



1、講給一年級小學生的雙語寓言故事【篇】【篇一】The Camel駱駝When man first saw the Camel , he was so frightened at his vast size that he ran away. After a time, perceiving the meekness andgentleness of the beast s temper , he summoned courage enough to approach him. Soon afterwards , observing that he was an animal altogether

2、 deficient in spirit, he assumed such boldness as to put abridle in his mouth , and to let a child drive him.有一個人第一次見到駱駝的時候,看到駱駝巨大的體形,非常害怕以至于 拔腿就跑。過了一段時間,他發(fā)覺到駱駝脾氣溫順,就鼓起勇氣靠近駱駝。這 之后不久,他注意到駱駝是個一點精神都沒有的動物,于是就大著膽子把一個 龍頭套在了駱駝的嘴上,然后讓一個小孩子趕著他。寓意利用經(jīng)歷可以克服恐懼。Duing the Western Han Dynasty(206 B.C.- A.D.24)Perio

3、d, there wasa very famous general whose name was Li Guang. He was very brave and skillful in battle, and had fought more than seventy battles withthe Huns , an ancient nationality in China.Having made brilliant achievements in war , he was deeply loved and esteemed by the officers and men as well as

4、 the common people. However,he did notclaim credit for himself and become arrogant,although he held a highpost ,commanding a big army ,and had rendered outstanding service in defending the county. He was not only polite and amiable, but alsoshared weal and woe with the soldiers. He always had the tr

5、oops under his commandat heart ,and whenever gifts were bestowed to him by the imperial government ,he distributed the gifts to his officers and men. When marching, he endured the torments of hunger and thirst as the soldiers did when food and water were in short supply. When fighting , he charged a

6、t the head of his men ,and ,when he gave the order ,every soldier advanced bravely to engage in fighting,notfearing death.西漢時候,有一位勇猛善戰(zhàn)的將軍,名叫李廣,一生跟匈奴打過七十屢次 仗,戰(zhàn)功卓著,深受官兵和百姓的愛戴。李廣雖然身居高位,統(tǒng)領(lǐng)千軍萬馬, 而且是保衛(wèi)國家的功臣,但他一點也不居功自傲。他不僅待人和氣,還能和士 兵同甘共苦。每次朝廷給他的賞賜,他首先想到的是他的部下,就把那些賞賜 統(tǒng)統(tǒng)分給官兵們;行軍打仗時,遇到糧食或水供給不上的情況,他自己也同士 兵們一樣忍

7、饑挨餓;打起仗來,他身先士卒,英勇頑強,只要他一聲令下,大 家個個奮勇殺敵,不懼犧牲。When the sad news of the heath of General Li Guang reached the militaty camp ,the officers and men of the whole army wept bitterly.后來,當李廣將軍去世的噩耗傳到軍營時,全軍將士無不痛哭流涕,連許 多與大將軍平時并不熟悉的百姓也紛紛悼念他。寓意:漢朝偉大的史學家司馬遷在為李廣立傳時稱贊道:“桃李不言,下自成 蹊。意思是說,桃李有著芬芳的花朵,甜美的果實,雖然它們不會說話,但 仍然會

8、吸引人們到樹下賞花嘗果,以至樹下都走出一條小路,李廣將軍就是以 他的真誠和高尚的品質(zhì)贏得了人們的崇敬。“桃李不言,下自成蹊這那么成語出自?史記李將軍列傳?,比喻為人 真誠,嚴于律已,自然會感動別人,自然會受到人們的敬仰。篇三】A crow , ready to die with thirst , flew with joy to a pitcher which he saw at a distance. But when he came up to it, he found thewater so low that with all his stooping and straining he

9、was unable to reach it. Thereupon he tried to bread the pitcher, then tooverturn it , seeing some small pebbles at hand, he dropped a greatmany of them , one by one , into the pitcher, and so raised thewater to the brim , and quenched his thirst.一只快渴死的烏鴉,遠遠地看見一只水壺,就快樂地飛了過去,但是當他 飛到的時候發(fā)現(xiàn)壺里的水淺得怎么用力彎腰伸頸

10、也夠不著,于是他試著把水壺 打破,又試著把他推倒。但是力量缺乏,都做不到,最后看見近邊有許多小石 子,他一個個地把很多石子丟進了水壺,這樣使水上升到壺口,就解了渴。寓意遇到困難的時候動腦筋。Word是學生和職場人士最常用的一款辦公軟件之一,99.99% 的人知道它,但其實,這個軟件背后,還有一大批隱藏技能你不知道。掌握他們,你將開啟新世界的大門。Tab+Enter,在編過號以后,會自動編號段落Ctrl + D 調(diào)出字體欄,配合 Tab+Enter 全鍵盤操作吧Ctrl + L 左對齊,Ctrl + R 右對齊,Ctrl + E 居中Ctrl + F 查找,Ctrl + H 替換。然后關(guān)于替換,里面又大有學問!有時候Word文檔中有許多多余的空行需要刪除,這個時候我們可以完全可以用查找替換來輕松解決。翻開 編輯菜單中的 替換對話框,把光標定位在查找內(nèi)容輸入框中,


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