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1、讀書破萬卷下筆如有神Part I Noun explanationconvert infection/subclinical infection(隱/性感染 / 亞缶床感染 ):it means only a special immuneresp onse without or with very mild damage to the host after the age nt en tered which can be diag no sed by serologic means with dem on strati on of either a sin gle high titer or

2、a fourfold rise in titer to the in fecti on .It is the most com mon model.carrier state病原攜帶狀態(tài) ):it is a person who is colonized with an organism but shows noevidenee of disease, although disease may have been present earlier. A carrier is a very importa nt source of in fectio n as the orga ni sms ca

3、n be dissem in ated from him.source of infection (傳染源):it is referred to a person or animal in which the pathogen stay and multiply and can be dissem in ated .route of transmission 傳播途徑):the route the pathogen entered another susceptible after bee n dissem in ated from the source of in fectio n.susc

4、eptible 易感者):it is referred to a person who lacks immunity to a specific infectious disease.relapse 復(fù)發(fā)):it means the return of symptoms after they have apparently ceasedduring convalescence which is caused by the multiplication of the pathogen in the host. It is often see n in typhoid fever, malaria

5、, et al.recrudescence 再燃):it means the reappearance of symptoms after temporary cessation.spider angiomata(峽口蛛痣):Spider angiomata are small red macules with fine red lines radiati ngfrom it like spider legs. They bla nch whe n compressed壓之褪色).They represent tiny dilatedcollateral blood vessels and a

6、re seen in patients with chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis.window phase (窗 口期):The window phase is the time from exposure to the organism until oneis tested positive for the infection. Some one in the win dow phase may test n egative but actually be positive and able to spread the organism.street strai

7、n 野毒株 / 街毒株):it is referred to rabies virus isolated from the naturally infected animals or human with strong pathogenecity and long incubation period.fixed strain (固定毒株):After being subcultured in rabbit brain for many times(at least 50times ) , the virule nce of the street strain decreased greatly

8、, but its immunogeni city rema in ed. Itis called fixed strain and often used for vaccine production.Negri body(內(nèi)基/卜體):Negri body is pathognomonic for rabies virus infection. It is ovaleosinophilic neuronal cytoplasmic inclusion measuring 3-10 micron in diameter. They are most讀書破萬卷下筆如有神consistenetly

9、 seen in the pyramidal cells of hippocampus and Purkinje cells of cerebellum.septicemia 敗血癥):Septicemia is an acute generalized infection caused by the invasion into theblood stream of a pathoge nic or an opport uni stic orga ni sm. While stay ing persiste ntly and multiplying rapidly in the blood s

10、tream, these organisms liberate toxins or metabolites which elicit gen eral toxic symptoms and tissue damage of various orga ns.rose spots 玫瑰疹):They are blanking pink macular spots 2-4 mm in diameter at day 713 of typhoid fever. The rash is see n most com monly on the thorax and abdome n, rarely on

11、back and the extremities.herxheimer reaction 赫氏反應(yīng)):It is caused as a direct result of using spirocheticidal drugs (mainly antibiotics) to treat individuals with a spirochetal disease which results in an in crease in the symptoms of the treated con diti on.ectopic lesion( 異位損害):the schistosome eggs a

12、nd/or adult worm migrate and parasitize the organs outside the portal venous system and cause damages. It is relatively high in lung and brain.Hepatorenal syndrome: Acute renal failure occurring without other cause in a person with severeliver disease. The exact cause of hepatorenal syndrome is unkn

13、own. The kidney structure rema ins esse ntially no rmal and the kid neys ofte n will in sta ntly fun cti on well if the liver disease is corrected.Widal test: A test involving agglutination of typhoid bacilli when they are mixed with serum containing typhoid an tibodies from an in dividual hav ing t

14、yphoid fever; used to detect the prese nee of Salm on ella typhi and S. paratyphi.Dane particle: It is complete virion of HBV , and it is composed of envelop and nucleus There are HBsAg glucoprotein and fatty in the envelop, and HBV-DNA, DNAp, HbcAg in the nu cleus .It is the replic on of HBV.SIRS:

15、Systemic inflammatory response syndrome:with two or more of followingconditions: fever( 38 C )or hypothemia(v36 C)tachypnea( 20 breath/min) or PaC02v 4.3 Kpa tachycardia (heart rate 90 beats/mi n) leukocytosis( 12 X1O 9/L) or讀書破萬卷下筆如有神9leucopenia (v 4X10 /L )Part n :the five manifestation of infecti

16、on(感染過程的五種表現(xiàn))Pathogen is killed or eliminated;Covert in fectio n or subcli ni cal infection, it is usually the most com mon;Overt infection or cli ni cal in fecti on: the pathoge n en ter the host and caused damages aswell as immuno logical resp on se. It is usually easy to be recog ni zed in cli ni

17、 cs.Carrier state: It is a very important source of infection;Late nt infection: it is usually see n in herpesviridae, tuberculosis, malaria, et al.Please describe briefly the factors involved in the pathogenecity of a pathogenic病能力包 括哪幾個方面)?Inv asive ness: the ability of the age nt to en ter and to

18、 move through tissues;Virule nee: it is con sists of tox ins and other virule nt factors;Quan tity: bigger qua ntity, stron ger pathoge necity in the same disease;Variability: The pathoge n may mutate un der the pressure of the en vir onment or host.the prerequisite of an epidemic of a com muni cabl

19、e disease傳染病流行的必要條件)Three prerequisite are required for a com muni cable disease to spread. First, there must be asource of in fectio n which dissem in ate pathoge n con ti nu ously. Second, there must some pers onswho lack special immunity to the disease,ie, susceptible. Last, the pathogen must rea

20、ch the susceptible, the route of tran smissi on.the basic characteristic of com muni cable disease傳染病的基本特征)?The main differe nee betwee n com muni cable disease and other disease is that the former hasfour basic characteristics. All com muni cable diseases are in fectious diseases and both are cause

21、d bya pathoge n. But the former have in fectivity/ com muni cability, it is the main differe nce betwee nthem. And com muni cable diseaseshave some epidemiological feature. I n additi on, there is post-i nfectio n immun ity no matter covert in fecti on or overt in fectio n.clinical characteristics /

22、 diagnostic criteria of fulminant hepatitis/hepatitis gravis(重型肝炎 的診斷標準)?Fulminant hepatitis is a rare syndrome usually associated with hepatitis B. It is characterized by讀書破萬卷下筆如有神rapid clinical deterioration. Its diagnostic criteria in our country is:Severe digestive disorder: poor feed ing, n aus

23、ea and freque nt vomit ing, fatigue;Progressively deepe ned jaun dice;Hepatoe ncephalopathy;Hepatore nal syn drome;Decreased volume of liver;Bleed ing pronen ss;Rapidly in creased ascitescli ni cal characteristics / diag no stic criteria of cholestatic hepatitis?Clinical symptoms Jaun dice is the ma

24、in mani festati on and it lasts Ion ger tha n three weeks. Skin itch is usually more severe at ni ght. Rashesca n occur on the n eck, chest, back, and wrists. Stool color becomes lighter and urine color becomes darker. Although there can be many symptoms, the patient usually will not feel extremely

25、ill.Laboratory tests:Direct bilirub in in the serum elevated and its proporti on is more than60% of the total bilirubin. Serum combined bile acid elevated to 10 to 20 times higher than the normal range. AKP, GGT, cholesterol, and 5- nucleotidase are obviously elevated, and the ALT elevati on is mode

26、rate.B-Ultrasound:It can distinguish intra or extra liver mon / main mani festati on of acute viral hepatitisMalaise, ano rexia, fever, dark urine, pale stools, ja un dice, right upper quadra nt pain and ten der hepatomegaly;In creased liver en zymes (ALT, AST), bilirub in, prothromb in time and glo

27、buli n; Serum positive for hepatic virus;May have history of recent ingestion of undercooked shellfish or sewage-c on tam in ated water.he key points of blood culturebefore administration of antibiotics and during chills or high fever;repeat more than 3 timesthe amount of the blood sample should be

28、10ml in adults or older children, 5ml ininfan ts ;讀書破萬卷下筆如有神blood samples should be treated with chemicals if antibiotics was used before or use blood clot for culture.bone marrow culture is recommended;drug sen sitivity test is very n ecessary. therapeutic prin cipals of fulminant menin gococcal me

29、nin gitis?specific antibiotics should be given intravenously promptly. The preferred drug is penicillin;an ti-shock therapy;use of glucocorticoids(糖皮質(zhì)激素)such as methylprednisolone or DXM;if cli ni cal sig ns suggest cerebral edema or the cerebrosp inal fluid pressure is very high, measures to reduce

30、 brain swelli ng are in dicated;an ticoagula nt therapy if DIC is prese nt;supportive therapy to mai nta in vital orga ns.mai n mani festati ons of acute schistosomiasis?The majority of in fected pers on are asymptomatic or have mild, non specific symptoms. On ly5 to 10 percent of infected populations have severe clinical symptoms. They include chills, spik ing fever, gen eralized weak ness, myalgia, headache, ano rexi


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