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2、和和科技經濟濟信息的重重要渠道。本刊主要要刊登我國國當前信息息化有關的的科技、經經濟、教育育、管理等等方面具有有一定學術術和應用價價值的學術術文獻和反反映各學科科、各領域域的新成果果、新技術術、新工藝藝、新產品品等方面的的論述文章章。七、主要欄欄目1. 經經濟管理研研究:國際際經貿、物物流論壇、商業(yè)研究究、物流平平臺、供應應鏈管理、資本運營營、區(qū)域經經濟、投資資分析、產產業(yè)經濟、網絡營銷銷、企業(yè)管管理、經營營管理、營營銷策略、品牌戰(zhàn)略略、市場調調研、人力力資源、企企業(yè)文化、財務審計計、財經論論壇、學術術研究、管管理科學。2. 信信息化研究究:信息技技術與安全全、通訊技技術、網絡絡技術、自自動識

3、別技技術與應用用、電子商商務、支付付與結算、供應鏈管管理、數(shù)據(jù)據(jù)庫與數(shù)據(jù)據(jù)庫管理、案例分析析。3. 科科技研究:科技項目目、科技政政策 、科科技成果、科學普及及、技術市市場、科技技新品、實實用科技、科學實踐踐等、機電電一體化、電氣自動動化。4. 教教育教學研研究:教學學研究、教教育生活、課程與教教學、教育育信息化、職教時空空、教學園園地、信息息化教學等等。5. 工工程技術研研究:建筑筑工程、生生物工程、醫(yī)學工程程、環(huán)境科科學、礦業(yè)業(yè)工程、市市政建設、水利工程程、交通工工程等。八、讀者對對象經濟領域和和信息化領領域的管理理人員、科科技企業(yè)科科研開發(fā)人人員、高等等院校師生生、信息化化技術科研研人員

4、,社社會各界關關注經濟發(fā)發(fā)展和信息息化發(fā)展的的各界人士士。聯(lián)系方式 TEEL:0110-6333091185 Emmail: HYPERLINK mailto: m Some of tthe mmaterrial pressenteed inn thiis arrticlle waas exxcerppted withh perrmisssion fromm Thee Datta Moodel Resoourcee Boook: AA Libbraryy of Logiical Dataa Moddels and Dataa Warrehouuse DDesiggns ppubliishedd

5、 by Johnn Willey aand SSons and authhoredd by Len Silvverstton, W. HH. Innmon and Kentt Graazianno. The CConceept The aage oof thhe daata mmodeller aas arrtisaan iss passsingg. Orrganiizatiions can no llongeer afffordd thee labbor oor tiime rrequiired for handdcrafftingg datta moodelss froom sccratc

6、ch. IIn reesponnse tto thhese consstraiints, thee agee of the dataa moddelerr as engiineerr is dawnning. Enginneerss buiild nnew pproduucts usinng prrovenn commponeents and mateerialls. IIn daata mmodelling, thee anaaloguue too a ccompoonentt is a uuniveersall datta moodel. A univversaal daata mmode

7、ll is a geeneriic orr temmplatte daata mmodell thaat caan bee useed ass a bbuildding blocck too jummp-sttart deveelopmment of tthe ccorpooratee datta moodel, loggicall datta moodel or ddata wareehousse daata mmodell. Resisstancce too thee usee of univversaal daata mmodells iss usuuallyy bassed oon t

8、hhe beelieff thaat a partticullar oorgannizattion has uniqque nneedss or the dreaaded nott invventeed heere synddromee. Thhis aarticcle ddescrribess thee appplicaationn of univversaal daata mmodells too sevverall dissparaate oorgannizattionss. Itt demmonsttratees thhat tthe ssame basiic moodelss, wi

9、ith mminorr cusstomiizatiion, can be ssucceessfuully appllied in eeach exammple. One SSize Fitss Alll? The bbelieef thhat aa parrticuular orgaanizaationn is uniqque bbecauuse oof itts miissioons, goalls, ppoliccies, vallues, funnctioons, proccessees annd ruules can be vvery stroong. Afteer alll, sso

10、me busiinessses ssell to ppeoplle annd ottherss selll too othher oorgannizattionss. Soome ddeal withh prooductts annd ottherss deaal wiith sserviices. Eacch inndusttry hhas iits oown sset oof buusineess iissuees, aand eeach orgaanizaationn witthin an iindusstry variies aas muuch aas thhe diifferrenc

11、ees beetweeen thhe peersonnalitties of vvarioous iindivviduaals. Peoplle annd Orrganiizatiions A subbjectt datta arrea tthat is ccommoon too mosst ennterpprisees innvolvves tthe ppeoplle annd orrganiizatiions thatt aree parrt off connductting busiinesss. Thhere is aan immporttant needd to tracck thh

12、e naames, adddressses, conttact numbbers and variious relaationnshipps annd innteraactioons bbetweeen tthe ppartiies cconduuctinng buusineess. Enteerpriises needd to tracck innformmatioon abbout custtomerrs, ddistrributtors, ageents and suppplierrs ass welll ass thee intternaal orrganiizatiions and

13、peopple wwithiin thhe ennterpprisee. Thhis ttype of iinforrmatiion iis crriticcal tthrouughouut alll asspectts off bussinesss inncludding salees, mmarkeetingg, cuustommer sserviice, purcchasiing, shipppingg, innvoiccing, buddgetiing, accoountiing aand hhumann ressourcces. Enterrprisses sspendd siggn

14、ifiicantt efffort and timee deffininng thhe moost eeffecctivee wayys too moddel tthis typee of infoormattion. Thee datta moodel may leadd to sub-optiimal soluutionns iff carrefull anaalysiis iss nott connductted. For exammple, manny daata mmodells deepictt sepparatte enntitiies ffor eeach typee of p

15、artty thhat eexistts inn an enteerpriise. Therre maay bee enttitiees foor CUUSTOMMER, SUPPPLIERR, INNTERNNAL OORGANNIZATTION, BROOKER, EMPPLOYEEE, IINVESSTOR and any otheer roole tthat a peersonn or orgaanizaationn mayy plaay inn thee entterprrise. Theree aree prooblemms wiith mmodelling the infoorm

16、attion thiss wayy. Whhat iif a persson oor orrganiizatiion pplayss morre thhan oone rrole in tthe oorgannizattion? Forr insstancce, wwhat if aan orrganiizatiion ssuppllies prodductss andd/or servvicess to our orgaanizaationn andd alsso buuys pproduucts fromm us? Doees thhis mmean thatt we mainntainn

17、 theeir nname, adddressses, conttact numbbers and otheer orrganiizatiionall infformaationn in bothh thee CUSSTOMEER annd SUUPPLIIER eentitties? Undder tthis scennarioo, iff a nname or aaddreess cchangges, the infoormattion needds too be channged in ttwo pplacees. FFurthhermoore, doess thee orgganizz

18、atioon pllay ootherr rolles ssuch as aan aggent of tthe ccompaany oor a disttribuutor of pproduucts? Eacch tiime aan orrganiizatiionss rolle iss moddeledd as a seeparaate eentitty, ttheree is a pootenttial for reduundannt annd innconssisteent iinforrmatiion. The ssame arguumentt apppliess to peopple

19、. Shouuld wwe haave aa sepparatte EMMPLOYYEE eentitty ass welll ass a CCONTRRACTOOR enntityy? Whhat iif a conttracttor bbecommes aan emmployyee oof thhe ennterpprisee or vicee verrsa? The perssonss namme, ddemoggraphhics and conttact infoormattion may stilll bee thee samme. TThe oonly thinng thhat h

20、has cchangged iis thhe naaturee of the relaationnshipp bettweenn thee parrtiess. It onnly mmakess sennse tto reefer to ppre-ddefinned ttempllatess or univversaal daata mmodells whhen mmodelling commmon ddata struucturres. Univversaal daata mmodells caan pooint out the mostt efffectiive mmeanss to ma

21、inntainn thiis innformmatioon annd asssuree thaat suubtlee, yeet immporttant, datta inntegrrity issuues aare nnot ooverllookeed. Peoplle annd Orrganiizatiion IInforrmatiion Figurres 11, 2, 3 aand 44 deppict univversaal daata mmodells foor thhe peeoplee andd orgganizzatioons iinvollved in cconduuctin

22、ng buusineess. Thesse daata mmodells inncludde innformmatioon cooncerrningg thee rellatioonshiips bbetweeen eeach persson aand oorgannizattion as wwell as ttheirr asssociaated conttact infoormattion. Beforre beeginnning our disccussiion oof thhese modeels, lets cllariffy soome ddata modeelingg connv

23、enttionss. Enntitiies aare rrepreesentted uusingg rouundedd-edgge reectanngulaar booxes. Subb-typpes aare rrepreesentted bby shhowinng booxes withhin tthe llargeer boox. FFor eexampple, in FFigurre 1, ORGGANIZZATIOON annd PEERSONN aree botth reepressenteed ass subb-typpes oof PAARTY. The lliness bet

24、tweenn enttitiees deefinee rellatioonshiips. The dashhed ssectiion oof eaach lline reprresennts tthat a reelatiionshhip iis opptionnal. For exammple, in Figuure 11, a PARTTY dooes nnot nnecesssariily hhave an aassocciateed PAARTY DEFIINITIION. The partt of the linee cloosestt to PARTTY DEEFINIITIONN

25、 is soliid, aand tthis reprresennts aa manndatoory rrelattionsship. Theerefoore, eachh PARRTY DDEFINNITIOON muust bbe asssociiatedd witth a relaated PARTTY. TThe ssmalll croossedd linne accrosss thee PARRTY DDEFINNITIOON too PARRTY rrelattionsship speccifiees thhat tthe kkey tto PAARTY (parrty_iid)

26、iis inncludded aas paart oof thhe keey too PARRTY DDEFINNITIOON. The crowws feeet (thrree ssmalll linnes aat thhe ennd off eacch reelatiionshhip lline) dennote a onne-too-manny (11:M) relaationnshipp. Foor exxamplle, EEach PARTTY maay bee deffinedd by one or mmore PARTTY DEEFINIITIONNs. VVice verssa

27、, eeach PARTTY DEEFINIITIONN musst bee useed too deffine one and onlyy onee PARRTY ssincee thee linne frrom PPARTYY DEFFINITTION to PPARTYY doees noot ennd wiith aa crrows foott. Now lletss disscusss thee datta moodelss. Fiiguree 1 iidenttifiees a supeer-tyype nnamedd PARRTY, withh twoo subb-typpes,

28、 PERSSON aand OORGANNIZATTION. Infformaationn aboout aa perrson or oorgannizattion is mmainttaineed inndepeendennt off theeir rroless or relaationnshipps. TThis leadds too a mmuch moree staable and normmalizzed ddata struucturre siince infoormattion abouut vaariouus peeoplee andd orgganizzatioons ii

29、s onnly sstoreed onnce. The samee infformaationn cann theen bee asssociaated withh eacch off thee parrtyss rolles. The rreasoon thhat PPERSOON annd ORRGANIIZATIION aare bboth sub-typeed innto aa PARRTY eentitty iss thaat thhere is ccommoon innformmatioon reelateed too botth peeoplee andd orgganizzat

30、ioons ssuch as ttheirr creedit ratiing, creddit llimitt, adddresss, pphonee nummber, faxx nummber or ee-maiil adddresss. AAddittionaally, orgganizzatioons aand ppeoplle caan seerve in ssimillar rroless. Booth ppeoplle annd orrganiizatiions may be bbuyerrs, sselleers, membbers or ppartiies tto a cont

31、tractt. Paartiees maay bee claassiffied intoo varriouss cattegorries (i.ee., iindusstry codees, mminorrity classsifiicatiions) usiing tthe PPARTYY DEFFINITTION whicch sttoress eacch caategoory iinto whicch paartiees maay beelongg. Figurre 2 depiicts thatt eacch PAARTY may be iinvollved in oone oor m

32、oore PPARTYY RELLATIOONSHIIPs. PARTTY REELATIIONSHHIP iis ussed tto deefinee thee rellatioonshiip beetweeen twwo paartiees. AAn occcurrrencee of a PAARTY RELAATIONNSHIPP mayy be betwween two orgaanizaationns, ssuch as aa cusstomeer reelatiionshhip tto ann intternaal coompanny. TThe rrelattionsship m

33、ay be bbetweeen aa perrson and an oorgannizattionforr exaamplee, ann empployeee off an inteernall commpanyy. Fiinallly, tthe rrelattionsship may be bbetweeen ttwo ppeoplle. AAn exxamplle off thiis iss thee rellatioonshiip beetweeen a purcchasiing aagentt andd theeir pprefeerredd suppplieer reepresse

34、ntaativee. Thhe PAARTY RELAATIONNSHIPP TYPPE deefinees thhe poossibble ttypess of relaationnshipps. PPossiible insttancees off PARRTY RRELATTIONSSHIP TYPEE aree emmployyer/eemplooyee, pparennt/suubsiddiaryy, aand custtomerr/cusstomeer reepressentaativee. TThe PPARTYY TYPPE ROOLE ddefinnes tthe ttwo

35、ppartss of the relaationnshipp. Foor exxamplle, oone rrole of tthe rrelattionsship may be emplloyerr annd thhe otther rolee forr thaat saame rrelattionsship may be emplloyeee. FFinallly, the PARTTY PRRIORIITY aand PPARTYY RELLATIOONSHIIP STTATUSS TYPPE enntitiies aalloww eacch PAARTY RELAATIONNSHIPP

36、 to be ppriorritizzed (highh, meediumm, loow) aand ddefinned vvia aa staatus (acttive, inaactivve). By diistinnguisshingg wheetherr infformaationn shoould be aassocciateed wiith tthe PPARTYY or the PARTTY REELATIIONSHHIP, we ccan aavoidd datta annomallies. Forr exaamplee, maany ddata modeels aassocc

37、iatee a sstatuus wiith aa PARRTY. Thiss doees noot acccounnt foor thhe faact tthat threee saales reprresenntatiives may havee thrree ddistiinct relaationnshipps wiith tthe ssame partty. EEach salees reepressentaativee mayy wannt too reccord a diifferrent stattus ffor ttheirr rellatioonshiip wiith tt

38、he ppartyy. Iff thee staatus weree stoored withh thee PARRTY, thenn thee salles rrepreesenttativves wwouldd havve too oveerridde eaach ootherrs iinforrmatiion. In aactuaalityy, thhere are reallly tthreee sepparatte reelatiionshhips, andd thee staatus shouuld bbe asssociiatedd witth thhe PAARTY RELAA

39、TIONNSHIPP. Figurres 33 reppreseents addrress or llocattion infoormattion abouut paartiees. IIt shhows thatt ADDDRESSS is its own entiity aand ccan bbe appplieed too manny paartiees. TThe PPARTYY ADDDRESSS is a crross-refeerencce orr asssociaativee enttity thatt alllows eachh parrty tto haave mmany

40、addrressees (hhome addrress, worrk adddresss) aand eeach addrress to hhave manyy parrtiess (ann offfice locaationn of manyy empployeees). Eacch PAARTY ADDRRESS may havee manny PAARTY ADDRRESS ROLEES annd viice vversaa. Thhese relaationnshipps deetermmine the purppose of tthe aaddreess. Exammpless of

41、 PARTTY ADDDRESSS ROOLE iincluude corpporatte heeadquuarteers, saales offiice and warrehouuse. Figurre 4 is aa moddel tto maaintaain pphonee nummberss, faax nuumberrs, ccell numbbers, e-mmail addrressees annd alll otther CONTTACT MECHHANISSMs. Insttead of ddefinning thesse coontacct meechannismss as

42、 attrributtes, thiss moddel pproviides flexxibillity in aallowwing as mmany conttact mechhanissms tto bee stoored for a PAARTY or PPARTYY LOCCATIOON ass neeeded. Thee CONNTACTT MECCHANIISM TTYPE entiity iidenttifiees thhe tyype oof meechannism suchh as phonne, ffax, celllularr or pageer. TThe PPARTY

43、Y CONNTACTT MECCHANIISM iis ann asssociaativee enttity thatt alllows eachh CONNTACTT MECCHANIISM tto bee rellatedd to manyy PARRTY AADDREESSess or PARTTYs (a shharedd tellephoone nnumbeer foor seeveraal coonsulltantts). Convverseely, eachh PARRTY oor PAARTY ADDRRESS may be ccontaactedd viaa manny PA

44、ARTY CONTTACT MECHHANISSMs (a peersonn or locaationn witth nuumeroous ccontaact mmechaanismms off difffereent ttypess). The lline connnectiing tthe ttwo rrelattionsshipss undder PPARTYY CONNTACTT MECCHANIISM rrepreesentts ann excclusiive aarc aand sstatees thhat eeitheer onne off theese rrelattionss

45、hipss exiists, butt nott botth. AA PARRTY CCONTAACT MMECHAANISMM mayy be eithher tthe mmechaanismm to conttact a PAARTY or aa PARRTY AADDREESS. Simiilar to aaddreessess, coontacct meechannismss mayy havve rooles. Exaamplees off PARRTY CCONTAACT MMECHAANISMM ROLLE TYYPEs incllude gennerall infformaat

46、ionn nummber, ssaless infformaationn annd ccustoomer servvice numbber. Afterr exttensiive aanalyysis and conssiderratioon off manny allternnate dataa moddels, I bbelieeve tthat thesse foour uuniveersall datta moodelss reppreseent aa verry efffecttive way to mmodell peoople and orgaanizaationns foor

47、moost eenterrprisses. Now lets taake aa loook att howw theese uuniveersall datta moodelss cann be appllied to sspeciific enteerpriises. A Mannufaccturiing EEnterrprisse Letss connsideer thhe neeeds of aa parrticuular typee of enteerpriise, speccificcallyy a mmanuffactuuringg firrm. SSuppoose tthis f

48、irmm mannufaccturees peersonnal ccompuuterss. Thhey ssell theiir prroduccts tto reetaill chaains, disstribbutorrs annd diirecttly tto inndiviidualls annd orrganiizatiions. It is iimporrtantt to recoord ccontaact iinforrmatiion oon eaach ddistrributtor aand tthe ppeoplle wiithinn thoose oorgannizatti

49、onss. Thhey nneed to ttrackk suppplieer innformmatioon too inddicatte whho prroviddes PPC coomponnentss forr theeir mmachiines. Infformaationn on theiir ennd-usser ccustoomerss whoo havve booughtt theeir eequippmentt is critticall. Thhey aalso mainntainn empployeee innformmatioon ass welll ass inffo

50、rmaationn aboout tthe mmany subssidiaariess, diivisiions and depaartmeents and theiir asssociiatedd loccatioons. The ffirstt commmentts ann entterprrise may makee aboout uusingg thee preeviouusly pressenteed unniverrsal dataa moddels are Wheere iis thhe cuustommer eentitty? OOur mmost impoortannt in

51、nformmatioon neeeds are abouut ouur cuustommers. We needd to recoord ttheirr creedit limiit, bbilliing ooptioons aand ttheirr cusstomeer sttatuss. Siimilaarly, wheere aare tthe eentitties for suppplierr, emmployyee, disttribuutor or iinterrnal orgaanizaationn? Each of tthesee bussinesss enntitiies i

52、is chharaccteriized by vvery commmon iinforrmatiion. Theyy alll havve naames, adddressses, phonne nuumberrs, sstatuuses and otheer coontacct innformmatioon. TThis leadds uss to the concclusiion tthat theyy couuld bbe suub-tyyped togeetherr. Shhouldd we thenn moddify the modeel too addd thee subb-typ

53、pes CCUSTOOMER, SUPPPLIEER, DDISTRRIBUTTOR, INTEERNALL ORGGANIZZATIOON annd EMMPLOYYEE aall wwithiin thhe PAARTY entiity? An iissuee is thatt a ssinglle peersonn or orgaanizaationn mayy be invoolvedd in moree thaan onne off theese rrelattionsshipss. Foor exxamplle, aa disstribbutorr of the manuufact

54、turerr mayy alsso bee a ssuppllier of ssome of ttheirr PC compponennts. Agaiin, wwe doo nott wannt too maiintaiin moore tthan one occuurrennce oof thhe saame ppersoon orr orgganizzatioon ass thiis caan leead tto daata iinconnsisttenciies. Figurre 5 illuustraates how the prevvioussly ddescrribedd uni

55、iverssal ddata modeels ccan bbe moodifiied tto meeet tthe iinforrmatiion nneedss of our manuufactturinng exxamplle. FFor ssimpllicitty reeasonns, oonly a feew immporttant entiitiess aree shoown iin Fiiguree 5, but all prevvioussly ddescrribedd enttitiees allso aapplyy to our manuufactturinng fiirm.

56、The PPARTYY RELLATIOONSHIIP iss subb-typped iinto the appllicabble bbusinness relaationnshipps, CCUSTOOMER, SUPPPLIEER, DDISTRRIBUTTOR, EMPLLOYEEE andd INTTERNAAL ORRGANIIZATIION. Thiss alllows eachh perrson or oorgannizattion to bbe innvolvved iin onne orr morre off thoose rrelattionsshipss. Iff th

57、eere aare ootherr typpes oof reelatiionshhips suchh as salees aggentss, goovernnmentt ageenciees whho reegulaate mmanuffactuuringg or stocckhollderss, thhey ccan aalso be ddefinned aas addditiionall PARRTY RRELATTIONSSHIP sub-typees. The bbasicc infformaationn aboout eeach persson oor orrganiizatiio

58、n ssuch as ttheirr nammes, creddit rratinng, aaddreessess, phhone numbbers and otheer coontacct innformmatioon iss asssociaated withh thee PARRTY. The infoormattion abouut eaach rrelattionsship is sstoreed inn thee PARRTY RRELATTIONSSHIP entiity. All sub-typees off PARRTY RRELATTIONSSHIP havee a ffr

59、om_datee, thhrouggh_daate aand ccommeents. Eacch PAARTY RELAATIONNSHIPP subb-typpe maay haave ddiffeerentt atttribuutes to ddefinne thhat sspeciific relaationnshipp typpe. FFor eexampple, the CUSTTOMERR subb-typpe haas a creddit llimitt, sttatemment_day (deffinedd as the clossing day for stattemennt

60、s), andd staatemeent_ffrq (defiiningg thee freequenncy oof sttatemmentss succh ass weeekly, bi-montthly or mmonthhly). This modeel prroviddes aan exxtenssive, fleexiblle annd sttablee meaans oof maaintaaininng peersonn andd orgganizzatioon innformmatioon foor thhe maanufaacturring orgaanizaationn. T


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