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1、.REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL REPORTNameof Project:Room1234, unit1, F/11,building7, xuefushu homeland,haidian district, BeijingCityEntrusting Party: rrff ffhhgAppraising Institution: Beijinghuaxin real estimate appraisal CO., LTDAppraisers : Ma HaimingChenjiangbonizhonghaiAppraisal Working Date:from April,

2、 2, 2014 to April, 2, 2014Appraisal Report No.: 2014huaxin appraisal G-040051精選文檔.Contents1.Lettertotheentrustingparty.32.Statementbytheappraisers.43.Presumptionandrestrictiveconditions.54.Appraisalresultreport65.Appraisaltechnicalreport.116. Appendix19精選文檔.Letter to the Entrusting PartyDear Ms. Tia

3、n Haiying ,We accepted your appointment to conduct the appraisal on your realestatethatyou have entrusted us. The appraised objectisthe realestatelocated athe appraisal date is July 08, 2010.Purpose of Appraisal: Supplying the reference basis of real estatemarket price for the entrusting partys know

4、ledgeAppraisalResult:Theappraisershaveassessedthevalueof theabove-mentionedrealestateon the basisofindependence,impersonality,equity, legitimacy and cautiousness, adhering to on-spot inspection ofthe real estate as well as comprehensive collection of related marketinformation and appraised object in

5、formation, in the light of generalanalysis the elements which will influence the market value of the realestate, comply with state regulations on real estate appraisal, realestateappraisalrulesand given appraisalpurpose as wellas by utilizinglogical appraisal processes and methods. The appraisal res

6、ult of theappraised object on July 08, 2010 is as follows (currency: RMB):Unit Price of the appraised object:RMB7623 Yuan/Square MeterTotal Price of the appraised object: RMB1,080,200.00 YuanCapitalization(thecapitalform of Chinese numerals):RMBone millionnine eighty thousand and two hundred Yuan)Fo

7、rdetailedappraisalresults,process and relatedexplanation,pleasereferto the AppraisalResult Report andAppraisalTechnicalReport .Taiyuan Wuyuetong Real Estate Appraisal Co.,Ltd精選文檔.July 13, 2010Taiyuan Wuyuetong Real Estate Appraisal CO., LTD( seal )Statement by the AppraisersWe hereby solemnly declar

8、e the following:1.All of the information which has been shown in this report is authentic and accurate.2. All of the analyses, comments and conclusions which have been shownin this report have been presented, given and drawn through our impartial analysis and professional knowledge. However, all of

9、themhave been restricted by the presumptions and restrictive conditions which have been explained in this report.3. We have not had the interest conflict with the appraised object, norhave commoninterestswithor prejudiceagainstthe entrustingparty.4. According to Real Estate Appraisal Rules which is

10、the State Standardof the People's Republic of China, we presented analyses, given comments, drawn conclusions and compose the report eventually.5. The on-site inspection of the appraised object has been done by our appraisers through which they are responsible for the objectivity, authenticity a

11、nd impartiality of the inspection results. However,unless otherwiseagreed, the scope ofon-siteinspectionis restrictedto appearance and use status of the appraised object. The appraisersdo not shoulderthe responsibilityforinvestigatingthestructureandquality of the building as well as for examining ot

12、her overlaid,unexposedandunreachablepartsof theappraisedobject.Theappraiserswho take charge ofon-siteinspectionare Duan ZhihongandChai Hongbin.6.Not any importantand professionalassistancehas been offered totheappraisal report.7. The appraisal is based on the relevant documents supplied by theentrus

13、tingpartywho shallbe heldliablefortheauthenticity,completeness and consequences incurred. The appraisers shall be onlyheld liable for the operation process and fairness of the appraisalmethod adopted.8.The registeredreal estate appraiserswho take charge ofthe appraisal:Duan Zhihong精選文檔.RegisteredPub

14、licReal EstateAppraiserof P. R. China (RegistrationNo.: 1420020030) Date of expiration:September 2010 (seal)Chai HongbinRegisteredPublicReal EstateAppraiserof P. R. China (RegistrationNo.: 1420070031) Date of expiration:September 2010(seal)Presumption and Restrictive Conditions1. The entrusting part

15、y obtained the appraised object legally and the appraised object is in sound condition at the appraisal time and is used legally, safely and normally at its optimal status.2. The real estate market at the appraisal time operates publicly, equally and voluntarily.3. Any operation mode and procedure r

16、elating to the appraised objectshallcomplywiththerelevantnationalandlocallawsandregulations.4.The owner,thelocation,thecategoryofproperty,thebuildingareaand the function of the appraised object in this report shall besubjecttowhat havebeenrecordedintheHouseProprietorshipCertificate provided by the e

17、ntrusting party.5.The appraisal result in this report is the market value of the realestate at the appraisal time of 5th , July, 2010 and meets all thepresumption and restrictive conditions. The real estate price shallbe reappraisedin case theconditionsand purposesetin thisreportvary.6.The appraisal

18、priceinthisreportisobjectiveand impartialmarketprice, without considering the influence on the appraisal result byother rights such as mortgage and leasing right, risk of the futurechange of the real estate market, short-term disciplinary measuresand relevant taxation, etc.7.The appraisalresultshall

19、remain effectivewithinone yearsincethefinalization of the report. If during the period, there is major change in national macroeconomic policy, the real estate market or the physical status of the appraised object which has major effects on the appraisal result, we shall be appointed again to perfor

20、m the appraisal.精選文檔.8. The report shall only be used for the purpose of appraisal by theentrusting party, that is, to supply referential basis for the entrusting party to determine the market value of the real estate. The report shall not be used for other economic activities.9. The report shall be

21、 used as a whole and we shall not be held liable for the relevant losses resulted from the use of the part of the report.Appraisal Result ReportBing Wu Yue Tong Gu Zi 2010 No. 0706The Entrusting Party:Name: Home Address: The Entrusted Appraising Party:Company name: Co., LtdClass:Legal representative

22、:Address:Telephone: (CO., LTD (seal )Appraised ObjectThe appraised object: the appraised object is located at .The buildinghave 7 flootsand was builtin 2004 . Buildingwith steel reinforced concrete structure , the outside wall wastile fixing . The doors of Unites are intelligent security doors ,the

23、ground inside the building is waterstone , iron railings andwooden arms , insidewallisemulsion paint,The appraisedobjectlocated at Room02 , Unit11 ,third floor of the building . It is a residence .精選文檔.Decorationstatusoftheappraisedobject:High-gradedecoration , the floor of the room is covered by im

24、port granite ,the wall is painted by latex, and the flooring angular line is madeof clad plate as well as the suspended ceiling is decorated byfluorescentlamp. Parlouris veryartistic, the wallisblack marble ,integralambry .Theouterwindowoftheroomisdecoratedbytop-grade insulating glass with aluminum

25、alloy, stainless steelguard bar andmarble windowsill. Whats more, the doorof the roomconsistsofsecuritydoor and wooden door , and theflooringangularline is madeof ceramic tile,thesuspended ceiling isdecorated byfluorescentlamp as well.marble wash stand ,sanitaryfittingsarecomplete;therearewater,elec

26、tricity,centralheating,gas,television, internet in the house .StatusofProprietorship:Fang Quan ZhengBingZiNo.S0906546“House ProprietaryCertificate” which has been provided by theentrustingparty shows: Owner: Sun ZhiyuYangFang ;Location: d ; Category of Property: Private; Building No.: 1;RoomNo.0302;

27、Structure:Steel reinforcedconcrete;TotalBuildingFloors: 7; Floor No. of the Appraised Object: 3; Building Area:141.70 square meters; Use of Design: Residence .Purpose of Appraisal: Supplying the reference basis of real estatemarket price for the entrusting partys knowledge .The appraisal date: July

28、08, 2010.Definition of Price: The appraisal adopts the market price standardofthe realestate,that is, theappraisal is complyingwith themarketprice on July 08, 2010 which is the appraisal date.Appraisal Basis:1.“Administration Rule of Urban Real Estate of P. R. China”2.“Administration Rule of Land Us

29、e of P. R. China”3.NationalStandard “ Regulations forReal Estate Appraisal” of P.R. China4.“Property Law of P. R. China”5.“House Proprietorship Certificate”6. The relevant documents supplied by the entrusting party7. Information of the on-site inspection of the appraised object by the appraisers8. R

30、elevant documents concerning the real estate market mastered and collected by the appraising party精選文檔.Appraisal Principles:1. Principle of legalityThe real estate appraisal shall be conducted on the basis of thelegal proprietorship of the real estate, which contains the legalobtainment, legal use,

31、legal transaction or disposition, etc.2. Principle of Maximal and Optimal UseTheappraisalofthe realestateshallbe based on the maximal andoptimal use.The maximal and optimal use means enabling the appraised objectto generate the maximal value legallyallowed,technicallypossible,economically feasible a

32、nd after reasonable argument.3. Principle of ReplacementThe appraisal result shall not deviate from the normal price ofsimilarpropertyundersimilarconditionsobviously.Similarproperty refers to real estate in comparable search area and equalor similar to the appraised object concerning the function, s

33、cope,gradeandbuildingstructure.Comparablesearch areameans theregional range where therealestatemay replace the appraised objector affect the price of the appraised object.4. Principle of Appraisal TimeThisprincipleemphasizesthattheappraisalresultistimedependentandtimeeffective.Asthe realestatemarket

34、isever-changing, the same real estate always has different prices atdifferent appraisal time. The appraisal result is the objective andreasonable price or value of the appraised object at the appraisaltime.5. Principle of Objectiveness and FairnessTheappraisalisbased on sufficientinvestigation,compr

35、ehensionand analysisoftheactualconditionsoftheappraisedobject,strictly obeys the relevant laws and decrees of the state, ShanxiProvinceandTaiyuanMunicipality,considerstheinterestsofcorrelativepartiesfully,followsscientificappraisalprocedures,adopts reasonable and suitableappraisalmethods and through

36、carefuland accurate calculation.6. Principle of PrudenceWe shallnot overestimatebenefitsand costs, and shallnotchoosecases with higher deal price; we shall not underestimate cost rateand choose lower relative parameters either. Prudence is necessarybefore making professional judgment under uncertain

37、 situations.Anyway,inthe processof the appraisal,we shallobey the relevantnational and local laws and decrees, adheres to such principles asobjectiveness,fairness,scienceand legitimacysoastoensurerationalappraisalprocedure,scientificappraisalmethod, accurate精選文檔.appraisal result and the secret of th

38、e appraisal.Appraisal Method:According to the appraisal purpose, the development degree ofTaiyuanReal Estatemarketand the appraisalmaneuverability,on thebasis of analyze the relevant data and investigate appraised objecton-site. In view of the real estate of the same kind has a highfrequency of leas

39、ing, as a result of this, the appraisers calculatethepriceoftheappraisedobjectbymarketcomparisonmethod.Consequently,accordingto thecharacteristicsoftheappraisedobjectand theactualsituation,as wellas comply with thedoctrineof real estate appraisal method, the method has been adopted todetermine the m

40、arket value of the appraised object.The method istoanticipatethe normalnetprofitoftheappraisedobject in the future and choose suitable capitalization rate todiscountsuch profitto theappraisaltimeforaccumulation,in ordertoestimatetheobjectiveandreasonablepriceorvalueoftheappraised object .Appraisal R

41、esultThe appraisershave assessed thevalueof the above-mentionedrealestateonthebasisofindependence, impersonality,equity,legitimacy and cautiousness, adhering to on-spot inspection of thereal estate as well as comprehensive collection of related marketinformationand appraisalobjectinformation,inthe l

42、ightofgeneralanalysis the elements which will influence the market value of therealestate,comply withstateregulationson realestateappraisal,real estate appraisal rules and given appraisal purpose as well asby utilizing logical appraisal processes and methods. The appraisalresultof the appraisedobjec

43、ton July 08,2010 isas follows(currency:RMB):Unit Price of the appraised object: RMB7623 Yuan/Square MeterTotal Price of the appraised object: RMB1,080,200.00 YuanCapitalization (the capital form of Chinese numerals): RMB one million nine eighty thousand and two hundred Yuan)Appraisers :Duan ZhihongR

44、egisteredPublicReal EstateAppraiserof P. R. China (RegistrationNo.: 1420020030) Date of expiration:September 2010 (seal)精選文檔.Chai HongbinRegisteredPublicReal EstateAppraiserof P. R. China (RegistrationNo.: 1420070031) Date of expiration:September 2010(seal)Appraisal Working Date:From July 08, 2010 t

45、o July 13, 2010Validity Term of the Appraisal ReportThe appraisal result shall be valid within one year from the finalization of the report.Application Range of the Appraisal ReportThe report supplies the basis for the reference price for the entrusting party s knowledge of the market price of the r

46、eal estate. It is ineffective for other economic activities.Taiyuan Wuyuetong Real Estate Appraisal CO., LTD( seal )Appraisal Technical ReportClause 1 General Situation of the Appraised Real Estate1. Individual Elements Analysis(1) Status of ProprietorshipFang Quan Zheng Bing Zi No.S0906546 “House P

47、roprietary Certificate ” which has been provided by the entrusting partyshows: Owner: Sun Zhiyu YangFang ; Location: ;精選文檔.Category of Property: Private; Building No.: 1; Room No.0302;Structure: Steel reinforced concrete; Total Building Floors: 7;FloorNo. of the Appraised Object:3; BuildingArea:141.70 squaremeters; Use of Design: Residence(2) Substance Entity Condition(3) The appraised object: the appraised object is located at .The building have 7 floots and was built in 2004 .Buildingwithsteel reinforcedconcretestructure, the outsidewall was tilefixing. The doors of


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