1、細(xì)節(jié)&猜詞關(guān)于應(yīng)試類閱讀細(xì)節(jié)猜詞題的解題思主旨題的解題思推斷后續(xù)&發(fā)A以infer,imply,suggest,intend,learn,mean,purpose,attitude等詞提問 From the passage/text, it can be inferred thatTheauthorimplies/suggestsWecanconclude/learnfromthepassage/paragraph1B以情態(tài)動詞 can, could, may, might, would 以及表示可能性的副詞 perhaps, probably, most likely 等詞提問Thetext
2、ismostlikely/probably/perhapstakenfrom What would/might/could happen afterwards/later?2015WhatistheCaliforniabuildersstoryintendedtoThehousestructure isa keyfactorcustomersThemorecostlythehouseis,thebetteritAnoceanviewismuchto thecustomersAgood impression increasesACalifornia builderdesignedthestruc
3、ture of its house smartly.Whenentering the house, the customer would see the Pacific Ocean through the windows, and then the pool through an open stairway leading to the lower level. The instant view of water on both levels helped sell these $10 million houses.2016whatcanwelearnfromtheexperimentwith
4、 ChimpsseldomcareaboutothersChimpstendtoprovidefoodfortheirChimpsliketotakeintheirneighborsChimpsnaturallysharefoodwitheachIn thelaboratory,chimpsdont naturallysharefoodeither. Ifa chimp is put in a cagewherehecanpullinoneplateoffoodforhimselfor,withnogreatereffort, a plate that also provides food f
5、or a neighbor in the next cage, he will pull at random -he just doesnt care whether his neighb ets fed or not. Chimps are truly selfish.BymentioningMuhammadAliswords,theauthorintendslusthatplayersshouldbehighlyinspiredbygreatathletesneedtoconcentrateonhardworkisnecessaryinonesmotivationallowsgreatat
6、hletestobeonthe As Muhammad Ali puts it, Champions arent made in gyms. Champions are madefromsomethingtheyhavedeepinsidethem.Adesire,adream,avision. OneofthethingsSy-Anncan beproudofisherunderstandingofthis2016 Whats the authors attitude toward continued parental guidance to college B.C. D.For previ
7、ous generations, college was decisive break from parental control; guidance and support needed help from people of the same age and from within. In the past two decades, however, continued connection with and dependence on family, thanks to s, and social media, have increased significantly. Some par
8、ents go so far as to help with coursework. Instead of promoting the idea of college as sage from the shelter of the family to autonomy and adult responsibility, universities have given in to the idea that they should provide the same environment as that of the home.(一)2015 University Room Regulation
9、s ApprovedandProhibitedItemsThefollowingitemsareapprovedforuseinresidential住宿的rooms:blankets, hair dryers,alcomputers,radios, evisionsandDVDplayers. Items that are not allowed in student rooms include: candles, ceiling fans, fireworks, waterbeds, sun lamps and wireless routers. Please note that any
10、prohibited items will be taken away by the Office of Residence Life.AccesstoResidentialStudents are provided with a combination (組合) for their room door upon check-in. Do not share your room door lock combination with anyone. The Office of Residence Life may change the door lock combination at any t
11、imeattheexpenseoftheresidentifitisfoundthatthestudenthassharedthe combination with others. The fee is $25 to change a room combination.CookingStudentslivinginbuildingsthathavekitchensareonlypermitted tocook inthe kitchen. Students must clean up after cooking. This is not the responsibility of housek
12、ee staff. Kitchens that are not kept clean may be closed for With the exception of using a small microwave oven (微波爐) to heat studentsarenotpermittedtocookintheirPetNo pets except fish are permitted in student rooms. Students who are found withpets,whethervisitingorownedbythestudent,aresubjecttoanin
13、itialfine of $100 and a continuing fine of $50 a day per pet. Students receive written notice when the fine goes into effect. If, one week from the date of written notice, the pet is not removed, the student is referred to the Student Court.Quiet Residential buildings must maintain an atmosphere tha
14、t supports the academic mission of the University. Minimum quiet hours in all campusresidencesare11:00pmto8:00amSundaythroughThursday.Quiethourson FridayandSaturdaynightsare1:00amto8:00am.Studentswhoviolatequiet hours are subject to a fine of $25.WhichofthefollowingitemsareallowedinstudentCeilingfan
15、sandB.Wirelessrouters andC.Hair dryersandD.TVsandelectricWhatifastudentisfoundtohavetoldhiscombinationtoThecombinationshouldbeTheOfficeshouldbeHeshouldreplacethedoorHeshouldcheckoutofthe Whatdoweknowaboutthecooking AmicrowaveovencanbeCooking instudentroomsisAhousekeeper istocleanuptheStudentsaretocl
16、osekitchendoorsafterIfastudenthaskeptacatinhisroomforaweeksincethewarning,hewill parentB. afineof C.theStudent D.a writtenWhencan studenjoya partyin7:00am,B.7:30am,C.11:30pm,D.00:30am,(二)2015 It was once common to regard Britain as a society with class Each classhaduniqueIn recent years, many writer
17、s have begun to speak the decline of class and classless society in Britain. And in modern day consumer everyoneisconsidered tobemiddleBut pronouncing the death of class is too early. A recent wide-ranging society of public opinion found 90 percentof people still placing themselves in particular cla
18、ss; 73 percent agreed that class was still a vital part of British society; and 52 percent thought there were still sharp class differences. Thus, class may not be culturally and politically obvious, yet it remains an important part of British society. Britain seems to have a love of stratification.
19、One unchanging aspect of a Britishs classpositionisaccent.The words rson speaks l her or his class. A study of British accents during 1970s found that a voice sounding like a BBC newsreader was viewed as the most attractive voice, Most people said this accent sounded educated and soft. The accents p
20、laced at the bottom in this study, on the other hand, wereregional(地區(qū)的)city accents. These accents were seen as common ugly.However,asimilarstudyofBritishaccentsintheUSturnedtheseresults upside down and placed some regional accents as the most attractive and BBC English as the least. This suggests t
21、hat British attitudes towards accent have deep roots and are based on class prejudice.In recent years, however, young upper middle-class people in London, havebeguntoadoptsomeregionalaccents,inordertohidetheirclassorigins. This is an indication of classing unnoticed. However, the 1995 pop song Commo
22、n People puts forward the view that though a middle-class may want to live like common people they can never appreciate therealityofaworking-classArecentstudyofpublicopinionshowsthatinmodernitistime toend classmostpeoplebelongtomiddleitiseasyto rsonspeopleregardthemselvessociallyThewordstratificatio
23、ninParagraph3isclosestinmeaningA.B.C.D.The study in the US showed that BBC English was regarded .A.B.C.D.Britishattitudestowardshave alongarebasedonregional are sharedbythehavechangedinrecentWhatis themainideaoftheThemiddleclass isrsonsaccentreflectshisClassisakeypartofBritishEachclasshasunique(三)20
24、16 CaliforniaCondorsShockingCalifornia condors are North Americas largestbirds,withwind-lengthofupto3meters. In the 1980s, electrical lines and leoisoning(鉛) nearly drove them to dying out. electric shock training and medical treatment are hel to rescue these big Inthelate1980s,thelastfewcondorswere
25、takenfromthewildtobebred (繁殖). Since 1992, there have been multiple reintroductions to the wild, and there are now more than 150 flyin er California and nearby Arizona, UtahandBaja inElectrical lines have been killing them off. Asthey go in to rest for night, they just dont see the power lines, says
26、 Bruce Rideout of San Diego Zoo. Their wings can bridge the gap between lines, resulting inelectrocution(電死iftheytouchtwolinesatSo scientists have come up with a shocking idea. Tall poles, placed in large training areas, teach the birds to stay clear of electrical lines by giving themapainfulbutunde
27、adlyelectricshock.Beforethetrainingwasintroduced, 66% of set-free birds died of electrocution. This has now dropped to 18%.Leoisoning has proved more difficult to deal with. When condors eat dead bodies of other animals containing lead, they absorb large ties ofleadThis affects theirnervous systems
28、and ability to produce baby birds,and can lead to kidney(腎) failures and death. So condors with high levels of lead are sent to Los Angeles Zoo, where they are treated with calcium EDTA, achemical that removes lead from the blood over several days. This work is starting to pay off. The annual death
29、rate for adult condors has dropped from 38% in 2000 to 5.4% in 2011.thinks that theCalifornia condorsaveragesurvivaltimein the wild is now just under eight years. Alughthese measures are not effective forever, they are vital for now, he says. Tey are truly good birds that are worth every effort ut i
30、nto recovering them.Californiacondorsattractresearchersinterestbecauseareactiveat had to be bred in the wild C.arefoundonlyinCaliforniaD.almostdiedoutintheResearchershavefoundelectricallinesblockingcondorsjourneybigkillersofCaliforniarestplacesfor condorsatusedtokeepcondorsAccordingtoParagraph5,lema
31、kescondorstoonervoustohaslittleeffectoncondorscanhardlybegottenridoffrom condorsmakesitdifferentforcondorstoproducebabyThepassageshowstheaveragesurvival timeofcondorsisRideoutsresearchinterestliesinelectrictheeffortstoprotectcondorshavebroughtgoodresearchershavefoundthefinalanswerstothe(四)2015二More
32、students than ever before are taking a gap-year (間隔年) going to university. It used to be called the eyar off between school and university. The gap-year phenomenon originated() with the months left over to Oxbridge applicants between entrance exams in November and the start of the next academic year
33、.Thisyear,25,310studentswhohaveaccepted placesinhighereducation institutions have put off their entry until next year, according to statistics on university entrance provided by University and College Admissions That is a record 14.7% increase in the number of students taking a gap year. Tony Higgin
34、s from UCAS said that the statistics are good news for everyoneinhighereducation.Sutdentswhotakeawell-plannedyearoutare more likely to be satisfied with, and complete, their chosen course. Students who take a gap year are often more mature and responsible, he said.But not everyone is happy. Owain Ja
35、mes, the of the National Union of Students(NUS), argued that the increase is evidence of student had ship youngpeopleare beingforcedintoearning moneybeforefinishing theirew up to 15,000 in debt. It is not surprising that more and more students are taking a gap year to earn money to support their stu
36、dy for the degree. NUSstatistics show that over 40% of students are forced to work during term time and the figure increases to 90% during vacation periods, he said.What dowe learnaboutthegapyearfromtheItisflexible inIt is atimeforItisincreasinglyItisrequiredbyAccordingtoTonyHiggins,studentstakingag
37、aparebetterpreparedforcollegeknowalotmoreabout theirfuture aremorelikelytoleaveuniversityinhaveabetterchance toentertopHowdoesOwainJamesfeelaboutthe gap-year HesHesHes HesWhat would most students do on their vacation according to NUS AttendadditionalMakeplansforthenewEarnmoneyfor theirPrepareforthei
38、rgraduate Foodfestivalsaroundtheworld Stilton Cheese RollingMay Day is a traditional day for celebrations, but the 2,000 English villagers of Stilton must be the only people in the world who include cheese rolling intheirannual plans.Teams of four,dressed inavarietyof strangeand funny clothes, roll
39、a complete cheese along a 50-metre course. On the way, they must not kick or throw their cheese, or go into their competitors lane. Competitionisfierce and the chief prizeis acomplete Stilton cheese weighing about four kilos (disappointingly, but understandably the cheeses used in the race are woode
40、n ones). All the competitors arc served with beer or port wine, the traditionalpaniment for Stilton cheese.FieryFoodsFestivalThe HottestFestivalon Every year more than 10,000 people head for the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico. They come from as far away as Australia, the Caribbean and China, but th
41、ey all share a common addictionfood that is not just spicy ,but hot enough to make your mouth burn, your head spin and your eyes water. Their destination is the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival which is held over a period of three clays every March. You might like to try a chocolate-covered habanero pepp
42、erofficially the hottest pepper in the worldor anyone of the thousands of products that are on show. Butone things for sureif you dont like the feeling of a burning tongue, this festival isnt for you!LaTomatinaTheWorldsBiggestFoodOn the last Wednesday of everyAugust, theSpanish town ofBunol hosts Ea
43、 Tomatinathe worlds largest food fight. A week-long celebration leads up to an exciting tomato battle as the highlight of the weeks events. The early morning sees the arrival of large trucks with tomatoesofficial fight-starters get things going by casting tomatoes at the crowd.The battle lasts littl
44、e more than half an hour, in which time around kilograms of tomatoes have been thrown at anyone or anything that moves, runs, or fights back. Then everyone heads down to the river to make friends againand for a much-needed wash!In the Stilton cheese rolling competition, competitors on each team .wea
45、rvariousformalrollawooden cheeseintheirownkickor throwtheirusearealcheeseweighingaboutfourWhereistheFieryFoodandBBQFestivalA. In NewB.In the C.InD.In ThecelebrationofLaTomatinaA. three daysB. seven daysC. less than three daysD.morethan seven daysWhichofthefollowingisTRUEaccordingtotheThechiefprizefo
46、rtheStiltoncheeserollingcompetitionisbeerorportMorethan10,000 ChinesetakepailintheFieryFoodandBBQThousandsofspicyfoodsareonshowintheFieryFood andBBQAnexcitingtomatobattletakesplaceatthebeginning ofLa(六)2015 When her five daughters were young, Helene ways told them that there was strength in unity (團
47、結(jié)). To show this, she held up one chopstick, representing one. Then she easily broke it into two pieces. Next, shetied several chopsticks together, representingafamily. She showedthegirls it was hard to break the tied chopsticks. This lesson about family unity stayed with the daughters as they grew
48、up.Helene An and her family own a large restaurant business in California. However, when Helene and her husband Danny left their home in Vietnam in1975,theydidnthavemuoney.TheymovedtheirfamilytoSanFrancisco. TheretheyjoinedDannysmother,Diana,who ownedasmallItaliansandwich shop. Soon afterwards, Hele
49、ne and Diana changed the sandwich shop into a small Vietnamese restaurant. The five daughters helped in the restaurant whentheywereyoung.However,Helenedidnotwantherdaughterstoalways work in the family business because she thought it was too hard.Eventually the girls all graduated from college and we
50、nt away to work for themselves, but one by one, the daughters returned to work in the family business. They opened new restaurants in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Even though family members sometimes disagreed with each other, they workedtogethertomakethebusinesssuccessful.DaughterElisabethexplain
51、s, Our mother taught us that to succeed we must have unity, and to have unity we must have peace. Without the strengthof the family, there isno business.Their expanding business became a large corporation in 1996, with three generations of Ans working together. Now the Ans corporation makes more tha
52、n $20 million each year. Although they began with a small restaurant, they had big dreams, and they worked together. Now they are a big success.Helenetiedseveralchopstickstogetherto thestrengthoffamilythedifficultyofgrowingtheadvantageofthebestwayof givinga WecanlearnfromParagraph 2thattheAnstarteda
53、 business in leftVietnamwithoutboughtarestaurantinSanopenedasandwichshopinLosWhatcan weinferabouttheAnTheydidnotfinishtheircollegeTheycouldnotbeartoworkinthefamilyTheywereinfluencedbywhatHelenetaughtTheyweretroubledbydisagreementamongfamilyWhichof thefollowing canbethebesttitlefortheHowto Runa Stren
54、gthComesfrom HowtoAchievea BigFamilyUnityBuilds (七)2015一 is on thetonight at the caf LaChope. This evening, as on every Thursday night, psychologist Maud Lehanne is leadino of Frances tking to get in touch with their true feelings. It isnt always easy. The customers some thirty Parisians who pay jus
55、t under $2 (plus drinks) per session arequick to in lectualize (高談闊論),slow to open up and connect. oYu Sy Acafsocietywherenoinlectualizingisallowed?Itcouldntseemmore un-French. But Lehannes psychology caf is about more than knowing oneself: Its trying to help the citys troubled neighborhood cafs. Ov
56、er the years, Parisian cafs have fallen victim to changes in the French lifestyle longer working hours, a fast-food boom and a younger generations desire to spend more time at home. Dozens of new theme cafs appear to change the situation. Cafs focused around psychology, history, and engineering are
57、catching on, filling tables well into the evening.cityspscyhologycafs,whichoffergreatcomfort,areamongthepopular places. Middle-aged homemakers, retirees, and the unemployed come to suchcafs to talk about love, anger,and dreams with a psychologist. AndtheycometoLehannesgroupjusttolearntosaywhattheyfe
58、el.Teresa strong need in Paris for communication, says Maurice Frisch, a caf La have few real friends. And they need to open up. Lehanne says shed like to seepsychologycafsalloverFrance.fIpeoplehadnormallives,thesecafs wouldnt exist, shesays. Iflife werent a battle, people wouldnt need a special pla
59、ce just to speak. Bt then, it wouldnt be France.Whatarepeopleencouraged todoat thecafLaLearnanewKeepintouchwithShowofftheirExpresstheirtrueHowarecafsaffectedbyFrench lifestyle TheyarelessfrequentlyTheystayopenfor longerTheyhavebiggernightTheystart toservefastWhatarethemecafsexpected toCreatemoreSupp
60、lybetterSave thecafServetheWhyare psychologyingpopularinTheybringpeopletrueTheygivepeoplespiritualTheyhelppeoplerealizetheirTheyoffer aplatformforbusiness(八)2015 Hilversum is a medium-sized city between the major cities of Amsterdam andUtrecht intheGooiareaofNorth Holland,theNetherlands. Unlikemosto
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