【BS英國標準word原稿】BS EN 10207-2005 簡單壓力容器用鋼材.板材、帶材和棒材交貨技術(shù)要求.doc_第1頁
【BS英國標準word原稿】BS EN 10207-2005 簡單壓力容器用鋼材.板材、帶材和棒材交貨技術(shù)要求.doc_第2頁
【BS英國標準word原稿】BS EN 10207-2005 簡單壓力容器用鋼材.板材、帶材和棒材交貨技術(shù)要求.doc_第3頁
【BS英國標準word原稿】BS EN 10207-2005 簡單壓力容器用鋼材.板材、帶材和棒材交貨技術(shù)要求.doc_第4頁
【BS英國標準word原稿】BS EN 10207-2005 簡單壓力容器用鋼材.板材、帶材和棒材交貨技術(shù)要求.doc_第5頁
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,如果你需要更多標準可以到/kmust1進行免費查閱。 如果你購買的文檔存在缺頁、字跡模糊、亂碼等情況,請大家通過論壇消息與我聯(lián)系。licensed copy: institute of technology tallaght, institute of technology, tue aug 29 10:57:14 bst 2006, uncontrolled copy, (c) bsibritish standard bs en10207:2005steels for simple pressure vessels technical delivery requirements for plates, strips and barsthe european standard en 10207:2005 has the status of abritish standardics 77.140.30 ,如果你需要更多標準可以到/kmust1進行免費查閱。 如果你購買的文檔存在缺頁、字跡模糊、亂碼等情況,請大家通過論壇消息與我聯(lián)系。bs en 10207:2005national forewordthis british standard is the official english language version ofen 10207:2005. it supersedes bs en 10207:1992 which is withdrawn.the uk participation in its preparation was entrusted by technical committee ise/73, steel for pressure purposes, to subcommittee ise/73/2, steel plates and bars for pressure purposes, which has the responsibility to:aid enquirers to understand the text;present to the responsible european committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the uk interests informed;monitor related international and european developments and promulgate them in the uk.a list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on request to its secretary.cross-referencesthe british standards which implement international or european publications referred to in this document may be found in the bsi catalogue under the section entitled “international standards correspondence index”, or by using the “search” facility of the bsi electronic catalogue or ofbritish standards online.this publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. users are responsible for its correct application.compliance with a british standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations.summary of pagesthis document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the en title page, pages 2 to 18, an inside back cover and a back cover.the bsi copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued.licensed copy: institute of technology tallaght, institute of technology, tue aug 29 10:57:14 bst 2006, uncontrolled copy, (c) bsiamd. no.datecommentsthis british standard was published under the authority of the standards policy and strategy committee on3 may 2005 bsi 3 may 2005isbn 0 580 46007 xamendments issued since publicationeuropean standard norme europenneeuropische normen 10207april 2005ics 77.140.30supersedes en 10207:1991english versionsteels for simple pressure vessels - technical delivery requirements for plates, strips and barsaciers pour appareils pression simples - conditions techniques de livraison des tles, bandes et barressthle fr einfache druckbehlter - technischelieferbedingungen fr blech, band und stabstahlthis european standard was approved by cen on 21 february 2005.cen members are bound to comply with the cen/cenelec internal regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this european standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the central secretariat or to any cen member.this european standard exists in three official versions (english, french, german). a version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a cen member into its own language and notified to the central secretariat has the same status as the official versions.cen members are the national standards bodies of austria, belgium, cyprus, czech republic, denmark, estonia, finland, france, germany, greece, hungary, iceland, ireland, italy, latvia, lithuania, luxembourg, malta, netherlands, norway, poland, portugal, slovakia, slovenia, spain, sweden, switzerland and united kingdom.european committee for standardizationc o m i t eur o p en de nor m a l i s a ti on eur o p i s c h es kom i tee f r nor m ung management centre: rue de stassart, 36 b-1050 brusselslicensed copy: institute of technology tallaght, institute of technology, tue aug 29 10:57:14 bst 2006, uncontrolled copy, (c) bsi 2005 cenall rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for cen national members.ref. no. en 10207:2005: een 10207:2005 (e)licensed copy: institute of technology tallaght, institute of technology, tue aug 29 10:57:14 bst 2006, uncontrolled copy, (c) bsicontentspageforeword. 31scope . 42normative references . 43terms and definitions. 54classification and designation . 54.1classification. 54.2designation . 55information to be supplied by the purchaser . 55.1mandatory information . 55.2options . 66manufacturing process . 66.1steelmaking . 66.2delivery condition . 67requirements . 67.1general. 67.2chemical composition. 77.3mechanical properties . 77.4surface condition. 87.5 internal soundness. 87.6dimensions and tolerances on dimensions . 87.7calculation of mass . 98inspection . 98.1types of inspection . 98.2inspection documents . 98.3tests to be carried out for specific inspection . 109sampling and preparation of samples and test pieces . 109.1test units . 109.2preparation of samples and test pieces . 119.3number of test pieces . 1310test methods. 1410.1chemical analysis . 1410.2tensile test at room temperature . 1410.3impact test . 1410.4tensile test at elevated temperature. 1410.5visual examination . 1510.6ultrasonic test . 1510.7retests . 1511marking . 15annex a (informative) definition of simple pressure vessel . 16annex za (informative) relationship between this document and the essential requirements of eu directive for simple pressure vessels 87/404/eec. 17bibliography . 1817licensed copy: institute of technology tallaght, institute of technology, tue aug 29 10:57:14 bst 2006, uncontrolled copy, (c) bsiforewordthis document (en 10207:2005) has been prepared by technical committee eciss/tc 22 “steels for pressure purposes qualities”, the secretariat of which is held by din.this european standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by october 2005, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by october 2005.this document supersedes en 10207:1991.this document has been prepared under a mandate given to cen by the european commission and theeuropean free trade association, and supports essential requirements of eu directive 87/404/eec.for relationship with eu directive 87/404/eec, see informative annex za, which is an integral part of this document.notethe clauses marked with two dots () contain information relating to agreements which may be made at the time of enquiry and order.according to the cen/cenelec internal regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this european standard: austria, belgium, cyprus, czech republic, denmark, estonia, finland, france, germany, greece, hungary, iceland, ireland, italy, latvia, lithuania, luxembourg, malta, netherlands, norway, poland, portugal, slovakia, slovenia, spain, sweden, switzerland and united kingdom.licensed copy: institute of technology tallaght, institute of technology, tue aug 29 10:57:14 bst 2006, uncontrolled copy, (c) bsi1scopethis document specifies the technical delivery requirements for flat products and bars made of steel in accordance with the specifications for pressurized parts in simple pressure vessels as defined in the directive 87/404/eec (see annex a) and standardized in en 286-1 to -3.2normative referencesthe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. for dated references, only the edition cited applies. for undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.en 10002-1, metallic materials tensile testing part 1: method of testing at ambient temperature. en 10002-5, metallic materials tensile testing part 5: method of testing at elevated temperatures. en 10020:2000, definition and classification of grades of steel.en 10021:1993, general technical delivery requirements for steel and iron products.pren 10027-1, designation systems for steel part 1: steel names.en 10027-2, designation systems for steels part 2: numerical system.en 10029, hot rolled steel plates 3 mm thick or above tolerances on dimensions, shape and mass.en 10045-1, metallic materials charpy impact test part 1: test method.en 10048, hot rolled narrow steel strip tolerances on dimensions and shape.en 10051, continuously hot rolled uncoated plate, sheet and strip of nonalloy and alloy steels tolerances on dimensions and shape.en 10052:1993, vocabulary of heat treatment terms for ferrous products.en 10058, hot rolled flat steel bars for general purposes dimensions and tolerances on shape and dimensions.en 10059, hot rolled square steel bars for general purposes dimensions and tolerances on shape and dimensions.en 10060, hot rolled round steel bars for general purposes dimensions and tolerances on shape and dimensions.en 10061, hot rolled hexagon steel bars for general purposes dimensions and tolerances on shape and dimensions.en 10079:1992, definition of steel products.en 10160, ultrasonic testing of steel flat products of thickness equal or greater than 6 mm (reflection method).en 10163-2, delivery requirements for surface condition of hot rolled steel plates, wide flats and sections part 2: plate and wide flats.en 10168, steel products inspection documents list of information and description.en 10204:2004, metallic products types of inspection documents.licensed copy: institute of technology tallaght, institute of technology, tue aug 29 10:57:14 bst 2006, uncontrolled copy, (c) bsien 10221, surface quality classes for hot-rolled bars and rods technical delivery conditions.en iso 377, steel and steel products location and preparation of samples and test pieces for mechanical testing (iso 377:1997).en iso 2566-1, steel conversion of elongation values part 1: carbon and low alloy steels(iso 2566-1:1994).en iso 14284, steel and iron sampling and preparation of samples for the determination of chemical composition (iso 14284:1996).cr 10261, eciss information circular 11 iron and steel review of available methods of chemical analysis.3terms and definitionsfor the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply in addition to or deviating from the terms and definitions in en 10020:2000, en 10021:1993, en 10052:1993, en 10079:1992 and en 10204:2004.3.1normalizing rollingrolling process in which final deformation is carried out in a certain temperature range leading to a material condition equivalent to that obtained after normalizing so that the specified values of the mechanical properties are retained even after normalizingnotethe symbol for this delivery condition and for the normalized condition is n.3.2simple pressure vesselsee annex a4classification and designation4.1classificationin accordance with the classification system in en 10020, the steel grades p235s and p265s are non-alloy quality steels and the steel grade p275sl is a non-alloy special steel.4.2designationthe steel grades are designated with steel names and steel numbers. the steel names are allocated in accordance with pren 10027-1. the steel numbers are allocated in accordance with en 10027-2.5information to be supplied by the purchaser5.1mandatory informationthe following information shall be supplied by the purchaser at the time of enquiry and order:a)quantity (mass or total length or number); b)product form (plate/sheet or strip or bar); c)surface class for bars (see 7.4.2);licensed copy: institute of technology tallaght, institute of technology, tue aug 29 10:57:14 bst 2006, uncontrolled copy, (c) bsid)european standard or document specifying the tolerances on dimensions, shape and mass and, if the relevant european standard or document permits the purchaser certain options, e.g. regarding finishes or tolerance grades, specific information on these aspects (see 7.6);e)specified dimensions of the product to be delivered (see 7.6);f)number of this document;g)designation of the steel grade (steel name or steel number);5.2optionsa number of options are specified in this document and listed below. in the event that the purchaser does not indicate a wish to implement any of these options at the time of enquiry and order, the products shall be


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