國(guó)際移動(dòng)圖書(shū)館會(huì)議2012年第4屆mobile phone technology in academic library services a public university students perceptions and paradigm_第1頁(yè)
國(guó)際移動(dòng)圖書(shū)館會(huì)議2012年第4屆mobile phone technology in academic library services a public university students perceptions and paradigm_第2頁(yè)
國(guó)際移動(dòng)圖書(shū)館會(huì)議2012年第4屆mobile phone technology in academic library services a public university students perceptions and paradigm_第3頁(yè)
國(guó)際移動(dòng)圖書(shū)館會(huì)議2012年第4屆mobile phone technology in academic library services a public university students perceptions and paradigm_第4頁(yè)
國(guó)際移動(dòng)圖書(shū)館會(huì)議2012年第4屆mobile phone technology in academic library services a public university students perceptions and paradigm_第5頁(yè)




1、 University of Dhaka4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September, 2012 1Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and ParadigmMd. Anwarul Islam Assistant Professor Department of Information Science and

2、 Library Management University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh E-mail: Content .Prologue Objectives of the study Mobile phone in Bangladesh Mobile phone based information services in Bangladesh Wireless application in education and library and information services 4th m-library international confer

3、ence, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 2 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Continue . Methodology Findings and discussion Conclusion and future works 4th m-library international conference, Open univer

4、sity, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 3 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Technology in todays modern society is constantly evolving at a rapid pace. Tech savvy, consumers are demanding access to information and insta

5、ntaneous communication on portable devices such as smart phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs) (Pollara & Broussard, 2011). This devices has made access to information very convenient and timely to the users from the comfort of their own home, office and from where ever they are!4th m-librar

6、y international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 4 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm The world is fast ing a global village and a necessary tool for this process is communication where muni

7、cation is a key player. Over the past decade, the expansion of mobile cellular networks and popularization of mobile phones have been driving growth in information and communications technology (ICT) in Asia and the Pacific, and the world.4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milt

8、on Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 5 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm China and India, these two countries simply added 284 millions in 2009 and 660 millions in 2011 (ITU, 2011).4th m-library international conference, Open

9、university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 6 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Objectives of the study To identify the existing status of mobile phone, mobile phone based information services in Bangladesh;This study

10、 seeks to explore the utilization of mobile phone services in the educational environment;Explore the nature of mobile phone use among university students, and investigate the perception of university students on mobile phone uses in library and information services.4th m-library international confe

11、rence, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 7 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Bangladesh : A Brief Description Name: Peoples Republic of Bangladesh.Capital: Dhaka Location: Sothern Asia, sharing border b

12、y bay of Bengal, India and Myanmar. Area: 143,998 sq kmPopulation : 15,2518015 (16-07-2012) Literacy: 51.8% Language: Most of the people speak in Bengali (However, English is widely spoken and used)Religions: 89.5 % Muslim of the total population , others are Hindu, Buddhists, Christians and others.

13、 Independence: 16 December 1971 (from West Pakistan) Economy: Agrarian but readymade garments, textile, fisheries, jute products, pharmaceuticals, tea and leather goods are also major industries.Natural resources: natural gas, arable land, timber, coal 4th m-library international conference, Open un

14、iversity, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 8 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Mobile phone in Bangladesh Bangladesh is one of the few countries in the world that can guarantee each one of its residents can get a cellp

15、hone signal - no matter where they are in the country with a population of over 150 million (BBS, 2012). Citycell is the first cellular company in Bangladesh started operation in 1996.4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 9 Mobile Phone Tec

16、hnology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Continued. GrameenPhone (Widely known as GP) is the second operator that start their operations in 1997. It is a joint venture enterprise between Telenor and Grameen Corporation, a non-profit sister concern o

17、f the internationally acclaimed microfinance organization and community development bank name as Grameen Bank.4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 10 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Percep

18、tions and Paradigm 4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 11 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm In 2006, first Bangladeshi Professor Muhammad Younus and Grameen receive

19、d the Nobel Peace Prize for the economic and social development . PalliPhone (Rural phone, a service of grameenphone for the rural people) was the first mobile tools that reached to the rural women in Bangladesh. Continued . The total number of Mobile Phone subscribers now has reached 94.714million

20、at the end of July 2012 (BTRC, 2012). At present, there are six mobile phone operators are providing mobile phone services in Bangladesh. There name , subscribers are presented in the table. (Table: 1)4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 1

21、2 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Table 1: Mobile phone operators & users in Bd. 4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 13 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Librar

22、y Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Continued . In Bangladesh, 3G is still considered underway. Several major munication operators GrameenPhone, Banglalink, Robi, Airtel, Citycell and government owned Teletalk have been granted the license to operate the new 3G standard

23、. Teletalk has launched its 3G based services in the mid of July 2012 and with no other operator able to launch until late-September (Teletalk, 2012). 4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 14 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Serv

24、ices: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Mobile phone based information services In Bangladesh, mobile phones have e an important element of pilot and live programs across multiple urban development sectors. Primarily its an aid for; Data collection, voice call Information dissemi

25、nation Time savings Decision making, data accuracy and so on. 4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 15 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Continued . Through PushPull

26、or assigned number dialing, six operators are providing the following services to their users (Charge applicable); News services as latest news from BBC, CNN and domestic private TV channels news. Weather information , weather update to its users who request for weather update services. Namaz alerts

27、, providing prayer times information for the Muslim community.4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 16 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Continued . Health line servi

28、ce: Health line is a unique service that provides medical consultation and services to patients 24 hours a day 7 days a week over the mobile phone. At present Banglalink and GrameenPhone are providing health line service. Primary health care; emergency; Doctor, medical facilities in clients areas; R

29、eport consultation 4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 17 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm BDT 5/Minute Received GSMA Award for Best use of Mobile for Social and E

30、conomic Development Works as a lifeline for people in remote areas. Making health care more accessible.4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 18 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions a

31、nd Paradigm Through CIC, GrameenPhone providing internet services for the rural communities. Providing mobile internet Different internet packages with suitable rate.4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 19 Mobile Phone Technology in Academ

32、ic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Making internet services easier for the community people. Providing SN services Sports, entertainment and others. Business & Commerce Online shopping.4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK

33、 25th September , 2012 20 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm GPS based Vehicle tracking!E-ticketing (Only train)E-banking 4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 21 Mobi

34、le Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Banglalink Jigyasha 7676, which provides agricultural information, vegetables, fruit farming, poultry and others. CellBazaar (Market in your pocket)Received GSMA global mobile award Market place t

35、o buy and cell goods 5 million users are now CellBazar processes 1000 posts per day ( )4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 22 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and ParadigmM4Hea

36、lth Grameenphone (GP) has joined an innovative new coalition to improve mother-infant health through a voice- and text messaging service. The service aims to reach 500,000 pregnant women and new mothers within three yearsThe M4H initiative is currently in its design and test phase to build a platfor

37、m to provide both audio and text messages with vital information on antenatal, neonatal, and infant health. The messages will be linked to the womens delivery dates, giving them critical information at the right stage in their pregnancy and early motherhood.4th m-library international conference, Op

38、en university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 23 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Education and mobile services in Bangladesh Bangladeshi educational environment, wireless application can take into various forms. Th

39、e most basic services can be seen made in the form of information delivery such as; examination results, admission status, course registrations, etc., to their respective customers (i.e. students, faculty members and staffs, vendors, etc.). 4th m-library international conference, Open university, Mi

40、lton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 24 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Continued. Common services are information queries and deliveries via sms. Some WAP applications have been observed especially in the European countri

41、es. The University of Northumbria UK, for instance, has been providing campus wide information and various other administrative services to the respondents through WAP services (http:/ Northumbria.ac.uk).4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 201

42、2 25 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Continued Mayer (2002) has introduced several steps through which institutions may follow in providing SMS services; Lectures, meeting schedule, exam dates, academic information; Crucial

43、homework reminders; Urgent messaging; Announcement and Changes in schedule. 4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 26 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Continued Many

44、higher academic institutions in Bangladesh have been providing various wireless phone based services (Table: 2). Yerulshalmy and Ben-Zaken(2004) shows the potential for educational applications is huge. Students use updated educational applications on their phones, share their learning process and e

45、s, without being in the same physical place and they may get personal tailored exams and quizzes on their cellular phones. 4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 27 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University St

46、udents Perceptions and Paradigm4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 28 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and ParadigmServices DU1JU2JU2BAU3BUET4RU5Exam result Admission process S

47、tudent intake information Registration Class schedule Date and venue of exam Help desk Complaints Campaign News TTable 2: Universities and mobile services (Bangladesh) 1 Dhaka Univeristy, 2 Jagannath Univeristy, 3 Jahangirnagar university, 4 Bangladesh Univeristy of Engineering and Technology and 5

48、Rajshahi Univeristy. 4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 29 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Continued. GrameenPhone partners with JAAGO Foundation to bring the cl

49、assroom to remote areas of Bangladesh via the InternetPilot project launched in Tongi, outside Dhaka last December.Online school creates a classroom for children who are deprived of quality education in remote Bangladesh4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th

50、 September , 2012 30 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and ParadigmContinued. In November 2009, GrameenPhone partnered with Microsoft to increase digital literacy among the rural people in Bangladesh (IVR based services)Microsofts Digital

51、Literacy Curriculum is a well-established e-learning module which teaches people basic computer skills, helping them to develop new social and economic opportunities for themselves, their families and their communities.4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th

52、September , 2012 31 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and ParadigmContinued. All the content of the curriculum is in Bengali and aimed particularly at rural students, unemployed youth and women.The curriculum is disseminated through more t

53、han 500 authorized Community Information Centers (CICs) as well as through other vehicles of GrameenPhone initiatives school cyclone shelters, Information Boats and other educational institutions across Bangladesh.4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th Septe

54、mber , 2012 32 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Mobile application on LIS services Wireless technology has the potential to offer many new possibilities for accessing information from online catalogues, online databases, the

55、internet and virtual libraries (Karim, Darus & Hussin, 2006) Today, the convergence of mobile phones and the internet through the WAP standard presents libraries with a real opportunity to deploy wireless phone technology to manage their operations for the following services4th m-library internation

56、al conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 33 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Continued checking records of books borrowed; getting alerts on overdue books; getting alerts on outstanding fines;

57、receiving reminders to return library items that will be due soon; renewing library items; reference enquiry services; receiving text alerts to new resources on the library web site;4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 34 Mobile Phone Tech

58、nology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Continued getting alert on library event information; getting information from the library opac/database; and contacting librarian for help. Currently, libraries are looking for ways to communicate with their

59、users in such an effective manner. Although, the applications are limited to notification, very few libraries in Bangladesh are making the effort to use the wireless application services for such purposes. 4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2

60、012 35 Mobile Phone Technology in Academic Library Services: A Public University Students Perceptions and Paradigm Continued Fig: An outline of system X architecture 4th m-library international conference, Open university, Milton Keynes , UK 25th September , 2012 36 Mobile Phone Technology in Academ


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