1、SMARTWIN INTERNATIONAL ENGLISHSSAT Placement TestYour Name (PRINT) _ FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FAMILY NAMEUpper Level TestTimingl You will have 1 hour to work on this test.l There are five separately timed sections. One 15-minute essay writing Three 10-minute sections One 15-minute sectionl You may wor
2、k only on one section during the time allotted.l Test supervisors will tell you when to begin and end each section.l If you finish a section before time is called, check your work on that section.l You may NOT turn to any other section.l Work as rapidly as you can without losing accuracy. Dont waste
3、 time on questions that seem too difficult for you.Marking Answersl Be sure to mark your answer sheet properly.l You must use a sharpened No. 2 pencil.l Make sure you fill the entire circle darkly and completely.l Do not make any stray marks on your answer sheet.l If you erase, do so completely. Inc
4、omplete erasures may be scored as intended answers.l Use only the answer spaces that correspond to the question numbers.Using Your Test Bookl You may use the test book for figuring, but you will not receive credit for anything written there.l After time has been called, you may not transfer answers
5、to your answer sheet or fill in circles.l You may not fold or remove pages or portions of a page from this book, or take the book or answer sheet from the testing room.Scoringl For each correct answer, you receive one point.l For questions you omit, you receive no points.l For a wrong answer to a mu
6、ltiple-choice question, you lose one-fourth of a point. If you can eliminate one or more of the answer choices as wrong, you increase your chances of choosing the correct answer and earning one point. If you cant eliminate any choice, move on. You can return to the question later if there is time.l
7、The writing sample will not be scored but is used by admission officers to assess your writing skills.The passages for this test have been adapted from published material.The ideas contained in them do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Secondary School Admission Test Board.DO NOT OPEN THI
8、S BOOK UNTIL THE SUPERVISOR TELLS YOU TO DO SO.Writing SampleYou have 15 minutes to complete a brief writing sample. This writing exercise will not be scored but is used by admission officers to assess your writing skills.Directions: Read the following topic carefully. Take a few minutes to think ab
9、out the topic and organize your thoughts before you begin writing. Be sure that your handwriting is legible and that you stay within the lines and margins.Topic: All that glitters is not gold.Assignment: Do you agree or disagree with the topic statement? Support your position with one or two specifi
10、c examples from your life, current events, history, or literature.Upper Level TestBe sure each mark completely fills the answer space.Start with number 1 for each new section of the test. You may find more answer spaces than you need.If so, please leave them blank.SECTION 112345678910111213141516171
11、8192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960SECTION 212345678910111213141516171819202122232425SECTION 312345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940SECTION 412345678910111213141516171819202122232425SECTION120 Questions 10 MinutesThis
12、 section consists of two different types of questions. There are directions and a sample question for each type. Each of the following questions consists of one capitalized word followed by five choices. Select the choice that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters.Sample Question:CHIL
13、LY: (A) lazy (B) nice (C) dry (D) cold (E) sunny 1. DECEIVE:(A)alter(B)examine(C)astonish(D)mislead(E)pretend2. AIMLESS:(A) without purpose(B)without humor(C)reluctant(D)exclusive(E)incompetent3. COMPASSION:(A)sympathy(B)honor(C)shyness(D)amazement(E)courage4. EVACUATE:(A)throw about(B)empty out(C)g
14、rope for(D)smooth over(E)cross off5. CONFIDENTIAL:(A)serious(B)routine(C)secret(D)formal(E)brief16. DEFICIENT:(A)painful(B)contrary(C)alarming(D)illegal(E)lacking7. INHABIT:(A)occupy(B)allow(C)intervene(D)repress(E)transact8. REMINISCENCE:(A)limitation(B)contraction(C)moderation(D)recollection(E)rem
15、oval9. DAWDLE:(A)complain about(B)turn against(C)deny knowing(D)squander money(E)waste time10. PROPHESY:(A)defeat(B)annoy(C)foretell(D)testify(E)promptThe following questions ask you to find relationships between words. For each question, select the answer choice that best completes the meaning of t
16、he sentence.Kitten is to cat as:(A) fawn is to colt(B) puppy is to dog(C) cow is to bull(D) wolf is to bear(E) hen is to roosterSample Question:Choice (B) is the best answer because a kitten is a young cat just as a puppy is a young dog. Of all the answer choices, (B) states a relationship that is m
17、ost like the relationship between kitten and cat. 11. Drug is to pharmacist as(A)vegetable is to vegetarian(B)telephone is to electrician(C)dictionary is to teacher(D)meat is to butcher(E)pencil is to student12. Choreographer is to dancers as director is to(A)playwrights(B)authors(C)poets(D)painters
18、(E)actors13. Circle is to sphere as(A)square is to cube(B)triangle is to rectangle(C)pyramid is to cone(D)point is to dot(E)hexagon is to trapezoid14. Clot is to blood as(A)egg is to shell(B)curd is to milk(C)water is to mud(D)flour is to yeast(E)grape is to wine15. Frog is to toad as(A)cat is to pa
19、nther(B)dog is to wolf(C)hog is to boar(D)fish is to whale(E)turtle is to tortoise116. Liter is to quart as(A)ruler is to inch(B)pint is to inch(C)meter is to yard(D)day is to week(E)degree is to temperature17. Skit is to play as(A)couplet is to word(B)limerick is to poem(C)verse is to metaphor(D)rh
20、ythm is to line(E )figure is to speech18. Prolong is to time as expand is to(A)space(B)infinity(C)extraction(D)dignity(E)bulge19. Immaculate is to dirt as(A)indecent is to person(B)inclement is to rain(C)immortal is to heaven(D)impious is to volume(E)innocent is to guilt20. Dodo is to bird as dinosa
21、ur is to(A)mammal(B)conifer(C)octopus(D)reptile(E)amphibian1STOPIF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED,YOU MAY CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS SECTION ONLY.DO NOT TURN TO ANY OTHER SECTION IN THE TEST.SECTION 210 Questions10 MinutesFollowing each problem in this section, there are five suggested answers. Work
22、each problem in your head or in the blank space provided at the right of the page. Then look at the five suggested answers and decide which one is best.Note: Figures that accompany problems in this section are drawn as accurately as possible EXCEPT when it is stated in a specific problem that its fi
23、gure is not drawn to scale.Sample Problem:5,413(A)586- 4,827(B)596(C)696(D)1.586(E)1.686-4,827 (B)596- (C)696 (D)1,586 (E)1.686 Figure 1USE THIS SPACE FOR FIGURING.1. If all the sides in the polygon in Figure 1 are of equal length and its perimeter is 28, what is the length of one side?(A) 2(B) 3(C)
24、 4(D) 6(E) 7 2. Each person contributed the same amount toward a gift. If $60 was collected, which CANNOT be the amount each gave?(A) $0.50(B) $5.00(C) $9.00(D) $15.00(E) $30.00 23. A ladder is placed against a building. If theladder makes a 55 degree angle with the ground,What is the measure of the
25、 angle that the ladder makes with the building?(A) 25(B) 30(C) 35(D) 40(E) 45 USE THIS SPCE FOR FIGURING.4. Of the following, 0.4981 is closest to(A) of 80(B) of 90(C) of 80(D) of 90(E) 4 times 80 Questions 5-6 refer to the graph in Figure 2.FictionHistoryBiographyScienceLIBRARY BOOK COLLECTIONEach
26、represents 600 books.Figure 25. How many more history books than science books are there?(A) 2(B) 602(C) 1,200(D) 1.800(E) 6,0006. The number of fiction books is how many times the number of biographies?(A) 2(B) 3(C) 6(D) 200(E) 1,800 27. All of the following are greater than EXCEPT(A) (B) (C) (D) (
27、E) USE THIS SPACE FOR FIGURING.8. A basketball player made exactly 80 percent of the shots she was allowed in a foul-shooting contest. She missed the first shot and then made 14 in a row. If she made 2 of her remaining shots and missed the rest, which of the following must be true?I、 She had 20 shot
28、s in all.II、 She missed 3 of her remaining shots.III、 She made 40 percent of her remaining shots.(A) None(B) III only(C) I and II only(D) II and III only(E) I, II, and III 9. N is a whole number between 1 and 5. N is also between 3 and 6. Which is N?(A) 2(B) 3(C) 3.5(D) 4(E) 5 210. For what price is
29、 20 percent off the same as $20 off?(A) $1(B) $10(C) $100(D) $1,000(E) It is never the same.STOPIF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED,YOU MAY CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS SECTION ONLY.DO NOT TURN TO ANY OTHER SECTION IN THE TEST.SECTION 315 Questions 15 MinutesRead each passage carefully and then answer th
30、e questions about it. For each question, decide on the basis of the passage which one of the choices best answers the question. A wind sways the pinesAnd below,Not a breath of wild airLineStill as the mosses that glow(5)On the flooring and over the linesOf the roots here and there.The pine-tree drop
31、s its dead;They are quiet as under the sea.Overhead, overhead(10)Rushes life in a race,As the clouds the clouds chase;And we go,And we drop like the fruits of the tree,Even we,Even so. George Meridith The Victorian Age, by Bowyer and Brooks. 1. In this poem, our busy lives are compared to which of t
32、he following?I. The mosses that glow II. The clouds blowing pastIII. Activity under the sea(A) I only (B) II only(C) III only(D) I and II only(E) I, II, and III2. The pine-tree drops its dead (line7) suggests that(A) wind has damaged the tree beyond repair(B) the tree will no longer produce cones(C)
33、 the tree is dying and falling over(D) pine trees do not change color(E) pine needles and cones fall from the tree3. In this poem, the wind above and the stillness below most probably represent(A) the sky and the sea(B) restlessness and contentment(C) happiness and sadness(D) human life and death (E
34、) youth and old age4. With which of the following statements about death would the speaker be most likely to agree?(A) People should try not to think about death.(B) Having no appreciation of nature is like being dead.(C) Death is an inevitable part of life(D) Death often comes suddenly and unannoun
35、ced.(E) Death usually comes when life is quiet and still.In New England, Canada, and the western part of Europe, the summer of 1816 was extraordinarily cold. A meteorological record for New Haven, kept since 1779, records June 1816 as the coldest June in that city, with a mean temperature that would
36、 ordinarily be expected 200 miles north of the city of Quebec. In New England the loss of the staple crop of corn caused much hardship. The calamity of 1816 is an interesting case history of the far-reaching effects a catastrophe can have on human affairs.The chain of events began in 1815 with an im
37、mense volcanic eruption in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia), when Mount Tambora threw an immense amount of fine dust into the atmosphere. This eruption, which was considerably larger than the better-known one of krakatoa in 1883, reduced the height of Mount Tambora by 4,200 feet and ejected 25
38、cubic miles of debris. Ships at sea encountered large islands of floating pumice from Mount Tambora as much as four years after the event. The dust circled the earth in the high stratosphere for several years, reflecting sunlight back into spaces. Because the amount of sunlight reaching the ground w
39、as reduced, temperatures on earth were lowered.35. The main purpose of this passage is to(A) report the meteorological record offrigid temperatures in New Haven in June(B) discuss the transformation of much of Mount Tambora into 25 cubic miles of debris(C) point out the delayed effect of a large vol
40、canic eruption on air temperatures in distant places(D) determine the effect of adverse weather conditions on staple crops(E) discuss the pollution of oceans caused by large volcanic eruptions6. Mount Tamboras eruption apparently caused hardship in New England primarily by(A) reducing the available
41、sunlight(B) dropping pumice in the water(C) coating the crops with ash(D) covering the land with debris(E) burning the corps for several years7. The author cites temperatures in New Haven in June of 1816 as an illustration of the (A) need to find ways of preventing natural disasters(B) bad effects h
42、uman intervention can have on natural phenomena(C) importance of weather forecasting(D) usefulness of early meteorological records(E) extensive effects of such catastrophes as volcanic eruptions8.The tone of the passage indicates that the author considers the migration of volcanic dust in the strato
43、sphere to be(A) exaggerated(B) necessary(C) disappointing(D) fascination(E) Insignificant9. Which of the following is the author most likely to discuss next?(A) Causes of the eruption of mount Tambora (B) More details from the case history of the calamity of 1816(C) A comparison of Mount Tambora and
44、 Krakatoa(D) New methods of reducing volcanic water pollution(E) The formation of islands out of volcanic pumice10. The passage names all of the following places as being affected by the 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora EXCEPT(A) Canada(B) Dutch East Indies (Indonesia)(C) The western part of Europe(D)
45、 Krakatoa(E) New EnglandElectroconvulsive therapy (ECT) dates back to 1938, when two Italian psychiatrists, searching for a treatment for schizo- phrenia, used electricity to cause convulsions in a disturbed patient. The violent shaking seemed to improve his condition. Soon ECT became a common treat
46、ment for severe psychotic illnesses both in Europe and in the United States.With the introduction in the 1950s of strikingly effective antipsychotic drugs such as chlorpromazine, the popularity of shock treatment began to wane. The decline was hastened by growing concern about the safety and effecti
47、veness of ECT and by charges that it was being used too often and too indiscrimi- nately in hospitals and mental institutions that were little more than “shock mills.”311. The passage is mainly about the(A) use of antipsychotic drugs in the United States(B) future of electroconvulsive therapy(C) history of electroconvulsive therapy(D) disadvantages of using antipsychotic drugs(E) comparative uses of electroconvulsive therapy in Europe and in the United States12. According to the passage, one of the
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