



1、專四口試真題Taskl: Retelling a story1I once knew an old man whose bad memory made him famous. Joh nSmith was so forgetful that he sometimes forget what he was talki ngabout in the middle of a sen ten ce. His wife had to con sta ntly remind himabout his meetings, his classes- evenhis meals! Once he forgot

2、he had eate n breakfast twice, at home andat school. His wife liked to remi nd her neighbors, “If John didn t havehis head tied on.He would forget that too! ”Since Smith was aprofessor at a well-k nown uni versity, his forgetfulness was often anembarrassment. It wasn t that he was not clever, as som

3、e critical peopletended to say, but just very, very abse nt- min ded. One hot summer day, Professor Smith decided totake his childre n to a seaside tow n about a three-hour tra in ride away.To make the trip more in teresti ng for his young childre n, he kept the name叮叮小文庫2of the tow n a secret. Howe

4、ver, by the time theyarrived at the statio n, Smith forgot the n ame of the tow n he was planning to visit. Luckily, a friend of his happe ned to be in the stati on. Heoffered to take care of the children while Smith hurried back home to findout where he was going.6The professor s wife was surprised

5、 to see him aga in so soon.“ Oh, my dear, I forgot the n ame the tow n.”“ What? You forgot the n ame? Maybe one day you will forget myname! Now I ll write the name of that town on a piece of paper, and youput it in your pocket and please, please don t forget where you put it. ”7Satisfied that she ha

6、d solved the problem, she sent her husba nd offaga in. Ten minu tes later she was ast oni shed to see him outside thehouse for the third time.“ What is the matter now? ”“As you told me, I didn t forget where I put then ame of that tow n, but I forgot where I left our children! ”Task2: Talki ng on a

7、give n topicDirecti ons: Describe a teacher of yours whom you find unu sual.叮叮小文庫3Task3: Role-playi ngDirecti ons: Many high school graduates in Chi na are going overseas fortheir college educati on. A friend of yours is graduati ng this year andwould like to ask for your advice on whether it is a g

8、ood idea for a highschool graduate to go abroad to study.Stude nt A: You think this friend should go by all means, and you shouldtry to convince your part ner. Remember you should start the conv ersation.Stude nt B: You think this friend should finish college in China before thinking about going abr

9、oad, and you should try to convince your part ner.Remember your part ner will start the conv ersati on.2002:Taskl: Retelling a story1Whe never Mr. Smith goes to Westgate, he stays at the Grand Hotel.In spite of its name, it is really not very “grand, ” but it is cheap, clean,and comfortable.2Since h

10、e knows the man ger well, he n ever has to go to the trouble ofreserving a room. The fact is that he always gets the same room. It is叮叮小文庫4situated at the far end of the build ing and overlooks a beautiful bay.3On his last visit, Mr. Smith was told that he could have his usual room,but the man ager

11、added apologetically that it might be a little noisy. Sogreat was the dema nd for rooms, the man ager said, that the hotel haddecided to build a new wing. Mr. Smith said he did not min d. It amusedhim to thi nk that the dear old Grand Hotel was making an effort to live upto its n ame.4During the fir

12、st day Mr. Smith hardly noticed the noise at all. The roomwas a little dusty, but that wasn atural. The follow ing after noon, he borrowed a book from the hotellibrary and went upstairs to read. No sooner had he sat dow n tha n heheard some one hammeri ng loudly at the wall. At first he paid noatten

13、tion, but after a while he began to feel very un comfortable. Hisclothes were slowly being covered with fine white powder. Soon therewas so much dust in the room that he began to cough. The hammeringwas now louder than ever and bits of plaster were coming away from thewalls. It looked as though the

14、whole buildi ng was going to fall. Mr.Smith went immediately to complai n to the man ager. They both returned to the room, but everythi ng was very quiet. As they stood there looking at each other, Mr. Smith felt rather embarrassed for hav ing dragged叮叮小文庫5the man ager all the way up the stairs for

15、no thi ng.All of a sudde n, the hammeri ng bega n aga in and a large brick Iandedon the floor. Looking up, they saw a sharp metal tool had forced its waythrough the wall, making a very large hole right above the bed!Task2: Talki ng on a give n topicDirecti on: Describe an embarrass ing situati on in

16、 which you got very angry.Task3: Role-playi ngDirecti ons: The geology departme nt of a majoruni versity is pla nning to admit 30 male and 5 female stude nts. However,the results of the college entrance exam in ati on show that by average, ofall the applica nts, females have scored higher tha n most

17、 males. Shouldthe department stick to its original pla n?Student A: You think the department should still stick to the orig inal pla n,and you should try to convince your part ner. Remember you should startthe conv ersati on.Student B: You don t think the department should stick to the originalplan,

18、 and you should try to convince your part ner. Remember your partner will start the conv ersati on.叮叮小文庫62003:Taskl: Retelli ng a story1Just as Jane was joyfully expect ing her first child, her active, energetic mother bega n los ing her battle with a brain disease. For tenyears, the fiercelyin depe

19、 ndent and courageous mother had fought, but none of thesurgeries or treatme nts had been successful. At only fifty-five, she became totally disabled- un able tospeak, walk, eat or dress on her own.2As the mother grew closer and closer to death, the baby grew closerand closer to life. Jane was afrai

20、d that her mother and her baby would never know each other. Her fear seemed well-fo un ded. A few weeksbefore her due date, her mother lapsed into a deep coma. The doctors didnot hold any hope. It was useless to put in a feeding tube, they said, forMother would n ever awake n. So Jane brought Mother

21、 to her own bed inher own house. As ofte n as she could, she sat beside her mother, talk ingabout the baby moving in side her.4On February 3, 1989, at about the same time Jane bega n to feel birthpains, Mother ope ned her eyes. Jane called home.叮叮小文庫7“Mom, listen. My baby is coming! You re going to

22、have a new grandchild. Do you un dersta nd!”“ Yes,” Mother an swered.What a wonderful word! The first clear word she dspoke n in mon ths.5By the time Jane brought her son home, hermother was sitt ing in her chair, dressed and ready to welcome the baby.For two weeks, Mother clucked, smiled and held t

23、he n ew-bor n baby.Then she quietly became unconscious and, after visits from all her children, was fin ally free of the pain.6For Jane, memories of her son s birth will always be bittersweet, but itwas at this time that she learned an importa nt truth about liv ing. Whileboth joy andsorrow pass qui

24、ckly, and often come together at the same time, love hasthe power to overcome both.And love can last forever.2005 :Taskl: Retelli ng a story叮叮小文庫81A little girl whose parents had died lived with her gran dmother andslept in an upstairs bedroom.2One night there was a fire in the house and the gran dm

25、other diedwhile trying to rescue the child. The fire spread quickly, and the first floorof the house was soon en gulfed in flames.3Neighbors called the fire departme nt, the n stood helplessly by, unable to en ter the house because flames blocked all the entrances. Thelittle girl appeared at an upst

26、airs win dow, crying for help, just as wordspread among the crowd that the firefighters would be delayed a fewminu tes because they were all at ano ther fire.4Suddenly, a man appeared with a ladder, put it up aga inst the side ofthe house and disappeared in side. Whe n he reappeared, he had thelittl

27、e girl in his arms. He delivered the child to the waiting arms below, thendisappeared into the ni ght.5An inv estigati on revealed that the child had nolivi ng relatives, and weeks later a meet ing was held inthe town hall to determine who would take the childinto their home and bring her up.6A teac

28、her said she would like to raise the child. Shepoin ted out that she could en sure her a good叮叮小文庫9educati on. A farmer offered her an upbri nging on hisfarm. He pointed out that living on a farm washealthy and satisfy ing. Others spoke, giving theirreas ons why it was to the child s advantage to li

29、ve with them.Fin ally, the tow n s richest reside nt rose and said, “Ican give this child all the adva ntages that you havemen ti oned here, plus money and everythi ng thatmoney can buy. ”Throughout all this, the child rema ined sile nt, hereyes on the floor.7“ Does anyone else want to speak?” asked

30、 themeeti ng chairma n. A man came forward from theback of the hall. He walked slowly and appeared tobe in pain. Whe n he got to the front of the room, he stood directly in frontof the little girl and held out his arms. His hands and arms were terriblyscarred.The child cried out. “ This is the man w

31、ho rescued me! ” With a leap,she threw her arms around the man s neck. She buried her face in hisshoulder and sobbed for a few mome nts. Then she looked up and smiled叮叮小文庫10at him.Task2: Talki ng on a give n topicDirecti on: Please tell us one in cide nt in whichsome one was tryi ng to help others d

32、espite dan ger to his own safety.Task3: Role-playi ngStude nt A: The man ager of a world-famous hotel wants to recruit a newmember as the hotel s bellboy, offeri ng him a salary of 3000 yua n permon th. Many uni versity graduates are compet ing for the positi on.As a sophomore in the university, you

33、 think that they are appl ying for ajob un worthy for their tale nts. Try to persuade your part ner that you areright. Remember you will initiate the conversation.Stude nt B: The man ager of a world-famous hotelwants to recruit a new member as the hotel s bellboy, offeri ng him asalary of 3000 yua n

34、 per mon th. Many uni versity graduates are competing for the positi on.As a sophomore in the uni versity, you think that it is courageous for themto make such a decisi on and they have made the correct choice. Try topersuade your part ner that you are right. Remember your part ner will initiate the

35、 conv ersati on.叮叮小文庫112004:Task1: Retelli ng a story1When she was 22 years old Pat Jones decided thatshe wan ted to travel around the world and see as many foreig n placesas she could while she was young. When she finished college at home inBritain, Pat chose to visit Lati n America first, so she m

36、an aged to get ajob as an En glish teacher in a sec on dary school in Bolivia. Pat spoke alittle Spani sh, so she was able to com muni cate with her stude nts eve nthough they did not know much En glish.2A sentence she had once read somewhere stuck in her mind: if youdream in a foreig n Ian guage, i

37、t means that you have really mastered it.Pat repeated this sentence to her stude nts and she hoped that somedayshe would dream in Spanish and they would dream in En glish.3One day, Tim, one of the worst stude nts in her class, came up to herand expla ined in Spanish that he had not done his homework

38、. He saidthat he had gone to bed early and had slept badly. Pat was quite angrywith him, for she did not think that his expla nati onhad anything to do with his homework. But Tim told her that he dreamedall ni ght and his dream was inEn glish.叮叮小文庫124“In English! ” Pat thought. She was greatly surpr

39、ised, since Tim wassuch a bad stude nt. She was also secretly jealous. Her dreams were stillnot inSpani sh, but she decided to en courage her stude nt and asked him totell her about his dream.“ All the people in my dream spoke En glish,” Timsaid. “ And all the sig ns were in En glish. All the n ewsp

40、apers andmagaz ines and all the TV programs were in En glish. ”“But that s wonderful, ” said Pat. “What did all the people say toyou? ” she asked.“ I m sorry. Miss Jones, That s why I slept so badlyall through the night. I didn t understand a word they said. It was a nightmare!” Tim an swered.Task2:

41、 Talki ng on a give n topicDirecti ons: Describe one of the most un pleasa nt dreams you ve everhad.Task3: Role-playi ngStude nt A: Nowadays higher educati on is gett ing more and more expe叮叮小文庫13nsive. To quite a nu mber of families it has become a big financial burden.You try to discuss this probl

42、em with stude nt B. You thi nk that parentsshould pay tuition for their children since college stude nts do not yet haveany regular in come.Stude nt B: Nowadays higher educati on is gett ing more and more expensive. To quite a nu mber of families it has become a big financial burden.You try to discu

43、ss this problem with student A. Your opinion is that it is unfair to put this big burde n on pare nts since college stude nts are alreadyadults. Stude nts themselves should find ways to pay their own tuition.2006 :Task1: Retelli ng a story1A philosophy professor stood before his class and had some i

44、tems infront of him. When class bega n, wordlessly he picked up a large emptyglass jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks right to the top, rocks about twoin ches in diameter.2He the n asked the stude nts if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.The professor the n picked up a box of pebbles an

45、d poured them into thejar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the ope nspaces betwee n the rocks. The stude nts laughed.叮叮小文庫143He asked his stude nts aga in if the jar was full. They agreed: yes, itwas.The professor the n picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar

46、.Of course, the sand filled up all the remaining space.4“ Now. ” said the professor, “ I want you torecog nize that this is your life.”The rocks are the importa nt things your family, your part ner, yourhealth, your childre n any thi ngthat is so important to you that if it were lost, you would be n

47、 earlydestroyed. The pebbles are the other things in life that matter, but on asmaller scale. The pebbles represe nt thi ngs like your job, your house,your car. The sand is everyth ing else. The small stuff.5If you put the sand or the pebbles into the jar first, there is noroom for the rocks. The sa

48、me goes for your life. If you spe nd allyour en ergy and time on the small stuff, or material thin gs, you willn ever haveroom for the things that are truly most important.Pay attention to the things that are critical in your life.叮叮小文庫15Play with your children. Take your partner out dancing. Talk w

49、ithyour pare nts. There will always be time to go to work, clea n thehouse, give a dinner party and fix the disposal. “ Take care of therocks first the thi ngs that really matter. Set your priorities. Therest is just pebbles and sand. They will take care of themselves. ”Task2: Talki ng on a give n t

50、opicDirecti ons: Describe a less on you have lear ned which has enriched your life experie nee.Task3: Role-playi ngStude nt A: You and your friend are discuss ing what you are goingto do together duri ng this comingsummer vacati on. Your friend prefers to work in a big叮叮小文庫-16compa ny to earn some m

51、on ey. You prefer to dosome volun tary work for society. You try to persuade each other bygiving various reas ons. Remember you will in itiate the conv ersation.Student B: You and your friend are discussing what you are goingto do together during this coming summer vacation. Your friendprefers to do

52、 some voluntary work for society. You prefer to work ina big company to earn some money. You try to persuade eachother by giving various reasons. Remember your partner willinitiate the conversation.2007:Task1: Retelli ng a story Anne was a scie nee teacher in a primary school.She loved her job and b

53、elieved very stron gly inpractical work as a means of teach ing scie neeeffectively. Once she decided to show her pupils pare nts howwell their childre n were learni ng. To dem on strate the effectiveness of her methods she invited all the parents to come to theschool to see the results of one of th

54、e children s experiments. Shescheduled this eve nt for a Saturday eve ning, so all of the pare ntswould be sure to come.叮叮小文庫173The childre n were study ing how pla nts grow. To see thisprocess for themselves the stude nts had pla nted four pots of beans. They had put poor soil in one pot to see wha

55、t effect this wouldhave on the growth of the bea ns. The other three pots of bea ns hadgood soil, but one pot had bee n placed in a dark room for severaldays and ano ther pot was not watered for the same length of time.In this way the childre n were lear ning the effects of soil, water andsun light

56、on the growth of pla nts.4At the end of the less on on Friday after noon, Anneput labels on the four pots. One label said,“ Thebea ns in this pot were pla nted in poor soil. ” Ano ther one said,“ This pot has bee n kept in the dark for four days. ” The third labelread,“These beans have hadno water f

57、or four days. ” And the last one went like this: “ Thesebea ns have had good soil, ple nty of light and regular water. ”Then she went home.5She retur ned to school on Saturday eve ning, half an hourbefore the parents were due to come. She was surprised to find anote beside the pots. It said:“ We rea

58、d your no tes to the school clea ning staff and decided to叮叮小文庫18help them with your pla nts, so we watered all the pla nts, cha nged the earth in onewith poor soil, and left the light on above the one that had bee n leftin the dark for four days. We hope that the pla nts will now growbetter. Signed

59、 “ The Boy Scouts ” .Task2: Talki ng on a give n topicDirecti ons: Talk about an experie nee you have had in which youtried to help some one but actually caused trouble.Task3: Role-playi ngStude nt A: Nowadays lots of college stude nts take allkinds of tests to get differe nt kinds of certificates.Y

60、ou think it n ecessary because these certificates areuseful in help ing the stude nts find good jobs. Butyour partner doesn t agree with you. Try to convincehim/her. Remember you should start the conv ersati on.Stude nt B: Nowadays lots of college stude nts take all kind of teststo get differe nt ki


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