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1、 外國留學生漢語比賽試題 “華為杯”中國文化知識競賽題庫 地拉那大學孔子學院 “Huawei Cup - Chinese Culture Knowledge Contest Organized by Confucius Institute at the University of Tirana 一、英漢部分 (一)單選題 1.中國歷史上第一個朝代是( )? c A秦朝 B清朝 C夏朝 D唐朝 1.Which is the first dynasty in Chinese history? A.Qin Dynasty; B.Qing Dynasty; C. Xia Dynasty; D. Tan

2、g Dynasty 2.甲骨文出土于中國的哪個城市? b A西安 B安陽 C北京 D上海 2.Which city in China is the Oracle-bone Inscription unearthed in? A.Xian; B. Anyang; C. Beijing; D. Shanghai 3.中國歷史上最長的一個朝代是( )? b A漢朝 B周朝 C元朝 D明朝 3.Which is the longest dynasty in Chinese history? A.Han Dynasty; B. Zhou Dynasty; C. Yuan Dynasty; D. Ming

3、 Dynasty 4.桃花扇是( )的戲劇作品。 d A關(guān)漢卿 B湯顯祖 C王實甫 D孔尚任 4.Who wrote the famous Chinese dramatic work, The Peach Blossom Fan? A. Guan Hanqing; B. Tang Xianzu; C. Wang Shifu; D. Kong Shangren 5.中國歷史上的“三家分晉”是指哪三家? a A韓、趙、魏 B鄭、魏、韓 C燕、趙、韓 D魏、趙、魯 5.Which three families divide state Jin into three parts in Chinese

4、history? A.Han, Zhao, Wei; B. Zheng, Wei, Han; C. Yan, Zhao, Han; D. Wei, Zhao, Lu 6.下列哪個國家不屬于“戰(zhàn)國七雄”? d A楚 B齊 C燕 D宋 6.Which state did not belong to “the Seven Overlords” in Warring States Period? A.Chu; B. Qi; C. Yan; D. Song 7.秦國通過( )一躍成為戰(zhàn)國時期最強大的國家? c A 戊戌變法 B慶歷新政 C商鞅變法 D熙寧變法 7.Which reform made st

5、ate Qin became the most powerful state in the Warring States Period? A.Hundred Days Reform; B. Qingli Reform; C. Xining Reform; D. Shang Yangs Reform 8.道家的創(chuàng)始人是( )? b A孔子 B老子 C莊子 D荀子 8.Who is the originator of Taoism? A.Confucius; B. Lao Zi; C. Zhuang Zi; D. Xun Zi 9.記錄孔子重要言論的書是( )? a A論語 B禮記 C史記 D春秋

6、 9.What is the name of the collection of Confucius sayings? A.The Analects; B. The Book of Rites; C. Shih Chi; D. The Spring and Autumn Annals 10.下列那部書不屬于“五經(jīng)”? c A尚書 B周易 C道德經(jīng) D詩經(jīng) 10.Which book does not belong to “Five Classics”? A.Shangshu; B. Zhouyi; C. Daodejing; D. Shijing 11.( )首次對中國的文字、貨幣、度量衡進行

7、了統(tǒng)一? b A周文王 B秦始皇 C漢武帝 D孔子 11.Who standardized Chinese characters, currency, and weights and measures first time? A.King Wen of Zhou; B. Qin Shi Huang; C. Emperor Wu; D. Confucius 12.漢朝的( )兩次出使西域,開通了中國通往西亞、歐洲的貿(mào)易通道“絲綢之路”。 b A班固 B張騫 C鄭和 D鑒真 12.Who was sent to the Western Regions two times in Han Dynast

8、y, opening the trade route between China and West Asia as well as Europe? A.Ban Gu; B. Zhang Qian; C. Zheng He; D.Jian Zhen 13.公元105年,東漢的( )改造了原有的紙張制造技術(shù)。中國的造紙術(shù)在7世紀傳入日本、朝鮮,8世紀傳入阿拉伯,( )世紀傳入歐洲,極大的促進了世界文化的發(fā)展。 c A張仲景、9 B張衡、10 C蔡倫、12 D畢昇、14 13. Who, in Eastern Han Dynasty, improved the old technique of pa

9、per making in 105? When was Chinese paper making spread to Europe, after its spreading to Korea and Japan in the 7th century, and to Arabia in the 8th, which contributed greatly to the development of world culture? A.Zhang Zhongjing, 9th; B. Zhang Heng, 10th; C. Cai Lun, 12th; D. Bi Sheng, 14th 14.東

10、漢的( )發(fā)明了“渾天儀”、“地動儀”,用以觀測天象,感應(yīng)地震。 a A張衡 B張角 C華佗 D張仲景 14.Who invented the Armillary Sphere and seismography so as to observe the universe and perceive earthquake? A. Zhang Heng; B. Zhang Jiao; C. Hua Tuo; D. Zhang Zhongjing 15.東漢末年,曹操通過( )統(tǒng)一了中國的北方。 d A赤壁之戰(zhàn) B淝水之戰(zhàn) C夷陵之戰(zhàn) D官渡之戰(zhàn) 14. What battle made Cao Ca

11、o unify the north China at the end of Eastern Han Dynasty? A.Battle of the Red Cliffs; B. Battle of Fei River; C. Battle of Yiling; D. Battle of Guandu 16.三國時期,( )曾派遣將領(lǐng)抵達臺灣,加強了臺灣與大陸的聯(lián)系。 d A曹操 B劉備 C袁紹 D孫權(quán) 16.Who sent an expedition to Taiwan Island in Three Kingdoms Period in Chinese history, strength

12、ening the bond between Chinese mainland and Taiwan? A.Cao Cao; B. Liu Bei; C. Yuan Shao; D. Sun Quan 17.唐太宗李世民在位期間,中國社會出現(xiàn)了( )。 c A開元盛世 B光武中興 C貞觀之治 D康乾盛世 17.Which prosperous situation appeared in China during the Emperor Tang Taizong, Li Shimins reign in Tang Dynasty? A.Kaiyuan Flourishing Age; B. Th

13、e Rule of Emperor Guangwu; C. Zhenguan Times of Peace; D. Kang-Qian Flourishing Age 18.中國歷史上第一位的女皇帝是( )? a A武則天 B慈禧 C穆桂英 D婦好 18.Who is the first empress in Chinese history? A.Wu Zetian; B. Cixi; C. Mu Guiying; D. Fu Hao 19.北宋首都位于( )? b A杭州 B開封 C西安 D北京 19.Where was the capital of Northern Song Dynast

14、y located in China? A. Hangzhou; B. Kaifeng; C. Xian; D. Beijing 20.著名的意大利人馬可波羅于1271年來到中國,留居中國17年,曾在( )做官。 b A唐朝 B元朝 C宋朝 D明朝 20.The famous Italian traveler, Marco Polo, came to China in 1271 and had been living here for 17 years. Which government did he work in as an official at that time? A.Tang go

15、vernment; B. Yuan government; C. Song government; D. Ming government 21.下列哪項不屬于中國的四大發(fā)明? c A指南針 B火藥 C絲綢 D造紙術(shù) 21.Which item below does not belong to the Four Great Inventions of China? A. Compass; B. Gunpowder; C. Silk; D. Papermaking 22.15世紀明朝的( )率領(lǐng)艦隊抵達波斯、阿拉伯、東非,是世界航海史上的壯舉。 d A蘇武 B鑒真 C玄奘 D鄭和 22.Which

16、 Chinese navigator of Ming Dynasty led the expedition, which is a great event in the world navigation history, reaching Persia, Arabia, and East Africa in 15th century? A.Su Wu; B. Jian Zhen; C. Xuan Zang; D. Zheng He 23.明朝哲學家王陽明提出了下列哪種理論? b A克己復禮 B知行合一 C天人合一 D民貴君輕 23.Which theory below was proposed

17、 by Wang Yangming, the great Chinese philosopher in Ming Dynasty? A.To deny self and return to propriety; B.The unity of knowing and doing; C.Man is an integral part of nature; D.The people are more important than the ruler 24.清朝時期中國文學史上成就最高的長篇小說是? d A三國演義 B.水滸傳 C西游記 D紅樓夢 24.Which novel was the grea

18、test in the history of Chinese literature in Qing Dynasty? A.Romance of the Three Kingdoms; B. Water Margin; C. Journey to the West; D. A Dream in Red Mansions 25.中華人民共和國成立于( )? a A1949年10月1日 B1949年3月5日 C1912年1月1日 D1945年8月15日 25.When is The Peoples Republic of China founded? A. 1st, Oct., 1949; B. 5

19、th, Mar., 1949; C. 1st, Jan., 1912; D. 15th, Aug., 1945 26.三國演義中,劉備“三顧茅廬”是為了請( )? b A朱元璋 B諸葛亮 C周瑜 D司馬懿 26.Whose thatched cottage did Liu Bei make calls thrice at, in order to appoint him as an adviser, in the novel, Romance of the Three Kingdoms ? 27.中國民間傳說“岳母刺字”中,岳飛的母親在岳飛背上刺下了什么字? c A替天行道 B安貧樂道 C精忠

20、報國 D仁者無敵 27.In the Chinese folklore “Tattooing Yue Fei”, what did Yue Feis mother tattoo on his back? A.Enforce justice on behalf of Heaven; B.Be contented in poverty and devoted to things spiritual; C.Repay the country with supreme loyalty; D.The benevolent is invincible 28.在人性理論上,( )持“性善論”。 a A荀子

21、B莊子 C墨子 D孟子 28.Who held the theory that human beings are good by nature? A. Xun Zi; B. Zhuang Zi; C. Mo Zi; D. Mencius 29.下面哪種不屬于漢朝董仲舒的思想? d A三綱五常 B天人合一 C獨尊儒術(shù) D格物致知 29.Which theory was not proposed by Dong Zhongshu in Han Dynasty? A. Three Principles and Five Virtues of Feudal Moral Conduct; B. Man

22、is an integral part of nature; C. Paying supreme tribute to Confucianism; D. Study the nature of things 30.北宋的( )發(fā)現(xiàn)指南針并不是真正的指向北方,而是指向地磁的北極,這對指d 南針用于導航走出了決定性的一步。 A徐霞客 B徐光啟 C祖沖之 D沈括 30. Who discovered that compasses do not point true north but to the magnetic north pole in Eastern Song Dynasty? This w

23、as a decisive step to make them useful for navigation. A. Xu Xiake; B. Xu Guangqi; C. Zu Chongzhi; D. Shen Kuo 31.被達爾文譽為16世紀的“中國百科全書”是的中醫(yī)藥著作是( )? c A神農(nóng)百草經(jīng) B傷寒雜病論 C本草綱目 D華佗方 31.Which work on traditional Chinese medicine was acclaimed as “Chinese Encyclopedia” of 16th century by Charles Darwin? A. She

24、n-nung pen tsao ching (Divine Husbandmans Materia Medica); B. Shanghan Zabing Lun (Treatise on Febrile Diseases); C. Bencaogangmu (Compendium of Materia Medica); D. Hua Tuo Fang (Hua Tuos Prescriptions) 32.下列哪座中國城市是“絲綢之路”的起點? b A蘭州 B西安 C敦煌 D酒泉 32.Which following city in China is the start point of t

25、he Silk Road? A.Lanzhou; B. Xian; C. Dunhuang; D. Jiuquan 33.“踩高蹺”是下列哪一中國節(jié)日的傳統(tǒng)習俗? a A元宵節(jié) B春節(jié) C中秋節(jié) D端午節(jié) 33.Which Chinese festival has the custom of Stilt Walking? A.Lantern Festival; B. Spring Festival; C. Mid-autumn Festival; D. Dragon Boat Festival 34.一般認為中國的端午節(jié)起源于紀念愛國詩人( )? b A李白 B屈原 C陸游 D杜甫 34.Wh

26、om is commemorated in the origin of Dragon Boat Festival according to the most popular legend in China? A.Li Bai; B. Qu Yuan; C. Lu You; D. Du Fu 35.中國的“情人節(jié)”是下列哪一節(jié)日? d A元宵節(jié) B重陽節(jié) C中秋節(jié) D七夕節(jié) 35.Which festival listed below is the traditional Chinese Valentines Day? A.Lantern Festival; B. Double Ninth Fe

27、stival; C. Mid-autumn Festival; D. Double Seventh Festival 36.中國中秋節(jié)的傳統(tǒng)食品是( )? b A元宵 B月餅 C粽子 D臘八粥 36.Which is the traditional food of Mid-autumn Festival in China? A.Yuan Xiao (glutinous rice dumplings); B.Moon cakes; C.Zongzi D.Laba Congee 37.唐詩名句“獨在異鄉(xiāng)為異客,每逢佳節(jié)倍思親”中,此處“佳節(jié)”是指( )? a A重陽節(jié) B中秋節(jié) C春節(jié) D七夕節(jié)

28、am cast, every time I miss my family 37.“A lonely stranger in a strange land I all the more on the festival.” In this famous Chinese poetry of Tang Dynasty, what does “the festival” here mean? A.Double Ninth Festival; B.Mid-autumn Festival C.Spring Festival D.Double Seventh Festival 38.“潑水節(jié)”是中國哪一個少數(shù)

29、民族的節(jié)日? c A苗族 B壯族 C傣族 D彝族 38.Which national minority in China celebrate “Water Splashing Festival”? A.Miao people; B. Zhuang people; C. Dai people; D. Yi people 39.中國的陸地國土面積大約是( )? a A960萬平方千米 B915萬平方千米 C998萬平方千米 D1700萬平方千米 39.What is the approximate area of Chinas land? A. 9.60 million km2; B. 9.15

30、million km2; C. 9.98 million km2; D. 17.00 million km2 40.中國的首都是( )? c A上海 B廣州 C北京 D南京 40.Which city is Chinas capital? A.Shanghai; B. Guangzhou; C. Beijing; D. Nanjing 41.中國是一個統(tǒng)一的多民族國家,共有( )個民族組成。 b A50 B56 C176 D31 41.China is a unified multi-ethnic country. How many ethnic groups are there in Chi

31、na? A. 50; B. 56; C. 176; D. 31 42.中國哪一地區(qū)降水最多? b A東北部地區(qū) B東南部地區(qū) C西北部地區(qū) D西南部地區(qū) 42.Which area has the most precipitation in China? A.Northeast area; B. Southeast area; C. Northwest area; D. Southwest area 43.中國自從( )年實行改革開放政策以來,經(jīng)濟獲得了持續(xù)快速的發(fā)展。 c A1983 B1997 C1978 D1949 43.When did China adopt the Reform a

32、nd Opening-up Policy, its economy experiencing a fast and steady development? A. 1983; B. 1997; C. 1978; D. 1949 44.中國南北地域分異的重要地理界線是( )? d A昆侖山阿爾金山祁連山 B黑河騰沖 C大興安嶺太行山巫山雪峰山 D秦嶺淮河 44.What is the important demarcation line of north-south boundary in China? A.Kunlun Mountains - Altun Mountains - Qilian M

33、ountains B.Heihe - Tengchong C.Great Khingan - Taihang Mountains - Wushan Mountains - Xuefeng Mountains D.Qinling Mountains - Huaihe River 45.哪一個國家是世界上最大的電視機、鋼、水泥、原煤、化肥的生產(chǎn)國? b A印度 B中國 C美國 D巴西 45.Which country in the world is the biggest manufacturer of TVs, steel, cement, coal, and fertilizer? A.Ind

34、ia; B. China; C. U.S.; D. Brazil 46.中國礦產(chǎn)資源總量居世界第幾位? c A第1位 B第2位 C第3位 D第4位 46.What is the rank of Chinas mineral resources reservoir in the world? A. 1st; B. 2nd; C. 3rd; D. 4th 47.在中國的神話傳說中,( )開天辟地。 c A夸父 B后羿 C盤古 D女媧 47.In Chinese mythology, who divided Heaven and Earth? A. Kuafu; B. Houyi; C. Pangu

35、; D.Nvwa 48.精衛(wèi)填海中的“精衛(wèi)”是一種什么? b A魚 B鳥 C海龜 D海馬 48.In the Chinese legend, Jing Wei who filled up the sea, what a kind of animals is this Jing Wei? A.Fish; B. Bird; C. Turtle; D. Sea horse 49.相傳伏羲創(chuàng)立了( )? d A中藥 B絲綢 C瓷器 D八卦 49.What did Fu Xi create according to the Chinese mythology? A.Chinese Medicine; B

36、. Silk cloth; C. Chinaware; D. Eight Diagrams 50.在后羿射日的傳說中,后羿一共射掉了幾個太陽? a A9個 B7個 C10個 D1個 50.How many suns did Hou Yi shoot down in total according to the Chinese legend? A. 9; B. 7; C. 10; D. 1 51.梁山伯與祝英臺在故事中幻化成了( )? c A鴛鴦 B雙飛雁 C彩蝶 D鳳凰 51. What did the loving couple, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai,

37、transform into according to Chinese folk story? A. Mandarin ducks; B. Wild geese; C. Butterflies; D. Phoenixes 52.相傳在遠古時期,( )用了13年時間治理了洪水。 d A伏羲 B蚩尤 C舜帝 D大禹 52.Who led the Chinese people to subdue the rampaging floods through 13 years hard working in distant antiquity? A.Fu Xi; B. Chi You; C. Empero

38、r Shun; D. Da Yu 53.中國最大的淡水湖是( )? b 太湖D 青海湖C 鄱陽湖B 洞庭湖A 53.Which one is the biggest freshwater lake in China? A.Dongting Lake; B. Poyang Lake; C. Qinghai Lake; D. Taihu Lake 54.世界上海拔最高的鐵路是( )? C A印度的康坎鐵路 B俄羅斯的西伯利亞鐵路 C中國的青藏鐵路 D挪威的弗洛姆鐵路 54.Which one is the highest railway in the world? A. Rocky Mountai

39、n railway, Canada; B. Trans-Siberian railway, Russia; C. Qinghai-Tibet Railway, China; D. Flam Railway, Norway 55.長江的長度是( )? c A5500千米 B6400千米 C6300千米 D4700千米 55.What is the length of the Yangtze River (the Changjiang River) in China? A. 5500 km; B. 6400 km; C. 6300 km; D. 4700 km 56.中國第二大高原是( )? a

40、A內(nèi)蒙古高原 B青藏高原 C云貴高原 D黃土高原 56.Which one is the second largest plateau in China? A.Inner Mongolian Plateau; B. Qinghai-Tibet Plateau; C. Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau; D. Loess Plateau 57.中國第四大盆地是( )? a A四川盆地 B塔里木盆地 C準噶爾盆地 D柴達木盆地 57.Which one is the fourth largest basin in China? A.Sichuan Basin; B. Tarim Bas

41、in; C. Junggar Basin; D. Qaidam Basin 58.中國第二大河是( )? d A長江 B雅魯藏布江 C珠江 D黃河 58.Which one is the second longest river in China? A.Yangtze River; B. Yarlung Zangbo River; C. Pearl River; D. Yellow River 59.中國面積最大的島嶼是( )? b A海南島 B臺灣島 C崇明島 D舟山島 59.Which one is the largest island in China? A.Hainan Island;

42、 B. Taiwan Island; C. Chongming Island; D. Zhoushan Island 60.下列哪個建筑位于北京? b A大雁塔 B頤和園 C白馬寺 D夫子廟 60.Which following building is located in Beijing? A.The Big Wild Goose Pagoda; B. The Summer Palace; C. The White Horse Temple; D. The Confucius Temple 61.世界著名的兵馬俑出土于下列哪座城市? d A北京 B南京 C開封 D西安 61.Where ar

43、e the world famous Terra-Cotta Warriors unearthed in China? A.Beijing; B. Nanjing; C. Kaifeng; D. Xian 62.著名的游覽勝地秦淮河位于下列哪座城市? d 南京D 香港C 上海B 杭州A 62.Where is the famous scenic spot, The Qinghuai River, located in China? A. Hangzhou; B. Shanghai; C. Hong Kong; D. Nanjing 63.四季如春的中國城市是( )? c A深圳 B蘇州 C昆明

44、 D大連 63.Which citys four seasons are all like spring in China? A. Shenzhen; B. Suzhou; C. Kunming; D. Dalian 64.布達拉宮位于下列哪座城市? a A拉薩 B重慶 C烏魯木齊 D青島 64.Where is The Potala Palace located in China? A.Lhasa; B. Chongqing; C. Urumchi; D. Qingdao 65.亞洲第二大航空港位于( )? b A日本東京 B中國香港 C泰國曼谷 D韓國首爾 65.Where is the

45、second largest aviation port in Asia located? A.Tokyo, Japan; B. Hong Kong, China; C. Bangkok, Thailand; D. Seoul, South Korea 66.什么行業(yè)在香港被稱為百業(yè)之首? c A旅游業(yè) B娛樂業(yè)與電影產(chǎn)業(yè) C金融業(yè) D輕工業(yè) 66.Which one is considered as the number one business in Hong Kong? A.Tourist trade; B. Entertainment and movie industries; C.

46、Finance; D. Light industry 67.京劇臉譜中,紅臉常常表示該人物的性格特征是( )? b A奸詐多疑 B忠義勇敢 C剛直不阿 D暴躁魯莽 67. What traits of character do the performers who wear red facial makeups have in the Beijing Opera? A. Treacherous and suspicious; B. Loyal and brave; C. Straightforward and righteous; D. Irritable and bold 68.京劇中,扮演

47、女性人物角色的演員被稱作( )? b A生 B旦 C凈 D丑 68.What are the performers who play female roles called in the Beijing Opera? A.Sheng; B. Dan; C. Jing; D. Mo 69.牡丹亭是哪一地方戲的代表劇目? c A京劇 B黃梅戲 C昆曲 D越劇 69. What kind of local opera does the Peony Pavilion belong to? A. Beijing Opera; B. Huangmei Opera; C. Kun Opera; D. Sha

48、oxing Opera 70.梅蘭芳是( )的著名演員。c A豫劇 B粵劇 C京劇 D評劇 70.What did the celebrated actor, Mei Lanfang, perform? A.Yu (Henan) Opera; B. Guangdong Opera; C. Beijing Opera; D. Pingju Opera 71.圍棋起源于下列哪國? d 中國D 意大利C 土耳其B 日本A 71.Where does the Game of Go originate? A.Japan; B. Turkey; C. Italy; D. China 72.中國象棋中,紅黑

49、雙方共有多少枚棋子? a A32 B30 C34 D28 72.How many chess pieces are there in one Chinese chess totally? A. 32; B. 30; C. 34; D. 28 73.下列哪部畫作是明朝唐伯虎所作? c A洛神賦圖 B清明上河圖 C王蜀宮妓圖 D富春山居圖 73. Which one was painted by the talented painter, Tang Bohu, in Ming Dynasty? A. Luoshen Appraisal Painting; B. Riverside Scene at

50、 Qingming Festival; C. Portrait of Four Beauties; D. Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains 74.中國古代的五音“宮、商、角、徵、羽”相當于現(xiàn)代音樂的哪五個音? b A1、2、3、4、5 B1、2、3、5、6 C1、2、3、6、7 D1、2、4、5、6 74.What do the five tones in traditional Chinese music- gong, shang, jue, zhi, yu - correspond to those in Western music? A. 1, 2, 3,

51、 4, 5; B. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6; C. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7; D. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6; 75.算盤上半部分的每顆珠子代表多少? b A1 B5 C6 D10 75.What number does each bead in the upper part of the Chinese abacus represent? A. 1; B. 5; C. 6; D. 10 76.公元480年,( )用“割圓術(shù)”推算出圓周率位于3.1415926與3.1415927之間。 d A劉徽 B張衡 C王蕃 D祖沖之 76.Who calculated that the val

52、ue of pi is between 3.1415926 and 3.1415927 in 480 AD, using the “Cutting Circle Method”? A.Liu Hui; B. Zhang Heng; C. Wang Fan; D. Zu Chongzhi 77.世界上關(guān)于哈雷彗星最早的記錄出現(xiàn)在中國的哪部著作中? a A春秋 B史記 C甘石星經(jīng) D天工開物 77.Which Chinese work contains the first record related to Halleys Comet all over the world? A.The Sprin

53、g and Autumn Annals; B. Shih Chi; C. Gan and Shis Celestial Book; D. Tian Gong Kai Wu 78.在白蛇傳的傳說中,白娘子被壓在了哪座塔下? b A大雁塔 B雷峰塔 C飛虹塔 D千尋塔 78. Where was the Lady White suppressed in the Chinese folklore, Lady White and Xu Xian? A. Greater Wild Goose Pagoda; B. Leifeng Pagoda; C. Flying Rainbow Pagoda; D.

54、Qianxun Pagoda 79.中國的“瓷都”在哪? a 廣東石灣D 山東淄博C 河北唐山B 江西景德鎮(zhèn)A 79.Where is the Chinas “Capital of Porcelain” located? A.Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province; B. Tangshan, Hebei Province; C. Zibo, Shandong Province; D. Shiwan, Guangdong Province 80.中國的“四大名繡”分別是蘇繡、粵繡、蜀繡和( )? d A京繡 B苗繡 C顧繡 D湘繡 80.Which one belongs to

55、 the “Four Famous Embroideries” in China? A. Beijing embroidery; B. Miao embroidery; C. Gu embroidery; D. Hunan Embroidery (二)多選題 1.下列哪些不是唐朝的詩人? c d A李白 B杜甫 C陶潛 D陸游 E王維 1.Which poet(s) did not live in Tang Dynasty? A. Li Bai; B. Du Fu; C. Tao Qian; D.Lu You; E. Wang Wei 2.下列哪些屬于“唐宋八大家”? a c e A蘇軾 B李白 C柳宗元 D范仲淹 E韓愈 2.Who belongs to the Eight Tang-song Prose Masters in the history of Chinese literature? A. Su Shi; B. Li Bai; C. Liu Zongyuan; D. Fan Zhongyan; E. Han Yu 3.下列哪些活動屬于中國春節(jié)的習俗? a c A祭灶 B掃墓 C貼春聯(lián) D賞月 E吃粽子 3.Which ac


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