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1、Job interview,Social poise and grace Personal Information,能力目標,知識目標,1 how to prepare for the job? 2 how to write the resume?,難點,重點,1 the form of resume 2 new words and prases.,1 The grammar in the text 2 the sentence structre .,課時,10課時,本單元課程實施主要方法,本單元課程成果(結果),無,Job interview,Social poise and grace1.

2、社交禮儀,piz,Shake hands/hand shaking,Keep fine seat posture,posture 英 pst 美 pst n.姿勢;看法; 態(tài)度;立場 vt.做出某種姿勢 None of the banks changed their posture on the deal as a result of the inquiry. 沒有一家銀行因為這次調查而對該交易改變立場。,Sweet smile,costume,Blouse女襯衫,necklace,Dress,high-heeled shoes,Handbag 手袋,coat,purse,necklace,e

3、arrings,bracelet,high-heeled shoes,Scarf 圍巾,silk stockings 絲襪,Skirt 裙子,Briefcase,Watch,Lighter,面試技巧,態(tài)度自然放松 第一次面試總是不會輕松的,但是假如你很緊張的話,你將更難推銷自己。把你心里的不安平靜下來。在你走進辦公室以前,先做三次深呼吸使自己放松下來。 以你最好的一張臉前往 一張容光煥發(fā)的臉,會給主試官以活力感。因此,應該整理整理表情,并略施粉黛,襯出一張生氣勃勃的顏面。 不要帶那些叮叮當當作響的道具 珠寶、項鏈、搖搖晃晃的耳環(huán)、咔喀咔喀的手鐲要摘下來,只帶盡可能簡單的裝飾品。否則,會給主試官

4、一個不正經(jīng)做事的印象。 把主試官當成一個朋友 把那些主試者想成是你的朋友,你是去拜訪朋友的。這樣就會產(chǎn)生一種溫暖的感覺。你越感到溫暖,就越容易達到自我推銷的目的。,傾聽并且發(fā)問 多傾聽表示你對主試官的充分尊重和注意。多發(fā)問則表現(xiàn)你已經(jīng)消化了主試者所說的話。 對自己充滿信心 有信心的女人能給人耳目一新的感覺。而信心則源于你對自己的了解,對職業(yè)信息的分析和你不達到目的誓不罷休的決心。 7 冷靜對待,榮辱不驚 在考官中,當然也不乏刁鉆古怪之人,他們可能故意挑釁,令人難堪。這不是“不懷好意”,而是一種戰(zhàn)術提問。在提問中,讓你不明其意,故意提出不禮貌或令人難堪的問題,其意在于“重創(chuàng)”應試者,觀察你在此場

5、合何言以對,從而考察你的“適應性”和“應變性”。若遇此類問題,你反唇相譏、惡語相對,就大錯特錯了。 8 知之為知之,不知為不知 在面試場上,常會遇到一些不熟悉、曾經(jīng)熟悉現(xiàn)竟忘了或根本不懂的問題。面臨這種情況,默不作聲、回避問題是失策;牽強附會、“強不知為知之”更是拙劣;坦率承認為上策。,面試著裝,西裝要筆挺 應聘者最好穿深色的西服,灰色、綠色和深藍色.它們給人以穩(wěn)重、可靠,干練的印象。 襯衫要理想 襯衫必須是長袖的。有些襯衣的袖口上有簡單的鏈扣,給人以格外注重細節(jié)的感覺。襯衫應當是白色或淡藍色,不帶圖案或條紋。 領帶要選好 有專家說,在你跟面試者握手時領帶首先受到關注。它可以便一套昂貴的西服顯

6、得很廉價,也可以便普通的穿著給人的印象提高一個檔次。領帶的面料選用 100%的純絲即可。系好的領帶不要超過你的褲腰帶。,4 皮鞋要擦亮 注意使你的鞋面保持锃亮,破舊的鞋跟會使人顯得疲軟而萎靡,另外,切勿把黑鞋與棕色西裝搭配,這樣會十分不諧調。 5 頭發(fā)要干凈、自然 求職者去應聘時要保持頭發(fā)整潔,精心梳理,不要給人油光發(fā)亮、濕淋淋的感覺;發(fā)型簡單、樸素、穩(wěn)重大方,不要留鬢角,最好不要留中分頭;頭發(fā)也不能壓著襯衣領子;胡須最好刮干凈,不要留人丹胡、絡腮胡 6 襪子要夠長 襪子的顏色應當和西服相配。通常應選藍、黑、深灰或深棕色,不要穿顏色鮮亮或花格襪子。襪子要夠長,使你在疊起雙腿時不至露出有毛的皮膚

7、,這樣十分不雅觀。而且要有足夠的彈性,使它們不至于從腿上滑下或縮成一團。,7 注意手和指甲 手是人體中活動最多的部分之一,也常常是人們目光的焦點,因此,在面試人看你之前,先看看自己的手,必使其潔凈而不要留長指甲。 8 小飾物要簡單適宜 (1)皮夾。(2)手表。(3)手帕。 9 注意個人衛(wèi)生 你身上散發(fā)出汗臭味、腋臭味、煙味等怪味應清除。,面試是一種經(jīng)過精心設計,以交談和觀察為主要手段,以了解被試者素質及有關信息為目的的一種測評方式。 面試就是你與面試官面對面的一種交流,更是你施展才能與特點的好時機,即要讓他們了解你,還要讓他們相信你才是最理想的人選。與此同時,也是你認識,揣測與了解你面前的主考

8、官的時候,而他很有可能就是你即將的上司或老板。 面試的總目標就是給對方一個好印象,那么你就要預先作好充分準備,通過各種方法去了解所面試公司單位的一些基本情況,猜測可能會被問到的問題,這樣回答時思路就會比較清晰,有針對性。,面試小常識,Dialogue Script 1,Opening Remarks 開場白,1.May I see Mr. John Watt, the personnel manager? 我想見人事經(jīng)理。 2.Its me. What can I do for you? 我就是,有什么事情嗎? 3.Im for an interview as requested. 我是應約來

9、此面試的. 4. It is a great pleasure for me to have this opportunity for interview. 很榮幸能有機會參加面試。 *Resume 簡歷,簡歷,Susan: Excuse me, may I see Mr. John Watt, the personnel manager? Watt: Its me. What can I do for you? Susan: Yes, Im for an interview as requested. Nice to meet you. Watt: Nice to meet you . Yo

10、u are Miss Li? Susan: Thats right. Watt: Please take a seat. Susan: Thank you. Watt: We have received your letter and resume, and we thought we would like to ask you to come here for an interview. Susan: It is a great pleasure for me to have this opportunity for interview.,我是應約來此面試的,很榮幸能有機會參加面試。,Dia

11、logue Script1,Personal Information個人信息篇,BASIC EXPRESSIONS,What is your name, please?,Where are you from? Where is your nativeneitiv place?,How old are you? Whats your birthday?,Where do you live now?,Can you tell me something about your family?,Are you married?,籍貫,I am just over twenty-two.,I have b

12、een married for two years.,There are four persons in my family, my parents, my elder sister and me.,I live at 606 Zhongguancun Road, Apt 802,Beijing. 我住在北京市中關村大街606號,802單元。,My name is Mary.,I am from Wuhan. My hometown is Wuhan.,1)Can I have /What is your name? 請問我能知道你的名字嗎? 請問你叫什么名字。 How do you spel

13、l your full name? 你的全名怎么拼寫? 2) How old are you?/ What is your age? 你多大了? 3) Whats your birthday? 你的出生日是? When were you born? 你哪一年出生?,BASIC EXPRESSIONS,4) Where are you from?你來自哪里? What is your hometown? 你的家鄉(xiāng)在哪里? Where is your native place?你的籍貫在哪里? 5)Are you married? 你結婚了嗎? No. I am still single.不,我是

14、單身。 How long have you been married? 你結婚多長時間了? I have been married for two years. 我結婚兩年了。,CONVERSATIONS 會話(A=Applicant I=Interviewer),New words:,Dialogue 1,I: What is your name, please? A: My name is Sunlin. I: How old are you? A: I am twenty-five years old. I: May I ask your birth date? A: Yes, my b

15、irth date is September 22, 1977.I: Where do you live now? A: I live at 606 Zhongguancun Road, Apt 802,Beijing. I: Then tell me your birthplace. A: My birthplace is Nanjing. I: Ok, I know you are not a resident of Beijing. Where is your domicile place then? A: My domicile place is Nanjing, too.,Dialo

16、gue 2,I: Mr. Sun, Would you mind if I ask you some questions, which may sound impolite? A: Ah, never mind, please. I: Can you tell me how old you are? A: I am 25 years old. I: Are you married? A: No, I am still single. I: Can you tell me something about your family? A: Ok. There are four persons in

17、my family, my parents, my elder sister and me.,Dialogue 3,I: Tell me a little bit about yourself, please. A: My name is Sunlin and I live in Beijing. I was born in 1980. I will graduate from Peking University this July. I have majored in accounting.I: Would you tell me something about your family? A

18、: There are three in my family, my parents and myself. My father is a teacher and my mother is a worker.,會計學,面試時需要做自我介紹,這個時候不要細致地談自己的生活情況或者工作經(jīng)驗,而是要想方設法地讓面試官對你有所了解,告訴他一些事情,這些事情應該使你在招聘過程中具有優(yōu)勢?;蛟S你想選取一些有人情味的故事講給他聽,但這么做,你要有把握與面試官的想法吻合。或者可以概述一下最近你干的工作和你正在申請的工作有什么聯(lián)系,有怎樣的幫助,以及你為什么要到這家公司工作等等。特別值得提的是,要舉例子,這樣你

19、的回答才更具真實性,更容易被接受,才能給對方留下深刻的印象。 或者當面試官讓你做自我介紹的時候,你可以主動問一下對方想知道自己哪方面的情況,這樣也便于你的回答更加有針對性。但是這種做法的前提是你對面前的這個面試官有一定的把握,確信這樣追問不會引起對方的反感才行。,面試小常識,Lesson 2,Review,1.May I see Mr. John Watt, the personnel manager? 2.I have come at your invitation for an interview. 3.It is a great pleasure for me to have this

20、opportunity for interview. 4.Can I have your name? 5.When were you born? 6.What is your age? 7.What is your hometown? 8.Where is your native /permanent place? 9.How long have you been married? 10. I have been married for two years.,Your Topic Goes Here,Education Background 教育背景篇,educate edju:keit vt

21、.主修的(課程) n.主修科目;陸軍少校 vi.主修,專攻;美國英語教育學主修(in);專攻 復數(shù): He majors in English. My major is English,academic records 成績單 academic kdemik adj 教學的,學業(yè)的 ,學術的 Their academic standards are high. 他們的教學水平很高。,honor n n.尊敬;敬意;榮譽;光榮 vt.尊敬,給以榮譽 Its quite an honor to have two men fighting over me. 有兩個人爭著要我,我感到很榮幸 The C

22、hinese make a point of their personal honor. 中國人特別重視個人榮譽。,award w:d vt.授予,獎給,判給 n 獎勵;獎品;獎狀 It is impossible to honor her with the award. 獎品授給她是不可能的。 The award has stimulated her into working still harder. 獎金促使她更加努力地工作。,scholarship sklip n.獎學金;學術;學識 I made up my mind to apply for a scholarship. 我決定申請

23、獎學金。,graduate rdjuit vt.授予學位或畢業(yè)證書 n.畢業(yè)生;大學畢業(yè)生;(已經(jīng)取得學士學位正在攻讀高級學位的)研究生 Which university did you graduate from? I graduated from Hebei University.,BASIC EXPRESSIONS,radio and television university,師范學院,medical school,文科院校/農(nóng)學院,1)Which school are you attending? Which university did you graduate from? 你在哪

24、個學校讀書?你是從哪個學校畢業(yè)的? I graduated from university of science and engineering 我是從理工科大學畢業(yè)的. 廣播電視大學 teachers college 醫(yī)學院 colleges of arts /agriculture,n.主人, 碩士,adj.博士的,2) What degree will you receive? I will receive a Bachelors degree / a Masters degree /a Doctors degree. 我將獲得學士學位/碩士學位 /博士學位。 B.A. : Bachel

25、or of Arts的縮寫,文學學士。 B.S. : Bachelor of Science的縮寫,理科學士. 加上degree表示文學學士學位。 bachelor 英 btl,3) What subject did you major in at university? Whats your major?你在大學主修什么? I majored in economics/industrial design /history /sociology ? 我主修經(jīng)濟學/工業(yè)設計 /歷史學 /社會學 4) How about your academic records/ scores at colle

26、ge? 你在大學時成績/分數(shù)如何? I got excellent scores on each of them. 我每一門的成績都得優(yōu). 5)Have you got any honors or rewards? 你大學時獲得過榮譽和獎勵嗎? Yes. I was awarded a scholarship from the university every year. 是的,每年我都獲得學校獎學金 I got the university scholarship in 1998-1999,6) Which subject/course do you like best/ better /l

27、east ? 你最喜歡/比較喜歡 /最不喜歡哪門課程? English. It was both interesting and useful. 英語。因為這門課既有趣又實用,我對它很感興趣。 7)Can you talk about your education background? 你能談一下你的教育背景嗎? I graduated from Beijing the No. 4 Middle School in 1996, then I entered China University of Political Science and Law and I graduated in 200

28、0. I gained a B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) degree. 1996年,我畢業(yè)于北京第4中學.然后進入中國政法大學,于2000年畢業(yè),且獲得了文學學士學位.,Dialogue 1,I: Which school are you attending? A: I am attending Hebei University of Technology. I: When will you graduate from that university? A: This coming July. I: What degree will you receive? A: I wi

29、ll receive a Bachelors degree. I: What is your major? A: My major is Business Administration. I: How have you been getting on with your studies so far? A: I have been doing quite well at college. According to the academic records Ive achieved so far, I am confident that I will get my Bachelor of Bus

30、iness Administration this coming July. I: How do you think the education youre received will contribute to your work in this institution? A: I have already learned a lot in the classroom and I hope to be able to make practical use of it in your company. My specialization at the university is just in

31、 line with the areas your institute deals with. I am sure I can apply what I have learned to the work in your institute.,到目前為止,你在校的學習情況如何?,商業(yè)管理學士學位,河北工業(yè)大學,New words,I have already learned a lot in the classroom and I hope to be able to make practical use of it in your company. 我在課堂上學了很多東西,我希望能把它實際運用

32、到貴公司的商務活動中去。 My specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with. 我在大學所學的專業(yè)和你們研究所所涉及的范圍剛好對口。 I am sure I can apply what I have learned to the work in your institute. 我相信我能夠把我所學到的東西運用到你們研究所的工作之中。,與打交道,Dialogue 2,I: Which university did you graduate from? A: I

33、graduated from Wuhan University. I: What subject did you major in at university? A: I majored in Economics. I: Tell me about the courses of your major in university. A: I take more than 50 courses in university, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, marketing principles, sales management, statis

34、tics, and so on.,I: How did you get on with your studies in university? A: I did well in university. I was one of the top students in the class. I: What subject did you minor in? A: I didnt minor in any subject when I was in university, but I attended English and computer courses. And I am currently

35、 studying finance in a training school.,你輔修過什么專業(yè)嗎,n.財政, 金融, 財政學,Dialogue 3,I: Have you received any degrees? A: Yes. In 1996 I received my Bachelor of Science degree from Hebei University, and in 2001 I received my MBA degree from Peking University. I: How about your academic records at college? A:

36、In fact my records were excellent. My overall GPA was 9 on a 10 scale, which was the highest in my class. I: Thats very impressive. Which course did you like best? A: English. It was both interesting and useful, so I showed a great interest in it.,我的總平均成績按10分制是9分,是班里最高的。,I: Can you tell me why you changed your major when you were a graduate student? A: Because I am very interested


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