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1、騰飛崇川電視解說詞騰飛崇川那個地點通江達海南北交匯那個地點風(fēng)光秀美商機蓬勃(一)浩蕩的江流,奔涌的黃海,不息的濤聲,翻騰的潮涌,在交匯中沖擊, 在沖擊中融合, 孕育出了一片豐腴的土地江海平原。 迄今,她還在以每年6000 畝的速度向外延伸,向外拓展。這確實是南通,與國際大都市上海隔江相望的南通。崇川是南通市的主城區(qū), 面積盡管只有100 平方公里, 但因其風(fēng)光秀美, 商賈云集, 經(jīng)濟高速增長, 生活平安富裕, 而讓人刮目相看,她蓬勃的活力和堅實的進展后勁,更讓具有戰(zhàn)略眼光的投資者看好。“十五”期間,崇川區(qū)經(jīng)濟年均增幅15%,財政收入年均增長28%, 2006年全區(qū)完成地區(qū)生產(chǎn)總產(chǎn)值200億元,

2、 財政收入 35.5億元,總量在江蘇省13 個省轄市的主城區(qū)中排名第一,并入圍“ 2006 年全國中小都市綜合實力百強榜” ,躋身中國首個“綠色版”十強。(二)崇川區(qū)風(fēng)光秀美五山依江高聳,身后是千里大平原;濠河繞城而走,波光瀲艷,充滿著“城在水中座,人在畫中游”的詩情畫意。崇川區(qū)文化底蘊深厚一百年前,清末狀元、聞名實業(yè)家、教育家張謇先生,在那個地點興實業(yè)、辦教育,開創(chuàng)了中國近代史上諸多個第一。他制造性的開展都市建設(shè), 使南通成為中國人按照世界先進理念規(guī)劃和建設(shè)的第一座都市, 中國規(guī)劃界的專家學(xué)者們論證: 那個地點是中國近代第一城。作為南通市的主城區(qū), 那個地點處處充滿著文明和祥和。 據(jù)江蘇省組

3、織的社會公眾安全感抽樣調(diào)查,那個地點以98.4%的高分名列全省第一。健康、優(yōu)美、舒服、和諧的生態(tài)環(huán)境還讓崇川區(qū)咨詢鼎江蘇省人居環(huán)境獎,崇川區(qū)所在的南通市在全國 47 個環(huán)保重點都市環(huán)境綜合整治定量考核中,名列第一。作為中國首批對外開放的 14 個沿海開放都市之一,崇川區(qū)以其自身的魅力, 吸引著一批又一批海外客商。 南通富士通微電子股份有限公司將躋身世界十大封裝行列,中遠川崎已成為世界大船制造基地。 崇川區(qū)構(gòu)建的崇川經(jīng)濟技術(shù)開發(fā)區(qū)暨南通臺商投資開發(fā)區(qū)成為吸引各類產(chǎn)業(yè)集聚的要緊載體。 世界第三大商業(yè)巨頭麥德龍在那個地點投資 1500萬歐元,興建大賣場,制造了該公司在世界范疇內(nèi)談判速度最快, 建設(shè)周

4、期最短, 開業(yè)業(yè)績最好的記錄; 臺灣塑膠之子王永慶,也把那個地點當作風(fēng)水寶地,從1996年在崇川區(qū)投資建立第一家企業(yè)南亞塑膠起,迄今已先后在那個地點投資 20 億元人民幣,興辦了南亞合成皮、建材、電器、膠膜、熱電等8 個項目,制造了一年投資一個新企業(yè)的神話。 與此同時, 還吸引了一大批中小型臺資下游企業(yè)的爭相跟進,使那個地點成了臺商投資集聚的洼地。近年來,崇川區(qū)已興建各類市場68個。 逐步形成了鐘秀路建材家居市場一條街,百花輕紡、水果、食品市場群,八仙城商業(yè)街等特色街區(qū);海馬汽車、北京現(xiàn)代、海盟本田等多家4S 銷售中心紛紛入駐崇川,麥德龍、家樂福、易初蓮花、大潤發(fā)、農(nóng)工商、國美電器、蘇寧電器等

5、50 多家國內(nèi)外知名的大型商貿(mào)企業(yè)在崇川投資良性進展, 既有力地完善了全區(qū)服務(wù)業(yè)內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu), 也全面豐富了服務(wù)業(yè)進展的內(nèi)涵。 2006 年實現(xiàn)服務(wù)業(yè)營銷額超過1000億元。創(chuàng)江蘇省最佳辦事環(huán)境,最佳投資環(huán)境,打造服務(wù)型政府,是崇川區(qū)委、區(qū)政府孜孜以求的目標。讓投資者放心,給投資者方便,令投資者中意,使投資者獲益,是我們不變的承諾。崇川的區(qū)域優(yōu)勢包蘊著無限商機美國規(guī)劃協(xié)會( APA )提交的“南通在長三角的戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃”報告中, 認為南通作為門戶都市具備了四個要素: 以港口為中心的交通樞紐;強大的核心產(chǎn)業(yè);獨立的都市形狀;寬敞的腹地后援。在以后510 年,南通將起到溝通大江南北、國門內(nèi)外,引領(lǐng)江北地區(qū)

6、走向世界的作用。在建的蘇通長江大橋立即合攏, 2008年初通車后將把北橋頭的崇川真正納入上海一小時都市圈。改擴建后的南通火車站新增了發(fā)往北京、重慶、太原、徐州、溫等地的直達車次, 初步形成了輻射全國的鐵路網(wǎng)。 崇川還將成為滬通鐵路的樞紐。這一項目差不多啟動, 2010年建成,總投資逾100億元。(三)按照南通市以后都市化進展的方向, 結(jié)合崇川現(xiàn)有產(chǎn)業(yè)空間布局基礎(chǔ),崇川將全區(qū)劃分為老城區(qū)、新城區(qū)、開發(fā)區(qū)、風(fēng)景區(qū)和沿江經(jīng)濟帶五個功能區(qū),形成了“四區(qū)一帶”的產(chǎn)業(yè)進展格局。老城區(qū)一一圍繞商業(yè)、居住、服務(wù)和文化中心的功能定位,重點 打造環(huán)濠河特色產(chǎn)業(yè)帶,形成特色街區(qū)。新城區(qū)一一以加快中央商務(wù)區(qū)建設(shè)為突破

7、口,著力進展金融保 險、商貿(mào)流通、會展商務(wù)、文化體育、現(xiàn)代居住等現(xiàn)代服務(wù)業(yè)。開發(fā)區(qū)高科技色織工業(yè)園、 電子信息產(chǎn)業(yè)園、 民營科技園等一大批都市型工業(yè)園區(qū)正虛席以待。風(fēng)景區(qū)擁有全國佛教八小名山之首狼山的狼山風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)是國家 4A 級景區(qū),濱江公園、園博園、山水間五星級賓館、高爾夫球場等項目的建設(shè)使景區(qū)成為南通市名片、 都市生態(tài)中心、 休閑度假中心。沿江經(jīng)濟帶利用長江岸線、 結(jié)合沿江通道建設(shè), 以物流和港口加工業(yè)為核心的綜合物流產(chǎn)業(yè)園正在建設(shè)中, 中牧物流的加盟將推動沿江糧油食品加工、 進出口中轉(zhuǎn)型企業(yè)群的加速形成。 為船舶配套的倉室機械、 電氣外表等產(chǎn)業(yè)的登陸, 必將使沿江經(jīng)濟帶成為崇川的先進機

8、械制造業(yè)基地和臨港產(chǎn)業(yè)高地。(四)福地崇川,高揚交流、合作、進展、雙贏的旗幟,舒展開熱情的雙臂,歡迎著來自海內(nèi)外的賓朋,共創(chuàng)輝煌、繁榮的改日!Soaring, ChongchuanChongchuan, on the bank of the Yangtze River and close to th e Yellow Sea, is the junction of the south and the north of China.Chongchuan, with its beautiful scenery, is the zone of booming business.(I)The unce

9、asing surges of the mighty Yangtze River and the pop pling waves of the vast Yellow Sea bumped and blended in the jun ction to gestate a fertile land-Jianghai Flatland. The flatland is exp anding eastward at the speed of 6,000 mu per year.This flatland is named Nantong and is separated from the metr

10、opolis-Shanghai by the Yangtze River.Chongchuan is the main urban area of Nantong. Although she only has an area of 100 sq.km, Chongchuan is famous for her beautiful scenery, swarming merchants, rapidly-increased economy, p eople s safe and rich life. Her vigor and stable developing potentia l are a

11、ppreciated by investors with strategic eyes.In the tenth five-year period, the economy of Chongchuan District has been increasing yearly at the average rate of 15 percen t, and the average increase of annual financial earning has reached 28 percent. In 2005 the total regional production value was 17

12、.54 b illion yuan, and the total industrial value was 32.5 billion yuan. Th e grosses took the first place among the main city districts of 13 j urisdictions in Jiangsu Province, and also ranked the 18th in “ 100 best cities of medium and small size in terms of comprehensive str ength in 2005” .(H)T

13、he scenery is beautiful in Chongchuan District.By the Yangtze River stand five hills, behind which is the vast flatland. Haohe River is running across the city with shining w aves. All this explains the poetic expression that “ the city stands i n the water and people are touring in the picture” .Ch

14、ongchuan has a long history of culture.Over one hundred years ago, Mr. Zhangjian, one of the Nu mber One Scholars in late Qing Dynasty, also the famous national entrepreneur and educator, set up industries and schools, and initiate d many firsts in modern China. He creatively developed the city co n

15、struction and made Nantong a pioneer city according to the advan ced theory of design and construction. The experts and scholars in Chinese programming field have concluded with convincing argumen ts that Nantong is the Pioneer City in Modern China.As the main urban area in Nantong City, the place o

16、verflo ws civilization and harmony. In the spot check of social public sec urity of Jiangsu Province, Chongchuan District came out first with a high rate of 98.4 percent.Chongchuan District was awarded with the environmental pr ize for her healthy, elegant, comfortable and harmonious environmen t. N

17、antong City which Chongchuan District belongs to took the first place in the 47 key cities of environmental protection in China in the quantitative assessmentof integrated environmental governance.As one of the first fourteen coastal cities open to foreign c ountries, Chongchuan District has attract

18、ed groups of overseas merc hants for her own charm. Chongchuan Economic and Technical Dev elopment Zone, also named Nantong TaiwaneseMerchants Investment and Development Zone has become the focus of attracting various kinds of industries. Metro, the 3rd greate st business tycoon in the world, invest

19、ed 15 million euros for a su permarket here, which has set up a record of the fastest negotiation speed, the shortest construction periods and the best practicing sale s achievements. Wang Yongqing, the son of Taiwan plastic tycoon, also regarded Chongchuan as a fortune land. Ever since he founded t

20、he first enterprise in Chongchuan District -Nan Ya Plastic Corpor ation, he has successively invested 20 billion yuan and set up 8 pr ojects such as Nan Ya synthetic leather, construction material, electri c machine, bakelite film, thermoelectricity and so on, which has cre ated a myth of investing

21、one enterprise every year. At the same ti me, many other medium and small Taiwanese enterprises were attra cted to invest in Chongchuan, which has become investment focus of Taiwanese merchants.In the past few years, Chongchuan District has set up 68 va rious marketplaces. During the tenth five - ye

22、ar period, 8.414 billio n yuan were added to the income of service industry, at the annualaverage increase rate of 15.53 percent, and the total service turnov er came up to 85 billion yuan.There gradually came into being Zhongxiu Street of constru ction material & home furnishment, Baihua light indu

23、stry product m arket, and market groups of food and fruits. Baxiancheng Business Street and some other characteristic blocks have formed in Chongch uan. Many 4S sales centres such as Mazda, Hyundai, Hymo Honda have stationed in Chongchuan District. Over 50 famous enterprises such as Metro, Carrefour

24、, Lotus Supercenter and Rt-mart, Ngs Sup ermarket, Gome Company, Suning Company and so on have investe d in Chongchuan District and developed smoothly. All this has not only improved the inner structure of service industry in the whole district, but also enriched the connotation of service industry

25、develo pment.To set up the best administration and investment environme nt and to establish a service government is the persevering aim of Chongchuan District Committee and Chongchuan District Governmen t. To make investors feel eased and satisfied, to give them convenie nce and to make them get pro

26、fits is our unchangeable promise.The region advantage of Chongchuan District contains infini te business opportunities.In the report on “ Nantong s strategic programming in the Yangtze Delta” submitted by APA, Nantong was considered to be a doorway city with four elements: habor-centered transportat

27、ion hinge; strong core industries; independent city form; expansive hinte rland backup. In 5 to 10 years Nantong will play an important rolein connecting the southern area and the northern area of the Yangt ze River, places home and abroad and in setting an example for ot her areas in the north of t

28、he Yangtze River in terms of foreign trad e.Suzhou-Nantong Bridge across the Yangtze River is under c onstruction and will be completed in 2008, which will bring Chong chuan at the north end of the bridge into one hour circle of Shang hai.Chongchuan will also be the hinge of Shanghai Nantong Railway

29、. Shanghai Nantong Railway will start from Nantong Statio n of Nanjing Qidong Railway, go through the East Nantong Statio n and extend to the south of the Yangtze River. It will turn into t wo sections when it reaches Guizhuang of Changshu: one section jo ins Beijing Shanghai Railway, the other join

30、s Pudong Railway. The project will be started in 2006 and completed in 2010, with the to tal investment of 10 billion yuan.(田)According to the city-oriented development plan of Nantong and Chongchuan s present industrial distribution, Chongchuan Dist rict will be divided into five functional regions

31、: old city zone, new city zone, development zone, scenery zone and economic belt alon gside the Yangtze River, thus, forming the industrial development st ructure of “ four zones and one belt ” .Old city zone.It is a zone characterized with the Haohe River belt, focusing on commerce, habitation, ser

32、vice and cultural centers.New city zone.It is a zone where central commercial district will be constr ucted as a breakthrough and modern service industries in finance & insurance, commerce & circulation, exhibition & commerce, culture & sports, modern habitation and so on will be developed.Developme

33、nt zone.Scenery zone.The economic belt alongside the Yangtze River.It is a zone where the integrative logistics industrial park is under construction, taking advantage of the coastline of the Yangtz e River and the construction of channels under the Yangtze River. The park focuses on logistics and h

34、arbor processing industry. Zhong Mu Logistics in the park will promote grain, oil & food processin g and the formation of many import & export enterprises alongside the Yangtze River. The economic belt will become Chongchuan s advanced machinery manufacture base and advanced industry base c lose to

35、harbor.(IV)Fortunate Chongchuan, holding high the banner of intercom munion, cooperation, development, win-win, stretching warm arms, welcomes guests and friends at home and abroad to create together a brilliant and prosperous tomorrow!來蹬的玄髡展中G崇川二乙子江在通9、海仁區(qū)力乙乙HJ虱光明媚、多大人檸(一)區(qū)占L/&揭子江、走9馬黃海、乙t1?)交9、彳囪突

36、L亶清玄土江海平原古育匚乙每年4萬7一外仁伸t5、 JaoTVSo二乙國除大都市上海占晨江在隔G南通 市馬。崇川南通市G要緊玄市街地D、 面稹 100平方牛口 L力 玄力、凰光明媚的、商人力宴G上5仁集興op豈力高速玄髡展在遂廳生活力安全亶力新目(口;活家占髡展今后性仁先jig明投 資者太卞)力二乙U注目在集的口。中國國民髡展內(nèi)第10回五年twgj、崇川區(qū)每年15%一增之、財政每年28%高的JtlTVO 2 005年G全區(qū)仁4生175.4彳意元、工渠生325 彳意元仁逵L、余忿量江赫省力管串害13 G市G要緊玄市街地 G中第1 hk. “2005年度中國中小都市內(nèi)余忿合K力100”仁 vy+y

37、WL第18位占太。(二)崇川區(qū)凰光明媚5OG山揭子江G橫仁完、彳爰?)千里大平原濠 河街在曲A流波5 t)力美P、街水中仁座9、 人余會G中泳崇川區(qū)文化形成G雁史力古一一百年前、清余冬9狀元聞名玄事棠家、教育家G弓H睿先生力、乙乙事H在HL、教育在含JUL、中國近代史上第1在創(chuàng)立L/&。彼G創(chuàng)造的都市建U仁上9、 南通中國 人力世界G先迤理念仁基于豈tW LLP建Lh一O目G都市尊凹家學(xué)者/&t)南通在中國近代G第 1G都市而 LTVO南通市G要緊玄市街地LT二乙崇川區(qū)文明占平和玄零四 江赫省仁上馬社會公聚安全感U廿ccn 98.4%5高點數(shù)全省g第 1位 在示L/&。健康、侵雅、心地上P、I

38、!和內(nèi)ti/&生JB1境仁上9、 崇川區(qū)江赫省住居璟境H在取得崇川區(qū)內(nèi)所在 V、馬南通市全國仁47彳固G璟境保重要都市G璟境合定 量G雷查G中、第1位在示中國G 14彳固G沿海放都市內(nèi)一LP、崇川區(qū)自身 G魅力次仁海外G商人在集的崇川區(qū)技彳行髡區(qū)及南通仁4十臺灣商人力投資L P髡區(qū)H; IV6、11各姓H在集的PU-oTVo 世界三 番目仁大豈口商棠巨人卜口1500萬一口在投資L TVO臺灣GdTa王子王永先生乙乙在寶G上土地占冕定的、1996年力?)崇川區(qū)一目G企H南亞nA在 投資以來、今來崇川區(qū)20彳意元G人民元在投資 Vo 建材、霜家器具、8f7Ux bMLTV o同日寺仁、大量玄中小臺灣投


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