1、新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Energy,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,In this unit you will: 1. learn about some enerty-related problems and pressures human beings face; 2. familiarize yourself with the words/expressions related to the theme of the unit; 3. learn to use these words and expressions; 4. learn more about
2、the ABCs of news reporting; 5. practice listening with other non-theme-related audio and video materials; 6. learn to use the proper expressions and sentence structures to ask permission.,Learning objectives,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Part I Theme-Related Activities,Part II Listening Strategies,Part III Exte
3、nsive Listening,Part IV Communication Skills,Part V Assessment Log,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Part I Theme-Related Activities,Section I Talk,Section II Feature,Section III Talk,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,1. What measures should be taken to raise peoples awareness of energy conservation? 2. What have you done to adopt
4、 or popularize a more energy-efficient lifestyle?,Lead-in questions:,Unit 2 Part I Section I Lead-in questions,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Word Bank,Unit 2 Part I Section I Word Bank,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Part I Section I Word Bank,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Notes,Unit 2 Part I Section I Notes,1. And so then I went
5、 out to develop a whole series on the landscape of oil. Then I started to make a series on the situation of oil. 2. And thats one chapter. And thats only one part of the whole thing. 3. The whole world at 1.2 trillion estimated reserves, only gives us about 45 years. The estimated reserves of oil is
6、 1.2 trillion for the whole world, which would only sustain our life for about 45 years. 4. peak oil a period which sees an extremely large consumption of oil.,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Task 1 Watch the video clip and then complete the following comprehension questions.,Task,Unit 2 Part I Section I Task 1,1
7、. What, most likely, is the speakers occupation? A. Writer. B. Photographer. C. Social activist. D. Ecological researcher. 2. Why did the speaker decide to photograph the landscape of oil? A. Oil reflects the scale of change and the speed we take resources. B. Oil is the most basic support of our da
8、ily activities. C. We have run into the most serious oil crisis in decades. D. Such a landscape demonstrates our exploitation of the Earth.,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Part I Section I Task 1,3. What does the speaker intend to document with his photos? A. How people celebrate their cars. B. Overexploit
9、ation of limited natural resources. C. The day when everything built on oil collapses. D. Consumption of oil in our motor cultures. 4. According to the speaker, how long will the present oil reserves last? A. Approximately 30 years. B. Approximately 40 years. C. Approximately 45 years. D. Approximat
10、ely 50 years.,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Part I Section I Task 1,5. What is the purpose of this talk on photographing the landscape of oil? A. To alert the audience of the dire consequences of the end of oil. B. To call on people to take action regarding the energy crisis. C. To impart the knowledge o
11、f oil conservation. D. To advocate for a more eco-friendly lifestyle.,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Task 2 Watch the video clip a second time and then identify which of the following topics the speaker mentioned in the talk. Tick those you heard in the talk.,Task,Unit 2 Part I Section I Task 2,1. How oil is ext
12、racted and refined. 2. Monitoring the consumption of oil. 3. The possible end of oil. 4. Interacting with more ecologists. 5. Supporting organic material and organic lifestyles. 6. The biggest oil suppliers in the world. 7. The amount of oil consumed every year. 8. Be responsible to future generatio
13、ns.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Task 3 Watch the video clip again and then have a group discussion based on the following questions. After the discussion, each group will give a brief report to the class.,Task,Unit 2 Part I Section I Task 3,【Script】,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Script,Unit 2 Part I Secti
14、on I Script,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Word Bank,Unit 2 Part I Section II Word Bank,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Part I Section II Word Bank,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Notes,Unit 2 Part I Section II Notes,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Task 1 Watch the video clip and then complete the following table.,Task,Unit 2 Part I Section II Ta
15、sk 1,water,oil,land,energy,climate,economic pressure,enchanted by her small world,left the suburb,on the top floor,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Part I Section II Task 1,a compact car,recycled,harnessing the oceans energy,less desirable places,_,_,_ _,_,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Why are the cha
16、llenges we are facing today especially difficult for the government to cope with? 2. What abnormal phenomena can be observed in plants? 3. Why was Lucys mother puzzled when she saw the dragonflies?,Task 2 Watch the video clip a second time and then give a short answer to each of the following questi
17、ons.,Task,All these challenges are happening at the same time.,Flowers are blooming earlier; trees are leafing earlier.,_,_,Unit 2 Part I Section II Task 2,They were supposed to be in Cuba, not in Miami.,_,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Part I Section II Task 2,4. What could happen to the oil price by 201
18、5? 5. What is the basic assumption behind the American way of life? 6. How is the American agriculture system heavily dependent on oil?,It could double or triple.,Oil will be plentiful forever.,Planting, harvesting and transporting all depend on the consumption of oil.,_,_,_ _,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Task
19、 3 Watch the video clip again and make a two-minute comment on the topic of the video clip. Prepare to answer one or two questions raised by the class or your teacher after your presentation.,Task,Unit 2 Part I Section II Task 3,For Reference:,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Part I Section II Task 3,Questi
20、ons: 1. What are some of the problems human beings are faced with now? 2. Do you have any idea what renewable energy is? Why does renewable energy attract much attention these days?,Temperature change, plunging stock markets, the shortage of drinking water, diseases/epidemics, energy, climate, food,
21、 population, economic pressures, rising sea levels, drought, etc.,Renewable energy comes from natural resources that are not depleted by use or are quickly replenished such as energy from the wind and sun. The idea of renewable energy is particularly appealing these days because more people worldwid
22、e are aware of the fact that our current energy resources are not endless. We will ultimately run out of them.,_ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Part I Section II Task 3,3. What is the so-called American way of life discussed in the video? 4. Do you admire the American way of life? Please g
23、ive your reasons.,The kind of life that depends on the belief that oil will be plentiful forever.,Not really. The American way of life is based on a false belief. In fact, our oil reserve will not last forever. Many Americans prefer bigger cars which consume more oil and larger servings of food, whi
24、ch contain higher calories and cholesterol. But more does not necessarily mean better. Instead I prefer a moderate lifestyle.,_ _,_ _ _ _ _,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Part I Section II Task 3,【Script】,5. Do you want to live in a small town or in the countryside where you can lead a more self-reliant s
25、ort of life? Please elaborate. Answers will vary. 6. Will human beings one day outsmart themselves? Why or why not? Answers will vary.,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Script,Unit 2 Part I Section II Script,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Word Bank,Unit 2 Part I Section III Word Bank,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Part I Section III
26、Word Bank,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Notes,Unit 2 Part I Section III Notes,1. Ill try to spin a story about energy. Ill try to tell you a story about energy, in which imagination is involved. 2. M.I.T. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Founded in 1861, is a private research institute located in Cambridg
27、e, Massachusetts. MIT has five schools and one college, containing a total of 32 academic departments with a strong emphasis on scientific and technological research.,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Task 1 Watch the video clip and then decide whether the following statements are true or false.,Task,Unit 2 Part I
28、Section III Task 1,1. In the talk the speaker covers several sources of energy in addition to oil. 2. The speaker says oil is marvelous because it is energy-dense and easy to find on Earth.,(Oil is very energy-dense and very easy to refine into a number of very useful products and fuels.),T,F,_,_,新核
29、心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Part I Section III Task 1,3. In the last 25 years oil consumption has dropped from 50 percent to 35 percent. 4. There is no difference between limestone, chalk and abalone shells because they are all made of the same material: calcium carbonate. 5. Like the Stone Age, the age
30、of oil will also end because one day we will run out of oil.,(There is a difference, and the difference lies in how the molecules are put together.),T,F,_,_,F,_,(The Stone Age ended not because we ran out of stones. Ideas, innovation and technology will end the age of oil long before we run out of i
31、t.),新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Task 2 Watch the video clip a second time and then complete the following statements.,Task,Unit 2 Part I Section III Task 2,1. Sears took oil as the starting point of his story about energy because of its . 2. You can get the marvelous liquid of oil by putting about and 20 hydr
32、ogen atoms together in . 3. For most of the past 150 years, oil has been of our energy system. 4. Oil has been playing in global energy system for the last 25 years, and gasoline consumption is and will continue to .,convenience,eight or so carbon atoms,exactly the right way,a dominant part,less and
33、 less of a role,decline,_,_,_,_,_,_,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Part I Section III Task 2,5. In the last few decades, what has taken the place of oil are a lot of and a little bit of energy. 6. An observable trend in our energy system is that it is becoming . 7. Limestone and chalk are made of chemical
34、 elements, and their difference rests in the way . 8. Abalone shells are tougher than chalk because abalone lays down calcium carbonate crystals . 9. The future of truly sustainable, carbon free energy lies in of some simple stuff differently. 10. It is that will bring a promising future in terms of
35、 energy.,natural gas,nuclear,progressively less carbon intense,the same,the molecules are put together,3,000 times,in layers,rearranging the molecules,ideas, innovations and technology,_,_,_,_,_ _,_,_,_,_,【Script】,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Script,Unit 2 Part I Section III Script,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Part II Li
36、stening Strategies,Section I NewsSources,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,NewsSources,Unit 2 Part II Section I, News media includes newspaper, magazine, radio, television, the Internet, etc. They are important vehicles for conveying information. In Britain, important newspapers are the Daily Express, Daily Mail, D
37、aily Mirror, Daily Telegraph, Financial Times, Guardian, the Sun, the Times, while in US leading newspapers include the Chicago Daily Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, International Herald Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, etc. In Canada primary newspapers include th
38、e Globe and Mail, Montreal Star, Ottawa Journal, Toronto Star, Vancouver Sun, etc. In Australia and New Zealand leading newspapers are the Evening Post, Herald, the Australian, Auckland Star, New Zealand Financial Times, etc.,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Part II Section I, Leading English radio and tele
39、vision stations are British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), American Broadcasting Company (ABC), Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC), Cable News Network (CNN), Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), National Public R
40、adio (NPR), New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation (NZBC), Radio Australia (RA), Radio Canada International (RCI), Voice of America (VOA), etc.,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Part II Section I,Listening SkillListen for Source of Information and Reporters Voice Apart from the six basic elements of news repor
41、ts, the source of information and the stance of each report are also important. Since news is never to be fabricated and falsified, the source of the information reported becomes an indispensable guarantee to keep the news objective and persuasive. On the other hand, objective news is not completely
42、 objective because the reporters voice is rarely 100 percent neutral. Take a look at the following two examples.,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Part II Section I,e.g. The world may soon see the end of Black Guillemot and the Pacific walrus as a result of sea ice loss in the Arctic, according to scientists
43、 meeting at the Arctic Science Conference in Fairbanks, Alaska. e.g. Newsweek has learned that Pentagon analysts are still aggressively hunting for evidence that might tie Atta, or any of the other hijackers, to Saddams agents. It may yet turn up, but for now, at least, the much touted “Prague conne
44、ction” appears to be an intriguing, but embarrassing, mistake. In the first example, the source of information comes from “scientists”. They are more persuasive than the reporter for the issue of species extinction due to ice loss. The second example uses “might”, “may yet”, “at least”, “appears” to
45、 show the reporters lack of evidence to reach a conclusion.,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Part II Section I,Rule of Thumb 1 Sources of information have various linguistic realizations in news reports. Some typical expressions are: according to, as the official puts it, it is reported, data shows, authori
46、ties said, the spokesman announced, etc. Rule of Thumb 2 The reporters word choice and inflection can reveal their own stance on a subject. Some typical expressions can help us find the reporters voice. They include: in all possibility, it is doubtful, it is fully justifiable, it is likely, there is
47、 good evidence that, there is no doubt that, it seems /appears that. Besides that, modals also help pinpoint the reporters voice: may, might, can, could, should, and ought to.,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Word Bank,Unit 2 Part II Section I Task 1,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Task 1 Listen to the following news for key wo
48、rds that realize the source of information and the reporters stance. Then fill in the blanks with the exact words you heard.,Task,Unit 2 Part II Section I Task 1,No Link Between Some High-Carbohydrate Foods and Cancer Researchers say there 1) to be no link between a substance found in some high-carb
49、ohydrate foods and the development of some types of cancer. 2) researchers compared the diets of 1,000 people with colon, bladder and kidney cancer with the diets of nearly 550 healthy individuals.,appears,US and Swedish,_,_,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Part II Section I Task 1,Researchers looked at how
50、 much potato chips, French fries and bread, and certain types of cereal they consumed. Those are all foods found to contain higher levels of acrylamide. The 3) then compared those who ate foods containing a lot of acrylamide to those who consumed less of the substance. Lorelei Mucci of Harvard Unive
51、rsitys Department of Epidemiology in Boston is the studys lead author. The results are published in the current issue of the British 4) . “We found that none of the food items that have high or medium levels of acrylamide 5) to increase the risk of cancer. And then also that the total acrylamide dos
52、e that someone takes in through their diets was not associated with any excess risk of these four cancers.”,investigators,Journal of Cancer,seem,_,_,_,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Unit 2 Part II Section I Task 1,Swedish researchers sparked international alarm last year, when they 6) that they had found high le
53、vels of acrylamide in certain foods. Researchers 7) acrylamide can cause cancer in animals, raising concern that it 8) cause cancer in humans. 9) say the substance is produced when starchy foods, such as potatoes, are cooked at very high temperatures, such as frying. But Ms. Mucci said her study sug
54、gests acrylamide 10) not be as harmful as first thought. “. 11) in the doses that people are taking in through the diet. So, 12) , whats happening is that, even though youre taking in acrylamide through your diet, you are able to effectively detoxify it.” But Ms. Mucci says she 13) like to see furth
55、er study of acrylamide and its 14) links to other cancers.,announced,say,could,Scientists,may,At least,probably,would,possible,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Word Bank,Unit 2 Part II Section I Task 2,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Notes,Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada Located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Dalhousie is a leading, research-intensive university offering over 180 degree programs in 11 diverse faculties.,Unit 2 Part II Section I Task 2,新核心大學英語B版聽說教程Uni2,Task 2 Listen to the following news for key words that indicate the source of the information and
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