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1、CULSED Software Manual1. Program requirementCULSED was originally developed for ArcMap ver. 8.2 and Windows 2000 platforms by Florentiu Damian (Damian, 2003). CULSED software has been updated to ArcMap ver. 9.1 and Windows XP platforms. Please make sure that your computer has ArcMap ver. 9.1 with Sp

2、atial Analysis extension.2. Installation1) The goal of installation CULSED is comprised of two ArcMap extensions named Road Sediment Analyst RSA Sediment ModelerUpon successful installation they will show up in the tools-extensions menu item of ArcMap shown below.A dedicated toolbar provided with th

3、e program will also be found in the ArcMap list of tools.Click Road Sediment Analysis and see the tool bar appeared on ArcMap.2) Installation Stepsa. Download Setup.Exe and CULSED.msi (Click on these active links, you can go to the site directly) to a permanent directory on your computer. (Please cr

4、eate a folder named “CULSED” in your C drive and save Setup.Exe and CULSED.msi there) /akiran/CULSED/b. Install CULSED software.Click CULSED.msi on your directory.Click NextSelect the folder named CULSED in your C drive. Click Next and finish this installation.c. Register

5、 RoadSedimentAnalysis.dll Go to Start - RunAnd copy and paste the line below.C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727RegAsm.exe C:CULSEDRoadSedimentAnalyst.dllRegAsm.exe registers RoadSedimentAnalyst.dll above. Special Attention -If your computer doesnt have any RegAsm.exe, you cant register this d

6、ll. For this case, please download RegAsm.exe from Visual Studio Express Edition below. /vstudio/express/vb/download/This is free software. When you download the software, Framework folder is also downloaded. The Framework folder contains RegAsm.exe. If you register your name

7、 to Microsoft, you can start to use this Visual Studio software, but this CULSED software only requires RegAsm.exe. It means that the registration of Visual Studio software is not necessary to use CULSED software. If you have any questions for this issue, please feel free to contact me (akiranu.wash

8、) If you are not sure that you have RegAsm.exe, Go to Start - RunTypecmdYou can see a black screen. And type (or copy and paste) the lineC:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727RegAsm.exeIf you cant see any command syntax about RegAsm.exe, you need to get RegAsm.exeSo far I only know RegA

9、sm.exe can be downloaded from Visual Studio Express Edition. However, you may find the other source to get RegAsm.exe by internet. -c. Start ArcMap and verify that two extensions were added and the CULSED toolbar is available. If so you are ready to use the program.How to uninstall CULSED1. Unregist

10、er CULSEDGo to Start - Run - type “cmd” Copy and paste the line below on the black window.C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727RegAsm.exe /unregister C:CULSEDRoadSedimentAnalyst.dll2. Uninstall CULSED Go to Start - Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs Find “CULSED” and remove it. Note: If you

11、uninstall CULSED without unregister CULSED, ArcGIS may not start at all from the next use. Please unregister the first and then uninstall CULSED.3. Data requirementThe CULSED analysis requires the following four dataset.1) Digital Elevation Model (DEM)This Dataset must be free of sinks and be able t

12、o derive a stream layer with the minimum contributing area method.You can get free DEM from USGS website below./esrm590/lessons/find_data/exercise/index.html#get_dem 2) Stream LayerLinear feature and this dataset must align with the digital elevation model. Optimally this

13、 stream layer should be generated from the DEM.How ?Please see the tutorial how to make stream from DEM below./esrm590/lessons/hydrology/exercise/index.html#delineation 3) Culvert pointPoint layer and this dataset could contain existing culvert locations. If there are no

14、existing location the layer is still required and should be empty.4) Road LayerLinear feature. The road segments should be representative of the changes in sediment producing factors (i.e. grade, width, surface, material, etc.) which are given as attributes. The valid values of these attributes are

15、given in options menu (see below)As a demonstration of this tutorial, you can download the dataset from the website below./akiran/CULSED/Please download the data named and unzip the file to save the file to the CULSED folder in C drive.Before you use the s

16、oftware Add four layers to ArcMap DEM named dem_clipStream layer named stream.shp.Culvert point named culvert.shpRoad layer named road.shpPlease check three extensionsTools - ExtensionsCheckSpatial AnalystRoad Sediment Analyst RSA Sediment Modeler3. Software TutorialThis session presents the tools a

17、nd menu items present on the CULSED toolbar.The CULSED toolbar is composed of 9 tools and 6 menu items that operate on existing data and control the flow of the culvert analysis session. A small window on the toolbar presents the total amount of sediment delivered by the analyzed road network at eac

18、h step during analysis. The sediment volume is expressed in tons/year.All CULSED operations must be performed within a analysis session. The session steps must be performed in order. If the session is not completed in one setting the user can leave it open in order to be solved with the ArcMap proje

19、ct. When the session is stopped all progress is cleared and all internal variables reinitialized.Note: the Spatial Analysis extension must be installed for CULSED to function properly.1) Culvert Spacer - Start This item starts an alaysis session. The user is prompted to provide the needed analysis l

20、ayer shown in below.Click 3Click 2Click 1CULSED requires the following layers: DEM, a road layer, a culvert point layer, and a stream layer. Please define each layer here as the input of this software.Note: for the best results a DEM must be free of sinks and the stream layer must align with it. One

21、 convenient method for generating streams from a DEM is the minimum contributing area method.2) Culvert Spacer - Road SetupThis menu item runs a series of algorithms that setup the road network from a geometric perspective. A road grade is estimated and stored in the road attribute table. If you hav

22、e already created RSAGrade field, please select from the top down menu. If you havent, please check the bottom and create new RSAGrade field. Then click OK.CULSED assumed that each road segment presents a consistent combination of sediment production factors (e.g. road grade, road width, surface mat

23、erial etc). At this stage in the analysis the user must examine the road segments and ensure that this condition is met. Because the road grade is estimated from a DEM it may not necessarily reflect the actual road reality. CULSED provides tools for splitting and merging road segments, changing flow

24、 direction and modifying grade.Note: to properly estimate the road grade the vertical units of the DEM must be the same with the horizontal units. If they differ the user must correct the grade values in the attribute table appropriately.Editing the grade and road segments The items are activated af

25、ter the road setup are used to edit the grade and road segments. Each item is explained below.SegmentGrade This tool changes the grade of a road segment. Click on a segment to display grade. Type a new value and right click to commit the change.NodeGradeThis tool simultaneously changes the grade of

26、all road segments at a certain intersection. Left click to increase grade. Right click to decrease grade.FlipThis tool changes the flow direction along a road segment. The flow direction along the side ditch is represented with arrows. Use this tool when the DEM estimated grade is incorrect.SplitThi

27、s tool splits a road segment in two parts. All attributes are copied onto the newly created segments.MergeThis tool merges two roads into one. The road grade is taken from one of the segments. When more than two segments meet at an intersection click the intersection with the left button and while k

28、eeping the button depressed press the right button to select which segments will get merged.EnforConThis command enforces geometric consistency, eliminating duplicate segments, and forcing node connectivity (simplifies geometries) to ensure proper topology. Make sure to use this command when you are

29、 done with all edits and are ready to proceed to next step.3) Culvert Spacer - Flow SetUpThis menu items runs a series of algorithms that construct the internal logical network and establish how water flows along the side ditch. The road segments are identified as parents and children based on their

30、 physical connectivity. All existing culverts are snapped to the road lines and new culverts are placed at stream crossings.In certain cases, the network topology algorithms cannot automatically identify the parent-child relationships needed for modeling the water travel. A list of those cases is pr

31、esented to user during flow setup. The user must click on each item on the list and using the ArcMap selection tool direct the water on its way to the next ditch segment.Click 1Click 2 Click 3 (Select and click one of them)And Click 4 Then click Finish Note: some culverts are not snapped, if they ar

32、e located away from the road. Snap works within 100 feet buffer from the road line. If the culverts, which are not snapped during this setup, exit, their ID numbers are appeared at the end of this process. If you want to include those culverts, you have to add them manually during the analysis time.

33、4) Culvert Spacer - Analyze SedThis menu item runs the sediment modeling algorithms that associate a sediment production to each road segment and determine the flow path distance from each potential culvert location to the nearest stream. This module works in conjunction with the spatial analyst ext

34、ension to perform raster calculations and attribute modifications. The sediment model is implemented as a separate extension in order to provide interchangeability at run time. The options menu specifies which available sediment model is currently used.The default sediment model provided with this v

35、ersion of CULSED follows the procedures in the WA DNR Manual for Conducting Watershed Analysis. The following sediment production parameters can be specified as road attributes and are associated to each segment: age, grade, width, surface material traffic, and side slope cover. Other parameters suc

36、h as precipitation and parent material are considered uniform over the entire study area. If no attributes tables are specified, a set of default road characteristic arc applied. They can be viewed and modified in the option menu.Please set the parameters as they are shown above. And click OK.A mini

37、mum number of contributing cells is required for computing the flow paths to the nearest streams. A raster layer of streams is generated during this process. For accurate results this number should produce a stream layer identical to the one used in the input section.The flow modeling section is use

38、ful when working with high resolution elevation models. A typical problem when modeling water flow in these cases is the stream capture by the road ditch. To reduce the stream capturing effects the elevation models can be smoothed with a circular neighborhood of given radius.The maximum sediment tra

39、vel distance represents is a generic number that influences the sediment deposition factor used for calculating a probability of sediment delivery. This number is particular to local conditions and should be based on empirical observations at the site. The users expertise is important for obtaining

40、valid results.Culvert Operation ToolsA set of tools that allow insertion, relocation and removal of cross drain culvert is provided. These tools only become available after the sediment analysis has been performed. Operating any of these tools triggers recalculations of sediment delivery probability

41、 and summation of total sediment delivered by the road network. These changes are reflected in the sediment window.AddCulvThis tool inserts a new cross drain in the road drainage system.MoveCulvThis tool moves a cross drain culvert to a different location.Remove CulvertThis tool removes a cross drai

42、n from the road drainage system.5) Culvert Spacer - StopStop an analysis session and clears all variable. Use only when a session is completed.6) Culvert Spacer - Options The operations menu presents specifies the sediment model to be used and give the default road characteristics for sediment produ

43、ction calculations. A new ArcMap extension must be developed in order to use a different sediment model. This extension must be written in Visual Basic and must implement the IsedimentModel interface provided with the CULSED code (Damian, 2003). This interface specifies the methods necessary for CULSED to be able to integrate with a sediment model. Once the sediment analysis has been run, an amount of sediment


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