



1、a.Training in National ContextThe National Training Framework is made up of information from a number of sources, both government and the network of organizations, geared towards helping organizations and individuals to develop.In Scotland, the Scottish Executive identifies key priorities for achiev

2、ing business development.Training National Context includes any agents:1. Scottish Enterprise / Local Enterprise CompaniesThe Scottish Enterprise Network is central to the delivery of the Scottish Executive vision for a Smart Successful Scotland. One of the key aims for the Enterprise Networks is to

3、 enable Scotland to become a nation where creating learning and connecting faster is the basis for sustained productivity growth, competitiveness and prosperity.One of the key themes for the Enterprise Network is learning and skills and the target under this heading is Every Scot ready for tomorrow

4、josb .To achieve this, the networks play key roles in meeting national targets for training and are responsible for the delivery of some nation training schemes.Scottish Enterprise is Scotlands main economic development agency. The Scottish Executive funds the agency. Scottish Enterprise consists of

5、 Scottish Enterprise and 12 Local Enterprise Companies covering special geographical areas. Scottish Enterprise may provide funding for local initiatives aimed at achieving the governments national targets for education and training. Many of these initiatives might include:Investors in peopleModern

6、apprenticeshipsNational vocational qualificationsScottish Enterprise works in partnership with companies individuals and universities, colleges, local authorities and other public sector bodies to achieve these goals.2. Learndirect ScotlandAnother key agency for achieving the Scottish Executives vis

7、ion of a smart, successful Scotland is Learndirect Scotland. This agency offers advices to both individuals and employers to help them access the training they need.3. Sector Skills CouncilsUK-wide, independent organizations, Sector Skills Councils are develops by groups of influential employer indu

8、stry or business sectors of economic of strategic significance. Employer-led and actively involve trade unions, professional bodies and other stakeholders in the sector, SSCs are licensed by the Secretary of State for Education and Skill, in consultation with government ministers in Scotland, Wales

9、and Northern Ireland. Their role is to tackle the skills and productivity needs of relevant sectors throughout the UK.The aims of SSCs are reduce skills gaps shortages; improving productivity, business and public service performance; increase opportunities to boost the skills and productivity of eve

10、ryone in the sectors workforce including action on equal opportunities; improving learning supply, including apprenticeships, higher education and national occupational standards.b.Training in National Context operates some initiatives:a) Investors in PeopleThe Investors in Peoples Standards sets ou

11、t a level of good practice for the training and development of people to achieve business goals. It provides a national framework for improving business performance and competitiveness. Organization working towards the Standard must show a planned approach to setting and communicating business objec

12、tives and developing people to meet these objectives.The Investors in Peoples Standards is based on four key principles: Commitment : to invest in people to achieve business goals Planning : how skill, individuals and teams are to be developed to achieve these goals Action : taking action to develop

13、 and use necessary skill in well defined and continuing programme directly tied to business objectives Evaluation : outcomes of training and development for individuals progress towardsgoals, the value achieved and future needs.Being recognized as anInvestor in Peopleinvolves a number of step: Under

14、standing the standard and its strategic implications for your organization. Undertaking a review against the standard to identify any gaps in current practice. Making the commitment to meet the standard and communicating that commitment to all members of staff.Planning and taking action to bring abo

15、ut change.Bring together the evidence for assessment against the standard.Achievement or recognition as an investor in people.b) Get Ready for WorkGet Ready for Work supports young people to move into a job, further training or college, by helping them focus on what they want to do. Participant lear

16、n new skills and get the confidence they need to progress. People taking part in the programme get the chance to try out work tastersand work placements-helping them decide on the job thats best for them.Get Ready for Work helps young people identify their individual needs ands offer training in a n

17、umber of skills.c) Modern ApprenticeshipsModern Apprenticeships offer people aged over 16 the chance of paid employment linked with the opportunity to train for jobs at craft, technician and management level. They are an exciting way for people to gain skills and qualification that will help to star

18、t a career without having to study full-time, and are available now across a wide range of industries. Modern Apprentices develop expertise and knowledge through on-the-job assessment as well as can also gain vital skills in areas such as teamwork and problem solving.Two of the initiative usefulness

19、 for A G Bell LtdInvestor in People is has benefits for A G Bell Ltd, has four key principles: commitment、planning、action、evaluation. This is a very important project for Bell. First, company give a promise to employee can achieve business goals, then planning how skill, individual and teams are to

20、be development achieving these goals. Give staff confidence to get ready for the project. After all of these, company can take action to achieve the goals. For A G Bell Ltd, through this standards can improve the companys performance, also can let public has a good impression on company. Also this p

21、roject can help organization earn more profits. And can improve the staff knowledge level.Get ready for work is suit for Bell. Get ready for work aim at help people to seek for career dream and has position to their future, then offering the training for them. Because Bell recruit the disadvantage p

22、eople, let them know what they need and how to get the goals is very important. Most significantly, the training is necessaryfor them. Through this project can let employee has a very strong realize for their value company. And this is will a base for new staff to start work. The implementation of N

23、ational Training Framework in AG BellInvestor in people, can be implement in A G Bell Ltd. It has four key principles, commitment, planning, action, evaluation.First, let employee know through this project can get any business goals. Them can know achieve the goals, can earn more profits. After this make a detailed planning to achieve the goals. Then take action to make sure the goals will be practice on time. Last evaluation the efforts of practice.If achieve the standards, co


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