1、一、完型一、完型填空命題形式分選項中選出最佳選項(T),使補全后的文章結二、完型二、完型填空測試點分考查考生對原文閱讀理解基礎上的先對已知信息進行把握和理未知信一、完型填空命題形式分2000變文章長度150-180字,10個填空2001開文章長度240-280字,20個填空閱讀量增加 + 閱讀難度增加(復雜句明顯增多二、完型填空二、完型填空測試點分1、語考2、詞10大邏輯關系、6大從二、完型填空測試點分1.對文章整體的把握(文章主旨+文章結構)閱讀 2.對上下文(句)邏輯關系把握(10大邏輯關系)能力 3.對句子三、完型填三、完型填空“難度”分閱讀量不技不懂完型的規(guī)角閱讀難度不不掌握好的方不難
2、詞、偏詞不一步走錯、滿盤皆完型恰恰英語中最有規(guī)律可循的題型二、完型填空測試點分2、詞考考查范思運詞匯搭配運用、 心高頻選項詞能側重深方法一、完方法一、完型如何“猜依靠選項的分布概率來“猜ABCD四、完型填空的規(guī)律方完型的填空題可以進一(大)部分靠“猜”+ 一(?。┎糠挚俊白?任何人完型的最低分值在4分!-達方法一、完型如何“猜比如:會做5選項分布為AABBC;等于這部最低分值:會做兩道(1分最高可能分值:會做10道且仍存在未出現(xiàn)選項(5分猜中5道(2.5分)4分猜中5道(2.5分)8完型“十二類”占2分左右的高難度很強的詞匯運用功底(完型“十二類”占2分左右的高難度很強的詞匯運用功底(題形容詞
3、、副詞、名詞9-方法二、完型如何“做完型的填空題可以進行4812完型“十二類”完型標準題型一:邏完型“十二類”完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位、并列關、列舉關、遞進關、對比關、因果關、時間關、轉折關、條件關、讓步關、舉例關完型“十二類”完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位完型中最基本的考題,考生必須保證做對的題方法說明:定位分析填空前后原文信息,判斷之間的輯關系,選擇表達該邏輯關系的標志詞為。完型“十二類”完完型“十二類”完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位遞進關系& 部分常用標志also, then, besides(與except區(qū)分), additionally,inaddition,furthermore
4、,moreover, what is more;完型“十二類”完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位并列關系& 部分常用標志and, and also, or, neithernor, eitheror, notonlybutalso,likewise,similarly,equally, he same way,t is(to say), as well as,完型“十二類”完完型“十二類”完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位轉折關系& 部分常用標志but, however, yet, contrarily, on the contrary, by contrast, unfortunayinfactinre
5、alityactually on the other hand(完型“十二類”因果關系& 部分常用標志because, for, since, as, thus, hence, therefore, so, so.t, such.t, in order果和目的的因果關系), consequently, accordingly, due to,nks to, in response to, on account of, because of, consideringt, seeinghat, nowt,lest,asaresult,forthis 完型“十二類”完完型“十二類”完型標準題型一:邏
6、輯關系定位列舉(順序)關系 & 部分常用標志secondlast of all,secondplacefinally,tobeginwithtocontinue,then,ononehandontheotherhand, for one thingfor another, oneanother, someothersstill others;完型“十二類”完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位讓步關系& 部分常用標志although, though, even though, even if, even, nevertheless, despite, in spite of; regardless of
7、; anywayanyhow(常用于口語中表讓步,出現(xiàn)在完型“十二類”對比關系(三完型“十二類”對比關系(三個特殊的標志詞n,insteadof,not.例:I want go to Beijing rather n/insteadofShanghai I want to play rather n studyIwanttoplayinsteadof存在語法差Iamanotstudent完型“十二類”完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位對比關系 & 部分常用標志詞和短while, as, whereas( 表達對比不正式且語氣弱), rather ninsteadofnot.but(不但表示對比完型“
8、十二類”完完型“十二類”完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位時間關系& 部分常用標志when,whenever(時間關系/條件關系),before, after, since, as (時間關系/因果關系), until, till, simultaneously, meanwhile,he me,at the same time;完型“十二類”完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位條件關系& 部分常用標志if, only if, if only, unless, otherwise, as soon as, as long as, in case, supt, supt, providingt, , with
9、,, 完型“十二類”完型標準題型一:邏輯完型“十二類”完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位、并列關、列舉關、遞進關、對比關、因果關、時間關、轉折關、條件關、讓步關、舉例關完型“十二類”舉例關系& 部分常用標志such as, for exle,forinstance(語法上為狀語性短語), of (these, those, them), among (these, those, them), to illustrate, as an illustration, to take an exle, more specifically speaking,完型標準題型一:完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位例題:1
10、998完型第47題轉折關Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They 41 the long run industrialization gre y raised the standard of living for 42 man. when England was still a 46 agricultural country, riod of great abundance and prosperity.Thisview, 47 ,is generally th
11、ought to be C)therefore 完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位例題:1994完型填空46題遞進關Too often, carele se of words 43 a meeting of the minds of the speaker and listener. The words used by the speaker may 44 unfavorable reactions he listener 45 erfere with his comprehen ; hence, the transmis -reception system breaks down . 46 , i
12、naccurate or indefinite words may make 47 difficult for the listener to understand the 48 which is being transmitted to him.A.Moreover B.However C.Preliminarily D.完型標準題型一:完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位例題:2004完型的第34題因果關More famisconsistofoneparenthouseholdsor two working parents, (34), children are likely to have le
13、sat homeAcontrarily Bconsequently CD完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位例題:1999完型的第47題列舉關sful safety programs may 45 grehe emphasis placedoncertainaspectsoftheprogram.Someplacegreat emphasis on mechanical guarding. Others stress safe work by _46 rules or regulations. 47 others depend on an emotional appeal to the worker.
14、 But, there are certain basic ideast must be used in every progr8m ifresults are to be obtained.ASomeBManyCEven完型標準題型一完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位例題: 1997年完型的第48題 對比邏輯關系 The phenomenon provides a way for companies to remain globally competitive 48 avoiding market cycles and the growing burdens 49 by employment ru
15、les, healthcare costs and pen 完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位例題: 1997年完型的第42題 對比邏輯關系 42 industrialgiantslikeGeneralMotorsandIBM struggle to survive 43 reducing the number of employees, Maner, basedWisconsin, is booming.完型標準題型一:邏輯關系完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位例題:2001完型的第48題對比邏輯關39 of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caus
16、ed a of mediawhenhesaidtheofprivacycontrolscontainedinEuropean legislation would be left to judges to 完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位例題:2000完型的第41題對比邏輯關If a farmer wishes to succeed, he must try to keep a wide gap bet n his consumption and his production. He must store a largety of grain 41 consuming all his grain i
17、mmedia y.Aother n BaswellCinsteadof Dmore 完型標準題型一:完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位例題:2001完型的第31題舉例關The ernment is to ban payments to witnesses bynewsp rsseekingtobuyuppeopleinvolved in prominent cases 31 the trial of Rosemary AastoBforinstanceCinDsuch完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位例題大綱樣題第20theywilltakehomenottheproblemsofscience and
18、technology, 20 the benefit.ABCD完型標準題型一:邏輯完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位例題:2003完型的第28題舉例關itwouldbe 27 toplanactivitiesinwhichthere are more winners n losers, 28 , publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews, (displaying) student artwork, and sponsoring book discus clubs.A.ineffect B.asaresult C.for
19、ex D.ina完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位例題: 2005年完型的第20題 舉例關系 The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors for unfamiliarandemergencysignals 20 the smell of smoke, whiight indicate the danger of fire.AsimilarBsuchCalongDaside完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位例題:2010完型的第15題舉例關It turns out t particular way of conducting the experiments
20、 may have led to 14 re ion of wha ppened. 15 , lighting was always changed onSunday.Whenworkstarted again on Monday, 16 rose compared with the previous Saturday 17_toriseforthenextcoupleofAInBForex CInconsequence DAs完型標準題型一:邏完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位例題:1996完型的第50題讓步關48 enough vitamins is essential to life, alt
21、hough the body has no nutritional use for (exvitamins. Many people, 50 , beveinbeingonthe safe side and thus take extra vitamins. However, a well- balanced diet will usually meet all the body s vitamin needs.(B)(C)(D)“用功只是出現(xiàn)與“用功”應考好的相反預期結完型標準題型一:完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位例題:2005完型的第1題 轉折關Humans are thought to b
22、e insensitive smellers compared wi nimals, 1 this is largely because, 2 animals, we stand upright. This means t our noses are 3 to perceiving those smells which float through the air, 4 the majority of smells which stick to surfa .ABCD例題:1996完型的第50題讓步關sive(過量維生素)nouse沒用正常預期“不吃額外維生素讓awell-balanceddie
23、twillusuallymeetallbody s vitamin needs.(平衡的食譜滿足身體 所有的維生素需求)不需要吃extra額外維生素特別說明:轉折與讓步首特別說明:轉折與讓步首先同屬于一種大邏輯關例題:2004All these conditions tend to increase the probability of a child committing a criminal act, (40) adirectcausal relationship has not yet been established.ABCD完型標準題型一:邏輯關系定位例題:2006完型的第11題讓步
24、關 11 when homeless individuals manage to find a 12 t will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night, a good number still spend the bulk of each day 13 the street.AB CD學會邏輯關系定位 “一招”就可定乾坤 2011年完型學會邏輯關系定位 “一招”就可定乾坤 2011年完型:只做邏輯關系加“猜”題方法的得分“做”的“猜”的1. C (讓步)6.B(轉折13.D(因果)20.C(并列其他的16道題均填A
25、 選項從未出現(xiàn)猜中5道得分:2得分:2.5總得分:5學會邏輯關系定位一招”就可定乾坤只做邏輯關系+ 其余均使用“猜”題方法“做”的“猜”的12類完型標準題型中只做邏輯關系其他題均“猜所占分值13猜中5道題(最好情況)得分:1分 3得分:2.5完型總得分:4-6標準題型四、復現(xiàn)結構標準題型五、總分結構對照法 4812完型文完型文章采用總分對照結完型文章有明確的中心主中主導向性或作者態(tài)度的傾向性完型文章-“黑社會組織的文章分析:2001年完型文章的布局結首段:The分析:2001年完型文章的布局結首段:The ernment is to ban payments to witnesses by n
26、ewsp rs seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases 31 the trial of Rosemary West. 總述文章探向證人主 錢Buy線 文章的導對向證付”持對的負態(tài)度證第一步:重點讀段的首句第三步:掃讀述,定位重點意(句),與首(句)對照分填填總述 首段(句(主線分析:2000年完型文章的布局結If a farmer wishes to succeed, he must try to keep a wide分析:2000年完型文章的布局結If a farmer wishes to succeed, he must
27、try to keep a wide gap bet n his consumption and his 消文章基本導向:農民想要成功, 生產必須大于消費生分析:2001年完型文章的布局結一個主線- 主線控制全對向證人付錢”負態(tài)度In a significant 32 of legal controls over the press. Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will roduce a 33 bill t will pro e making payments to witnesses and will strictly control the amo
28、unt of 35 t can be given to a case 36 a trial begins.loansborrowmoney分述loansborrowmoney分述二:支持生產消總述: If no surplus is available, can not be self 分述sellsomeofhissomeofhis分述一:從正面支持生產消HemuststoreatyofHecancontinuetosupporthimselfandhisfamily He must use thihree waysHemayalsoneedmoneytoconstructirrigatio
29、n and improve his farm in other ways總述:直接概括出文章主線: 農民想要成功, 生產 消He must store a largety of grain 41 consuming all his grain immedia y. He can continue to support himself and his family 42 he produ a surplus. He must use this surplus hree ways: as seed for sowing, as an 43 the unpredictable effects of
30、bad weather and as a commodity which he must sell in order to 44 old agricultural implements and obtain chemical fertilizers to 45 the soil. He may also need money to construct irrigation 46 and improve his farm in other ways. If no surplus is available, a farmer cannot be 47 (self-sufficient) . He
31、must either sell some of his property or 48 extra funds in form of loans. Naturally he will try to borrow money at a low 49 of erest, but loans of this kind are not 50 obtainable.Proper selection will eliminate one source of 42 breakdown he communicationProper selection will eliminate one source of
32、42 breakdown he communication cycle. Too often, carelese of words 43 a meeting of the minds of the speaker and listener. he listener erfere with his hence,thetransmis -receptionsystembreaksdown46 , inaccurate or indefinite words may make 47 difficult for the listener to understand the 48 which is be
33、ing transmitted to him. The speaker who does no ve specific words in his working vocabulary may be 49 to explain or describe in a 50tcanbeunderstoodbyhis分析:1994年完型文章的布局結文章首(兩)and smallest unittcanbediscussedinrelation to language is the word. In speaking, the choice of words is 41 the utmost importa
34、nce( FOUCS):有關“用詞”問主線 文章導向(作者態(tài)度傾向):如何選詞分析:2003年完型文章的布局結文章首(兩)句分析:2003年完型文章的布局結文章首(兩)句 總Teachers need to be aware of the emotional, ellectual, and physical changes t young adults experience. And they also need to give serious 21 to how they can be best 22 such changes.A.strengthen modate C.stimulateD
35、. 22 (動詞)概括文章主線導變young青少分述二: 從seofwords unfavorableerferewith breaksinaccurateorindefinite 43:A. encouragesB.C.destroy D.44:A.passB.takeC.backup D. stir分述一: 從正面支Proper selection -(正確的選詞會產生好處總述:直接概括出文章主線: “選詞”總述-主線導向分述:teenagers are lly self-conscious and need 總述-主線導向分述:teenagers are lly self-conscio
36、us and need t comes from achieving sucs and knowingt their plishments are 26 by others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competitiontit would be to plan activities in which there are more nA.assistanceB.C.confidence D.A.B.C. D.A. B. C.D. Growing bodies need movem
37、ent and 23, but not just in ways t emphasize competition. 24they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of newellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are espelly self-conscious and need the 25t comes from achieving sucs and knowingplishments are 26 by others. However, the typical t
38、eenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition t it would be 27to plan activities in which there are more n losers, , publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews, 29student artwork, and sponsoring book discusclubs. A variety of small clubs can provide 30 opportunities
39、for leadership, as well as for practice in sful 31 dynamics. Making friends is extremelyimportanttoteenagers,分析:2007年完型文章分析:2007年完型文章的布局結文章首(兩)句By1830theformerSpanishandPortuguesecolonieshad eindependentnations.Theroughly20million of these nations looked 2_totheAconfusedly Bcheerfully Cworriedly Dlo
40、oked2_概括文章主線導the未分析:2006年完型文章的布局結文章首句:ThehomelessmakeupapercentageofAmericaspopulation總述概括(FOUCS):“Thehomeless”問題文章導向(作者態(tài)度傾向):growingAsearching BstrollingCcrowding Dwandering 15 AlifeBexistence Csurvival文章分The ideals of the early leaders of independence were often egalitarian, valuing equality of ev
41、erything. Bolivar had received aid from Haiti and had 16 in return to abolish slavery he areas he liberated. By 1854文章分The ideals of the early leaders of independence were often egalitarian, valuing equality of everything. Bolivar had received aid from Haiti and had 16 in return to abolish slavery h
42、e areas he liberated. By 1854 slavery had been abolished everywhere except 17 colonies. Early promises to end n tribute and taxes on people of mixed origin came much 18 because the new nations still needed the revenue such policies 19 . Egalitarian sentiments were often tempered by fears t the mass
43、of the population was 20 self-rule and democracy.文章分hecrisisoftheoldregimeandIberiancolonialism, many of the leaders of the independence the ideals of represenernment, careers 4_ _ to talent, freedom of commerce and trade, the 5_ _ to private property, and a behe individual as the basis of society.
44、6_ _ there was a bet the new nations should be sovereign and independent slarge enough to be economically viable andby a 7_ _ set of laws.完型文章布局結構總完型文章布局結構總以下的外在規(guī)律緊標準題型2(無關詞排除法內在一致 標準題型3(同現(xiàn)結構標準題型4(復現(xiàn)結構總分對照 標準題型5(總分結構對照法Aconfusedly Bcheerfully Cworriedly DIdeals、freedom、 economicallyviable、 egalitari
45、an, equalityabolishslaveryliberated puzzledhostile pessimistic unprepared總述:新獨立國家人民looked 2_tothe無關詞排除法(與無關詞排除法(與主旨相關解題法)- 應用例2001年完型 的34、35首段:The ernment is to ban payments to witnesses by newsp rs seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases 31 the trial of Rosemary West. 總述文章Buy文章的導對負態(tài)度證完
46、型標準填空題型無關詞排除法(與主旨相關解題法此,理論上正確的選項一定是緊扣文章的 和主線的。故而,一些看上去明顯和文章 和主線毫無關系的選項基本上可以排除在正確 之外。無關詞排除法無關詞排除法(與主旨相關解題法)- 應用例文章首句:ThehomelessmakeupapercentageofAmericaspopulation總述概括(FOUCS):“Thehomeless”問題文章導向(作者態(tài)度傾向):growingAsearching BstrollingCcrowding Dwandering 15 AlifeBexistence Csurvival無關詞排除法(與主旨相關解題法)- 應
47、用例2001年完型 的34、35文章分In a significant 32 of legal controls over the press. Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will roduce a 33 bill t will pro e making payments to witnesses 34 and will strictly control the amount of 35 t can be given to a case 36atrial34 A. illogical B. illegal C. improbable D. improp
48、er 35A.publicityB.penalty C.popularity D.1995年1995年完型 43“Sle s divided o periods of so-called REM sleep, characterized by ra eye movements and dreaming, and long eriods of non-REM sleep.(41 Neither)kind of sle s at all wel derstood , but REM sle s 42 to serve some restorative function of the brain.
49、The pur e of non-REM sle s even more 43 43.(A)subtle (B)obvious (C)mysterious 文章 (FOUCS)REM和non-REMsleep兩種睡眠主線導向(作者態(tài)度傾向):兩種睡眠都不被很好地了解完型標準填空題型同現(xiàn)結構法(與主旨導向一致解題法同現(xiàn)結構法應用實例 - 2003同現(xiàn)結構法應用實例 - 2003年完25、26、27總述(主線導向): And they also need to give serious 21tohowthey can be best 22 (modate) such changes.分述:teen
50、agers are lly self-conscious and need t comes from achieving sucs and knowingt their plishments are 26 by others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competitiontit would be to plan activities in which there are more nA.assistanceB.C.confidence D.A.B.C. D. A. B. C.D
51、. 標準題型3: 同現(xiàn)結構法應用實例 -1998年完型46“Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They 41 t he long run industrialization gre y raised the standard of living for the 42 man. But they insisted t its 43 results during the period from 1750 to 1850 were widespre overty and
52、 misery for the 44 of the English population. 45 contrast, they saw he preceding dred years from 1650 to 1750, when England was still a 46 agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity.”41.A)admitted B)be ved C)claimed 46.A)broadly B)thoroughly C)generally D)comple 分述二: 從seof分述二:
53、從seofwords unfavorableerferewith breaksinaccurateorindefinite 43:A. encouragesB.C.destroy D.44:A.passB.takeC.backup D. stir分述一: 從正面支Proper selection -(正確的選詞會產生好處總述:直接概括出文章主線: “選詞”同現(xiàn)結構法應用實例1994年完型 43、44The and smallest unit t can be discussed in relation to language is the word. In speaking, the choi
54、ce of words is 41 the utmost importance Proper selection will eliminate one source of 42 breakdown he communication cycle. Too often, carele se of words 43 a meeting of the minds of the speaker and listener. The words used by the speaker may 44 unfavorable reactions he listener 45 erfere with his co
55、mprehen ; hence, the transmis -reception system breaks down .46 , inaccurate or indefinite words may make 47 difficult for the listener to understand.Aconfusedly Bcheerfully Cworriedly DIdealsAconfusedly Bcheerfully Cworriedly DIdealsfreedom、 同 be f、sovereign、 傾 independent、 向 economicallyviable詞 eg
56、alitarianequalityabolish slaveryself-rule、同填空puzzledhostile pessimistic unprepared總述:新獨立國家人民looked 2_tothe同現(xiàn)結構法應用實例-2007年完20文章主線導向(總述By1830theformerSpanishandPortuguesecolonieshad eindependentnations.Theroughly20millionofthesenationslooked2(hopefully)tothefuture.分述:Egalitariansentimentswereoftentemp
57、eredby t the mass of the population was 20_ _ self- rule and democracy.ApuzzledBhostileCpessimisticDunprepared復現(xiàn)例子:2001復現(xiàn)例子:2001年完“The ernment is to ban payments to witnesses by newsp rs seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases 31 the trial of Rosemary West.In a significant 32 of legal c
58、ontrols over the press. Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will roduce 33 bill t will pro e making payments to witnesses 34 and will strictly control the amount of 35 t can be given to a case 36 a trial In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select committee. Lord Irvin
59、e said he 37 with a committee report this year which said t self regulation did not 38 sufficient control.”完型標準填空題型三: 復現(xiàn)結構說明:復現(xiàn)是完型文章中詞匯的一種銜接 ,即對同一事物/概念的重復描述. 。完型文章存在復現(xiàn)結構根本原因主線控制全文的文章一復現(xiàn)結構法應用復現(xiàn)結構法應用實例(原詞復現(xiàn)):1995年完型 .Thepur eofnon-REMsle s evenmore43 new experiments, such as these 44 for the time at a
60、 recent meeting of the Society for Sleep Research in Minneapolis, suggest fascinating explanations 45 of non- REM sleep .For ex le, i s long been known t total sleep 46 is 100 percent fatal to rats, yet ,47 examination of the dead bodies, the animals look comple y normal. A researcher has now 48 the
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