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奧林匹克篇奧林匹克精神- the Olympic spirit requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play. 奧林匹克精神:相互了解,友誼,團結和公平競爭奧林匹克格言Citius, Altius, Fortius, Faster(Swifter), Higher, Stronger 芬蘭Citius,Altius,F(xiàn)ortius,更快,更高,(更強)奧林匹克信條Olympic Creed“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph, but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered, but to have fought well”在奧林匹克中最重要的事情不是取勝而是參與,正如生活中最重要的不是勝利,而是奮斗。重要的不是打客服,而是打的不錯。網球的規(guī)則Draw 抽簽The process by which matches are arranged and scheduled for a tournament. Generally, seeded players are given byes or scheduled before the draw, and names of the other entrants are then randomly selected to determine match-ups and order of play. Seed 種子Before a tournament, certain players are ranked, based on their ability and recent performances. The process is called “seeding”, the rankings are called “seeds”, and the top-ranked player is called “the top seed”. Matches are then arranged so that the top-seeded players will not meet until the later rounds of the tournament.Bye 輪空The right to advance to the next round of a tournament without playing a match. Top-seeded players are often given byes in the first round. Wild card 外卡A special “invitation” given to players ,regardless of ranking, to compete in a tournament. Often given to top players who have missed the entry deadline and young players who have demonstrated outstanding potential.Open tournament 公開賽In the early days of tennis, clubs held two types of tournament: “closed”, to which only club members were admitted, and “open”, which non-members could also enter. With the advent of professionalism, “open” came to mean a tournament that could be entered by amateurs and professional alike. Today, all major tournaments are open. PeriodTournamentLocationSurfaceJanuary Australian Open澳網MelbourneHard (Plexicushion)May-JuneFrench Open法網ParisClayJune-JulyWimbledon溫布頓LondonGrassAugust-SeptemberUS Open美國New York CityHard (DecoTurf)網球四大滿貫網球裁判有哪些一場正規(guī)的網球比賽中有12名裁判: 一名主裁判,一名副裁判,4名邊裁,2個底線裁判,2個發(fā)球中線裁判,2個發(fā)球線裁判,另外還有六個球童。除主裁判以外,場上所有裁判和球童每小時換一次,確保他們得以休息,準確裁決。主裁判 Tennis referee副裁判 Tennis deputy referees邊裁 Tennis linesman底線裁判 Bottom line tennis referee發(fā)球線裁判 Tennis half-way between the referee發(fā)球中線裁判 Tennis center line for the referee發(fā)球區(qū)中線 His tennis court Central Line球童 The tennis ball boy電子裁判 Tennis electronic referee排球的規(guī)則發(fā)球: serve 救球 dig 攔網 block 一傳 pass 二傳 set 扣球 spikeSetter the second passer whose job is to position a pass to the hitter.Libero a substitute defensive player especially adept at digging. Antenna 標志桿 Vertical poles attached to the outside edge of the net, that extend 80 centimeters above the net and delineate where the ball has to crass the net. The antemma is considered part of the net and is out of bounds. Attack line (three meters line) 進攻線A line 3 meters from, and parallel to, the net. A back-row player cannot legally attack the ball above the net unless he takes off on his jump from behind this line.排球比賽中每方六個隊員,每個人都是有自己位置的,從1號位到6號位(以前沒有自由人)。2到4號在前排,其余在后排。前排與后排以三米線來區(qū)分。進攻時位置在后排的隊員不許在三米線上或前面起跳扣球,否則犯規(guī)。從三米線后起跳扣球就是后排進攻了。 Crossing space 過網區(qū)The zone above the net and between two antennae through which the ball must pass during a rally. Center line End lineSide lineFront zone Area abound the court (free zone ) 無障礙區(qū) The free zone surrounds the court with a recommended minimum width of 3 meters.Service zone 發(fā)球區(qū) The service zone is a 9 meters wide area behind each end line, it is laterally limited by two short lines, each 15cm long, drawn 20 cm behind the end line as an extension of the sidelines. Both short lines are included in the width of the service zone. In depth , the service zone extends to the end of the free zone. 發(fā)球區(qū)寬9米,位置在端線后(不包括端線)。兩條端線后各畫一條長15厘米、垂直并距離端線20厘米的短線,兩條短線之間的區(qū)域為發(fā)球區(qū),短線寬度包括在發(fā)球區(qū)之內。發(fā)球區(qū)的深度延至無障礙區(qū)的終端。Ready position - The flexed, yet comfortable posture a player assumes before moving to the point of contact.Forearm Pass sometimes referred to as the “bump” or “dig”. Join your arms from the elbows to the wrists and strike the ball with the fleshy part of your forearms in an underhand motion. Introduced in the late 1940s as a desperation play, the forearm pass is now rated by many as the most important fundamentals in volleyball.Overhand pass- a pass with both hands open, and controlled by the fingers with the face below the ball. A ball-handling skill using both hands simultaneously to contact the ball above the head and direct it to the intended target.Spikealso hit or attack. A ball contacted with force by a player on the offensive team who intend to terminate the ball on the opponents floor or off the opponents blocker.Block - a defensive player by one or more front row players meant to intercept a spiked ball. The combination of one, two or three players jumping in front of the opposing spiker and contacting the spiked ball with the hands.Team starting line-up There must always be six players per team in play. The teams starting line-up, i.e. the players serving order, indicates the rotational order of the players on the court. This order must be maintained throughout the set. Attacker also hitter or spiker. A player who attempts to hit a ball offensively with the purpose of terminating play in his or her teams favor.Main attacker, ace spikerSecond spike, side player排球翻譯There are normally three outside hitters on the court who function as the primary passers and are among the top defensive players. They hit the ball from the left or right side of the court, including the back row and are essential to an effective offence.The serve can be made from anywhere behind the end line, although players can land inside the court if jumping to serve.得一分:成功地讓球接觸到對方的場地或是對手失誤或是對手受到處罰。贏得一局:先贏得25分并至少領先兩分時贏得一局(決勝局,第五局除外)。如出現(xiàn)24平,比賽繼續(xù)直到一方領先2分。贏得比賽:先贏得3局的隊伍獲得比賽勝利。如出現(xiàn)2平決勝的第五局采用15分制,也要至少領先兩分。Scores a point:-by successfully grounding the ball on the opponents playing court;-when the opponent team commits a fault-when the opponent team receives a penaltyWin a set:A set (except the deciding, 5th set) is won by the team which firt scores 25 points with a minimum lead of two points. In the case of 24-24 tie, play is continued until a two point lead is achieved.Win a match:The match is won by the team that wins three sets. In the case of a 2-2 tie, the deciding set (the 5th)is played to 15 points with a minimum lead of 2 points. 籃球:(slam) dunk:(強力)灌籃 bank shot:擦板球 double pump:拉桿式投籃fade-away shot:后仰式跳投 hook shot:鉤射投籃 jump shot:跳投layup:帶球上籃 perimeter shot:中距離投籃 set shot:立定投籃 three-point shot:三分球 assist:助功 block shot:阻攻,蓋火鍋兒 defensive rebound:防守籃板球 field goal percentage:投球命中率 field goal:投球命中 free throw percentage:罰球命中率 free throw:罰球 offensive rebound:進攻籃板球 rebound:籃板球 scoring:得分 steal:抄截/搶斷three-point shot percentage:三分球命中率 turnover:失誤 backboard:籃板 back court:后場 freethrow lane:罰球圈,禁區(qū) freethrow line:罰球線 front court:前場 game clock:比賽用時鐘 halftime:中場休息時間 hoop:籃框,籃圈 mid-court:中場 net:籃網 painted area:罰球圈,禁區(qū) restricted area near the basket:禁區(qū)內籃框下的小圓圈區(qū)域 rim:籃框,籃圈 scoring table:記錄臺,記分臺 shot clock:時限鐘(進攻方在24秒內必須投籃,并且球必須觸及籃框,否則即 違例) three-point line:三分(球)線 top of the circle:靠近禁區(qū)頂端之三分(球)線附近 wing:(左、右兩邊)底線區(qū)域 blocking foul:阻擋犯規(guī) charging foul:(帶球)撞人(犯規(guī)) defensive basket interference:防守方干擾投籃得分 delay of game:阻礙比賽之正常進行 disqualification:犯滿離場,畢業(yè) ejection:驅逐出場 expiration (of game, first half):全場比賽first half:上半場 first (second, third, fourth) period:比賽的第一(第二,第三,第四)節(jié) flagrant foul:惡性犯規(guī) foul:犯規(guī) foul trouble:快要犯滿離場,領到一張準畢業(yè)證書 held ball:持球(雙方均持球不放) illegal defense:防守違例 illegal offense:進攻違例(見isolation) isolation:四位進攻球員在一邊,而由第五位球員單吃對方防守球員 jump ball:爭球,跳球 out of bound:球出界線(千萬不要說outside) overtime:加時賽,延長賽 referee:裁判 second half:下半場 shot clock violation:違反24秒內必須投籃(并且球必須觸及籃框)時限之規(guī)定 substitute:換人(上場、下場) technical foul:技術犯規(guī) three-second violation:(籃下)3秒鐘之違例 throw in:發(fā)球入場 traveling:(帶球)走步 walking:(帶球)走步 動作篇 (throw a) baseball pass:(快攻時)長傳 behind-the-back dribble:背后(換手)運球 cross-leg dribble:胯下運球 dribble:運球 driving to the hoop:帶球上籃 four-point play:投進3分球后因被犯規(guī)再罰進一分 hacking:打手犯規(guī) holding:拉手犯規(guī) make the basket:投籃得分 make the hoop:投籃得分 nothing but the net/swish:空心球(入籃) shoot behind the arc:投三分球 score a basket:投籃得分 three-point play:投進2分球后因被犯規(guī)再罰進一分 球隊球員篇 backcourt:后衛(wèi)組(包括控球后衛(wèi)及得分后衛(wèi)) backup:后備(替換,支持)球員 bench:(指全體)后備(替換,支持)球員 center中鋒(又稱5號位置球員) coach:教練 frontline:鋒線(包括大前鋒,小前鋒,中鋒) MVP:最有價值球員 one-guard:控球后衛(wèi) point guard:控球后衛(wèi) power forward:大前鋒(又稱4號位置球員) rookie:第二年球員,菜鳥(球員) shooting guard:得分后衛(wèi) sixth man:第六人 small forward:小前鋒(又稱3號位置球員) starter:(指個人)先發(fā)球員 starting lineup:(指全體)先發(fā)球員 比賽篇 away game:客場比賽 home game:主場比賽 final:總決賽 first round:首輪比賽 guest team:客隊 home team:主隊 home court:主場 home court advantage:主場優(yōu)勢 losing streak:連敗場數(shù),連敗紀錄 post season:季后賽 賽事:NBA(National Basketball Association)世界籃球錦標賽:Basketball World CupNCAA:National Collegiate Athletic Association1. In a basketball game, teams constantly trade possession of the ball. At any given movement, the offense is the team that has the ball, and the defense is the team without the ball. For the offensive team, its success depends on its members playing together. On offense, only one player handles the ball at a time, but the other players are always moving and positioning themselves to try to create scoring opportunities, either for the ball handler for themselves. 翻譯:在籃球比賽中,兩支隊伍不斷地交換持球權。在任何一場比賽中,進攻方擁有持球權,而防守方沒有持球權。對于進攻的一方,他們的勝利取決于隊員們一起的表現(xiàn)。每次進攻時,只有一個運動員持球,其他隊友通過不斷移動自己的位置試著為持球者或者自己創(chuàng)造得分機會。2.Play bigBigger players can force their way closer to the basket, creating shorter shots for themselves and opening up space for the guards on the perimeter to hit jump shots. Playing big also gives a team an advantage in rebounding, the disadvantage of playing big is that smaller, quicker opponents may use their speed to play a fast-break game. 翻譯:大塊頭的運動員。大塊頭的運動員們能強勢往前沖使自己更靠近籃板,為他們自己創(chuàng)造更近的(籃下的)投籃得分機會,在禁區(qū)內為防守隊員打開空間創(chuàng)造跳投得分的機會。大塊頭的隊友也給自己隊伍的籃板球帶來很大的優(yōu)勢,但是他們的劣勢在于對方小個子、速度快的隊員會利用他們的速度打出快攻。 3. A teams three-point game certainly depends on having excellent shooter, but it also depends on players setting good, solid screens that get shooters open and on players using the w
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