



1、共享知識分享快樂HR Outsourc ingOutsourci ng is the practice of con tract ing with ven dors to perform. HR services and activities There are three types of HR outsourci ng are: discrete, multi-process, and total process HR outsourc ing.Firstly, discrete outsourc ing means orga ni zati on on ly outsourc ing a

2、 particular fun cti on. (e.g. Recruitme nt). Discrete HRO can reduce compa ny hiri ng requireme nt for highly specialized HR professi on als or HRIS expertise associated with such in frequent f un ction, in additi on, it can reduce HR administration costs associated with freque nt, high volume tran

3、sact ions (such as payroll). Although HRO has existed for many years, it remains a popular HR administration approach for achieving strategic goal.Further, HR man agers may also pursue multi-process HR outsourci ng. This approach invo Ives outsourci ng all of one or more related HR fun cti ons (e.g.

4、, recruitme nt and select ion; lear ning& developme nt) to ni che third-party providers .It also known as comprehe n sive or ble nded services outsourci ng, this approach has become more popular with the in crease in the nu mber of specialized ven dors provid ing such services and the spread of enab

5、ling Internet portal capabilities. Such an HR admi nistrati on approach can provide sig nifica nt cost-reductio n, while mai ntaining or enhancing service levels.Fi nally, Total HR outsourc ing is the third type of outsourci ng approach and invo Ives hav ing all, or n early all, HR fun cti ons han d

6、ied by one or more exter nal ven dors. All of the traditi onal HR admi nistrative and functional activities (e.g., recruitme nt, select ion, compe nsati on and ben efits, training) would be man aged through third-party ven dors.Adva ntaqes of HR Outsourc inqThe advantages of HR administration outsou

7、rciing can be both financial and strategic. For example, orga ni zatio ns seek ing to in crease finan cial profitability and enhance shareow ner value might reduce on going expe n ses (e.g., employees, software) and forestall capital expe nditures (e.g., new buildi ngs, equipme nt) through HR outsou

8、rcing. This would entail a careful “ makbuy assessment of the total costs and ben efits of con ti nuing in ternal operati ons versus con tract ing for them in the exter nal market. Ben efits of such an approach might in elude redesig ned processes, improved quality, cen tralized or con solidated ope

9、rati ons, access to tech no logy, and enhan ced employee satisfact ion.Strategic adva ntages to HR outsourc ing might in elude the ability to better focus on a firm s core bus in ess through HR tran sformatio n, movi ng from an historical admi ni strative activities focus to a strategic bus in ess p

10、art ner perspective.Orga ni zati ons recog nize that, more tha n ever, effective tale nt man ageme nt may be the source of susta in able strategic adva ntage in a kno wledge-based, global economy. However, many HR professi on als are mired in day-to-day admi nistrative tasks that preclude the value-

11、added con suit ing, pla nning, and visi oning activities required from them to achieve strategic goals. HR outsourci ng共享知識分享快樂could free HR professi on als to focus on strategic issues (e.g., tale nt man ageme nt, merger and acquisiti on due-dilige nee) while provid ing the firm with skilled profes

12、si on als services in HR fun cti onal (e.g., recruitme nt, compe nsati on) and adm ini strative (e.g., gover nment complia nee and reg u I at i ons) areas, powered by up-to-date tech no logy (e.g., hardware, software).Disadva ntaqes of HR Outsourc ing.Although there are a nu mber of finan cial and s

13、trategic reas ons for con sideri ng HR admi nistrati on outsourci ng, there are also serious pote ntial problems for firms who use the approach without fully un dersta nding how to man age it to achieve desired goals For example, firms who used HRO to achieve HR tran sformatio n and cost sav ings ra

14、ted their success an average of 3 on a 5po int (1 = ben efits not at all achieved and 5 = ben efits fully achieved) scale. Thus, one big disadva ntage of HRO is the likelihood that the orga ni zati on will not achieve its strategic goals. Such a failure could have significant, negative impact on the

15、 organizations ability to survive. Stepsto mini mize such a failure in elude realistic cost-be nefit an alyses, successful project pla nning and impleme ntati on, un ambiguous goals and measures of HR outsourc ing success, rigorous ven dor assessme nt and select ion processes, and skilled ven dor co

16、n tract n egotiati on, man ageme nt, and audit ing. In deed, one of the primary resp on sibilities of HR admi nistratio n man agers in an outsourci ng en vir onment is to en sure that the con tract terms and fulfilled on a daily basis and that corrective actions are immediately take n whe n failures

17、 occur.Ano ther disadva ntage of HR outsourc ing in eludes the loss of in stitutio nal expertise in the outsourced fun cti ons, maki ng an HR outsourci ng decisi on reversal difficult or impossible. Freque ntly, whe n outsourc ing is un dertake n, subject matter experts (e.g., select ion) are reassi

18、g ned or released. This can be a serious strategic error if the ven dor is un able to fulfill its con tractual obligati ons. As no ted above, an orga ni zati on would be un wise to outsource core or strategic HR pla nning fun cti ons because of the possibility that competitors may lear n its pla ns from ven dors .In additi on, I oss of in ternal strategic HR expertise may be devastati ng to an orga ni zati on over time. Moreover, HR orga ni zatio ns may lack the con tract man ageme nt expertise to oversee t


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