1、外文原文小四號 Times New Roman體,段前、 段后間距各一行。文獻(xiàn)出處:Zhengfu Bian, Xiexing Miao, Shaogang Lei, et al. The Challenges of Reusing Mining小四號黑 體,頂格and Min eral-Processi ng WastesJ. Scie nee, 2012, 337(6095): 702-703.無縮進(jìn)。IvmLW砂LI lid I 舊 g EII I 斜卜Cn1d.HriVi I Hk 曲說世曲御 j dispblSlOWSlVMlxkiitasIr-managrmTl-wa-lili8
2、rwir(Lir2Q12/WrIW_lt/Tner_Otter_CUrsriJLw_ Rei.ytliiigi_1o_AJiiiiw_liidubtryJlflrTi.14. PuildingtaLLBMTK Aiian inmligarln urpet rHytiiig文獻(xiàn)原文,居中對齊。WORKING WITH WASTEApplk-d SriwHri, Vd.旳I iXhjwrr AGTdnTYir Dcdnedit, Ne1hdan(K lWOJ. dw L2. U.S. EnTLiiirheiiUC PfOLWCKiil 悩白呵 Ha血忑h E pc上 pa .gmnoa & i n
3、u rwi i er訕刎殂1 i i 髦 hfl m.3. FdClMQNiLixeiP, LB 陽網(wǎng) 帛祖 1or pUftkl 詼店 申 hi 2010*, wm.pkdghgUwxcin/323Z_jJi4inL4. A. L. M. Xanllios, Eds., Hdiv de-JUanag? 毗伽減卿朋血沽ipjjonviiE5 (Cad Hanur VcfLag, Munkli, hew Ycirk. 1994B rhjpt 105. M.乩 Riete, IcolMe, w*saLfwrnals.wfl.F. M. Rd-gFwk ff* rrcdhg mwn chwc mw.
4、蚯odprwMiQEaHMoe內(nèi)出和冏帀01qr-Bde-PP-reciln-nMirti-ilDsw-Ws-WIW.H. JC. A. Hrrrufdo, ). Indiwf, U A- LHrackiM Xwli隔Edsr f/wtiera柳rtw號rfenar渤 腕師減陽 of ft)JjaTlt7 脳與附缶 NATO AdrduCCd 5UAy 和 11血 Serie弐 Serin, E: ftfpfeed Sconces, Vol JS1 IXbvm- Addfmk Publhhe Do曲3兒 WeffwriamK 1肝盹 thd|fi. 2 即hJ 3.9. S.站nwnRcthi
5、ning necycling-Mw KorJr 24 March ZfllZ. p. BLID. . Berry, PhMic fS rHiding 弓ul du Fscliigi Ulh?, hl單汕 1;1曲沖沖成口血陛祕苗里曲用卵曲“直巧” rKhnQ-QiTl-XQtjJeelmg-bliie.It. M. Chanda S_ It fiof, flfu帚、rnAiniifa- vidbooi, 旣Rr窩.旳收x FL. ni. 刖0, jnffliqn 6-3L12. ft L.陥to, M. lanlfiDiL ds“ Wcw ta 血?吋 Wirrfrrs 腳或;fecMc碩8
6、tmrfflftrviirt 聊wrknw血(C*rt H胡殍 盹dmg. Mmikfi. New rK 19WL diap-. B.IS. Nm po*nii?r olknloop ryriing bo mjbctnoilhTIndWH* 齣朮 胖觀阿刖Utorfrf, 12 April 2皿乙opt腫k 15 Hnwry 20iu, hiiiKiiWs.iMJiljtJilTglalk/cr buHdirig-:ridu1ry-nna-ii3uiAairMilily-jridH!nBrgp F PSr ir* ncy .Bi i 們刊 igd I 訊 car 岡卜 MQrtng ppfio
7、m 364W5.ankle.M.鮎iilhtn,中 需w# ufitfnf 旳莎沖I, Mnnnii JUo-PWL |d.札萌HArirr Vprlag. Miiirgf 喇看擁0傀 chap, % pp: 757-764.lD.112icncel221BPERSPECTIVEThe Challenges of Reusing Mining and Mineral-Processing WastesZhengfu Bian,lH Xiexing HAi占o(jì)_/ Shaogang Lei/ 5hen-en Chen/Wenk ng Wang/ Sue Struthers*Mining 古nd
8、minlp recessing 牌Mt欝 are one oF the wofld Largest chrnk concerns. Their reuse should be included in future suslamble developneiit pLan but lhe potenliial imps匚臨 on 直 number of enronmenlal processes aR highly variable and must be 朋“叫爭hly 帶鷄止 The cherwicail cgmppsftifln an(S gephichnkal prppgirtw?. M
9、ih暫刃曲 fqcIc deterniint whith白電 mad appropriate9 白ndl whelh電r 佬口竝 i& etonaniifally ka&ible. H property evaludtd,mining電 tdn b密 rus&d Id rextratt min&ra provide iOddiliDnaL fud for penz電;pLi!nlsrsupply construction m別芒命1 久亦nd repair suilace and subsurtace land itrurtures altened by mining activities I
10、heintrives,050 茴 n6nco- moactiECDDlje-ssssPCDPEPUSOCIMinir and. minauJpnEcwsiri專 vrs the 旳lid imd JtqLiid inaAirriiils generated after niinbig and ore processajig at or near mine sites (/_have no cmrani eccmotnk use. A number of mviEnmcntal pnjhlcins arc os- 知uiufted with die dispuil uf tina witfle.
11、 inrtud ing 口mtimi口日firm uf sfrviims niul bk霸(J* and pnxi蝕n敘I landscjipe nsfcfimaticwi (e.gM 沁Q pid vlps忙 Einck 渤rid tailings, siuhfid畑e hari札 open prbL imd remaviJ uf Qvertwden ixxzk mil iDpsuil) (Fig. 1)l FJespilc sevinjil cAImIh In nxluce 血 jDTHJurt of 恥曲It pruduuudL subd ininoul wasg iximain cue
12、 rtv wndd hgcsit 比席吩imWlF far Und RfldJUHE1 Chm Urrweiwly al Mining dnd T-edwwfcgy. Jiangsu hrmintE 221116, Oytr. Slate fey 吐&叔vy fa GeanecfurKs and O即 Undwground Eniwer- ng ChirLi UrwiiTty crl Mming iimI Tfi卜nckig百 Xixrirxi, Jvmu lcMfKe 22-111. China, jiangyu 御 Labor翻ry fer 袒旳if血 VmI EirnditJiiii忙n
13、ld IrHumiwIS聞 Eiynlnrii些 Chin Unmmty H Minirg .md ThrclP3y.仙麗鼻)wg5U PipwiwO. psfWnt of & Emkomemal Engtesin Uni1 WTL , Because mineral pKkhiiCthin cfltvtinues to he necti和ry for economic dcvelapmcnL the rccycfin anJ iuhjsc of mining arul minenil-prucissinganzimfKMtiifil miinaginunt straEipcs now and
14、 in lhe ftjUU (5*ne origin mining ;md mineral叩mcGsing wystey is tkHiebf1 ndzrkrd hi ifce ibnnuihan of lhe liirgc re*HHmrc ur minerals. For huh叩le, Tnany ouiil dcp.js.its exist in subidkxl regions resulting from mouiioinhetwe” th已(ivcrUy ofcoal呂磬 generally netth ide andouns-isC of rclulrv uly innetix
15、 e edimjentury nKzks. In 2fl 1.0, wurldwklc Eulnl contl production, wiis aur 7273.3 nvillio-nronnes (Mt), wifli 湘 eTi- waste of about 1454.7 Mr due tn coal pnn- ductitm | 6). (tfthiH wuslv, up to I (hrtzil ViTiKtc with no pruthictiun of pnpccEive minerals) irtay be due lu lh.e irrnn iiag uf (Ktraul
16、iuft itieCboiL Wastes pnxhic 閔 dwii 唱 cod ppararion (remo I of nil血對刪I twterinik fiin can! Ihmui cdsJ washing, crushing, sfreeniiny. ard dewatering) irui.y rentll 10 Cu 30% of mw 燉血 nwsl of tl叱壯 u-ashs aru in sIlutv Bjetl ii& ci rusLilt wf ihu Ashing pnsA. Tlig t!n;kl fnnn of waste -can he defniiien
17、-1dI to lhe 蝕uhility 廿f rcijse ajid recycling because: ir djUuc5. the ccist of fiirdicr 卩mcesHinH.Mining andl mintruil-pnKing wilder wn- 幽型 of iXK;kbh 曲k oil 曲nda itxj軸dill倍ill徭Th niaimkigiil aiKl dianicd hank如鬲riotis jf mining wastcfi arc usctbl in ionxasling tochnKal pfupertifs J port it k- size a
18、nd slructunz. pktrticiej. tnilk tkibiEja. diy dnsi Jkjr 沁酗* of thu wasfte and die Ihiclhalhilit1po仙 1i初ybannful oampnundK. The mincralngica compa- irkm of tlse pfijcessing wastes cun be helercMJjc tksjlk heemsc tif The lIb巧ition of wurfes firnn the |W顯ing of diHevnl rnine 泗41住乳iekHng 常 咸i糾 of pikal
19、劑id drikd pn甲曲鼬 For exurnple, the mineral, sinpc卅i慨汩 uf kuhngs ftrnn iTk*il and noTimdal mines in Chans as divided ijito cihl hrnod. types (7)iTIis inosi imjXH愉it minenil隅ical 如nui山e tions are rtwst that infiuencu tnineral recovery. dDcontzinnnstion arid roclc dhunsjc, and. pm- ccsscs thnrt aftcct c
20、dimcnl stengtti and cohcsiDn. Thv 朝jncenHWtHjns of luxic elemtails- ud meml- loiefe sikJi as g As. Hg. Crs and Ph 磁 h妙ly variahle, htif if prescE in ifFlcijesW quanhti. they vmy inhihsE 卩l(xiāng)ant 腫ywth or ckgrade vter qu|rin (S, 外 Methods- aich 血 mtchafuru sep- 血ho吐 chemical eboMiiorL 他M hydrochennal mi
21、mtfaliTKitkiri (10) can tvm inmi without mgulsitinn nr gfivcniriwfii m 馭 icli 謖l70210 AUGUST 2012 VOL 337 SCIENCE wwwgi即*m旳agSPECIALSECTIONCrwshiiig*Grlndlngi tOre waralkn側(cè)IngsLrld uhAjdarHreccmcerrtralB far lurlh rpFMflsingCanctdnlrHfllein demtenngHMD1刪HGflifeipSrl rPt Ulling: IhB 藺1 嗣 歆 i曲Fig. 1.
22、Wdite generated and environ menial effects during different mining stages.ChviitMJrden,護(hù)nrpH射吐 Wale mterML DmCJW 菩 nmnvc die itwk諭1 箔 wdl 於 Ak need tn create 打wn spiucc tbr fcniptiTTirj waste sltir- agc and mianngcmfiit (.RiiduuL mining, wastes after rctise or rc- HFurte nxuven! diu typkiiilly diuji
23、rded urt *ipc- rific sites Fiuch is tailing poiwbi. If wostes arc not diiptwd uCpruperly,曰忙臥 ts-pediil=ly from hydrocarbon was4s can enter 割reams mdl potable supph* welh, The jiririiary goM fiir fljKjwisal of mining and nuinenuHpirHiP s油sres should he 忖 ensure Uh紺 UMreniaincs phyfrailly, gcngraphjca
24、Jly, chemically, and andit 町 f dicrdd mine waste, referred to as tailing coverj; lielps reduce exposure ofwjtc io rtw envireinmenf and in slkiiw cass can maxiiine target miincra efficiency (/5). For exanipte, unaste mcle or cnsl Hi麗 gener- iifcd uftur wushinn pmccjiscs may conlziin car- hon wilh cuL
25、oiilk vuluei of 3350 lu 6280 kJ/kg which ran be Kmixcd ilh ctial for oddiEnmul puwer generulidn As ahiKV-c. tht: reuse of rrunt* T-iiilis cr coal slimes 壺I油 mtiy Iiave pu- tenhal negarrive environmental i mpac憶 such 踽 mcrc&d cmssicns of nitrogen 囲詢燈血;w3 sml- ifiir dkffijdeConsidloring the factors ih
26、st dictate when and where nnnin.g waste reuse mskcN sense 七口virunrnenlully, etiunumitaJIy. ur boEk【hw皚 are scvunil exme卩怙j wf sLicces&iRi I rtns-e jirui- ects. Waste rocks nd iron/steel slas have ben -as ailiematave ggrites far ihe contrucTinn nf nK and rnilrrad hanks 甘7_ river emtKHjnkinenl dikes,
27、and dams (Jft- As 3 nzsulft of rcgulstflry politics, waste muse fisr ntJ4idwuiy anil parking oreas is on LKceptedpraaice in Chia hiir not in ihe LFnited Stales. Waste rock amJ filings have also been u莊d 溜 auxiliary1 source imitenals far pn)d.uci:rig build- i ng nurtciiak such 測 ccmcmh hfillDW brick
28、k, concrete, untl glass (/7, JW-2/). (imund suh- stdkjnce bixins iriduccd hy mining huve hIho been fillod with was忙 rndk mJ cincrcd withUiftauiL H出 rqiiiinxl hukl ain Hhni be nxluiiiEled 盤 fimnLuuL gnjssliMbd. ckt cortstrutiion land (7/). The w喚 rock or 他ilin驢 can also he CTNhed und mixed wiili fly
29、ash and wiiinl 密 twkfill in mmed cavities, which hus 1he ptMEiitud bo reduce urfiicc suhsiddnee and is 0 pmmiKiTjg incthnd for large 出ELHinbi of waste nzusc (22)-.It 丞 diflfiCLiLT Eu design 11 unit弋關(guān)I m出hud Io rcLDic iill kinds jf ininin ind mineraJpnxcxsin wuslci!. Emzh kind uf wiistc laus own 凋嚴(yán)葉
30、praafe ways fur reu&e. whiich even can varyajcMing to kitiil 胡甘 imnniQnhQ cxindblkrns (e.g. prmaini.ty Id dnnkinjj; water, deptli of mining :k-praccRsing wastes are rcintrndiiMd hack tn titesubsurface, efforts mud be mode tQ ensure thatno pnllut也ntii tninsfer front mining wastes to luudi u(r 刪仙 supp
31、lies. Apprupriaie tiivijwh inemijl iriumiomg cind 31紳昭茁 tidies Tmukl 河讓迥島 be included in (he reuse -design,efenencM jnd Wotes1. K a. Hudwil E加琢 Hs ( Jarrrtfsci. B. l冊悄rmiwr. fkmertls 7, 375 (idlLl. 亂 A Falmer ft 此 IcietKf 327, 14B QfllQ).3. L Twbla-Bjmj, e.典皿則.t Perrodw, ffeHwr. Cwserv. RJ. m C2W7J.
32、4. H. E. hmirMin. iFIWnnTh 7P IB1 (卻FIR5. E. G_ LtfLffinoMr, fTrntwIs 監(jiān) 405 (2dllk6. -5Mislk4 firvirw 卍 喚刖 fwrgyBf ftepgrttMllJ-,啊版如.他富牡donbo郵*o時(shí).血楓日恒00刑d= 3111&iiiiLeiiEldtf7O6&TS4r.7- |. R. Zhsny, W. Z W.111 F. P. IX A. D. Wdiig, ytalirmvi 腫川 牝代砂 對 網(wǎng) Kw 巾山酈 MeMurgk-al Industry Fess,闘|丫孝凹QZt.Bl M. A. ArmiiiCai tt 4iLr 舸兄 CmPitm. C2012).9.匚 Grbe, E. LfGML罰 M. k Krekekr. Ei啼曲 EM StL 處,I骷 UOllh10. G. I. CriWdnwn, M. J. tlM如茂 Eds. 創(chuàng)吊為rW由1甸 鹹 kl卵加劇 卻JU/訊冊IShnlF & NocrdhoM, Alplen an rirn Rijn, Ndhrrlnnds, 177BF.IL Z. Bjdil, 0. hrt, I Dfirts
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