1、、 . 我們打敗了敵人。 我們把敵人打敗了。 Dornbuschs Overshooting Model After Twenty-Five YearsSecond Annual IMF Research ConferenceMundell-Fleming LectureKenneth Rogoff1Economic Counselor and Director of the IMF Research DepartmentNovember 30, 2001 (revised January 22, 2002)I. Introduction It is a great honor to pay
2、tribute here to one of the most influential papers written in the field of International Economics since World War II. Rudiger Dornbuschs masterpiece, Expectations and Exchange Rate Dynamics was published twenty-five years ago in the Journal of Political Economy, in 1976. The overshooting paper-as e
3、veryone calls it-marks the birth of modern international macroeconomics. There is little question that Dornbuschs rational expectations reformulation of the Mundell-Fleming model extended the latters life for another twenty-five years, keeping it in the forefront of practical policy analysis.This le
4、cture is divided into three parts. First, I will try to convey to the reader a sense of why Expectations and Exchange Rate Dynamics has been so influential. My goal here is not so much to offer a comprehensive literature survey, though of course there has to be some of that. Rather, I hope the reade
5、r will gain an appreciation of the papers enormous stature in the field and why so much excitement has always surrounded it. To that end, I have also included some material on life in Dornbuschs MIT classroom. The second part of the lecture is a more detached discussion of the empirical evidence for
6、 and against the model, and a thumbnail sketch of the model itself. The final section touches on competing notions of overshooting.II. The Overshooting Model in PerspectiveOne of the first words that comes to mind in describing Dornbuschs overshooting paper is elegant. Policy economists are understa
7、ndably cynical about academics preoccupation with theoretical elegance. But Dornbuschs work is a perfect illustration of why the search for abstract beauty can sometimes yield a large practical payoff. It is precisely the beauty and clarity of Dornbuschs analysis that has made it so flexible and use
8、ful. Like great literature, Dornbusch (1976) can be appreciated at many levels. Policymakers can appreciate its insights without reference to extensive mathematics; graduate students and advanced researchers found within it a rich lode of subtleties.A second word to describe the work is path breakin
9、g. I will offer some quantitative evidence later, but suffice to say here that literally scores of Ph.D. theses (including my own) have built upon Dornbusch (1976). It is not hyperbole to say that Dornbuschs new view of floating exchange rates reinvigorated a field that was on its way to becoming mo
10、ribund, using only dated, discredited models and methods. Dornbusch (1976) inspired fresh thinking and brought in fresh faces into the field. In preparing this lecture, I re-read Maurice Obstfelds superb inaugural Mundell-Fleming lecture from last year (IMF Staff Papers, Vol. 47, 2001). Obstfelds pa
11、per spans the whole modern history of international macroeconomics, from Meade to New Open Economy Macroeconomics, but the main emphasis is on Bob Mundells papers. I, and perhaps many other readers, found Obstfelds discussion enlightening in part because we do not have the same intimate knowledge of
12、 Mundells papers that we do of Dornbusch (1976). Mundells profoundly original ideas are, of course, at the core of many things we do in modern international finance, and he was the teacher of many important figures in the field including Michael Mussa, Jacob Frenkel, and Rudiger Dornbusch. Mundell i
13、s a creative giant who was thinking about a single currency in Europe back when intergalactic trade seemed like a more realistic topic for research. But the methods and models in Mundells papers are now badly dated, and are not always easy to digest for todays reader (even if at the time they seemed
14、 a picture of clarity compared to the existing state of the art, Meade (1951). One of the remarkable features of Dornbuschs paper is that todays graduate students can still easily read it in the original and, as I will document, many still do.The reader should understand that as novel as the oversho
15、oting model was, Dornbusch was hardly writing in a vacuum. Jo Anna Gray (1976), Stanley Fischer (1977), and Ned Phelps and John Taylor (1977) were all working on closed economy sticky-price rational expectations models at around the same time. Stanley Black (1973) had already introduced rational exp
16、ectations to international macroeconomics. Dornbuschs Chicago classmate Michael Mussa (my predecessor as Economic Counsellor at the Fund) was also working actively in the area in the time, though he delayed publication of his main piece on the topic until Mussa (1982). There were others who were fis
17、hing in the same waters as Dornbusch at around the same time, (e.g., Hans Genberg and Henryk Kierzkowski, 1979). But the elegance and clarity of Dornbuschs model, and its obvious and immediate policy relevance, puts his paper in a separate class from the other international macroeconomics papers of
18、its time.-A. Still a Useful Policy ToolA word about New Open Economy Macroeconomics, which Obstfeld surveyed last year; certainly this literature has come to dominate the academic literature on international macroeconomic policy.2 Superficially, of course, most of the newer generation models appear
19、quite different from Dornbuschs model, not least because they introduce rigorous microfoundations for consumer and investor behavior. At the same time, however, they can be viewed as direct descendants. Formally, New Open Economy Macroeconomics attempts to marry the empirical sensibility of the stic
20、ky-price Dornbusch model with the elegant but unrealistic intertemporal approach to the current account.3But even with the inevitable onslaught of more modern approaches, the Dornbusch model is still very much alive today on its own, precisely because it is so clear, simple and elegant. Lets be hone
21、st. If one is in a pinch and needs a quick response to a question about how monetary policy might affect the exchange rate, most of us will still want to check any answer against Dornbuschs model.Dornbuschs variant of the Mundell-Fleming paper is not just about overshooting. The general approach has
22、 been applied to a host of different problems, including the Dutch disease, the choice of exchange rate regime, commodity price volatility, and the analysis of disinflation in developing countries. It is a framework for thinking about international monetary policy, not simply a model for understandi
23、ng exchange rates. But what sold the paper to policymakers, what still sells the paper to graduate students, is overshooting. One has to realize that at the time Dornbusch was writing, the world had just made the transition from fixed to flexible exchange rates, and no one really understood what was
24、 going on. Contrary to Friedmans (1953) rosy depiction of life under floating, exchange rate changes did not turn out to smoothly mirror international inflation differentials. Instead, they were an order of magnitude more volatile, far more volatile than most experts had guessed they would be. Along
25、 comes Dornbusch who lays out an incredibly simple theory that showed how, with sticky prices, instability in monetary policy-and monetary policy was particularly unstable during the mid-1970s-could be the culprit, and to a far greater degree than anyone had imagined. Dornbuschs explanation shocked
26、and delighted researchers because he showed how overshooting did not necessarily grow out of myopia or herd behavior in markets. Rather, exchange rate volatility was needed to temporarily equilibrate the system in response to monetary shocks, because underlying national prices adjust so slowly. It w
27、as this idea that took the paper from being a mere A to an A+. As we shall see, Dornbuschs conjecture about why exchange rates overshoot has proven of relatively limited value empirically, although a plausible case can be made that it captures the effects of major turning points in monetary policy.
28、But the true strength of the model lies in that it highlights how, in todays modern economies, one needs to think about the interaction of sluggishly adjusting goods markets and hyperactive asset markets. This broader insight certainly still lies at the core of modern thinking about exchange rates,
29、even if the details of our models today differ quite a bit. Paul Samuelson once remarked that there are very few ideas in economics that are both (a) true and (b), not obvious. Dornbuschs overshooting paper is certainly one of those rare ideas. Now, of course, unless one is steeped in recent economi
30、c theory, little of what appears in todays professional economics journals will seem obvious. However, that is only because it takes constant training and retooling to be able to follow the assumptions in the latest papers. Once you can understand the assumptions, what follows is usually not so surp
31、rising. But this is certainly not the case with the overshooting result, as I will now briefly illustrate.B. Overshooting: The Basic IdeaSince this lecture is aimed at a broad audience, it is not my intention to invoke too many mathematical formulas, though there will be a few. A small number of equ
32、ations is necessary if only to impress upon the reader how simple the concept really is. The reader can easily skip over them.Two relationships lie at the heart of the overshooting result. The first, equation (1) below, is the uncovered interest parity condition. It says that the home interest rate
33、on bonds, i, must equal the foreign interest rate i*, plus the expected rate of depreciation of the exchange rate, Et (et+1 - et), where e is the logarithm of the exchange rate (home currency price of foreign currency)4, and Et denotes market expectations based on time t information. That is, if hom
34、e and foreign bonds are perfect substitutes, and international capital is fully mobile, the two bonds can only pay different interest rates if agents expect there will be compensating movement in the exchange rate. Throughout, we will assume that the home country is small in world capital markets, s
35、o that we may take the foreign interest rate i* as exogenous.5Uncovered interest rate parity(1)_nominalinterest rateexpected rate ofcharge of exchange rateIndeed, Dornbusch assumed perfect foresight in his model-essentially that there was no uncertainty-since techniques for incorporating uncertainty
36、 were not yet fully developed at the time of his writing; the distinction between perfect foresight and rational expectations is not consequential for our analysis here. Does uncovered interest parity really hold in practice? Many a paper has been written on the topic, and the short answer is no, no
37、t exactly. Several recent attempts to reconcile exchange rate theory and data turn on generalizing this equation, though it remains to proven how fruitful this approach will be.6The second core equation of the Dornbusch model is the money demand equation Money demand(2)moneysupplypriceleveloutputwhe
38、re m is the money supply, p is the domestic price level, and y is domestic output, all in logarithms; and are positive parameters. Higher interest rates raise the opportunity cost of holding money, and thereby lower the demand for money. Conversely, an increase in output raises the transactions dema
39、nd for money. Finally, the demand for money is proportional to the price level. Equation (2) is a simple variant of the Goldfeld (1972) money demand function. Given the enormous revolution in transactions technologies, there has been a rethinking of money demand functions in recent years, but not in
40、 any direction that requires us to completely redo Dornbuschs setup. So how does overshooting work? It can all be captured by combining equations (1) and (2) with a few simple assumptions. First, assume that the domestic price level p does not move instantaneously in response to unanticipated moneta
41、ry disturbances, but adjusts only slowly over time. We shall say more about this assumption shortly, but it is certainly empirically realistic. As Mussa (1986) so convincingly demonstrated, domestic price levels generally have the cardiogram of a rock compared to floating exchange rates, at least in
42、 countries with trend inflation below, say, 100-200 percent per annum. Second, assume that output y is exogenous (what really matters is that it, too, moves sluggishly in response to monetary shocks). Third, we will assume that money is neutral in the long run, so that a permanent rise in m leads a
43、proportionate rise in e and p, in the long run.7Now suppose, following Dornbuschs famous thought experiment, that there is an unanticipated permanent increase in the money supply m. If the nominal money supply rises but the price level is temporarily fixed, then the supply of real balances m-p must
44、rise as well. To equilibrate the system, the demand for real balances must rise. Since output y is assumed fixed in the short run, the only way that the demand for real balances can go up is if the interest rate i on domestic currency bonds falls. According to equation (1), it is possible for i to f
45、all if and only if, over the future life of the bond contract, the home currency is expected to appreciate. But how is this possible if we know that the long run impact of the money supply shock must be a proportionate depreciation in the exchange rate? Dornbuschs brilliant answer is that the initia
46、l depreciation of the exchange rate must, on impact, be larger than the long-run depreciation. This initial excess depreciation leaves room for the ensuing appreciation needed to simultaneously clear the bond and money markets. The exchange rate must overshoot. Note that this whole result is driven
47、by the assumed rigidity of domestic prices p. Otherwise, as the reader may check, e, p, and m would all move proportionately on impact, and there would be no overshooting. Put differently, money is neutral here if all nominal quantities, including the price level, are fully flexible.Of course, I hav
48、e left out a lot of details, and we need to check them to make sure that this story is complete and hangs together. We will do it later. Fundamentally, however, the power and generality of the overshooting idea derives precisely from the fact that it can be cooked with so few ingredients. The only e
49、quations we need are (1) and (2), and therefore the result is going to obtain across a broad class of models that incorporate sticky prices.Now underlying Dornbuschs disarmingly simple result lies some truly radical thinking. At the time Rudi was working on his paper, the concept of sticky prices wa
50、s under severe attack. In his elegant formalization of the Phelps islands model, Lucas (1973) suggested that one could understand the real effects of monetary policy without any appeal to Keynesian nominal rigidities, and by 1975, Lucas had many influential followers in Sargent, Barro and others. Th
51、e Chicago-Minnesota School maintained that sticky prices were nonsense and continued to advance this view for at least another fifteen years. It was the dominant view in academic macroeconomics. Certainly, there was a long period in which the assumption of sticky prices was a recipe for instant reje
52、ction at many leading journals. Despite the religious conviction among macroeconomic theorists that prices cannot be sticky, the Dornbusch model remained compelling to most practical international macroeconomists. This divergence of views led to a long rift between macroeconomics and much of mainstr
53、eam international finance. Of course, today, the pendulum has swung back entirely, and there is a broad consensus across schools of thought that some form of price rigidity is absolutely necessary to explain real-world data, in either closed or open economies. The new view can be found in many place
54、s, but certainly in the closed economy work of authors such as Rotemberg and Woodford (1997), Woodford (2002), and of course in New Open Economy Macroeconomics. The Phelps-Lucas islands paradigm for monetary policy is, for now, a footnote (albeit a very clever one) in the history of monetary theory.
55、There are more than a few of us in my generation of international economists who still bear the scars of not being able to publish sticky-price papers during the years of new neoclassical repression. I still remember a mid-1980s breakfast with a talented young macroeconomic theorist from Barcelona,
56、who was of the Chicago-Minnesota school. He was a firm believer in the flexible-price Lucas islands model, and spent much of the meal ranting and raving about the inadequacies of the Dornbusch model: What garbage! Who still writes down models with sticky prices and wages! There are no microfoundatio
57、ns. Why do international economists think that such a model could have any practical relevance? Its just ridiculous! Eventually the conversation turns and I ask, So, how are you doing in recruiting? Your university has made a lot of changes. The theorist responds without hesitation: Oh, its very har
58、d for Spanish universities to recruit from the rest of the world right now. With the recent depreciation of the exchange rate, our salaries (which remained fixed in nominal terms) have become totally uncompetitive. Such was life.C. Cite Counts and Course Reading ListsSince we are here to focus on the innate beauty of the Dornbusch model, it is perhaps crass to list citation counts and other quantitative measures of influence. In principle, however, economics is a qua
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