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1、七年級(jí)英語考查常識(shí)和習(xí)語練習(xí)題及答案及解析 一、選擇題. Though I know you are confident about the job, try a few more!A. It never rains but it pours.B. Many hands make light work.C Every dog has its day.D. Dont pull all your eggs in one basket. All the people ofYancheng should work together to make our hometown more beautifti

2、l. Yes.A. Many hands niake light workB. Practice makes perfectC. Burn the caiidle at both endsD. Dont put all youi, eggs m one basket3 It took me ten yeais to build up my business, and it almost killed me.一Well, you know what they say,.A. there is no smoke without fileB. practice makes peiiectC. all

3、 roads lead to RomeD. no pains, no gains4 I promise I will work liaidei next week. Mum.一Well, just as the saying goes,cI do hope that yoifll act right away.A friend in need is a friend indeedB. Many hands make light workC. The grass is greener on the other sideD. Actions speak louder than wordsIts c

4、lear that. I am crazy about cakes and biscuits and could liappily fiiush off a bar(塊)of chocolate m nunutes.A.where there is a will, tliere is a wayB.I have a sweet toothC.every dog has its dayD.every com has two sidesHe is always telling his director how to run the busmess, thafs like ”A.Teaching h

5、is grandmother to suck eggsB.Keeping his ear to die groundC.A good begiiming makes a bad endingD.Its never too old to learnSome people now think there is no need to wear masks when gomg out.We cant be too careful.A. Many hands make light workB. Prevention is better than cureC. Actions speak louder t

6、han wordsD. Dont put all your eggs m one basketLook at the text below on environment. What kind of way is used to organize the idea? Our envuonment is getting worse. The sky is not as blue as before. The water is not clean any more. The weatliei changes so often. We have more bad weathei.A. Time ord

7、er.B. Space order.C. General to specific.D. Specific to general. 一Hurry up, we must be the first to intemew the pop star.一Sure.A. East or west, home is tlie bestB. The eaily bird catches the wormC Many hands make light workD. Dont put all your eggs m one basketBen, you need to face fears and get ove

8、r them.一Thats right.A. It is easier said tlian doneB. Better late than neverC. No pain, no gamD. Nothing is impossible to a willing heail-How do you feel about the new film?-I dont like the end.A. All of a suddenB. To be honestC. After allD. Ill this wayVolunteers tried their best to clean die park

9、last weekend.-. And eveiyone can make an effort to protect tlie environment.A. Practice makes perfectB. Many hands make light workC. East west, home is bestD. Bum the candle at both ends, Mv cousm has realized his dream after years of hard work.FJA. No pain, no gamB. Bum the candle at both endsC Act

10、ions speak louder than wordsD. Many hands make light workYou know what9 Susan has won a third scholarship.Tliafs not surpnsmg. She devotes so much time to her study.A. The early bird catches the wormB. No pam, no gamC. Actions speak louder tlian wordsD. Practice makes perfectWe must work liaid as a

11、team or we will fail a second time.Yes. Just as a saying goes,c丁A. One finger cant lift a small stoneB. He who lauglis last lauglis bestC. One stone kills two birdsD. One is never too old to leain Nirs. Green, do you tluiik I can get an A” in the filial exam if I start working haid now?Of course1.A.

12、 Better late than neverB. Many hands make light workC. You caimot bum the candle at both sides D. Action speak louder than words. Amy cleaned the house fbr her fatliei. Her father gave her some money fbr working. The next day Amy couldnt find her money. Then she foimd it. It was m her backpack?It is

13、 a fact that.A. cleaning house is liaid workB. Amy found the money m her backpackC. a backpack is a good place to hide moneyD. Amys father is very generousMy sister has entered the best school she likes after years of haid work.-Great! Just as the saymg goes, A. burn the candle at both endsB. practi

14、ce makes peiiectC. tlie early bird catches the wornD. no pain, no gamI hope to get the highest grades in the filial exams.-. You never work hard.A. Work like a dogB. In youi dreamsC Every dog has its dayD. Put all your eggs in one basketSorry, its already 6 oclock I have to be off for an important d

15、uiner.OK.A. It couldnt be betterB. Ybu really liavc me thereC Take your tuneD. Let*s call it a day means If lots of people share the work, it will make a job easier to complete.”A. Burn the caiidle at both ends.B. Every dog lias its day.C. Many hands make light work.D. A friend in need is a friend m

16、deed.You should do more and talk less. Actions speak louder than words.A. What you do isnt important.B. What you do is as important as you say.C. What you do is more unponant than what you say. D. What you do is less miportaiit than you sav.rve made little progress in English tlus term.Doni woiry.A.

17、 All roads lead to RomeB. Rome wasnt built in a dayC. Well begun is lialf doneD. The eaily bud catches die wormMy car broke down on the way to the airport, so I rushed tliere by taxi only to find my flight had been cancelled. What can I sav?JA. It never lains but it pours.B. Every dog lias its day.C

18、. The early bud catches the worm.D. Never put all your eggs in one basket.-Its not difficult fbr five workers to push the broken van away.-Yes,.A. When the cats away the mice will play.B , Every dog has its day.C. Many hands make light work.D. Dont put all your eggs m one basket.Just as the saying g

19、oes,丁 If you keep practising speaking English, yoifll be better at it.A. Practice makes perfectB. Bum the candle at both endsC It never rams but it poursD. Many hands make light workGood news? Another new member in the Beidou fonuly was sent into space. Scientists tried their best to pay attention t

20、o eveiy detail. To them,.a friend in need is a friend mdeedthe grass is always greener on the other sideThe new park looks beautiful.I tlmik my pet dog is veiy cute. TOC o 1-5 h z A. it never rams but it poursB.C a miss is as good as a nuleD.Which of tlie following sentences is a fact?A. Beijing is

21、the capital of China.B.C Some subjects aie difficult.D.Look at tlus mess? How much time do you think we need to clear it up?It is a big job, but. Lets all get started nowA. many hands make light workB. a friend in need is a friend mdeedC die eaily bird catches the wormD. actions speak loudei than wo

22、rds My friend Tony is always belund me to encourage and help me to get over all the difficulties.He is so kind. Tlus isA. Many hands make light work.B. A fiiend in need is a friend indued.C. No pains, no gauis.D. East and west, home is die best.Its easy to clean up all the trash if we each ofier to

23、help.Yes.A. Many hands make light workB. There is no smoke witliout fileC. Where there is a will, there is a wayD. A true fiiend reaches for your hand and touches your heartAiny your pronunciation is so beautiftil now. How do you make it?Tlianks. Just as the saying goes JA. Each dog has its dayB. Ma

24、ny hands make light workC. Practice makes perfectD. The grass is always greener on the other side-Why cant you trnst me? Not everything you heard is true?-Maybe not. But.A.out of siglit. out of mindB.there is no smoke witliout fileC.a miss is as good as a nuleD.actions speak loudei than words What a

25、ie people supposed to do when tliey meet for the first tune in die US?A.Theyre supposed to kiss eachother.B.Theyre supposed to bow.C.TheyTe expected to shake hands.D.Theyre expected to hug.Wu Dajmg was the first Chmese man to win an Olympic short-track(短道)gold medal. He practiced skating as hard as

26、he could all year round.A, Rome was not built in a dayB. Many hands make light workC. Actions speak loudei tlian wordsD. Wheie there is life, theie is hopeSteve. I hear that Peter has won another ciiainpionship.Its not surprising. He practises haidest in the team.A. Every dog has its dayB. No pain,

27、no gamC. Many hands make light workD. Actions speak louder than wordsHow is everytliing going* -.A. Everythmg is finishedB. Notliiiig has been doneC. Not so bad. you knowD. Not doing wrong, you see一 I cant believe you have finished the work-My fiiends helped me out. Just as the saying goes,A. Practi

28、ce makes perfectB. Fin all your eggs in one basketC. Burn the candle at both endsD Many hands make light workOh, dear! How can I fiiush so much work m 20 minutes?Dont worry.We can give you a helpmg hand.A. Practice makes perfectB Many hands make light workC. It never rains but it poursD. Every dog h

29、as its dayMary got the fii st piize in the writing competition after years of hard work.A. No pain, no gamB. A iiuss is as good as a nuleC. Dont burn the candle at both endsD. A friend in need is a friend indeed【參考答案】一、選擇題D解析:D【詳解】句意:不要孤注一擲。盡管我知道你對(duì)這份工作很有信心,但是再多嘗試一下其他的工 作!考查習(xí)語。It never rains but it p

30、ours 不鳴則已,一鳴驚人:Many hands make light work 人多 力最大;Eveiy dog has its day 每一個(gè)人都有走運(yùn)的時(shí)候:Dont pull all your eggs m one bask-不要孤注一擲。根據(jù)Try a few more”可知,此處是“不要孤注一擲,要嘗試一下其他 的工作”。故選D。A解析:A【詳解】句意:一鹽城全體人民要共同努力,把我們的家鄉(xiāng)建設(shè)得更加美麗。一是的。人多力 量大??疾榱?xí)語。Many hands make light work 人多力最大:Piactice makes perfect 熟能生巧:Burn the ca

31、ndle at both ends 魚與熊掌不可兼得;Dont put all your eggs m one basket 孤注一擲:根 據(jù)“All the people ofYancheiig should work together to make our hometown more beautiful可 知,此處應(yīng)用人多力量大形容,故選A.D解析:D【詳解】句,意:一我花了十年的時(shí)間才建立起自己的事業(yè),這幾乎要了我的命。一俗話說得 好,一分耕耘一分收獲??疾槌WR(shí)。thei e is no smoke without fire 無風(fēng)不起浪:practice makes perfect 熟

32、能生巧:all roads lead to Rome條條大道通羅馬;no pains, no gams 一分耕耘一分收獲。根據(jù)“It took me ten yeais to build up my busmess, and it almost killed me”可知,行了之前的辛苦,才會(huì)有之后 的收獲,故選D。D解析:D【詳解】句意:一媽媽,我保證卜周我會(huì)更加努力工作。好的,嗯,就像俗話說的,“事實(shí)勝 于雄辯,我真希望你馬上行動(dòng)。,考杳諺語。A friend in need is a friend mdeed 患難見其情:Many hands make light woik 人多 力 m

33、大;The grass is greener on the other side 這山望著那山高; Actions speak louder tlian words平實(shí)勝于雄辯。根據(jù)I do hope that you 11 act right away”可知,媽媽希望不要光說, 要立刻行動(dòng)起來,也就是“事實(shí)勝于雄辯“,故選D。B解析:B【詳解】句意:很明顯我喜歡吃甜食.我非常喜歡蛋糕和餅干,能在幾分鐘內(nèi)吃完一塊巧克力??疾榱?xí)語。where there is a will, there is a way 有志者,事競(jìng)成;I have a sweet tooth 我喜歡吃 甜食;every do

34、g has its day凡人都有得意日;every coin has two sides凡事有利弊。根據(jù)“I am crazy about cakes and biscuits and could happily finish off a bar(塊)of chocolate m minutes.” 可知,我喜歡吃甜食,故選B。A解析:A【詳解】句意:他老是告訴他的主管如何經(jīng)營企業(yè),簡直是“班門弄斧”??伎肆?xí)語。Teaclung his grandmother to suck eggs 班門弄斧;Keepmg his ear to the ground 把 耳朵貼在地上:A good beg

35、inning makes a bad end mg 善始者不善終;Ifs never too old to Icam 活到老,學(xué)到老。根據(jù)“He is always telling his director how to nin the business.”可知, 他老是告訴他的主管如何經(jīng)營企業(yè)。由此可知此處使用習(xí)語“班門弄斧”符合語境。故選A.B解析:B【詳解】句意:一現(xiàn)在有些人認(rèn)為外出時(shí)沒有必要戴口罩。一我們?cè)傩⌒囊膊粸檫^。預(yù)防勝于 治療??伎顺WR(shí)。Many hands make light work 人多力最大;Prevention is better than cure 預(yù)防勝于 治療

36、;Actions speak louder than words 事實(shí)勝于雄辯:Dont put all yoxir eggs in one basket 不 要孤注一擲。根據(jù)WecanTbetoocarefiil.”可知,空處應(yīng)是陳述鼓勵(lì)戴I I罩的觀點(diǎn),所以 B選項(xiàng)“預(yù)防勝于治療”符合語境。故選B,C解析:C【詳解】句意:請(qǐng)看卜.面有關(guān)環(huán)境的文字。用什么樣的方式組織這段文字?【我們的環(huán)境越來越 糟。天空不像以前那么藍(lán)了。水不再干凈了。天氣經(jīng)常變化。我們有更多的壞天氣】O 考查常識(shí)。Tune order.時(shí)間順序:Space order.空間順序。Geueral to specific.一般

37、到具體: Specific to genual.具體到一般。給出的段落是總分結(jié)構(gòu),綜述環(huán)境變差,再具體展開各個(gè) 表現(xiàn),故選C。B解析:B【詳解】句意:一快點(diǎn),我們必須第一個(gè)采訪到這個(gè)明星。一當(dāng)然,早起的鳥兒有蟲吃。本題考查諺語的用法。根據(jù)題意說話者一方在催促早去采訪,另一方表示同意,“B:早起 的鳥兒有蟲吃”與題意正好相符。A:金窩銀窩不如自己的狗窩;B:東好西好,還是家里 最好;C:眾人拾柴火焰高:D:不要把雞蚩放在一個(gè)籃子里/不要孤注一擲。故選 10. D解析:D【詳解】句意:Ben,你需要面對(duì)恐懼,克服恐懼。一那是對(duì)的。有志者事竟成??艰贸WR(shí)。It is easier said than

38、 done說起來容易做起來難;Better late than never遲做比不做 好;No pam, no gam 一分耕耘,一分收獲:Nothing is impossible to a willing heart 有志者 竟成。根據(jù)you need to face fears and get over them 及Thats right” 可知,同意對(duì)方的觀 點(diǎn),有志者才會(huì)事竟成,故選D。B解析:B【解析】試題分析:句意:一一你覺得這部新影片怎樣? 一一老實(shí)說,我不喜歡結(jié)尾。A.A11 of a sudden 突然,猛地;B. To be honest 老實(shí)說,說實(shí)在的;C.After

39、all 畢竟;D.Inthisway 這 樣。根據(jù)語境可以推測(cè)出本題選B?!究键c(diǎn)定位】考查交際用語。B解析:B【詳解】句意:一上周末志愿者們盡他們最大的努力打掃公園。一眾人拾柴火焰高。每個(gè)人都 可以為保護(hù)環(huán)境做出努力??伎肆?xí)語。Practice makes perfect熟能生巧;Many hands make light work眾人拾柴火焰高, 人多力量大:East, west, home is best金窩銀窩,不如家里的草窩;Burn the candle at both ends 一只蠟燭兩頭燒,比喻過分消耗精力,勞累過度。根據(jù)“blunteers tned tlieir best

40、to clean the park last weekend 和And everyone c an make an effort to protect the environment.“可 知,空處是指人多力量大。故選B。A解析:A【詳解】句意:一分耕耘,一份收獲。我表弟經(jīng)過多年的努力終于實(shí)現(xiàn)了他的夢(mèng)想。考香俗語。No pain, no gain一分耕耘,一分收獲;Bum the candle at both ends一根蠟燭兩頭 燒:Actions speak louder than words 實(shí)勝于雄辯;Many hands make light work 眾人拾柴火 焰高。根據(jù)My c

41、ousm has realized his dream after years of hard work” 可知,表弟經(jīng)過努力實(shí) 現(xiàn)了夢(mèng)想,空處應(yīng)填“一分耕耘,一分收獲故選A。B解析:B【詳解】句意:一你知道嗎? Susan羸得了三等獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金。那不令人驚奇。一分耕耘,一分收 獲。她花了這么多時(shí)間到學(xué)習(xí)中??疾橹V語。The early bud catches the worm早起的7兒行蟲吃:No pain, no gam 一分耕耘, 一分收獲;Actions speak louder tlian words 行動(dòng)勝于語言:Practice makes perfect 熟能生 巧。根據(jù)后文“She

42、 devotes so much time to her study.”可知付出才有收獲,故選B。A解析:A【詳解】句意:一我們必須像一個(gè)團(tuán)隊(duì)一樣努力工作,否則我們會(huì)再次失敗。一是的。俗話說:“一根手指舉不動(dòng)一塊小石頭/勢(shì)單力薄?!笨??f習(xí)語。One finger can t lift a small stone 一根手指舉不起一塊小石頭/勢(shì)單力?。篐e who laughs last laughs best 笑到最后的人笑得最好:One stone kills two birds 一石二鳥,一箭雙 雕:One is never too old to leam 活到老學(xué)到老。根據(jù)We must

43、 work hard as a team” nJ知,此 處強(qiáng)調(diào)團(tuán)隊(duì)的作用,故選A。A解析:A【詳解】句意:一格林夫人,你認(rèn)為如果我現(xiàn)在開始努力學(xué)習(xí),期末考試能得A嗎?一當(dāng)然可 以,亡羊補(bǔ)牢,為時(shí)不晚????(習(xí)語和情景交際。Better late than never亡羊補(bǔ)牢.為時(shí)不晚;Many hands make light work眾人拾柴火焰高;You caimot burn the candle at both sides蠟燭不能兩頭點(diǎn),精力不可 過分耗;Action speak louder than words行動(dòng)勝于言語。根據(jù)答句“Of course!”nj知,此處是 告訴對(duì)方現(xiàn)

44、在努力,考試可以取得好成績,所以用“亡羊補(bǔ)牢,為時(shí)不晚回答。故選A。B解析:B【詳解】句意:艾米為她父親打掃歷子。她父親給了她一些錢作為報(bào)酬。第二天艾米找不到她的錢 了。然后她找到了。在她的背包里!事實(shí)就是艾米在背包里找到了錢。考查常識(shí)和習(xí)語。cleaning house is hard work打掃房子是一項(xiàng)辛苫的I :作:Aniy found the money in her backpack 艾米在背包里找到了 錢:a backpack is a good place to hide money 背包 是藏錢的好地方:Amyl father is very generous艾米的爸爸很慷

45、慨。根據(jù)Her father gave her some money for working. The next day Amy couldnt find her money. Then she found it. It was in heibackpack”可知,這句話要表現(xiàn)的事實(shí)情況就是她最終在背包里找到了錢,故選B。D解析:D【詳解】句意:一經(jīng)過多年的努力,我妹妹已經(jīng)進(jìn)入了她喜歡的最好的學(xué)校。太好了!俗話 說“沒有耕耘就沒有收獲?!比舨榱?xí) in o burn the candle at both ends 過度勞累:practice makes perfect 熟能生巧:die earl

46、y bud catches die worn早起的鳥兒竹蟲吃;no pain. no gain沒石耕根就沒右收獲;根據(jù)“My sister has entered the best school she likes after years of Laid woik”可知,此處應(yīng)用 no pain, no gain形容比較貼切,故選D。B解析:B【詳解】句意:我希望在期末考試中取得最好的成績。做夢(mèng)吧。你從不努力學(xué)習(xí)。考查習(xí)語和情景交際。Woik like a dog拼命工作:In youi dreams做夢(mèng)吧;Every dog lias its day 風(fēng)水輪流轉(zhuǎn):Put all your e

47、ggs m one basket 孤注一擲:根據(jù)You never w ork hard. 可 知,上句說的“get the highest grades in the final exams”是不可能的事情,此處應(yīng)該是說“做夢(mèng) 吧”,故選B。D解析:D【詳解】句意:一抱歉,已經(jīng)6點(diǎn)鐘了。我得卜.班去參加一個(gè)重要的晚宴。好的。今天就到 這兒吧。考查情景交際。It couldnt be better那再好不過了 : You really have me there你真地說服我 了: Take your tune 慢慢來;Lets call it a day 今天就到這兒吧。根據(jù)上文“Sorry,

48、 ifs alieady 6 oclock I have to be off for an unportant dinner.”可知己經(jīng)到了卜班時(shí)間 .對(duì)方有重要的晚 宴要參加,因此應(yīng)結(jié)束一天的工作了。故選D。C解析:C【解析】【詳解】眾人拾柴火焰高的意思是“如果很多人都能分擔(dān)工作,這會(huì)使工作更容易完成?!盇.過分耗 費(fèi)體力或精力:B.人人都有得意II: C.眾人拾柴火焰高:D.患難見真情。根據(jù)后面的解釋 可知,只有C選項(xiàng)和題干一致。故選C。C解析:c【詳解】句意:你應(yīng)該多做,少說。事實(shí)勝于雄辯??忌?xí)語。What you do isnt important.你所做的并不用:要;What yo

49、u do is as miportant as you say.你所做的和你所說的一樣用要:What you do is more important than what you say.你所 做的比你所說的更審要;What you do is less important than you say.你所做的不如你所說的重 要。根據(jù)“Actions speak louder than words,知,做得比說得更用要。故選CoB解析:B【詳解】句意:一這學(xué)期我的英語進(jìn)步不大。一別擔(dān)心。羅馬不是一天建成的??艰昧?xí)語辨析c All roads lead to Rome條條大路通羅馬;Rome wa

50、snbuilt in a day羅馬不是 一天建成的,偉業(yè)非一口之功;Well begun is half done好的開端是成功的一半;The early bird catches the worm 早起的鳥兒有蟲吃。根據(jù)“I have made little progress in English during this term”可知,這學(xué)期我的英語進(jìn)步不大,所以后文應(yīng)該是在安慰,“羅馬不是一天建成 的符合語境。故選B。A解析:A【詳解】句意:我的車在去機(jī)場(chǎng)的路上拋錨了,所以我乘出租乍趕到那里,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)我的航班取消 了。我能說什么呢?考查諺語。It never rains but it

51、pours.禍不單行;Every dog has its day.凡人皆有得意日;The early bud catches the wonn.早起的鳥兒有蟲吃;Never put all youi eggs in one basket.不要孤 亍主 擲。根據(jù)NIy car broke down on the way to the airport, so I nished there by taxi only to find my flight had been cancelled.知應(yīng)該說禍不單行,故選 A。C解析:c【詳解】句意:一對(duì)五位工人來說,推開那個(gè)壞掠的貨車很難。一是的,眾人拾柴火

52、焰高??疾榍榫敖浑H和諺語。A“山中無老虎,猴子稱菊王”:B“凡人皆有得意口 C眾人拾柴火 焰高:D別把雞蛋全部放在一個(gè)籃子里根據(jù)Ifs not difficult for five workers to push the broken van away.nf ,此句想表達(dá)人多少與成功與否的關(guān)系。故選C。【點(diǎn)睛】A解析:A【詳解】句意:俗話說的好,“熟能生巧?!叭绻銏?jiān)持練習(xí)說英語,你會(huì)做得更好??疾樗渍Z o Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧;Burn the candle at both ends 過分耗費(fèi):It never rams but it pours 禍不單行:

53、Many hands make light work 眾人拾柴火焰高。根據(jù)If you keep practising speaking English, youll be better at it.nnJ,如果你堅(jiān)持練習(xí)說英語,你會(huì)做得更 好,此處強(qiáng)調(diào)“熟能生巧”。故選A。C解析:C【詳解】句意:一好消息、!北斗大家庭的另一個(gè)新成員被送入太空。一科學(xué)家們盡力注意每一 個(gè)細(xì)節(jié)。對(duì)他們來說,失之亳厘,謬以千里??艰贸WR(shí)習(xí)語。it never rams but it pours 不鳴則已,一鳴驚人;a fhend in need is a friend indeed 患難見真情;a nuss is

54、 as good as a mile 失之亳厘,謬以里;the grass is always gieener on the other side 這山里著那山高。根據(jù)Scientists tried their best to pay attention to every detail,川知,科學(xué)家們盡力注意每一個(gè)細(xì)節(jié)。所以對(duì)他們來說,失之亳厘,謬以 里。故選C。A解析:A【詳解】句意:以卜哪句話是事實(shí)?考我常識(shí)。Beijing is the capital of Cluiia 北京是中國首都;The new park looks beautiful 新公 M 看起來很漂亮:Some sub

55、jects are difficult 一些科 H 很難;I think my pet dog is very cute 我 覺得我的寵物狗很可愛。根據(jù)常識(shí)可知,“北京是中國首都”是事實(shí)。故選A。A解析:A【詳解】句意:一看看這爛攤了7你覺得我們需要多少時(shí)間才能弄清楚?一這是一項(xiàng)艱巨的工 作,但人多力量大?,F(xiàn)在讓我們開始吧??颊叱WR(shí)和習(xí)語。many hands make light work 人多力量大;a friend m need is a friend mdeed 患雄見真情:the early bird catches the worm 早起的鳥兒有蟲吃;actions speak l

56、ouder than words事實(shí)勝于雄辯。根據(jù)It is a big job”可知,一項(xiàng)艱巨的工作需要眾人一起完成,所以 此空填“人多力量大”符合,故選A。B解析:B【詳解】我的朋友托尼總是在我身后鼓勵(lì)和幫助我克服所有困難。一他太好了。這是患難見 真情??伎酥V語。Many hands make light work.人多力最大;A fiiend m need is a friend indeed.患難 見真情。No pains, no gams不勞無獲;East and west, home is the best.金窩銀窩不如自己的 狗窩。根據(jù) My fiiend Tony is alw

57、ays behind me to encourage and help me to get over all the difficulties,可知這里是表達(dá)在你有需要的時(shí)候,會(huì)幫你的朋友才是真正的朋友,故選B,A解析:A【詳解】句意:如果我們每個(gè)人都愿意幫忙,清理所有的垃圾是很容易的。是的,眾人拾 柴火焰高。考有習(xí)語。Many hands make light work 眾人拾柴火焰高;There is no smoke without fire 無風(fēng) 不起浪;Where there is a will, tliere is a way 有志者,曲竟成;A true friend reach

58、es for your hand and touches your heait 一個(gè)真正的朋友會(huì)向你伸出手,觸碰你的心。根據(jù)“It,s easy to clean up all the trash if we each offer to help.”可知,此處用“眾人拾柴火焰高”符合,故選A0C解析:C【詳解】句意:一Amy,你的發(fā)音現(xiàn)在是如此的優(yōu)美。你怎樣做到的?謝謝,就像那句諺語 說的“熟能生巧”。A人人皆有得意口; B人多力最大;C熟能生巧;D這山望著那山高。根據(jù)對(duì)話的意思可 知,Amy的發(fā)音能這么優(yōu)美,肯定是做了很多練習(xí)的結(jié)果,故C選項(xiàng)符合該情景。選C。B解析:B【詳解】句意:你為什么不相信我?難道你聽到的都是真的嗎? 也許不是。但是無風(fēng)不 起浪啊。A. out of sight, out of mind 眼不見,心不煩;B. tliere is no smoke without fire 無風(fēng)不起浪;C. a miss is as good as a mile.失之亳厘,謬以里;D. actions speak louder than words 行動(dòng)勝于 雄辯o 根據(jù)問句 Why can5t you trust me? Not everything you heard is true?你為什么不相信 我?難道你


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