1、A1. 寧靜的鄉(xiāng)村生活從來對我沒有任何的吸引力。(Never,appeal)2. 他很快適應了新的工作環(huán)境,并著手開始保護瀕危動物的工作。(adapt)3. 他承認他對解決資金短缺問題的關鍵一無所知。(admit)4. 該鼓勵學生將課堂上所學的知識運用到實踐中去。(apply)-5. 幾乎人人能享用電腦,這給我們的生活帶來了方便。(access)6. 這些廣告旨在吸引消費者購買商品。(appeal)7. 各色陽傘給夏日的街頭平添了活潑的氣氛。(add to)8. 他網球比賽輸了,因為他不習慣與左撇子打球。(accustom)9. 彩燈與彩旗增添了節(jié)日的氣氛。(add)10. 我們必須意識中國正
2、在國際事務中起著越來越重要的作用。(aware)11. 如果你仔細檢查的話,絕大部分拼寫錯誤是可以避免的。(avoid)12. 當你祝賀一個外國人獲得成功時,你必須考慮到文化差異。(account n.)13. 由于雙方觀點大相徑庭,最終沒有達成任何協(xié)議。(agreement)14. 如果你在這兒多呆一段時間,你會適應這兒的天氣和飲食。(and)15. 如果你仔細檢查的話,絕大部分拼寫錯誤是可以避免的。(avoid)16. 一個人的童年所經歷的一切往往對一生都會產生重大影響。(affect)17. 由于大霧,從北京開往上海的火車晚點了2個多小時。(delay)18. 有趣的是,那位英語老師常常
3、被誤認為是學生,因為她看上去很年輕。(mistake, appear)19. 如果你能考取復旦大學的話,你的父母肯定會為你感到驕傲。(admit)20. 他很累,但他仍然工作到深夜。(as)B21. 這次事故怪不得孩子們。(blame)C22. 香港被認為是世界金融和商業(yè)中心。(consider)23. 胡蘿卜富含維他命,包括維他命E。(contain)24. 每天照料兩個孩子使得她感覺精疲力竭。(care)25. 在這種情況下我們別無選擇,只能等待救援。(choice)26. 農場的新鮮空氣治好了他的頭痛病。(cure)27. 士兵們發(fā)現很難在天黑前走完50公里。(cover)28. 若Ma
4、ry更自信些,她原本能得到那份兼職。(confident)29. 他沒有意識到自己的缺點直到老師提醒他。(conscious; remind)30. Back ham被視作為優(yōu)秀的足球運動員之一。(consider)31. 正在訪問我校的代表團(delegation)由2位校長和14位老師組成。(consist)32. 寫這本小說作家付出了五年的辛勤勞動。(cost)33. 和我預期的相反,音樂會的門票賣得不好。(contrary)34. 由于司機沒遵守交通法規(guī),車禍奪去了他的生命。(observe; cost)35. 同其他學生相比,那個女孩有更強的英語聽說能力。(compare)36. 和
5、我預期的相反,音樂會的門票賣得不好。(contrary)-消防隊要想控制住火勢有很大困難。(difficulty; control n.)37. 你告訴我細節(jié)越多,我越對這起謀殺案好奇。(curious)38. 店主在賣這手表時向你開價多少?(charge)39. 與他的同事相比,他更合適擔任這個職務。(compare)D40. 運動會是否如期舉行取決于天氣。(depend)41. 按照指示你就能毫不費力地操縱這臺機器。(direction)42. 令教練失望的是她沒能在比賽中擊敗對手(opponent)。(disappoint v.)43. 只有當你從中吸取教訓你才能不斷取得進步。(draw
6、)44. 我和Jack在外貌上截然不同,這使我們很容易被區(qū)分(tell apart)。(different; which)46. 你無法想象這位母親在獨自撫養(yǎng)2個孩子中遇到的困難。(have difficulty)47. 派誰去參加東京時裝比賽至今還未決定。(decide)48. 盡管困難重重,他們還是設法完成了既定的任務。(despite)49. 人們越來越依賴計算機解決各種各樣的問題。(depend)50. 你的建議的確對她影響很大,她不再是以前的她了。(difference)51. 我認為他參不參加這次比賽都一樣。(difference)E52. 我對John不太了解,只知道他畢業(yè)于紐約
7、州立大學。(except)53. 如果服藥不當,有些藥品會產生副作用。(effect)52. 和其他任何東西相比,計算機對人們的生活產生更大的影響。(effect)53. 如果你采用先進的方法,你就能取得事半功倍的效果。(effort)54. 適當引用一些諺語能使你更容易表達你想講的話。(enable)55. 鐳(radium)的發(fā)現使居里(Curies)夫婦被授予了諾貝爾獎。(enable)56. 教授的話鼓勵她克服了一個又一個困難。(encourage; overcome)57. 1000元足夠滿足你的需要嗎?(enough)58. 我認為素質教育更強調如何把一個人把所學到的東西運用到實踐
8、中去。(emphasis)59. 你能想象這個老人用一頭牛換了一袋爛蘋果嗎?(exchange)60. 戰(zhàn)士們配備了最新的武器用以反擊敵人。(equip)61. 他們什么也做不了只能等候進一步的消息。(except)62. 正如所料的,他沒有向我解釋遲到的理由。(expect; explain)63. 不要對我期望過高,因為這超出了我的能力范圍。(expect; beyond ones power)64. 我忙于做實驗以至于錯過了午飯時間。(be engaged; so as to)65. 老師應盡可能讓學生接觸真實的生活情景。(expose; as far as possible)66. 如
9、果你掌握一門外語,又精通計算機,找工作就容易多了。(equip)F66. 誰也不能強迫他做他認為是錯誤的事。(force)67. 我們今天面臨的問題是如何減輕污染。(face)68. 不遵守交通規(guī)則的人遲早會受到懲罰的。(fail)69. 她的工作效率一點也不高,這常常遭到老板的指責。(far from; which)70. 這次會議將重點解決如何防止艾滋病在世界范圍內泛濫的問題。(focus)71. 他以前幾乎聽不進別人的建議,總是我行我素。(follow)G72. 子女贍養(yǎng)父母是天經地義的。(granted)H73. 她康復的希望似乎很小,然而醫(yī)生們還在盡力而為。(however)74.
10、不懂規(guī)則你幾乎無法欣賞這種比賽。(Hardly fail)75. 我碰巧讀過今天課上Smith教授提到的那本書。(happen)76. 積極的態(tài)度以及家長與孩子之間的溝通有助于縮小代溝。(helpful)77. 所幸爆炸發(fā)生的時候屋里恰好沒有人。(happen)78. 長時間在太陽光下看書對眼睛有害。(harm)79. 在過去的十年中,這個地區(qū)發(fā)生了翻天覆地的變化。(happen)I80. 如果你有輛摩托車,就不必依賴出租車和公共汽車了。(independent)81. 你如果感冒了,就別靠近我我不想受到傳染。(infect)82. 那天我真粗心,把你的名字寫錯了。(It)83. E-mail
11、和BBS等通訊方式使人們的交流手段產生了巨大變革。(influence)84. 他被她天真無邪的外表所蒙騙,把錢借給了她。(innocent, take)85. 勤洗手是避免疾病傳染的有效方法之一。(infect)86. 事實上,任何和這個案件有牽連的人遲早都會受到懲罰,因為法網恢恢,疏而不漏。(involve)87. 那個做事體貼又周到的同事給他留下了好的印象。(impression)88. 那些志愿者做好事的人從來就不圖金錢回報,他們認為只有這樣才能問心無愧。(in return)89. 兩個警察沖了進來,將他帶走。(In)90. 這錢是計劃用來開發(fā)旅游業(yè)的。(intend)91. 我們發(fā)
12、現有必要在考試前把學過的東西復習一遍。(it)92. 是堅強的信念使這位盲童有可能去上學。(makepossible)93. 我發(fā)現很難與那些一貫固執(zhí)己見的人合作。(it)94正是在認真熱烈的討論之后才得出了最后的結論。(It)95. 上海的飛速發(fā)展給來訪者留下了深刻的印象。(impression)96. 由于缺乏經驗,他給面試官留下了不好的印象。(lack; impression)97. 我很抱歉地通知你,你的申請被拒絕了。(inform)98. 幾乎所有的人購物時都受到廣告的影響。(influence)99. 女孩以她的活潑和幽默感給面試者留下了深刻的印象。(impress)K100. 充
13、分利用時間并不意味著從早到晚不停地看書。(keep)101. 從他的舉止來看,他一定受過良好的教育。(judge)-L102. 經理不可能雇傭更多的人。(likely)M103. 越經常用英語,你就會發(fā)現它越容易學。(the more the more)104. 人越窮就越渴望改善生活狀態(tài)。(the morethe more)105. 你的詞匯量越大,你閱讀原版小說會越感到容易。(The morethe more)106. 一般來說,詞匯量越大,表達時就越流暢。(the morethe more)-孩子越小,父母越有可能屈服于他的要求。(the morethe more)N108. 沒有什么地
14、方的花像我的花園里的那么漂亮。(nowhere)109. 人們往往要在失去某些東西時才懂得它是多么寶貴。(Not)110. 以前我從來不知道你經歷過那么多的人生磨難。(Never)111. 直到上世紀初,人們才意識到電對于生活有著重要的影響。(not until)112. 最令我感到失望的不是他的無知而是他的懶散。(notbut)113. 英文初學者犯這樣的錯誤是很正常的。(natural)114. 這種鍛煉方式很有效,而且老少皆宜。(not onlybut also)O115. 所有這些消息表明,全世界人民都希望和平,反對戰(zhàn)爭。(object)116. 母親反對他在外面玩, 因為天在下雨。(
15、object)117. 只有經過仔細觀察,你才能得出結論。(only)118. 據報道,1998年中國很多地區(qū)發(fā)生了嚴重的水災。(occur)119. 多虧了那場大雨,持續(xù)了五個星期的森林大火終于被撲滅了。(owing to)120. 我沒有想到湯姆會被選為學生會主席。(occur)121. 做決定前你一定要三思,否則你會后悔的。(or)122. 突然想起,雨傘忘在電影院了。(occur)123. 一旦養(yǎng)成壞習慣,就很難把它改掉。(once)P124. 海外華人都為中國最近十年取得的驚人成就感到自豪。(proud)125. 不管天有多晚,他從不把今天的事拖到明天。(put off)126. 適
16、當的目光接觸在談話中起著重要的作用。(part)127. 由于缺錢我們沒有把這個計劃付諸實踐。(practice)128. 今日事今日畢。(put off)129. 她花了九牛二虎之力才把這輛老爺車修好。(pains)130. 救援工作已經持續(xù)多日,失蹤的人基本無生還的可能了。(possibility)R131. 這張照片使我想起了我們在夏令營度過的日子。(remind)132. 很難預計她下周是否能康復。(recover)133. 吸煙會引起肺癌,所以你最好把它戒掉。(rise)134. 他過去的經歷時常提醒他中國的一句古話不要以貌取人。(remind) 135. 與會的人們對政府是否應該提
17、高個人所得稅眾說風云。(raise)136. 那對我們是有害還是有利拭目以待。(remain)137. “劇院魅影”正在上海大劇院排練,我希望能抓住機會向女主角要一個簽名。(rehearsal)138. 油價的不斷上漲使得一部分出租車公司舉步艱難。(rise)139. 適當地放松一下自己有助于提高學習效率。(relax)140. 這個班級由50個年齡從15到20歲的學生組成。(range) 141. 為了給母親治病,他打算買下那種藥,不管價錢多少。(regardless)S142. 這款洗衣機自上市以來因其價廉物美而暢銷國內外市場。(sell)-這孩子太調皮了,使得他那忙于工作的父母常常心煩意
18、亂。(So)143. 這份工作要求太高,沒幾個人能勝任。(sothat)144. 專家們建議污水凈化后才能排入河流。(suggest)145. 颶風來得太突然,人們對此毫無準備。(So)146. 他們對哲學了解很少,以至于其中大多數人根本不能理解講座。(So)147. 離開實驗室前請務必關好門窗。(see to)148. 誰將替代該俱樂部主席的位置還有待討論。(substitute)149. 在這樣一座大城市里要找到一件稱心的工作不是輕而易舉的事。(satisfactory)T150. 如果你不喜歡你的書,我和你對換。(trade)151. 隨著生活水平的提高,越來越多的人想要周游世界。(to
19、ur)152. 他身體太弱,無法承擔如此高強度的工作。(too)153. 隨著春節(jié)的臨近,小鎮(zhèn)呈現一派節(jié)日的氣氛。(take)U154. 學習上沒有捷徑,要成功非下苦功夫不可。(unless)155. 如果你不注意拼寫,很難在考試中得高分。(unless)W156. 任何一個在考試中作弊的學生都將受到嚴懲。(Whoever)157. 剛才提到的那本書很值得一讀。(worth)158. 今天天氣這么好,我們何不去購物? (why)159. 畢竟,所有的生物都是以某種東西為食,不管是植物還是動物。(whether)160不在房間的時候別讓燈開著。(when)159. 使我擔心的是,這孩子除了電腦,
20、似乎對什么都不敢興趣。(What)160. 政治老師推薦的那部描述“二戰(zhàn)”的電影確實值得一看。(worthy、worth)161. 在缺乏足夠證據的情況下我們很難得出正確的結論。(without)A1. 寧靜的鄉(xiāng)村生活從來對我沒有任何的吸引力。(Never,appeal)-Never has the quiet life of the country appealed to me.2. 他很快適應了新的工作環(huán)境,并著手開始保護瀕危動物的工作。(adapt)-He soon adapted himself to the new working conditions and set out to
21、protect the animals in danger.3. 他承認他對解決資金短缺問題的關鍵一無所知。(admit)-He admitted that he knew nothing about the key to the problem of the shortage of fund. 4. 該鼓勵學生將課堂上所學的知識運用到實踐中去。(apply)-Students should be encouraged to apply what we have learned in class to practice.5. 幾乎人人能享用電腦,這給我們的生活帶來了方便。(access)-No
22、w almost everybody has access to computers, and this brings convenience to our lives.6. 這些廣告旨在吸引消費者購買商品。(appeal)-These advertisements aim at appealing to customers to buy goods.7. 各色陽傘給夏日的街頭平添了活潑的氣氛。(add to)-Colourful umbrellas add to a lively atmosphere in the summer streets.8. 他網球比賽輸了,因為他不習慣與左撇子打球
23、。(accustom)-She was beaten in the tennis match for she was not accustomed to playing with the left-handers.9. 彩燈與彩旗增添了節(jié)日的氣氛。(add)-The colourful lights and flags added to (= increased) the atmosphere of the festival.10. 我們必須意識中國正在國際事務中起著越來越重要的作用。(aware)-We must be aware that China is playing a more a
24、nd more important role/part in the international affairs.11. 如果你仔細檢查的話,絕大部分拼寫錯誤是可以避免的。(avoid)-If you had checked it more carefully, most of the spelling mistakes could have been avoided.12. 當你祝賀一個外國人獲得成功時,你必須考慮到文化差異。(account n.)-When you want to congratulate a foreigner on his success, you must take
25、 the cultural difference into account.13. 由于雙方觀點大相徑庭,最終沒有達成任何協(xié)議。(agreement)-As the two parties hold totally different idea, they didnt reach any agreement.14. 如果你在這兒多呆一段時間,你會適應這兒的天氣和飲食。(and)-Stay here longer and you will adapt to the weather and food.18. 如果你仔細檢查的話,絕大部分拼寫錯誤是可以避免的。(avoid)-If you had c
26、hecked it more carefully, most of the spelling mistakes could have been avoided.19. 一個人的童年所經歷的一切往往對一生都會產生重大影響。(affect)-What a person experienced in the childhood is likely to affect a person in his or her rest life.20. 由于大霧,從北京開往上海的火車晚點了2個多小時。(delay)-Because of the thick fog, the train from Beijing
27、to Shanghai was delayed for more than two hours.18. 有趣的是,那位英語老師常常被誤認為是學生,因為她看上去很年輕。(mistake, appear)-It is interesting that the English teacher is often mistaken for a student as she appears young.26. 如果你能考取復旦大學的話,你的父母肯定會為你感到驕傲。(admit)-If you can be admitted into Fudan University, your parents will
28、surely be proud of you.27. 他很累,但他仍然工作到深夜。(as)-Tired as he was, he still worked late into the midnight.B28. 這次事故怪不得孩子們。(blame)-The children were not to blame for the accident.C29. 香港被認為是世界金融和商業(yè)中心。(consider)-Hong Kong is considered as the business and financial center in the world.30. 胡蘿卜富含維他命,包括維他命E。
29、(contain)-Carrots contain rich vitamins, including vitamin E.31. 每天照料兩個孩子使得她感覺精疲力竭。(care)-Taking care of two children daily makes him feel extremely tired/exhausted.32. 在這種情況下我們別無選擇,只能等待救援。(choice)-We had no choice under such circumstance but to wait to be rescued.26. 農場的新鮮空氣治好了他的頭痛病。(cure)-The fres
30、h air on the farm cured him of his headache.32. 士兵們發(fā)現很難在天黑前走完50公里。(cover)-The soldiers found it difficult to cover 50 kilometers before dark.33. 若Mary更自信些,她原本能得到那份兼職。(confident)-If Mary had been more confident, she would have got the part-time job.34. 他沒有意識到自己的缺點直到老師提醒他。(conscious; remind)-He was no
31、t conscious of his fault until the teacher reminded him of it.35. Back ham被視作為優(yōu)秀的足球運動員之一。(consider)-Back ham is considered as one of the excellent football players.36. 正在訪問我校的代表團(delegation)由2位校長和14位老師組成。(consist)-The delegation visiting our school now consists of two principals and fourteen teacher
32、s.32. 寫這本小說作家付出了五年的辛勤勞動。(cost)-The writing of this novel / Writing this novel (動名詞) cost the writer five years of hard work. . 33. 和我預期的相反,音樂會的門票賣得不好。(contrary)-Contrary to what I had expected, the tickets for the concert didnt sell well34. 由于司機沒遵守交通法規(guī),車禍奪去了他的生命。(observe; cost)-Because the driver di
33、dnt observe the traffic regulations, the car accident cost him his life.35. 同其他學生相比,那個女孩有更強的英語聽說能力。(compare)-Compared with other students, the girl has better listening and speaking abilities in English.45. 和我預期的相反,音樂會的門票賣得不好。(contrary)-Contrary to what I had expected, the tickets for the concert di
34、dnt sell well.46. 消防隊要想控制住火勢有很大困難。(difficulty; control n.)-The fire brigade had much difficulty (in) getting the fire under control.47. 你告訴我細節(jié)越多,我越對這起謀殺案好奇。(curious)-The more details you tell me, the more curious Im about the murder.48. 店主在賣這手表時向你開價多少?(charge)-How much did the shop owner charge you
35、for the watch?49. 與他的同事相比,他更合適擔任這個職務。(compare)-Compared with his colleagues, he is more capable of the job.D50. 運動會是否如期舉行取決于天氣。(depend)-Whether the sports meet will be held as planned / scheduled depends on the weather.51. 按照指示你就能毫不費力地操縱這臺機器。(direction)-Follow the directions and youll have no troubl
36、e (in) operating the machine.52. 令教練失望的是她沒能在比賽中擊敗對手(opponent)。(disappoint v.)-What disappointed the coach was that she didnt defeat the opponent in the match.53. 只有當你從中吸取教訓你才能不斷取得進步。(draw)-Only when you draw some lesson from it can you keep making progress.54. 我和Jack在外貌上截然不同,這使我們很容易被區(qū)分(tell apart)。(
37、different; which)-Jack and I are quite different in appearance, which makes it easy to tell us apart.46. 你無法想象這位母親在獨自撫養(yǎng)2個孩子中遇到的困難。(have difficulty)-You cant imagine the difficulty the mother had (in) bringing up two children alone54. 派誰去參加東京時裝比賽至今還未決定。(decide)-Who will be sent to take part in the fa
38、shion competition in Tokyo (主語從句) hasnt (謂語單數) been decided yet.55. 盡管困難重重,他們還是設法完成了既定的任務。(despite)-Despite the great difficulties, they managed to complete the desired tasks.56. 人們越來越依賴計算機解決各種各樣的問題。(depend)-People depend more and more on computers to solve problems of various kinds.57. 你的建議的確對她影響很大
39、,她不再是以前的她了。(difference)-Your advice really has made a difference to her. She is no longer what she used to be.58. 我認為他參不參加這次比賽都一樣。(difference)-I dont think it makes any difference whether he takes part in the competition or not.E59. 我對John不太了解,只知道他畢業(yè)于紐約州立大學。(except)-I knew very little about John exc
40、ept that he graduated from New York State University.60. 如果服藥不當,有些藥品會產生副作用。(effect)-If taken improperly, some medicine can produce ill-effect/side effect.52. 和其他任何東西相比,計算機對人們的生活產生更大的影響。(effect)-Compared with anything else, computers have a greater effect on peoples life.58. 如果你采用先進的方法,你就能取得事半功倍的效果。(
41、effort)-If you adopt the advanced method, you are able to achieve twice the result with half the effort.59. 適當引用一些諺語能使你更容易表達你想講的話。(enable)-Quoting some proverbs properly (動名詞作主語) enables you to express what you want to say more easily.60. 鐳(radium)的發(fā)現使居里(Curies)夫婦被授予了諾貝爾獎。(enable)-The discovery of r
42、adium enabled the Curies to be awarded a Nobel Prize.61. 教授的話鼓勵她克服了一個又一個困難。(encourage; overcome)-What the professor said encouraged her to overcome one difficulty after another.62. 1000元足夠滿足你的需要嗎?(enough)-Will 1000 yuan be enough to meet your needs?58. 我認為素質教育更強調如何把一個人把所學到的東西運用到實踐中去。(emphasis) -I th
43、ink creative education lays more emphasis on how to apply what one has learned to practice.59. 你能想象這個老人用一頭牛換了一袋爛蘋果嗎?(exchange)-Can you imagine that the old man should exchange a cow for a bag of rotten apples?67. 戰(zhàn)士們配備了最新的武器用以反擊敵人。(equip)-The soldiers are equipped with the latest weapons to fight ag
44、ainst the enemy.68. 他們什么也做不了只能等候進一步的消息。(except)-They could do nothing except wait for further information.69. 正如所料的,他沒有向我解釋遲到的理由。(expect; explain)-As is expected, he didnt explain the reason why he was late to me.70. 不要對我期望過高,因為這超出了我的能力范圍。(expect; beyond ones power)-Dont expect too much of me, for t
45、his is beyond my power.71. 我忙于做實驗以至于錯過了午飯時間。(be engaged; so as to)-I was engaged in doing the experiment so as to miss the lunchtime.72. 老師應盡可能讓學生接觸真實的生活情景。(expose; as far as possible)-Teachers should expose their students to real life situations as far as possible.73. 如果你掌握一門外語,又精通計算機,找工作就容易多了。(equ
46、ip)-If you are equipped with a good command of computer and English, it is much easier for you to find a job。F66. 誰也不能強迫他做他認為是錯誤的事。(force)-Nobody can force him to do what he think is wrong.80. 我們今天面臨的問題是如何減輕污染。(face)-One of the most serious problems we are facing/are faced with today is how to reduc
47、e pollution.81. 不遵守交通規(guī)則的人遲早會受到懲罰的。(fail)-Those who fail to observe the traffic regulations will be punished sooner or later.82. 她的工作效率一點也不高,這常常遭到老板的指責。(far from; which)-Her work is far from efficient, which is often scolded by the boss.83. 這次會議將重點解決如何防止艾滋病在世界范圍內泛濫的問題。(focus)-The conference will focu
48、s on how to prevent the spread of AIDS throughout the world.84. 他以前幾乎聽不進別人的建議,總是我行我素。(follow)-He seldom followed others advice and always behaved in his own way.G85. 子女贍養(yǎng)父母是天經地義的。(granted)-We take it for granted that sons and daughters should support their parents.H86. 她康復的希望似乎很小,然而醫(yī)生們還在盡力而為。(howeve
49、r)-There seems little hope of her recovery. (There be 句型) However, the doctors are still doing all they could.87. 不懂規(guī)則你幾乎無法欣賞這種比賽。(Hardly fail)-Hardly can you appreciate the match if you fail to understand the rules.88. 我碰巧讀過今天課上Smith教授提到的那本書。(happen)-I happened to have read the book professor Smith
50、 mentioned in todays lesson.89. 積極的態(tài)度以及家長與孩子之間的溝通有助于縮小代溝。(helpful)-A positive attitude and communication between parents and children is helpful to narrow the generation gap.90. 所幸爆炸發(fā)生的時候屋里恰好沒有人。(happen)-Fortunately there happened to be no one in the house at the time of the explosion.-Fortunately i
51、t happened that there was no one in the house at the time of the explosion.91. 長時間在太陽光下看書對眼睛有害。(harm)-Reading in the sun for a long time does harm to ones eyes.92. 在過去的十年中,這個地區(qū)發(fā)生了翻天覆地的變化。(happen)-Great changes have happened in this area over the past ten years.I80. 如果你有輛摩托車,就不必依賴出租車和公共汽車了。(independe
52、nt)-If you have a motorcycle, youre independent of taxis and buses.84. 你如果感冒了,就別靠近我我不想受到傳染。(infect)-If youve got a cold, dont come near me I dont want to be infected.85. 那天我真粗心,把你的名字寫錯了。(It)-It was so careless of me to misspell your name the other day.86. E-mail和BBS等通訊方式使人們的交流手段產生了巨大變革。(influence)-F
53、orms of communication such as E-mail and BBS have great influenced the way people communicate.84. 他被她天真無邪的外表所蒙騙,把錢借給了她。(innocent, take)-He was deceived / cheated / taken in by her innocent appearance and lent money to her.85. 勤洗手是避免疾病傳染的有效方法之一。(infect)-Washing hands often/frequently/ regularly is on
54、e of the effective ways to avoid being infected by disease. 86. 事實上,任何和這個案件有牽連的人遲早都會受到懲罰,因為法網恢恢,疏而不漏。(involve)-In reality/fact, whoever/anybody who is involved in the case will be punished sooner or later, because justice has long arms.89. 那個做事體貼又周到的同事給他留下了好的印象。(impression)-The thoughtful and consid
55、erate colleague left a good impression on him.90. 那些志愿者做好事的人從來就不圖金錢回報,他們認為只有這樣才能問心無愧。(in return)-Those who volunteer to do good deeds never ask for money in return. They think only in this way, can they have a clear conscience.89. 兩個警察沖了進來,將他帶走。(In)-In came two policeman who took him away.90. 這錢是計劃用
56、來開發(fā)旅游業(yè)的。(intend)-The money was intended for the development of tourism.93. 我們發(fā)現有必要在考試前把學過的東西復習一遍。(it)-We find it necessary to (結構) go over what we have learned before examinations.94. 是堅強的信念使這位盲童有可能去上學。(makepossible)-It was the strong belief that made it possible for the blind child to enter the university.93. 我發(fā)現很難與那些一貫固執(zhí)己見的人合作。(it) -I find it h
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