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1、本協(xié)定簽署國一一致同意:TThe coountriies onn whosse behhalf tthe prresentt Agreeementt is ssignedd agreee as folloows:考慮到在全球化化背景下,區(qū)區(qū)域合作在推推動亞洲經(jīng)濟濟體持續(xù)增長長及經(jīng)濟和社社會發(fā)展方面面具有重要意意義,也有助助于提升本地地區(qū)應對未來來金融危機和和其他外部沖沖擊的能力;CONSIIDERINNG thee impoortancce of regioonal ccooperrationn to ssustaiin groowth aand prromotee econnomic and

2、 ssociall deveelopmeent off the econoomies in Assia annd theereby contrributee to rregionnal reesilieence aagainsst pottentiaal finnanciaal criises aand otther eexternnal shhocks in thhe conntext of gllobaliizatioon;認識到基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施施發(fā)展在推動動區(qū)域互聯(lián)互互通和一體化化方面具有重重要意義,也也有助于推進進亞洲經(jīng)濟增增長和社會發(fā)發(fā)展,進而為為全球經(jīng)濟發(fā)發(fā)展提供新動動力;ACKKNOWL

3、EEDGINGG the signiificannce off infrrastruucturee deveelopmeent inn expaandingg regiional conneectiviity annd impprovinng reggionall inteegratiion, ttherebby proomotinng ecoonomicc growwth annd susstainiing soocial devellopmennt forr the peoplle in Asia, and contrributiing too globbal ecconomiic dyn

4、namismm;認識到亞洲基礎(chǔ)礎(chǔ)設(shè)施投資銀銀行(以下簡簡稱“銀行”)通通過與現(xiàn)有多多邊開發(fā)銀行行開展合作,將將更好地為亞亞洲地區(qū)長期期的巨額基礎(chǔ)礎(chǔ)設(shè)施建設(shè)融融資缺口提供供資金支持;REALIIZING that the cconsidderablle lonng-terrm neeed forr finaancingg infrrastruucturee deveelopmeent inn Asiaa willl be mmet moore addequattely bby a ppartneershipp amonng exiistingg multtilateeral ddeveloopm

5、entt bankks andd the Asiann Infrrastruucturee Inveestmennt Bannk (heereinaafter referrred tto as the Bank);確信作為旨在支支持基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施施發(fā)展的多邊邊金融機構(gòu),銀銀行的成立將將有助于從亞亞洲域內(nèi)及域域外動員更多多的亟需資金金,緩解亞洲洲經(jīng)濟體面臨臨的融資瓶頸頸,與現(xiàn)有多多邊開發(fā)銀行行形成互補,推推進亞洲實現(xiàn)現(xiàn)持續(xù)穩(wěn)定增增長;CONNVINCEED thaat thee estaablishhment of thhe Bannk as a mulltilatteral finanncial i

6、nstiitutioon foccused on innfrasttructuure deeveloppment will help to moobilizze mucch neeeded aadditiional resouurces from insidde andd outsside AAsia aand too remoove thhe finnancinng botttleneecks ffaced by thhe inddividuual ecconomiies inn Asiaa, andd willl compplemennt thee exissting multiilate

7、rral deeveloppment bankss, to promoote suustainned annd staable ggrowthh in AAsia;同意成立銀行,并并遵照本協(xié)定定所做出的如如下規(guī)定進行行運作:HAAVE AGGREED to esstabliish thhe Bannk, whhich sshall operaate inn accoordancce witth thee folllowingg:第一章 宗旨、職職能和成員資資格Chappter II PURPPOSE, FUNCTTIONS AND MMEMBERRSHIP第一條 宗旨AArticlle 1 P

8、Purposse一、銀行宗旨在在于:(一)通通過在基礎(chǔ)設(shè)設(shè)施及其他生生產(chǎn)性領(lǐng)域的的投資,促進進亞洲經(jīng)濟可可持續(xù)發(fā)展、創(chuàng)創(chuàng)造財富并改改善基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施施互聯(lián)互通;(二)與其其他多邊和雙雙邊開發(fā)機構(gòu)構(gòu)緊密合作,推推進區(qū)域合作作和伙伴關(guān)系系,應對發(fā)展展挑戰(zhàn)。1. The purpoose off the Bank shalll be tto: (ii) fosster ssustaiinablee econnomic devellopmennt, crreate wealtth andd imprrove iinfrasstructture cconnecctivitty in Asia by innve

9、stiing inn infrrastruucturee and otherr prodductivve secctors; and (ii) promoote reegionaal coooperattion aand paartnerrship in adddresssing ddeveloopmentt challlengees by workiing inn closse colllaborrationn withh otheer mulltilatteral and bbilateeral ddeveloopmentt insttitutiions.二、本協(xié)定中凡凡提及“亞洲洲”和“

10、本區(qū)區(qū)域”之處,除除理事會另有有規(guī)定外,均均指根據(jù)聯(lián)合合國定義所指指的屬亞洲和和大洋洲的地地理區(qū)劃和組組成。2. Whereever uused iin thiis Agrreemennt, reeferennces tto “Assia” aand “rregionn” shaall inncludee the geogrraphiccal reegionss and compoositioon claassifiied ass Asiaa and Oceannia byy the Uniteed Nattions, exceept ass otheerwisee deciided bby

11、thee Boarrd of Goverrnors.第二條 職能AArticlle 2 FFunctiions為履行其宗旨,銀銀行應具備以以下職能:TTo impplemennt itss purppose, the BBank sshall have the ffollowwing ffunctiions:(一)推動區(qū)域域內(nèi)發(fā)展領(lǐng)域域的公共和私私營資本投資資,尤其是基基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施和其其他生產(chǎn)性領(lǐng)領(lǐng)域的發(fā)展;(i) too prommote iinvesttment in thhe reggion oof pubblic aand prrivatee capiital ffor deevelopp

12、ment purpooses, in paarticuular ffor deeveloppment of innfrasttructuure annd othher prroducttive ssectorrs;(二)利用其可可支配資金為為本區(qū)域發(fā)展展事業(yè)提供融融資支持,包包括能最有效效支持本區(qū)域域整體經(jīng)濟和和諧發(fā)展的項項目和規(guī)劃,并并特別關(guān)注本本區(qū)域欠發(fā)達達成員的需求求;(ii) to uutilizze thee resoourcess at iits diisposaal forr finaancingg suchh deveelopmeent inn the regioon, inn

13、cludiing thhose pprojeccts annd proogramss whicch willl conntribuute moost efffectiively to thhe harrmonioous ecconomiic groowth oof thee regiion ass a whhole aand haaving speciial reegard to thhe neeeds off lesss deveelopedd membbers iin thee regiion;(三)鼓勵私營營資本參與投投資有利于區(qū)區(qū)域經(jīng)濟發(fā)展展,尤其是基基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施和其其他生產(chǎn)性領(lǐng)領(lǐng)域發(fā)展的

14、項項目、企業(yè)和和活動,并在在無法以合理理條件獲取私私營資本融資資時,對私營營投資進行補補充;并且,(iii) to encourage private investment in projects, enterprises and activities contributing to economic development in the region, in particular in infrastructure and other productive sectors, and to supplement private investment when private capital i

15、s not available on reasonable terms and conditions; and(四)為強化這這些職能開展展的其他活動動和提供的其其他服務。(iv) tto unddertakke succh othher acctivitties aand prrovidee suchh otheer serrvicess as mmay fuurtherr thesse funnctionns.第三條 成員資資格Artiicle 33 Membbershiip一、銀行成員資資格向國際復復興開發(fā)銀行行和亞洲開發(fā)發(fā)銀行成員開開放。1. Membeershipp in tthe B

16、aank shhall bbe opeen to membeers off the Interrnatioonal BBank ffor Reeconsttructiion annd Devvelopmment oor thee Asiaan Devvelopmment BBank.(一) 域內(nèi)成成員是指列入入附件一第一一部分的成員員及依照第一一條第二款屬屬亞洲區(qū)域的的其他成員,其其余則為域外外成員。(aa) Reggionall membbers sshall be thhose mmemberrs lissted iin Parrt A of SScheduule A and oother

17、 membeers inncludeed in the AAsia rregionn in aaccorddance with paraggraph 2 of Articcle 1. All otherr membbers sshall be noon-reggionall membbers.(二) 創(chuàng)始成成員指已列入入附件一、在在第五十七條條規(guī)定的日期期當日或之前前簽署本協(xié)定定并在第五十十八條第一款款規(guī)定的最終終日期前已滿滿足所有成員員條件的成員員。(b) Foundding MMemberrs shaall bee thosse memmbers listeed in Scheddule

18、AA whicch, onn or bbeforee the date speciified in Arrticlee 57, shalll havee signned thhis Aggreemeent annd shaall haave fuulfillled alll othher coonditiions oof memmbershhip beefore the ffinal date speciified underr paraagraphh 1 off Artiicle 558.二、國際復興開開發(fā)銀行和亞亞洲開發(fā)銀行行成員,如未未能依照第五五十八條規(guī)定定加入銀行,可可依照第二十十八

19、條規(guī)定經(jīng)經(jīng)理事會特別別多數(shù)投票同同意后,遵照照銀行決定的的加入條件成成為銀行成員員。2. MMemberrs of the IInternnationnal Baank foor Recconstrructioon andd Deveelopmeent orr the Asiann Deveelopmeent Baank whhich ddo nott becoome meemberss in aaccorddance with Articcle 588 may be addmitteed, unnder ssuch tterms and ccondittions as thhe Bannk

20、shaall deetermiine, tto memmbershhip inn the Bank by a Speciial Maajoritty votte of the BBoard of Goovernoors ass provvided in Arrticlee 28.三、不享有主權(quán)權(quán)或無法對自自身國際關(guān)系系行為負責的的申請方,應應由對其國際際關(guān)系行為負負責的銀行成成員同意或代代其向銀行提提出加入申請請。3. IIn thee casee of aan appplicannt whiich iss not soverreign or noot ressponsiible ffor t

21、hhe connduct of itts intternattionall relaationss, appplicattion ffor meembersship iin thee Bankk shalll be preseented or aggreed by thhe memmber oof thee Bankk respponsibble foor itss inteernatiional relattions.CHAPTERR II CCAPITAAL第四條 法定股股本Artiicle 44 Authhorizeed Cappital一、銀行法定股股本為壹仟億億美元,分為為壹佰萬股,

22、每每股的票面價價值為拾萬美美元,只供成成員依照本協(xié)協(xié)定第五條的的規(guī)定認繳。1. The authorized capital stock of the Bank shall be one hundred billion United States dollars ($100,000,000,000), divided into one million (1,000,000) shares having a par value of 100,000 dollars ($100,000) each, which shall be available for subscription only by

23、 members in accordance with the provisions of Article 5.二、初始法定股股本分為實繳繳股本和待繳繳股本。實繳繳股本的票面面總價值為貳貳佰億美元,待待繳股本的票票面總價值為為捌佰億美元元。2. TThe orriginaal autthorizzed caapitall stocck shaall bee diviided iinto ppaid-iin shaares aand caallablle shaares. Sharees havving aan agggregatte parr valuue of twentty billlio

24、n dollaars ($20,0000,0000,000) shalll be paid-in shhares, and sharees havving aan agggregatte parr valuue of eightty billlion dollaars ($80,0000,0000,000) shalll be callaable.三、理事會可依依照第二十八八條規(guī)定,在在適當時間按按適當條件,經(jīng)經(jīng)理事會超級級多數(shù)投票同同意后,增加加銀行的法定定股本,包括括實繳股本和和待繳股本之之間的比例。3. The authorized capital stock of the Bank m

25、ay be increased by the Board of Governors by a Super Majority vote as provided in Article 28, at such time and under such terms and conditions as it may deem advisable, including the proportion between paid-in and callable shares.四、本協(xié)定凡提提及“美元”及及“$”符號號均指美利堅堅合眾國的法法定支付貨幣幣。4. TThe teerm “ddollarr” andd

26、the symbool “$” whereever uused iin thiis Agrreemennt shaall bee undeerstoood as beingg the officcial ccurrenncy off paymment oof thee Unitted Sttates of Ammericaa.第五條 股本認認繳Artiicle 55 Subsscripttion oof Shaares一、每個成員均均須認繳銀行行的股本。認認繳初始法定定股本時,實實繳股本與待待繳股本之間間的比例應為為2:8。依依照第五十八八條規(guī)定獲得得成員資格的的國家,其初初始認繳股份份數(shù)按本

27、協(xié)定定附件一執(zhí)行行。1. EEach mmemberr shalll subbscribbe to sharees of the ccapitaal stoock off the Bank. Eachh subsscripttion tto thee origginal authoorizedd capiital sstock shalll be ffor paaid-inn sharres annd calllablee sharres inn the propoortionn two (2) tto eigght (88). Thhe iniitial numbeer of sharees

28、 avaailablle to be suubscriibed bby couuntriees whiich beecome membeers inn accoordancce witth Artticle 58 shhall bbe thaat sett fortth in Scheddule AA.二、依照本協(xié)定定第三條第二二款加入的成成員,其初始始認繳股份數(shù)數(shù)應由理事會會決定;若其其認繳將使域域內(nèi)成員持有有股本在總股股本中的比例例降至百分之之七十五以下下時,除非理理事會依照第第二十八條規(guī)規(guī)定經(jīng)超級多多數(shù)投票通過過,否則不予予批準。2. The initiial nuumber of sh

29、hares to bee subsscribeed by counttries whichh are admittted tto memmbershhip inn accoordancce witth parragrapph 2 oof Artticle 3 shaall bee deteermineed by the BBoard of Goovernoors; pprovidded, hhoweveer, thhat noo suchh subsscripttion sshall be auuthoriized wwhich wouldd havee the effecct of redu

30、ccing tthe peercenttage oof cappital stockk heldd by rregionnal meemberss beloow sevventy-five (75) per ccent oof thee totaal subbscribbed caapitall stocck, unnless otherrwise agreeed by the BBoard of Goovernoors byy a Suuper MMajoriity voote ass provvided in Arrticlee 28.三、理事會可以以應某一成員員要求,依照照第二十八條條規(guī)

31、定,經(jīng)超超級多數(shù)投票票通過,同意意該成員按照照確定的條件件和要求增加加認繳;若其其認繳使域內(nèi)內(nèi)成員持有股股本在總股本本中的比例降降至百分之七七十五以下時時,除非理事事會依照第二二十八條規(guī)定定經(jīng)超級多數(shù)數(shù)投票通過,否否則不予批準準。3. TThe Booard oof Govvernorrs mayy, at the rrequesst of a memmber, increease tthe suubscriiptionn of ssuch mmemberr on ssuch tterms and ccondittions as thhe Boaard maay detterminne by

32、a Supper Maajoritty votte as proviided iin Artticle 28; pprovidded, hhoweveer, thhat noo suchh incrrease in thhe subbscripption of anny memmber sshall be auuthoriized wwhich wouldd havee the effecct of reduccing tthe peercenttage oof cappital stockk heldd by rregionnal meemberss beloow sevventy-five

33、 (75) per ccent oof thee totaal subbscribbed caapitall stocck, unnless otherrwise agreeed by the BBoard of Goovernoors byy a Suuper MMajoriity voote ass provvided in Arrticlee 28.四、理事會每隔隔不超過五年年對銀行的總總股本進行審審議。法定股股本增加時,每每個成員都將將有合理機會會按理事會決決定的條件進進行認繳,其其認繳部分占占總增加股本本的比例應與與此次增資前前其認繳股本本占總認繳股股本的比例相相同。任何成成員均無義

34、務務認繳任何增增加股本。44. Thee Boarrd of Goverrnors shalll at iintervvals oof nott moree thann fivee (5) yearss reviiew thhe cappital stockk of tthe Baank. IIn casse of an inncreasse in the aauthorrized capittal sttock, each membeer shaall haave a reasoonablee oppoortuniity too subsscribee, undder suuch teerm

35、s aand coonditiions aas thee Boarrd of Goverrnors shalll deteerminee, to a prooportiion off the increease oof stoock eqquivallent tto thee propportioon whiich itts stoock thheretoofore subsccribedd bearrs to the ttotal subsccribedd capiital sstock immeddiatelly priior too suchh incrrease. No mmember

36、r shalll be obliggated to suubscriibe too any part of ann incrrease of caapitall stocck.第六條 對認繳繳股本的支付付Articcle 6 Paymeent off Subsscripttions一、依照第五十十八條獲得成成員資格的本本協(xié)定簽署方方,其初始認認繳股本中實實繳股本分五五次繳清,每每次繳納百分分之二十,本本條第五款中中特殊規(guī)定的的除外。第一一次繳付應在在本協(xié)定生效效后三十天內(nèi)內(nèi)完成,或在在第五十八條條第一款規(guī)定定的批準書、接接受書或核準準書遞交之日日或之前繳付付,以后發(fā)生生者為準。第第二次繳付在在

37、本協(xié)定生效效期滿一年內(nèi)內(nèi)完成。其余余三次將相繼繼在上一次到到期一年內(nèi)完完成。1. Paymeent off the amounnt iniitiallly subbscribbed byy eachh Signnatoryy to tthis AAgreemment wwhich becommes a membeer in accorrdancee withh Artiicle 558 to the ppaid-iin cappital stockk of tthe Baank shhall bbe madde in five (5) iinstalllmentts, off twennty

38、(220) peer cennt eacch of such amounnt, exxcept as prrovideed in paraggraph 5 of this Articcle. TThe fiirst iinstalllmentt shalll be paid by eaach meember withiin thiirty (30) ddays aafter entryy intoo forcce of this Agreeement, or oon or beforre thee datee of ddeposiit on its bbehalff of iits innst

39、rumment oof rattificaation, acceeptancce or approoval iin acccordannce wiith paaragraaph 1 of Arrticlee 58, whichhever is laater. The ssecondd insttallmeent shhall bbecomee due one (1) yeear frrom thhe enttry innto foorce oof thiis Agrreemennt. Thhe remmaininng thrree (33) insstallmments shalll beco

40、ome duue succcessiively one (1) yeear frrom thhe datte on whichh the preceeding instaallmennt beccomes due.二、除本條第五五款規(guī)定之外外,對初始認認繳中原始實實繳股本的每每次繳付均應應使用美元或或其他可兌換換貨幣。銀行行可隨時將此此類繳付轉(zhuǎn)換換為美元。如如若到期未能能完成繳付,則則相應的實繳繳和待繳股本本所賦予的權(quán)權(quán)利,包括投投票權(quán)等都將將中止,直至至銀行收到到到期股本的繳繳付。2. Each instaallmennt of the ppaymennt of initiial suubs

41、criiptionns to the ooriginnal paaid-inn capiital sstock shalll be ppaid iin dolllars or otther cconverrtiblee currrency, exceept ass provvided in paaragraaph 5 of thhis Arrticlee. Thee Bankk may at anny timme connvert such paymeents iinto ddollarrs. Alll rigghts, incluuding votinng rigghts, acquiire

42、d iin resspect of paaid-inn and assocciatedd calllable sharees forr whicch succh payymentss are due bbut haave noot beeen recceivedd shalll be suspeended untill fulll paymment iis recceivedd by tthe Baank.三、銀行的待繳繳股本,僅在在銀行需償付付債務時方予予催繳。成員員可選擇美元元或銀行償債債所需貨幣進進行繳付。在在催繳待繳股股本時,所有有待繳股份的催繳繳比例應一致致。3. PPaymennt

43、 of the aamountt subsscribeed to the ccallabble caapitall stocck of the BBank sshall be suubjectt to ccall oonly aas andd whenn requuired by thhe Bannk to meet its lliabillitiess. In the eevent of suuch a call, paymment mmay bee madee at tthe opption of thhe memmber iin dolllars or inn the curreency

44、 rrequirred too discchargee the obliggationns of the BBank ffor thhe purrpose of whhich tthe caall iss madee. Callls onn unpaaid suubscriiptionns shaall bee unifform iin perrcentaage onn all callaable ssharess.四、本條提及的的各種繳付的的地點由銀行行決定,但在在理事會舉行行首次會議之之前,本條第第一款所指的的首次付款應應支付給銀行行的托管方,即即中華人民共共和國政府。4. The Ban

45、k shall determine the place for any payment under this Article, provided that, until the inaugural meeting of the Board of Governors, the payment of the first installment referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be made to the Government of the Peoples Republic of China, as Trustee for the B

46、ank.五、就本款而言言,被認定為為欠發(fā)達國家家的成員在繳繳付本條第一一款和第二款款所規(guī)定的股股本時可選擇擇以下任一方式完成,即即:5. AA membber coonsideered aas a lless ddevelooped ccountrry forr purpposes of thhis paaragraaph maay payy its subsccriptiion unnder pparagrraphs 1 andd 2 off thiss Artiicle, as ann alteernatiive, eeitherr:(一) 可全部部使用美元或或其他可兌換換貨幣,最多多分十

47、次繳付付,每次繳付付金額相當于于總額的百分分之十,第一一次和第二次次繳付的到期期日參照第一一款規(guī)定,第第三次至第十十次的繳付應應在本協(xié)定生生效兩年內(nèi)及及之后每滿一一年內(nèi)相繼完完成;或者(a) enntirelly in dollaars orr otheer connvertiible ccurrenncy inn up tto tenn (10) insttallmeents, with each such instaallmennt equual too ten (10) perceent off the totall amouunt, tthe fiirst aand seecond i

48、nstaallmennts duue as proviided iin parragrapph 1, and tthe thhird tthrouggh tennth innstalllmentss due on thhe seccond aand suubsequuent aanniveersaryy datees of the eentry into forcee of tthis AAgreemment; or(二) 每次繳繳付中,成員員可在部分使使用美元或其其他可兌換貨貨幣的同時,使使用本幣完成成其中不超過過百分之五十十的繳付,并并按照本條第第一款規(guī)定的的時間完成每每次繳付,同同時此類

49、繳付付應符合以下下規(guī)定:(bb) witth a pportioon in dollaars orr otheer connvertiible ccurrenncy annd a pportioon of up too fiftty (500) perr centt of eeach iinstalllmentt in tthe cuurrenccy of the mmemberr, folllowinng thee scheedule of innstalllmentss provvided in paaragraaph 1 of thhis Arrticlee. Thee folllowi

50、ngg provvisionns shaall appply tto payymentss undeer thiis subb-paraagraphh (b):1、成員應在本本條第一款規(guī)規(guī)定的繳付時時間向銀行說說明其將用本本幣繳付的金金額比例;(i) Thhe memmber sshall advisse thee Bankk at tthe tiime off subsscripttion uunder paraggraph 1 of this Articcle off the propoortionn of ppaymennts too be mmade iin itss own curr

51、eency.2、依照本條第第五款規(guī)定完完成的每次本本幣繳付金額額應由銀行按按照與美元完完全等值的金金額計算。首首次繳付時成成員可自行確確定應繳付金金額,但銀行行可在付款到到期日前九十十天內(nèi)做出適適當調(diào)整,以以使所繳付金金額與按美元元計算的金額額完全等值。(ii) Each payment of a member in its own currency under this paragraph 5 shall be in such amount as the Bank determines to be equivalent to the full value in terms of dollar

52、s of the portion of the subscription being paid. The initial payment shall be in such amount as the member considers appropriate hereunder but shall be subject to such adjustment, to be effected within ninety (90) days of the date on which such payment was due, as the Bank shall determine to be nece

53、ssary to constitute the full dollar equivalent of such payment.3、無論何時,只只要銀行認為為一個成員的的貨幣已大幅幅貶值,該成成員應在一段段合理期限內(nèi)內(nèi)向銀行繳付付額外的本幣幣金額,以確確保銀行賬面面持有的該成成員以本幣認認繳股本的價價值不變。(iii) Wheneever iin thee opinnion oof thee Bankk, thee foreeign eexchannge vaalue oof a mmemberrs cuurrenccy hass deprreciatted too a siignifiican

54、t extennt, thhat meember shalll pay to thhe Bannk witthin aa reassonablle timme an addittionall amouunt off its curreency rrequirred too mainntain 6 thee valuue of all ssuch ccurrenncy heeld byy the Bank on acccountt of iits suubscriiptionn.4、無論何時,只只要銀行認為為一個成員的的貨幣已大幅幅升值,銀行行應在一段合合理期限內(nèi)向向該成員退付付一定數(shù)量的的本幣

55、金額,以以調(diào)整銀行賬賬面持有的該該成員以本幣幣認繳股本的的價值。(iiv) Whheneveer in the oopinioon of the BBank, the fforeiggn excchangee valuue of a memmberss currrency has aapprecciatedd to aa signnificaant exxtent, the Bank shalll pay to thhat meember withiin a rreasonnable time an ammount of thhat cuurrenccy reqquiredd to aadju

56、stt the valuee of aall suuch cuurrenccy helld by the BBank oon acccount of itts subbscripption.5、銀行可放棄棄本項第3目目賦予的償付付權(quán)利,成員員可放棄本項項第4目賦予予的償付權(quán)利利。(v) The BBank mmay waaive iits riights to paaymentt undeer subb-paraagraphh (iiii) andd the membeer mayy waivve itss righhts too paymment uunder sub-pparagrraph

57、 (iv).六、銀行接受任任何成員使用用該成員政府府或其指定的的存托機構(gòu)所發(fā)行行的本票或其其他債券繳付付該成員依照照本條第五款款第(二)項項規(guī)定的以本本幣繳付金額額,前提是銀銀行在經(jīng)營中中不需要使用用上述金額的的成員貨幣。上上述本票或債債券應為不可可轉(zhuǎn)讓、無息息并可應銀行行要求按面值值見票即付。6. The Bank shall accept from any member paying its subscription under sub-paragraph 5 (b) of this Article promissory notes or other obligations issued

58、by the Government of the member, or by the depository designated by such member, in lieu of the amount to be paid in the currency of the member, provided such amount is not required by the Bank for the conduct of its operations. Such notes or obligations shall be non-negotiable, non-interest-bearing

59、, and payable to the Bank at par value upon demand.第七條 股份繳繳付條件Arrticlee 7 Teerms oof Shaares一、成員初始認認繳股份應按按面值發(fā)行。其其他股份也應應按照面值發(fā)發(fā)行,除非理理事會在特殊殊情況下依照照第二十八條條規(guī)定經(jīng)特別別多數(shù)投票通通過,決定以以其他條件發(fā)發(fā)行股份。11. Shaares oof stoock innitiallly suubscriibed bby memmbers shalll be iissuedd at ppar. OOther sharees shaall bee issuued

60、att par unlesss thee Boarrd of Goverrnors by a Speciial Maajoritty votte as proviided iin Artticle 28 deecidess in sspeciaal cirrcumsttancess to iissue them on otther tterms.二、股份不得以以任何形式進進行質(zhì)押或抵抵押,且僅可可以向銀行轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓。2. Sharees of stockk shalll nott be ppledgeed or encummberedd in aany maanner whatssoeverr,


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