



1、-. z.Task 1News Item 1The United States central bank, the Federal Reserve, has raised interest rates for the third time this year. The Federal Reserve raised the overnight bank lending rate by 0.25 percent (one fourth of one percent) to 5.5 percent. It raised the discount rate also by 0.25 percent t

2、o 5 percent. The Federal Reserve said it had no plans to raise interest rates again any time soon. It said the increase today should reduce the danger of inflation. News Item 2The merce Department says the American economy has shrunk for the first time in eight years. The total value of goods and se

3、rvices produced in the United States fell by four tenth of one percent (0.4 percent) in the period of July through September. A recession is monly defined as at least si* months where the economy shrinks. News Item 3A fall in the New York market had been widely predicted following Fridays better tha

4、n e*pected US employment figures. US bonds from which the government funds long-term borrowing fell nearly two points on the news that more jobs had been created in March than had been e*pected. The Dow Jones Inde* was closed on Friday for the Easter holiday, so today was the first chance for the sh

5、are market to react. News Item 4And we go straight to Wall Street where share prices closed higher. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up nearly 1 percent or 89 points at 10,205. Shares made up for some of the losses they incurred in the past week, thanks to what was interpreted as signs the US in

6、flation is under control.Task 2News Item 1China has launched a manned space flight, being the third country to do so 40 years after the Soviet Union and the United States. A single astronaut was on board the Shenzhou V Craft, which took off from the Gobi Desert. Its e*pected to go round the earth 14

7、 times during a 24-hour period before landing in Inner Mongolia. President Hu Jintao watched the launch, a sign of the importance China attaches to its space programme. Francis Marguez reports from Beijing. Half an hour after the spacecraft blasted off, Chinas state television showed footage of the

8、launch, the rocket climbing slowly into the clear blue sky. And many Chinese will feel their country has taken a proud step towards modernity. News Item 2Chinas first man in space has returned to Earth. Reports say Chinese officials declared the space flight a success. Astronaut Yang Liwei is also r

9、eported to be in good health. On Tuesday, China became only the third nation to send a person into orbit. Astronaut Yang and his spacecraft landed in Chinas Inner Mongolia early Thursday. He had orbited the earth 14 times in about 20 hours. The United States and Russia praised China for the launch.

10、Russia and the United States were the first two nations to send people into space.Task 3Negotiators have agreed to the wording of a proposed international treaty on tobacco control. Delegates from more than 170 countries approved the final wording earlier this month in Switzerland. This came after f

11、our years of negotiations. The proposed treaty is called the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. It will be presented in May at the yearly meeting of the World Health Organization, a UN agency. The final version approved there will also require individual approval by WHO members. Once 40 nation

12、s have approved it, the treaty will go into effect in those countries. Member states cannot make any amendments once the WHO approves a final version of the treaty. They must either accept or reject the agreement as it is written. The proposed Framework Convention on Tobacco Control is part of the e

13、fforts to reduce deaths and diseases from smoking. The WHO estimates that almost five million people die each year from lung cancer and other tobacco-related diseases. That number could rise to ten million a year by 2020. Developing nations are the biggest growth areas for tobacco-related diseases.

14、These nations are calling for the strongest laws possible to control tobacco. The treaty would ban advertising and other marketing campaigns for tobacco products, where doing so would not violate a countrys constitution. It also calls for high tobacco ta*es. It would even require panies to make publ

15、ic all the substances they use to make cigarettes. In addition, tobacco panies would have to place health warnings on at least thirty percent of their products. These warnings could not include information that might lead people to believe that some cigarettes are less harmful than others. In additi

16、on, governments would have to support treatment programs to help people stop smoking. And, there would have to be education campaigns to get people not to start. The proposed treaty also calls for measures to protect non-smokers from secondhand smoke, that is, smoke from other peoples tobacco.Task 4

17、Thank you. And thank you for asking me to share in your weekly address to the American people. Britain and America have so much in mon: language, values, belief in family and munity, in a real sense of national pride. We share many problems, too. And it has been clear from our discussions that we ar

18、e agreed, in general terms, about some of the solutions. You took the tough decisions needed for long-term economic stability. We are doing so. You have focused on education, welfare reform, a new approach to crime. So are we. Together, we are breaking down boundaries of left and right and creating

19、a new politics of the radical centre.Task 5Each year, the Nobel mittee in Oslo, Norway announces the winners of its famous Nobel Prizes. Most winners of the Nobel Peace Prize have been men. Only ten percent have been women since the prize was first presented in 1901. Now the United Nations Developme

20、nt Fund for Women and the human rights group International Alert have presented a new award to honor women peacemakers. It is called the Millennium Peace Prize for Women. Officials will present the award every three years. The award recognizes womens actions in building peace, protecting womens huma

21、n rights and supporting munity life during and after war. E*perts say women are usually not as involved in the peace process as men are. However, their work to reestablish normal munity life after peace has been reached is very important. Because of this, International Alert says women also need to

22、be recognized as leaders in peace building. Earlier this month, si* women and organizations received the Millennium Peace Prize for Women. One of the winners is the Colombian group Ruta Pacifica de las Mujeres, or Womens Road to Peace. This group has organized protests against the violence between r

23、ebel groups and the Colombian government. The group Leitana Nehan Womens Development Agency also won the peace prize. It helped in the peace process between the military and rebel forces in Papua New Guinea. Another winner is the group Women in Black. It is an international organization that organiz

24、es protests against violence, aggression and war. Flora Brovina also received the peace prize. She organized the League of Albanian Women of Kosovo. Doctor Brovina has taught emergency medical skills to people in Kosovo. Asma Jahangir and Hina Jilani are also peace prize winners. They worked to supp

25、ort human rights and womens rights in Pakistan. And the leader of the womens movement in Rwanda also won the Millennium Peace Prize, after her death. Veneranda Nzambazamariya helped rebuild Rwanda after the mass killings in 1994. She died in a plane crash last year.Task 6News Item 1Brazils new Healt

26、h Minister Hosein Selar has sacked two senior health officials in Rio de Janeiro amid growing concern about the epidemic of dengue fever. More than 80,000 people in southeast Brazil have caught the mosquito-born disease which causes severe headaches, fever and vomiting. In some cases, it can be fata

27、l. Our Brazil correspondent Steven Switch reports that President Fernando Henrique Cardoso regards the issue of health care as his governments biggest political weakness. News Item 2In agriculture news. The European Union has banned all imports of animal products from the Netherlands. The ban was or

28、dered after the Dutch government confirmed four cases of foot-and-mouth disease there. Dutch officials have had all infected animals destroyed. Until now, only Britain and France have been affected by the animal disease. Also, in the American State of Vermont, officials seized some sheep suspected o

29、f having mad cow disease. More than 230 sheep were taken from a farm. The animals will be destroyed and tested for the disease. Task 7Announcer: . in Garderers Question Time at 2 oclock. And now over to Gordon Chartwell in the newsroom. Newsreader: Here is the news, read by Gordon Chartwell. The cru

30、ise liner, Princess of Wales , which ran aground last night off the island of St. Catherine in the Caribbean, is reported to be sinking. Heres a report from our correspondent in Jamaica, Graham Smith. Graham Smith: A weak radio signal was received here in Kingston a few hours ago from the radio oper

31、ator on the 28,000-ton lu*ury cruise ship, the Princess of Wales. According to this message, the ship is taking in water and is starting to sink. All the passengers have been ordered into the lifeboats and told to make for the nearby island of St. Catherine, the coast of which is some 20 miles from

32、the scene of the accident. In normal circumstances this would be an easy 3-hour trip, but with Hurricane Zelda approaching fast and blowing away from the island, its feared that some boats may not make it in time to the safety of the island. Once on the island, it would be possible for passengers an

33、d crew to shelter from the wind and await rescue. The Royal Navy frigate Steadfast is heading for St. Catherine at full speed but it may take her up to 24 hours to get there. So things look pretty grim for the 700 passengers and 420 crew at the moment. This is Graham Smith in Kingston, Jamaica. News

34、reader: As soon as we have any further news we will interrupt our programmes to bring it to you. And now the rest of the news. In Liverpool today the Prime Minister said in a speech. Part Two Announcer: We interrupt this programme to take you over to the newsroom for a newsflash. Newsreader: This is

35、 Gordon Chartwell in the newsroom with a further report from our correspondent Graham Smith in Jamaica about the stranded liner, Princess of Wales. Graham Smith: A further signal has been picked up from the Princess of Wales within the past few minutes. According to this, the ship is now out of dang

36、er. Apparently the damage to the liner is not as serious as was originally thought and she is still pletely seaworthy and out of danger. However, before this was realized, 5 of the lifeboats had been launched and about 200 passengers and crew had made their way to the island of St. Catherine where t

37、hey are reported to be safe. For the time being they are likely to remain on the island. The remaining 920 people are still on board the liner and in no danger. Although Hurricane Zelda has reached the island, the wind seems to have blown itself out to some e*tent and although there are heavy seas,

38、there is no danger for a ship of the size of the Princess of Wales. The ship is now clear of the rocks. The passengers and crew sheltering on the island will be brought off by the Royal Navy frigate Steadfast, which is now close to the area. Apart from a few minor injuries there are no casualties. T

39、his is Graham Smith returning you to the studio. Newsreader: There will be a further report in our main news at one oclock. And now back to Down Your Way. Task 8News Item 1The European Union has officially approved the Kyoto Treaty on climate change. Officials from all 15 EU states attended a ceremo

40、ny Friday at the United Nations in New York. However, the treaty still needs the approval of more countries to e into effect. The treaty limits the release by industrial countries of gases blamed for trapping heat in the atmosphere. The United States was one of the first countries to sign the Kyoto

41、Treaty, but has since withdrawn. President Bush says the treaty could harm the American economy. News Item 2Wele to BBC World News, Im Nick Gowing. Environment ministers from 180 countries will start trying to rescue the Kyoto Treaty on global warming shortly. They join their officials who have been

42、 meeting all week in the German city of Bonn. The 1997 Kyoto agreement mits industrialized countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The protocol was undermined in a major way in March when US President George W. Bush said it would weaken Americas economy. Its Beethoven who dominates the town sq

43、uare here and its unlikely that hell have to give up his place to a monument celebrating a conference which halted global warming. Ministers from over 180 countries have already agreed to global cuts in emissions of greenhouse gases 5 percent below the 1990 levels. But here they must decide how this

44、 will be achieved. Since George Bush pulled out of the deal, the argument is between Japan and Europe. The Japanese want fle*ible rules allowing them to plant more trees in place of steep cuts in pollution and weaker penalties for missing targets. Europe doesnt like it but really wants a deal. News

45、Item 3A major international conference on climate change is to open in Moscow shortly with Russia ing under renewed pressure to sign the Kyoto Protocol. Thats the agreement to limit the industrial pollutants that are believed to contribute to global warming. The Kyoto Protocol of 1997 can only e int

46、o force when 55 percent of countries have signed up to it. With United States refusing to sign, ratification by Russia is crucial to the treatys success. From Moscow our environment correspondent Tim Hersch reports. President Putin himself called this conference in his own capital to discuss the lat

47、est signs of climate change and it had been thought he might use the opportunity to announce that his government was finally prepared to sign up to Kyoto, but ments from senior Kremlin officials have played down e*pectations, saying Russia wanted firm guarantees of foreign investment in clean techno

48、logy before pressing ahead with ratification. The European Union and UN bodies have been putting pressure on Mr. Putin to end the delays so that international action against global warming could finally start si* years after the Kyoto agreement was signed.Task 9The United Nations General Assembly wi

49、ll hold a special session on children beginning September 19th. The meeting will bring together government leaders, child activists, non-governmental organizations and many young people. The three-day gathering will give officials a valuable chance to change how the world thinks about children. Elev

50、en years ago, the UN held a similar meeting called the World Summit for Children. During that conference, seventy-one heads of state and government signed a treaty aimed at improving the lives of children around the world. Efforts to reach the goals established in that treaty have made the rights of

51、 children an important issue. The UN agency for children, UNICEF, is supporting the special session. Officials are e*pected to produce a plan of action to guarantee that three important goals are reached. The goals are the best possible start in life for all children, a good education for all children and the chance for all children to bee an important part of their munities. The session will also e*amine progress made since the 1990 World Summit for Children. Former South Afric


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