1、2016新版中石油職稱英語水平考試通用英語選讀培訓筆記2016新版中石油職稱英語水平考試通用英語選讀培訓筆記(考過的大題已標出)目 錄51. THOSE FASCINATING NORTHERN LIGHTS 迷人的北極光(2016新版)252 SALES PROMOTION 產品促銷653. OIL REFINING 石油煉制(2016新增)654 ANOTHER HAPPINESS 另一種快樂1355. ITS NEVER TOO LATE FOR SUCCESS成功不分早晚(2016新增)1656 WHY TO MARK A BOOK 怎樣在書上做標記2057 EARTH'S L
2、AST FRONTIER:THE SEA 海洋,地球最后的待開發(fā)疆域2558. OUR MANY RESPONSES TO PAIN <NEW>3159. FOREST FIRES: A MAJOR DISASTER <NEW>3660 WHY ANTARCTICA IS BEING EXPLORED 為什么要勘探南極洲41溫馨小語: 每篇“學習筆記”將可能涉及到的“考點”做了重點標記,它們基于“職稱考試”的四個主要方面,即詞匯、語法、閱讀和翻譯,所以在學習中要認真體會,找到自己要重點學習的內容。跳過每一段英文原文,只通篇看下“帶有英文”的中文部分。是不是感覺清楚了課文
3、大致要說的內容?熟悉中文意思,在考試中也是很有幫助的,特別是在回答閱讀類的選擇題時,如果它恰好又是你在此讀過的一篇課文,你一定會用最短的時間,找到正確的答案??荚嚨念}量可不小,要在此處搶得先機。過段時間,再來溫習下吧。51. Those Fascinating Northern Lights 迷人的北極光(2016新增)1.At 10:00 p.m. on March 23,1969, the Bowater Power Water Company in Deer Lake, Newfoundland experienced a disturbance on its system. The f
4、requency converter at Comer Brook tripped off, shutting down half of the big paper mill. There was a radio blackout over most of the Atlantic Provinces. And accompanying these activities was a magnificient display of northern lights boiling up out of the north and hanging in bundles of long rays lik
5、e draperies across the sky. Ninety-three million miles away, a rather ugly looking sunspot was making its way across the disc of the sun.1.1969年3月23曰晚上10點,保華特水電公司(the Bowater Power Water Company)位于紐芬蘭(Newfoundland)鹿湖的設備系統(tǒng)出現(xiàn)了異常;科納 布魯克(ComerBrook)的變頻器跳間,使得一半的大造紙廠停產;大西洋沿 岸各省的無線電中斷。伴隨這些異常出現(xiàn)的還有輝煌的北極光從北面噴
6、涌而出,一束束巨大的光束像帷幔一般遮蓋了整個天際。9300萬英里之外, 一個相形見絀的太陽黑子出現(xiàn)在太陽的圓盤上。2.This little drama demonstrated once again the close relationship of the earth with the sun, and the importance of the intervening space.2.這個小小的插曲再次展現(xiàn)了地球和太陽的親密關系以及介入空間的重要性。3.During the past several years twelve similar disturbances have taken
7、 place in this area. A magnetic storm in November, 1960, was so severe its effects were felt all over Canada. The C.N.T. people alone suffered $3 million worth of equipment damage. At their height of excitement, sunspots can bring on violent magnetic storms.3.在過去的幾年中,類似的異常在同一地區(qū)出現(xiàn)了 12次。1960年11月 的電磁風暴
8、甚至影響了整個加拿大。僅僅設備損失就達300萬元。太陽黑子 活躍的鼎盛時期就能帶來劇烈的電磁風暴。4.What are the northern lights or “aurora borealis”? They have been called “dancing ghosts,” “searchlight of God,” and “the language of mystic signs and portents.”O(jiān)ld school books explain them as sunlight reflected from ice and snow. But the great sci
9、entific achievements of the past twenty years have revealed new knowledge about the sun and our earth5s outer atmosphere. It is now certain that most auroras are associated with explosive disturbances in the suns atmosphere. These disturbances reach a peak every eleven years, and take the forms of f
10、lares, prominences and sunspots. They send out great jets of X-rays and charged particles travelling at terrific speeds. When these charged particles reach the earths magnetic field, some of them are deflected toward the magnetic poles. There they crash into atoms and molecules of the upper atmosphe
11、re (ionosphere) causing ionization, excitement, and the glow of the aurora. The level of excitement may vary anywhere from fifty to six hundred miles above the earths surface.4.那么,什么是北極光?它們被稱為“舞蹈的幽靈”、“上帝的探照燈” 或是“神秘跡象與前兆的語言”。過去的課本解釋說它們是冰雪反射太陽光形 成的,但過去20年里取得的偉大科學成就揭示了太陽和地球外大氣層的新知 識。現(xiàn)在我們知道,大部分的極光與太陽大氣層
12、的爆炸攝動有關,它們每11 年達到活動的頂峰,表現(xiàn)為耀斑、日珥和太陽黑子。它們釋放出大量的X射 線和帶電粒子高速傳播;當傳播到地球的磁場時,一些帶電粒子就會向磁極 偏轉,與上層大氣(電離層)的原子和分子發(fā)生碰撞,產生電離作用,引起 極光的突發(fā)。這種作用發(fā)生在距離地球表面50到600英里的空間,其強烈程 度各不相同。5.The beautiful colors of the northern lights depend on the altitude at which the collisions occur and on the particles involved. Thus green i
13、s emitted by atomic oxygen and blue by nitrogen. Perhaps the rarest colors to be seen are rosy red glows tinged with green. 5.極光的美麗色彩取決于它發(fā)生的緯度和粒子的種類。綠色的極光是由 氧原子發(fā)出的,藍色的是氮原子發(fā)出的。最罕見的是帶有綠色的玫瑰紅的光暈。6.Actually, much of the excitement of the aurora is missed. It has recently been discovered that human eyes
14、cannot see all of their colors. To compensate for this, any camera fan can take excellent aurora photographs. These often reveal reddish areas and glows not visible to the observer.6.實際上,大部分的極光都沒有被人們看到。最近人們才發(fā)現(xiàn),人類的 眼睛并不能看到所有的顏色,而攝影迷們卻用相機捕捉到了燦爛的極光照片, 彌補了這一缺憾,他們發(fā)現(xiàn)微紅的光不能夠被肉眼觀察到。7.A romantic nature seems
15、 to be an essential part of an explorer. Certainly Arctic and Antarctic explorers have written some of the most imaginative descriptions of the lights. An excerpt from Captain Scotts diary reads: “the eastern sky was massed with swaying auroral light, fold on fold, the arches and curtains of vibrati
16、ng luminosity rose and spread across the sky. The appeal is to the imagination by the suggestion of something wholly spiritual, something instinct with fluttering ethereal life.”7.浪漫的天性似乎是探險家生命的一部分。到北極圈和南極洲探險的人 曾經對極光進行了最具想象力的描寫,下面是斯考特船長(Captain Scott)曰 記的節(jié)選:“東邊的天空被搖曳的極光籠罩著,層層疊疊?;蝿拥拿倒迳鈺?如拱門和帷幔一般升起,滿
17、布整個天空。這一切激發(fā)我們無限的想象,聯(lián)想 起那些純粹精神的東西,那些充滿了顫動的非凡生命力的東西?!?.During a big magnetic storm, one may first see strong rays and curtains, followed by flaming aurora, all climaxing in a spectacular corona at the zenith.8.強烈的電磁風暴首先展現(xiàn)的是耀眼的光束和光幕,緊接著是如火焰般 的光環(huán),最后形成瑰麗的日冕達到高潮。9.All of these forms can be easily identifi
18、ed by the interested observer. Contrary to popular belief, auroras happen at all seasons of the year.9.熱心的觀察者可以輕易地辨別各種不同的極光。與普遍的看法相反的 是,極光可能發(fā)生在一年的任何一個季節(jié)。10.Can you hear the northern lights? Now there is a question still unanswered. If sound waves originate at the seat of auroral displays, it seems h
19、ardly possible that they could be heard on earth. Many observers scoff at the idea of lights snapping. But in the Arctic where there is great stillness and the auroras come very low there is some evidence of characteristic noise. Indians, Eskimos and “voyageurs,” who often spend their nights in the
20、open, insist that they hear them “swish” as the great waves sweep out across the sky.10.你能聽到極光嗎?這個問題至今無人能答。如果極光發(fā)出的地方也產 生聲波的話,似乎在地球上無法聽到。許多觀測者對于那種極光產生噼啪聲 的說法嗤之以鼻,但在異常寂靜的北極圈,當極光發(fā)生低空時,的確有證據(jù) 證明出現(xiàn)過特殊的聲響。印第安人、愛斯基摩人以及加拿大船夫們經常在露 天過夜,他們堅持說,當巨大的光波劃過天際時,他們的確能聽到嗖嗖的聲音。11.Mr. Edward Gregory, well-known guide and
21、woodsman, has spent many years in the solitude of Birchy Basin on the Upper Humber River. Well acquainted with the northern lights, he says: “They actually do make a noise at certain times; it is like a race of wind going along by you through the trees.”Roald Amundsen in his book The South Pole take
22、s a romantic view of the whole activity. “It looks as if nature wishes to honor our guests and show herself in her best attire. And it is a gorgeous dress she has chosen. Perfectly calm, clear with a starry sparkle, and not a sound in any direction. But wait; what is that? Like a stream of fire the
23、light shoots across the sky, and a whistling sound follows the movement. Hush! Cant you hear? It shoots forward again, takes the form of a band and glows in rays of red and green and then away again followed by an intermittent whistling sound. So nature has offered us one of her most mysterious and
24、incomprehensible phenomena, the audible Southern Light.”11.愛德華格里高利先生是一位有名的向導和樵夫,他常年獨自一人生 活在衡博河上游的波奇盆地,對極光非常熟悉。他說:“有時極光的確能發(fā)出 聲音,就像在樹林中一陣疾風從你身邊刮過。”羅納德阿蒙森在南極一 書中對極光進行了浪漫的描寫?!八拖翊笞匀粸榱丝畲覀冞@些尊貴的客 人而展現(xiàn)她最華美的衣裳。精心挑選的華美衣衫如此沉靜完美,點綴著閃閃 星光,不論在哪個角落都沒有一絲聲音。但是,敬請等待。那是什么?就像 一束火光射向天際,同時伴隨著輕哨聲。墟!你難道聽不見嗎?它又射出來 了,有的是光帶,
25、有的是紅綠相間的射線仍然伴隨著斷斷續(xù)續(xù)的輕哨聲。 大自然就這樣展現(xiàn)出它最神秘、最令人費解的現(xiàn)象:南極光?!?2.In the past scientists paid little attention to the arguments for auroral noise. Recent observations, however, suggest that some sounds do occur. Two microphones set up in Alaska about a mile apart picked up pressure waves whenever there were a
26、uroras. These waves were too low in pitch to be heard by the human ear.12.過去,科學家們很少關注有關極光聲音的爭論。最近的研究顯示,有 時確有聲音產生。在阿拉斯加,科學家將兩個麥克風間隔一英里放置,終于 在極光發(fā)生時捕捉到了壓力波,只不過這些聲波音頻很低,以至于人耳不能 聽到。13.This question of sound, the possibility that auroras could effect weather changes, and many other mysteries of the lights
27、 still leave much to be discovered.13.聲音的問題、極光是否能夠影響天氣的問題以及許多有關極光的秘密 仍然有待我們去探索。14.Today, the people of Newfoundland and Labrador show no great awe or fear of these magnificent spectacles. Having lived amidst the northern lights so long, they take them for granted and enjoy them as one of the lovelie
28、r benefits of northern living. They all, however, agree on one point. “If you whistle, they will dance for you.”14.今天,紐芬蘭和拉布拉多的居民們己經不再對這些絢麗的景象表現(xiàn)出 任何的敬畏和恐懼。見慣了北極的極光,他們只是見怪不怪,把它當做北部 生活的一個可愛享受而己。然而,他們仍然有一個共識?!爸灰愦悼谏?,它 們就會隨著翩翩起舞。”52 Sales Promotion 產品促銷1. Sales promotion consists of those promotional ac
29、tivities other than advertising, personal selling, and publicity. As such, any promotional activities that do not fall under the other three activities of the promotion mix are considered sales promotion. The trade often uses the term indiscriminately. Businesspersons may use the term “promotion” wh
30、en they actually mean “sales promotion.” For purpose here, promotion is a broad term that encompasses sales promotion as well as the other three promotional activities.1、產品促銷指的是不同于(other than 除了)廣告、個人銷售和宣傳(publicity)的推銷活動(promotional activities)。因此,不屬于(do not fall under)以上三種推銷活動的推銷活動都被認為是(are consid
31、ered)促銷。實際生活中經常不加區(qū)分地(indiscriminately)使用這一概念。商務人員在說“推銷”(promotion)時,實際上指的是“促銷”(sales promotion)。本文中,推銷是一個廣義的概念(a broad term),它包括(encompass)促銷以及(as well as)其他三種推銷活動。2. The techniques of sales promotion are varied and numerous. The common ones used are coupons, sweepstakes, games, contests, price-offs
32、, demonstrations, premiums, samples, and money refund offers. A combination of these can be used and sometimes is used in the same campaign. 2、推(促)銷的手段(techniques)多種多樣(varied),數(shù)不勝數(shù)(numerous)。普遍運用的手段(the common ones used)有附在商品上的贈券、各種抽獎活動、游戲、競賽、降價銷售(price-offs)、產品示范、各種獎勵、樣品試驗(體驗)以及錢款返還承諾(money refund
33、offers)等等。在同一推銷活動中(in the same campaign),多種手段可以結合使用,有時也確實結合使用。3. Sales promotion is temporary in nature. Not being self-sustaining, its function is to supplement advertising, personal selling, and publicity. To launch Budweiser beer in Great Britain, Anheuser-Busch employed the “American” theme. Its
34、 TV commercials on the 4th of July and Thanksgiving Day were spots filmed in California with American actors. To supplement its advertising effort, the company used a variety of sales-promotion techniques. It made posters, bunting, flags, pennants, T-shirts, and sweatshirts available to pubs and dis
35、cos for promotional parties. Bud ashtrays, bar towels, coasters, football pennants, and similar items were offered for sale. Moreover, American disc jockeys were brought in to program American music nights. 3、從本質上說(in nature),促銷活動具有時間短暫的(temporary)特點。由于其本身沒有自我持續(xù)的能力(not being self-sustaining),它的作用就是作
36、為廣告、個人銷售和宣傳等推銷活動的補充(supplement)。(舉例說明:)為了將百威啤酒打入(to launch)英國市場,Anheuser-Busch運用(employ)了“美國”主題(theme)。7月4日和感恩節(jié)的電視廣告播的都是美國演員在加利福尼亞拍攝的(filmed)場景(spots)。為了加強(to supplement)廣告力度,該公司運用了大量的(a variety of)促銷手段,如制作海報(posters)、裝飾旗(bunting)和三角旗(pennant)等各種旗幟以及T恤衫和汗衫(sweatshirt)等供促銷團體出入酒吧和迪斯科夜總會。同時它還制作煙灰缸、酒吧餐巾
37、、杯墊子、足球賽用的三角旗以及諸如此類的物品(similar items)用于銷售。此外(moreover),該公司還專門邀請美國電臺的音樂節(jié)目主持人(disc jockey=D.J.)開辦美國音樂之夜。4. Sales promotion is not restricted to the stimulation of demand at the consumer level. It may be used to gain middlemen's support as well. In Order to get Thai middlemen to carry Foremost'
38、s dairy products, the company used leasing and conditional sales contracts to provide small retail outlets' and restaurants with freezers for $1 if contract terms were met. Foremost also had to convince these resellers not to store other products in the freezers and not to unplug freezer units a
39、t night to save electricity. 4、促銷不僅僅局限于拉動(stimulation)消費者的需求,也(as well)可以用來贏得中間商的支持(to gain middlemen's support)。為了使泰國的中間商銷售其乳制品(dairyproducts),F(xiàn)oremost公司運用租賃(used leasing)和有條件銷售合同(conditional sales contracts)以一美元的價格向那些零售小商店(small retail outlet)和飯店提供(provide with)冰柜,條件是要滿足(meet)合同條款(contract ter
40、ms)。同時,該公司還得說服這些轉賣商(reseller)不要在冰柜中儲存其他產品,并且不要為了省電而在夜間拔去(unplug)冰柜插座。5. The use of sales promotion is not limited to consumer products. It can be used with industrial selling too. Misawa Homes promoted its House 55 by sending samples to U.S. Homes and Germany's Okal. Pfizer, like other drug firm
41、s, attracts drug wholesalers by sponsoring trips and other events. Gifts are given to doctors, and doctors' wives are taken on shopping tours. 5、促銷手段的運用不僅僅限于消費品,它也可以用于工業(yè)銷售。MisawaHomes為了推銷(promote)其House55產品而向美國的Homes公司和德國的Okal公司寄送樣品。Pfizer公司同其他藥品公司一樣,通過組織(sponsor)旅游和其他活動(other events)來吸引藥品批發(fā)商(dr
42、ug wholesaler)。他們向醫(yī)生們贈送禮品,而且組織醫(yī)生的夫人們進行購物旅游。6. The popularity of sales promotion has grown steadily both in the United States and overseas. A survey of executives conducted by Stimulus, Canada's leading advertising journal, revealed a shift from media advertising to sales promotion. Compared with
43、 five years ago, three of five firms had moved to spend more of their advertising budget on such non-media alternatives as trade shows, point-of-purchase displays, and publicity. According to a POPAI (Point-of- Purchase Advertising Institute) -Du Pont study of shopping behavior in the United States,
44、 almost 70 percent of all non-food purchases in supermarkets are generated by in-store decisions. If the same decision-making pattern is prevalent outside the United States, sales promotion should prove to be just as indispensable (as other promotional techniques). 6、無論是在美國還是在海外,促銷活動越來越受人青睞,而且勢頭強勁。加
45、拿大首屈一指的(leading)廣告雜志Stimulus對公司經理們的一項調查表明(revealed),他們已從媒體廣告轉向促銷活動。同五年前相比(compared with five years ago),有五分之三(three of fvie)的公司開始在廣告預算(budget)中增加對非媒體(non-media)手段的投入,如交易展銷、買點(point-of-purchase, POP)展示和宣傳。根據(jù)買點廣告機構和杜邦公司對美國人購物行為所作的一項調查,在超市里所有非食品購買行為中,幾乎有70源自(are generated by)顧客在超市內的臨時決定(in store decisi
46、ons; in store 將要發(fā)生, 就要出現(xiàn))。如果這種購物方式(pattern)能在美國以外的其他地方(outside the United States)盛行開來(prevalent adj.),那么,將證明促銷活動同樣是必不可少的(indispensable)。7. Sales promotion is effective when a product is first introduced to a market. It also works well with existing products that are highly competitive and standardiz
47、ed, especially when they are of low unit-value and have high turnover. Under such conditions, sales promotion is needed to gain that “extra” competitive advantage. A Japanese firm created a great deal of excitement in Thailand by including game cards in its detergent boxes, and consumers could not r
48、esist buying more and more in search of the winning cards, Likewise, most gas stations in Thailand at one time gave free washcloths with a gas fill-up. Middlemen were also allowed to participate in the sales-promotion program. Stores were informed of the display, and their salespeople or sales clerk
49、s were made aware of the program and benefits. 7、當某種產品首次進入(introduce to)一個市場時,促銷活動是相當有效的(effective)。如果產品本身極具競爭力(highly competitive),而且比較規(guī)范(standardized),那么,促銷也適用于現(xiàn)有產品。尤其是如果這種產品單價較低(low unit-value)而且流通量大(high turnover 營業(yè)額)。在這種條件下,就需要促銷以贏得額外的(extra)競爭優(yōu)勢(competitive advantage)。一家日本公司通過將游戲紙牌裝在其洗滌劑(deter
50、gent)盒子中,結果在泰國引起轟動效應(a great deal of excitement)。消費者情不自禁(could not resist),越買越多,希望得到(in search of)勝張。與此類似(likewise),在泰國大多數(shù)加油站,顧客每加一次油,即可免費得到一塊清洗布(washcloths)。中間商(middlemen)同樣可以參加促銷活動。經銷商店及時了解(be informed of)產品展示信息,商店的銷售人員和職員(salespeople or sales clerks)對這些活動及其利益一清二楚。8. The effectiveness of sales pro
51、motion can be tempered by psychological barriers, and this fact is applicable to middlemen as well as consumers. Some foreign retailers are reluctant to accept manufacturers' coupons because they fear that they will not be reimbursed. Consumers, on the other hand, may view rebates, mail-in coupo
52、ns, and money-back guarantees with suspicion, thinking that something must be wrong with the product. 8、無論是中間商還是消費者,只要有了心理障礙(psychological barriers),便會使促銷活動的效果(effectiveness)打折扣(be tempered)。有些國外零售商不大愿意(reluctant adj.)接受產品廠家附在其商品中的贈券(coupon),因為他們擔心(fear)這些贈券中的款項無法返還(reimburse)。另一方面,消費者可能對折扣(rebate)、
53、郵寄來的贈券和返還款項的承諾(money-back guarantees)持(view)懷疑態(tài)度,他們會認為,這樣的產品肯定有問題。9. Much like many other marketing aspects, sales-promotion methods may have to be modified. The techniques employed, to be effective, should be consistent with local preference. Philips offered a set of dominoes as a premium for elect
54、ricity purchase in Brazil, where the game is national pastime and electrical products are treated as commodities. A player holds the colored side up to prevent an opponent from seeing the dotted numbers side. Since the company's name was on the back of every domino, electricians were often remin
55、ded of the brand. 9、促銷方法同營銷的其他許多方面(many other marketing aspects)極為相似(much like),應該加以改進。要使所運用的(employed)手段產生作用(to be effective),就應使它同當?shù)叵M者的喜好(local preference)相一致(consistent with)。電力在巴西是視為商品(electrical products are treaded as commodities),而在該國玩骨牌是一項全國性的娛樂活動(pastime),飛利浦公司即在那里推出(offered)一套骨牌(a set of
56、dominoes)作為購買電力的獎品(premium)。一方要將骨牌反扣,使彩色的一面(the colored side)朝上,這樣,對方就看不見帶點數(shù)的那一面(the dotted numbers side)。由于(since)每張骨牌的反面印有飛利浦公司的名稱,電工們(電器使用者)便會經常想起這種品牌的產品。53. Oil Refining 石油煉制(2016新增)1.Primary Refining 粗煉2.Petroleum refining is the process of separating the many compounds present in crude petrole
57、um. This process is called fractional distillation where the crude oil is heated; the various compounds boil at different temperatures and change to gases; and are later recondensed back into liquids. The primary refining processes are the distillation of the feedstock into its basic fractions, and
58、then the re-distillation of these, in separate towers, into highly concentrated intermediates.2.石油煉制是將原油中的多種混合物進行分離的過程。原油經過加熱后, 其中的不同組分將在不同的溫度下沸騰并氣化,隨后又經冷凝濃縮轉化為液 體,這個過程稱為分餾。粗煉工序是將進料蒸餾成為其基本組分,然后再將這些組分在單獨的煉塔中再蒸餾成為高濃度的半成品。3.Distillation is the start of the refining process where the crude oil is split
59、into a number of parts or cuts. The separation is made on the basis of boiling-point and groups of hydrocarbons boiling within a certain range are produced. The theory of distillation is very easy. The longer the carbon chain, the higher the temperature at which the compounds will boil. When crude oil boils, it sends out vapor and condenses. All the different hydrocarbons in crude oil are at different temperatur
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