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1、PAGE PAGE 21 上海市市房屋租賃合同商品房預(yù)租租Leasee Agrreemeent本合同雙方方當(dāng)事人:Two PPartiies oof thhis aagreeementt: 出租方(甲甲方): Lessoor (ppartyy A): 承租方(乙乙方):Lesseee (ppartyy B):根據(jù)中華華人民共和和國合同法法、上上海市房屋屋租賃條例例(以下下簡稱:條例)的規(guī)定,甲甲、乙雙方方在平等、自愿、公公平和誠實實信用的基基礎(chǔ)上,經(jīng)經(jīng)協(xié)商一致致,就乙方方承租甲方方可依法 出租 的 房屋 事宜,訂訂立本合同同。 Accoordinng too Thee Conntracct L

2、aw off Peooples Repubblic of CChinaa, andd thee Reggulattion of SShangghai muniicipaalityy on leasse off Urbban HHousee (heereinnafteer reeferrred tto ass: Reguulatiion), Parrty A aand PPart B thhrouggh neegotiiatioon, hhave execcutedd thiis Coontraact iin thhe maatterrs off leaasingg thee Preemisee

3、s leegallly owwned by PPartyy A tto Paarty B. TThis Conttractt is baseed uppon tthe pprincciplees off equualitty wiillinngnesss, eequitty annd goood ffaithh. 一、出租租或預(yù)租房房屋情況One、TThe ssituaationn of leassing or ppre-lleasiing PPremiises:1-1 甲甲方出租給給乙方的房房屋座落在在本市水城城路16弄8號樓3022室。該房房屋出租(【出出租】實測測)建筑面面積為 平方米米

4、,土地用用途為 居居住 ,房房屋類型為為 、結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)為 。該房屋屋的平面圖圖見本合同同附件(一一)。1-1 TThe PPremiises leassed tto Paarty B byy Parrty AA loccate at RRoom3302 , Buiildinng 8 , Lanee 16 Shuii Cheeng RRoad , Shhanghhai .The bbuildding areaa of the Premmisess (lleasiing) acttual meassure is squaare mmeterrs, thhe ussage of tthe lland i

5、s for resiidenttial purpposess, thhe tyype oof thhe Prremisses iis , thee connstruuctioon iss . Thee flooor pplan of tthe PPremiises is aattacched havee as appeendixx (onne). 1-2甲方方作為該房房屋的 與乙方建建立租賃關(guān)關(guān)系。簽定定本合同前前,甲方已已告知乙方方該房屋 設(shè)定抵押押。1-2 PPartyy A rregarrds aas buiilds up tthe rrelattionsship of lleasiin

6、g wwith Partty B. Befoore ssigniing tthe ccontrract Partty A hhas aalreaady iinforrmed Partty B tthe PPremiises seet coollatterallize.1-3該房房屋的公用用或合用部部位的使用用范圍、條條件和要求求;現(xiàn)有裝裝修、附屬屬設(shè)施、設(shè)設(shè)備狀況和和甲方同意意乙方自行行裝修和增增設(shè)附屬設(shè)設(shè)施的內(nèi)容容、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及及需約定的的有關(guān)事宜宜,由甲、乙雙方分分別在本合合同附件(二)、(三)中加加以列明。甲、乙雙雙方同意該該附件作為為甲方向乙乙方交付該該房屋和本本合同終止止時乙方向向甲方返還

7、還該房屋的的驗收依據(jù)據(jù)。1-3 TThe uuse rrangee connditiion aand rrequiiremeent PPremiises commmon pplacees; tthe ppreseent ddecorratioon、attaachedd faccilitties、the decooratiion aand tthe cconteent sstanddard and otheer reelevaant oof thhe deecoraationn andd atttacheed faaciliitiess inccreassed bby Paarty B, wwh

8、ichh is agreeed bby Paarty A, sshalll be listted iin apppenddix (2), (3) by PPartyy A aand PPartyy B. Partty A and Partty B bothh agrree tthat thiss apppendiixes shalll bee connsideered as tthe iinspeectioon reecordd wheen Paarty A haands overr thee Preemisees too Parrty BB andd wheen Paarty B reetu

9、rnns thhe Prremisses tto Paarty A uppon ccomplletioon off thiis leeasinng teerm iin acccorddancee witth thhis CContrract.二、租賃用用途Two、UUsagee of The PPremiises2-1乙方方向甲方承承諾,租賃賃該房屋作作為 居住住 使用,并并遵守國家家和本市有有關(guān)房屋使使用和物業(yè)業(yè)管理的規(guī)規(guī)定。2-1 PPartyy B ppromiises to Partty A tthat the Premmisess is onlyy for resiidenttial

10、 purpposess , annd shhall obeyy thee rellevannt sttate and locaal reegulaationns abbout use and the manaagemeent oof thhe hoousinng.2-2乙方方保證,在在租賃期內(nèi)內(nèi)未征得甲甲方書面同同意以及按按規(guī)定須經(jīng)經(jīng)有關(guān)部門門審批而未未核準(zhǔn)前,不不擅自改變變上述約定定的使用用用途.2-2 PPartyy B ppromiises thaat itt shaall nnot cchangge thhe ussage of tthe PPremiises withhout get

11、tting the writtten conssent of PPartyy A aand tthe aapprooval of tthe rrelatted ddeparrtmennt acccordding to tthe ttermss herrein duriing tthe LLeasiing tterm. 三、交付日日期和租賃賃期限Threee、Delivvery datee andd leaasingg terrm3-1甲乙乙雙方約定定,甲方于于 年 月 日前且合合同補充條條款第一條條規(guī)定的首首月租金和和保證金到到達(dá)甲方指指定賬戶后后向乙方交交付該房屋屋?!境鲎庾狻糠课葑庾赓U期自

12、 年年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。甲甲方需在房房屋交付日日前做好各各項整修及及清潔工作作。3-1 BBoth Partties agreee thhat PPartyy A sshalll hannd ovver tthe PPremiises to PPartyy B bbeforre afteer Paarty A reeceivved tthe ffirstt monnthlyy renntal and depoosit. Leassing thee leaasingg Terrm iss commmencced ffrom to . Alll maiintennancees annd

13、clleaniing wworkss havve too be finiishedd beffore the Checck-inn Dayy.3-2租賃賃期滿,甲甲方有權(quán)收收回該房屋屋,乙方應(yīng)應(yīng)如期返還還。乙方需需繼續(xù)承租租該房屋的的,則應(yīng)于于租賃期滿滿前兩個月,向向甲方提出出續(xù)租書面面要求,經(jīng)經(jīng)甲方同意意后簽訂租租賃合同。3-2 PPartyy A sshalll havve thhe riight to ttake backk thee Preemisees frrom PPartyy B aand PPartyy B sshalll retturn the Premmisess to P

14、artty A oon tiime uupon the expiiratiion oof leeasinng teerm. Partty B shhall applly foor exxtenssion in wwritiing tto Paarty A twwo (22) moonthss beffore the expiiratiion iif Paarty B inntendds too conntinuue thhe leease, thee neww leaase ccontrract shalll bee siggned afteer geettinng Paarty As app

15、rrovall.四、租金、支付方式式和期限Four、Rentt, Paaymennt Meethodd andd terrm4-1甲、乙雙方約約定,該房房屋每日每每平方米建建筑面積租租金為( / 幣) / ?!境鲎庾狻吭伦饨鸾鹂傆嫗? 人民 幣) 元(大寫寫: / 萬 / 仟 / 佰 / 拾元元 / 角整整)。4-1 TThe ttwo PPartiies aagreee thaat thhe reent oof onne sqquaree metter ffor oone dday iis ( / ) / . Leeasinng tthe mmonthhly rrent is ( RMB )

16、 .該房屋租金金 1 年內(nèi)不變變。自第22 年起,雙雙方可協(xié)商商對租金進(jìn)進(jìn)行調(diào)整。有關(guān)調(diào)整整事宜由甲甲、乙雙方方在補充條條款中約定定. The rrent shalll noot bee chaangedd witthin one yyearss. Thhe reent sshoulld bee inccreassed oor deecreaased fromm thee secoond yeaar. TThe rrelevvant mattters on aadjusstingg shaall bbe sppeciffied in tthe ssuppllemenntaryy claause

17、 by bboth partties. 4-2乙方方應(yīng)于每月月 15日前向甲甲方支付租租金。逾期期支付的,每每逾期一日日,則乙方方需按月租租金的 0.5 %支支付違約金金。4-2 PPartyy B sshalll payy thee rennt beeforee thee 15th day of eeach montth too Parrty AA. Paarty B shhall pay the overrdue paymment finee equuivallent to 0.5 % off thee monnthlyy rennt, payaable for eachh dayy fr

18、oom thhe daate oon whhich the amouunt wwas ddue uuntill thee fullfilllmentt of the paymment.4-3乙方方支付租金金的方式如如下: 詳見補充充條款。 4-3 TThe ppaymeent mmethood off thee rennt iss as folllows: Reefer to AAppenndix. 五、保證金金和其他費費用Five、Secuurityy Deppositt andd othher FFees5-1甲乙乙雙方約定定,甲方交交付該房屋屋時,乙方方應(yīng)向甲方方支付房屋屋租賃保證證金,

19、保證證金為 貳貳 個月的的租金,即即( 人民民 幣) 元元5-1Booth PPartiies aagreee thaat Paarty B shhall pay Partty A secuurityy deppositt wheen Paarty A haandinng ovver PPremiises. Thee seccuritty deeposiit iss twoo(2) montths rrent ( RMB ) .5-2租賃賃期間,使使用該房屋屋所發(fā)生的的水、電、天然氣、通訊、等費費用由 乙方 承擔(dān)。5-2 DDurinng thhe leeasinng teerm, Partt

20、y B shalll bee ressponssiblee forr thee fulll paaymennt off thee Preemisees off thee cossts wwaterr, ellectrricitty, nnaturral ggas aand ccommuunicaationn. 5-3 乙乙方 負(fù)責(zé)支付付的上述費費用,計算算或分?jǐn)傓k辦法,支付付方式和時時間:詳詳見補充條條款。5-3 TThe ccountt, waay off thee shaare, paymment methhod aand ddate of tthe ppaid fee are: Reef

21、er to AAppenndix. 六、房屋使使用要求的的維修責(zé)任任Six、TThe respponsiibiliitiess on Repaair oof thhe Prremisses6-1租賃賃期間,乙乙方發(fā)現(xiàn)該該房屋及其其附屬設(shè)施施有損壞時時,應(yīng)及時時通知甲方方修復(fù);甲甲方應(yīng)在接接到乙方通通知后 叁 日內(nèi)進(jìn)行行維修。逾逾期不維修修的,乙方方可代為維維修,費用用由甲方承承擔(dān)。6-1 DDurinng thhe leeasinng teerm, Partty B shalll innformm Parrty AA to repaair iin thhe evvent thatt thee

22、dammage to tthe PPremiises or ffacillitiees iss occcurreed. PPartyy A sshalll reppair it wwithiin threee(3) dayy aftter rreceiivingg thee nottice. In Casee Parrty AA faiils tto reepairr thee dammage on ttime, Parrty BB cann reppair it iinsteead oof Paarty A annd thhe Paarty A shhall be rrespoonsibbl

23、e ffor tthe ffees. 6-2 租租賃期間,乙乙方應(yīng)合理理使用并愛愛護(hù)該房屋屋及其附屬屬設(shè)施。因因乙方使用用不當(dāng)或不不合理使用用,致使該該房屋及其其附屬設(shè)施施損壞或發(fā)發(fā)生故障的的,乙方應(yīng)應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)維修修。乙方拒拒不維修,費費用由乙方方承擔(dān)。6-2 PPartyy B sshalll takke goood ccare of aand rreasoonablly usse thhe Prremisses aand aattacched faciilitiies ddurinng thhe leeasinng teeam. Partty B shhall be rrespoonsibbl

24、e ffor tthe iimmeddiatee reppair or ccompeensattion for the damaage tto thhe Prremisses oor faaciliitiess duee to Partty Bs imprroperr usee.6-3租賃賃期間,甲甲方督促物物業(yè)管理公公司保證該該房屋及附附屬設(shè)施處處于正常的的使用和安安全的狀態(tài)態(tài)。甲方對對該房屋進(jìn)進(jìn)行檢查、養(yǎng)護(hù),應(yīng)應(yīng)提前 壹 日通知乙乙方。檢查查養(yǎng)護(hù)時,乙乙方應(yīng)予以以配合。甲甲方應(yīng)減少少對乙方使使用該房屋屋的影響。6-3 PPartyy A sshalll guaaranttee tthat

25、the Premmisess shaall bbe unnder the condditioon off usaable and safeety ddurinng thhe leeasinng teerm. Partty A shalll nooticee Parrty BB onee (1) dayy in advaance whille reepairring mainntenaance Premmisess. Paarty B shhall assiist oor coooperrate withh Parrty AA . PPartyy A sshalll redduce the in

26、flluencce off Parrty BBs uusingg of the Premmisess.6-4 除除本合同附附件(三)外,乙方方另需裝修修或者增設(shè)設(shè)附屬設(shè)施施和設(shè)備的的,應(yīng)事先先征得甲方方的書面同同意,按規(guī)規(guī)定須向有有關(guān)部門審審批的,則則還應(yīng)由 甲方委托托乙方 報請有關(guān)關(guān)部門批準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)后,方可可進(jìn)行。乙乙方增設(shè)的的附屬設(shè)施施和設(shè)備歸歸屬及其維維修責(zé)任由由甲、乙雙雙方另行書書面約定. 6-4 IIf Paarty B inntendds too makke reenovaationns orr chaangess to the origginall faccilitties aparr

27、t frrom tthe aappenndix (3) of tthis conttractt, Paarty B shhall do sso onnly afteer obbtainning tthe wwrittten cconseent oof Paarty A. Parrty BB shaall bbe abble tto caarry out the saidd proojectt onlly affter goinng thhrouggh thhe apppliccatioon foormallitiees too thee rellatedd deppartmment in aa

28、ccorrdancce wiith tthe rrelevvant reguulatiions. Thee ownnershhip aand rrespoonsibbilitties of rrepaiiringg thee acccessoory eequippmentt shaall bbe sttipullatedd at somee othher ttime by PPartyy A aand PPartyy B.七、房屋返返還時的狀狀態(tài)Sevenn、Thee staate oof thhe reeturnned PPremiises7-1 除除甲方同意意乙方續(xù)租租外,乙方方應(yīng)在本合合

29、同的租期期滿后的 當(dāng) 日內(nèi)返還還該房屋,未未經(jīng)甲方同同意逾期返返還房屋的的,每逾期期一日,乙乙方應(yīng)按 / 元平平方米(幣)向向甲方支付付該房屋占占用費。(詳詳見補充條條款)7-1 EExceppt thhat PPartyy A aagreees Paarty B exxtendds thhis ccontrract, Parrty BB shaall rreturrn thhe Prremisses aat thhe exxpiraationn of the leassing termm. Inn casse Paarty B faails to ddo, sso Paarty B shha

30、ll pay / per day per meteer sqquaree metter ffor tthe ooccuppatioon feee off thee Preemisees.(RReferr to Appeendixx.)7-2 乙乙方返還該該房屋應(yīng)當(dāng)當(dāng)符合正常常使用后的的狀態(tài)。返返還時,應(yīng)應(yīng)經(jīng)甲方驗驗收認(rèn)可,并并相互結(jié)清清各自應(yīng)當(dāng)當(dāng)承擔(dān)的費費用。7-2 TThe PPremiises shalll bee in the normmal sstateementt. Whhile retuurninng, tthe PPremiises shalll bee cheeckedd fo

31、rr accceptaance and the two partties shalll paay upp thee chaargess ougght tto bee borrne bby eaach ootherr.八、轉(zhuǎn)租、轉(zhuǎn)讓和交交換Eightt、Subllettiing, trannsferr andd excchangge8-1除甲甲方已在本本合同補充充條款中同同意乙方轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)租外,乙乙方在租賃賃期內(nèi),需需事先征得得甲方的書書面同意,方方可將該房房屋部分或或全部轉(zhuǎn)讓讓給他人。但同一間間居住房屋屋,乙方不不得部分或或同時轉(zhuǎn)租租給二個或或二個以上上的承租人人。8-1 PPartyy B ssh

32、alll be alloowed to ssubleet thhe prremisses iin paart oor inn whoole tto thhird Partty onnly aafterr getttingg Parrty AAs wrritteen coonsennt duuringg thee leaasingg terrm unnlesss Parrty AA autthoriizes Partty B to ssubleet thhe Prremisses iin thhe Suuppleementtary Agreeemennt maade bby Paarty A a

33、nnd Paarty B. PPartyy B sshalll nott subblet the samee Preemisees inn parrt orr subblet the Premmisess to moree thaan twwo otther Perssons.8-2乙方方轉(zhuǎn)租該房房屋,應(yīng)按按規(guī)定與受受租方訂立立書面合同同的轉(zhuǎn)租合合同并按規(guī)規(guī)定向該房房屋所在區(qū)區(qū)、縣房地地產(chǎn)交易中中心或農(nóng)場場系統(tǒng)受理理處辦理,登登記備案。8-2 WWhen Partty B subllets the Premmisess, Paarty B shhall conccludee wriittenn

34、 subbleassing Conttractt witth thhe suub leesseee andd reggisteer inn thee preemisees trransaactioon ceenterr of disttrictt/couuntryy or acceeptannce bbureaau off farrm syystemm wheere tthe ppremiises locaate iin acccorddancee witth reegulaationns.8-3在租租賃期內(nèi),乙乙方將該房房屋轉(zhuǎn)讓給給他人承租租或與他人人承擔(dān)的房房屋進(jìn)行交交換,必須須事先征得得

35、甲方書面面同意。轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓或交換換后,該房房屋承租權(quán)權(quán)的受讓人人或交換人人應(yīng)與甲方方簽定租賃賃主體變更更合同并繼繼續(xù)履行本本合同。8-3 DDurinng leeasinng teerm, Partty B shalll noot suubleaase tthe ppremiises to tthirdd Parrty oor exxchannge iit wiith tthirdd Parrty uunlesss a writtten conssent fromm Parrty AA hass be grannted. Aftter ssubleettinng, tthe ssucceessor

36、r of the leasse riight of tthe PPremiises shalll exxecutte a prinncipaal paart aalterratioon coontraact wwith Partty A and conttinuee to fulffill thiss conntracct.8-4在租租賃期內(nèi),甲甲方如需出出售該房屋屋,應(yīng)提前前三個月通通知乙方。乙方放棄棄優(yōu)先購買買權(quán)。轉(zhuǎn)讓讓后,甲方方應(yīng)保證受受讓人與乙乙方簽定租租賃主體變變更合同并并繼續(xù)履行行本合同。8-4 DDurinng leeasinng teerm, Partty A shalll i

37、nnformm Parrty BB thrree(33) moonthss in advaance , Paarty B giives up tthe rrightt of preeemptiion. Afteer prroperrty ttranssactiion, Partty A shalll guuaranntee the succcessoor off thee proopertty shhall execcute a prrinciipal partt altternaationn conntracct wiith PPartyy B aand ccontiinue to fful

38、fiill tthis conttractt九、解除本本合同的條條件Nine、 connditiions to ttermiinatee thee Conntracct9-1甲、乙雙方同同意在租賃賃期內(nèi),有有下列之一一的,本合合同終止,雙雙方互不承承擔(dān)責(zé)任。9-1 DDurinng thhe leeasinng teerm, the contrract shalll bee terrminaated whenn anyy of the folllowinng coondittion occuurs aand ttwo ppartiies sshalll nott be respponsiibl

39、e for eachh othher.(一)該房房屋占用范范圍內(nèi)的土土地使用權(quán)權(quán)依法提前前收回的;(a) TThe rrightt to the use of lland on wwhichh thee Preemisees loocatee be legaally takeen baack iin addvancce;(二)該房房屋因社會會公共利益益或城市建建設(shè)需要被被依法征用用的;(b) TThe PPremiises be ttakenn bacck foor thhe neeed oof puublicc intteresst orr the cityys coonstrructiio

40、n;(三) 該該房屋毀損損、滅失或或者被鑒定定為危險房房屋的;(c) TThe PPremiises be damaaged, misssingg or be aautheenticcatedd as danggerouus Prremisses;9-2甲甲、乙雙方方同意,有有下列情形形之一的,一一方可書面面通知另一一方解除本本合同。違違反本合同同的一方,應(yīng)應(yīng)向另一方方按月租金金的 兩 倍支付違違約金;給給對方造成成損失的,支支付的違約約金不足抵抵付一方損損失的,還還應(yīng)賠償造造成的損失失與違約金金的差額部部分:9-2TThe bboth sidees aggree thatt Onee Par

41、rty shaall iinforrm thhe otther Partty in writtten to ttermiinatee thee Conntracct unnder the folllowinng coondittionss. Thhe deefaulltingg Parrty shaall ppay tto thhe otther Partty thee liqquidaated damaages equiivaleent tto twwo(2) timmes oof thhe moonthlly reent. If tthe ffinannciall lossses incu

42、urredd to the otheer Paarty exceeed tthe aamounnt off thee liqquidaated damaages, thee deffaultting Partty shhall comppensaate tthe ddeficcienccy.(一)甲方方未按時交交付該房屋屋,經(jīng)乙方方催告后 拾伍 日內(nèi)仍未未交付的;(a) PPartyy A ffailss to deliiver the Premmisess on scheedulee andd faiils tto doo so withhin ffifteeen(115) ddays af

43、teer reecepttion of PPartyy Bs summmon eexhorrtatiion. (二)甲方方交付的該該房屋不符符合本合同同的約定,致致使不能實實現(xiàn)租賃目目的的;或或甲方交付付的房屋存存在缺陷,危危及乙方安安全的。(b) TThe PPremiises Partty A ddelivveredd be not in aaccorrdancce wiith tthe aagreeementt of Conttractt whiich lleadss to faill to fulffill the aim of tthe rrent. Or the PPremiise

44、s be ddefecctivee to endaangerr thee saffety off Parrty B.(三)乙方方未征得甲甲方書面同同意改變房房屋用途,致致使房屋損損壞的;(c) PPartyy B trransfformss thee usaage oof thhe Prremisses wwithoout tthe wwrittten aagreeementt of Partty A wwhichh dammagedd thee Preemisees;(四)因乙乙方原因造造成房屋主主體結(jié)構(gòu)損損壞的;(d) TThe damaage oof maain sstruccturee

45、 of the Proppertyy cauused by PPartyy B;(五)乙方方擅自轉(zhuǎn)租租該房屋、轉(zhuǎn)讓該房房屋承租權(quán)權(quán)或與他人人交換各自自承租的房房屋的;(e) PPartyy B ssubleets thee Preemisees orr thee rigght oof thhe teenanccy orr exchhangee the Premmisess witth ottherss witthoutt Parrty AAs cconseent;(六)乙方方逾期不支支付租金累累計超過 壹 個月的; (f) PPartyy B ffailss to pay the rentt

46、on scheedulee forr lonnger thann onee(1) montth; 十、違約責(zé)責(zé)任Ten、LLiabiilitiies ffor BBreacch off conntracct10-1該該房屋交付付時存在缺缺陷的,甲甲方應(yīng)自交交付之日起起的 拾 日內(nèi)進(jìn)行行修復(fù),逾逾期不修復(fù)復(fù)的,甲方方同意減少少租金并變變更有關(guān)租租金條款。 10-1 if tthe PPremiises has defeect wwhen deliiveriing, Partty A shalll reepairr thee Preemisees wiithinn ten(10) dayss. I

47、ff Party A ffailss to repaair iit, PPartyy A aagreee to reduuce tthe rrent and channge tthe rrelatted iitemss of the rentt claause.10-2因因甲方未在在本合同中中告知乙方方,該房屋屋出租前已已抵押或產(chǎn)產(chǎn)權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)移已已受到限制制,造成乙乙方損失的的,甲方應(yīng)應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)賠償償。10-2 Partty A sshalll be fullly reesponnsiblle foor anny daamagees orr lossses to PPartyy B iif Paarty

48、 A hhas nnot iinforrmed Partty B tthe PPremiises had beenn pleedgedd or the trannsferr of the proppertyy rigght hhad bbeen limiited in tthe ccontrract.10-3租租賃期間,甲甲方不及時時履行本合合同約定的的維修、養(yǎng)養(yǎng)護(hù)責(zé)任,致致使房屋損損壞,造成成乙方財產(chǎn)產(chǎn)損失或人人身傷害的的,甲方應(yīng)應(yīng)承擔(dān)賠償償責(zé)任。 10-3 duriing lleasiing tterm, Parrt A shalll paay foor thhe looss oor an

49、ny boodilyy harrm too parrty BB cauused by tthe ddamagge off thee Preemisees reesultting fromm Parrty A ffailiing tto peerforrm thhe reesponnsibiilitiies ffor rrepaiir annd maainteenancce sttipullatedd in the conttractt.10-4租租賃期間,非非合同的情情況甲方擅擅自解除本本合同,提提前收回該該房屋的,甲甲方應(yīng)按提提前收回天天數(shù)租金的的 兩 倍向乙方方支付違約約金。若支支付的違約

50、約金不足抵抵付乙方損損失的,甲甲方還應(yīng)負(fù)負(fù)責(zé)賠償。10-4 If Paarty A ttermiinatees thhe coontraact aand ttakess bacck thhe Prremisses in aadvannce ffor ccausees otther thann conntracct duuringg leaasingg terrm, ppartyy A sshalll payy thee liqquidaated damaages equiivaleent tto ttwo(22) tiimes of tthe ddailyy renntal leftt of

51、the Premmisess to Partty B. shouuld tthe lliquiidateed daamagees noot too be enouugh tto paay foor Paarty Bss losss, PPartyy A sshalll be respponsiible for the defiicienncy.10-5乙乙方未征得得甲方書面面同意或者者超出甲方方書面同意意的范圍和和要求裝修修房屋增設(shè)設(shè)附屬設(shè)施施的,甲方方可以要求求乙方恢復(fù)復(fù)房屋原狀狀。10-5 If PPartyy B rrenovvatess andd insstallls addditio

52、onal faciilitiies iin thhe leeasedd Preemisees wiithouut thhe appprovval oof Paarty A, Partty A hhas tthe rrightt to requuest Partty B tto resttore the Premmisess to its origginall staate.10-6租租賃期間,非非本合同規(guī)規(guī)定的情況況,乙方中中途擅自退退租的,甲甲方可沒收收乙方的保保證金,不不足抵付甲甲方損失的的,乙方還還負(fù)責(zé)賠償償。10-6 If Paarty B ttermiinatees thhe coo

53、ntraact aand ggivess bacck thhe Prremisses iin addvancce foor caausess othher tthan Conttractt durring leassing termm, Paarty A sshalll seiizuree thee seccuritty deeposiit annd iff thee seccuritty deeposiit noot too be enouugh tto paay foor Paarty Ass losss, PPartyy B sshalll be respponsiible for th

54、e defiicienncy.十一、其他他條款Eleveen、Otherrs teerms11-1租租賃期間,甲甲方需抵押押該房屋,應(yīng)應(yīng)當(dāng)書面告告知乙方。11-1 Durinng leeasinng teerm, if PPartyy A nneedss to morttgagee thee Preemisees, PPart A shhall infoorm PPartyy B wwith writtten notiice. 11-2本本合同未盡盡事宜,經(jīng)經(jīng)甲、乙雙雙方協(xié)商一一致,可訂訂立補充條條款。本合合同補充條條款及附件件均為本合合同不可分分割的一部部分,本合合同及其補補充條款和和附件內(nèi)

55、空空格部分填填寫的文字字與鉛印文文字具有同同等效力。11-2 Partty A and B shhall makee thee suppplemmentaary aagreeementts foor thhe unnaccoounteed teerm oof thhis aagreeementt thrroughh neggotiaationn bettweenn Parrty AA andd B. all suppplemeentarry teerms in tthe aagreeementt andd atttachmment shalll bee inttegraal paarts of

56、 tthe ccontrract the writtten wordds fiilledd in the blannk off suppplemmentaary ttermss andd atttachmmentss in the conttractt shaall bbe off equuallyy autthenttic wwith the prinnted wordds off thee oriiginaal leease conttractt.11-3甲甲、乙雙方方在簽署本本合同時,對對各自的權(quán)權(quán)利、義務(wù)務(wù)、責(zé)任清清楚明白,并并愿按本合合同規(guī)定索索賠。如一一方違反本本合同,另另一方有權(quán)

57、權(quán)按本合同同規(guī)定索賠賠。11-3 Partty A and B shhall be ttotallly aawaree of his righhts, dutiies, and respponsiibiliitiess wheen siigninng thhe coontraact. If anny paarty breaachess thee conntracct, tthe ootherr parrty sshalll havve thhe riight to cclaimm forr dammagess in accoordannce wwith the termms off thiis

58、 coontraact.11-4甲甲、乙雙方方就履行本本合同發(fā)生生糾紛,應(yīng)應(yīng)通過協(xié)商商解決;協(xié)協(xié)商解決不不成的,雙雙方同意選選擇下列第第 (二) 種方式式解決:11-4 Any disppute arissing out duriing tthe pperfoormannce oof thhe coontraact sshalll be resoolvedd by frieendlyy connsulttatioons, if aan ammicabble aagreeementt cannnot be rreachhed, Partty A and Partty B agreee too s

59、ollve tthe ddispuute bby thhe waay (bb).(一)、提提交 / 仲仲裁委員會會仲裁;(a). Submmit tthe ddispuute tto / Arbiitrattion Commmissiion(二)、依依法向人民民法院起訴訴。(b)Suubmitt thee dissputee to Peopple s Coourt.11-6本本合同連同同附件一式式 三 份。其中中:甲方執(zhí)執(zhí)一份、乙乙方執(zhí)一份份, 一份份,均具有有同等效力力。11-6 thiss Conntracct toogethher wwith the attaachmeent hhas

60、tthreee (3) oriiginaals aamongg whiich eeach partty keeeps one or ttwo, shhall keepp onee. Alll thhe orriginnals havee thee samme efffectt. 本合同自簽簽字生效。The ccontrract shalll coome iinto effeect ssubjeect tto siigninng 補 充 條 款A(yù)ppenndix在本合同簽簽訂后的 拾 天內(nèi)內(nèi),乙方應(yīng)應(yīng)向甲方支支付首月租租金及相當(dāng)當(dāng)于 貳 個月租 金的保證證金,合計計為RMBB (大寫:人民幣 )


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