1、 中 醫(yī) 英 語 翻 譯 ( 總 3 頁 )-本頁僅作為文檔封面,使用時(shí)請直接刪除即可-內(nèi)頁可以根據(jù)需求調(diào)整合適字體及大小- 中國醫(yī)藥學(xué):traditional Chinese medicine中醫(yī)基礎(chǔ)理論:basic theory of traditionalChinese medicineEpedemic febrile disease is a clinicalspecialty concentrating on the study of theoccurrence , developing tendency , diagnosisand treatment of febrile dis
2、eases in the fourseasons.疾病是可以認(rèn)識的,也是可以防治的Diseases are cognizable, preventable andcurable.臨床經(jīng)驗(yàn):clinical experience治病必須抓住疾病的根本矛盾,即所謂的治病必求于本 The treatment of disease must focus onthe root cause. That is what “the treatmentof disease must concentrate on the principalaspect “ means辨證論治:treatment based on
3、 syndromedifferentiation8.中醫(yī)在其長期的發(fā)展過程中,形成了各家學(xué)說Inits long course of development, TCM hasdeveloped into various schools of theories.9.內(nèi)傷脾胃,百病由生。本草:materia medica 國醫(yī)藥學(xué)有數(shù)千年的歷史,是中國人民長期同疾病作斗爭的經(jīng)驗(yàn)總結(jié)。TCM, a medical system with a history ofthousands years,has summarized theexperience of the Chinese people acc
4、umulatingin the struggle against diseases.2.中醫(yī)學(xué)在古代唯物論和辯證法思想的影響和指導(dǎo)下,通過長期的醫(yī)療實(shí)踐,逐步形成并發(fā)展為獨(dú)特的醫(yī)學(xué)理論體系。寒者熱之,熱者寒之,虛者補(bǔ)之,實(shí)者瀉之Cold disease should be treated by warmtherapy, while febrile disease should betreated by cold therapy, deficiency syndromeshould be treated by supplementing therapy,while excess syndrome
5、 should be treated bypurgative therapyThe interior impairment of the spleen andstomach would bring about the occurrence ofvarious diseases.10.中藥不但包含有草藥,而且包含有礦物藥和動(dòng)物藥等。Chinese materia medica includes not onlymedicinal herbs but also minerals and animalparts.Under the influence and guidance of classica
6、lChinese materialism and dialectics,traditionChinese medicine has eventually evolved intoa medical system with unique theory throughlong term medical practice.人是自然界的一個(gè)組成部分,并與自然界有著密切的聯(lián)系1.中醫(yī)學(xué)在其形成過程中受到了古代唯物論和辯證法思想的深刻影響。Human being is one of the components innature and keeps close relationship withnatur
7、eDuring the long course of its development andpractice , tradition Chinese medicine hasbeen under the influence of classical Chinesematerialism and dialectics.3.中醫(yī)學(xué)是研究人體生理病理以及疾病的診斷和防治的一門科學(xué)。人的生命活動(dòng)過程就是人體陰陽對立雙方在不斷地矛盾運(yùn)動(dòng)中取得統(tǒng)一的過程Tradition Chinese medicine is a sciencefocusing on the study of the physiolog
8、y andpathology of the human body as well as thediagnosis, prevention and treatment ofdisease.The process of life activity is a course inwhich yin and yang in the human body realizeunity after constant contradictory movement1.中醫(yī)理論體系的基本特點(diǎn)就是整體觀念和辨證論治 TCM is characterized by the concept oforganic wholen
9、ess and treatment based onsyndrome differentiation.2.中醫(yī)學(xué)認(rèn)為,世界是物質(zhì)的,是陰陽二氣相互作用的結(jié)果Tradition Chinese medicine holds that theworld is material and is the result of theinteraction of yin and yang4.黃帝內(nèi)經(jīng)總結(jié)了春秋戰(zhàn)國以來的醫(yī)療成就和治療經(jīng)驗(yàn),確立了中醫(yī)學(xué)獨(dú)特的理論體系,成為中醫(yī)藥學(xué)發(fā)展的基礎(chǔ)。3.天地合氣,命之曰人The existence of human beings depends on theinter
10、action between the celestial qi andterrestrial qi2.中醫(yī)學(xué)認(rèn)為人體是一個(gè)有機(jī)的整體The Huangdis Canon of Medicine has summedup the medical achievements and clinicalexperiences since the Spring-Autumn Periodand Warring States ,establishing the uniquetheoretical system of TCM and laying thefoundation for the developme
11、nt of TCM5.難經(jīng)內(nèi)容十分豐富,補(bǔ)充了內(nèi)經(jīng)的不足,成為后世指導(dǎo)臨床實(shí)踐的理論基礎(chǔ)。Tradition Chinese medicine holds that thehuman body is an organic whole.4.中醫(yī)學(xué)認(rèn)為精氣是生命的本原物質(zhì),這種精氣先身而生,具有遺傳性3.人體各組成部分在功能上相互為用,在病理上相互影響 The components of human bodyfunctionally depend on each other andpathologically affect each otherAccording to tradition Chin
12、ese medicine,essence is the essential substance for life.Such an essential substance exists prior tothe formation of the body and is hereditary5.父母之精氣相合,形成胚胎發(fā)育的原始物質(zhì)Thecombination of the parental essence is theprimary substance for the formation of fetus4.整體觀念貫穿于中醫(yī)生理病理診法辯證和治療的各個(gè)方面MedicalThe Canon onP
13、roblems is rich inThe concept of holism permeates through allthe fields in TCM, including physiology,pathology, diagnosis, syndromecontent, supplementing what the HuangdisCanon of Medicine lacks and serving as thetheoretical basis for the clinical practiceof the latter generationsdifferentiation and
14、 treatment.人體各組織器官共處于統(tǒng)一體中,不論在生理上還是在病理上都是相互聯(lián)系相互影響的 All thetissues and organs in the human body are in aunity which associate with each other andinfluence each other both physiologically andpathologically5.人體某一局部區(qū)域內(nèi)的病理變化往往與全身臟腑氣血陰陽的盛衰有關(guān)6.陰常有余,陽常不足。Yang is frequently in excess while yin isoften in defi
15、ciencyThe pathological changes in certain part orregion of the human body are usually relatedto the conditions of viscera, qi and blood aswell as yin and yang in the whole body7.溫病是研究四時(shí)溫病的發(fā)生發(fā)展規(guī)律以及其診治方法的一門臨床學(xué)科。2 6.人體內(nèi)部臟腑的虛實(shí)氣血的盛衰和津液的盈虧都可呈現(xiàn)于舌 The condition of the viscera, qi ,blood and body fluid all c
16、an be manifestedover the tongue5.宇宙間一切事物的發(fā)生、發(fā)展和變化都是陰陽對立統(tǒng)一矛盾運(yùn)動(dòng)的結(jié)果The pathogenic factors refer to variousfactors that bring about disease.8.正氣指整個(gè)機(jī)體的結(jié)構(gòu)與功能,包括人體對疾病的抵抗力等The occurrence development and changes of allthings in the universe result from the unityand opposition between yin and yang.6.陰陽代表著相互對立
17、又相互關(guān)聯(lián)的事物屬性Yinand yang represent the properties of thingsthat are both opposite and related to eachother.7.心開竅于舌并與小腸相表里Healthy qi refer to the structure andfunctions of the human body including theresistance against disease.The heart opens into the tongue and isexteriorly and interiorly related to th
18、esmall intestine9.陰虛則內(nèi)熱,陽虛則外寒8.人與天地相應(yīng)Asthenia of yin leads to heat in the interiorwhile asthenia of yang brings about cold inthe exterior.The human beings are in correspondence withthe universe7.天氣清輕故屬陽,地氣重著故屬陰The celestial is light and lucid and thuspertaining to yang while the terrestrial qiis hea
19、vy and lucid and therefore pertainingto yin.9.春夏脈多浮大,秋冬脈多沉小10.機(jī)體陰或陽的任何一方虛損到一定程度,必然導(dǎo)致另一方的不足。In the spring and summer, the pulse appearsfloating and large, while in the autumn andwinter, the pulse appears deep and small10.人體陽氣白天多趨于表,夜晚多趨于里The yang-qi in the human body tends to flowin the exterior in d
20、aytime and in theinterior at nightIf asthenia of yin or yang in the bodydevelops to a certain degree, it willinevitably leads to insufficiency of theother side.8.陽化氣,陰成形Yang transforms qi while yin shapes intoconfiguration.9.陰陽相互制約的過程就是相互消長的過程The process of mutual restriction between yinand yang sig
21、nifies the course of waning andwaxing between yin and yang.木火土金水是不可缺少的五種最基本物質(zhì)Wood fire earth metal and water are the mostessential and indispensable materials.任何事物都不是孤立的、靜止的,而是在不斷的相生相克的運(yùn)動(dòng)中維持著協(xié)調(diào)平衡13. Treatment based on syndromedifferentiation is the basic principle forunderstanding and treating disea
22、se in TCM andalso one of the basic characteristics of TCM.14. Syndrome is a pathological summarizationof a disease at a certain stage of itsdevelopment.10.陽依存于陰,陰依存于陽,每一方都以其相對的另一方的存在為自己的存在前提Nothing in the world is solitary and static.In fact everything in the universe maintainsharmonic balance throu
23、gh constant mutualgeneration and restriction.Yin and yang depend on each other. Neithercan exist in isolation.1.人生有形,不離陰陽15. Syndrome differentiation and diseasetreatment are two inseparable parts indiagnosing and treating disease.16. TCM emphasizes the differentiation ofboth disease and syndrome in
24、 understandingand treating disease.Man has a physical shape which is inseparablefrom yin and yang.中醫(yī)理論體系在形成過程中,受到古代五行學(xué)說的深刻影響2.對于人體的生理功能,中醫(yī)學(xué)也是用陰陽學(xué)說加以概括說明The theoretical system of TCM has been underthe influence of classical theories of thefive elements.TCM explains and summarizes that thephysiologica
25、l functions of human bodyaccording to the theory of yin and yang3.功能屬于陽,物質(zhì)屬于陰 Function pertains toyang while substance to yin.五行理論主要用以分析各種事物的五行屬性,也是研究事物之間相互聯(lián)系的基本法則 The theory offive elements is mainly used to analyze theproperties of the five elements of variousthings according to the five elements
26、andstudy the basic law of the inter-relationbetween things.1.陰陽是中國古代哲學(xué)的一對范疇Yin and yang are two categories in classicalChinese philosophy.2.陰陽的對立和消長是宇宙的基本規(guī)律The opposition and waning-waxing of yin andyang are the basic laws in the universe.3.陰陽是自然界相互關(guān)聯(lián)的某些事物和現(xiàn)象對立雙方的概括4.如果陰陽不能相互為用而分離,人的生命也就終止了 The separation of yin and yang will leadto the end of life5.陰陽的協(xié)
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