10.11罐稱(chēng)重系統(tǒng)bulk system instrument使用維護(hù)手冊(cè)u(píng)sage,inspection and maintenance manual_第1頁(yè)
10.11罐稱(chēng)重系統(tǒng)bulk system instrument使用維護(hù)手冊(cè)u(píng)sage,inspection and maintenance manual_第2頁(yè)
10.11罐稱(chēng)重系統(tǒng)bulk system instrument使用維護(hù)手冊(cè)u(píng)sage,inspection and maintenance manual_第3頁(yè)
10.11罐稱(chēng)重系統(tǒng)bulk system instrument使用維護(hù)手冊(cè)u(píng)sage,inspection and maintenance manual_第4頁(yè)
10.11罐稱(chēng)重系統(tǒng)bulk system instrument使用維護(hù)手冊(cè)u(píng)sage,inspection and maintenance manual_第5頁(yè)
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2、 FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-2TABLE OF CONTENT1.RODUCTION42. DESCRIPTION OF BULKVIEW5Overview of the System5Description of Each Component6Data Acquisition Panel (DAQ)6Display Panel7Load cell systems82.2.4. Prere Transmitter83. SYSTEM SETUP OF BULKVIEW9Setup from HMI9Communication Setup9Setting o

3、f Control Panel93.1.2. Acs to Setup Mode103.1.3. Authorization to Acs10Calibration11Description for Calibration11Data Save and Recovery123.1.5 Setting Alarm Po 124. OPERATION OF BULKVIEW13Display Panel13Display Function13Alarm and Alarm Silence13Logic for Alarm Horn14Diagnosis145. DESCRIPTION OF SUR

4、GEVIEW15Overview of the System15Description of Each Component16Data Acquisition Panel (DAQ)16Load cell systems175.2.3. Prere Transmitter176. SYSTEM SETUP OF SURGEVIEW17Setup from HMI18Communication Setup18HICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 2 of 30SECTION/章節(jié)2(Page3/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-26.1.2

5、. Acs to Setup Mode186.1.3. Authorization to Acs19Calibration19Description for Calibration19Data Save and Recovery206.1.5 Setting Alarm Po 207. OPERATION OF SURGEVIEW21Display Panel21Display Function21Alarm and Alarm Silence21Logic for Alarm Horn228. SERVICE AND MAENANCE23Inspection while Operation2

6、3Trouble Shooting239. ORDERING INFORMATION25Figure 1.Figure 2.Figure 3.Figure 4.Figure 5.Figure 6.DAQ FOR BULK 25Display Panel26DAQ for SURGEVIEW27Alarm Horn28Prere transmitter28Load cell system2910. DRAWING30HICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 3 of 30SECTION/章節(jié)2(Page4/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-21

7、.RODUCTIONBULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEW, along with most popular dataacquisition, sensor and HMI technique, provides a vivid view of weigh and volume forall the P-.Weight of eachis gathered by means of load cells which are mounted beneath oneof legs of P-. The load cell transmits a hydraulic prere signal

8、 to the indicator bytransforming the appd loado the respective prere. Prere of load cell isgathering thru high accuracy prere transmitters and transferred to DAQ.The system includes two parts , BULKVIEW and SURGEVIEW. Eachsystem has a DAQ. The DAQ exchange data with the HMI. Setting of parameter and

9、calibration can be easily from HMI thru digital touch button.HICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 4 of 30SECTION/章節(jié)2(Page5/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-22. DESCRIPTION OF BULKVIEW2.1. Overview of the SystemRefer to below system diagram, the P-gauging system provides vivid monitoring forbulk storage an

10、d transferring system, including six P-.HICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 5 of 30現(xiàn)場(chǎng)控制盤(pán)SECTION/章節(jié)2(Page6/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-2The system comprises the following components.1ea 1ea 6ea6eaData acquisition panel (DAQ)Local display panelPrere transmitterLoad Cell systemsDescription of Each Comp

11、onentData Acquisition Panel (DAQ)This DAQ panel is used to acquire signal from. All components of the DAQare enclosed in a stainless steel control box with IP66 enclosure, Explolevel is Exde IIB T4.-proofSmart data acquisitionand pros unit,S7-200 Programmable LogicController (PLC) is used for acquir

12、e field signals of prere transmitters. All sitesignals are standardized within PLC program and transferred to HMI for dataexchange.HICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 6 of 30SECTION/章節(jié)2(Page7/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-2PS1 is a LOGOfor equipment.ER high reliableer supply to provide 24VDCer usedM1

13、is CPU unit withcustomstored in.rogramThe CPUunit digitaloutpalsohasits andtoinputhannelacquire field signals.M2, M3 are EM231og input moduleusedpreforacquiringre signals.IB1,are preIB2, IB3, ZB1barriersforre transmittersand alarm horn.2.2.2. Display PanelThe display panel is mountednearbytheP-.316L

14、stainless steel housings areused food performance inoffshore atmosphere.TheHMIisdualdoor panelinnerdesigned, one 7” touch(HMI) is installed atdoor, usedfromand the outer door isto protect the screenpotentialmechanicalhazard. A sight window is soarranged within outer door soas to provide protection f

15、or the screen.Function of the HMI will be described in Paragraph 3 and 4.HICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 7 of 30SECTION/章節(jié)2(Page8/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-22.2.3. Load cell systemsSystemsareproductbyM/DTOTCO.Includingindicator, hydrauliccoulplingloadcell,hose, disconnectand tubing. Loadcells

16、mounted beneath oneof legs of P-mounted. IndicatornearbytheP-.The load cell may be mounted in any attitude, depending on application requirement.The SW Series CompresCells should be installed in such a mannert themating surfaare within 1to 2of parallel. The lolate (piston) and retainerring (cylinder

17、) should not be eccentric greatern l/16 inch. Eccentricity orexsive out of parallel loading may produce an indication error and inducepremature failure of the diaphragm.The nominal gap of load cell is 11mm.2.2.4. Prere TransmitterElectronics diaphragm isolated prethrough a four-way valve.re transmit

18、ters are connected to the indicatorsTheSITRANSP220preretransmitter are two wires loopered smart type instruments Accuracy is ashigher as 0.075% of full span.The transmitters are originally ranged160bar.HICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 8 of 30SECTION/章節(jié)2(Page9/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-23. SYSTE

19、M SETUP OF BULKVIEWOnce the system is installed and electrically terminated, it requires proper setup to makeit work properly. Setup can be made from screen function of HMI.For the field devi, the prere transmitters are not site settable or serviceable.CAUTIONSetup and calibration of the system must

20、 be done by an authorizedtechnin,inexperiencedchangingofanyparametermaycausemalfunction of the system.3.1. Setup from HMIAfter field transmitters have been checked for correct functioning, setup has to be made on HMI screen to make the system work properly.The following paragraph shows correct proce

21、dures for setup of system data.3.1.1. Communication SetupHMI communicates with DAQ throughPPI network.Communication baud rate is se9600 bps. Setting of Control PanelThe displays are designed working as human machineerface (HMI) in industry pros control. Miniatureoperating system Win CE is pre

22、installedprior to ex work.he displayWhile the HMI is energized, the program loadageis displayed, control panel can be ackey CONTROL PANEL option.sed by pressingIf any change may be required during operation,you can entero control panel by pressing EXITTO CONTROL PANEL from the setting page.The belog

23、e show details in control panel, in which you can make setting of system, regionalsetting, date and time, screen saver etc. to make it satisfactory to customers need.HICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 9 of 30SECTION/章節(jié)2(Page10/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-2Practically,customersregional setting has t

24、o be changed to make numerical display to suithabit. Parameter fortransferring has to be customizedfor the programmer to down anduprerogram.3.1.2. Acs to Setup ModeSetting page will show up once pushbutton SETTING is pressed at main display page.Setting of system comprises three parts.-SETTING AND C

25、ALIBRATION is used to set proper values for system;ALARM PO;SET is used to set high alarm value for material weight in each-EXIT TO CONTROL PANEL is used to acto initialized system information.s control panel of screen in order3.1.3. Authorization to AcsRight side page shows up torequest propassword

26、 toacpages calibration functionaftushbutton ANDpressedSETTING CALIBRATION ishe setting page,HICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 10 of 30SECTION/章節(jié)2(Page11/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-2Calibration page can be show up if correct password is typed in. (Customer defaultpassword is 1438).3.1.4 Calibratio

27、n Description for CalibrationBy pressing pushbutton SETTING AND CALIBRATION, the CALIBRATIONpage shows up after correct acs password is typed in.hispages,data as located in boldwindowwith white background allowed modified. gravity windowsdesignedareto be The inputareforoperator toinputknown g

28、ravity of material, normally 2.2 for barite, 1.5 for cement, 0.94 for bentonite depending on actual gravity of material. Inputs of gravity will influence accuracy ofvolume percentage.The push button HELP ON DATA SAVE AND RECOVER is on-line help forproperly use the save and recover function while sit

29、e commising icsful.Tare is weight of the.Offset is usually caused by connecting pi, or surrounding structures.Beforesetting the offset, the follow precaution should be observed:1)2)Please make sure theto be work on is in empty sus.The offset value normally reflect calculation error as influenced by

30、connectingpipe and structure, please always make sure flexible connectors are used for allpijos, and none structure contacts thebody.3)In our experience, difference beforetare and reading at HMI is alwayswithin 1 tons. Extra large value reflect problem unknown, please never try toamends offsets to b

31、ring reading as correct before all faults have been eliminated.HICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 11 of 30SECTION/章節(jié)2(Page12/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7- Data Save and RecoveryThe system is designed with data save andrecovery function so as to avoidunentional change of setting.While the sys

32、temisproperlysetandproveningoodworkingorder, dan besaved by pressingpushbuttonDATAand hold secondsSAVEfor 5 untiladjacent light turns on, all the setting data is saved to PLC memory space. To recover the data, just press the DATALOAD and hold for 5 seconds until adjacent lightturns on, then data as

33、saved can be reloaded.3.1.5 Setting Alarm PoThe system provides visual and audible alarm while weigh of material exceeds highlimit, and filling percentage of material exceeds high limit.The alarm pofor signals can besetALARMPOSETpage shown figure.heasheHICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 12 of 30SECTION/章節(jié)2(Pa

34、ge13/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-24. OPERATION OF BULKVIEWAll parameter which required for operating bulk system can be seen thru HMI screeninstalled within display panel. The HMI is designed for rugged situation. For each,volume and weight can be displayedhepage as shown at the next para

35、graph.4.1. Display PanelThere is a display panel equippedpanel.he system. All the data ofare displayedhe4.1.1. Display Function7 inch display panel is installed. Setting and diagnosticsis preprogrammedandstoredhe flash memory.The page shows customerserface while itisenergized.Parametersrelated P-wei

36、ght,tothe,such asvolumepercentage,aredisplayedeachwithbar.While material in each isvolume bar.set correspondingly, total cement is displayed under4.1.2. Alarm and Alarm SilenceThe system is designed with visual and audible alarm. A pushbutton ALARM ACKis located at upper rightcircumstance,of the mai

37、n screen. The horn soundhe following1) Too muaterialheWhile materialis detected highern alarm podisplay flash atas described in1HZ until alarmparagraph 3.1.5, the horn sounds and weightHICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 13 of 30SECTION/章節(jié)2(Page14/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-2condition disappear.2)

38、Percentage of materialheis too highWhile materialis detected highern alarm poas described inparagraph 3.1.5, the horn sounds and percentage display flash at 1HZ until alarmcondition disappear.4.1.3. Logic for Alarm HornWhen the alarm horn sounds, it can be silenced by means of pressing pushbutton at

39、 upper right of screen. The horn will sound again if the alarm condition still existsafter 5 minutes delay, or a new alarm arises.The alarm horn is with multi-tone function, tones can be altered by changing combination of micro switches inside.4.2. DiagnosisThe system has minimized function for diag

40、nosis in order to reflect stransmitter.us of filedLeft column displays engineering values which are calculated by thesystem. Middlehannels.column displays digital raw values which are gathered fromog inpSet:0-160 Bar g=6400-32000rawRight columnshows sus offielddevi automatically,thesystemis monitori

41、ngworkingsusoffieldtransmitters and sign “ CHECKTRANSMITTER” is shown if field device is faulty.HICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 14 of 30SECTION/章節(jié)2(Page15/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-25. DESCRIPTION OF SURGEVIEW5.1. Overview of the SystemRefer to below system diagram, the S-gauging system is sho

42、wn.現(xiàn)場(chǎng)控制盤(pán)The system comprises the following components.1ea1eaData acquisition panel (DAQ)Prere transmitter1ea Load Cell systemsHICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 15 of 30SECTION/章節(jié)2(Page16/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-2Description of Each ComponentData Acquisition Panel (DAQ)This DAQ panel is used to

43、 acquire signal from. All components of the DAQ areenclosed in a stainless steel control box with IP56 enclosure, Explo Exde IIB T4.-proof level isSmart data acquisition and pros unit,S7-200 Programmable LogicController (PLC) is used for acquire field signals of prere transmitters. All sitesignals a

44、re standardized within PLC program and transferred to HMI for data exchange. The display panel is fixed on the door of the DAQ. The data of SURGEVIEW is shown by display panel.HICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 16 of 30SECTION/章節(jié)2(Page17/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-2PS1 is a LOGOER highreliableersu

45、pplytoprovide 24VDCfor equipment.er usedM1 is CPU unit with customer program stored in. The CPUunit also has its digital inputand outpfield signals.hannel to acquireM2 is EM231og inputmodule used for acquiringprere signals. IB1, ZB1 arebarriersforpreretransmitters and alarm horn.5.2.2. Load cell sys

46、temsSystems are product by M/D TOTCO.Includingindicator,loadcell,hydraulic hose, disconnect coulplingand tubing. Load cells hang one of legsofsurgenearby the.Indicatormounted.The SD Series TenCell should beinstalled in such a mannert when aload is appd, the components matingwith the eye nuts, hooks,

47、 padeyes, etc.bear at the center of these attaents.The nominal gap of load cell is 19mm.5.2.3. Prere TransmitterThe prere transmitter is same as the one of BULKVIEW.6. SYSTEM SETUP OF SURGEVIEWOnce the system is installed and electrically terminated, it requires proper setup to makeit work properly.

48、 Setup can be made from screen function of HMI.HICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 17 of 30SECTION/章節(jié)2(Page18/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-2For the field devi, the prere transmitters are not site settable or serviceable.CAUTIONSetup and calibration of the system must be done by an authorizedtechnin,i

49、nexperiencedchangingofanyparametermaycausemalfunction of the system.6.1. Setup from HMIAfter field transmitters have been checked for correct functioning, setup has to be made on HMI screen to make the system work properly.The following paragraph shows correct procedures for setup of system data.6.1

50、.1. Communication SetupHMI communicates with DAQ throughPPI network.Communication baud rate is se9600 bps.The Setting of Control Panel is the same as setting for BULK(paragraph 3.1)VIEW.6.1.2. Acs to Setup ModeSetting page will show up once pushbutton SETTING is pressed at main display page.Setting

51、of system comprises three parts.-SETTING AND CALIBRATION is used to set proper values for system;ALARM POSET is used to set high alarm value for material weight;EXIT TO CONTROL PANEL is used to acto initialized system information.s control panel of screen in orderHICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 18 of 30SEC

52、TION/章節(jié)2(Page19/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-26.1.3. Authorization to AcsRight side page shows uptorequestproperpasswordtoacscalibration function pageaftSETTINGushbutton ANDisCALIBRATIONpressedhe setting page,Calibration page can beshow up if correct password is typed in. (Customer default

53、 password is 1438).6.1.4 Calibration Description for CalibrationBy pressing pushbutton SETTING ANDCALIBRATION, the CALIBRATIONpage shows up after correct acs password is typed in.his pages,data as locatedin window white groundallowedbold with back areto bemodified. Thegravity windows designed

54、operatorinput are forto input known gravity of material, normally 2.2 for barite, 0.94 forbentonite depending on actual gravity of material. Inputs of gravity will influenceaccuracy of volume percentage.he middle of this page, Left column displays engineeringvalues which arevalues which arecalculate

55、d by the system.Middle column displays digital rawhannels.gathered fromog inpHICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 19 of 30SECTION/章節(jié)2(Page20/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-20-160 Bar g=6400-32000rawRight column shows sus of field devi, the system is automatically monitoringworking sus of field transmitt

56、ers and sign “ CHECK TRANSMITTER” is shownif field device is faulty.The push button HELP ON DATA SAVE AND RECOVER is on-line help forproperly use the save and recover function while site commising icsful.Tare is weight of the.Offset is usually caused by connecting pi, or surrounding structures.Befor

57、esetting the offset, the follow precaution should be observed:4)5)Please make sure theto be work on is in empty sus.The offset value normally reflect calculation error as influenced by connectingpipe and structure, please always make sure flexible connectors are used for allpijos, and none structure

58、 contacts thebody.6)In our experience, difference beforetare and reading at HMI is alwayswithin 1 tons. Extra large value reflect problem unknown, please never try toamends offsets to bring reading as correct before all faults have been eliminated. Data Save and RecoveryThesystemisdesigned wi

59、th data save and recoveryfunction so as toavoid unentionalchange of setting.While the system isproperlysetandproveningoodworking order, datacan be saved by pressing pushbutton DATA SAVE and hold for 5 seconds until adjacent light turns on, all the setting data is saved to PLC memory space. To recove

60、r the data, just press the DATA LOAD and hold for 5 seconds until adjacent light turns on, then data as saved can be reloaded.6.1.5 Setting Alarm PoHICO PETRO-TECH CO.,Page 20 of 30SECTION/章節(jié)2(Page21/59)OIM FOR BULKAND SURGEWEIGHT VIEWLF7-2The system provides visual and audible alarm while weigh of


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