1、 Data Ussed inn the ExerccisesDataData inn Traiining SysteemData inn IDESS SysttemMateriaalT-BQ3#20-100FFT-BQ4#40-100FFT-BQ1#60-100FFT-BQ5#100-3000T-FQ1#Y-351T-TQ1#300-1300t-ht1#N-2100t-ht2#N-2110Work ceenterssT-P00 - T-P20T-PInspecttion pplanT-BQ3#20-100FFT-TQ1#300-1300Equipmeent100035440100035441M
2、aster recippet-tab#t-tab#Certifiicate profiileQINTER_01CharactteristticZEROPOIINTDEVVIATIOONZEROPOIINTDEVVIATIOONFULLSCAALEDEVVIATIOONFULLSCAALEDEVVIATIOONN-100N-100N-200N-200N-300N-3008-1068-106 Unit: BBasicssTopic BBasicssDemonsttratioon of crosss-appllicatiion fuunctioons inn QMMateriaal anaalysi
3、ss and SAPofffice1-1Crooss-appplicaation functtions in QMMNote soome fuunctioons thhat suupportt QM iin thee R/3 Systeem:_Where ddo youu findd thesse funnctionns in the mmenu?_1-2Matteriall anallysis and SSAPoffficeUse thee Infoormatiion Syystem to maake a materrial aanalyssis wiith reespectt to tth
4、e quualityy scorres foor thee insppectioon lott. Sennd thiis anaalysiss to aa grouup of your choicce (LOO170-#) ussing tthe SAAPoffiice fuunctioon andd anallyze tthe daata inn grapphic fform.Make a note of thhe mennu patths yoou useed._ Unit: QQM in the LLog. SSupplyy ChaiinTopic: QM PrrocesssesDemo
5、nsttratioon of the QQM funnctionns in the llogisttics ssupplyy chaiinDisplayying tthe innspecttion iinstruuctionnQM Funcctionss Note thhe areeas whhere QQM is used in thhe loggisticcs suppply cchain:_1-2 Dissplayiing thhe Insspectiion Innstrucction 1-2-1UUse maateriaal no. T-BQQ1# tto seaarch ffor y
6、oour innspecttion llot annd notte thee numbber._1-2-2PPrint the iinspecction instrructioon forr yourr insppectioon lott and displlay thhe lott fromm the spooll.Unit: QQM in the LLog. SSupplyy ChaiinTopic: QM inn ProccuremeentPostingg a gooods rreceippt to inspeectionn stocckInspecttion llot prrocess
7、singInventoory trrackinng1-1 PPostinng a GGoods Receiipt1-1-1DDisplaay thee Quallity MManageement view for yyour mmateriial T-BQ4# in pplant 1000 (for inspeectionn typee 5) aand maake a note of thhe setttingss for the ffollowwing iindicaators (x=sset)Post too inspp. stoock:_Insp. wwith sspec.: _Insp
8、. wwith ttask llist: _Skips aalloweed: _Q-scoree procceduree:_1-1-2PPostinng of goodss receeipt (otherr)Movemennt typpe: 5001Plant: 1000Storagee locaation: 00011Quantitty: 1000 PcssMateriaal: T-BQ4#Make a note of thhe doccumentt numbber._1-1-3SSearchh for your inspeectionn lot usingg the materrial d
9、documeent nuumber and ddisplaay thee stocck. Whhere wwas thhe matteriall stocck possted?_1-2 Ussage DDecisiion foor thee Insppectioon Lott and Inspeectionn Stocck1-2-1MMake tthe deecisioon forr yourr insppectioon lott A2, usingg the catallog foor thee usagge deccisionn.1-2-2DDisplaay thee stoccks fo
10、or thee mateerial. Wherre wass the delivvery ppostedd?_2-1Purrchasee Ordeer andd Goodds Recceipt2-1-1DDisplaay thee Quallity MManageement view for tthe maateriaal T-BBQ3# in pllant 11000 ffor innspecttion ttype 001, annd makke a nnote oof thee setttings for tthe foollowiing inndicattors (x = sset)Po
11、st too inspp. stoock:_Insp. wwith sspec.: _Insp. wwith ttask llist: _Skips aalloweed: _Q-scoree procceduree:_2-1-2CCreatee a puurchasse ordder wiith thhe folllowinng datta:Vendor: 10000Order ttype: NBPurch. organnizatiion: 11000Purchassing ggroup: 000Plant: 1000Storagee locaation: 00011Deliverry dat
12、te: Cuurrentt datee + 144 dayssMateriaal: T-BQ3#Order qquantiity: 1100 ppcs.Price: $2.200 Make a note of thhe purrchasee ordeer nummber_2-1-3 PPost tthe gooods rreceippt forr a puurchasse ordderMateriaal: T-BQ3#Movemennt typpe: 1001Plant: 1000Storagee locaation: 00011Make a note of thhe doccumentt n
13、umbber yoou creeated_2-1-4SSearchh for your inspeectionn lot usingg the documment nnumberr and displlay thhe stoock. WWhere was tthe maateriaal stoock poosted?_2-2Insspectiion loot forr a Gooods RReceippt2-2-1CCall tthe reesultss recoordingg funcction for yyour iinspecction lot. Recorrd a ddefecttiv
14、e ppart ffor yoour chharactteristtic.Operatiion 100Processsing mmode: 1Data foor cheeck foor vissible defeccts2-2-2MMake tthe ussage ddecisiion foor youur lott withh the code “Retuurn too venddor”.3-1 Commplainnts aggainstt a veendor3-1-1SSelectt the notifficatiion tyype foor commplainnts aggainstt
15、a veendor and ssearchh for the ccorresspondiing maateriaal doccumentt for your materrial TT-BQ3# andd for your firstt lot:Notificcationn typee: _Materiaal doccumentt: : _Item: 113-1-2AAdd thhe folllowinng datta to the nnotifiicatioon:. Prioritty: 2Enter ttext ffor thhe conntentss of pprobleem. Usse
16、thee cataalogs definned too do tthis.Enter yyourseelf ass the Coorddinatoor (LOO170-#, #=Grouup nummber)Save thhe nottificaation.Unit: QQM thee Log. Suppply ChhainTopic: QM inn Prodductioon Searchiing foor an inspeectionn lot in thhe worrklisttProcesssing iinspecction pointtsCreatinng an interrnal p
17、probleem nottificaation 1-1Proocessiing thhe Insspectiion Loot1-1-1SSearchh for the iinspecction lot bbelongging tto youur worrk cennter (T-P#) Maake a note of thhe insspectiion loot nummber._1-1-2RRecordd the measuured vvaluess of aat leaast 2 inspeectionn poinnts foor eacch insspectiion opperatiio
18、n foor thee indiividuaal insspectiion chharactteristtics.aand noote thhe reccordinng typpes foor thee charracterristiccs.Oper.Charactteristtic naameRecordiingCall thhe conntrol chartt and the hhistoggram ffor thhe chaaracteeristiics, iif thiis is possiible. Copy the ppropossed innspecttion ppoint va
19、luaation.1-1-3RRecordd an aadditiional defecct forr yourr insppectioon lott at rresultts reccordinng andd creaate a qualiity nootificcationn for this defecct.1-1-4MMake tthe ussage ddecisiion wiith ann apprropriaate coode.To do tthis, use tthe caataloggs andd desccriptiion off probblems storeed in t
20、he ssystemm.Save thhe usaage deecisioon.2-1Rouuting2-1-1DDisplaay thee routting aand itts corrrespoondingg insppectioon opeeratioons foor youur matteriall T-BQQ5#.Make a note of thhe insspectiion opperatiions aand thhe conntrol keys used in booth opperatiions.OperatiionControll key2-1-2WWhich attrii
21、butess doess the contrrol keey havve (whhich iindicaators are sset? (x = sset, oor nummber oof atttributte)IndicattorSettinggSchedullingDetermiine CaapReq.CostinggAutom. goodss receeiptInsp. ccharaccs. exxpecteedReworkPrint cconfirrmatioonPrint ttime ttickettPrintSched. exterrnal ooper.Externaal pro
22、ocessiingConfirmmationnUnit: QQM in Log. Supplly ChaainTopic:QQM in the PProcesss Inddustryy Search for tthe PII sheeetProcesssing oof an inspeectionn lot from withiin thee PI ssheetMaking the uusage decission1-1 PII Sheeet1-1 Seearch for tthe PII sheeet usiing thhe desstinattion aaddresss (GRRP. TA
23、AB#) in pllant 11100, and mmake aa notee of tthe PII sheeet nummber._-1-2 EEdit tthe PII sheeet by choossing tthe reecord inspeectionn resuults ffunctiion. CChoosee insppectioon poiint iddentifficatiion 1000.2-1 Insspectiion Loot2-1-1 RRecordd the approopriatte datta forr the inspeectionn lot and ss
24、ave yyour eentriees.2-1-2 AAssignn a paartiall lot, whatt do yyou nootice aboutt the batchh?_3-1 Ussage DDecisiion3-1-1MMake tthe ussage ddecisiion foor thee lot. Unit: QQM in Log. Supplly ChaainTopic: QM inn Salees Ordder Prrocesssing Inspecttion ffor deeliverry at partiial loot levvelCreatinng a c
25、certifficatee1-1 Deeliverry1-1-1CCreatee a deeliverry forr the shippping ppoint 1100 for tthe maateriaal T-FFQ1#:Deliverry typpe: LOOSales oorganiizatioon: 10020Distribbutionn channnel: 22Divisioon: 000Ship-too partty: 77777Plannedd GI ddate: Curreent daate + 14 daaysMateriaal: T-FQ1#Deliverry quaan
26、tityy: 1000 KgMake a note of thhe delliveryy numbber_Save thhe delliveryy usinng thee “Savve andd subsseq. ffunc.” and aadd thhe datta Plant:11100Warehouuse noo.: 0111Foregroound/bbackgrrnd:BAdopt pick.quanttity: 21-1-2RRecordd resuults ffor paartiall lot 1 andd makee the usagee deciision for tthe i
27、nnspecttion llot.2-1Cusstomerr Compplaintt2-1-1RRecordd a cuustomeer commplainnt forr the delivvery nnumberr and for yyour mmateriial:Notificcationn typee: _Sales oorg:10020Distribbutionn channnel: 22Divisioon: 002-1-2AAdd thhe infformattion PPrioriity: 22 to tthe nootificcationnEnter ttext ffor thh
28、e prooblem conteents. To doo thiss, usee the storeed cattalogss.Enter yyourseelf ass the coorddinatoor (LOO170-#, #=Grouup nummber)Save yoour nootificcationn. Unit: FFunctiions iin DettailTopic: Qualiity Pllanninng Creatinng a MMasterr Insppectioon ChaaracteeristiicIncludiing thhe Chaaracteeristiic
29、in the GGoods Receiipt Innspecttion PPlan1-1Quaalitattive MMasterr Insppectioon Chaaracteeristiic1-1-1CCreatee a quualitaative masteer insspectiion chharactteristtic MKK01-# in pplant 1000 for aa quallitatiive innspecttion oof thee packkagingg. Thee sampple siize shhould be fiixed aand a samplling p
30、proceddure sshouldd be uused. A summmarizzed reecordiing off the data shoulld be definned. NNo chaaracteeristiic atttributtes shhould be seet. Thhe chaaracteeristiic shoould bbe insspecteed.The chaaracteeristiic is to bee refeerenceed latter inn an iinspecction plan.1-1-2MMake aa notee of tthe coont
31、roll indiicatorrs.( ) Chaaracteeristiic atttributte( ) Sammplingg procceduree( ) AAdditiive saample( ) SPCC charracterristicc( ) DDestruuctivee inspp.( ) Summm. reecordiing( ) RRequirred chharac.( ) Sinngle rresultt( ) OOptionnal chharac.( ) No charaac. reecordiing( ) AAfter accepptancee( ) Claassed
32、 recorrding( ) AAfter rejecction( ) Deffects recorrding( ) Scoope noot fixxed( ) NNo doccumenttationn( ) Fixxed sccope( ) DDocu. if reejecteed( ) Smaaller scopee( ) DDocu. requiired( ) Larrger sscope( ) Lonng-terrm insspectiion( ) Scrrap shhare/QQ-scorre( ) RR changge doccs( ) Tesst-equui assssignmm
33、ent( ) Priint( ) Do not pprint( ) Do not pprint at skkip2-1Insspectiion Chharactteristtic inn the Inspeectionn Plann2-1-1AAdd opperatiion 200 withh titlle Paackagiing innspecttion for mmateriial T-BQ3# in pplant 1000 to yoour GRR insppectioon plaan andd chooose a contrrol keey thaat alllows pprintii
34、ng. OOn thee operrationn detaail sccreen, add the rrecordding vview 110.2-1-2RRefereence tthe innspecttion ccharaccterisstic MMK01-# in this operaation and cchoosee a saamplinng proocedurre thaat speecifiees an inspeectionn withh a fiixed ssamplee sizee of 55. Savve youur plaan.Unit: FFunctiions iin
35、 DettailTopic: Qualiity Innspecttion Creatinng an Inspeectionn Lot ManuaallyDisplayying DData ffor thhis Innspecttion LLot annd Reccordinng of Resullts1-1Creeatingg an IInspecction Lot1-1-1CCreatee an iinspecction lot mmanuallly foor youur matteriall withh the folloowing speciificattions:Materiaal:
36、T-BQ3#Plant: 1000Inspecttion llot orrigin: 01Purchassing oorganiizatioon: 10000Insp. llot siize: 1100 PccsVendor: 10000Make a note of thhe insspectiion loot nummber: _1-1-2DDisplaay thee insppectioon plaan datta forr the inspeectionn lot and mmake aa notee of tthe saample size._Record resullts foor
37、youur insspectiion loot usiing thhe worrklistt for resullts reecordiing.2-1Makking tthe Ussage DDecisiion2-1-1MMake aa usagge deccisionn for the iinspecction lot, that contaains tthe seendingg of aa maill as aa folllow-upp actiion.2-1-2WWhich catallog tyype diid youu use for tthe ussage ddecisiion?_
38、2-1-3WWhich speciial feeaturee doess the catallog tyype haave?_Unit: FFunctiions iin DettailTopic: Qualiity Coontroll Materiaal Anaalysiss for the MMateriialDisplayying tthe GrraphiccResultss Histtory1-1Matteriall AnallysisCall thhe matteriall anallysis in thhe QMIIS (innformaation systeem), aand ma
39、ake a drilll-downn anallysis for tthe loots off yourr mateerial T-BQ33#.Which llevelss are listeed in the sstandaard annalysiis?_Which kkey fiiguress are displlayed?_1-2GraaphicCall thhe graaphic for tthe keey figgures in thhe staandardd anallysis. Whicch opttions do yoou havve forr furtther pproces
40、ssing?_1-3Ressults HistooryCall thhe ressults histoory foor youur matteriall T-BQQ5# aand diisplayy the run-cchart as a graphhic.Unit: FFunctiions iin DettailTopic: Qualiity Ceertifiicatess Assigniing CeertifiicatessCreatinng Cerrtificcates 1-1Asssigniing CeertifiicatessReleasee yourr certtificaate
41、prrofilee and assiggn it to maateriaal T-FFQ1#:Certifiicate profiile: QQINTERR_01CTyp: 00003Versionn: #1-2 Creaating CertiificattesCreate the ccertifficatee withh the folloowing data Materiaal: TT-FQ1#Batch: FQ1#Recipieent: NNoneCreate anothher ceertifiicate for tthe deeliverry in the ssales orderr
42、proccessinng exeercisee. Displayy the certiificattes inn the spooll.Unit: FFunctiions iin DettailTopic: Qualiity Nootificcationns Worklisst forr NotiificattionsTasks ffor a Notifficatiion1-1Worrklistt for Notifficatiions1-1-1CCall tthe woorklisst foor outtstandding nnotifiicatioons foor youur matter
43、iall T-BQQ3#.1-1-2SSelectt a nootificcationn and switcch to the eedit mmode ffor thhe nottificaation. Enteer a ttask uusing the aapproppriatee cataalog. Enterr yourrself (LO1770-#) as tthe peerson respoonsiblle forr proccessinng.Save thhe nottificaation.1-2Worrklistt for Taskss1-2-1CCall tthe woorkl
44、isst forr taskks. Seelect the eentry usingg the persoon ressponsiible ffor prrocesssing (LO1700-#). 1-2-2SSelectt a taask, eenter an acctivitty andd compplete the ttask.1-2-3CCheck your activvity bby usiing a suitaable sselecttion iin thee workklist for ttasks. Whatt do yyou haave too do?_Unit: FFunctiions iin DettailTopic: Test Equ
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