1、安徽工業(yè)大學(xué)畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)外文翻譯PAGE PAGE 25Privatee Enteerprisses off the intennal coontroll issuuesPulin CChangEconomiic Revview. 20088, (5)Third, the ppromottion oof priivate SMEs in thhe intternall conttrol ssystemm straategy (A) chaange mmanageement and bbusineess owwners the cconceppt of devellopmennt. Thhe maj
2、jorityy of pprivatte smaall annd meddium eenterpprisess in tthe faamily businness, the ssuccesss of thesee enteerprisses deependss larggely oon intternall conttrol oor enttrepreeneur leadeershipp atteentionn and levell of iimplemmentattion. Over the yyears, by ttradittionall Chinnese cculturre, buus
3、inesss ownners bbelievve in Sinceerity, fratternall loyaalty ppermeaate maany asspectss of eenterpprise managgementt, strrengthhen innternaal conntrolss thatt willl affeect thhe orgganizaation the mmemberrs of distrrust, resullting in innternaal conntrol. Manyy privvate bbusineess owwners that rely
4、on buusinesss to do buusinesss bennefitss out of, rratherr thann out of thhe intternall finaanciall manaagemennt conntrol; thatt the markeet is the mmost iimporttant iinternnal coontroll willl be bbound himseelf annd staaff deeveloppment. Undeerstannding of thhe biaas, soo thatt thesse leaaders negl
5、eected the iinternnal coontroll systtem onn the produuctionn and operaation activvitiess. Intternall conttrol ccan reeally becomme thee leadder off the interrnal nneeds of ennterprrise iinternnal coontroll systtem iss the key tto wheether a merre forrmalitty. Thhe intternall conttrol tto makke thee
6、inteernal needss of tthe ennterprrise ddependds larrgely on twwo poiints: Firstt, detterminne wheether the ccompanny finnanciaal infformattion iin deccisionn-makiing; ssecondd is wwhetheer a ccompannys ffinanccial iinformmationn by pprovidding aa truee win the ttrust of thhe commmunitty. Immproveed
7、treeatmennt of the rrisks of prrivatee SMEss leadders attittude aand riisk coontroll methhods, transsform theirr attiitudess on iinternnal coontroll, intternall conttrol JJiang Hua YYi Shii, Tiggao innternaal conntrol conceepts, Jiangg enteerprisse mannagemeent coontroll systtem ammong ffinanccial p
8、peoplee can promoote thhe bussinesss manaagemennt of Kexuee proccess aand suustainnable devellopmennt, inn ordeer to effecctivelly esttablissh andd impllementt inteernal contrrol. (B) improove thhe quaality of ennterprrise iinternnal coontroll systtem acctors. In rrecentt yearrs, thhe ideeologiical
9、eeducattion oof thee privvate SSME acccounttants, busiiness trainning ddelayeed, soome doo not have the qqualifficatiions oof fammily mmemberrs, reelativves annd friiends was sscheduuled ffor acccountting jjobs, lack of knnowleddge off the interrnal ccontrool sysstem. Althoough tthere are ssome ccom
10、pannies iinternnal coontroll systtem, iinternnal coontroll systtem iss not comprrehenssive aand diid nott coveer alll the deparrtmentts andd perssonnell, nott to ppenetrrate tthe ennterprrise ooperatting vvariouus bussinesss fiellds annd in all ssectorrs. Laack off effeectivee inteer-secctorall coor
11、rdinattion aand reestraiint, ooften resullted iin dissjointted maanagemment. Interrnal ccontrool sysstem iis thee corpporatee busiiness unitss or ppersonnnel iin thee busiiness formaation proceess off mutuual innfluennce annd muttual rrestriictionn of aa dynaamic mmechannism, is a contrrol fuunctioo
12、n of a varriety of meethodss, meaasuress and proceeduress in ggeneraal, itt is nnot eqquivallent tto thee reguulatioons syystem, not the ssame aas intternall manaagemennt, buut nott the organnizatiional plan. Effeectivee inteernal contrrols tto thee premmise, the kkey iss the interrnal ccontrool sys
13、stem aas thee mainn bodyy of tthe maanagerr and stafff. Maan iss the subjeect off inteernal contrrol beehavioor, faailuree of iinternnal coontroll, rissk mannagemeent, aaccounnting, prodductioon rissks arre rellated to. EEnterpprisess in tthe saame tiime immprovee the interrnal ccontrool sysstem tto
14、 deaal witth thee accoountinng staaff off proffessioonal eethicss educcationn, Zenng Qiaang acccountting sstaff capaccity tto sellf-resstrainnt; too streengtheen proofessiional trainning ffor acccountting ppersonnnel tto enhhance the aabilitty to work to reeduce technnical errorrs in the aaccounntin
15、g businness pprocessses. (C) improove thhe extternall enviironmeent foor entterpriise deeveloppment, imprrove tthe innternaal conntrol inputts. Ass the exterrnal eenviroonmentt for SME DDeveloopmentt of tthe pooor, tthe maain ennergy-consuuming businness eexecuttives outsiide thhe firrm, enngage in
16、soocial relattions outsiide thhe firrm to expannd livving sspace, focuus on the mmarkett, runn fundds, noo timee to ttake iinto aaccounnt thee inteernal contrrol isssues. Enteerprisse to its ssurvivval annd devvelopmment, in orrder tto achhieve sociaal cappital and ggovernnment deparrtmentts havve t
17、o coorddinatee relaationss in tthe exxpendiituress. Thrrough folloow-up entreepreneeurs aand exxistinng groowing sociaal nettwork for aall kiinds oof ressourcees intto thee deveelopmeent off privvate ssmall and mmediumm busiiness and ffolloww the basicc condditionns, soo thatt busiiness leadeers wii
18、ll innvest a lott of hhuman and ffinanccial rresourrces ooutsidde thee firmm. Chaangingg funcctionss of ggovernnment deparrtmentts to improove thhe SMEE Deveelopmeent off the exterrnal eenviroonmentt, redduce tthe buusinesss andd deveelopmeent coosts, limitted reesourcces maake itt posssible to acch
19、ievee the interrnal ccontrool objjectivves. DDeveloopmentt of pprivatte smaall annd meddium eenterpprisess shouuld grraduallly immprovee the interrnal ccontrool inpputs, efforrts too incrrease the eeffecttiveneess off inteernal contrrol. (D) estabblish an efffectiive moonitorring mmechannism tto ens
20、sure tthe efffectiive immplemeentatiion off the interrnal ccontrool sysstem. To ennsure effecctive interrnal ccontrool sysstem wwas immplemeented, and perfoorms wwell, it muust bee overrsightt. Entterpriises sshouldd set up innternaal auddit boody orr an iinternnal coontroll selff-asseessmennt sysst
21、em, to sttrengtthen tthe innternaal conntrol monittoringg and evaluuationn, to detecct vullnerabbilitiies annd rissks, aand Onn the emerggence of neew prooblemss and new ssituattions and iinternnal coontroll impllementtationn of tthe weeak liink inn a tiimely manneer Xiuuzhengg or iimprovvementt. To
22、 strenngthenn supeervisiion, iincludding tthe Goovernmment oof Chiina haas forrmed aa sociial suuperviision, inclludingg supeervisiion annd monnitoriing syystem outsiide thhe entterpriise. HHoweveer, thhese mmonitooring systeems onn the privaate moonitorring rresultts aree not satissfactoory foor SM
23、EEs, Chhinass privvate eenterpprisess accoountinng staandardd systtem iss not perfeect. RRevieww repoort, tthe emmphasiis on technnical errorrs andd not pay aattenttion tto thee authhenticcity oof thee repoort, ssubmittted ffalse inforrmatioon, laack off accoountabbilityy and punisshmentt. Abssence
24、of goovernmment ssupervvisionn and goverrnmentt depaartmennts off infoormatiion arre inddependdent, objecctive accouuntingg praccticess of pprivatte entterpriise frree reein. EExternnal ovversigght off privvate eenterpprisess is tthe abbsencee of oother sociaal suppervission oof abssence. Sociial su
25、uperviision mainlly to accouuntingg firmms acccountiing foor thee mainn inteermediiary aagenciies. AAs thee currrent aaudit of thhe bussinesss commmunityy not invollved iin priivate enterrprisee, thee law has nnot cllearlyy defiined aannuall accoountinng staatemennts off privvate eenterpprisess must
26、t be aauditeed by certiified publiic acccountaants, togetther wwith pprivatte entterpriise fiinanciial maanagemment cconfussion, interrnal ccontrool weaaknesss, so that certiified publiic acccountaants aand acccountting ffirms relucctant to enngage in prrivatee corpporatee audiit. Onnly byy streengt
27、heening exterrnal ooversiight, exterrnal ooversiight oof thee corpporatee presssure, and this presssure iinto mmotivee forcce, annd urgge entterpriises tto impplemennt intternall accoountinng conntrol systeem to elimiinate the iinternnal coontroll systtem off nomiinal hhappenn. (V) improove coorpora
28、ate goovernaance mmechannisms, cleaar mannagemeent reesponssibiliities. Inteernal contrrol byy the authooritiees as to acchievee manaagemennt objjectivves annd esttablissh a sseriess of rrules, poliicies, and organnize tthe immplemeentatiion off proccedurees, annd corrporatte govvernannce annd corrp
29、oratte govvernannce arre insseparaable. Interrnal ccontrool fraameworrk andd corpporatee goveernancce mecchanissms off the interrnal mmanageement contrrol syystem and ssystemm enviironmeent. CConsidderablle parrt of privaate SMMEs inn Chinna aree indiividuaal, prrivatee secttor, wwhile invesstors in
30、 ennterprrises that operaators of ceentrallized leadeershipp is sseriouus bussinesss. Ownnershiip andd manaagemennt a hhigh ddegreee of uunifieed mannagemeent moodel mmanageement of prrivatee SMEss lackk the interrnal bbindinng. Allthouggh somme forrm of privaate SMMEs inn the estabblishmment oof th
31、ee boarrd of superrvisorrs, buut thee reall corpporatee goveernancce insstituttions are nnot inn placce, thhe lacck of authoorizattion aand suuperviision. Somee costt saviings oof priivate SMEs oftenn do nnot seet thee inteernal contrrol aggenciees or hypottheticcal naarrow connootatioon of interrna
32、l ccontrool. 民營中小企業(yè)內(nèi)內(nèi)部控制問題題研究蒲林昌經(jīng)濟(jì)縱橫.20008,(55)三、促進(jìn)民營中中小企業(yè)建立立內(nèi)控制度的的策略(一)轉(zhuǎn)變企業(yè)業(yè)所有者的管管理與發(fā)展觀觀念.民營中中小企業(yè)中家家族式企業(yè)居居多,這些企企業(yè)內(nèi)部控制制的成敗很大大程度上取決決于領(lǐng)導(dǎo)或企企業(yè)家的重視視和執(zhí)行程度度.長期以來來,受中國傳傳統(tǒng)文化的影影響,企業(yè)主主篤信以誠待待人,江湖義義氣滲透到企企業(yè)管理的諸諸多環(huán)節(jié),認(rèn)認(rèn)為加強(qiáng)內(nèi)部部控制,會(huì)影影響組織內(nèi)部部成員的不信信任感,因而而導(dǎo)致企業(yè)內(nèi)內(nèi)部失控.不不少民營企業(yè)業(yè)主認(rèn)為企業(yè)業(yè)效益是靠業(yè)業(yè)務(wù)做出來的的,而不是由由內(nèi)部財(cái)務(wù)管管理管出來的的;認(rèn)為市場(chǎng)場(chǎng)才是最重要要的
35、制制度,也不等等同于內(nèi)部管管理,更不是是組織計(jì)劃.內(nèi)部控制要要以有效為前前提,其關(guān)鍵鍵是作為內(nèi)控控制度主體的的經(jīng)理和員工工.“人”是內(nèi)部控制制行為的主體體,企業(yè)內(nèi)部部控制失效,經(jīng)經(jīng)營風(fēng)險(xiǎn)、會(huì)會(huì)計(jì)風(fēng)險(xiǎn)的產(chǎn)產(chǎn)生,均與之之有關(guān).企業(yè)業(yè)在完善內(nèi)部部控制制度的的同時(shí),應(yīng)對(duì)對(duì)會(huì)計(jì)人員進(jìn)進(jìn)行職業(yè)道德德教育,增強(qiáng)強(qiáng)會(huì)計(jì)人員自自我約束能力力;加強(qiáng)對(duì)會(huì)會(huì)計(jì)人員的業(yè)業(yè)務(wù)培訓(xùn),以以提高工作能能力,減少會(huì)會(huì)計(jì)業(yè)務(wù)處理理的技術(shù)差錯(cuò)錯(cuò). (三)改改善企業(yè)發(fā)展展的外部環(huán)境境,提高內(nèi)部部控制投入.由于民營中中小企業(yè)發(fā)展展的外部環(huán)境境較差,企業(yè)業(yè)負(fù)責(zé)人主要要精力耗費(fèi)在在企業(yè)之外,搞搞社會(huì)關(guān)系、拓拓展企業(yè)外部部生存空間,抓抓市場(chǎng)、
40、機(jī)構(gòu)或虛虛設(shè),內(nèi)部控控制的內(nèi)涵也也較窄.On the interrnal ccontrool sysstem iin ChiinaLi MinggMarket Moderrnizattion.22007, (22)3. Streengtheen thee inteernal contrrol syystem shoulld reggulatee the main conteent In estaablishhing tthe soocialiist maarket econoomic ssystemm and deepeen thee proccess oof acccountiing ree
41、form in ennterprrises to coomply with accouuntingg stanndardss shouuld bee baseed on the rrealitty of the uunits to esstabliish annd impprove accouuntingg and strenngthenn theiir ownn setss of aaccounnting policcies aand acccountting mmanageement contrrol syystem. Of tthese accouuntingg poliicies an
42、d aaccounnting contrrol syystem shoulld be made to thhe proovisioons off thiss writtten ttext nnot onnly heelp ennterprrises underrstandd the persoonnel matteers off dailly acccountiing pooliciees andd methhods. Also conduucive to a coherrent ccorporrate aaccounnting policcies. (A) cleaarly ddefinee
43、d ecoonomicc and businness ddeal wwith tthe diivisioon of respoonsibiilitiees andd procceduraal metthods Enteerprisses iinternnal orrganizzationn is tthe ennterprrise tto plaan ecoonomicc actiivity. Orgaanizattionall founndatioon forr commmand aand coontroll. Thee coree probblem iis thaat a rreasonn
44、able divission oof ressponsiibilitties. In geenerall econnomic and bbusineess adddresss of eeach wwhole proceess, oor in the wwhole proceess a few iimporttant llinks are pprovidded too two deparrtmentts or two oor morre deppartmeents, two oor divvisionn of rresponnsibillity oover tthe sttaff pplayed
45、d the role of muutual contrrol. ssuch aas monney reemittaance ddocumeent prrocureement, provvides for tthe prrocureement managgers, pleasse filll outt a siingle paraggraph. Suppply pllannerr (or supplly deppartmeent), pleasse revview tthe ammount of coontentt and colleectionn unitts shaall coomply w
46、ith Taiwaan andd Taiwwan arre thee samee and planss, acccountaants, paraggraph one, pleasse revview tthe coontentts andd prepparatiion off paymment vvoucheers affter ccheckiing prrocureement budgeet. Wiith thhe finnal cllearannce byy the cashiier shhall ccompleete Lii remiittancce vouucher settlleme
47、ntt (casshier open the rremitttance settllementt docuumentss, butt alsoo audiited bby thee accoountinng staaff), beforre andd afteer thee deall is ssubjecct to divission ffour. The pprocurrementt of rremitttancess reimmburseement businness pproviddes too Afteer purrchasiing maanagerrs repportedd com
48、pplete the bbill. Delivvery oof gooods too trannsporttationn perssonnell. Stoorekeeeper aaccepttance quanttity, the qqualitty of inspeectorss and accouuntantts auddit innspecttion iinvoicces, bbills and aaccepttance certiificattes, ppreparrationn of jjournaal vouucherss for reimbbursemment. (B) clee
49、ar diivisioon of assetts andd custtody oof reccords Requuiremeents aas monney maanagemment PProperrty Maanagemment aaccounnt of correelatioon perrsonneel, deesigneed to proteect thhe saffety iintegrrity oof asssets. 如 telller mmay noot conncurreently in chharge of auuditinng, acccountting aand innco
50、me archiiving costss, thee regiistrattion oof creedit aand deebt acccountts, baank nootes oof thee issuuing sstamp , theere muust bee two were headeed to the bbank tto witthdraww largge amoounts of caash muust bee by ttwo orr moree of tthe reecipieents, inspeectionn of tthe enntire proceess off data
51、abase securrity wwere jjointlly ressponsiible. A breeakdowwn of storaage maateriaals too the desiggnatedd perssons oor a sseparaate auudit bbookkeeeper bookkkeepinng. Coontroll of mmoney and mmateriial maanagemment. Managgementt accoounts stafff to lleave theirr postts forr somee reasson orr trannsf
52、er work to prrovidee comppetentt leaddershiip to desiggnate a perrson oor a ssuccesssor aagent and mmonitooring proceeduress for complletingg the necesssary transsfer oor traansferr listt. Anoother. The revieew of cash-basedd systtem off mateerial balannce syystem for ssendinng andd receeivingg comp
53、plex, compllex pooints systeem, allso arre a vvarietty of measuures aagainsst thee wronng sysstem oof intternall conttrols. (C) cllear tthat tthe acccountting ddocumeents aand acccountting rrecordds to ensurre commpleteeness and aaccuraacy reequireementss Madee to tthe orriginaal doccumentts in vari
54、oous foormatss, nummber oof coppies, numbeer, deeliverry proocess, the Alliaance lleaderrs andd manaagers use tthe siignatuure, ddetaills thee numbber off totaal nummber aand caase wiith thhe samme nummber oof buiildinggs succh as the pprovissions made for tthe kiinds oof boooks annd reccords of acc
55、countt cardd requuired to maaintaiin a ccertaiin uniity beetweenn the same or reequireementss. Alsso proovidedd accoountinng douuble ccheck detaiils chheck tthe baalancee of tthe vaariouss stattementts rellated to diigitall checck. Annd hennce thhe proovisioons off the interrnal aaudit systeem. (D)
56、exxpliciitly pproviddes foor thee estaablishhment of prropertty invventorry sysstem iinventtory To eensuree the safetty andd inteegrityy of pproducction materrials, in aadditiion too the proviisionss of mmateriial gooods ffor coollecttion aand paaymentt of eeach ccustoddian mmust iimplemment tthe pe
57、erpetuual innventoory meethod afterr checcking the aaccounnts annd invventorry, buut alsso proovidess propperty, inveentoryy and suppllies aa compprehennsive invenntory of thhe loccal syystem. To eensuree thatt cardd accoounts are iin connformiity wiith orr timeely prrocesssing eerror occurrred. In
58、addditioon to the pprovissions of thhe cassh thee cashhier ccheck out bbeforee workk eachh day countt cashh in ccase oof errror inn timee repoortingg, thee accoountinng offficer shoulld alwways ccheck cashiier woork. RRegulaar or irreggular inspeectionns of cash and ttreasuury maanagemment. 關(guān)于企業(yè)內(nèi)部控控
59、制制度的思思考李明商場(chǎng)現(xiàn)代化.22007,(22)三加強(qiáng)內(nèi)部控控制制度應(yīng)規(guī)規(guī)范的主要內(nèi)內(nèi)容在建立社會(huì)主義義市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟(jì)體體制和深化會(huì)會(huì)計(jì)改革過程程中企業(yè)在遵遵守會(huì)計(jì)準(zhǔn)則則的基礎(chǔ)上應(yīng)應(yīng)以本單位會(huì)會(huì)計(jì)工作實(shí)際際出發(fā)建立健健全和強(qiáng)化自自身臺(tái)理的會(huì)會(huì)計(jì)政策和會(huì)會(huì)計(jì)控制制度度.對(duì)這些會(huì)會(huì)計(jì)政策和會(huì)會(huì)計(jì)控制制度度應(yīng)作出書面面文字規(guī)定這這樣不僅有利利于企業(yè)有關(guān)關(guān)人員了解處處理日常會(huì)計(jì)計(jì)事項(xiàng)的政策策和方法也也有利于企業(yè)業(yè)會(huì)計(jì)政策的的前后連貫.1 明確規(guī)定處處理各種經(jīng)濟(jì)濟(jì)業(yè)務(wù)的職責(zé)責(zé)分工和程序序方法企業(yè)的內(nèi)部組織織機(jī)構(gòu)是企業(yè)業(yè)經(jīng)濟(jì)活動(dòng)進(jìn)進(jìn)行計(jì)劃指指揮和控制的的組織基礎(chǔ)其核心問題題是合理的職職責(zé)分工.在在一般情況下下
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- 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對(duì)自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。
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