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1、Always magn etic belt syn chro motor direct torque con trolsystem0 - prefaceSyn chro motor because of hav ing power factor higher -, run - timeefficie ncy higher -, stability good, the revoIving speed Heng settles to wait a merit, is extensively been applied to in dustrial producti on amid.The start

2、 in gfault that acqua ints with syn chro motor, and debugg ing in time, all have importa nt meaning to the motor and the product ion systemses.By wayof energy in time, accurate debugging and transaction fault, have tovsthefamiliar fault progress of the syn chro motor in detail an alytical!1 - Famili

3、ar fault1.1- The syn chro motor after switch ing on electricity the in capability startsThe syn chro motor after starti ng the in capability run - time gen erally has the reas on of severals as follows:(1) Power supply voltage over low.Because at the square of voltage, the starting torque direct pro

4、porti on of syn chro motor's the voltage of power supply over make low the starti ng torque of syn chro motor sig nifica ntly the droop is lower tha n load troque, can not start thus and want to raise vs this power supply voltage to enl arge the start ing torque of dyn amo.(2) The fault of motor

5、.Check motor settle, the rotor win di ng had no short circuit, ope n circtui, ope n solderi ng and link bad etc. fault, these the faults will make the dynamo can not start to create starting of rating of intensity of magnetic field, make thus the dynamo can not start;Checking the motor bearing has a

6、lready had no failure, the port cap has have no loose, if beari ng failure port shroud loose, result in beari ng's dow n sinking, mutually rub with stator iron core, result in thus dyn amo's canning not start, vs settle the rotor fault can be shaken table with the low tension, gradually clic

7、k to check to seek a fault condition and adopt homologous treatment;The countersgaft accepts and carries to shroud a loose con diti on and all wants a pan car before driv ing each time and sees motor rotor whether slewing is vivid, if bearing or shaft kiowatt damage and replace in time.(3) The contr

8、ol device breaks down.This kind of faults are mostly the d.c. output voltage of the windings of Li magnetic belt to adjust not appropriate or don't output, result in the stator curre nt of motor over big, cause the motor con duct electricity the run make or the losing of dynamo magnetic belt run

9、 - time.Should check whether output voltage current and its waveform that the Li magnetic belt equips is normal at this time, the Rong breaks whether the machi ne Rong breaks, the con tact is bad;Whether circuit board plug-i n puts pris on or alig nmen t;Check loop resista nee, put out whether cryst

10、al gate tube of magnet bur ns out or brokes through.(4) Mechanical trouble.Such as be dragged along a dynamic machinery to block, result in motor in capability's starti ng, the rotor that moves motor in resp onse to the pan at this time sees whether the slewing is vivid, machinery burden whether

11、 existe nee fault1.2- The syn chro motor in capability leads long into synchroni zati on.Syn chro motor in com mon use law of nonsynchronous starti ng, throw in Li magn etic belt when the motor rotor revoIving speed hits synchronous revoIving speed of 95%, make it leads long in to syn chro nizatio n

12、.The syn chro motor in capability leads long in to synchronous reas on as follows:(1) The Li magnetic belt winding short circuit.Because the winding of Li magnetic belt, existence short circuit breaks down, as a result makes motor able to stabilize run - time but in capability and lead long into syn

13、chroni zati on while being lower tha n syn chro nous revo Iving speed.Check to seek the Li magn etic belt winding short circuit, can open into low - tension(about the 30 Vs) in the rotor derivation on - line, put on the magnetic poles surface with a hand work steel saw, pursue in spect ion magn etic

14、 poles, if vibrat ing is viole nt, expla in the magnetic poles to have no short circuit on steel saw of the magnetic poles' surface, if the vibrat ing of saw blade micro or don't flap, expla in the magn etic poles short circuit.After uni oad ing the magn etic poles, check the fault to click,

15、 is short-circuit degree, adopt local to mend or re- round to make.(2) Power supply voltage over low.Power supply voltage over low, result in the stro ng Li li nk of the device of Li magn etic belt in capability work ing, make the motor in capability lead long into synchroni zati on thus, the con cr

16、ete way is to raise power supply voltage appropriately.(3) The fault of Li magnetic belt device.Such as throw Li over speedy(namely throw in Li magn etic belt, motor rotor revo Iving speed over low), will make the motor can not lead long into synchroni zati on, should check to throw if the Li link e

17、xists fault at this time .If Li magn etic belt device fault, the output's curre nt is lower tha n a rati ng value, cause the electricity magn etic troque of dyn amo over small but can not lead long into syn chro ni zati on, at this time in resp onse to scrutiny Li magnetic belt device of throw L

18、i link and phase - shifting link, waveform use oscillograph to check to throw Li li nk and phase - shift ing link, should also check and put out magnetic belt link and put out crystal gate of magn etic belt whether tube discovers a questio n as usual, han dle in time, if the in capability han dles i

19、n time, by way of the en ergy quickly restore capacity, should replace to provide for use circuit board.1.3- Brush and compress tightly spring and gather to give or get an electric shock ring fault.The brush leads short and compresses tightly spri ng press scarcity and make brush and gather to give

20、or get an electric shock ring of in directly touch badly, thus gen erate spark or arc electric, arc electric or spark to on the other hand and easily spark short circuit, will make arc electric burn on the other hand shorter, spark open circtui thus, result in Li magnetic belt device only the Li mag

21、netoelectricity press but have no Li magn etoelectricity stream in g;Compress tightly spri ng age ing lapse, make brush and gather to give or get an electric shock ring of in directly touch badly, effect the start ing of motor thus;Gather to give or get an electric shock a ring surface to there is g

22、rease stain and scar or slot scar, will make brush and gather to give or get an electric shock ring of in directly touch badly, gen erate spark, spark further bur n gather to give or get an electric shock ring, will also make gnd short-circuit, the spark effects the starting of motor thus.For gather

23、 to give or get an electric shock ring superficial grease sta in, can wipe to clea n with the acet one; For thin trace, use many fettle shaggi ng rings of san dpapers surface, is ring surface rough ness to hit R1.6 ums, if the slot scar obviously n eeds to get on the car bed transform, truning, ente

24、r amount of knife to take every time 1 mm as proper, in the 1-1.5 ms/s, the truning speed control's roughness hits of the ums of R1.5-1.8 and becomes bad anti to fin ally polish with the san dpaper 2-3 times over the 0.05 mms.1.4- The damper winding breaks dow n.The damper winding of syn chro mo

25、tor rotor is provided for syn chro motor start ing to use and wipe - out run - time at the same time amid spark because of loading to change of out of step osc.Start the damper winding in the process to incise the magnetic field of stator revolution but induced very big starting current in the synch

26、ro motor, so the big current by all means will result in damping hair thermal expansion, under the normal condition because of starting time short, the damper winding starting is behind soon will cool off, but block up revolution in the motor, lack phase, start the super - in time to lengthways wait

27、 a condition down, if don't shut down in time, will result in the damping take off solderi ng to split etc. con diti on. The damper winding is weaker link in the syn chro motor parts, the damper winding familiar fault has:The damping takes off soldering and split, the damping ring discharges wil

28、dfire, damping ring the strain is serious.These faults will effect the starting of synchro motor. The damping takes off soldering and chooses silver act inium weldi ng rod and adopts oxyacetyle ne weldi ng to weld, the dyn amo after taking out the core heats into rotor 200 Celsius degrees set rotor

29、vertical in the oven, after taking out and adopt 750 Celsius degrees to or soly weld temperature, damp ing and the blind side of of damping ring complete solderings are full, clear a soldering dirt aga in, ;For split of the damp ing , after disma ntl ing orig inal damp ing, choose the material of ma

30、terial homology and adopt the above-me ntio ned method to weld after pack ing good damp in g.Damp ing ring the wildfire is mainly what damp ing ring in directly touches bad or get in touch with area isn't eno ugh to result in .Dampi ng ring the strain seriously is mai nly a damp ing to fix an ti

31、co in cide nee in the slot, the damp ing plugs into damp ing ring while weldi ng hole falsely, appear additi onal stress after weld ing, at plus damp ing ring inten sity not eno ugh to, treatme nt is loose ope n all conn ectivity bolts of damp ing rin gs, vs strain anti big of damp ing ring, after o

32、xyacetyle ne weld ing heat ing adjust with the exclusive use fixture eve n, vs stra in serious replace a new damp ing of ring.2 - The solid in sta nee is an alyticalSolid instanee 1 a synchro motor adopt nonsynchronous starting law, invest Li magn etoelectricity stream ing post - but hard lead long

33、into synchroni zatio n.Aim at the above-me nti oned con diti on, halt after, check first whether power supply voltage is no rmal, the n make use of multimeter and oscillograph vs the Li magn etic belt device scruti ny, the Li magn etoelectricity presses, whether curre nt is no rmal, end is doubt a s

34、hort-circuit of the winding of Li magn etic belt to, .Press the preced ing paragraphs the method for givi ng, can ope n into low - tension in the rotor derivati on on - lin e(about 30 Vs) , put on the magnetic poles surface with a hand work steel saw, pursue an inspection magn etic poles, discover t

35、he vibrat ing of saw blade micro or don't flap and expla in the magnetic poles' short circuit.After unioading the magnetic poles, use to shake a table in spect ion, recog nize the magn etic poles windin g's short circuit .Is further to check, discover depe nd outside layer of the 2 F wir

36、e full circle in sulated failure, put coil in the oven to heat into 150 Celsius degrees,make wire full circle the insulated anneals and lightly start to pry short-circuit sect ion acti nium row, use after the 0.03 mms the ring oxidiz ing glass cloth board pack ing sheet to go in to, aga in brush 1 F

37、 1032 paint after, put at the ove n n ear roast dry, fin ally brush the 1 F 183# in sulated lacquer, i nstall magn etic poles.The dyn amo after assembli ng the start ing leads long into synchroni zati on smoothly.Solid in sta nee 2 some pla nt whe n a syn chro motor start choked to death because of

38、the machi nery, start the super - in time to grow, don't park the car in time, aga in starti ng, the damp ing ring discharges.Aim at the above-mentioned condition, open a dynamo port box, check damping ring to become a "S" shape, damping and damping ring having take off soldering.The r

39、eason is analytical:The dynamo divides six most solid magnetic poleses and starts because of the multifarious heavy load and once appeared damp ing to take off solderi ng and split before, the damp ing ring tran sforms serious fault, adopted to repair solderi ng, damping replaced to split, replaced

40、measureslike damping ring,etcf this adopts same transaction measure,the fault cans not get thoroughly removal. In consideration of the damp in g's ring is whole type structure, the big curre nt expa nded severity because of heat rum while flowing, but solid magnetic poles again start only surfac

41、e of magnetic belt Xue have fever and expand smaller, with of damping ring becauseof expand the degree is different, spark two of displacement with opposite creation and thermal stress, cause damp ing ring serious and take off faults like solderi ng,etc, .For overco ming this kind of bug, this carri

42、es on a remould to the damp in g's ring and cut into damp ing ring all 6-like in shape rings, in each ring both ends drilling one more a link a composition segment type damping ring, can wipe - out the internal stressand thermal stress that whole damping ring gen erates like this.3 -Con clusi on

43、When the synchro motor appears fault, cautiously analytical possible reason, gradually expel, look into related data whe n it's n ecessary,absorb experie nee, propose corrective actions.Analytical the dynamo fault not only need to have firm theory knowledge and experienee of prolific maintenance

44、 repairs, but also need to aim at concrete fault, deep consideration, brave creative, the dynamo after ensuring to break down removal can stabilize run - time over a long period of time.永磁同步電動機直接轉矩控制系統(tǒng)0 -引言同步電動機由于具有功率因數高,運行效率高,穩(wěn)定性好,轉速恒定等優(yōu)點, 被廣泛應用于工業(yè)生產中。熟悉同步電動機的起動故障,并及時排除故障,對電動 機本身及生產系統(tǒng)都有重要的意義。為了能及時、

45、準確的排除故障和處理故障,必 須對同步電動機的常見故障進行詳細分析!1-常見故障1.1- 同步電動機通電后不能起動同步電動機起動后不能運行一般有以下幾個方面的原因:(1)電源電壓過低。由于同步電動機的起動轉矩正比于電壓的平方,電源的電 壓過低使同步電動機的起動轉矩大幅下降,低于負載轉矩,從而無法起動,對此要 提高電源電壓,以增大電機的起動轉矩。(2)電動機本身的故障。檢查電動機定、轉子繞組有無短路、斷路,開焊和連 接不良等故障,這些故障都會使電機無法建立起起動的額定的磁場強度,從而使電 機無法起動;檢查電動機軸承有無損壞,端蓋有無松動,若軸承損壞端蓋松動,造 成軸承下沉,與定子鐵心相摩擦,從而

46、造成電機無法起動,對定轉子故障可以用低 壓搖表,逐點查找故障情況,采取相應的處理方法;對軸承和端蓋松動的情況,每 次開車前都要盤車,看電動機轉子轉動是否靈活,如果軸承或軸瓦損壞,要及時更 換。(3)控制裝置故障。此類故障多為勵磁繞組的直流輸出電壓調整不當或無輸出, 造成電動機的定子電流過大,致使電動機過電流動作或電機的失磁運行。此時應檢 查勵磁裝置的輸出電壓電流及其波形是否正常,熔斷器是否熔斷,接觸不良;電路 板插件是否插牢或對準;檢查回路電阻,滅磁鐵晶閘管是否燒斷或擊穿。(4)機械故障。如被拖動的機械卡住,造成電動機不能起動,此時應盤動電動機的轉子看轉動是否靈活,機械負載是否存在故障。1.2

47、- 同步電動機不能牽入同步。同步電動機常用的異步起動法,在電動機轉子轉速達到95%同步轉速時投放勵 磁,使之牽入同步。同步電動機不能牽入同步的原因如下:(1)勵磁繞組短路。由于勵磁繞組、存在短路故障,因而不可能產生額定磁場 強度,導致電動機只能在低于同步轉速下穩(wěn)定運行而不能牽入同步。查找勵磁繞組 短路,可在轉子引出線上通入低電壓(約 30V),用一根手工鋼鋸條放在磁極面上, 逐個檢查磁極,如果該磁極面上鋼鋸條振動劇烈,說明該磁極沒有短路,如果鋸條 微振動或不振,說明該磁極短路。卸下該磁極后,檢查該故障點,是短路程度,采 取局部修理或重新繞制。(2)電源電壓過低。電源電壓過低,造成勵磁裝置的強勵

48、環(huán)節(jié)不能動作,從而 使電動機不能牽入同步,具體辦法是適當提高電源電壓。(3) 勵磁裝置的故障。如投勵過早(即投入勵磁時,電動機轉子轉速過低), 會使電動機無法牽入同步,此時應檢查投勵環(huán)節(jié)是否存在故障。如勵磁裝置故障,輸出的電流低于額定值,導致電機的電磁轉矩過小而無法牽入同步,此時應仔細檢 查勵磁裝置的投勵環(huán)節(jié)和移相環(huán)節(jié),用示波器檢查投勵環(huán)節(jié)和移相環(huán)節(jié)的波形,還 應檢查滅磁環(huán)節(jié)滅磁晶閘管是否正常發(fā)現問題,及時處理,如不能及時處理,為了 能快速恢復生產,應更換備用電路板。1.3- 電刷及壓緊彈簧、集電環(huán)故障。電刷過短,壓緊彈簧壓力不足,使得電刷和集電環(huán)之間接觸不良,從而產生火 花或電弧,電弧或火花一方面易引起短路,另一方面會使電弧燒得更短,從而引起 斷路,造成勵磁裝置只有勵磁電壓而無勵磁電流;壓緊彈簧老化失效,使得電刷和 集電環(huán)之


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