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1、PAGE 原文:Is Euroope Beecominng thee Mostt DynaamicKnowleddge Ecconomyy in tthe Woorld?AbstracctThe artticle discuusses the ccondittion aand peerspecctive of thhe Eurropeann Unioon in the kknowleedge eeconommy andd the feasiibilitty of the ggoal ggiven by thhe Eurropeann Counncil aat thee summmits hhe

2、ld iin Lissbon (Marchh 20000) andd Barccelonaa (Marrch 20002),tthat iis, to increease EEuropeean R&D exppenditture tto 3 pper ceent off GDP by 20010.Thhe artticle focusses onn two aspeccts: ccomparrativee perfformannce wiith itts dirrect ccounteerpartts, inn partticulaar thee USA; and intraa-Euroope

3、an distrributiion off resoourcess and capabbilitiies. AA set of teechnollogicaal inddicatoors iss pressentedd to sshow tthat EEuropee is sstill consiistenttly beehind when compaared tto Jappan annd thee US, esspeciaally iin R&DD inveestmennt andd the generrationn of iinnovaationss. A smaall coonverg

4、gence occurrs in the ddiffussion oof infformattion aand coommuniicatioon tecchnoloogies (ICTss),thee secttor moost diirectlly linnked tto thee conccept oof thee neww econnomy. In tthe fiield oof knoowledgge colllaborrationn, Eurrope ttakes oppossing ppaths in thhe bussinesss and acadeemic wworldss.

5、Witthin EEuropee, thee leveel of invesstmentt in sscienttific and ttechnoologiccal acctivitties iis so diverrse accross counttries that it dooes noot merrge innto a singlle conntinenntal iinnovaation systeem.IntroduuctionnAt the Lisboon summmit iin Marrch 20000, tthe Euuropeaan Couuncil declaared ii

6、ts inntentiion off makiing thhe Eurropeann reseearch area (ERA) the greattest kknowleedge eeconommy in the wworld. At tthe Baarceloona suummit in Maarch 22002 iit wass statted thhat Euurope shoulld reaach a ratioo of RR&D too GDP equall to 33 per cent by 20010.Hoow reaalistiic aree thesse tarrgets?

7、And, how is Euurope doingg in tthe teechnollogicaal racce fivve yeaars affter tthe fiirst aannounncemennt of thesee goalls?The aimm of tthis aarticlle is to prresentt somee eviddence on thhe dynnamicss of ttechnoologiccal chhange in Euurope, compaared tto thee perfformannce off its direcct commpetit

8、tors, the UUnitedd Stattes annd Jappan. IIt is oftenn arguued thhat a new cclusteer of innovvationns, innformaation and ccommunnicatiion teechnollogiess (ICTTs),annd asssociatted prroducttivityy growwth iss leadding uus intto a new eeconommy thhat wiill deeliverr an eexpanssion oof empploymeent annd

9、 impprovedd stanndardss of llivingg (forr an ooverviiew, ssee Teemple, 20022).On the bbasis of thhe imppressiive peerformmance of thhe US econoomy inn the 1990ss,it hhas offten bbeen ssuggessted tthat wwealthhy nattions will rely on thheir aabilitty to adjusst to thesee trannsformmationns, annd thaa

10、t thoose coountriies noot ablle to adjusst willl be margiinalizzed annd willl losse thee comppetitiive raace. TThe acccompaanyingg preddictioon inddicatees thaat Eurrope wwill hhave sslowerr longg-termm econnomic growtth thaan thee US bbecausse of its iinsuffficiennt adjjustmeent too the ruless of t

11、the nnew ecconomyy (Sooete, 2001; Daveeri, 22002).In otther wwords, if thhe oldd conttinentt conttinuess to llag beehind the UUS andd Japaan in technnologiical ddynamiism,thhis ould jeopaardizee the achieevemennt of the Europpean ddream in ddomainns succh as welfaare, publiic eduucatioon andd heallt

12、h caare (ssee Riifkin, 20044);hennce thhe neeed to upgraade thhe Eurropeann knowwledgee basee in tthe moost agggresssive wway. The iidea tthat tthere is a new econnomy iis cerrtainlly fasscinatting, and iit is hardlly surrprisiing thhat itt has been so prromineent inn the businness wworld, the polit

13、tical commuunity and tthe prress. John Maynaard Keeynes knew very well that expecctatioons pllay a fundaamentaal rolle in fosteering the bbusineess cyycle, and tthe hoope thhat soomethiing ass intrriguinng as a neew ecconomyy coulld be with us haas hellped ssome ccorporrationns to suppoort thheir ss

14、tock markeet priices, some politticianns to be ellectedd or rre-eleected, and tthe meedia tto inccreasee theiir salles. The aacademmic coommuniity iss not immunne froom theese teendenccies, althoough iits fuunctioon shoould bbe to take ideass thatt havee spreead tooo quiickly with a pinnch off saltt

15、, and iit is no suurprisse thaat a ggood sshare of thhe opttimismm vaniished with the sstock markeet reccessioon thaat beggan inn Septtemberr 20000.A doose off sceppticissm doees nott implly shaaring the bbelieff thatt therre is nothiing neew undder thhe sunn: now aand thhen soomethiing neew doees o

16、cccur inn econnomic and ssociall lifee. Majorr channges hhave ttaken placee in tthe laast deecade and ssome kkey coomponeents ccan bee singgled oout, iin parrticullar:1.The eexploiitatioon of knowlledge has bbecomee moree and more systeematicc, with an inncreassing ppropennsity by buusinesss commpan

17、iees to explooit knnowhoww in tthe seearch for pprofitt and growtth oppportunnitiess2.The ttransffer accross spacee of ccommodditiess, finnanciaal ressourcees, exxpertiise annd infformattion hhas beecome much easieer; whhile ttechniical ffeasibbilityy has increeased exponnentiaally, econoomic ccosts

18、 have been dramaaticallly reeducedd3.The nnumberr of pplayerrs ablle to enterr bothh old and nnew fiields has aalso iincreaased, leadiing too an aacceleeratedd pacee of eeconommic coompetiition.Sectionn I prresentts a bbroad set oof datta desscribiing thhe tecchnoloogicall stattus off Euroope, wwith

19、 rregardd to bboth iinvesttmentss byy meanns of expennditurre on R&D and tto perrformaance iin innnovatiive acctivitties by mmeans of otther ttechnoologiccal inndicattors. We coomparee the EU-155 and the EEU-25 with Northh Amerrica aand Jaapan, and wwe higghlighht reccent cchangees. Paarticuular aat

20、tenttion iis devvoted to ICCTs, sincee thiss secttor iss moree striictly linkeed to the cconceppt of the new eeconommy, and iit reppresennts thhe maiin inffrastrructurre of the kknowleedge ssocietty. Seectionn II aanalysses thhe pheenomennon off scieentifiic andd techhnologgical collaaborattion ssin

21、ce it iss assuumed, on thhe onee handd, thaat it reveaals muuch abbout tthe aattracctivenness of vaariouss regiions oof thee worlld andd, on the oother hand, thatt it iis a kkey poolicy assett in tthe deesign of ann EU sstrateegy. FFinallly, inn the last sectiion, wwe disscuss the sstrateegies Europ

22、pe is usingg to aachievve a mmore pprominnent rrole iin thee globbaliziing leearninng ecoonomy.I. Whatt is tthe Neews abbout tthe Euuropeaan Tecchnoloogy Gaap?R&D andd PateentsThe conncern aboutt an iincreaasing technnologiical ggap iss certtainlyy not new: as eaarly aas thee 19600s we heardd abouut

23、 thhe Ameericann challlengee (Seervan-Schreeiber,1968), andd simiilar cconcerrns weere reeiteraated iin thee 19800s andd in tthe 19990s (see,ee.g., Patell and Pavittt, 19987; AArchibbugi aand Piianta, 19922). Euurope is noot thee onlyy regiion cooncernned abbout iits teechnollogicaal perrformaance.S

24、Similaar worrries were echoeed in Ameriica (KKenneddy,19888;Piaanta,11988;NNelsonn,19899) andd we wwould doubttless find compaarablee stattementts in the FFar Eaast ass welll. Butt sayiing thhat onnes nneighbbourss grasss is alwayys greeener does not mmean tthat oone caan dissmiss the iissue of pooo

25、r peerformmance by thhe Eurropeann econnomy iin keyy aspeects oof knoowledgge-bassed prroducttionA simillar paatternn emerrges iin terrms off busiiness R&D (BERD) as aa perccentagge of the ddomesttic prroductt of iindusttry (DDPI), reporrted iin thee righht-hannd collumns of Taable 22. In this case,

26、 the diffeerencee betwween tthe fiirst aand thhe lasst EU-25 coountryy is eeven hhigherr: Sweeden hhas a BERD intennsity 25 tiimes hhigherr thann Polaand. SSome ccontraastingg tenddenciees alsso emeerge: indusstriall R&D has ddecreaased iin easstern Europpean ccountrries ssuch aas Polland aand Sllov

27、akiia, whhile iit hass incrreasedd in aalmostt all westeern Euuropeaan couuntriees. Ass a coonsequuence,the ccoeffiicientt of vvariattion hhas inncreassed foor thee EU-115 andd, eveen morre, foor thee EU-225.Table 22 repoorts ddata aabout R&D iintenssity.AAs reggards grosss R&D expennditurre(GERRD)

28、ass a peercenttage oof GDPP, thee EU-225 inttensitty is equall to 11.83 pper ceent,suubstanntiallly lowwer thhan thhe US (2.711 per cent) and Japann (3.111 perr centt). Inn the seconnd hallf of the 11990s Japannese RR&D inntensiity grrew moore thhan inn the US, whhile tthe inntensiity off the EU-155

29、 greww veryy litttle. WWithinn the EU-255, theere emmergess a cllear ddividee betwween, amonggst otther tthingss, norrth annd souuth. TThe coountryy withh the higheest leevel, Swedeen, haas an R&D iintenssity tthat iis eigght tiimes hhigherr thann the counttry wiith thhe lowwest, Latviia. Eqquallyy

30、wideespreaad gapps perrsist in thhe EU-15. TThe cooefficcient of vaariatiions hhas heeld stteady, indiicatinng thaat theere haas beeen no overaall coonverggence. GERRD GGERD Meaan Annnual BERRD BBERD Meaan Annnual (%off GDP) (%of GDP) RRate oof Groowth (% off GDP) (% off GDP) Ratte of Growtth In2200

31、1-002 in19996-077 96-97to001-02 in22002 in19888(%) 98too02USA2.712.571.11.871.94-0.9Japan3.112.802.12.322.102.5EU-151.891.810.91.341.144.2EU-251.831.731.1n.a1.082.0Austniaa1.921.663.01.641.13n.aBelgiumm1.991.841.61.751.355.0Denmarkk2.131.902.32.411.337.1Finlandd3.432.635.51.371.945.6France2.202.26-0

32、.51.751.350.4Germanyy2.502.281.92.411.372.8Greece1.650.515.01.371.575.1Irland1.161.31-2.41.750.19-2.9Italy1.111.001.4Netherllands1.962.03-0.70.800.52-0.5Portugaal0.810.625.50.551.0518.9Spain0.900.831. RRep1.311.142.81.


34、an.an.aEU-15Coff.off var.0.470.470.640.59Max/minn5.607.2015.0817.10EU-25Coff.off var.0.580.580.776.68Max/minn8.008.3025.5010.50Table 33 showws thee pateents ggranteed in the UUSA annd appplied for iin Eurrope pper miillionn peopple. OOveralll, thhe datta shoow a rremarkkable increease iin thee numbb

35、er off pateents aat botth pattent oofficees as a connsequeence oof thee incrreasinng commpetittiveneess ovver inntelleectuall propperty rightts (seee Anddersenn, 20004). FFor paatentss grannted aat thee US PPatentt Traddemarkk Offiice (UUSPTO),the high ratioo refllects the ffact tthat iinventtors aa

36、nd fiirms aare paatentiing inn theiir ownn domeestic markeet butt,for Japann and Europpean ccountrries,iit is reasoonablee to aassumee thatt theyy havee a coomparaable ppropennsity to paatent in thhe US,sincee for both of thhem thhe US is ann econnomicaally ccruciaal marrket.IIt emeerges that Japann

37、 has a rattio moore thhan foour tiimes hhigherr thann the EU-255 averrage.NNot evven thhe Eurropeann counntriess withh the higheest prropenssity tto pattent, Switzzerlannd andd Swedden, hhave tthe saame inntensiity ass Japaan. Maany Euuropeaan couuntriees,in both the eeast aand thhe souuth,reeport n

38、o orr neglligiblle pattent aactiviity inn the US.Thhe disspersiion wiithin the EEU is extraaordinnarilyy highh. It is diifficuult too findd otheer asppects of ecconomiic andd sociial liife whhere tthe diistancce bettween the ttop annd thee botttom Euuropeaan couuntriees is so wiide (oon reggionall v

39、ariiationns in the EEuropeean syystemss of iinnovaationss, seee Chessnais et all., 20000; CCantweell annd Iammmarinno, 20001).Patentss grannted iin thee US aare coomplemmentedd by ppatentt appllicatiions aat thee Euroopean Patennt Offfice (EPO).Even in thhe Eurropeann markket, JJapan has aa pateent

40、prropenssity aabove the aaveragge of the mmemberrs of the EEU (reespecttivelyy,135 and 1114 paatentss per milliion peeople),and the UUS is also closee to tthe EUU averrage (107 ppatentts perr milllion ppeoplee). Thhe higgher ggrowthh ratees in patennt appplicattions at thhe EPOO for both the EEU-15

41、and tthe EUU-25 sshow tthat tthe coonstruuctionn of tthe Euuropeaan marrket iis undderwayy,but with remarrkablee regiional variaationss. Easstern and ssoutheern coountriies doo not yet sseem tto parrticippate iin thee geneeratioon of commeerciallly exxploittable innovvationns.Thiis is hardlly surrpr

42、isiing inn the lightt of tthe veery loow bussinesss R&D perfoormed.In sooutherrn couuntriees succh as Spainn, Porttugal and GGreecee,businness RR&D seeems tto be limitted moostly to immitatiion annd leaarningg.First,tthe evvidencce hass alloowed uus to quanttify hhow Euurope is laaggingg behiind thh

43、e othher twwo majjor arreas, in booth innvestmment aand peerformmance in teechnollogy. In tootal RR&D innvestmment,tthe gaap bettween Europpe andd Japaan is even increeasingg,and that with the UUS is not rreduciing.Thhis iss a paarticuularlyy worrrying signaal sinnce R&D is one oof thee mainn inpuut

44、s foor thee geneeratioon of knowlledge and tthereffore aan enggine oof lonng-terrm ecoonomicc and sociaal groowth.Second,the ggap iss moree eviddent iin bussinesss-relaated iindicaators than in puubliclly funnded rresearrch.Thhe inddicatoors off techhnologgical activvitiess,suchh as bbusineess R&D a

45、ndd pateents,pprovidde weaak siggns off catcching up.Inn scieentifiic pubblicattions Europpe is reduccing tthe gaap witth thee US.OOther indiccatorss on hhuman resouurces (Commmissioon, 20003) cconfirrm thee imprressioon of potenntiallly goood inttellecctual capittal inn the EU thhat dooes noot traa

46、nslatte intto morre ressearchhers iin thee workkforcee,espeeciallly in the iindusttrial sectoor.Third,tthere are hhuge ddifferrencess betwween EEuropeean coountriies. IIn almmost aall thhe inddicatoors taaken iinto aaccounnt, a groupp of ssmall and mmediumm-sizeed couuntriees,succh as Switzzerlannd,

47、Sweeden,NNorwayy,Finlland,tthe Neetherllands and DDenmarrk,shoow perrformaance tthat iis on a parr withh or eeven hhigherr thann the US annd Jappan. SSwitzeerlandd and Norwaay aree not membeers off the EU,annd thee otheers arre ratther ssmall to bee ablee to rraise the EEU aveerage.Fourth,it iss evi

48、ddent tthat tthe inntegraation of teen neww membber coountriies(pllus thhe forrmer EEast GGermanny) haas jusst beggun annd thaat theese coountriies arre at a verry diffferennt oveerall technnologiical llevel from the EEU-15 groupp.Easttern ccountrries ssuch aas Slooveniaa, thee Czecch Reppublicc, Es

49、ttonia and HHungarry aree on aa par with and ssometiimes eeven aabove southhern EEuropeean coountriies suuch ass Itally,Spaain,Poortugaal andd Greeece,buut thee overrall EEuropeean arrea att the peripphery of sccientiific aand teechnollogicaal advvance, limitted unntil nnow too soutthern Europpe and

50、d Irelland,hhas noow beccome llargerr. Groowth rrates in thhe tenn new counttries have,on avveragee, been slighhtly hhigherr thann the EU-155 but,overaall,thhe loww-techh areaa of tthe EUU has consiiderabbly inncreassed.This arrticlees neext arrea off inveestigaation is thhe ICTT secttor, the mmost

51、ccloselly asssociatted wiith thhe neww econnomy (Daverri, 20002).HHere EEuropee, desspite origiinallyy laggging bbehindd the US andd Japaan (seee Gammbardeella aand Maalerbaa,19999;Fageerbergg et aal.,19999;Viivarellli annd Piaanta,22000),is sllowly catchhing uup. Tablee 5 shhows tthat tthe USS and

52、Japann, resspectiively, invesst 7.22 per cent and 77.5 peer cennt of theirr GDP in ICCT whiile thhe EU-25 innvestss 6.5 per ccent, but iin thee secoond haalf off the 1990ss the EU-255 conttinuedd to ggrow aat an annuaal ratte of 4.1 pper ceent, hhigherr thann Japaan (2.2 perr centt) andd in tthe opp

53、positte dirrectioon froom thee US, whichh expeeriencced a decliine (1.7 pper ceent).WWithinn the EU,a mild but ssignifficantt convvergennce haas occcurredd betwween tthe 155 and the 225 couuntriees. The eeasterrn Eurropeann counntriess for whichh dataa are availlable show an evven grreaterr growwth

54、raate.Coonsequuentlyy, the EEU-25s disspersiion haas beeen subbstanttiallyy reduuced. MMean AAnnuall MMean AAnnuall Meean Annnual Meaan Annnual Meann Annuual Mean Annuaal Grrantedd Pateents GGranteed Pattents Ratte of Growtth Appplied Patennts Apppliedd Pateents Rate of Grrowth att USPTTO att USPTTO

55、 96-997to000-01(% at EPO pper m att EPO per mm 96697 peer p oople(002-03) per p oplle(02-03) peoople 2200203 peeople 199798 00001(%)USA3012603.0107805.9Japan2772145.31351065.1EU-1571545.6136967.3EU-2559455.7114807.4Austniaa70487.8120886.4Belgiumm65591.9131946.8Denmarkk89685.31531057.8Finlandd1611029

56、.629715513.8France66573.1120925.4Germanyy138987.02651837.7Greece218.1539.0Irland382013.865419.6Italy30254.261465.6Luxemboourg814910.33502397.9Netherllands84655.335621710.4Portugaal113.63212.1Spain756.916109.0Sweden1791188.62871819.7UK63523.781683.5Cyprus11-0.6291711.4Czech rrep4121.95216.8Estoniaa30

57、48.4323.7Hungaryy649.86313.1Latvia1033.10014.5Malta5314.128814.7Poland001.7108.7SlovakRRep1022.9217.4Sloveniia966.61910Canada109777.34221Norway553211.77046Switzeddand1831553.3504352EU-15Coff.off var.0.730.690.780.74Max/minn158.30124.90103.5123.20EU-25Coff.off var.21.20Max/minn487.90574.40

58、821.00853.00If we cconsidder thhe commposittion oof thee ICT sectoor, whilee the 1980ss saw the ddramattic riise off Japaan andd otheer Easst Asiian ecconomiies inn harddware technnologiies(foor an overvview, see FFreemaan,19887;Matthews,2000), in the 11990s the UUS mannaged to reecoverr its tradiit

59、ionaal ecoonomicc leaddershiip in knowlledge-intennsive indusstriess by eexploiiting and ddissemminatiing ICCT in the sservicce secctor. Withiin thee triaad, Jaapan aand thhe othher Eaast Assian eeconommies ccontinnue too havee a prromineent poositioon in the ggeneraation of thhe haardwarre coompone

60、ent, whilee the US hass a doominannt possitionn in tthe ssoftwaare ffield. Europpe hass neitther. It shhould, howevver, be nooted tthat EEuropee has recenntly iincreaased eexpenddituree in tthe sooftwarre areea, foollowiing a generral trrend ttowardds so-calleed weeightllessneess, that is, the iincr


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