已閱讀5頁,還剩7頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、Matlab Toolboxes? ADCPtools-acoustic doppler curre nt profiler dataprocess ing? AFDesig n-designing analog and digital filtersAIRES - automatic in tegrati on of reusable embedded softwareAir-Sea - air-sea flux estimates in oceanography? Ani matio n-developing scientific animationsARfit - estimation

2、of parameters and eigenmodes of multivariate autoregressive methods? ARMASA -power spectrum estimati on? AR-Toolkit-computer visi on track ing? Auditory -auditory modelsb4m - interval arithmetic? Bayes Net-i nference and lear ning for directedgraphical modelsBin aural Modeli ng- calculat ing bin aur

3、alcross-correlograms of sound? Bode Step-desig n of con trol systems with maximizedfeedback?Bootstrap - for resampli ng, hypothesis test ing andcon fide nee in terval estimati on?Brai nStorm - MEG and EEG data visualizatio n andprocess ing?BSTEX - equati on viewer?CALFEM - interactive program for te

4、aching the finiteeleme nt method?Calibr - for calibrating CCD cameras?Camera Calibrati on?Captain - non-stationary time series analysis andforecast ing?CHMMBOX - for coupled hidden Markov modeli ngusing maximum likelihood EM?Classificati on- supervised and un supervisedclassification algorithms?CLOS

5、ID?Cluster - for analysis of Gaussian mixture models fordata set clusteri ng?Clusteri ng- cluster an alysis?ClusterPack - cluster an alysis?COLEA - speech an alysis?CompEc on - solvi ng problems in economics andfinance? Complex - for estimati ng temporal and spatial sig nalcomplexitiesComputati onal

6、 StatisticsCoral - seismic waveform analysisDACE - kriging approximations to computer modelsDAIHM - data assimilatio n in hydrological andhydrod yn amic modelsData Visualizati onDBT - radar array process ingDDE-BIFTOOL - bifurcation an alysis of delaydiffere ntial equati onsDenoise - for removing no

7、ise from signalsDiffMa n - solvi ng differe ntial equati ons on mani foldsDime nsional An alysis? DIPimage - scie ntific image process ingDirect - Laplace transform inversion via the directin tegratio n methodDirectSD - an alysis and desig n of computer con trolledsystems with process-orie nted mode

8、lsDMsuite - differe ntiati on matrix suiteDMTTEQ - design and test time domain equalizerdesig n methodsDrawFilt - drawing digital and analog filtersDSFWAV - spline interpolation with Dean wave soluti onsDWT - discrete wavelet transformsEasyKrigEcono metricsEEGLAB? EigTool - graphical tool for non sy

9、mmetriceige nproblemsEMSC - separating light scattering and absorbance byexte nded multiplicative sig nal correct ionEngin eeri ng Vibrati onFastICA - fixed-po int algorithm for ICA and project ionpursuitFDC - flight dyn amics and controlFDtools - fractional delay filter designFlexICA - for independ

10、ent components analysisFMBPC - fuzzy model-based predictive controlForWaRD - Fourier-wavelet regularized dec on voluti onFracLab - fractal analysis for signal processingFSBOX - stepwise forward and backward selecti on offeatures using lin ear regressi onGABLE - geometric algebra tutorialGAOT - genet

11、ic algorithm optimizationGarch - estimating and diagnosing heteroskedasticity in time series modelsGCE Data - managing, analyzing and displaying data and metadata stored using the GCE data structure specificati onGCSV - grow ing cell structure visualizati onGEMANOVA - fitt ing multili near ANOVA mod

12、els?Gen etic AlgorithmGeodetic - geodetic calculati onsGHSOM - growing hierarchical self-organizing map? glmlab - gen eral li near modelsGPIB - wrapper for GPIB library from Natio nalIn strume ntGTM - generative topographic mapping, a model for den sity modeli ng and data visualizati onGVF - gradien

13、t vector flow for finding 3-D object boun daries? HFRadarmap - con verts HF radar data from radialcurre nt vectors to total vectorsHFRC - import ing, process ing and man ipulati ng HF radar dataHilbert - Hilbert tran sform by the rati onaleige nfunction expa nsion methodHMM - hidden Markov modelsHMM

14、BOX - for hidden Markov modeli ng usi ngmaximum likelihood EMHUTear - auditory modelingICALAB - signal and image processing using ICA and higher order statisticsImputatio n- an alysis of in complete datasetsIPEM - perception based musical analysis2007-8-29 15:04#1精華0積分49帖子76水位164技術(shù)分0littleboy助理工程師JM

15、atLi nk - Matlab Java classesKalman - Bayesian Kalman filterKalma n Filter- filteri ng, smooth ing and parameter estimati on(using EM) for lin ear dyn amical systemsKALMTOOL - state estimati on of non li near systemsKautz - Kautz filter designKrigi ngLDestimate- estimati on of scali ng exp onentsLDP

16、C - low den sity parity check codesLISQ - wavelet lift ing scheme on quincunx gridsLKER - Laguerre kernel estimation toolLMAM-OLMAM - Leve nberg Marquardt with Adaptive Mome ntum algorithm for training feedforward n eural n etworksLow-Field NMR- for exp onen tial fitt ing, phase correct ion ofquadra

17、ture data and slici ngLPSVM - Newt on method for LP support vector mach ine formach ine lear ning problemsLSDPTOOL - robust control system design using the loop shaping desig n procedureLS-SVMlabLSVM - Lagrangian support vector machine for machine learning problemsLyngby - functional neuroimagingMAR

18、BOX - for multivariate autogressive modeling and cross-spectral estimati onMatArray - an alysis of microarray dataMatrix Computati on- con struct ing test matrices, computi ngmatrix factorizations, visualizing matrices, and direct searchoptimizati onMCAT -Monte Carlo an alysisMDP - Markov decision p

19、rocessesMESHPART - graph and mesh partioning methodsMILES -maximum likelihood fitting using ordinary least squaresalgorithmsMIMO-multidime nsional code syn thesisMissi ng-functions for han dli ng miss ing data valuesM_Map-geographic mapp ing toolsMODCONS - multi-objective control system designMOEA -

20、multi-objective evoluti onary algorithmsMS - estimation of multiscaling exponentsMultiblock - an alysis and regressi on on several data blocks simulta neouslyMultiscale Shape An alysisMusic An alysis- feature extract ion from raw audio sig nals forconten t-based music retrievalMWM -multifractal wave

21、let modelNetCDFNetlab-n eural n etwork algorithmsNiDAQ-data acquisiti on using the NiDAQ libraryNEDM-non li near econo mic dyn amic modelsNMM - numerical methods in Matlab textNNCTRL - design and simulation of control systems based on n eural n etworksNNSYSID - neural net based identification of non

22、linear dynamic systemsNSVM - newton support vector machine for solving machine learning problemsNURBS - non-uniform rational B-splinesN-way - an alysis of multiway data with multili near modelsOpenFEM - fin ite eleme nt developme ntPCNN -pulse coupled n eural n etworksPeruna-sig nal process ing and

23、an alysisPhiVis -probabilistic hierarchical in teractive visualizati on, i.e.functions for visual an alysis of multivariate continu ous dataPla nar Man ipulator- simulatio n of n-DOF pla nar man ipulatorsPRTools-patter n recog niti onpsig nifit-testi ng hyptheses about psychometric functionsPSVM - p

24、roximal support vector machine for solving machine learning problemsPsychophysics- visi on researchPyrTools-multi-scale image process ingRBF - radial basis function n eural n etworks RBN - simulation of synchronous and asynchronous random boolea n n etworksReBEL - sigma-point Kalman filtersRegressi

25、on - basic multivariate data an alysis and regressi onRegularization ToolsRegularization Tools XPRestore ToolsRobot - robotics functions, e.g. kinematics, dynamics and trajectory gen erati onRobust Calibrati on- robust calibrati on in statsRRMT - rainfall-runoff modellingSAM - structure and motionSc

26、hwarz-Christoffel - computati on of con formal maps to polygo nally boun ded regi onsSDH - smoothed data histogramSeaGrid - orthogonal grid makerSEA-MAT - ocea no graphic an alysisSLS - sparse least squaresSolvOpt - solver for local optimization problemsSOM - self-organizing mapSOSTOOLS - solving su

27、ms of squares (SOS) optimization problems Spatial and Geometric An alysisSpatial Regressi onSpatial StatisticsSpectral MethodsSPM - statistical parametric mappingSSVM - smooth support vector machine for solving machine learning problemsSTATBAG - for linear regression, feature selection, generation o

28、f data, and significanee testingStatBox - statistical routinesStatistical Patter n Recog niti on- patter n recog niti on methodsStixbox - statisticsSVM - implements support vector machinesSVM ClassifierSymbolic Robot Dyn amicsTEMPLAR - wavelet-based template learning and pattern classificati onTextC

29、lust - model-based docume nt clusteri ngTextureS ynth- an alyz ing and syn thesiz ing visual texturesTfMin - continous 3-D minimum time orbit transfer around EarthTime-Freque ncy- an alyz ing non-stati onary sig nals usingtime-freque ncy distributi onsTree-Ri ng - tasks in tree-ri ng an alysisTSA - uni- and multivariate, stati on ary a nd non-stati onary time series an alysisTSTOOL - nonlinear time series analysisT_Tide - harmonic analysis of tide


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