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1、2020年教師資格高中英語真題試卷一、單項(xiàng)選擇題(本大題共30小題,每小題2分,共60分)1./s/ and /z/ can be distinguished by the.A.place of articulationB. state of tongueC. state of vocal cordsD. manner of articulation1.C2.The word “realization” consistsof and.A.five; fiveB. five; fourC. four; threeD. four; four2.C3.Which of the following i

2、s least associated with newper publishing?A. proofreadingB. editorialC. censorshipD. citizenship3.D3.D4.Which of the following best describes the relation between “piece” and “peace”?A. synonymyB. homonymyC. antonymy D. hyponymy4.B5.She wasnotimpressed by the story Paulshared with her, for she had a

3、lready heard of it.A.in the leastB. at themostC. least of allD. for the most5.A6.Without facts, we cant form worthwhile opinions, forwe need to have factual knowledge our thinking.A.Which to be based upon B. upon which to baseC. which to base upon D. upon which to be basedB7.Itstruethatwaterwillcont

4、inuetobeit istodayin importance to oxygen.A.howB. whichC. asD. what7.D8.He is helpless under such circumstances,A.however brilliant a mind he may haveB.however a brilliant mind he may haveC.however brilliant a mind may he haveD.However a brilliant mind may he have8.A9.Whichoffollowingrefersto“thepar

5、tofinputthat has been internalized by learners”?A.feedbackB outputC. intakeD. washback9.C10.Which of the following describes the language ofan individual speaker with its unique characteristics?A. IdiolectB. TabooC. Regional dialectD. Social dialect10.A11.Whatroledoeshe/sheplaywhenateacherexplainsth

6、e purpose of a task, the steps to do it and its timelimit?A. An organizer.B. An observerC. An evaluatorD. A prompter11.A12.What does he/she intend to do when a teacherwrites the following sentences “She gets up early. She wears a uniform. She works very hard.” on the blackboard at the presentation s

7、tage?A.Practice sentence patterns using model sentences.B.Check if students can pronounce the sentences correctly.C.Monitorwhetherstudentscanaccuratelyexpresstheir ideas.D.Drawstudentsattentiontotheformofanewlanguage item.12.D13.Whatskilldoeshe/sheusewhenastudentuseslanguage knowledgeandcontextualcl

8、uestofigureoutthemeaningof a new word?A. Contrasting.B. SummarizingC. DeducingD. Predicting13.C14.Supplementing, deleting, simplifying andreordering are often used in.A. adapting teaching materialsB. delivering teaching materialsC. evaluating teaching materialsD. presentingteaching materials14.A15.W

9、hich of the following is least recommended at the lead-in stage in a reading class?A.Activating students schema of the topic.B.Giving advice on how to use reading strategies.C.Sharing background information about the text.D.Correcting language mistakes students have made.15.D16.Whichofthefollowingbe

10、stdescribesthephenomenon that learners apply the skills acquired in one field to another?A. TransferB. DeductionC. ContextualizationD. Induction16.A17.Ifthefocusisplacedon,studentsaresupposed to go through the stages of drafting, receivingfeedback, and revising before submitting the final version of

11、their writing.A. productB. processC. genreD. format17.B18.Whatwouldhe/shedoinareadingclassifateacher wants to develop students inferential comprehension?A.Ask them to retell the story.B.Ask them to underline difficult sentences.C.Ask them to read the text sentence by sentence.D.Ask them to read the

12、text for implied meaning.18.D19.WhichofthefollowingactivitiescanbeusedifthefocusisondevelopingstudentsoralfluencyinEnglish?A. Blank-filling.B.Story-telling.C. Transformation.D. Translation.19.B20.What is the focus when a teacher says to the class“Rewriteeachofthefollowingsentencesusingthepassive voi

13、ce.”?A. SkillB. MeaningC. StructureD. Function20.CPassage 1Ihavepersonallycometounderstandthat“empowerment”isnotalessonthatcanbethoughtbywayoftextbooksor lectures, projects or field trips, and not even by wayof principlesandinspirationalteaching.Itmustbetaughtby personal examples.Whenweaskourstudent

14、swhocomefromdisadvantaged backgrounds, or those, who face a personal lifestylethat is in direct conflict to the principles that we teach,we havetobewillingtoshowthemhowtoovercomer,howtomake the transition from one state of being into the next,how tobeempowered.Wemustmakethelessonofempowermentcome to

15、life,inareal,up-doseandpersonalway.Andtheonly way this can be done is when we allow ourselves tobecome living examples of what we teach.PreparatoryschoolforGlobalLeadership(PSCL)isa schoolthatIstartedbecauseIbelievedthatIhadmethod, awayofteachingandlearningthatwouldempowertheurban disadvantaged chil

16、d. But as I sit back and think aboutit now,PSGLwasaschoolthatIstartedsothatIwouldshowcase empowerment to a group of students (and stuff) whoneeded a real life, example of how to grow beyond onescurrent circumstance.When I reflect on my journey of starting the school,I realizethateverystepalongtheway

17、waspersonallyteaching about empowerment. It is one thing to teach it, but itis another to live it. Unless we experience empowerment ona personallevel,wecannothelpstudentslearnit,circumventobstaclesastheyariseanddevelopandemploythenewskills needed to function to be empowered.How can we get in the fac

18、e of a student and push him to a place that is foreign and scary, asking him to become greaterthanhisenvironment?Wecant,why?Becausewedo not know what it lacks like, we do not know what itfeels like. Our role as a teacher becomes technical, causingus tomissoutonthespiritoftrulygoodteaching,whereone t

19、eaches with relevancy, authenticity and experience.When I look at the faces of these students, I knowthat myprocessofstartingtheschoolwasforthem.WhenIbecame whatItaught,whenIempoweredmyselfinceswherethere was no one there to empower me, when I chose to succeed without excuses, I became a living less

20、on.These students saw me and our staff as extensions of the lessons we were trying to teach. Our lives, not by our perfection,butbyoureffort,showedstudentshowtoapply what we taught.21.Whichofthefollowingcanberegardedasanecessary condition for teachers to empower their students?A.Having been successf

21、ul in empowering students.B.Possessing the expertise in the subject they teach.C.Having received adequate training on empowerment.D.Beingabletointegratepersonalexperiencesintotheir teaching.22.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A.Onlychildrenfromdisadvantagedbackgroundneedtobe e

22、mpowered.B.Theauthorisabletoempowerherselfwhenfacedwith difficulties.C.Teacherswithpersonalexperienceofempowermentcannot teach.D.Theauthordoesnotpracticewhatsheadvocatesinher own life.23.WhichofthefollowingistrueaboutthePreparatory School for Global Leadership?A.It is the most renowned of its kind i

23、n the world.B.Its graduates are well received by their employers.C.Itsstaffareunwillingtoempowerthemselvesasliving examples.D It aims at empowering trainees to grow beyond their circumstances.24.Which of the following is closest in meaning tothe underlined word “circumvent” in Paragraph 4?A. Overcom

24、e. B. Encounter.C. Move around.D. Take away.25.Why does the author highly value a teachers experience of empowerment in teaching?A.To enable students to learn and use new skills.B.To turn teaching technical with dogmatic lectures.C.Tomaketeachingrelevant,authentic,andconvincing.D.To extend and perfe

25、ct his professional career as a teacher.21.D22.B23.D24.A25.CPassage 2Catshavethewidesthearingrangeofnearlyanymammal” not only can they perceive sound in what we define as the “ultrasonic”range,theycanalsoappreciateallthebass Dr Dre can throw at them. They can swivel their whiskers forwardswhilehunti

26、ngtoprovideakindofshort-rangeradar. And they can see exceptionally well in the dark thanks to a reflective surface behind the retina that bounceslight back,givingitasecondchancetohitaphotoreceptor.They see more distinct images per second than we do.Dogpartisanswillappealtothedogsallegedlysuperior in

27、telligence though if that were theprimarycriterion forchoosingapet,onewouldexpecttoseealotmorecrowsand squid on leads around town. In fact, catsarerather cleverer than commonly assumed, as the biologist andanimal-behaviourexpertJohnBradshawshowsinhisnewbook.Theycanevenbetrainedtoanextentwhichwasnews

28、tomeBradshawsbookmixespelletsofcatlorewithaccounts offelineevolution,anatomy,geneticsanddevelopmentfromnewborn kitten to adulthood, plus descriptions ofcat-psychologyexperimentsinthelaboratory,manyofwhichhehasconductedhimself.Someofthemostinterestingpartsindicateholesinourcurrentscientificknowledge.

29、“Manymothercatstrytomovetheirlittersatleastoncebefore theyweanthem,”heobserves,“butsciencehasyettofind out why”. No one knows why cats go crazy forcatnip,norwhytheyareable“toclassifyshapesaccordingtowhether they are closed or open.” Kittens, meanwhile,“mayalsousespecialmovementsoftheirtailstosignalp

30、layfulness,butsofarnoscientisthasbeenabletodecodethese”.Asfar as potential research projects go, decoding thetail-language of playing kittens must be about theinteresting unsolved problem in science.The cat is an apparentlyphlegmaticbeast, butBradshaw points out that cats experience strong emotions,

31、 and sometimes might be suffering in silence. They arent particularlysociable,andcatswhoarehousedwithothers whowerentlitter-matesperhapsbywell-meaningowners who think they need the company can becomechronically stressed.Luckily,then,catsprobablyarentawarethattodaythey are once again hate-figures, th

32、e furry target of spittle-spraying ecologists who, armed with dodgy statistics, accuse cats of wildly “murdering” all the countryssongbirds.Itsabitmorecomplicatedthanthat, Bradshawshows.Ratsalsokillsongbirds,andcatskeeptheir numbers down; while the RSPB says the disappearance of habitat is a far mor

33、e important factor in the decline of songbirdpopulationsthanpredatornumbers.Butwecouldat least, Bradshaw suggests, reverse the counterproductive selection pressure we currently exert on the domestic cat whenweneuterhousecatsbeforetheyreproduce.Thismeans, heexplains,thatthe“friendliest,mostdocile”cat

34、sare preventedfromleavinganydescendants,whilewildcats which are more suspicious of humans and better athuntingwill leave more offspring. Unintentionally, we arecausingcatstoevolveintoanimalssocietywontlikeas much Cat-haters probably wont appreciate this book, but anyoneelsemight.Itiswritteninafriend

35、lyandengaging way, has helpful tips for cat owners, and is packed with excellentcatfacts.Why,youmighthavewondered,docats getstuckuptrees?Becausealltheirclawsfaceforwards, so none can be used as brakes on the descent. We allknow howgoodcatsareattwistingmid-airtolandontheirfeet, buttheyhaveanevenmorei

36、mpressivetrick:somecatsadopt a“parachute”positionduringalongfall,withallfour legsstuckouttotheside,beforecomingbacktothelanding position at the last moment. This cat-parachute pose, Bradshawcalculates,“l(fā)imitsthefallingspeedtoamaximum offifty-threemilesanhour”soenablingsomecatstofall fromhigh-risebui

37、ldingsandwalkawayunhurt.Idliketo see a dog try that.26.WhatcanbeinferredaboutcatsfromBradshaws research?A.Cats whiskers can aid them to confuse preys.B.Cats can detect sounds far away from them.C.Cats can process images better than we do.D.Cats intelligence has been underestimated.27.According to Pa

38、ragraph 3, which of the following constitutes a potential research topic?A.Doing cat-psychology experiments.B.Decoding playing kittens tail-language.C.Discovering why cats can classify shapes.D.Investigating why cats go crazy for catnip.28.Which of the following is closest in meaning tothe underline

39、d word “phlegmatic” in Paragraph 4?A. Lonely. B. EmotionalC. Sullen D. Calm29.For what reason did the ecologists accuse cats?A. Reproducing more offspring.B. Destroying songbirds habitat.C. Killing the countrys songbirds.D.Beingsuspicious of human beings30.Accordingtotheauthor,whatismostimpressiveab

40、out cats during a long fall in Bradshaws writing?A.Cats can be trained to land safely.B.Cats tend to use their claws as brakes.C.Some cats can adopt a “parachute” position.D.Most cats are good at playing tricks in mid-air. 26.C27.B28.D29.B30.C二、簡答題(本大題1小題,20分)31、根據(jù)題目要求完成下列任務(wù),用中文作答。簡述進(jìn)行短文聽寫(dictation

41、)的目的(6分)與三個基本步驟(6分)。寫出短文聽寫的一個優(yōu)點(diǎn)(4分)和一個缺點(diǎn)(4 分)。答案:1.目的:短文聽寫是一種重要的教學(xué)手段和測試項(xiàng)目,用于測試評估應(yīng)試者輸入(聽)和輸出(寫)的綜合能力。2.三大步驟:一、瞻前顧后,預(yù)測內(nèi)容在聽短文的錄音之前,考生要快速瀏覽短文,對全文的內(nèi)容有一個大致的了解,并對將要填寫的詞或詞組進(jìn)行預(yù)測。在瀏覽短文時,重點(diǎn)要看每段的第一句,因?yàn)榻^大多數(shù)的英文寫作中都會先有一個主題句,再引出下文的內(nèi)容,把握好主題句,有助于預(yù)測空缺處的內(nèi)容。在瀏覽短文的過程中,需要運(yùn)用平行結(jié)構(gòu)預(yù)測所填內(nèi)容,根據(jù)空前后的詞推測該空在句中的作用,進(jìn)而預(yù)測其詞性。二、集中精神,逐次填空短


43、自己的語言答題這種題型來說,短文填空不能考查學(xué)生自我語言組織和輸出能力。對于考生更高聽力綜合運(yùn)用能力無法很好地考查。三、教學(xué)情境分析題(本大題1小題,20分)根據(jù)題目要求完成下列任務(wù),用中文作答。32.下面是一節(jié)高中英語課堂教學(xué)片段實(shí)錄。T: Arm yourself with sunscreen, sunglasses and a hatin a period of hot weather.S1: How can you arm yourself? You already have two armshow do you put on more?T:Canwefigureoutthemeani

44、ngof“arm”fromthetext?Lookforanotherplacewheretheword“sunscreen”appears. S2:Inthissentence:“Healthexpertswarnedpeople,when outside,toapplysunscreenwithasunprotectionfactor”S3: So I think “arm yourself” is kind of “apply”. S1: Oh, that makes sense. Is he right?T:Icouldansweryou,butIdlikeyoutofindoutth

45、e meaning of “arm” in the dictionary.T: Got it? Can you explain it in English?S4: Yes, its a verb, different from the noun“arm”, meaning to provide yourself or others with weapons or to provide what you need for a task.T: Nicely done!根據(jù)上面提供的信息,回答下列問題:(1)該教學(xué)片段的語言教學(xué)目標(biāo)和策略目標(biāo)分別是什么?(8 分)(2)該教師采取了哪三種方法達(dá)成上述

46、目標(biāo)(12分)(3)該教師教學(xué)的一個優(yōu)點(diǎn)和一個缺點(diǎn)分別是什么?(10分)答案:(1)語言知識目標(biāo):學(xué)生學(xué)會生詞“arm”作為動詞的含義并能夠使用詞典查閱生詞;策略目標(biāo):學(xué)生能夠結(jié)合上下文語境理解生詞,并查閱詞典進(jìn)行確認(rèn)猜測。(2) 采用了啟發(fā)式教學(xué)法。啟發(fā)式教學(xué),就是根據(jù)教學(xué)目的、內(nèi)容、學(xué)生的知識水平和知識規(guī)律,運(yùn)用各種教學(xué)手段,采用啟發(fā)誘導(dǎo)辦法傳授知識、培養(yǎng)能力,使學(xué)生積極主動地學(xué)習(xí),以促進(jìn)身心發(fā)展。該教學(xué)材料中,教師立足于學(xué)生的基礎(chǔ)及現(xiàn)有的知識水平,通過提問等語言方式啟發(fā)學(xué)生了解和體會arm的動詞詞性,而不是直接告知學(xué)生其用法,使學(xué)生達(dá)到了主動學(xué)習(xí)、積極思考的目的。(3)優(yōu)點(diǎn):在該案例中,

47、當(dāng)學(xué)生不明白生詞的含義時,老師并沒有直接告訴學(xué)生,而是讓學(xué)生通過討論和查字典的形式弄清楚了生詞的意思,培養(yǎng)了學(xué)生查字典的技能和習(xí)慣,逐步養(yǎng)成自主學(xué)習(xí)的能力。缺點(diǎn):根據(jù)高中英語課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn),形成性評價反映學(xué)生的進(jìn)步情況,對學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)嘗試做出肯定,以促進(jìn)學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)積極性,幫助教師改進(jìn)教學(xué)。在該案例中,學(xué)生通過自己的努力弄清楚了生詞的意思后,該老師只是簡單地評價“Nicely done”,并未對學(xué)生“討論”和“查字典”的學(xué)習(xí)方法進(jìn)行肯定,不能很好地促學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)積極性。四、教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)根據(jù)提供的信息和語言素材設(shè)計(jì)教學(xué)方案,用英文作答。32.設(shè)計(jì)任務(wù):請閱讀下面學(xué)生信息和語言素材,設(shè)計(jì)20分鐘的寫作教學(xué)方案,幫

48、助學(xué)生順利完成該寫作任務(wù)。教案沒有固定格式,但須包含下列要點(diǎn):lteaching objectiveslteaching contentslkey and difficult pointslmajor steps and time allocationlactivities and justification教學(xué)時間:20分鐘學(xué)生概況:某城鎮(zhèn)普通中學(xué)高中年級第一學(xué)期學(xué)生,班級人數(shù)40人,多數(shù)學(xué)生已經(jīng)達(dá)到義務(wù)教育英語課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(2011年版)五級水平。學(xué)生課堂參與積極性一般。語言素材:WRITING1.Think of someone famous that you admire a lot, f

49、or example, an artist, a musician or writer.2.Write two or three paragraphs about his or herlife. Below are some suggestions to help you.3.Write about:lWherehe/shewasbornandwherehe/shelivedasachild.lHis/her family.lHow he/she become famous.lHis/her songs/ music/painting/novels/poemslTo show he/she h

50、as been in.lYour opinion of his/her work. Explain why you like him/her.lWhat you think will happen to him/her.lWhether he/she will continue to be successful.Teaching type: Writing classTeaching contents: This is a writing class from senior high school, which is about how to describe a person. Studen

51、ts are required to share the detailed information about the people they admire, such as the living place, the life story, and to express the reasons why they like these celebrities so much.Teaching Objectives:(1) Knowledge objectives Students are able to know the detailed information about the peopl

52、e they admire and can describe it correctly and properly in English.(2) Ability objectives: Students are able to arrange the writing materials they have and organize them logically. Through sharing the stories of their favorite people, students speaking ability will be significantly improved.(3) Emo

53、tional objectives: Students can learn the correct and positive values from the people they like. Students are able to enhance the abilities of critical thinking and rational thinking through assessing someone reasonably.Teaching key and difficult points:Teaching Key point:How to collect the writing materials and organize them properly.Teaching Difficult point:Build the life goals and positive attitude.Teaching Procedures:Step1: Pr


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