1、附件1:外文資料翻譯譯文 產品責任制為設計帶來的啟示產品使用的舒適性不是根據(jù)設計者、制造商或者零售商自身的需求作為設計標準的,而是根據(jù)使用者的需要進行設計的。juran等人就將以下內容作為主要舒適性能的判斷參數(shù) 產品設計質量 產品的適用性 特定性能 適用領域的服務性設計質量是在指在一項設計中所針對的三個分別獨立的步驟:(1)滿足使用舒適性的構成要素;(2)產品或服務的設計觀念的選擇,需要滿足使用者對必要功能的需要;(3) 如果可以嚴格執(zhí)行將已確定的產品設計觀念融入到一系列具體的設計規(guī)范中這一理念,那么就會滿足使用者的需求。juran將四個和使用舒適性相關的使用參數(shù)以及它們彼此的關系進行了歸納總
4、年美國消費者產品安全委員會成立,該委員會的只要責任是減少由消費品所引起的意外傷害, 并設立了強制性的安全標準,如果有必要的話,還要禁止劣質產品買賣并召回有問題的產品。在歐洲,法庭的判決會使很多受傷的消費者的身心壓力得到緩解,可是他們不會介紹關于人身侵犯方面應該依據(jù)產品安全保障法方面的知識,因為這是加利福尼亞最高法院的職責。例如反應停災害事件,它將問題集中在法律修改有問題的產品方面以幫助那些因為使用劣質產品而受傷的人, 如果他們已經(jīng)親自購買了這些產品,依據(jù)現(xiàn)有具體的法律法規(guī)很容易使消費者得到補償,但如果受害者不是直接的購買者,補救是很難的,而如果他是,則他的權益是可以得到保障的。在歐洲也發(fā)生了和
6、這個條約不同,依照現(xiàn)有規(guī)章制度,這個立案需要在1988年7月30日前通過立法審核。從設計師的角度來看,客觀的講該法令中關鍵條款是第1和第6條以及(b),(d),(e)和(f號中的第7條)。第1條規(guī)定:生產者應當承擔由于自己的產品缺陷所造成的損害。第6條規(guī)定如下:(1)產品不能提供安全保障時它就是有缺陷的,而使用者有權利將以下因素考慮在內:(a)產品說明書;(b) 商品可以根據(jù)正常思維習慣判斷起適用方式;(c)產品的保質期;(2)對于現(xiàn)有產品不得因為其改良產品投入市場而被認為存在缺陷;第7條中規(guī)定了對于制造商的限制,而下面這些則和設計問題有關,內容如下:(b)產品投入生產或者某種缺陷后來出現(xiàn)時,
7、這種導致傷害的產品缺陷就應該被改良處理;(d)因為產品不符合由公眾當局提議的強制性的規(guī)章制度時,這種設計應該被禁止再次出現(xiàn);(e)當時的科學技術知識還不足以發(fā)現(xiàn)現(xiàn)存的產品缺陷;(f)對一個配件的制造商而言,產品缺陷要歸咎于產品的設計問題,而在整個產品的設計過程中配件的安裝要依據(jù)產品生產商國提供的說明資料;根據(jù)第8章的規(guī)定,在由于在產品缺陷和使用方疏忽的共同情況下,受害方是要負責的,而生產商的責任是“減少和杜絕”的這類情況的發(fā)生。 該指令第19條規(guī)定成員國要在1988年7月底前將“符合本指令的法律,法規(guī)和行政規(guī)定”賦予法律效力。針對安全性能的設計在本單元中對安全的強調使得產品的安全成為了設計師在
9、用者可以根據(jù)預判對產品的使用有所了解,當不符合這種要求時,其缺陷就是確定的,這就意味著該“產品”的相關內容就必須修改,其中包括:1.產品本身;2.標簽;3.包裝; 4.容器; 5.安裝/使用說明; 6.保修文件;7.售樓書;8.備件;9.廣告材料; 10.目錄。如果生產商希望利用保護法中的第7條(b),將需要證據(jù)證明該產品在進入市場時其自身缺陷是不存在的。保護法(四)要求設計人員必須熟悉由有關當局簽發(fā)的強制性的相關條例和相關公共標準。保護法(五)要求設計師將科學和技術方面的最新動態(tài)與相關產品相結合已達到改進的目的。保護法還要求產品設計師們可以作為產品的一部分做好本職工作,所設計的產品是可以使用
10、或者已經(jīng)是改進了由供應商提供的先前產品已有的缺陷。美國的市場安全報告中指出,“任何產品的發(fā)展和設計活動都包括準備階段和相持階段。這也是最重要的,因為一旦產品性能規(guī)格已選定,并一直延續(xù)于設計研究中,那么它在很大程度上將決定產品的發(fā)展是什么樣的過程,而且考慮產品原材料和材料的質量品質控制都是必要的。設計的缺陷不同于生產缺陷,它會影響所有此類產品的生產和應用,因此設計上的瑕疵也應該對產品的可靠性負責。附件2:外文原文design implications of productliabilitybyj.g. rochefitness for use is judged not by the desig
11、ner, manufacturer or retailer but by theuser. juran et al. 1 identify the following as the major parameters of fitness for use: quality of design, quality of conformance, the abilities, field service.quality of design can be regarded as a composite of three separate steps ina common progression of a
12、ctivities:(1) identification of what constitutes fitness for use to the user;(2) choice of a concept of product or service to be responsive to the identifiedneeds of the user;(3) translation of the chosen product concept into a detailed set of specificationswhich, if faithfully executed, will then m
13、eet the users needs.juransl four parameters of fitness for use and their inter-relationships are shownin figure 1.as is implied in figure 1, quality of design is influenced by the quality of marketresearch. market inputs may be vague and the designer or design team may haveto frame a design concept
14、with incomplete market information. but market inputis just one of the inputs which make up the designers brief. knowledge of the production facilities available and their capabilities is essential as is knowledgeof the process involved in production. does the workforce have the necessaryskills? wha
15、t materials are available and what do they cost; what will productioncosts be? are they expected to be too high in the light of the expected selling price?for many engineering products, reliability and maintainability requirements needto be determined. the ready availability of spare parts may be cr
16、ucial for someproducts. likewise, field service may be of major importance.the arrival of strict product liabilitythese then are the factors which influence fitness for use and which shouldbe expressed or implied in the designers brief. but how successful have designersbeen in achieving fitness for
17、use in the products which they have designed? theremarkable growth of the consumer movement in the past twenty years is areflection of widepread dissatisfaction with products and services available. oneaspect of consumer dissatisfaction, safety or more correctly, the lack of safety,has received part
18、icular attention in courts and in legislatures, especially in the us.in 1963, the supreme court of california ruled that a manufacturer is strictlyliable in tort when an article he places on the market, knowing that it is to beused without inspection for defects, proves to have a defect which causes
19、 injuryto a human being. this californian decision was followed by many other statesand led to the product liability crisis of the early 1970s in the us. despitethis legal background, it was estimated that in 1973 there were over six millionproduct-associated accidents in the us. the sheer size of t
20、he problem led to theestablishment of the us consumer product safety commission (cpsc) in 1973.the commissions main task is to reduce unreasonable risks of injury associatedwith consumer products. it can set mandatory safety standards, ban products andorder recalls if necessary.in europe, court deci
21、sions eased the lot of injured consumers. but the courtsdid not introduce strict product liability in tort as did the californian supreme court.however, events such as the thalidomide disaster focused attention on the needfor legal changes to assist persons injured by defective products. if the inju
22、redperson has purchased the product, existing contract laws make it comparativelyeasy to obtain redress. but if the injured person is not the purchaser, redressis very difficult, if not impossible, to secure.the accident toll in europe was, as in the us, horrendously high. in 1985, beuc,the european
23、 organisation for consumers, published a report on consumer safety.the report quoted eec commission estimates that there were 30,000 deathsper year and 40 million injuries due to domestic accidents in 19842.during the 1970s various british and european organisations considered theintroduction of str
24、ict product liability in tort. the council of europe opened theconvention on products liability to signature by the member states in 1977. theconvention made the producer liable to pay compensation for death or personalinjuries caused by a defect in his product. but few member states of the councilo
25、f europe were willing to adopt the convention as there was also a draft directiveon product liability under discussion. this draft had been issued by the eeccommission in 1976; it was amended in 1979 and was finally adopted in july 1985.unlike the convention, the directive requires member states to
26、pass legislationconforming to the directive on or before 30 july 1988.from the viewpoint of the designer, the critical articles of the directive arearticles 1 and 6 and (b), (d), (e) and (f) of article 7. article 1 states:the producer shall be liable for damage caused by a defect in his product.arti
27、cle 6 defines a defective product as follows:(1) a product is defective when it does not provide the safety which a person is entitled toexpect, taking all circumstances into account, including:(a) the presentation of the product;(b) the use to which it could reasonably be expected that the product
28、would be put;(c) the time when the product was put into circulation.(2) a product shall not be considered defective for the sole reason that a better product issubsequently put into circulation.article 7 describes defences available to the producer; only those relevant to designare reproduced here:(
29、b) that, having regard to the circumstances, it is probable that the defect which caused thedamage did not exist at the time when the product was put into circulation or that thisdefect came into being afterwards; or(d) that the. defect is due to compliance of the product with mandatory regulations
30、issued bythe public authorities; or(e) that the state of scientific and technical knowledge at the time was not such as to enablethe existence of the defect to be discovered; or(f) in the case of a manufacturer of a component, that the defect is attributable to the designof the product in which the
31、component has been fitted or to the instructions given by themanufacturer of the product.according to article eight, the producers liability may be reduced or disallowedin cases where there is both a product defect and contributory negligence by theinjured party or by a person for whom the injured p
32、arty is responsible. article19 of the directive requires member states to bring into force the laws, regulationsand administrative provisions necessary to comply with this directive beforethe end of july 1988.design for safetythe emphasis on safety in this directive makes product safety an essential
33、component of the designers brief. undoubtedly, many designers have alwaysregarded safety as an essential part of product design. but the evidence of somany product-related accidents and injuries indicates that some designers havenot given safety its due prominence. a booklet3 produced by insurance c
34、ompanyof north america states that design and manufacturing defects were the mostfrequently alleged cause of liability suits (39 per cent and 37 per cent). but thebooklet also notes that failure to warn defects were cited in 21 per cent of thecases. so in considering fitness for use the designer mus
35、t pay attention not merelyto the design quality but also to quality of conformance. when hazards can notbe effectively designed out of products, appropriate warnings are an obviousrequirement.in assessing defectiveness our courts will have to determine the safety to whicha person is entitled to expe
36、ct. in this assessment the court is required to takeinto account the presentation of the product, the use to which it could reasonablybe expected that the product could be put and the time when the product wasput into circulation. when defectiveness is determined in this fashion, it meansthat the definition of product must be revised to include: the actual product, labels, packaging, container, installation/use instructions, warranty documents, sales brochures, spare parts, advertising material, catalogues.if the producer wishes to avail of defence (b) in article 7, evide
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