1、畢業(yè)實習報告2008年07月07日星期一早晨5點就起床準備出發(fā)實習基地, 六盤水土城礦務局。這次實習是我們進入大學以來的第一次實習, 所 以同學們都很興奮,畢竟是第一次,有好多人晚上都沒睡得著。我們 離開了呆了 3年的母校,出發(fā)去我們將要為期 5天的實習基地-土 城礦務局。由于貴州這個地方交通不方便,所以要坐6個小時的火車, 所以從早晨5點出發(fā)下午才到了。第一天就是在勞累的旅途中度過 了。不過礦上的領導們對我們這些實習生很是關照,從他們親切的問候和熱切的舉動中像是投入了母親的懷抱。 從住宿和伙食上就能看的 出來的就像我們回到了家。在此向礦上的領導致敬!原本不安的心平靜了下來,因為土城礦務局給我
2、們的第一印象是親切的。 我們也暗 下決心,一定要在這好好的實習,與礦上融為一體,不辜負老師們對 我們的期望。接下來的幾天,是礦上領導安排我們學習相關學習,由礦上的各 科室的科長副總等等領導給我們做報告。 包括:一.礦局概況簡介。(包 括礦區(qū)交通地理位置、地形地貌、氣象、工農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)概況,煤田分布 情況及井下地質(zhì)條件、煤炭儲量、瓦斯、水、火、煤塵等條件,礦井 建設發(fā)展情況及礦井主要技術經(jīng)濟指標。)二.管理制度。三.安全措施 注意事項。還重點介紹了礦井的開拓方式,包括井田范圍及尺寸井型 及服務年限,井筒形式、數(shù)目和位置,水平劃分及服務年限。學習采 煤工作面作業(yè)規(guī)程編制的有關知識,實習礦井采煤工藝的現(xiàn)
3、狀及發(fā)展 過程。了解礦井運輸、提升、通風、供電、壓風、排水系統(tǒng)及主要設 備和設施情況。學習礦井主副井提升方式、主副井提升容器、裝卸載 方式、提升機房位置、主要設備組成及型號。了解地面工業(yè)廣場不知、 地面主副井附近運輸系統(tǒng)的布置,地面通風機房、空壓機房、地面中 央變電所、機修廠、選煤廠等的一般情況。特別值得一提的是我們在7號那天的井下實習,在我們吃完早晨 趕到21采區(qū)的時候大家非常興奮,在更衣室換好衣服雖然衣服很臭 也很爛有的褲子都是開檔的,但是沒關系大家還是懷著萬分激動的心 情整裝待發(fā)。還在門口留影因為大家都是第一次穿這樣的衣服所以要 留影紀念,說不準以后沒有機會穿了因為有人可能不從事這種職業(yè)
4、是 第一次也是最后一次。在帶隊領導和老師的講解下我們從主平碉一直 走了進去。初次下井大家都很新奇的看著四周, 走在轟隆隆的皮帶輸 送機旁看著頭頂?shù)捻敯宀戎_下的水溝蓋興沖沖的逛了進去。越走巷道越窄,過了好幾個風門、聯(lián)絡巷、石門等我們來到了21133采煤工作面。為了我們這些實習生這個采面的工作都停止了下來,我們走到那那就停止工作。在此感謝為了我們實習而停產(chǎn)影響礦山的生產(chǎn)而 表示歉意。由于不明原因我們走在前面的部分學員正好走過采面端部 的時候有加刮板輸送機和皮帶輸送機的轉(zhuǎn)接處還在工作,當時真是煤塵亂飛,我感覺根本就不存在什么能見度。因為我什么也看不見滿眼睛里都是煤塵,根本睜不開眼睛。等我 們走過了
5、運輸平巷的時候相互看著別人從頭到腳都是黑色的, 不過還 好眼睛和牙齒是白的。過了一個采煤工作面我就看到了龐大的采煤機Inordertoensure normalteachingorder,prote cting st udents healthygr owth, e nsuring that national(property) is notlost,to preventor minimizet he occurrenceofsafety accide nts, followt he prevent,re scue each other,e nsure safetyand re ducelos
6、sespri nci ple, a ccordingt o thelocalconditions,makethe managementsystem. 1,the principalis the re sponsibilityofschool safety,school security undert he leadershi p of Presi dent securitywork lea dinggroup.T he headtea chertot heleader shi pteam is responsibl efor,impleme ntation ofthe accountabili
7、ty system.2,schoolmonthlystudentknowle dge about safetyeducati on,e ducation shoul d be diversified i nthe formeverysafety educationforstudentsofclassesperw eekshould be targeted.To carryonemergency issues dealingwith educati on in General ,self-helpa nd mut ualrescue k nowle dge. Emergencycall s(su
8、ch as 110, 119,122,120,andso on) use commonse nsei neducation.3,t heestabli shme ntofmajor accident reportingsystem.Schoolstudent s reportmajoraccide nt withi nan hour ofeducation;studentr una nd disappeara nces t o report ;report of theaccide nttoa written re portintri plicate, a corre ctionalce nt
9、re,a police station,a t ownshi ppe ople s Government shall notconcealthe a ccident.4w eek,teachersare on duty syst em,establish andimprove theleadershipvalues; strengthenthe e ducation,managementofteachi ngactivitie s inschool s toensure n ormalteaching order; re sponsibleforschoolsafety leadershipa
10、lwaysmaintai ned close conta ctand district poli ce stations, canvassingsupportfromthe policestation onschoolsafetyandhel p.5,stre ngtheni ng teachersmorale ducati on,establi sh ade dicate d love, im proving e ducation quality,observe thestude nts psychol ogical changes at anytime andtake preventive
11、measures,no cor poralpuni shment and covertcorporalpuni shment on st ude nts,studentoutofthecl assr oom,schools maynot be.6,unitsor departmentsuse stude ntStreet propagandaorparticipate i nthe celebrati ons,as wellas partici pating i nother socialwork,wit hout approvaloftheCorrectionalCe ntre,school
12、pri nci pals consent,wit houtorgani zation. Withoutthea pproval ofrelevantde partments,mayorga nize student sto parti cipatein fire fighting , disa ster reliefand soon.7, school s shoul d educatest udentstoobeythe schoolrulesa nd reg ulations,ontime,ontimehometoprevent a cci dents.8,school to school
13、i nspecti onsona reg ularba sis,found hidden i ntime,and in severecases,itis har dto eliminate immediatelyclosed, and re porte d to thel ocalpeo ples Government,education,and ruleoflawsecti on. 9,the schoolshoul d always checkthe inter nalwalls,retai ningwall s,ponds,raili ngs, handrails, door s, Wi
14、ndow s,stairca sesand avariety ofsports,extracurricularactivities,facilitiessuch as firesafety,infrastructure security, unsafefacilityto immediately repairand demoliti onto ensure thatteachers a nd st udentswork ,learn, live ve nue s andfacilitiesaresafe andreliable.S ong LinXi ang Li uJia pi ng ele
15、mentaryschool March2016song Lin Xiang LiuJiapi ng primaryschoolfire safetysystems to enhancefire safety, protecti on ofpublic pr opertya ndthe lifeand property safetyofteachersandst udents,schoolfire safety intoday-to-daymanagement,isdevelopi ng thefollowing fire safety system. 1,strengthenfiresafet
16、yeducation ofthewhol eschool.Accor ding to therequirements oftheFire Services Act,sothat everyonehas ofkeepi ng firecontrol safety, protecti ng fire contr olfacilities,fire prevention,reports offire還是鎬型截齒的全長好像是17m 。從我們走過的巷道中我們學習到了很多知識,例如在課本上看到的采面是那么的光滑順暢那么寬敞清楚, 但是現(xiàn)場的情況絕對不是那么的清晰沒有空間思維能力的人根本搞不清楚方向。在運輸
17、平巷放置了皮帶輸送機后就沒有多大的空間,我們行人都很困難特別是在頂板質(zhì)量不好的情況下再加上及個單體液壓支柱就更顯的空間狹小,身體稍微肥胖的人根本很難通過。最后我們順著運輸上山坐著“猴車”( 礦山里對一種運人設備的俗稱,因為它的設計就像在公園里看見的猴子騎的那種車,雖然樣子不是怎么好看但是很是實用)上到了運輸平巷,又再次的走出了21 采區(qū)。出來侯大家看著自己和別人的相貌都在大笑,一個個黑的沒見過就兩個小時的時間就都變成了煤人似的。雖然很是累人但是大家心情很好都爭著相互留影,看著相機里自己的相貌都樂開了花。但是接下來的事情就不是能笑的出來了,誰會知道我們男生平時洗澡也就是最多十分鐘, 但是那天光洗
18、澡就用了至少半個小時還沒洗干凈,那眼圈里就像是涂了女生用的化妝品一樣是黑色的怎么洗也洗不干凈,甚至耳朵里也是黑的當然還有鼻孔里也是,從頭到較沒有不黑的地方。在回宿舍的路上有人就這樣說了,以后再也不想下井了就是下去逛一圈都是這個樣子那以后工作一天的話還不是洗澡都要洗個半天?。≡谕脸堑V務局領導的在大力支持和實習老師的指導下,這次畢業(yè)實習圓滿地結(jié)束了,我清楚地認識到自己以前在學習中的不足。通過這次畢業(yè)實習,我學到了以前所沒有學到的許多知識,我深刻的認識到今天的我作為貴州大學的一分子,作為一個采礦專業(yè)的學生,就lectricity li nes,equi pmentinspe ctions,found
19、 hidden i n time for rectification,maintenance,a nd securit y.9, do notusean open flame in the classroom, pr ohi bit burni ng stove,litca ndles,mosquitorepellent,nosm oking,a nd banningmessyw iring. Without usnig any household a pplia nces isnot al lowed. 10,live oncampusfaculty members, must lead b
20、yexampl e,andeducatefamiliesa ndchil dren readyt o fire. 11, householduse ofgasi nschools,to master properusage ,payattention tothe leak-pr oof,explosion-proof,fireproof, closing valveafter use to ensure security. 12, di ningr oom mustbequalifie d,and annualtesti ng ofpressurevessels,t o regularly c
21、he ck, the cantee n workers mustbecertified, strictlybyoperation operati on, gasta nk and stovesafetydistance of1.5 meters, toprevent accidents. 13,the adverseconseque nces caused by ignori ng fire safetyregulations,willbepunishe d,untilinvestigate dforlegalresponsibilit y.Song Li n Xia ng Liu Jia p
22、ing el ementaryschoolMar ch 2016Xia ngLiuJia pi ngelementary school ,pineslopes surrounding safety managementsystem 1 teachers andstudents, thesurrounding areaoftheschoolgoverna ncecover s persona land foodhygi ene, culturalevents a ndot heraspect s, integrated gover nanceshallobtainwi desupport and
23、fullcooperation ofthecommunity.Onthe surroundinge nvironme nt inschool s shoul dbe closelymonit ored.2,schoolworkat thesametime,shoul dpay attenti on tothe safety management ofschoolenvironme nt, shoul d takethe i nitiativeto contactthe distri ct police stati on,the villageCommittee,CorrectionalCent
24、re,T ownship g overnme nt,busine ss manageme ntand other departme ntstodo agoodjob management.3,tea cher ondutywith theexception ofinspecti ons i nschools, shouldalso payattentiontoenvironmentalinspecti onsnearthe campus,found t hatthejoblessmigrants fromruralareas,forexample,harassmentofstudents a
25、nd avarietyofaccidents, accordi ng to different situati ons reporte d schoolofficialsorthe poli ce stati oninatimely manner,toprotectthe safetyofstudent s. 4,everyday beforeschool,tea cher s remind st udents,pay attenti on to traffic safety.5,shouldeducatest ude nts to respect soci alethics,and vari
26、ous regulations,maintaining publi corder,a ndfightthe bad g uys,and graspthe correctways a nd mea ns of maintai ning a nd improving st ude ntsself -care abilit y.6,theestabli shme ntofemergency rescueteamsofteachers inschools,on hig halertand de ployed.Song Lin Xiang LiuJiapingeleme ntaryschoolMarch
27、2016 song Lin Xia ng Li uJiaping primaryschoolteachers andstude nts orga nizationsoutofsafetymanagementsystemorganizati onactivitie s betweentea chersa nd st udents,to draw up aprecise pl an a nd se curitymeasures mustbesigned byt he schoolofficial storeviewthe programme ofactivitiesagreed uponCorre
28、cti onal Centeragree d toimplem ent.Organi zation to thefield relative lyfaroractivitiesrequire approvalby theDe puty Dire ctoroftheE ducationBurea u in chargeofse curit y. 2,ea ch a ctivityshoul d haveaspecificresponsibility, payattentionto t heper sons age,physicalmatch. Route 3,activities,locatio
29、n,fieldsurveysshould be carried outi nadva nce. 4, activities fort he means oftransportshoul d explai nthe situatio n tothe schoolto compl ywith vehicl e,safetyrequir ements, before theli neforrepairs.5,each activitymusthave securit y,emergency responsepla nforaccide nts. 6, picnics,hiki ng, picni c
30、to pay attenti on tofire preve ntion, food poisoning ,preventi on offallaccidents 7,t heactivitie s near therivers,reservoirs,nomeasure sor do notmeetthe securityrequirementsoftheOrgani zationa nd notletstude ntsintot he water應該為國家貢獻自己的一分力量, 應該為自己的專業(yè)貢獻力量。我知道煤炭作為工業(yè)的糧食,在我們國家的許多地方煤炭資源儲量比較豐 富,而且在國民經(jīng)濟中占有
31、重要的地位。 而煤炭資源的開采就要靠我 們今天每一個采礦專業(yè)的學生,所以既然我們肩負著這樣的重任,我 就應該努力學習好自己的專業(yè)知識,我相信只要我們今天的每一個采 礦專業(yè)的學生都認真學習好自己的專業(yè)知識,弄清自己所肩負的重 任,我相信明天的采礦行業(yè)一定會有很好的發(fā)展。 雖然我們即將走向 社會,但作為一個剛踏入社會的年輕人,幾乎沒有任何社會經(jīng)驗???在實習期間的每一件小事中,我們能夠體會到人際關系、機會、評價、 競爭、成功、失敗等各種我們在今后經(jīng)常會遇到的事件,相信這些寶 貴的經(jīng)驗會成為我今后成功的重要基石。 而在這剩下大四一年的生活 中,我們要再學些什么,再做些什么,這短短的5天能給我們很好的
32、 啟示。對于我來說:生產(chǎn)實習是將來工作的一個縮影,當我們就離開學 校,面對新工作,面對新的挑戰(zhàn),我希望我能用這么一句提醒自己, 迎接挑戰(zhàn)、抓住每次學習機會!煤礦工作是艱苦的行業(yè),地下作業(yè), 隨時有瓦斯爆炸的可能性。瓦斯爆炸是必然性和偶然性的結(jié)合,還有 頂板垮落,煤塵爆炸等等。然而事物都有一定的發(fā)展規(guī)律性,只有認 真遵守各種安全制度,作業(yè)規(guī)程,才會盡量少發(fā)生事故。在安全與生 產(chǎn)的關系上,我認為安全與生產(chǎn)不是一對矛盾的統(tǒng)一體, 安全與生產(chǎn) 之所以不是一對矛盾,就是因為它們根本不是對立的雙方, 安全生產(chǎn) 是相互依存關系,安全是伴隨著生產(chǎn)而言的,沒有生產(chǎn)就沒有安全。Inordertoensure no
33、rmalteachingorder,prote cting st udents healthygr owth, e nsuring that national(property) is notlost,to preventor minimizet he occurrenceofsafety accide nts, followt he prevent,re scue each other,e nsure safetyand re ducelossespri nci ple, a ccordingt o thelocalconditions,makethe managementsystem. 1
34、,the principalis the re sponsibilityofschool safety,school security undert he leadershi p of Presi dent securitywork lea dinggroup.T he headtea chertot heleader shi pteam is responsibl efor,impleme ntation ofthe accountability system.2,schoolmonthlystudentknowle dge about safetyeducati on,e ducation
35、 shoul d be diversified i nthe formeverysafety educationforstudentsofclassesperw eekshould be targeted.To carryonemergency issues dealingwith educati on in General ,self-helpa nd mut ualrescue k nowle dge. Emergencycall s(such as 110, 119,122,120,andso on) use commonse nsei neducation.3,t heestabli
36、shme ntofmajor accident reportingsystem.Schoolstudent s reportmajoraccide nt withi nan hour ofeducation;studentr una nd disappeara nces t o report ;report of theaccide nttoa written re portintri plicate, a corre ctionalce ntre,a police station,a t ownshi ppe ople s Government shall notconcealthe a c
37、cident.4w eek,teachersare on duty syst em,establish andimprove theleadershipvalues; strengthenthe e ducation,managementofteachi ngactivitie s inschool s toensure n ormalteaching order; re sponsibleforschoolsafety leadershipalwaysmaintai ned close conta ctand district poli ce stations, canvassingsupp
38、ortfromthe policestation onschoolsafetyandhel p.5,stre ngtheni ng teachersmorale ducati on,establi sh ade dicate d love, im proving e ducation quality,observe thestude nts psychol ogical changes at anytime andtake preventivemeasures,no cor poralpuni shment and covertcorporalpuni shment on st ude nts
39、,studentoutofthecl assr oom,schools maynot be.6,unitsor departmentsuse stude ntStreet propagandaorparticipate i nthe celebrati ons,as wellas partici pating i nother socialwork,wit hout approvaloftheCorrectionalCe ntre,schoolpri nci pals consent,wit houtorgani zation. Withoutthea pproval ofrelevantde
40、 partments,mayorga nize student sto parti cipatein fire fighting , disa ster reliefand soon.7, school s shoul d educatest udentstoobeythe schoolrulesa nd reg ulations,ontime,ontimehometoprevent a cci dents.8,school to schooli nspecti onsona reg ularba sis,found hidden i ntime,and in severecases,itis
41、 har dto eliminate immediatelyclosed, and re porte d to thel ocalpeo ples Government,education,and ruleoflawsecti on. 9,the school shoul d always checkt he inter nalwalls,retai ningwall s,ponds,raili ngs, handrails, door s, Window s,stairca sesand avariety ofsports,extracurricularactivities,faciliti
42、essuch as firesafety,infrastructure security, unsafefacilityto immediately repairand demoliti onto ensure thatteachers a nd st udentswork ,learn, live ve nue s andfacilitiesaresafe andreliable.S ong LinXi ang Li uJia pi ng elementaryschool March2016song Lin Xiang LiuJiapi ng primaryschoolfire safety
43、systems to enhancefire safety, protecti on ofpublic pr opertya ndthe lifeand property safetyofteachersandst udents,schoolfire safety intoday-to-daymanagement,isdevelopi ng thefollowing fire safety system. 1,strengthenfiresafetyeducation ofthewhol eschool.Accor ding to therequirements oftheFire Servi
44、ces Act,sothat everyonehas ofkeepi ng firecontrol safety, protecti ng fire contr olfacilities,fire prevention,reports offire生產(chǎn)過程中必須保證安全,不安全就不能生產(chǎn)。人們常說: “安全促進生產(chǎn),生產(chǎn)必須安全”就是這個道理。我們要承認安全與生產(chǎn)存在著本質(zhì)的必然聯(lián)系,又要承認安全與生產(chǎn)之間存在著區(qū)別,正確理解與掌握安全與生產(chǎn)的辯證關系,我們要堅持一切為安全工作讓路,一切為安全工作服務的觀念,堅持安全為天,安全至上,把安全第一的方針落到實處,落實到井上井下的全方位、全過程,從而
45、保證安全生產(chǎn)的健康發(fā)展。在這段短暫的實習時間里,我們的收獲很多很多,如果用簡單的詞匯來概括就顯得言語的蒼白無力,至少不能很準確和清晰的表達我們受益匪淺。只是沒有必要將它一一列出,因為我們知道實習期間的收獲將在今后工作中有更好的體現(xiàn),所以我們用某些點線來代替面,用特殊代表個別??傊诟兄x土城礦務局培養(yǎng)我們,我們將以更積極主動的工作態(tài)度,更扎實牢固的操作技能,更豐富深厚的理論知識,走上各自的工作崗位,提高井下工作能力。我堅信通過這一段時間的實習, 從中獲得的實踐經(jīng)驗使我終身受益,并會在我畢業(yè)后的實際工作中不斷地得到印證,我會持續(xù)地理解和體會實習中所學到的知識,期望在未來的工作中把學到的理論知識和實
46、踐經(jīng)驗不斷的應用到實際工作中來,充分展示我的個人價值和人生價值,為實現(xiàn)自我的理想和光明的前程而努力。每個人的人生中都不是輕而易舉的,總有一些艱難困苦,沒經(jīng)歷一次都需要很多的勇氣,也不是每一次都能度過苦難,失敗是不可避免的,主要的是要敢于承認失敗,面對失敗,努力去做,解決它,有l(wèi)ectricity li nes,equi pmentinspe ctions,found hidden i n time for rectification,maintenance,a nd securit y.9, do notusean open flame in the classroom, pr ohi bit
47、 burni ng stove,litca ndles,mosquitorepellent,nosm oking,a nd banningmessyw iring. Without using any household a pplia nces isnot al lowed. 10,live oncampusfaculty members, must lead byexampl e,andeducatefamiliesa ndchil dren readyt o fire. 11, householduse ofgasi nschools,to master properusage ,pay
48、attention tothe leak-pr oof,explosion-proof,fireproof, closing valveafter use to ensure security. 12, di ningr oom mustbequalifie d,and annualtesti ng ofpressurevessels,t o regularly che ck, the cantee n workers mustbecertified, strictlybyoperation operati on, gasta nk and stovesafetydistance of1.5
49、meters, toprevent accidents. 13,the adverseconseque nces caused by ignori ng fire safetyregulations,willbepunishe d,untilinvestigate dforlegalresponsibilit y.Song Li n Xia ng Liu Jia ping el ementaryschoolMar ch 2016Xia ngLiuJia pi ngelementary school ,pineslopes surrounding safety managementsystem
50、1 teachers andstudents, thesurrounding areaoftheschoolgoverna ncecover s persona land foodhygi ene, culturalevents a ndot heraspect s, integrated gover nanceshallobtainwi desupport andfullcooperation ofthecommunity.Onthe surroundinge nvironme nt inschool s shoul dbe closelymonit ored.2,schoolworkat
51、thesametime,shoul dpay attenti on tothe safety management ofschoolenvironme nt, shoul d takethe i nitiativeto contactthe distri ct police stati on,the villageCommittee,CorrectionalCentre,T ownship g overnme nt,busine ss manageme ntand other departme ntstodo agoodjob management.3,tea cher ondutywith
52、theexception ofinspecti ons i nschools, shouldalso payattentiontoenvironmentalinspecti onsnearthe campus,found t hatthejoblessmigrants fromruralareas,forexample,harassmentofstudents a nd avarietyofaccidents, accordi ng to different situati ons reporte d schoolofficialsorthe poli ce stati oninatimely manner,toprotectthe safetyofstudent s. 4,everyday beforeschool,tea cher s remind st udents,pay attenti on to traffic safety.5,shouldeducatest ude nts to respect soci alethics,and various regulations,maintaining publi corder,a
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