1、RESEARCH NOTEThe automotive industry is no stranger to major change and disruption. Trends such as shared and electric mobility were already causing significant change even before the disruption of the COVID-19pandemic. The pandemic has shifted consumer preferences again, making it critical to under
2、stand which changeswill endure over the medium term. To get to the pulse of consumers during these uncertain times, we have updated our earlier April 2020 research in this note.In our April report, HYPERLINK /wp-content/uploads/2020/04/COVID-19-Automotive.pdf COVID-19 and the automotive consumer: HY
3、PERLINK /wp-content/uploads/2020/04/COVID-19-Automotive.pdf How can automotive organizations re-engage consumers HYPERLINK /wp-content/uploads/2020/04/COVID-19-Automotive.pdf and reignite demand?, we found that consumers were increasingly preferring personal vehicles, health and hygiene features in
4、cars, and digital modes of interaction throughout the purchase cycle. In many markets, sales of cars rebounded in March and April,1 spurred by pent-up demand, supportive governmental policies, growing preference for personal mobility, and an improving economic outlook. But the recovery is only parti
5、al car sales were still down year over year in recent quarters.2 Concerns over public and shared mobility are likely to persist however, as countries set up the infrastructure and technical support required to administer the vaccine for COVID-19.With research taking place in November, we have now go
6、ne back to consumers to understand which trends are being sustained over the long term, what new trends are emerging, and how automotive companies can respond effectively. We reached out to 11,000 consumers from 11 countries: the US, the UK, France, Germany, China, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, I
7、taly, Spain, and India. These countries together represented 62% of global annual passenger vehicle salesin 2019.This research note outlines the key long-term and sustained trends that continue to drive the industry:Mobility preferences continue to shift towards personal means of transport. Consumer
8、s are still avoiding public or shared transport and favoring private vehicles to fulfill their travel needs. This is driven by falling expectations of a return to the status quo once the pandemic subsides. Safety concerns are also driving preferences for in-car health and wellness features and touch
9、less interactions.Purchase appetite has continued to grow over the last few months in almost all markets. In April, 35% of consumers expressed interest in buying a car; in November, this stood at 46%. With multiple COVID- 19 waves and emerging new mutations, coupled with renewed lockdown restriction
10、s, consumers prefer personal mobility over shared or public transport. Driven by economic concerns stirred by the pandemic, a large segment of consumers have lowered their expectations regarding the car they intend to buy. However, a sizeable segment now wants a more premium experience from their ca
11、rs than what they were planning earlier and they are demandinga more engaging driving experience (21%). This is true probably because consumers now use their personal cars more than before the pandemic and they use them for longer distances.Consumer expectations of a digitally driven experience has
12、increased. They want seamless low- touch interactions across the lifecycle: searching for information, exploring features, financing, delivery, engagement with the car, and aftersales. Nearly half of consumers now prefer online channels to find information about cars, up from 39% before the pandemic
13、, and growing from 46% in April 2020.In this research note we examine these three trends divided into chapters in subsequent pages and look at what automotive organizations can do to manage any risks and capture the upside of emerging opportunities.21% THE SHARE OF CONSUMERS THAT WANTS A MORE PREMIU
14、M EXPERIENCE (HIGHER-END CAR, MORE FEATURES) FROM THEIR CAR THAN WHAT THEY WERE PLANNING BEFORE THE PANDEMIC.Consumers anxiety about safe travel has altered urban mobility patternsMore consumers today favor personal mobility and avoid carpooling/public transport/ride- hailing services compared to Ap
15、ril 2020Consumers are deeply concerned about the risk of catching a contagious disease while traveling. The pandemic has lasted longer and impacted consumers more than they expected. For example, research shows that at the onset of the pandemic,consumers in the US expected normalcy to return by Augu
16、st. By November, they did not expect a return to normal until July 2021.3 As a result, consumer perceptions about public transport have altered significantly.Although multiple vaccines against COVID-19 have been launched, administering them worldwide will take time as countries prepare the distribut
17、ion and technical infrastructure required to reach end consumers. Meanwhile, the advent and spread of a mutation of COVID-19 will also keep consumers from opening up to shared and public mobility options for an indefinite period. As Figure 1 shows, the vast majority say that their safety and physica
18、l well-being, along with that of theirFigure 1: Consumers preference for a personal vehicle and avoidance of shared mobility options significantly jumped in the last six monthsConsumers mobility preferences“My safety and physical well-being, along with that of my family, is best served through a per
19、sonal vehicle”“I will avoid using car-pool services owing to health and safety concerns”“I will avoid ride-hailing services owing to health and safety concerns”“I will use public transport less often and take my car (if I have one) more often”42%40%44%57%87%81%78%78%November 2020April 2020Source: Ca
20、pgemini Research Institute, Consumer Behavior Survey, October 27-November 5, 2020, N=10,094 consumers.family, is best served by a private car (87%, compared to 57% in April).While the result reflects the timing of our survey in late Octoberearly November which coincided with a resurgence of the viru
21、s in many parts of the world and fresh lockdownrestrictions the shift in mobility preferences is likely to last. Use of personal vehicle has surged at the expense of public or shared transport. Almost 72% of consumers said that they value constant access to a private vehicle morethan before the pand
22、emic. This sentiment has remained true even as infection rates fell between April and November, andFigure 2: Use of private cars grew at the expense of public and shared transportWhat is your most used mode of transportation before COVID-19 and currently?(A comparison of personal and shared/public t
23、ransport)61%49%51%32%19%19%22%14%6%8%9%9%Personal vehicle (Owned/leased subscribed)Public transportation like bus/trains/sub-wayCabs/ride-hailing/rental cars/car-sharingOthers (micro-mobility, walking, etc.)Before COVID-19April 2020November 2020Source: Capgemini Research Institute, Consumer Behavior
24、 Survey, October 27November 5, 2020, N=10,094 consumers. Micro-mobility includes e-bikes, cycles, e-scooters, etc.72% OF CONSUMERS SAID THAT THEY VALUE CONSTANT ACCESS TO A PRIVATE VEHICLE MORE THAN BEFORE THE PANDEMIC.authorities declared public transport options safe provided precautionary measure
25、s were followed.Emergence of micro-mobility: Around half of the consumers said they would prefer micro-mobility options, such as e-bikes and electric scooters, if available. In response, city planners are expanding the infrastructure for pedestrian spaces and bike lanes to make these options safer a
26、nd more convenient.4 While the private car will likely remain the first choice forpeoples commute, micro-mobility and walking will continue to emerge as stronger alternatives for last-mile connectivity.In countries such as Italy and the US, the preference for private vehicles over public transport i
27、s the most pronounced (see Figure 3):For example, in Italy, before the pandemic, 61% said they used cars and 14% public transport.Today, 71% favor cars and only 1% still favor public transport.Figure 3: Around the world, consumers increasingly prefer private cars compared to public transport to meet
28、 their mobility needsMobility preferences by country (before COVID-19 vs November 2020)18%8%1%3%9%14%11%8%22%10%21%8%6%55%27%63%44%71%53%52%56%28%46%56%68%44%71%34%61%53%24%18%58%58%67%60%11%7%13%18%ChinaFranceGermany Netherlands SwedenItalyNorwayUSUKIndiaPersonal vehicle (owned/leased/subscribed)Pu
29、blic transportationFirst bar - Before COVID-19Second bar - November 2020Source: Capgemini Research Institute, Consumer Behavior Survey, October 27November 5, 2020, N=10,094 consumers.50% OF CONSUMERS WOULD PREFER MICRO-MOBILITY OPTIONS, SUCH AS E-BIKES AND ELECTRIC SCOOTERS, IF AVAILABLE.Consumers i
30、n China, India, and Germany show the most pronounced shift in terms of how sentiment has tilted to cars over public transport compared to before the pandemic.Passenger vehicle miles traveled (VMT)* surged even as people used less public transport: In countries such as France, Italy, and Germany, and
31、 the UK, VMT rebounded to greater than or equal to the pre-pandemic levels during the period between June to November (before the lockdowns were reimposed in some of these countries).Among these countries, passenger traffic was around 125% on average, compared with March this year. By contrast, in t
32、he US, VMT have remained within 85% of the levels during July to November; this means that the level of travel/commutedid not fall in US as much as it did in Europe.5 Public transport including subways, bus and train station traffic is still well below the pre-pandemic levels (see Figure 1). While o
33、verall car usage have declined due to shelter-at-home orders, consumers are taking longer trips during the weekends.6Figure 4: In major car markets, use of public transport has remained significantly lower than pre-pandemic levelsUse of public transport, including subways, bus, and train stations(ch
34、ange between JanFeb 2020 and January 2021)IndiaFranceUSGermanyItalyUK-5%-29%-33%-49%-62%-62%Change from baseline (5-week average from 3 January to 6 February, 2020)Source: Google, COVID-19 Community Mobility Report, January 2021.Total miles traveled by passenger vehicles in a given period.Actions fo
35、r organizations to address emerging mobility needs:Address emerging micro markets with targeted offers: The relationship between consumers and their cars is changing. For some, it is an extension of their home a safe and convenient place to be. For others, it is seen more as a utility that allows yo
36、u to take short trips. Automotive organizations need to be receptive to these emerging segments in each micromarket, assess the likely scale of these markets in the near future, and provide customers with customized/personalized offerings. For example, the used car market has experienced significant
37、 growth as consumers favor individual mobility. To capture this segment, companies are launching targeted subscription plans. As Steffen Knapp, Director of Volkswagen Passenger Cars India, stated, “India is bound for individual mobility and we also have a tendency towards leasing and subscription. W
38、e seethis market doubling and even tripling. Its a massivephenomenon in the world, like in the US and Europe.” 11Continue to add/expand hygiene-related offerings to alleviate customer concerns: Hygiene-related factors assumed new importance in the last six months. Carmakers need to include the featu
39、resand services that will attract this hygiene-conscious segment and improve the value proposition of their cars during the pandemic. Automakers such as Toyota are offering free car disinfection when customers get their car serviced at dealerships.12 Hygiene services and features are particularly va
40、luable for fleet customers to allay fears of customers in using ride-sharing andcar-sharing options.Increased appetite for hygiene and wellness featuresConsumers increasingly want health and wellness features and touchless interactions:85% want cars that offer health and wellness features (air filte
41、rs, ambient air quality indicators, health monitoring of passengers, and use of UV LED lights for sterilizing vehicle interiors), up from 49% in April 2020.80% prefer using tech-based solutions to interact with dealerships, such as salespeople providing remote assistance during a purchase, or a tech
42、nician during servicing/maintenance.Organizations are also looking to meet demand for sterilization technologies to improve car hygiene:Groupe PSA-owned car brands, including Citron, Peugeot, and Vauxhall, offered paid deep cleaning services to reduce the risk of infectious particles in cars.7Hyunda
43、i Motor Group is exploring the use of ultraviolet rays to sterilize its vehicles when no passengers or drivers are inside, with a particular focus on high-touch interiors such as floor mats, steering wheel, and door handles.8Geely, the parent company of Volvo, recently unveiled its Icon electric cro
44、ssover SUV equipped with an air-purification system to combat COVID-19. The equipment will be able to remove airborne viruses and other pathogen to achieve the same level of air filter as an N-95 respiration system.9Tata Motors rolled out health and hygiene accessories such as air filters, sanitizat
46、rs want to purchase a car than in April 2020Consumers are more likely to be looking to buy a car today. Currently, 46% have expressed interest in buying a car up from 35% in April. The need for personal mobility has grown as the pandemic is lasting longer than most people expected. Buying appetite h
47、as grown globally in almost all markets, driven by a combination of:Avoidance of public or shared mobilityPent-up demand for cars following the economic recovery after a subdued period at the onset of the pandemicLow-cost auto loansGovernment incentive programs to take more polluting cars off the ro
48、ads and replace them with a new and cleaner vehicles, including EVs has boosted demand in areas such as US and Europe.Consumers in China and India showed the strongest appetite for buying a car in the next 12 months. Year-over-year car sales in China have grown consecutively in four months up to Oct
49、ober.13In the EU and UK, consumers are offered purchase subsidies and tax incentives for EVs ranging from EUR5,000 in France to EUR9,000 in Germany. As a result, the EV market share of Europe and the UK is expected to grow to 31% of world EV sales next year, up from 22% currently (and mostly taking
50、share from China).14 Automakers will need to tap into the growing demand for EVs in the European markets by developing locally relevant products.Figure 5: 46% of consumers are considering buying a car in the next 12 monthsPercentage of consumers considering buying a car in the next 12 months61%57%57
51、%54%46%43%43%34%44%32%41%45%35%36%40%39%41%35%27%25%25%21%18%74%GlobalChinaIndiaItalySpainUSFranceUKNorway Germany Sweden NetherlandsApril 2020November 2020Source: Capgemini Research Institute, Consumer Behavior Survey, October 27November 5, 2020, N=11,108 consumers.Younger consumers continue to dem
52、onstrate a greater interest in buying a car. Among younger consumers (aged 1835), 59% are considering buying a car, compared with 46% overall. A lot of this demand is due to first-time car buyers who prefer personal mobility instead of using public transport.Indias leading carmaker, Maruti Suzuki, e
53、xperienced a 5% increase in first time car buyers, to 48% of all its car buyers in 3Q20.14 This demand is for utility and functionality rather than the aspirational value of the car. Shashank Srivastava, Head Marketing & Sales at Maruti Suzuki India, says, “We believe is that there has been a turn f
54、rom the conspicuous consumption to more conscious spending. And therefore, there is more functionality buying rather than aspirational buying.”16Similarly, for Volkswagen, 60% of car sales in China in April 2020 came from first-time car buyers. “We have seen interest from a new kind of customer, tho
55、se keen to own a personal vehicle to escape the risks of infection on public transport,” said Stephan Wollenstein, CEO, Volkswagen Group China.17Figure 6: 59% of younger consumers are considering buying a car, up from 35% in April 202065% 62%59%58%64%53%60%59%57%48%54%45%53%51%44%50%50%35%40%38%30%2
56、9%27%Percentage of young consumers (under 35) considering buying a car in the next 12 months77%GlobalChinaIndiaItalySpainUSFranceGlobal average for all age groups: 46%UKGermany SwedenNorway NetherlandsApril 2020November 2020Source: Capgemini Research Institute, Consumer Behavior Survey, October 27No
57、vember 5, 2020, N= 3,627 young consumers.Over a third of consumers want to subscribe or lease a car rather than buy itThe pandemic has focused more attention on infection risk, and this is changing the way that people think about accessing a car for mobility. With a car subscription, for instance, c
58、onsumers enjoy a short-term and economical solution to their mobility needs while enjoying the protection from infection that a car offers over other mobility options.Globally, one in five consumers (20%) have said they will subscribe to a car and 16% prefer to lease one. Those who prefer to subscri
59、be a car liked the flexibility to easily switch into a different vehicle category (SUV during winters, and convertible during summers, for example) the most.Figure 7: More than a third of consumers globally prefer to lease or subscribe to a car instead of buyingPreferred mode of ownership of persona
60、l vehicle by country20%11%12%20%16%19%10%23%18%18%19%16%16%9%18%15%12%24%49%14%20%21%20%7%64%73%69%69%66%62%71%70%63%61%61%44%Global averageNetherlands ChinaNorwayFranceSpainItalyUSSweden GermanyUKIndiaBuyLeaseSubscribeSource: Capgemini Research Institute, Consumer Behavior Survey, October 27Novembe
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