1、淮南八公山豆腐制作Department of Biochemistry, University of Colorado(200207-200711)CytokinesisMetaphaseAnaphaseNeuron diversity, dipoid and aneuploidProtein degradation, Amino Acid Metablism:Catablism and Biosynthesis of Amino Acids Nitogen FixationDegradation and Biosynthesis of NucleotidesMetabolism Regula
2、tionLehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 4th editionTextbook of biochemistry with clinical correlations1 Protein digestion2 Protein degradation Lysosome medidated-degradation Autophagy Ubiquitin-mediated3 Amino acid catablism4 Amino acid synthesisProtein degradation, Amino Acid MetablismThe signifi
3、cance of amino acid1. Cells / tissues growing, renewing and mendingProtein Degradation/ Amino Acid MetablismThe significance of amino acid2. Take part in physiological activities3. Oxidation and supply energy70kg的人,每天有400g的protein發(fā)生變化:400g發(fā)生再循環(huán);100g氧化講解提供能量4. Nitrogen balanceBefore we get on amino a
4、cid metablism:1. Breakdown of dietary proteins2. Protein degradation in cellsProtein breakdown starts at stomachOptimal pH1.52.5,Low specificityProduce small peptide and free amino acids pepsinogen胃蛋白酶原+ Small PeptideHCl、PepsinPepsinBreakdown of dietary proteins Both are generated in stomach !主細胞(ch
5、ief cell):胃酶細胞,zymogenic cell壁細胞(parietal cell):泌酸細胞,oxyntic cell泌酸細胞:較大,多呈圓錐形。核圓而深染,居中;胞質呈均質而明顯的嗜酸性。胃酸: 雙刃劍,過少或缺乏時,消化不良; 分泌過多,對胃和十二指腸黏膜發(fā)生侵襲作用,導致潰瘍,穿孔、出血等;Chief cells secrets pepsinogen,典型蛋白質分泌細胞的結構特點:柱狀,核圓形;胞質基部呈強嗜堿性,頂部充滿酶原顆粒。細胞核周有大量粗面內質網與發(fā)達的高爾基復合體。Cholecystokininkolsstkann ( 縮膽囊素) stimulates secre
6、tion of several pancreatic enzymes (胰腺酶)with activity optima at pH 7 - 8.Pancreas exocrine cells :Trypsinogen(胰蛋白酶原)Chymotrypsinogen(糜蛋白酶原)Procarboxypeptidases A, B 羧肽酶The digestion of proteins in the small intestine(小腸).Enterokinase腸激酶 : produced by cells of the duodenum du:di:nm (十二指腸)絲氨酸蛋白酶(Serin
7、e protease)家族:利用Ser殘基來催化水解肽鍵絲氨酸蛋白酶家族:Trypsin,Chymotrypsin,Elastase,Carboxypeptidases只有一個絲氨酸殘基催化肽鍵斷裂,Ser-His-Asp形成催化三聯體其它蛋白酶家族:半關氨酸蛋白酶天冬氨酸蛋白酶金屬離子蛋白酶絲氨酸蛋白酶1 絲氨酸蛋白激酶通過有限水解,調控(激活)絲氨酸蛋白水解酶;2 絲氨酸蛋白水解酶有相似的結構和功能;在肽鍵水解過程中表現高特異性;3 調控血液凝固,補提激活,受精,激素生產等許多生理過程;4 動物/植物中存在天然抑制劑;5 調控缺乏或異常導致蛋白質消化自溶,從而發(fā)生疾病,如血友病、癌癥轉移等
8、。Synthesis of the enzymes as inactive precursors-zymogen(酶原或前酶):1 Protects the exocrine cells from destructive proteolytic attack. 2 Transportation3 Allow RegulationElaborate mechanism for getting active digestive enzymes.Protein Digestion Proteolytic enzymes of pancreatic juiceEndopeptidasesExopept
9、idasesTrypsin : Arg, Lys (C)Chymotrypsin : Tyr, Trp, Phe, Met, Leu (C)Elastase: Ala, Gly, Ser (C)carboxypeptidaseaminopeptidaseCleavage sites and substrates of proteasesMARTKQTARKSTGGKAPRKQLATKAARKSAPSTGCleavage sites and substrates of proteases一They hydrolyze the peptides very efficiently.In humans
10、, most globular proteins from animal sources are almost completely hydrolyzed to amino acids in the gastrointestinal tract, some proteins, such as keratin(角蛋白)are only partly digested. The protein content of some plant foods is protected against breakdown by indigestible cellulose husks(外殼).Absorpti
11、on of free amino acids Trypsin and Protease in Cell CultureTrypsin used for protein sequencing Enterokinase used in protein purification 腸激酶酶切位點DDDDK 基于MS/MS的蛋白質序列和修飾鑒定Liquid chromatography-coupled mass spectrometery(LC-MS)Tryspin digestionA disease caused by obstruction of the normal pathway by whi
12、ch pancreatic secretions enter the intestine. The enzymogens of the proteolytic enzymes are converted to their catalytically active forms prematurely, inside the pancreatic cells, and attack the pancreatic tissue itself. This causes excruciating kskru:etl pain and damage to the organ that can prove
13、fatal. Acute pancreatitis and Protease(急性胰腺炎)Questions:1 蛋白酶水解的是什么化學鍵?2 人體消化道內有哪些蛋白酶? 3 酶以酶原的形式存在有什么意義?Protein Degradation in CellLife-span of protein in cell:Insulin(胰島素):1hrhemoglobin、Histone:few monthsLens, neuron:lifelongMost of proteins: a few daysProtein degradation in cells:1 dynamic turnover
14、 :2 apoptosis:Protein degradation in cells:1 dynamic turnover :2 apoptosis:3 Energy-providing:機體中大多數的蛋白和氨基酸存在與骨骼肌中,機體運耗能時,這些蛋白質被降解為氨基酸,用于產能和糖異生。4 Branch chain amino acids are preferred for energy-providing.5 Protein degradation is occurring everywhere in the body, muscle is the major location of pro
15、tein degradation.Two major systems for the turnover of cellular proteins:Lysosomes and Ubiquitin-mediated protein degradationProtein Degradation in Cell1 Lysosomal hydrolasesexhibit acidic pH optimal.2 Lost activity if leaked into cytosol.3 Cathepsin 組織蛋白酶家族Low specificityLysosomal Degradation Pathw
16、ayProteinsA. EndocytosedB. Cytosolic C. Organelles by autophagy溶酶體貯積?。夯蛲蛔冎氯苊阁w酸性水解酶缺陷痛風:溶酶體破裂大隅良典Yoshinori Ohsumi,2016年諾貝爾生物學和醫(yī)學獎, Prize motivation: for his discoveries of mechanisms for autophagyAutophageConsequences of autophagy:survival or cell deathConsequences of autophagy:survival or cell deat
17、h自噬作用是細胞內的溶酶體降解自身細胞器和其他大分子的過程。形態(tài)學特征:電鏡下可觀察到胞質中有大量包裹著細胞漿和細胞器的空泡結構,稱作自噬泡。主要過程:自噬泡形成,與溶酶體發(fā)生融合,自噬泡所包裹著的待降解物質進入溶酶體,在各種酶的作用下分解成氨基酸和核苷酸等,并進入三羧酸循環(huán),產生小分子和能量ATP-再被細胞所利用Autophagic cell death and apoptosis細胞自噬與細胞凋亡之間似乎存在著某種調控機制,可調節(jié)二者的相互拮抗或促進相互替換Autophagy and drug resistence(細胞耐藥性)細胞自噬對人類健康是一把雙刃劍。Ubiquitin pathw
19、roteasome)19S lid19S lid20S coreUbiquitination Ub activating enzyme(Uba) Ub conjugating enzyme(Ubc) E3- Ub Ligase-SubUbiquitin pathwayE1-S-UbE2-S-UbE3substratesUbMono-ubiquitinationChange:protein conformation,Localization, interactionPolyubiquitinationUbUbUbUbsubstratesProteosomeDegradationE1- Ub ac
20、tivating enzyme(Uba)Uses ATPAMP+PPi to form thioester bond between its sulfhydryl group and the terminal carboxylate group of UBE2- Ub conjugating enzyme(Ubc):Accepts activated UBE3- Ub Ligase: Catalyzes transfer of UB from E2 to -amino group of lysine on target protein forming an isopeptide bond異肽鍵
21、ATP肽鍵和異肽鍵substrateUbMQIFKVTLTGKTITLEVEPNDTIENVKAKIQDKEGIPPDQQRLIFAGKQLEDGRTLADYNIQKESTLHLVLRLRGG蛋白質泛素化降解途徑7要素Control of p53 by ubiquitylationChromatin structure Transcriptional regulation.Turn over of oncogene productsCell cycle controlRegulation of DNA repair responseApoptosisEndocytosis一般了解(不考)Con
22、trol of Cell Cycle Progression by Distinct E3 ComplexesAnaphase-Promoting ComplexTwo families of E3 ubiquitin ligases一般了解(不考)一般了解(不考)The Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2004“for the discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation”Avram HershkoIrwin RoseAaron CiechanoverQuestions細胞內主要的蛋白質降解體系是什么?細胞內主要的
23、蛋白質降解體系各有什么特點?泛素化降解的要素有哪些?消化道內有哪些蛋白酶參與了蛋白質的消化?Amino Acid PoolAmino acid metabolism Deamination(脫氨) Transamination(轉氨作用) Urea cycle(尿素循環(huán)) Pyruvate group a Ketoglutarate group Succinyl-CoA group Oxaloacetate group Fumarate / oxaloacetate group Alanine / acetoacetate group Acetyl-CoA / acetoacetate gro
24、up Decarboxylation1. Deamination of AAstransamination oxidative deaminationunion deamination Important in the diagnosis of heart and liver damage caused by heart attack, drug toxicity, or infection. After a tissue/organ damage, a variety of enzymes, including these aminotransferases, leak from the i
25、njured tissue cells into the bloodstream. Assays for Tissue Damage by Analyses of amino-transferase activities in blood serumTransamination(轉氨作用)1 An amino group is transferred to an -keto acid, with formation of the corresponding amino acid and another -keto acid.2 Usually occurs in amino acid degr
26、adation3 Transamination is reversible, however,transamination of essential amino acid is unidirectional, Ser, Lys and Pro cannot be transaminated.5 Key roles of Glu and -keto glutarate in transaminationTransamination4 -keto acid produced in transamination can be intermediator for TCA 6 Only the - am
27、ino group of Glu enters Urea cycleALT: Alanine aminotransferase (in liver) 丙氨酸氨基轉移酶,also called glutamate-pyruvate transaminase(谷丙轉氨酶), GPTAST: Aspartate aminotransferase (in heart) ,also called glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase(谷草轉氨酶), GOTTwo important transaminases:嗜酒如命進食高蛋白補品服用某些藥物肝?。ǜ窝?、肝損傷)腎病(
28、谷氨酰轉肽酶)/uniprot/P24298Function ExpressionActivityCellular Localization DomainModificationStructureRegulationCofactorTransamination-needs coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate(磷酸吡哆醛, B6)1 Covalent ligated to enzyme2 Interaction with enzyme3 Schiffs baseVitamine B6亞胺Transamination need coenzyme pyridoxal phosp
29、hate(PLP)ALL Aminotransferases identified so far use pyrodoxal phosphate as coenzyme. Pyridoxamine phosphate(PMP)(2) Oxidative deaminationGlutamate Releases Its Amino Group as Ammonia in the Liver1 In hepatocytes mitochondria, 2 Glutamate undergoes oxidative deamination 3 Catalyzed by L-glutamate de
30、hydrogenase4 Produces free ammonia5 Produces NADH 6 Required for Urea Cycle7 The enzyme is strictly regulated How and Why?(3) Union deaminationAlanine + -ketoglutaratePyruvate + glutamateGlutamate + NAD+ + H2O-ketoglutarate + NADH + NH4+Net Reaction: Alanine + NAD+ + H2Opyruvate + NADH + NH4+The com
31、bined action of an aminotransferase and glutamate dehydrogenaseTransaminase, glutamate dehydrogenase.(3) Purine nucleotide cycle (in muscle)草酰乙酸腺苷酰琥珀酸蘋果酸延胡索酸腺苷酸次黃苷酸1. Sources: Deamination of AAs-main source Catabolism of other nitrogen containing compoundsAmmonia (NH3) :Source and outlet2. Outlets:(
32、1) Formation of urea in liver(2) Formation of Gln(3) Synthesis of AA(4) Excrete in urineMetabolism of Ammoniamost vertebratesbirds & reptilesfish & other aquatic vertebratesTransportation of NH31 Glucose Alanine cycle2 Transportation of ammonia by Gln Ammonia Is Toxic to Animals!Ammonia is converted
33、 to Urea cycle in liver cells.Life-span of protein in cell:Insulin 胰島素:1hrhemoglobin、Histone:few monthsLens, neuron:lifelongMost of proteins: a few daysProtein degradation in cells:1 dynamic turnover :2 apoptosis:3 Energy-providing:機體中大多數的蛋白和氨基酸存在與骨骼肌中,機體運耗能時,這些蛋白質被降解為氨基酸,用于產能和糖異生。4 Branch chain ami
34、no acids are preferred for energy-providing.5 Protein degradation is occurring everywhere in the body, muscle is the major location of protein degradation.1 Glucose-Alanine CycleAlanine Transports Ammonia fromSkeletal Muscles to the Liver2. Transportation of ammonia by GlnExcess ammonia in tissues i
35、s added to glutamate to form glutamine, catalyzed by glutamine synthetase(谷氨酰胺合成酶) After transport in the bloodstream,the glutamine enters the liver and NH4 is liberated in mitochondria by the enzyme glutaminase(谷氨氨酰胺酶) blood circulationliver otherorgans musclekidneyureaglucose alanine cycleGlutamin
36、ase丙氨酸:NeutralNon-polarityNon-toxicEasily transported through membraneGlutamine synthetaseFormation of urea1. Site: liver (mitochondria and cytosol)2. Process - ornithine cycleUrea Is Produced from Ammonia in Five Enzymatic Steps(氨、瓜、精琥、精、尿)Hans CrebPhospho-carbonateHydrogencarbonateCarbamateCarbamo
37、yl-phosphateFormation of Carbamoylphosphateby Carbamoylphosphate Synthetase I Formation of carbamoyl phosphate(氨甲酰磷酸)in mitochondria+2ADP+Pi2ATP+CO2+NH3+H2OH2N-C-PO1 The 2 N of urea : NH3 and Asp.2 Starts/ends up with: ornithine3 NH3, CO2 form caramoyl phosphate,4 Citrulline formation,5 Incorporatio
38、n of Asp.6 Energy consuming: One urea 3ATP, 4 P7 Needs 5 enzymes:carbamoyl phosphate synthetase ornithine carbamoyl transferase, OCTArgininosuccinate SynthetaseArgininosuccinaseArginase8 Rate limiting :1st step9 mitochondrianl vs cytosolUrea formation:Regulation of urea synthesisActivation of the ur
39、ea cycle by N-acetyl-glutamateN-acetyl-glutamate synthetase IRegulation of urea synthesisEnergy consuming: one urea will costs 4 PCarbamoylphasphate synthetase ISubstrate activation/inductionResponsive to concentration of ammonia /amino acid in liverProtein-rich dietary Starvation Aspartate(天冬氨酸) Fu
40、marate(延胡素酸)Genetic Defects in the Urea Cycle -Life-ThreateningTotal lack of any Urea Cycle enzyme is lethal.Hyperammonemia - elevated NH3 in blood. Elevated NH3 is toxic, especially to the brain. Severe mental retardation resulted.Control the protein/amino acid intakeRemove the excessive NH3/amino
41、acidsAdd intermediates of Urea cycle一般了解(不考)Tetrahydrofolic acid (FH4) and one carbon unitOne carbon units are produced in catablite of aa and carried by FH4. One carbon units are substance for synthesis of nucleic acid.In great need of new-born蝶啶對氨基苯甲酸GlutamatePurine ring N5 , N10 of FH4 participat
42、e in the transfer of one carbon units. Analog of FH4 as drug for anti-bacterial蝶啶對氨基苯甲酸谷氨酸Formation of one carbon unit(1) SerN5,N10-CH2-FH4 (2) GlyN5,N10-CH2-FH4甘氨酸剪切一般了解(不考) (3) His N5-CH=NHFH4一般了解(不考)(4) TrpN10-CHOFH4一般了解(不考)支鏈氨基酸的起始途徑是相同的:BCAA aminotransferases 同工酶Branched keto acidsDehydrogenase
43、1 BCAA aminotransferases are richer in muscle;2 Fasting induces the activity of these enzymes in muscle, but not those in liver;3 BCAA aminotransferases with higher activity locate in liver after dinner.支鏈氨基酸分解代謝酶缺乏并不多見,一旦發(fā)生可造成酸中毒;支鏈酮酸脫氫酶復合體活性缺失導致楓樹蜜汁尿?。耗蛞壕哂刑厥獾臈鳂涿壑瓪馕叮殡S酸中毒,智力遲緩和短壽。限制膳食治療!Tyrosine fo
44、rmationfrom phenylalanine(Monooxygenase reaction,單氧化酶)PhenylKetonuria苯丙酮尿癥Phenylalanine HydroxylaseTyrosine AminotransferaseParahydroxyphenyle pyruvate Di-oxygenase (ascorbate Vc)Homogentisate DioxygenaseMaleyl Acetoacetate IsomaeraseFumaryl Acetoacetasemetaboliteconcentration in urine mmoles/24 hco
45、ntrolpatientphenylalanine0.181.8 6.0phenylpyruvate-1.8 12phenyllactate-1.8 3.3phenylacetate-sign. incr.phenylacetylglutamate0.8 1.2 9Phenylketonuria(苯丙酮尿癥, PKU ): elevated metabolites in urineNon-functional mutation of the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene. There is no cure for PKU If the condition is
46、left untreated, it can cause problems with brain development, leading to progressive mental retardation, brain damage, and seizures. A low-phenylalanine diet. Maintain blood Phe levelsPhenylketonuria (PKU). Tyrosine metablism derivates, parkinson, albinismmelanin褪黑激素血清素腦中的神經遞質,動脈和支氣管平滑肌收縮誘導睡眠,晚間合成松果
47、體,視網膜一般了解(不考)How about a cup of milk before sleep?百憂解,氟西汀,Fluoxetine,其藥物形態(tài)為鹽酸氟西汀(Fluoxetine hydrochloride),抗憂郁藥,商品名為“百優(yōu)解”或“百憂解”(Prozac)。是一種選擇性5-羥色胺再吸收抑制劑(SSRI),在臨床上用于成人憂郁癥、強迫癥,廣場恐懼癥和神經性貪食癥的治療。一般了解(不考)acceptorMethionine metabolismI一般了解(不考)高半胱氨酸甲基受體接受甲基甲硫氨酸腺苷甲硫氨酸Methylatedacceptor高半胱氨酸Cysteine is not
48、an essential amino acid if methionine is availableMethionine metabolismII一般了解(不考)Catabolites of amino acid -KetoglutarateSuccinyl CoA(琥珀)Fumarate延胡索酸OxaloacetatePyruvateAcetyl CoAAcetoacetyl CoAIntermediates of TACPEPGlucoseFatty acidKetone bodies blood circulationliver otherorgans musclekidneyureaQ
49、uestions:1 氨基酸分解進入三羧酸循環(huán)之前要先經過什么過程?2 氨基酸脫氨有哪幾種類型?轉氨酶的輔基是什么?3 氨基轉運有哪二種類型,什么是葡萄糖丙氨酸循環(huán)?4 氨基酸脫下的氨在人體體內的主要去路有哪些,最終產物是什么?5 尿素循環(huán)的大概過程,消耗的能量,尿素中N的來源是怎樣的?6 一碳單位的載體是什么? Biosynthesis of Amino Acid and Physiologic Amines?AlanineAsparagineAspartateCysteineGlutamateGlutamineGlycineProlineSerineTyrosineArginine*His
50、tidineIsoleucineLeucineLysineMethioninePhenylalanineThreonineTryptophanValineEssential and Nonessential Amino Acids for Humans Essential Nonessential*Arg is essential in infants and growing children but not in adults. Most bacteria and plants can synthesize all 20 amino acids.AAs that an organism ca
51、nnot synthesize under a given set of conditions are called “essential.” Those that can be synthesized in adequate amounts are “nonessential.”23 Humans can synthesize 10 of the 20 common amino acidsBiosynthetic pathways for AAs:Six families corresponding to their metabolic precursorsa-Ketoglutarate G
52、ives Rise to Glutamate, Glutamine,Proline, Arginine氨濃度很高時Oxidative deaminationGlutamate Releases Its Amino Group as Ammonia in the Liver1 In hepatocytes mitochondria, 2 Glutamate undergoes oxidative deamination 3 Catalyzed by L-glutamate dehydrogenase4 Produces free ammonia5 Produces NADH 6 Required
53、 for Urea Cycle7 The enzyme is strictly regulatedGlutamate and GlutamineGlutaminaseGlutamine synthetaseProline is a cyclized derivative of glutamate吡咯碄-5-羧酸還原酶吡咯-5-羧酸合成酶合成酶缺乏:Too much pro. in blood白內障智力遲鈍皮膚過彈性脫氫酶缺乏:Too much pro,良性,但是會誘發(fā)癲癇脫氫酶還原酶Urea cycleAAGluGluCarbamoylphosphateornithinecitrullinec
54、itrullineArgininosuccinateornithinArginineOxaloacetateAAGluAspartate2ADP+Pi2ATP+CO2+NH3+H2O1cytosolmitochondrionNH2-C-NH2OUreaa-ketoglutarateH2N-C-PO2345a-ketoglutaratea-ketoglutarateArginineIn liverArginine synthesis in kidney(no arginase)Serine, Glycine, Are Derived from 3-PhosphoglycerateCysteine
55、 Are Derived from 3-Phosphoglycerate (through serine)Mammals synthesize cysteine from homocysteine(高半胱氨酸) and serine.Homocysteine,Methionine, S-adenosylmethionine,S-adenosylhomocysteine腺苷甲硫氨酸腺苷高半胱氨酸甲硫氨酸高半胱氨酸Three Nonessential and Six Essential Amino Acids Are Synthesized from Oxaloacetate and Pyruva
56、teEssential AAs: Methionine, threonine, lysine, isoleucine, valine, leucine Nonessential AAs:AlanineAspartateAsparagineAsparagine is synthesized by amidation of aspartate, with glutamine donating the NH4 .Tyrosine formationfrom phenylalanine(Monooxygenase reaction)Tyrosine is considered a conditiona
57、lly essential amino acid, or as nonessentialLysineMethionine一般了解(不考)IsoleusineLeusineValine一般了解(不考)Main biological route of aromatic ring formation. Ring closure of an aliphatic precursor followed by stepwise addition of double bonds.Synthesis of Tryptophan, Phenylalanine, Tyrosine一般了解(不考)Chorismate
58、 (分支酸)Is a Key Intermediate in the synthesis of Tryptophan, Phenylalanine, and Tyrosine1 An aliphatic precursor :Shikimate2 Stepwise addition of double bonds3 Addition of three more carbons. 一般了解(不考)Chorismate Is a Key Intermediate in the synthesis of Tryptophan, Phenylalanine, and Tyrosine一般了解(不考)C
59、horismate and Prephenate to Phenylalanine, Tyrosine一般了解(不考)Histidine Biosynthesis Uses Precursors of Purine BiosynthesisThe pathway to histidine in all plants and bacteria differs in several respects from other amino acid biosynthetic pathways. Histidine is derived from three precursors: PRPP contri
60、butes five carbons, thepurine ring of ATP contributes a nitrogen and a carbonand glutamine supplies the second ring nitrogen. 一般了解(不考)N-1 of the purine ring is linked to the activated C-1 of the ribose of PRPP; Condensation of ATP and PRPPpurine ring opening that ultimately leaves N-1 and C-2 of ade
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