浙大遠程 國際貿(mào)易函電離線作業(yè)答案_第1頁
浙大遠程 國際貿(mào)易函電離線作業(yè)答案_第2頁
浙大遠程 國際貿(mào)易函電離線作業(yè)答案_第3頁
浙大遠程 國際貿(mào)易函電離線作業(yè)答案_第4頁
浙大遠程 國際貿(mào)易函電離線作業(yè)答案_第5頁
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1、浙江大學(xué)遠程教育學(xué)院國際貿(mào)易函電課程作業(yè)姓名:學(xué) 號:年級:2014學(xué)習(xí)中心:衢州Unit one Establishing Trade Relations(建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系)I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese: (P26-27)1.本公司專營紡織品的進口業(yè)務(wù)。2.茲向你自我介紹,敝公司系國營單位,以經(jīng)營輕工產(chǎn)品為主。3.我方航郵寄上現(xiàn)可供應(yīng)出口各類電子產(chǎn)品的小冊子一份。4.貴公司已由日本東京商會推薦給我公司。5.根據(jù)要求,茲另封航郵貨號1101和1102樣品各一份,以供參考。6.我方保證你方訂單會得到立即處理。7.10月27日函悉,

2、謝謝。我方愿與你方商討擴大貿(mào)易的可能性。8. 我們相信通過雙方的努力,貿(mào)易往來定會朝著互利的方向發(fā)展。9. 如果貴方能與我方合作,不勝感激。10. 你方5月7日致進口公司函已轉(zhuǎn)我公司處理。II. Translate the following sentences into English: (P27)1. We are willing to establish trade relations with your company.2. We wish to offer you an opportunity to develop bilateral trade.3. This corporatio

3、n specializes in importing and exporting electronic products and wishes to enter into business relations with you.4. As requested in your letter of Jan.20,we enclose a copy of our catalogue .5. We very much appreciate your efforts to explore the market for our products.6. We are sure that the busine

4、ss between us will be promoted in years to come.7. We assure you of our best attention to any inquiries from you.8. We anticipate a prompt reply from you.III. Translate the following letter into Chinese: (P27)XX先生:本公司是以經(jīng)營進出口業(yè)務(wù)以及對外貿(mào)易有關(guān)的活動為宗旨而建立的。本公司致力于各國和各地區(qū)的貿(mào)易和金融界的商業(yè)往來。我們將努力與各國擴大經(jīng)濟合作和技術(shù)交流,靈活地運用通常而合理

5、的國際慣例。隨函附上公司概況,業(yè)務(wù)范圍和其他方面的小冊子一本,供參考。我們歡迎你方詢價。 XX謹上 20XX年12月28日IV. Translate the following letter into English: (P27) Nov.1,20XXDear .: This corporation specializes in exporting electronic products ,which sell well in various countries.Now we are writing to offer you an opportunity to develop trade.If

6、 you are interested in establishing business relations with us in this line,please let us know your specific requirements. We shall be pleased to forward samples/catalogues as well as detailed information for your re- ference.We assure you of our best attention to any inquiries from you,and anticipa

7、te your prompt response in this respect.Complete each of the following sentences with appropriate word(s) or phrases(s): (P31-32)1.B 2.A 3.D 4. A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.CUnit 2 Enquiries and Offers (詢價報價)I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese: (P49-50)1. 我們隨函寄上詢價單一份。2. 盼早日收到你方的詢價。3. 一接到你方的詢價,我們即會寄

8、上樣品,并報最優(yōu)惠的價格。4. 如果你方報價具有競爭力性的話,我們準備大量采購男式襯衫。5. 請按我方詢價單報最低價格和最早交期。6. 如果你方對電子產(chǎn)品感興趣,請告訴你方具體詢價。7. 現(xiàn)報盤如下,以5天內(nèi)復(fù)到為準。8. 如果你方認為此報盤可接受,即來傳真以便我方確認。9. 上述報盤以我方最后確認為準。10. 請報至紐約成本加保險,運費價(到岸價格)包括百分之三的傭金。II. Translate the following sentences into English: (P50)1. We shall be very glad to place our order with you if

9、your quotation is competitive and delivery date acceptable.2. As soon as we receive your specific inquiry,we will cable our quotation.3. If you are interested, please cable us,indicating the quantity you require.4. This offer is firm,subject to your reply which should reach us not later than the end

10、 of this month.5. We find your offer very interesting and shall give you a definite reply in a few days.6. It is in view of our longstanding business relationship that we make you such an offer.7. This is our latest price list.You ll find our price is very competitive.8. We can reconsider our price

11、if your order is big enough.III. Translate the following letter into Chinese: (P50)XX先生: 很高興收到你方1月10日的詢價,根據(jù)你方要求,今寄上呆插圖的目錄以及明細價格單。另封郵上一些樣品,相信經(jīng)查閱后,你方會同意我方產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量上乘,價格合理。 若每個貨項的購買數(shù)量不少于五籮的話,我們可百分之二的折扣。付款是憑不可撤銷的即期信用證支付。 由于質(zhì)地柔軟、耐用,我們的棉質(zhì)床單和枕套備受歡迎。諒你在研究我方價格后,自然會感到我們難以滿足市場需求的原因。但是,若你方訂貨不遲于本月底,我方保證即期裝運。早復(fù)為盼。 XX謹

12、上 20XX年1月24日IV. Translate the following letter into English: (P50-51)Dear.:Re:TextilesThis company is one of the largest textile importers in New York.We sincerely hope to establish business relations with your company so as to promote trade between our two countries.We are enclosing an inquiry note

13、 No.303 and looking forward to receiving, at an early date,your quotation C.I.F. New York including our 5% commission.While quoting,please state the earliest shipment and quantity available.If your quotation is competitive, we are ready to conclude substantial business with you. Your early reply wil

14、l be very much appreciated.Complete each of the following sentences with appropriate word(s) or phrases(s): (P57)1.A 2.B 3.C 4. B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.CUnit 3 On Price (價格爭議)I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese: (P70-71)1. 如果你方價格有競爭性,我方將寄上訂單。2. 鑒于你我雙方長期的業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系,我們可以考慮減價。3. 遺憾地說,你方報價與此市場行情不一致。4. 此

15、地市場活躍,我們可能獲得的最好價格是每長噸135美元。5. 很遺憾,由于你方價格與市場行情不符,我方很難接受。6. 本地市場不像去年那樣活躍。若你方能減價,比方說百分之三,可望成交。7. 由于你方不同意降低價格,我們只好到他處訂貨。8. 茲復(fù)你3月15日函,發(fā)現(xiàn)由于你方報價太高,我方客戶無法接受。9. 茲寄上報價單一份,等候你方進一步的消息。10. 報給你方的價格是很實際的,很抱歉,你方的還盤不能接受。II. Translate the following sentences into English: (P71)1. Should you be prepared to reduce the

16、price by, say,5%,we would place trial order with you.2. In view of the fact that we have done a lot of business with buyers at this price, we cannot reduce our price any further.3. We suggest that you reconsider your price,and bring it into line with he international market price.4. We have decided

17、to make a further concession of 2% in the hope that this will help you push the sales of our products.5. We regret that it is impossible to accept your counter-offer,even to meet you halfway.6. In respect to quality,we dont think that the goods of other brands can compare with ours.7. Information sh

18、ows that the market will advance further.8. Although we are keen to meet your requirements, we regret being unable to comply with your request for a reduction in price.III. Translate the following letter into Chinese: (P71)(1)XX先生: 關(guān)于你方6月6日電報與同日來函,附上我方第XY/3312訂單,專此函復(fù),至希洽照。我方接受72型每碼1.30美元和82型每碼1.50美元

19、的價格,但84型請你方保持1.80美元的報盤。坦率地說,我方認為即使按此價亦難以銷售,因為市場上有許多更為便宜的型號。付款憑單據(jù)在紐約以信用證支付。一旦貨物備妥待運,請速通知我方。 XX謹上 20XX年6月18日(2) XX先生:你4月10日對我毛織內(nèi)衣的還盤經(jīng)仔細考慮,歉難接受。我4月2日信中的報價對我盈利甚微,實際上低于我競爭者的價格。生產(chǎn)中所用的羊毛經(jīng)特殊專利法處理,以防縮水,增強耐力。我公司是本國最大的毛織內(nèi)衣供應(yīng)商,這一事實本身說明我方產(chǎn)品的價值。我們會高興地聽到你方消息,并慎重考慮能達成交易的任何建議。 XX謹上 20XX年4月22日IV. Translate the follow

20、ing letter into English: (P72) March 28,20XXDear Sirs:We thank you for your letter of march 25.Your comments on our offer of socks have had our close attention.Although we are keen to meet your requirements,we regret that we are unable to comply with your request to reduce the prices as our prices a

21、re closely calculated.Even if there is a difference between our prices and those of other suppliers,you will find it profitable to buy from us because the quality of our products is far better than that of other foreign makers available in you district.However,in order to help you to develop busines

22、s in this line,we are prepared to allow you discount of 5% provided your order calls for minimum quantity of 5,000 pairs.If you find our proposal acceptable,please let us have you order at an early date.Complete each of the following sentences with appropriate word(s) or phrases(s): (P74-75)1.C 2.A

23、3.A 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.AUnit 4 Ordering (訂貨)I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese: (P87)1. 假如你方給百分之五的傭金,我們將向你方試訂一批貨。2. 遺憾我方不能按6周前所開的價接受訂單。3. 很高興收到你方6月16日印花棉布的訂單。4. 所定貨物的付款方式,我們要求憑裝船單據(jù),以保兌的,不可撤銷的即期信用證支付。5. 由于我方客戶急需此貨,希望你方盡早發(fā)運。6. 我們已接你方床單和枕套訂單第237號,茲寄上銷售確認書第BP-103號,一式兩份。7. 謝謝你方合作,盼望收到你方更多訂單

24、。8. 請速告我方是否能按修改價訂貨。9. 你方訂單正在及時處理,你可新來我方將會在規(guī)定時間內(nèi)發(fā)運。10. 茲附上我方試訂單一份。如果質(zhì)量合乎要求,我方近期內(nèi)將寄訂單。希望及時處理此訂單,不勝感激。II. Translate the following sentences into English: (P88)1. Much to our regret,we dont think your quotation is practical.Our customers cant accept it and will turn elsewhere to cover their orders.2. Ow

25、ing to the lack of raw materials,the factory has to stop entertaining new orders.3. Owing to heavy commitments,we are not in a position to accept new orders.However, as soon as fresh supplies come in, well immediately contact you by cable.4. Wed like to state that owing to great demand we can only a

26、ccept August shipment order.5. As we are in urgent need of the goods,would you please do you utmost to effect shipment of our ordered goods by the end of Junes as scheduled.6. The supply of this product is quite limited,and we hope you will cable us your acceptance as soon as possible.7. We may be a

27、ble to supply an additional quantity if you can persuade your enduser to buy this commodity.8. We can reduce our price by 2% if your order exceeds 5,000 pieces.III. Translate the following letter into Chinese: (P88)XX先生:謝謝你方4月12日來信寄我印花棉布的樣品。我方認為其質(zhì)量和價格都稱滿意。茲訂購下列各項,諒能按所定價格,供應(yīng)現(xiàn)貨。數(shù) 量 樣 號 價 格(凈)紐約到岸價格30碼

28、 72 23美分/碼45碼 82 28美分/碼30碼 84 34美分/碼諒這批棉布可獲暢銷市場,并望今后向貴公司下更多的訂單。我們通常的付款方式是憑單據(jù)付現(xiàn),望可接受。請寄銷售確認書一式兩份。 XX謹上 20XX年4月21日IV. Translate the following letter into English: (P88) April 13,20XXDear Sirs:We have received in due course your S/C No.4845 in duplicate.As requested,Weve signed and enclosing one copy f

29、or your file.The relevant L/C has been issued by the Bank of China,New York Branch.Upon receipt of the said,please arrange shipment and inform us by cable of the name of vessel and the date of sailing.VI. Translate the following sentences orally: (P89)1. 購買你方此產(chǎn)品的起訂量是多少?2. 如果你方要買此產(chǎn)品,我們能盡量供應(yīng)你方所需。3. 如果

30、你方不能充分滿足市場需求,我方用戶得從他處購買。4. 明年如果能獲得更多的產(chǎn)品,我們一定考慮你方的要求。5. 因為國內(nèi)市場的變化,我們想取消此貨的訂單。6. If you do purchase this kind of commodity,we can supply the quantity you require.7. Can you meet our requirement?8. May I suggest that you cut down the quantity of your order by half?9. As regards this commodity,I hope yo

31、u will be able to supply more next time.10. Its very difficult for us to get the goods in quantity and make prompt shipment.Complete each of the following sentences with appropriate word(s) or phrases(s): (P90-91)1.A 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.BUnit 5 Terms of Payment (支付方式)I. Translate the following

32、 sentences into Chinese: (P118)1. 關(guān)于對外交貨,我方要求貴方應(yīng)從來往銀行獲取信用證。2. 關(guān)于支付方式,我方歉難接受付款交單。3. 一接到通知,我方將立即開出信用證。4. 為了避免日后的修改,務(wù)請注意信用證條款應(yīng)嚴格按照合同規(guī)定。5. 關(guān)于你方第1234號訂單,請即電開信用證以便我們安排裝運。6. 很遺憾我們不能接受你方2月15日報盤中所提出的付款條件。7. 很抱歉通告你方,所列付款方式與我們通常的貿(mào)易做法不符。、8. 請重新考慮你方的付款條件并告修改的價格。9. 使用支票付款,我們公司將保留所有權(quán)直到該付之金額貸入我公司銀行賬戶為止。10. 為有助于在貴地市

33、場推銷我方產(chǎn)品,作為特殊照顧,我方將接受見票即付的付款交單方式。II. Translate the following sentences into English: (P118)1. We ask for payment by check after receipt of the invoice;discounts are already included in price.2. All business is to be transacted against confirmed and irrevocable letters of credit. 3. You are kindly req

34、uested to have our L/C issued early next month allowing partial shipment and transshipment.4. As direct steamers to your port are few and far between ,please allow for transshipment when opening the L/C.5. In view of the small amount of this transaction,we are prepared to accept payment by D/P as re

35、quested.III. Translate the following letter into English: (P118-119)Dear.:In reply to your inquiry concerning our terms of payment,we would like to inform you as follow:Our conditions are 3% discount on check payment,or net price within ten day.We hope the above will be acceptable to you.Sincerely,

36、March 14,20XXDear.:We thank you for your letter of March 12th.We are pleased o receive your order,and wish to say that we have adequate stocks in our warehouse, and that delivery dates can be met.Payment by irrevocable letter of credit is convenient for us. We are now awaiting the arrival of your L/

37、C, on receipt of which we shall make the necessary arrangements for the shipment of your order.Sincerely, April 9,20XXDear.:We have received your letter of the 8th of April and now wish to remind you that, according to our agreement, you ought to remit to us the amount of our Invoice No.4321 when yo

38、u receive the goods.However,you have to paid for our shipment of the 2nd of March,which probably reached you several days agoWe look forward to receiving your reply soon.Sincerely, IV. Translate the following sentences orally: (P119)1. 我們已經(jīng)談妥了價格,現(xiàn)在來談?wù)劯犊顥l件,怎么樣?2. 開立信用證會增加我方進口貨的成本。3. 我們出口總是愿用信用證,因我們獲得

39、銀行的擔(dān)保。4. 你是否有關(guān)于付款條款方面的具體建議?5. 請你和開證行商量一下,是否把所需要押金設(shè)法減少到最低限度。6. 我不知你們能不能接受付款交單?7. 如果你方答應(yīng)提前一個月交貨,我們將開立信用證。8. 匯票什么時候到期?9. 我方向你支取的3萬美元的匯票,銀行打上存款不足已于昨日退回。10. 你方是否收到我方匯款?11. Please“accept”this draft by signing on the back.12. For a few special import items we can adopt”payment by instalments”.13. To meet y

40、ou halfway,what do you say to 50%by L/C and the balance by D/P?14. When can you mail us the check?15. I would like to remind you that you havent paid off the last shipment yet.Complete each of the following sentences with appropriate word(s) or phrases(s): (P123-124)1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.DUn

41、it 6 Contract (合同)I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese: (P145)1. 在國際貿(mào)易中,售貨確認書可視為合同的憑證。2. 執(zhí)行合同中產(chǎn)生的政治應(yīng)通過友好協(xié)商加以解決。3. 此商品應(yīng)用適合于海運的新木箱包裝。4. 賣方保證合同中訂購的儀器以一流的工藝和最好的的材料制成。5. 你方第57141號信用證中的一些條款與銷售合同的規(guī)定不符。6. 機器的各個方面將符合于合同中所規(guī)定的質(zhì)量要求和規(guī)格。7. 根據(jù)國際貿(mào)易慣例,買賣雙方一旦成交簽約,在法律上應(yīng)承擔(dān)履行合同的責(zé)任。8. 我方希望你方珍惜自己的商業(yè)信譽,履行合同。9.

42、 我們必須指出取消此合同原因不是別的,而是由于你方延遲開立有關(guān)信用證。10. 我們有權(quán)取消由于買方不能履行而延誤的合同。II. Translate the following sentences into English: (P145-146)1. As it is specifically stipulated in the contract, the relevant L/C should reach the seller 15 days before the month of shipment,that is,the L/C covering the goods to be shippe

43、d in May should reach us not later than April 15.2. Because of your delay in opening the relative L/C and the devaluation of pound sterling,it is appropriate that we informed you by cable on Sept.3rd of a raise in our price by 13.6%.Under the circumstances our customers have accepted our adjusted pr

44、ice.3. Your should carry out the contract signed by your representative.No matter what happens to him, the execution of the contract should not be affected.4. As our manufacturers have put the goods ordered into production,they do not agree to your canceling the contract unless they can get proper c

45、ompensation.5. In view of the fact hat your violation of the contract has caused us undeserved losses,we regret to say that we have canceled the contract,and we reserve the right to claim for our losses.III. Translate the following letter into Chinese: (P146)XX先生:根據(jù)20XX年3月10日所訂的購貨合同,貨物最遲應(yīng)該在5月底交貨。遺憾的

46、是,我方迄今尚未收到此貨,亦未接到你方發(fā)貨通知。由于急需此貨,我方確定7月底交貨截止日期。若你方不能按時交貨,我方只得撤約。 XX謹上 20XX年6月15日IV. Translate the following letter into English: (P146)Nov.5,20XXDear.:Your partial shipment of the machine parts has been received today.Unfortunately we have found upon examining the parts that their quality confirms nei

47、ther to the specifications stipulated in the contract, nor to those of your samples.We regret that we must place the entire shipment at your disposal.Could you inform us if you can send us another shipment which corresponds o your samples and if so,what the delivery schedule would be.Pending resolut

48、ion of this matter,we ask you to hold all further shipments.Sincerely,V. Translate the following sentences orally: (P146)1. 史密斯先生,明天早上我們簽合同好嗎?2. 對不起,我不能簽附有這樣罰款條款的合同。3. 我一直在卷宗里查看一些合同。大多數(shù)合同都有仲裁條款。4. 很高興我們就此合同達成了協(xié)議。5. 既然已簽了合約,有關(guān)信用證應(yīng)在發(fā)運前30天到達我方。6. 很抱歉付款條件是不能接受的。7. 由于急需此貨,你方能否接受提前交貨?8. 今晚我想設(shè)宴來慶祝我們的成交。9.

49、明天我把合同帶到你的旅館,好嗎?10. 我放棄部分利潤,這樣是否能與你達成交易?Complete each of the following sentences with appropriate word(s) or phrases(s): (P149-150-)1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.BUnit 7 Shipment (交貨與裝運)I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese: (P167-168)1. 我方將盡力提前裝運,但不能保證。2. 裝運期為2月或3月,由我方?jīng)Q定,貨物將一批發(fā)運。3. 由于承約

50、過多,我方不能將你方訂單提前裝運。4. 一般來說,收到你方信用證后,30天內(nèi)裝運,但一接到你方正式訂單,定會確定具體時間。5. 50噸核桃仁已由“東風(fēng)”輪運往你方。6. 我方抱歉不能按你方要求在3月初出運,因為駛往你港的直輪每月只在20日前后??课腋?。7. 我們感到要讓我方用戶接受延期交貨時不可能的。8. 或在4月至6月分三批均裝發(fā)運。9. 由于延誤開立信用證,或不能按合同規(guī)定期間發(fā)運,要延至9月和10月發(fā)出。10. 若你方能從速發(fā)貨,以趕上季節(jié)開始時的旺市,非常感激。II. Translate the following sentences into English: (P168)1. As

51、 stipulated in the contract,we have airmailed to you a set of duplicate shipping documents upon the completion of shipment.2. Because our factory has confronted unexpected difficulties when producing the goods ordered,please ask your clients to postpone the date of delivery to the end of next month.

52、3. Upon receipt of your payment,well ship the goods by air.4. We regret very much being unable to effect the shipment within the time stipulated in the L/C.Now the factory has promised to get goods ready within one month.5. As our endusers are in urgent need of the contracted machines,you are kindly

53、 requested to ensure shipment at an early date.III. Translate the following letter into Chinese: (P168)XX先生:你方3月21日訂單收到,立即定妥,按規(guī)定日期交貨。遺憾我方不能按所要求的時間提供棕色嗶嘰,其貨號為M3,色號為722。此色的嗶嘰已全部售罄,5月底前印染廠商不會提供新貨。隨函附上同類料作的剪樣。顏色完全相同,并備有現(xiàn)貨。雖然我們通常的價格比M3每碼高出2美分,但我方愿報(與M3)同樣的價格。請從速說明我方是否可用此料替代M3。你方尚未通告我方貨物的發(fā)運和包裝事宜。倘若你方愿意由我方?jīng)Q定,定為竭力效勞。但若你方對此有特殊要求,望你方盡早通知。 XX謹上 20XX年3月30日IV. Translate the following letter into English: (P169)June 24th,20XXDear.:Your letter of June 17th has been received.As of the 3000 sets of Double Offset Ring Spanners under the Purchase Contract No.80616 we would like to advise you as follows:As stip


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