1、The Un ited Kin gdomMultiple ChoiceThe was “ the greatest progressive revolution that mankind had so far experieneed,a time which called for giants and produced giants giants in power of thought, passion, and character, i n uni versality and lear ning” (En gels).Ren aissa neeIn dustrial Revoluti onR
2、eformati onBourgeois Revoluti on is regarded as the first English Prime Minster.Duke of Willi ngtonWilliam Gladsto neBenjamin DisraeliSir Robert WalpoleThe official head of Parliame nt is .the Prime Mi nisterthe Mon archthe Speakerthe Chan cellorThe prese nt sovereig n of Brita in isElizabeth IEliza
3、beth IIElizabeth IIIEdward II is a day to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.ChristmasGood FridayEaster Mon dayBoxing Daypublished his book On the Origin of Species which caused a stir in Victorian times.Adam SmithCharles DarwinThomas MoreFrancis Bac onThe largest section of Great Britain i
4、s .Scotla ndWalesEn gla ndNorther n Irela ndThe Lake District is well known forits wild and beautiful sceneryits varied lakesthe Lake Poetsall aboveThe highest peak in Great Britain is .Ben NevisCross FellSno wdo nCheviot HillThe capital city of Wales is .Edi nburghBelfastCardiffLondon derryThe part
5、 that receives the largest amount of annual rain fall is the east lowla ndsthe n orther n part of En gla ndthe no rthwester n part of Scotla ndWalesThe Ion gest river in Brita in is the .Thames RiverSevern RiverClyde RiverTyne RiverThe largest lake of the Un ited Kin gdom is in .En gla ndWalesScotla
6、 ndNorther n Irela ndThe vast majority of the people of the UK are .Roma n CatholicsPresbyteria nsAn glica nsMethodistsThe English are mainly descendants of .CeltsAn glo-Sax onsViki ngsNorma n Conq uerorsA cockney is a .typical En glishma ntypical Londonertypical Brit onn ative London dialect speake
7、rThe Welsh came to Brita inearlier tha n the En glishlater tha n the En glishtogether with the En glishin the 13th centuryWhich word is not exact to describe the Welsh?Musical.Emoti on al.Cheerful.Suspicious.Most of the Scotsmen now speak .En glishCelticGaelicboth En glish and GaelicA typical Scotsm
8、an is usually depicted in the following word exceptbravehard-work ingecono micalextravaga ntMost people in Northern Irela nd are .CatholicsProtesta ntsPresbyteria nsNoncon formistsThe earliest known settlers on the British Isles were .CeltsIberia nsGaelsAn glo-Sax ons TOC o 1-5 h z The real Roman co
9、nquest of Britain began in .55 BC54 BCAD 43AD 96Which part of Brita in was radically tran sformed by the Roma ns?Scotla nd.Wales.En gla nd.London.Christia nity was first brought to En gla nd byRoma nsAn glo-Sax onsCeltsDanesWhich of the following tribes first came to Britain?An glos.Saxons.Jutes.Teu
10、t ons.King Ethelred was called Ethelred the Un ready because .he was always un ready for fight inghe lacked military prepared nesshe failed to make prepared nesshe failed to follow good adviceThe greatest achieveme nt of William the Conq ueror was .the establishme nt of the legal systemthe in troduc
11、t ion of the feudalismthe spread ing of Norma n-Frenchthe compiling of the Domesday BookThe Domesday Book in cluded all the followi ng poi nts except .all la nd and property of the n En gla ndthe rights of Ian dow nersthe duty of every courtthe power of the kingThe last of the true Norma n Kings was
12、 .William RufusHenry IHenry IIRobertThe founder of the English legal system and the Common Law was.Henry IHenry IIStephe nMatildaThe Great Charter in cludes all the followi ng poi nts except that .no tax should be made without the approval of the councilno freemen should be arrested except by the la
13、w of the landif the king attempted to free himself from law the vassals had the right to force the king to obeythe vassals had the sole power to levy a tax on peopleThe first“ Prince of WaleshhistDrtyrwasHenry IIIEdward IEdward IIEdward IIIThe Parliament of was known as“ model parliament”Henry IIISi
14、m on de MonfortEdward IEdward IIWales was conq uered by.Edward IEdward IIHenry IIIRichard IThe chief dema nd of the peasa nts duri ng Tyler FRsing of 1381 was .to punish the lawyersto raise wagesto free villei nsto reform the churchThe War of the Roses en ded in 1485 with the accessi on of , the fir
15、st king of theHouse of Tudor.He nry VIIHe nry VIIIJoh n of GauntEdward IVUn der Henry VII, the justices of the Peace had all the followi ng powers except trying casesthe care of roads and bridgestrai ning lawyersthe con trol of guildsJohn Cabot was sent to discover new way to the East by .the Popeth
16、e King of SpainHenry VIIHe nry VIIIWhich is not proper to describe the Church of Middle Ages?It was a religious body that had a political power.It was a body that had a legal power.It was a branch of n ati onal gover nment con trolled by king.It was like an upper-state orga ni zati on that was very
17、powerful.The external pretext for the Reformation in England was divorce case.He nry VIIHe nry VIIICleme nt IICharles V TOC o 1-5 h z Elizabeth I was excom muni cated by the Pope in .1558157115861603Who was a Catholic among the following kings and queens?He nry VIIIEdward VI“ Bloody Mary ”Elizabeth
18、I TOC o 1-5 h z Spanish Armada was defeated in .1558158816001603In drama the most shining representatives of the Elizabethan Age were the following onesexcept .Christopher MarloweEdm und Spen serWilliam ShakespeareBen JonsonGuy Fawkes was .a Protesta nta Presbyteria nan An glica na CatholicWhich is
19、in correct to describe Ki ng James I?He believed that kings were responsible to parliament.He believed that king derived his authority from God.He tried to make the Church of En gla nd subservie nt to his will.He was quite learned and was remembered by the English for the compiling of the Authorized
20、Version of the Bible.The trouble of Charles I, which led to the first Civil War, came at first whe n he .dissolved Parliame ntpersecuted Protesta ntasked people for“ loans ”wan ted to reform the Presbyteria n Church in Scotla ndWhich group in the following were inclined to support the King during th
21、e Civil War?Mercha nts.Yeome n and artisa ns.Catholics.Extreme Protesta nts.Charles I was tried by the High Court main ly because .he was an absolute kinghe waned to reform the Church of Scotlandhe started the Second Civil Warhe wan ted to establish Presbyteria nism in En gla nd TOC o 1-5 h z The Ru
22、mp Parliame nt was dispersed by Cromwell in .1649165116531658The Great Fire of London broke out i n .166016651666d 1667The Glorious Revoluti on marked the .begi nning of the crow n supremacy over parliame ntend of the Civil Warfailure of the Parliame ntbegi nning of the con stituti onal mon archy TO
23、C o 1-5 h z En gla nd and Scotla nd were con stituti on ally un ited in .1603168817021707After the French and In dia n War, Brita in got con trol of .Can adaI ndiathe Ohio Valleyall aboveWhen American colonies were fighting for independence, the King of Great Britainwas .George IGeorge IIGeorge IIIG
24、eorge IV TOC o 1-5 h z Brita in completed her railway system by .1800182018501870Accordi ng to the Reform Bill 1832, who got the right to vote?The male workers in cities. The middle class.The wome n.Te farmha nds.The People s Charter in eludes all the followi ng poi nts exceptthe uni versal man hood
25、 suffragethe abolition of property qualification for MPsthe aboliti on of payme nt of MPsvoti ng by secret ballotThe 19th cen tury econo mic thi nking stems chiefly form Thomas MalthusDavid RicardoRobert OwenAdam SmithThe “ principle of population” was formulated by .Thomas MalthusDavid RicardoRober
26、t OwenAdam SmithWho was probably relucta nt to abolish the corn laws?The Tories.The Whigs.The workers.The urba n middle class.The in correct comme nt on Gladst one is .He stood for laissez faire in economics.He favored economy in public expe nditure.he adopted an aggressive foreig n policy.He adopte
27、d gradual parliame ntary reform.The in correct comme nt on Disraeli is .He was the foun der of the Liberal Party.His policy was to expand the British Empire.He made Queen Victoria Empress of India.Un der him the sec ond Reform bill was passed.Which reform bill gran ted wome n suffrage?The Reform Bil
28、l of 1832.The Reform Bill of 1867.The Reform Bill of 1884.None above. TOC o 1-5 h z The labour Party was founded in .1893189919001906Quee n Victoria was proclaimed Empress of In dia in1837 TOC o 1-5 h z 187618981901The first domi nio n of Great Brita in was .Can adaNew Zeala ndAustraliathe Un io n o
29、f South AfricaThe Boers in South Africa were from .the Orange Free StateTran svaalGerma nyNetherla ndsThe causes for Britain to join the “ Triple Entente ”n 1907 were the following onesexcept .the failure of the British rapprocheme nt with Germa nythe skillful diplomacy of the French ambassador to B
30、rita inthe Germa n policy to build a large navythe British splendid isolation policyBritain declared war on Germany in Aug. 1914 when Germany invaded .FrancePola ndBelgiumSerbiaAccordi ng to the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, Britai n got .most of the Germany s remaining merchant shipsPalesti ne and
31、Mesopotamia from TurkeyGerma n colonies in Africa and in the Pacific Ocea n as man dates of the League of Nati onsall above TOC o 1-5 h z The British Communist Party was foun ded in .1918191919201921Mrs. Margaret Thatcher agreed in to return Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty in1997.1983198519881990Th
32、e chief cause that led to Mrs. Thatcher resignation in 1990 was theimpositi on of property taxesimpositi on of a per-capita taxcutt ing public expe ndituredenationalization of private enterprise TOC o 1-5 h z Anthony Blair became Prime Min ister in .1994199619971998Which document, for the first time
33、 in English history, forced King to take the advice of nobles?The Petition of Right of 1628.Habeas Corpus Act.Magna Carta.The Bill of Rights of 1689. TOC o 1-5 h z Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne in .1951195219531954Among the following members the first one to succeed to the throne is.the King
34、s brotherthe Catholic sonthe Protesta nt daughterthe Protesta nt sonThe Mon arch s eldest daughter is usually called.Prin cess of Walesprin cess royalPrin cess daughterfemale Prince of WalesWhich is not right to describe the Prime Mi nister?The head of Cabin et.The head of civil service.The leader o
35、f the Party in power.The head of the coun try.Most of the practical work of the gover nmen t is done by .the Prime Mi nisterthe Cabinet ministersthe heads of departme ntsthe civil serva ntsA civil servant must be .a member of the Party in powera MPactive in politicspolitically n eutralThe smallest g
36、over nmen tal unit in En gla nd is .countydistrictparishcom munity TOC o 1-5 h z The En glish Parliame nt was formally divided into two Houses in .the 13th cen turythe 14th cen turythe 17th cen tury1688LordsThe House of Commons has become more important than the HouseLordssince.1642166016881832Now t
37、he House of Lords can prevent a bill from passing into law for three mon thssix mon thsone yeartwo yearsAmong the follow ing ones who cannot vote in parliame ntary elect ion?Girls of 18 years old.Civil serva nts.The judges.The hereditary peers.The general election normally takes place every year.thr
38、eefourfivesixThe High Court of Justice includes the following divisions except the Queen s Bench DivisionCriminal DivisionChan cery Divisi onFamily /Divisio nWhich one in the following is usually dealt with by the Chancery Division?The case of murder.The case concerning mortgages.The case of tort.Th
39、e case concerning divorce.Most of the civil cases are actually tried by .Magistrates CourtsCounty CourtsHigh Court of JusticeCrow n CourtThe Whig took the name“ Liberal ” , while the Tories became the Conservative after TOC o 1-5 h z 1760183018321916The Labour Party became one of the two major parti
40、es after .1916192219301945The Con servative Party supports the follow ing policies except .den ati on alizati onfree en terpriseexte nding the social servicecautious social reformWhich one is not correct to comme nt on the Labour Party?It is a party of an ti-Com muni sm.It is in favour of social and
41、 econo mic equality.It is less radical in deali ng with foreig n affairs.It is a real socialist party.the Labour Party Conference is attended by from trade unions and localassociati ons.represe ntativesdelegatesparty leadersLabour MPsThe third largest political party in Brita in is the .Social Democ
42、ratic PartyLiberal PartyBritish Communist PartyUlster Unionist PartyWith the aim of gaining more seats at a gen eral elect ion the Liberal Party formed an officialallia nee in 1981 withthe SDPthe Labour Partythe British Communi ststhe Ulster Union istsDuring a gen eral elect ion the amount of money
43、each can didate can spe nd is .limited by his partylimited by lawlimited by gover nmentun limitedThe LEA is resp on sible for the followi ng matters except .en gagi ng teachersmaintaining school build ingspay ing teachersholdi ng exam in ati onThe curriculum and teach ing methods in a state school i
44、s usually decided by the LEAEducati on CommitteeCEOHead TeacherWhich aim is more important in primary education?To teach childre n some skills.To make childre n learn more kno wledge.To foster the pote ntialities of childre n.To help childre n get good marks for exam in ati on.What kind of sec on da
45、ry schools now receives the largest umber of stude nts?Grammar Schools.Tech ni cal Schools.Comprehe nsive Schools.Secon dary Moder n Schools.Which is in correct to describe the public schools?They are in depe ndent schools.They emphasize the importa nee of character trai ning.They are fee-free schoo
46、ls.They pay higher salaries for their teachers.The in come of Oxford Uni versity is derived mainly from .en dowme nts and stude nts feegra nts from public fundsfinan cial support from gover nmentrates of local gover nmentsThe most famous redbrick uni versity isOxford Un iversityCambridge Uni versity
47、London Uni versityBristol Uni versityOpe n Uni versity com muni cates with its stude nts mai nly by .BBC radiotelevisi on programsn atio nal n etwork of tutorsall above TOC o 1-5 h z The BBC began its regular TV service in .1922192719361945According to the text, the most popular TV channel in Britai
48、n is .ITVBBC-1BBC-2TV-am“ Fleet Street ” is freqexertxtlyBtasid for .Londonn ewspapersthe Pressn ati onal n ewspapersWhich one in the follow ing is not a quality paper?Daily Telegraph.The Times.Daily Express.The Guardia n.Which one is not a popular paper?Daily Star.The Observer.Mirror.Sun day people
49、.The Sta ndard is no ted for .up-to-the-minute report inglarge advertis ing secti onspopular features and profiles of the people in the n ewsall aboveWhich one in the following gives the viewpoint of the left wing of the Labour Party?Econo mists.Spectator.Tribune.Punch.According to the English law,
50、no person can get married below the age of TOC o 1-5 h z 16182021In England a wedding ceremony in a registry office is usually .more formal tha n that in a churchrequired by lawvery gra nd and formalless formal tha n in a churchThe commercially produced breakfast cereal first started in .AmericaEn g
51、la ndScotla ndWalesIn Britain supper means .an evening dinnera formal meal in the eve ninga sumptuous dinnera light meal in the eve ning TOC o 1-5 h z The decimal curre ncy came into use in Brita in in :19601969c 19711973Which is in correct to describe the pub in Brita in?Childre n un der 16 are not
52、 admitted to a pub.Te main drink served in pubs is beer.Most pubs sell all kinds of alcohol.The pubs are ope n all day.Gen erally speak ing the En glish are .talkative in public placeshostile to radical cha ngesquarrelsomeimpatie nt of wait ing for busesThe Beatles werefour famous solo starsfour Ame
53、rica n musicia nsa pop group formed in Liverpoola pop group who were from America is an importa nt idea to the In dustrial Revoluti on that called for divid ingthe product ion process into basic, in dividual tasks.Divisi on of labourIr on law of wagesLaissez faireMaximum of profitWhich of the follow
54、 ing papers is a quality Sun day n ewspaper?a. The Sun.b. The Times.The Sun day Timesd. The Econo mistpublished his book On the Origin of Species which caused a stir in Victoriantimes.a. Adam Smithb. Charles Darwi nc. Thomas Mored. Francis Bac onCan ada s fur trade, later fur mono poly, gradually be
55、ga n to take shape in thecen tury.a. 15thb. 16thc. 17thd. 18thwas Canada s first woman Prime Minister.a. Pierre Trudeau b. Brain Mulr oneyc. Jea n Chretie n d. Kim CampbellOn average, members of the House of Commons are elected for a maximum ofyears.a. three b. four c. five d. sixCanada three larges
56、t trading partners include the following excepta. Brita inb. America c. Mexico d. Japa nis Australia s capital.a. Sydney b. Melbour nec. Brisba ne d. Can berra131. The movement to gain recognition of Aboriginal rights was started in thea. 1950s b. 1960s c. 1970s d. 1980s132. Australia ranksin terms
57、of population though it is the sixth largest country in the132. Australia ranksworld.a. 51st b. 52 nd c. 53rdd. 54 thAustralia s economy ddaendy on.a. agriculture b. manu facturi ng c. foreig n trade d. tourismwere the first group of people who arrived on the islands of New Zealand.a. Maoris b. Euro
58、pea nsc. Australia nsd. Chin eseis the head of New Zeala nd gover nment.a. The British mon arch b. The Governor Gen eralc. The Prime Mi nisterd. The Preside ntc. The Prime Mi nisterd. The Preside ntThe total area of the U.K. is .A. 211,440 B. 244,110 C. 241,410 D. 242,534England occupies the portion
59、 of the U.K.A. northern B. eastern C. southernThe most important part of the U.K. in wealth is .A. Northern Ireland B. England C. Scotland is on the western prominence between the Bristol Channel and the Dee estuary.A. Wales B. Scotland C. EnglandWales was effectively united with England in the cent
60、ury.A. 14thB. 15thC. 16thBy the Act of Union of Scotland and the kingdom of England and Wales wereconstitutionally joined as the Kingdom of Britain.A. 1707B. 1921C. 1801Psysiographically Britain may be divided into provinces. TOC o 1-5 h z A. 13B. 12C. 14Mt. Ben Nevis stands in .A. the Scottish High
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