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1、Unit 4usedto be usedtodoing beusedtopaymoreattentiontosth.doinggive updoingstopinsteadofdoing ) 代替, loseinterestbeafraidterrifiedofdoingbeterrifiedofsth.sb.=beafraid懼怕某人/ gotosleepfallallthetimewiththelightswiththedooropenclosedtake the bus to school = go to school by busspend time doing = take time

2、 to do go right homedailychatwithsbaboutinthe lastpastfew makeyoustressedalldaylong)thewhole as+原級+assb.can/could=as+原級+as盡可能inthe endatlastto ones ineventhoughevennolongernotany nomore=notany takeprideinbeproudthepridechangeoneschangeonesan eight-year-old boyafter his fathers death a few years agoc

3、an /cantafford to buy getintobe in wastetime (money ItisnecessarytoPeter used to shyand have short hair, but now heis outgoing and longA.be;hasB.be;have C.is;hasD.is;Most of the girls are of the dark, but Lucy is inthem.A.terrified;interestedB.interested; terrified C. terrifying; interesting D. inte

4、resting; terrifying.-WouldyouliketoplaycomputergameswithSorry,IhaveplayingA.made upB.givenupC.lookedupD.pickedFiveminuteslater,theteacherwentonaboutthe A.talkB.totalkC.talkingD.Li Ming, you should moreattentiontoyourpronunciation.A.giveB.sendC.payD.Hisbikeisbroken,he hastowalktoschoolofLittleTomisof

5、speakingaloud,hesWhenwe heardthe badnews,wecouldnthelpAspiderisakindof HebecameveryinmusicattheageofAnnieusedtobequiet,butnowshesveryI didntgotobednineyesterdayLucyusedtohaveshorthair,butnowherhairisthanSorry,Icantjoinyou.Itostudyfora SheistothelifeDontaboutthingssomuch.TakeitItseemedthatshehasalot.

6、ShesmoreHestous.WereveryDontyoume,ImJohn,youroldTheteacherlooksso.Whatno right thanks to,carry make used beproudare children.WeshouldlearntolookafterThe idea seemsfine,butwe needtoit in thesatellites,wearelearningmoreandmoreabouttheTheseskirtsdontfitme.Theytoo long tooI thinkthereisa trainat7:30.But

7、youdbetter Imustleave,orIllbe latefor smokealot,butnowhe Itsdifficultfor ustoaconversationinsuchanoisyPeople in China YangLiweissuccessfulflightintoSpeakingimportant readinginlearning一. 1. I frustratedwhenIwasntsureofthecorrectA. mayB.usedC.used toD.use to When Iwasachild, I used to B.C.D. It thathe

8、hasbeenillforalongB.C.looksasD.seemsas oursurprise,hedidntpasstheEnglishB.C.D. Youusedtobequiet,B.C.D. He hasfailedseveraltimes,buthe .go B.come C. getD.give He usedlate.Butnow he isusedtosleep;getB.sleep;gettingC.sleeping;getD.sleeping;gettingMybrother isinterested inB.C.toD. Are you in the interes

9、ted;B.interesting;C.interested;D.interesting;There is nothing wrong with your mother. Please dontA.worry aboutB. take pride inC.payattentionD.listenMy biggest problem is thatI m toobusy.When Iwas young, I 1 have so much time,but these days2 early and stay in school all day. Then I go right 3 and eat

10、 dinner. Before I started high school, I used to 4 a lot of time playing games with my friends, 5 I just dont have the time 6 I usedtowatchTV or chat withmy grandmother,but now I 7 study.I love music,andmyfather used to take me to 8 . These days, I hardly ever have 9 for concerts. I do my homework a

11、nd go to bed. I 10 miss the old days.()1AuseBusedCamused()2ApickBputCcallDget (BtoDto()6AIntheBInthe CIntheD.These()7AwantBhaveCbeginDget ( Bfashion(Philipusedtoplaysoccerverywell改為一般疑問句Philip toplaysoccerveryMissLiuusedtobeeasygoing.改為反意疑問句MissLiuused to beeasygoing, Aliceshowsgreatinterestinplayin

12、gtheviolin.(改為同義句) Alice in playing the violin.Iusedtobeoutgoing.改為否定句I tobeMariausedtohelpMomdohousework.(對畫線部分提問) What Maria to do?ABeTruetoI first started playing the piano when I was three. My parents are musicians by profession, so they were both very encouraging. It was their dream, I think, t

13、o raise a child who could one day become a world - class pianist. So they hiredanexpensive tutor to teach me, and I practicedevery day, sometimes for five or six hours at a time. Despite the long hours and the frustration, I did enjoy it, especially at first, and I was good. According tomy parents a

14、nd my tutor,I wasreallyoutstanding,andI was onthe road to becoming a professional musician, just like my mother and father.The trouble was, my heart really wasnt in it. My real passion was for something quite different mathematics. Numbers, formulas, equationsthese were the things that really sparke

15、d my imagination. I found more beauty in a mathematical equation, I told my parents, than in a piano concert. So when I went to college, I chose to major in mathematics, not music. Then I got a job working with numbers every day. My parentscouldntunderstand,andevennowI dontthink theyve reallyforgive

16、n me.They saidI wasteda special gift. But I still believe what I did was right, for me.( )1Whenhe wasaAthewriterhatedplayingtheBthewritercouldhavebecomeaCthewriterspianotutorwasextremelyDthewritersparentswerenot)2WecanlearnfromthetextAthewriterfeelshemadetherightchoiceinBthewriternowregretsthedecisi

17、onheCthewriteralwayswantedtoworkforanaccountingDthewritehavetoearnmore Why do you rememberHello Kitty, Snoopyand all the other playfulanimals? What makes you love them? Well, maybe because they re like the people around you. Think about it! You may just find a friend or classmate who is like them. I

18、s he or she:As sweet as Hello kitty: She likes to eat cakes. She loves to make new friends. She asks friends to her tea parties. She is warm and sunny and will always help you.As clever asSnoopy: He went to schoolwhen he was nine. He learned touse a typewriter in twoyears! He thinks a lot. He is so

19、clever that you like to be with him.Assarcastic(諷刺的)asGarfield:Hesitshappilyintheseatandsayssharpwordstoyou.Sometimesheis not nice. He doesnt really like you? He thinks youre a fool? No, in his heart, he loves you. He is a friend with hard words but a warm heart.As naughty as Mashimaro: He doesnt lo

20、ok like a good boy. He has sleepy eyes and looks naughty. He always plays tricks on people. So you getangry with him and dont like him very much. His mind is active and full of ideas. He tries to be big and catch your eyes. But, hes still a child.)1IfyouwanttomakeafriendlikeSnoopy,heorshemustat)2Tom

21、sfriendisalwayswarm-heartedwithsharpwords.HeisjustAHello)3TheunderlinedwordsplaystricksprobablyAplaysBmakes Cmakesfun Dmakes)4Accordingtothepassage,peoplelovecartoonanimalsAtheyaretheanimalsthatoftenmakepeopleBtheirpersonalitiesarelikethepeoplearoundCthecartoonanimalsaresunny,warmandfullofDtheyalway

22、shelp people,thinka lotandtrytobe Aloud noise suddenly hurts your ears while you enjoy a movie in the cinema. Astranger makes you jump as he shouts at his friend on the other side of the city. Mobile phones are everywhere and sometimes they can be very annoying. Although they are a necessity of mode

23、rn life, it is common to hear people complain about mobile phones.Most public places have mobile phone rules. So try to keep your phone ringer as low as possible or put it onvibratemode(震動模式)Agoodtimetoleaveyourphoneathomewouldbeatschoolorwhenvisiting a hospital.If you need to make or take a call wh

24、ile in a meeting or at a restaurant or a theater, leave the room. If you areexpectingacallgetaseatnearthedoortominimizetheinterruption(減少干擾)Itispolitetoinform others at the beginning that you are expecting an important call. When you get a call and you are with friends, keep the call shortand speakquietly. Agoodwayto make sure that people don t interrupt you and others is


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