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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)專心-專注-專業(yè)精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)一、法的品性(一)法的特點Where the law is uncertain, there is no law.法無定法,則無法。The letters written stay while the voice flies away.書寫的文字留下了,說話的聲音飛走了。The law does not define exactly, but trusts in the judgment of a good man.法律并不做(過于)詳盡規(guī)定,而委諸善良之人進行判斷。I

2、t is a miserable slavery where the law is vague or uncertain.法律一旦模糊或不確定,人們就會陷入可怕的奴役。If you depart from the law, you will wander without a guide, and everything will be in a state of uncertainty to every one. 如果離開法律,你就會因失去方向而迷茫,所有的事物也都會處于不確定的狀態(tài)。Too great certainty destroys certainty itself.過于確定就會破壞確定

3、性本身。Too great subtleness in law is reproachable.在法律中,過于精密并不可取。That which is capable of being made certain is to be treated certain.可得而確定者,亦為確定。All definitions in law are hazardous.在法律中所有定義都是危險的。Every definition in law is perilous, and an exception may reverse it.法律中每一個定義都是危險的,一個例外就可以推翻它。The practice

4、 of fixing and refixing the laws is a most dangerous one.朝令夕改是最危險的做法。In time of war, the law is silent.戰(zhàn)爭一開始,法律就沉默。The laws sometimes sleep, but never die.法律有時會沉睡,但絕不會滅亡。When the law is effective, the people are prosperous.法律有效力。國民便昌盛。Force is inimical to the laws.武力是與法律不相容的。The order of pleading be

5、ing preserved, the law is preserved.沒有訴權(quán),就沒有法律。The law looks forward, not backward.法律向前看,不向后看。A new statute should affect the future, not the past.新法影響未來而不是過去。The law provides for the future, the judge for the past.法律為未來作規(guī)定,法官為過去做判決。A new law ought to be prospective, not retrospective in its operati

6、ons.在實施過程中,新的法律應(yīng)規(guī)定未來,而不應(yīng)溯及既往。Every new law should give a form to future, not to past.任何新法均不針對過去,而是著眼于將來。It is clear that laws and ordinances settle the course of future transactions and do not refer to bygone matters, unless their provisions relate expressly both to a past time and matters hitherto

7、pending.法律和法規(guī)之規(guī)定將來的事務(wù),而不管過去之事項,這乃自明之理;但是法律明確規(guī)定對于迄今未決之過去事項予以適用者,不在此限。A law is not obligatory unless it be promulgated.法律不經(jīng)公布就有效力。Where there is no law, there is no transgression.沒有法律也就談不上違法。Nothing which is inconvenient is lawful.不合宜者,亦不合法。Laws are adapted to general persons not to singular ones.法不是針

8、對個別人而是針對一般人而設(shè)計的。Laws are adapted to those cases which most commonly occur.法規(guī)是針對那些最常出現(xiàn)的情況制定的。The legislators do not care for those things which rarely happen.立法者不關(guān)心稀罕之事。Those things which rarely happen are not to be taken into account in the transaction of business without sufficient reason.在處理事物時,除非

9、有足夠的根據(jù),否則就不應(yīng)當去考慮那些罕有發(fā)生的事情。The law does not care for very small or trifling matters.法律不計較瑣細的事。The law does not concern itself about trifles.法律不關(guān)心瑣碎的事情。The law aids the ignorant.法律幫助無知者。The law aids minors.法律幫助無知者。The law aids minors.法律幫助未成年人。The law helps persons who are deceived, not those deceiving

10、.法律幫助受欺騙的人而不幫助行騙的人。He vainly invokes the aid of the law who transgresses the law.誰違反法律誰就別指望得到法律的幫助。Laws are imposed, not on words, but things.法不是玩弄文字的,而是規(guī)定事理的。All laws are made for human being.任何法都是為人而設(shè)計的。The wisdom of law cannot be valued by money.法律的智慧不能以金錢來衡量。The law does injury to no one.法律本身不會傷

11、害任何人。A fiction of law injures no one.法律上的擬制不會損害任何人。The law does injustice to no one.法律不會對任何人不公平。Where there is a law, there is a penalty.有法律就有懲罰。The law punishes falsehood.法律懲罰不誠實的行為。Whatever is done in excess is prohibited by law.行為超過限度,法律就禁止。The multitude of those who err is no excuse for error.法亦

12、責(zé)眾。The law always abhors delay.法律總是痛恨遲延。The law regards the order of nature.法律尊重自然秩序。In law, the proximate, not the remote cause is regarded.法律只究近因,不問遠因。The law requires not what is vain and useless.法律不要求無用無益之事。The law never requires what is vain and useless.法律不強制任何人實施無益或無用的行為。Laws never order what

13、is vain.法律不做出任何無益的命令。The law does not arise from the rule, but the rule from the law.法非源于規(guī)則,而是規(guī)則源于法。No man ought to be wiser than the law.任何人都不會比法律更聰明。It is wiser to argue with law than to argue with man.與法相爭比與人相爭更明智。The disposition of aw is firmer and more powerful than the will of man.法律的意志比人的意志更堅

14、強有力。The disposition of law is more just than the disposition of man.法律的處置比人的處置更公平。The custody of the law is stronger than that of man.法律的監(jiān)護比人的監(jiān)護更有力。The law is the most secure armor with which no one can be invaded.法律是最安全的盔甲,在法律的保護下,任何人都不會受侵犯。Laws are easier to be enacted than to be carried out.造法易,執(zhí)

15、法難。Execution is the end and fruit of the law.實施乃法律的目的和果實。The effect of the law consists in the execution.法律的效力在于實施。The execution of the law causes no injury.實施法律不會造成任何損害。The process of the law is a grievous vexation; the execution of the law crowns the work.法律的過程是令人煩惱的過程;只有法律得到了執(zhí)行才算完成了工作。Law arises

16、out of fact; that is, its application must be to facts.法律源于事實,即實施法律必須以事實為依據(jù)。Simplicity is friend of the laws.簡潔乃法律之友。The law should be brief so as to be easily understood.法律必須簡潔以便更容易掌握。The law is to be understood by all.法律應(yīng)當被一切人所理解。The laws consist not in being read, but in being understood.法律在于理解,而

17、不在于字義。There is no rule without a fault.有規(guī)則必有缺陷。Hard cases make bad law.疑難案件使法律徒具虛名。No example is the same for all purpose.不存在可以適用于所有目的的判例。Every exception itself is also a rule.例外自身也是一條規(guī)則。There is no rule but what may fail.任何規(guī)則皆有例外。All rules of law are liable to exceptions.所有的法律規(guī)則都容易有例外。An exception

18、affirms the rule in cases not excepted.一個例外在不屬于例外的案件中證實了規(guī)則。An exception proves an opposite rule.一個例外可以證明一個相反的規(guī)則。The exception also declares the rule.例外也宣告了法律規(guī)則。An exception is always to be put last.例外總是被放在最后考慮。Examples illustrate and do not restrict the law.案例闡明而不是限制法律規(guī)則。Whatever is inserted for the

19、 purpose of removing doubts does not hurt or affect the common law.為了消除疑惑,無論增加什么都不會有損或影響普通法。Human laws are born, live and die.人定之法都要經(jīng)歷產(chǎn)生、成長和死亡的過程。It is a perpetual law that no human or positive law can be perpetual.沒有人定法或?qū)嵲诜ㄊ怯篮愕模@一條永恒的定律。The smallest circumstance may change the law.最微小的環(huán)境變化也可能導(dǎo)致法律的變

20、化。Common error, repeated many times, makes law.反復(fù)出現(xiàn)的普遍錯誤也會成為法律。Common error sometimes passes current as law.普遍的錯誤有時也可能成為法律Error of law is injurious.法律中的錯誤是非常有害的。There is no disputing against or denying principles.原則不容許反對或否認。Principles prove, and they are not proved.原則用來證明而本身不需進行證明。There is no reason

21、ing of principles.原則不需要論證。The principle of a thing is its most powerful part.事物的原則是其最強有力的組成部分。When the law gives anything, it gives tacitly what is incident to it.當法律給予人們什么時,它也不聲不響地給予其附帶的東西。The justice achieves through proper prevention is better than that through severe punishment.通過嚴厲懲罰實現(xiàn)正義不如通過適當預(yù)

22、防實現(xiàn)正義。It is better to meet a thing in time than to seek a remedy after an injury is inflicted.及時預(yù)防要比造成損害后再尋求補救要好得多。Prevention is better than cure.預(yù)防勝于補救。Violence may also put on the mask of law.暴力也可能戴著法律的假面具。(二)法與正義Jurisprudence is the knowledge of things divine and human, the science of what is rig

23、ht and what is wrong.法學(xué)是關(guān)于神道和人事的知識,是關(guān)于正義和非正義的學(xué)問。There are the precepts of the law: to live honor-ably; to hurt nobody; to render to every one his due.法律的箴言是:體面生活,不傷害他人,讓每個人各得其所。Law is the science of what is good and just.法律乃善良公平之學(xué)問。What is good and equal is the law of laws.善和公平乃法上之法。The law delights

24、 in equity; it covets perfection; it is a rule of right.法律悅納平衡,渴求完美,規(guī)定正義。Justice is the foundation of the state.正義是國家的基礎(chǔ)。Law is a rule of right.法律乃公正之準繩。Law is a rule of right; and whatever is contrary to the rule of right is a wrong.法律乃公正的準則,違反正義準則的行為就屬違法行為。Unjust laws are not laws.非正義的法律不是法律。The l

25、aw addresses all with one voice.法律對所有人都用一個聲音講話。The greatest charity is to do justice to every one and at any time whenever it may be necessary.最大的善就是公正對待每個人,并且在任何需要時候都是如此。Justice has long arms.天網(wǎng)恢恢,疏而不漏。Heavens vengeance is slow but sure.善有善報,惡有惡報,不是不報,時候未到。Let justice be done, though the heavens sh

26、ould fall.按公理辦事,天塌下來也不怕。The law ought not to fail in dispensing justice.在分配正義時,法律必須有所作為。The law ought not to make default in dispensing justice to those who seek it.對于尋求正義者,不給予正義就是法律的失職。The law does not fail in showing justice.法律總能顯示正義的力量。Fraud and justice never agree together.欺詐和正義從來都是不相容的。Justice

27、is not to be denied or delayed.正義既不容否認也不容遲延。Justice knows neither father nor mother, justice looks to truth alone.正義不認雙親,只認真理。The radical element of justice is equality.正義的根本要素是平等。An act in law shall prejudice no man.法律不應(yīng)該歧視任何人。The law permits the taking up of arms against armed person.法律允許拿起舞起來對付持有

28、武器的人。Nothing unjust is presumed in law.法律假定所有的法律規(guī)定都是正義的。The laws of nature are unchangeable.自然法則是不可以改變的。All men are equal before the natural law.自然法面前人人平等。(三)法律、緊急需要與理性Law is the dictate of reason.法律是理性的命令。Nothing against reason is lawful.違反理性的東西不可能是合法的。What is inconvenient or contrary to reason is

29、not allowed in law.法律不應(yīng)容忍不合時宜或有違理性之事。Reason and authority are the two brightest lights of the world.理性和權(quán)威是世界上最明亮的兩個燈塔。That which is received against the reason of the law is not to be advanced to a precedent.違反理性而或承認之事,不足為例。Things introduced contrary to the reason of the law ought not to be drawn in

30、to precedents.有違法律理性的東西不應(yīng)出現(xiàn)在判例中。The reason of law is the soul of law.法律的理性是其靈魂所在。Like reason does make like law.同樣的理性創(chuàng)造同樣的法律。Reason is the soul of the law, when the reason of any particular law ceases, so does the law itself.理性是法律的靈魂,當任何特定法律的理性沒有了,法律也隨之中止。When the reason of the law ceases, the law i

31、tself also ceases.法律理性消失,法律本身也不存在。The will of people stands in place of reason.人民的意志就是立法的理由。The mind of the sovereign is presumed to be coincident with that of the law and with that which it ought to be especially in ambiguous matters.統(tǒng)治者的意向得推定為與法律的意向是一致的,對模凌兩可的問題,特別應(yīng)該進行這樣的推定。The law never suffers a

32、nything contrary to truth .法律絕不容忍違反真理的事情。He who does not willingly speak the truth is a betrayer of the truth.不愿說真話就是背叛真理。He who does not speak the truth is a traitor to the truth.不說真話的人就是真理的背叛者。Truth fears nothing but concealment.真理只擔(dān)心被蒙蔽。By too much altercation truth is lost.爭論過多,真理消失。The law neve

33、r suffers anything contrary to truth. But sometimes it allows a conclusive presumption in opposition to truth.法律絕不容忍違反真理的事情,但是有時也允許做出與真理相反的結(jié)論性假設(shè)。Nothing is more just than what is necessary.沒有什么比緊急需要更正當了。Necessity overcomes the law.緊急需要高于法律。What necessity forces, it justifies.情勢所迫,情有可原。Necessity has

34、no law.在緊急需要的情況下,就不考慮法律。Necessity makes that lawful which otherwise is unlawful.緊急需要可以使本來非法的東西變?yōu)楹戏?。Necessity is under no law, for necessity makes that lawful which otherwise is unlawful.緊急時之所以不受法律的制約,理由在于緊急使得在其他場合不合法的行為變?yōu)楹戏?。Necessity is the law of time and of place.緊急需要就是法律,但應(yīng)依時間和地點而定。Necessity defe

35、nds or justified what it compels.緊急需要可以用來為應(yīng)急行為辯護。Necessary good is not good beyond the bounds of necessity.緊急需要的善一旦超出緊急需要的范圍就不再是善。What is introduced due to necessity is only allowed to be so in necessity.緊急之時允許之事只限于緊急之時。What can be excused or extenuated in criminal cases by necessity is not so in ci

36、vil ones.緊急需要在刑事案件中免除、減輕罪責(zé),但在民事案件卻不免除、減輕責(zé)任。(四)法律、慣例與衡平法The people believe customs are laws.民眾認為慣例法律。Custom is another law.慣例是另外一種法律。Common usage is common law.共同的慣例就是普通法。Common opinions have the force of customs.法學(xué)家的共同意見具有習(xí)慣的力量,The custom of the place is to be observed.當?shù)氐娘L(fēng)俗習(xí)慣應(yīng)該得到遵守。A reasonable cus

37、tom is to be obeyed like law.一個合理的慣例應(yīng)該像法律一樣獲得服從。A prescriptive and legitimate custom overcomes the law.約定俗成和正當?shù)膽T例高于法律。A custom should be certain; for an uncertain custom is considered null.慣例應(yīng)當是明確的,因為人們認為不明確的慣例就是無效的。Custom is the best expounder of the laws.慣例是法律最好的解釋著。Custom overcomes the unwritten

38、law, if it be special; and interprets the written law, if the law be general.如果慣例比較具體,慣例優(yōu)于不成文法;如果法律比較籠統(tǒng),慣例就解釋成文法。A custom, though it be of great authority, should never prejudice manifest truth.慣例及時具有極大權(quán)威性,也決不應(yīng)有損于顯而易見的真理。An evil custom is to be abolished.惡俗應(yīng)該廢除。A custom introduced against reason oug

39、ht rather to be called a “usurpation” than a “custom”.違反理性的慣例,與其叫“慣例”不如叫“強詞奪理”。Custom once disallowed cannot be again brought forward.慣例一旦遭到否決就再也不能加以援引。Custom leads the willing, law compels the unwilling.慣例在于自覺遵守,而法律在于強制服從。What is done contrary to the custom of our ancestors, neither pleases nor app

40、ears right.有違我們祖先慣例的行為不會是正確。A reason cannot be given for all the laws that have been established by our ancestors.對于祖先傳來之法律,無須悉數(shù)究明其理由。Equity acts upon the person.衡平法是對個別的人講公平。Equity is a specie of equality or equalization.衡平法是平等或?qū)崿F(xiàn)平等的一種形式。Equity is a specie of equality or equalization.衡平法幫助無知者,但不幫助粗

41、心大意的人。Equity does not make law, but assists law.衡平法并不造法,但對法起輔助作用。Equity never counteracts the law.衡平法決不會與法律背道而馳。Equity follows the law.衡平法不喜歡過頭的東西。Equity is the life of a legal fiction.衡平法是法律擬制的生命所在。In a fiction of law, equity always subsists.在法律擬制中,衡平始終存在。Equity delegates equality.衡平法代表公平。Necessity

42、 creates equity.緊急需要創(chuàng)造衡平法。(五)法律沖突的處理規(guī)則The agreement of private person cannot derogate from public right.私人間的協(xié)議不得有損于公共的權(quán)利。The express agreement of parties overcomes the law.雙方當事人明示的協(xié)議勝過法律。Private law is subject to the protection of public law.私法在公法的保護之下。A public law or right cannot be altered by the

43、agreement of private persons.公法或公共權(quán)利不因私人間的協(xié)議而改變。Private contracts cannot derogate from the public law.私人協(xié)議不得未被功法。Public rights are to be preferred to private ones.兩個權(quán)利相沖突時,存在時間更長的權(quán)利優(yōu)先。When the common law and statute law concur, the common law is to be preferred.普通法與制定法向沖突時,普通法優(yōu)先。Later laws prevail o

44、ver those which preceded them.后法優(yōu)于前法。A later statute takes away the effect of a prior one.后法廢止前法。What the people have last enacted, let that be the established law.讓最后制定的法律發(fā)揮法律的效力。Later laws abrogate prior contrary laws.后法廢止與之相抵觸的前法。Later laws repeal earlier laws inconsistent therewith.后法廢除與其相矛盾的前法。

45、Later general laws do not derogate from prior special ones,特別法優(yōu)于一般法。General things do not derogate from special things.一般不廢除特殊;一般法不會損害特別法。二、權(quán)利、權(quán)力與責(zé)任(一)法律的權(quán)威Regard for the public welfare is the highest law.公共福利是最高的法律。The safety of the state is the supreme law.國家的安全乃最高的法律。The voice of the people is th

46、e supreme law.人民的聲音是最高的法律。Laws are enacted to guard the security of the people and the state,法律的制定是為了市民的安寧與國家的安全。No one is above the law.任何人不得凌駕于法律之上。No power can prevail against law.任何權(quán)力都不得凌駕于法律之上。The solemnities of law are to be observed.法律的嚴肅性應(yīng)當?shù)玫阶鹬?。The law should not be laughed at.法律不應(yīng)是嘲笑的對象。The

47、 law should not be judged.法律不應(yīng)受評判。The law may be harsh, but that is the law.峻法亦法。Obedience is the essence of the law.服從是法律的本質(zhì)。Law should bind the proposers of them.法律對立法者亦有拘束力。We may do what is allowed by law.法律允許,方可行為。No one can act unless the law so provides.未得法律允許,不得行為。He acts prudently who obeys

48、 the commands of the law.服從法律命令的人都會謹慎行事。Politics are to be adapted to the laws, and not the laws to politics.政治應(yīng)該適應(yīng)法律而不應(yīng)法律適應(yīng)政治。Private good yields to public good.個人利益服從公共利益。Public necessity is greater than private.公共需要高于私人需要。Private inconvenience is made up for by public benefit.私人的不便成全了公共福利。Where t

49、here is no authority of enforce, there is no authority to obey.沒有強制力就沒有權(quán)威。To know the laws is not to observe their mere words, but their force.知法不單指要了解法律的文句,而且還指要維護其效力。The torture or wresting of laws is the worst.歪曲法律是最惡劣的行為、Precedents that pass sub silentio are of little or no authority.默默無聞的先例很少有權(quán)

50、威性。When laws imposed by the state fail, we must act by the law of nature.當國家施加的法律不起作用時,我們必須根據(jù)自然法行事。Where there is no direct law, the opinion of the judges ought to be taken, or reference made to similar cases.如果找不到可以直接使用的法律,就應(yīng)該聽取法官的意見或參考相似的案例。In default of the law, the maxim rules.沒有法律就依照法律格言。(二)法律與

51、權(quán)利Rights never die.權(quán)利永存。What constitutes right, and what injury, it is the business of law to declare.法之義務(wù)在于宣示何者構(gòu)成權(quán)利,何者構(gòu)成權(quán)利之侵犯。No man can forfeit the right of another.任何人都不得剝奪他人的權(quán)利。Law is established for the benefit of man.法是為人的利益而立的。Scarcely any law can be made which is beneficial to all; but if it

52、 benefits the majority it is useful.法律之制定很難照顧到全體人民的利益,如果它能夠顧及到大多數(shù)的利益就算不錯了。Every one may renounce or relinquish a right introduced for his own benefit.人人可放棄有利于自己的權(quán)利。Ignorance of ones right does not prejudice the right.對于自己權(quán)利的無知,無害于該權(quán)利。He who uses his legal rights harms no one.行使自己的合法權(quán)利不會損害他人。The act

53、of the law does no one an injury.根據(jù)法律而為的行為不會對任何人造成損害。Where there is a right, there is a remedy.有權(quán)利必有救濟。When the law gives anything, it gives the means of obtaining it.當法律給予人們什么,它也給予人們獲得的途徑。T here is no wrong without a remedy.沒有救濟就談不上侵權(quán)。Remedies for rights are ever favorably extended. 權(quán)利救濟的途徑越寬越好。He

54、who destroys the means destroys the end.手段不存在,目的也完蛋。The laws aid those who are vigilant, not those who sleep upon their rights.法律幫助那些時刻警覺的人,而不是那些躺在權(quán)利上睡大覺的人。The law aid the vigilant, not the negligent.法律并不幫助粗心大意的人,而幫助對自己利益警覺的人。Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights.時間總是對那些懶

55、漢和忽視自身權(quán)利者不利。Right and fraud never dwell together.權(quán)利和欺詐從來就不相容。A right does not rise out a wrong.不法行為是不會產(chǎn)生權(quán)利的。Every right is either made by consent, or is constituted by necessity, or established by custom.每一項權(quán)利或者基于同意而存在,或者由于緊急需要或慣例而產(chǎn)生。No one can confirm a right before the right accrues to him.任何人在獲得某

56、項權(quán)利之前都不得行使該權(quán)利。He confirms a use who removes an abuse.要行使權(quán)利就不得濫用。No one ought to gain by anothers loss.任何人都不應(yīng)損人利己。By the law of nature, it is not just that any one should be enriched by the detriment or injury of another.依照自然法,任何人都不得以損害他人來達到利己的目的。No one can take advantage of his own wrong.任何人都不能從自己的錯

57、誤行為中獲益。No one can improve his condition by his own misdeed.任何人都不能通過自己的不端行為改善自己的狀況。One ought not to take advantage of his own wrong.任何人都不能從自己的錯誤行為中獲益。Necessity gives a privilege as to private rights.就私權(quán)而言,緊急需要就產(chǎn)生特權(quán)。It is for the interest of the state that a man should not enjoy his own property impro

58、perly.每個人都不應(yīng)當濫用自己的財產(chǎn)權(quán),這是國家利益所要求的。Enjoy your own property in such a manner as not to injure that of anotherperson.財產(chǎn)權(quán)應(yīng)當以不損害他人的方式加以行使。Under pretext of legality, what is illegal ought not to be admitted.非法的東西不應(yīng)該因為有合法的借口就可以獲得許可。(三)法律與自由Everything is permitted, which is not forbidden by law.法不禁止即自由。No on

59、e is punished for his thoughts.任何人都不能因為思想而受到懲罰。No one is punished for merely thinking of a crime.任何人都不能僅僅因為想犯罪就受到懲罰。Evil deeds are distinguished from evil purposes.邪惡的行為與邪惡的目的是不同的。No men can be compelled to criminate himself.任何人都不能被迫自證其罪Not twice for same.同樣的事情不能作兩次。No one should be twice harassed f

60、or the same cause.同一案件不受兩次處理。A person may not be punished differently than according to what the sentence enjoins.除了判決所確定的懲罰外任何人都不應(yīng)受其他的懲罰。No guilt attaches to him who is compelled to obey.任何罪行都不得歸于被迫服從的人。No one is prohibited from making use of several defenses.不能禁止任何人使用多種防衛(wèi)手段。It is unjust that freed


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