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美國國歌美國國歌:星光燦爛的旗幟(The Star-Spangled Banner曾譯星條旗之歌)。該曲由美國律師弗朗西斯斯科特基(Francis Scott Key)作詞,英國作曲家約翰斯塔福德史密斯(John Stafford Smith)作曲。美國國歌為星光燦爛的旗幟(The Star-Spangled Banner),但由于種種原因在中國現(xiàn)在經(jīng)常被譯作“星條旗永不落”。雖然這種譯法使該曲與美國國家進行曲星條旗永不落(The Star and Stripes Forever)重名,并且與英文原意不符,但該譯法的使用依然相當廣泛。中文名稱美國國歌外文名稱The Star-Spangled Banner填詞弗朗西斯斯科特基譜曲約翰斯塔福德史密斯確定國歌時間1931年別名星條旗之歌目錄1創(chuàng)作背景2歷史3歌詞創(chuàng)作背景巴爾的摩市東南的麥克亨利堡,建在一個小半島上,是個平面成五角星狀的要塞,扼進港要道。第二次美英戰(zhàn)爭期間作為前哨陣地抗擊英軍。1814年,英國艦隊直撲麥克亨利堡,晝夜連續(xù)猛轟此堡。當時,有一位名叫弗朗西斯斯科特基的美國律師乘船到英艦交涉釋放被扣留的美國平民。他目擊了英軍炮轟麥克亨利堡及美軍英勇抵抗的慘烈場面,憂心如焚。1814年9月13日凌晨,弗朗西斯斯科特基透過炮火的硝煙,看到一面美國國旗仍然在城堡上迎風飄揚,他被這景像深深感動,隨手在一封信的背后寫下了幾行詩。后來,他把詩稿送給法官尼科爾遜(Nicholson),得到大力贊賞,并建議用一首當時非常流行的曲子John Stafford Smith作曲的“To Anacreon in Heaven”做為配曲,同時取歌名為“星條旗之歌”(The Star Spangled Banner),這首歌深受美國人民的喜愛,很快就傳遍全國。1931年,美國國會正式將星條旗之歌定為美利堅合眾國的國歌。如今,巴爾的摩市的麥克亨利堡已被辟為國家紀念地和歷史圣地。1985年11月7日,巴爾的摩市與中國福建省廈門市結(jié)為友好城市。歷史編輯歌詞是一位名叫弗朗西斯斯科特基(Francis Scott Key)的美國律師,在1814年英美戰(zhàn)爭(亦稱美加戰(zhàn)爭或第二次北美獨立戰(zhàn)爭)期間的巴爾的摩,透過戰(zhàn)場上的硝煙看到星條旗經(jīng)過英弗朗西斯斯科特基的星條旗手稿軍炮轟后仍在要塞上空高高飄揚時感慨萬分而即景寫下的。歌詞寫出來后,在一名法官的建議下,配上了英國作曲家約翰斯塔福德史密斯(John Stafford Smith)創(chuàng)作的To Anacreon in Heaven,并取了現(xiàn)在的名字,從此流傳開來。直到1931年被美國國會正式定為國歌。人們常常對美國國歌與曲譜是“進行曲之王”蘇薩(John Philip Sousa,1854年1932年)的著名代表作星條旗永不落進行曲(The Stars and Stripes Forever),產(chǎn)生混淆。其實聽過兩曲的人都能迅速地將其分辨開來。另據(jù)傳把星光燦爛的旗幟正式定為國歌之前,美國的國歌含有英國國歌主佑吾王的曲調(diào)。歌詞美國國歌共包括四節(jié),絕大多數(shù)場合只唱第一節(jié)。Oh, say can you see by the dawns early light,What so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming?Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,Oer the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air,Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave,Oer the land of the free and the home of the brave?On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,Where the foes haughty host in dread silence reposes,What is that which the breeze, oer the towering steep,As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?Now it catches the gleam of the mornings first beam,In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh long may it wave,Oer the land of the free and the home of the brave.When our land is illuminated with libertys smile,If a foe from within strikes a blow at her glory,Down, down with the traitor that tries to defileThe flag of the stars, and the page of her story!By the millions unchained,Who their birthright have gainedWe will keep her bright blazon forever unstained;And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave,While the land of the free is the home of the brave.1And where is that band who so vauntingly swore?That the havoc of war and the battles confusion.A home and a country should leave us no more,Their blood has washed out of of their foul footsteps pollution.No refuge could save the hireling and slave,From the terror of flight and the gloom of the grave.And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave,Oer the land of the free and the home of the brave.Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand,Between their loved home and the wars desolation!Blest with victory and peace, may the heavn rescued land;Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,And this be our motto: In God is our trust.And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave,Oer the land of the free and the home of the brave.歌詞翻譯??!在晨曦初現(xiàn)時,你可看見是什么讓我們?nèi)绱蓑湴??在黎明的最后一道曙光中歡呼,是誰的旗幟在激戰(zhàn)中始終高揚!烈火熊熊,炮聲隆隆,我們看到要塞上那面英勇的旗幟在黑暗過后依然聳立!??!你說那星條旗是否會靜止,在自由的土地上飄舞,在勇者的家園上飛揚?透過稠密的霧,隱約望見對岸,頑敵正在酣睡,四周沉寂夜闌珊。微風斷斷續(xù)續(xù),吹過峻崖之巔,你說那是什么,風中半隱又半現(xiàn)?現(xiàn)在它的身上,映著朝霞爛漫,凌空照在水面,霎時紅光一片。這是星條旗!但愿它永遠飄揚,在這自由國家,勇士的家鄉(xiāng)。都到哪里去了,信誓旦旦的人?他們向往的是能在戰(zhàn)爭中幸存。家鄉(xiāng)和祖國,不要拋棄他們,他們自己


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