SitUatiOnS Can make US angry as Well SOmetimeS What is going On every day becomes CaUSeS Of Pre - anger and happens itself. SOmetimeS having negative (j肖極 的) OPiniOnS

26、 On SitUatiOnS Can Create anger Anger is an especially StrOng feeling and maybe PeOPIe think that they have reasons to feel angry However anger Can easily turn ViOIent (眾力)and it is best to know the reasons for anger in Order to StOP it from appearing With these main reasons in mind, We Can also thi

27、nk about OUr IeVel Of anger throughout the day and avoid getting angry by UnderStanding OUr feelings better WhiCh Of the following StatementS is Right according to the PaSSage ? A We find it SimPle to get angry With no reasons B Anger has nothing to CiO With OUr OPiniOnS C We Can never StOP OUrSelVe

28、S from getting angryD Anger mayhappen With different reasons The missingPart in the SeCOnd ParagraPh ShOUld beA Here are SOme examples B Lefs See One Page C FOlIOWing are SOme rules D LaSt but not the IeaStACCOrdingto the PaSSage, We Can inferA if Tony becomes angry, he has a PSyChOlOgiCal PrOblem B

29、 if Cathy is always WOrrieCi about daily things, She won,t get angry C if SteVe WantS to become No Iin the running race, he gets angry more easily D if Gina has another two WeekS to finish her homework. She may beme angryIf We PUt the PaSSage into three PartS, WhiCh Of the following is the best? My

30、morning Started OUt as USUal I SnOOZed (打Bili) twice, took Care Of my three CatS, hurried to COmPlete ChOreS While drinking SOme COffee, and then raced OUt the door for my mid morning appointment After I finished my appointment, I WaS hungry. I StOPPed at a restaurant to Order a burrito (墨西哥卷餅)to ta

31、ke home and eat WiIiIe WOrkingSinCe it WaS a Iittle before noon there WaS a Iine A WOman WhO I SOOn Ieamed WaS MarCellat WaS Paying at the register (柜臺) She asked the WOman behind her in Iine if She WOUIdIike a drink and then asked me. We both Said no and must have IOOked COnfllSed (困惑的) because She

32、 said,I gotyou. MShe COntinUed to Pay for both Of OUr meals - even though We Were StrangerS asked MarCena Why She did this, and She Said that SOmeOne OnCe did SOmething Similar for her The PerSOn asked that She mightSOmeday and She WaS making good On herPrOmiSe Befbre I left, She gave me a Warm hug

33、and asked Only that I do an act OfkindneSS for a Stranger When I COUld I arrived home, but instead Of WOrking through IUnCh I Sat and mirrored back On her kindnessMarcena didn,t need to Pay for my lunch BUt She did, and it brightened my day. NOt because I got to keep my $15 but because She WaS kind

34、- and did not Want to receive anything in return AS I PrOmiSed hert I Plan On Paying her kindness forward Maybe, just maybe, ll make a Small difference in SOmeOne else,s Iiet and the ripple effect (連鉗反應(yīng)) Will COntinUe BeCaUSe that,s What being human is all about - being kind, even to a Stranger (1)

35、WIIy did the WOman Say ,I got you in ParagraPh 3 ?(2 ) WlIat does the PhraSe ,n mean in this PaSSage?Vl完成句子.(每空1分,共10分根據(jù)所給提示,完成句子每空一詞,含縮略詞There are SOme POtatOeS On the table.(改為否左句)TherePOtatOeS On the table I got UPyesterday morning(對劃線部分提問)did you get UP yesterday morning?The boy may become too a

36、fraid to face the Same difficulty in the future (改為同義句)The boy may not becometo face the Same difficulty in the future.我們有能力在家自覺學(xué)習.(完成譯句)We areto Stlldy byat home.中國和全世界都在為戰(zhàn)勝COVDI9而努力(完成譯句)PeOPIe all OVer the WOrld are trying tothe COVlD 19.VnI短文填空.(每空2分,共16分)根據(jù)下面短文內(nèi)容,在短文的空格處填上一個恰當 的詞,使短文完整、通順.MOSt

37、Of US Want to be happy, but few find happiness HaPPineSS depends OnOUrSelVeS In OtherWOrds, We make OUrOWn happiness Here are four (1) tohelp you be happy EnjOy the SimPle things in IifeTOO Oftent We SPend SO much time thinking about the future that We fail to enjoy MnOWM,for example getting into a

38、better high SChOOl (2 ) getting a good job We ShOUldenjoy the SimPle things in life, SUCh as reading a good book, IiStening to OUr favoritemusic, (3 ) Of WOrrying about Wllat Wiil happen next Be active and POSitiVe AIlOther SeCretto IiVinga happy Iife is to be active and POSitiVe Beingactive means (

39、4)Part in interesting activities Or doing SPOrtS By doing these, PeOPIe Can forgetabout their PrOblemS and Only think about the activities 3(5) PeOPleA ManyPeOPle find happiness in helping OtherS IfyOU Want to feel happier do goodthings for SOmeOne YbU Can help a friend (6) his Or her StUdieS, go Sh

40、OPPing tobuy food for an elderly PerSOn, Or SimPly help OUt around the house by WaShing the dishes 4 Ask, and IiStenNObOdy is a IOnely island in this WOrld Werre COnneCted With the WOrld instead Of IiVing alone All PeOPle think it is necessary to COmmUniCate With OtherS YbU Can Start by asking about the (7) PerSOn,s hobbies family OrtraVel PlanS IfyOudOntknow What he Or She is talking about COntinUe asking questions to UnderStand more and Pay attention to the answers Be SUre to IOOkat the Per


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