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1、國際民事訴訟法Law of International Civil Procedure國際民事訴訟法概述國際民事案件的管轄權國際民事訴訟中的送達、取證、期間和保全國際民事訴訟中法院判決的承認與執(zhí)行國際司法協(xié)助第二十五章 國際民事訴訟法概述國際民事訴訟程序和國際民事訴訟法 國際民事訴訟法的基本原則 國際民事訴訟當事人的民事訴訟地位 國際民事訴訟程序(international civil procedure)國際民事訴訟程序,也稱涉外民事訴訟程序,是指含有國際因素,或者從某個主權國家的角度來說,含有涉外因素的民事訴訟。也就是說,在有關的民事訴訟中涉及到兩個或兩個以上國家的人和事,或同兩個或兩個以

2、上的國家存在不同程度的聯(lián)系。 國際民事訴訟法(law of international civil procedure)國際民事訴訟法是指規(guī)定國際民事訴訟程序各種法律規(guī)范的總和。其主要內容包括如下三個方面:(1)規(guī)定國際民事訴訟程序中外國當事人,包括外國自然人、外國法人、外國國家和國際組織的民事訴訟地位的法律規(guī)范;(2)規(guī)定國際民商事案件中法院管轄權的法律規(guī)范;(3)規(guī)定國際民事訴訟程序有關訴訟和非訴訟文書的域外送達,有關域外取證,有關國際民事訴訟期間,以及有關法院判決在相關國家的相互承認與執(zhí)行的法律規(guī)范。國際民事訴訟法的法律淵源主要有國內立法和國際立法兩個方面。此外,很多國家也將內國法院的司

3、法判例以及在國際社會通行的國際慣例視為國際民事訴訟法的重要淵源。第二節(jié) 國際民事訴訟法的基本原則(basic principles) 國家主權原則(sovereignty) 國民待遇原則(national treatment) 平等互惠原則(equality and mutual benefit) 尊重國際條約和尊重國際慣例原則(respect for international treaties and international customs) 國家主權原則 國家主權原則在國際民事訴訟法領域表現(xiàn)為一個國家有權通過立法的形式對該國境內的所有訴訟活動和行為進行規(guī)范;外國人(包括外國法人和自然

4、人)在該國境內進行訴訟活動都必須遵守當?shù)貒业脑V訟法規(guī)范;有關國家還可以根據自己的國家利益、社會利益規(guī)定對某些案件行使專屬管轄權,從而排除其他國家審理有關案件的可能性。 在司法方面,一個國家的法院有權依據其本國的訴訟法規(guī)范受理并審理有關的案件;除國際條約或有關國家的法律有相反的規(guī)定以外,外國人有義務接受所在國法院的這種司法管轄權。 國家主權原則還表現(xiàn)為一個國家及其財產在國外享有司法豁免權。即非經有關國家明確表示放棄該項權利,其他國家的法院無權受理以該有關國家作為被告的訴訟;有關國家的財產非經其所有國明確同意不得被其他國家的法院作為訴訟標的而施以扣押、執(zhí)行等訴訟行為。 國民待遇原則國民待遇原則是




8、明確的國際立法和國內立法規(guī)定的情況下,應該參照國際慣例對有關爭議作出公正的處理。第三節(jié) 國際民事訴訟當事人的民事訴訟地位(status of parties)外國個人(foreigner)的國際民事訴訟地位外國國家(foreign countries)的國際民事訴訟地位 國際組織(international organizations)的國際民事訴訟地位外國個人的國際民事訴訟地位給予外國人以國民待遇是一般原則 世界各國的民事訴訟立法和有關的國際條約在規(guī)范外國人的民事訴訟地位時,原則上都給予外國人以國民待遇,即規(guī)定外國人享有與本國國民同等的民事訴訟權利,承擔同等的民事訴訟義務,但一般要求以對等互

9、惠為條件。例如我國民事訴訟法第5條的規(guī)定。 一般都要求依屬人法確定外國人的民事訴訟行為能力 依屬人法確定外國人的民事訴訟行為能力已經為國際社會所公認。大陸法系國家如德、日等是依當事人本國法、英美法系國家原則上依當事人住所地法來決定外國人民事訴訟行為能力的同時,還規(guī)定,如果依法院地法外國人具有民事訴訟行為能力的,視為有行為能力。一般都對外國人的訴訟代理問題作了特別規(guī)定 (1)法定代理人和指定代理人在國際民事訴訟法中一般并不涉及,而委托代理人在國際民事訴訟程序中卻往往會產生一些在國內民事訴訟程序中所不可能產生的問題。 (2)關于外國當事人可以委托什么樣的人作為訴訟代理人,各國一般都規(guī)定應由法院地國

10、的律師擔任訴訟代理人。至于訴訟代理人的法定權限問題,采用律師訴訟主義的國家規(guī)定,律師可以基于授權實施所有的訴訟行為,行使任何訴訟權利,而采用當事人訴訟主義的國家,如英美普通法系國家規(guī)定,不管當事人或其法定代理人是否委托訴訟代理人,他們都必須親自出庭參與訴訟。 (3)此外,在國際社會的司法實踐中,還存在著領事代理制度,即一個國家的駐外領事,可以依據有關國家的立法和國際條約的規(guī)定,在其管轄范圍內的駐在國法院,依職權代表本國國民參與有關的訴訟程序,以保護有關自然人或法人在駐在國的合法權益。 (4)我國民事訴訟法第241條規(guī)定,外國人在我國法院參與訴訟可以親自進行,也有權通過一定程序委托我國的律師或其

11、他公民代為進行。最高人民法院于1992年印發(fā)的關于適用中華人民共和國民事訴訟法若干問題意見也在第30條中明確規(guī)定,涉外民事訴訟中的外籍當事人,還可以委托其本國人為訴訟代理人,也可以委托其本國律師以非律師身份擔任訴訟代理人。外國駐華使、領館官員,受本國公民的委托,可以以個人名義擔任訴訟代理人,但在訴訟中不享有外交特權和豁免權。與此同時,我國是維也納領事關系公約的締約國,外國人所屬國的領事可以依據該公約的有關規(guī)定和我國同有關國家簽訂的領事條約在我國法院代理其本國國民的訴訟行為。 (5)我國民事訴訟法規(guī)定,在中華人民共和國領域內沒有住所的外國人、無國籍人、外國企業(yè)和組織委托中華人民共和國律師或者其他


13、或者托交授權委托書的情況。 (6)對于在我國領域內有住所的外國當事人以及在我國領域內雖無住所,但只是在我國領域內作短期停留的,如旅游、探親、講學、經商時,遞交授權委托書,無需履行公證、認證手續(xù)。 訴訟費用擔保制度 (1)指審理國際商事案件的法院依據內國訴訟法的規(guī)定,要求作為原告的外國人在起訴時提供以后可能判決由他負擔的訴訟費用的擔保。在現(xiàn)代國際社會,一些國家不要求外國原告提供訴訟費用擔保,其他各國的法律都在不同程度上對外國原告規(guī)定了該項義務。 (2)這種擔保制度中的訴訟費用僅是指除了案件受理費(案件受理費具有國家稅收性質,應上繳國庫)以外的為進行訴訟所必需而應由當事人負擔的實際開支,諸如當事人

14、、證人、鑒定人、翻譯人員的差旅費、出庭費等。 (3)我國最高人民法院在1984年通過的民事訴訟收費辦法(試行)第14條第2款規(guī)定:“外國人、無國籍人、外國企業(yè)和組織在人民法院進行訴訟,應當對訴訟費用提供擔保?!辈贿^,我國在同法國、波蘭、比利時等國訂立的司法協(xié)助條約中,互相免除了提供訴訟費用擔保的義務。經歷了從要求外國人提供擔保到實行在互惠前提下互免擔保的變遷過程。這種規(guī)定一般也及于法人。 (4)需要注意的問題:訴訟費用擔保與訴訟費用的預交二者不能混同;關于免除訴訟費用保證金的主體資格的界定。中國目前跟外國締結的司法協(xié)助協(xié)定采取兩種不同的標準:其一是采用單一的國籍標準。例如中國跟法國、比利時、蒙

15、古、羅馬尼亞、西班牙、俄羅斯等國簽署的司法協(xié)助協(xié)定通常就作了如下規(guī)定:締約一方的法院對于另一方國民,不得因為他們是外國人而令其提供訴訟費用保證金。其二是采用國籍加住所的復合標準,即締約一方國民要在締約另一國領域內免除訴訟費用保證金,不但要具有締約一方的國籍,而且還必須在締約一方領域內設有住所或居所。例如中國和波蘭、意大利簽署的司法協(xié)助協(xié)定就作了這樣的規(guī)定;關于免除訴訟費用保證金的范圍。目前中國跟外國締結的司法協(xié)助條約,通常對此不作明確規(guī)定,只是概括地規(guī)定免除訴訟費用保證金,至于其具體范圍留待各締約國的國內法去解決。 案例(訴訟權利能力和訴訟行為能力 )中國浙江某紡織品進出口公司在杭州市與一位年




19、的國際民事訴訟地位 國家及其財產享受豁免權是國際公法、也是國際民事訴訟法上的一項重要原則,它是指一個國家及其財產未經該國明確同意不得在另一國家的法院被訴,其財產不得被另一國家扣押或用于強制執(zhí)行。 (1)司法管轄豁免。即未經一國明確同意,任何其他國家的法院都不得受理以該外國國家為被告或者以該外國國家的財產為訴訟標的的案件。不過,與此相反,根據國際社會的一般作法,一國法院卻可以受理外國國家作為原告提起的民事訴訟,且該外國法院也可審理該訴訟中被告提起的同該案直接有關的反訴。 (2)訴訟程序豁免。是指未經一國同意,不得強迫其出庭作證或提供證據,不得對該外國的國家財產采取訴訟保全等訴訟程序上的強制措施。

20、 (3)強制執(zhí)行豁免。非經該外國國家明確同意,受訴法院不得依據有關判決對該外國國家財產實行強制執(zhí)行。國家及其財產的豁免權,均可通過國家的自愿放棄而排除。放棄豁免,一般認為可以有以下幾種方式:(1)通過條約、契約中的有關條款,明示放棄豁免;(2)爭議發(fā)生后,雙方通過協(xié)議,明示放棄豁免;(3)主動向他國法院起訴、應訴或提出反訴,即默示放棄豁免;(4)雖不提出豁免主張,但已就對它的訴訟的實質問題采取了訴訟步驟或行為,即默示放棄豁免(但采取的訴訟步驟或行為是為了提出豁免主張的,不得視為放棄豁免)。 我國奉行的是絕對豁免論,但與原來意義上的絕對豁免論也不盡相同。國際組織的國際民事訴訟地位這里所講的國際組

21、織是指在國際范圍內從事活動的由若干國家或政府通過條約設立并取得國際法人格的團體。 就目前國際社會的立法和司法實踐來看,國際組織一般都是基于一定的國際條約在有關國家的法院訴訟程序中享有絕對豁免權。我國已加入的相關國際條約成為我國人民法院確定相關國際組織的國際民事訴訟地位時的重要法律依據;至于沒有條約依據的國際組織的國際民事訴訟地位問題只能通過外交途徑來處理。Judicial resolution of international disputesIn hearing international disputes, national courts may have difficulty secur

22、ing jurisdiction over the parties and discovering evidence. In addition, national courts are limited by two principles of judicial restraint-the act of state doctrine, and the doctrine of sovereign immunity. (1) Judicial ProcedureA party seeking judicial resolution of an international dispute faces

23、several problems, including which nations courts will hear the case and what law should be applied to the case. Many international contracts contain a choice of forum ( or forum-selection ) clause that designates which nations court has jurisdiction to hear a case arising out of the contract. In add

24、ition, many contracts also include a choice of law clause that designates which nations law will be applied in deciding the case. Absent these two clauses, and without the parties agreeing to these matters, an international dispute may never be resolved. To facilitate the deposition of international

25、 law disputes, the United States has entered into several treaties concerning legal procedure. The 1965 Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extra-judicial Documents in Civil and Commercial Matters establishes a procedure for serving judicial papers on parties located in other countries.

26、 The 1970 Hague Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil and Commercial Matters provides a procedure for conducting discovery in other countries. (2) Act of State DoctrineA general principle of international law is that a country has absolute authority over what transpires within its own

27、 territory. In furtherance of this principle, the act of state doctrine states that judges of one country cannot question the validity of an act committed by another country within that other countrys own borders. In United States v. Belmont, the U.S. Supreme Court declared, Every sovereign state mu

28、st recognize the independence of every other sovereign state; and the courts of one will not sit in judgment upon the acts of the government of another, done within its own territory. This restraint on the judiciary is justified under the doctrine of separation of powers and permits the executive br

29、anch of the federal government to arrange affairs with foreign governments. (3) The doctrine of sovereign immunityOne of the oldest principles of international law is the doctrine of sovereign immunity. Under this doctrine, countries are granted immunity form suits in courts in others countries. Ori

30、ginally, the United States granted absolute immunity to foreign governments from suits in U.S. courts. In 1952, the United States switched to the principle of qualified or restricted immunity, which was eventually codified in the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act of 1976. This act provides that a forei

31、gn country is not immune from lawsuits in U. S. courts in the following two situations: (i) the foreign country has waived its immunity, either explicitly or by implication.(ii) the action is based upon a commercial activity carried on in the United States by the foreign country or carried on outsid

32、e the United States but causing a direct effect in the United States.Introduction to International Civil Procedure LawAs the international dimension of business is on the increase so there is the risk of transnational trade disputes. Courts are now frequently asked to decide on disputes with a forei

33、gn party. Rules in respect to international jurisdiction are not always in tune with one another. (1) Each country has its own rules on jurisdiction. These rules are often different in the different legal systems. In the United States, for instance, the courts are considered to have jurisdiction not

34、 only over a defendant established there but also over a foreign person or company regularly doing business in the United States. United States courts sometimes even exercise jurisdiction over a foreigner, who is served with a writ in the United States, while on an occasional business visit there. E

35、uropean courts often use more rigid standards to decide on their jurisdiction.(2) Courts of more than one country may declare themselves simultaneously competent to give judgment in a dispute, so that the same claim can be the subject of proceedings in different countries. In most countries, the leg

36、islator does not recognize the international lis pendens as a ground for lack of competence. The courts sometimes avoid giving judgment of the court will probably be recognized in their jurisdiction. This is, for instance, the case in France, Germany, The Netherlands and Switzerland. In a few legal

37、systems, such as the English, the lis pendens is a more general exception for court jurisdiction. Some treaties such as the European judgment Convention ( Brussels Convention, the Lugano Convention and bilateral conventions on jurisdiction) avoid lis pendens by granting jurisdiction to only one cour

38、t. Any other court, seized by the case, has to declare itself devoid of jurisdiction. Lis pendens may result in conflicting judgments. Clear rules on jurisdiction and lis pendens are therefore required. (3) The summons of a foreign party gives rise to specific legal questions, since a summons or wri

39、t is basically an administrative act which can not be instituted outside national boundaries. The delivery of a summons or writ abroad is only possible with the permission and cooperation of the local administration. International rules are therefore needed for the service abroad of a writ and other

40、 judicial documents. Each court conducts its legal proceedings according to its national procedural law. However, foreign substantive law must sometimes be applied to a dispute and, if needs be, the court may have to inquire into the substantive rules of this foreign law, gather evidence, or organiz

41、e a hearing in another country. Treaties organize this international procedural cooperation. (4) Finally, judgments passed in one country sometimes need to be recognized or enforced in another country. Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments is often regulated by treaties. Procedure in gene

42、ralOnce a court or other authority takes jurisdiction over an international legal dispute, the next essential question is that of deciding what special rules of procedure should be applied to non-standard disputes presenting other than domestic elements, because the general rules of procedure are or

43、dained by the legislator for application to internal civil (commercial or economic) litigations. Nevertheless, throughout the history of legal development, the legislator has increasingly relied on more and more differentiated rules to express the actual specificity that characterizes several aspect

44、s of foreign element proceedings and therefore calls for specific solutions in procedural law. The law of international civil procedure has grown into a far-flung system of institutions, on which Hungarian literate too has produced a large monograph ( International civil Procedure, by Szaszy). The m

45、ain rules of procedure in domestic and international legislation(1) The main general rules of procedure governing international litigation may be said, by way of theoretical generalization, to be basically of two kinds. On the one hand, they generally include the domestic rules of procedure which ar

46、e applied with no regard to the international character of litigation precisely because specified matters and international legal disputes in general are subject by rules of international civil procedure to the domestic law of procedure. It is so provided by Art. 63 of the Code: save to otherwise pr

47、ovided for therein, proceedings before Hungarian courts or other authorities are, even in matters of international litigation, subject to Hungarian law. This is then the general rule which does not, of course, transform the domestic law of civil procedure because it serves as a guide to a fictitious

48、 conflict situation in the procedural area, namely to the application of the lex fori as the general rule.(2) On the other hand, the principal rules of international procedural law are made up of the sum of procedural norms different from the domestic rules of procedural law, representing exceptions

49、 allowed by the Code to the above general rule in view of the international character of litigation. These are the rules of international procedure law strictly so called. They take certain procedural conditions or acts out of the generally applicable domestic law of procedure and give them a differ

50、ent regulation, with the maxim of ius speciale derogat ius generale again coming into operation. The most important of these rules in the Code are the following : (a) the legal and disposing capacity of litigants are governed by their personal law ( nationality, domicile), not by Hungarian law. (b)

51、nevertheless, a foreign national who has restricted or no disposing capacity under his personal law but would have disposing capacity under Hungarian law is deemed to be capable of action in proceedings before Hungarian courts. This, however, does not preclude the possibility for his legal represent

52、ative to act on his behalf abroad. (c) Where, between the parties, a proceeding based on the same facts and on the same claim is instituted before a foreign court or other authority and the resulting decision is recognizable in Hungary under the Code, the Hungarian court or other authority terminate

53、s a proceedings subsequently instituted before it, or the court dismiss the suit without issuing a summons. (d) The Minister of Justice issues a certificate of Hungarian law and legal practice to a person who is in need thereof to assert his right abroad.(3) Certain rules of foreign exchange law hav

54、e also some bearing on civil procedure: permission of the foreign exchange authority is needed if a Hungarian subject at law intends to start a suit for material-financial claim against a foreigner; in the reverse situation, i.e. the suit was instituted against a Hungarian party, of course no permis

55、sion is required, only the fact has to be reported to the foreign exchange authority, and in his procedure the Hungarian party is expected to live up to the rulings of the said authority.(4) As can be seen, the Code may allow exceptions to the general applicability of the domestic law of procedure.

56、Such exceptions include those relating to legal assistance and arbitration to be discussed hereafter. Added to them are exceptions which are allowed to the general rules by international agreements and which, according to Art.2 of the Code, take precedence over domestic law in respect to jurisdictio

57、n or any other matter.In addition, international treaties contain several other special provisions on procedure concerning, among others, the use of language or consular action in matters of succession ( protection and delivery of the estate, etc.) as regulated by agreements on legal assistance and

58、consular conventions. A great number of such provisions are included in every agreement on legal assistance and every consular convention. 思考判斷只要有關的實體法律關系或程序法律關系具有外國因素,就構成國際民事訴訟。國際民事訴訟程序是一國民事訴訟程序的特別程序。國家主權原則在國際民事訴訟中表現(xiàn)為國家對與本國有關的案件都可以行使司法管轄權。各國一般依其屬人法確定外國人的民事訴訟行為能力。我國法律允許外國人通過委托其領事代理其民事訴訟行為。我國法律允許外國人委

59、托本國律師以非律師身份擔任訴訟代理人。規(guī)定外國人必須提供訴訟費用擔保實質上違反了國民待遇原則。我國目前仍堅持絕對豁免理論,但與以前的絕對豁免理論有所不同。我國目前對外國原告并不收取訴訟費用擔保費。司法豁免權包括管轄豁免,訴訟程序豁免和強制執(zhí)行豁免。第二十六章 國際民事案件的管轄權管轄權的意義管轄權的確定我國立法關于國際民事案件管轄權的規(guī)定 管轄權的沖突推薦:國際民事訴訟管轄權研究,劉力著,中國法制出版社2019年版。國際民事案件管轄權的概念國際民事案件管轄權是指一國法院或具有審判權的其他司法機關受理、審判具有國際因素或涉外因素的民商事案件的權限。國際民事案件管轄權問題所涉及和要解決的是某一特定

60、的國際民商事案件究竟由哪一國法院行使管轄權的問題。 區(qū)分國際管轄權(international jurisdiction)和國內管轄權(local jurisdiction)。就某一具體國家(如我國)而言,國際民事訴訟法中的管轄權問題主要涉及兩方面內容:一是就某一特定的國際民事案件,我國人民法院有沒有管轄權的問題;二是指有關的外國法院對某一特定的國際民事案件有沒有管轄權的問題。前者又稱為“直接的一般管轄權”;后者是指外國法院的判決能否在我國境內得到承認和執(zhí)行的問題,又稱為“間接的一般管轄權”。國際民事案件管轄權的種類對人訴訟管轄權和對物訴訟管轄權屬地管轄權和屬人管轄權專屬管轄權和任意管轄權強制


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