1、2020年1另診斷性測試英語注意事項(xiàng):1. 答卷前,考生務(wù)必將目己的姓名、考生號等填寫在答題卡和試卷指自靖上。2. 衛(wèi)答卻題電,選出母小題答貂5, 弔豁觀巴答題卡上刃應(yīng)題日的淫奚祈號泳黒。婦需改動,用椽皮 揀干凈后,再選涂其也答共標(biāo)號回答非送擇理時,將答萊弓S答題卡上丐在本試卷上云效.3. 考試結(jié)束J5,只交答題卡。5R-S分閱讀(共兩節(jié).満分50分)第一節(jié)(共15小態(tài) 每小S 2.5分,鬲分37.5分>閱讀下列短文,從每酗給的人B. C和D匹個選頂孔 迭出最佳選項(xiàng)AOUr favoit IXh giftt of 2019VMlell it ComeS IIine Ioi Ule hol
2、iday shopping season, we ' Ie extra coos about Ine CamileSS IeCilIlOlOgy PfOdUCtS that *e WlII buy and give to friends and family. Hefee S Uhat ImpreSSed editors, IePOrteIS and producers the most in 2019.LllmOS MatldXI re:Oltly bought a LumOS MaIrIX helmet (頭爲(wèi))($229) with built-in IightS to make
3、 riding mj bike It IIlgnt a lot Safer and IeSS StreSSfill. It, S a Iegldar Plin POint for bikers Itke me to InIke SUre absent-rrin(bd drivers See you, especially When ii, S (IaIk ThiS deluiely helps.Mati ?ncfarlmd VrnCrGoodieads appAlthOUgk this jm,t a gift, the free GOOdreadS app is a SameChanger.
4、At the beginning Of 2019: I PrOmiSed msdf d read a: IeaSt ODe new book even CK)IllL 1 Sel a goal Of 12 books On GOodreadS and used it to IraCiC my PfogfeSS keep a IiSt OfboClG E m intererted in and CheCk Out what friends and CthefS On the app Vere recommending I read 35 books IhiS Vea? (Tha, S UP Ii
5、Om IlVeb(X>ks IaSt yea.) GOodIeadS feels Iike One Of Ihe IiIe feel-good SoeiaI networks.Kaya iuejt IeCh RePonerEnIber COff“ CUPI drink IlIy COfTee SlOwly SO it as rcutinely COOkd by te Ume I get haltUfay IhfoUgh it. FOr my birthday my mum bought me a CUP (S> WhlCh keeps my Co血e WarEl IintlI I
6、finish it WithOUt trips to the microwave for IeheaIiug. I Can also SeI the SPeCifiC IelnPelaluIeI UanL Ii IlukeS mv IUOIQingS SO IIIUCb easer.XdiUieDentf Mern1. What IS Ihe main advantage Of LUnIOS MalrIX helmet?A HelPing drirs ConCCTItrateB Managing the bad WMtheCC. MakuIg IIight riding safer.D. Ma
7、kiIIg bikers ICSS PaInfUl 2 What does the Wrltef mean by refemng TOthe GOOdreadS app as 4*a gamechanger"?A. It ChangCS SOnIC rcads, reading rules.B. It PfOVIdeS readers Wlh fe? IntenleT gamesC. It HmitS the number OfbOOkS a reader CaE readD It inspires readers to read more through interactions3
8、. WhiCh Of IhC following can best dcscibe EmbeI COfiCC cup?A ECo-friendlyB COnVenIent C ExPensIVeD SlmPleBEVery year, Xhe hrightE young SriCfcrtisK from SraUnd the globe C(Mne together to PartiHpe in the WOrId, S IaIgCSt PIC-COiIege SdaICC competition, IhC IntCl IEteXllaIioDaI SCiCDCe and EngmeeIuIg
9、 FaiI (ISEF)- They demonstrate their knowledge Of Srienre and engineering to improve the Way We WortC and IiVeOUe of2019, S WlIina KiC Lu, found a method fb IClilOMng oil fiom water TIliS COIICCPt Can also be applied to the removal Of microphstics from OUr OeeanS as WelIHCIC is VVhat KatiC told repo
10、rters:y experience at IntelISEF was amazing' 1 Tetnember On judgir¾ day; VValking the exhibit hall and IookIn3 at the PCOPIC gathered OUtSidC wailing to get in My teacher turned to me and said, "Thai, S the futue right IbClu" It was SO amairg to SPend time WitI all Of these PartlC
11、iPantS Who ae going to do InIaZmg things in the future.My scientific CalCCI has IaUght c not to fca failue and DOlIObCafiaidtQ ask fox help. It, s ICalIy CaSy to be overwhelmed (徑敗)and WOnder if What you' re doing h going to WOrJC out. but een if it doem' t. if S OKI AhVayS IoOk on Ihe POSil
12、iVC side! A failue now doesn' EIean you, Ie a faildie foee. FaiIUle IlLaktS success Ieel CalIIed When it ConIe5. AlSOI ISking for help is good WheE you, re rtngglmg. YdU Ieam bow to do things a IOt faster and <c cfficeatly.V m ShoCked that SOrre PeOPle are Still skeptical about climate Ckange
13、 It is real, it is dangerous and it is One Of Ihe IIlOSt impoant issues Of Oul gena aiin. RedUCing CalbOn emissions sn t a U SiX)IldM, it is a Z mUSl'' to continue IiVing or the PIanet AdditionalIy PeOPIe aren, t really WotTied about their PeTSOnAl impact On the earth in t"n Of IitIalng
14、,Ovemsing PlasliC WaSUiIg resources. IfWe doo' CUrb LainifUlhJinan activity before if S100 IaIU it Wll be 1 PrOblenl IHt aflects all humans5 not just tiose that contribute4. Whal SeeXnS 10 ConCera Katienlost?A. OCean exploration.B. Ihe OVeIPOPUlaliOn OIlIhe eatkC. EnnfOnmental PrOblenSD. The ShO
15、rtage OfnatufaI energy.5 What Win WeIeanl from What Katie,s teacha said9A NO InteIISEFi no futureB All the talents are a? the Intri ISEFC The participants WiIl rrake the fimireatna71ngD. KaUe ShOUld try to do better than the Other PartiCiPantS6 Whal does PangIaPiI 5 ainlell us?A. Ihe SetbaCkS KatIe
16、experienced in her science.B. ThC IClatiOnShiP between failure and success.C. Seekmg help IS a sh<tnrt to d021g things welLD. What KaIiC has gained ftom be scientific CaICeE7 What does the UIIderlined WOrd ICUrb'' in the IaSt ParagraPh mot PrObably Tnean9A. PUIIiShB. ConttoLC. Deny.D. Meu
17、uie.CThC UllderWatCr PhOtOgraPhCf Of the Year: WhiCh OngllUtCd from 1965, is a yearly COlItOst based in tbc UnltCdKingdOm AS you might expert the fbcs is On PhotOS takn Undffcr WXer Whrther in the OCean in IakJkS Or rivers or ben SWlnlnlilIg PoOIS-The PICtiIfeS are judged In SeVeral different CategO
18、neS The COrteSt m 2019 had OVer 5.500 entries from 70 different COunics.The grand PrlZe WInnff was “ FrOZen MOblIe Home" b>PhotOgrq>her Greg Lecoexx The PhotO ShOVVS SeaIS STmiIing ICebCTg To get the PICnIrer Vlr LeCOeUr travded to AlltarCtlCa In 2 SPetIt time Mackicg the IifC SrOUnd floa
19、ting icebergsIe PbOtO " LaSt Daun. Lastaround a SnIallSnlall boatFfenChandbyforPaSqUalC VMsalIO Of ItaIy WOn the GVafd O:ean HrOtectIOn PhOtCgrher Of UIe Year VaSSalIo SaiC that he Went diving early In momins to take this PICnIre Of a tuna (金 trped IS fishermen pulled then nets in.Mr VaSSallO a
20、lso WOlC "Octopas TniIIinJr a PiCnIre that WOn ir CategOfy Of “ Beiuvior" . He SayS tha: When he Came UP after a dive, he uotk«l a SoCCCr ball floating on IhC Rirfacc. WhCn he WeM 10 ChCCk it out he SaW Ihat there WaS an OaCPUS tanging fiom the ball, lr VaSSaIIO SayS he doesn' t U
21、EderStand What the OCtoPlIS WaS doing, but WOnderS IfitUaS training fo槍芻)IheIheWoildCup.ThCUgh ROOman LUC CfBeIgiUm didn,t Vnn ±e “Portrait" CyegoIy hs PhotoJ titled “Aiiy SMhOTse”, is quite SUikilIg Tbe CIOSe-UP Shot Of a SeaholSe Slaring iictly UlIO the Camela UaS named uane? UP (SeCODd
22、place). He Slid he SPent IIeaIIy an hour Standing it knee-high VVater being bitten by mosquitos InOfdel to get the picture.Tbe COneST has many more amazing PhOtOS IhaT Can be ViZW On re site, along With CIe SIOrieS behind IhenL Ihere IS even a bookuiti al Ofthe Conten thx Can be downloaded for &
23、ee.8 WiUCt iaf t SUitabIe to OlIer the UndenValer Piwtoijrapber Of the Year COmeSrB LiteratureA ArtSD. Education.10 UIlat IS the PhOtO ULaSt DaglL LaSt GaSP aimed to tell us9A. A tuna is had to ShootB We ShoUId PrOteCt 0ce2n animalsC. Di ing Cdlly in Ibe IlXXlIirg is painful.D. Ihere are t many fili
24、ng nets in e sea.ILVriIal Can We IeaIQftOmIhe photo Of ZroCIoPlIS TIaiIlilIgM ?A. The Octopus is endangeredB. PhOUXaiing should De serious.C. Ihe PhOtOgraPhel has 1 SenSe OfhUmOrD. The PiX):05IaPbef is CCnCenIed about the OaoPUSIf yof Ve ever been On a fishing boat you, Ve PrObabIy Seen CrOWdS Of bi
25、rds following it. hoping to CatCh a SnaCk NOVV SciClItiStS USC those brds, behavior tc track IlIegal fishing beats.ReSearCherS AttaChed data IoggerS to The backs of 169 albatrosses (1天希)In In(IIan OCMTlS WelghIng OnIy 42 grams, the devices included a GPS, Whidl ClIablcd ±cm to detect the PrCSCn
26、CC and irtcnsity Of radar SIgnalS CmittiIIg from boats That InfbrmatlOT WaS then Senr by Satellrter SO the researchers COUld track the IoCatlOn Of the birdsand thus IhC Iadar-CInittiDg boaU- in real tiuThe SHenttStS then CfOSS-CheCked tha: data against the IaIOUTI IoCatiOnS Of boats, COlleCt from a
27、SyStem boats USC to declare themselves, Wned the AUtoXnatiC Idcntiflcation Systera (AIS). And otkeble difxrcuces appealed frequently.MOle IhatI ahido(he IilneS the bds " Ioggeisw deeed Iadal signals, and Ihaefbe a boat but QO SUCh boat appeared in the OffidaI log nIeanirg that the VehlCleS had
28、IlkeIy SVVltChed Off their AIS SOme±ing that PfOblbly happens in illegal fishing OFefations.The Work ngeste birds COUld be an effective boat-montonng tl 簽 Iong as illegal fishing OPefationS don, t Iargei Ihe birds.Fortunately, SUCh a task WOUld be dfEcult. ArOUnd 勺 ShIng boats, you can fiDd hun
29、dreds OfbIrdS X any One time IiIal are flying around AlIC Ihe birds Wilh IOggerS are n maiked in anv way. SoiF S not really POSSibIe for fishermen to PiCk OUt a SPeCIflC bird.BUt VlIat COnCerCS researchers is UIat alt>auosses Often get cagt Vy SOnIe fishin? boats. ThOUgt re?UIatiOlIS have been es
30、tablished to PrOteCt against that happening With SlICceSS illegal boats don, t necessarily obey. SO SCIenrIStS DIIgiIt be uIdereStInaUlIg the risk posed to albatross POpulaUOnS-12. Wha: CharactenStiC Of IbatlOSSeS do SdentiStS take advantage Of m their research?A Thaf feeding patterns.B Tbetr SCTISe
31、 Of directionC. IhCir greedy bchavio.D. ThCIr habit Of IbnOwing fishing boats.13 FOf What purpose does a boat ShUt OfrItSAl S?A. To SCCk InoIC ses.B. TO have it mistaken fb anothc.C TO avoid bemg detected.D TO SaVe the IrOUbIe Of declartng itself14. VfTIal does "SUdIaUSk” inPaagh 6 ref to?A. Id
32、entifying birds Unth IoggerSB KfOdtOfiIIg illegal boats.C. TIaCkiIIg Iada: SiglIaIS auioaLicallv.D. FiShiIIg illegaUy.15. Wha: COaIdbe the best title for the text?A. AIS: an Effective SyStfnI to LOCate BoatSB. HlImanS Are GOOd at Discovering BifdS' NalUreC. Data LOggefS HelP FiStIermen Get a GOO
33、d HarVeStD. SCiCIltiStS USC BirdS to TraCk IIICgal Fishirg OPClatIolIS弟二節(jié)(共j小Sh務(wù)小S 25分.滿分12.5分)很Ig短丈內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中妊出能埴入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。選項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng)The SIOW FoOd MOVement StartMI In Rome. ItaIy In 1986 WhCTl a new MCDOnaIdS wa; opening near a beautiful historic place, SOnJC PeoPIC stood OUtSIdC the restaurant a
34、nd SIoUtCd. WC do not Want fast food, WC Want SIOW food,z,16 OaC day Calk PCtrIni WCnt to a TCStaurant to Cat a Uaditional meal. BUt the food didn, t taste IbC SanIe as he remembered He learned that the PePPefS Were ShIPPed from abroad because the PrtCeS were IOW ThIS deeply CQDCeInCd Carlo.CarIO wa
35、ited PeOpIe to CaIe about Where te foods CanIe frorr and how their foods made then CUlture special. So he SIaIe(I a goup to CnCOulage IhiS idea. Ii SOOn became the SlowFood Moemcm. 17First, What is good food? GOOd food IS fiesh. The VegetabIeS are eaten clou to the PiaCe Where they ae grown. The fis
36、h ham* t been SittIng for CIayS before it is eaten. GoOd food is seasonable. 18 Good food SatISfiCS Ihe SenSeS Tt ShOUld IOOk good Smell good and taste good And finally, good food is cultural food EaCh COUnfry has SPCCiaI foods that make it diflEercnt.SecOnd. food Sh(XIId bf clean Today, there are g
37、reat ConCallS about the Way PeOPIe grow and PfOdUCe food FalnXIS use ChemiCaIs to kill insects and feed plants. BUt hc ChCnliCaIS Call also ha IhC natural CnViTonmcat arond farms 19 Cleal food means food that does not harm Our bodies Or the environmentAnd third, food ShOUld be fair. 20 All PCOPk ShO
38、UId be able to PUfChasC bcahy focd ThC PCOPIC WhO grow and make food ShOUld be paid fairly for their WoriC They ShOUId WOrk tn safe, healthy COndittOnSA Food should t COrt t IIIUCh mone>,B ItS goal IS to have good. CIeanr fan food for all PeoPIeC. OVeI Iimc? hcy CalI CaUSC health PIObIClilS iu Pe
39、CPle IOO-D That WaS how The 'IowFood Movement cam? into beingE. It should be grown X IhC best tunc Of IhC year f Illat food.F Today the SlOW FOOd Movement has already expanded OUt OfltaIyG. ThiS CVCnt WaS' t Ihe OlIly thing that StaIted the SlOW Food MOVCnICnt即一部分語言運(yùn)用(共曲節(jié),M分30分)第一節(jié)(共15小題;倚小題
40、1分滿分15分)閱喚下面逗丈,從矩文后各題所繪的A、BS C和D四個迭頂中,選岀可以填入空曰處的最佳迭項(xiàng)。My Uvin SiStC, Dawn, born With CclCbIaI PaIS)(因癱),has to WCar baco (吊樹n h ICgS and UraIk With IhC help Of a StiCkT Often CSUSilIg PeOPle to 21 and POirt-AS DaWD WaS IhC Ollly dlffeIcat Child in OuI IICighbOlhoOdT WC WCIC CoQSUmIY PiCkCd on WCnna h
41、ad any friends because Of her COnditiOn 1 began to 22 DaWn and was embarrassed to be Seen With her SO I did CVa)IiLilIg io get IlCl into double to 23 he being bomiuenully and PhySiCally (IiSaWcd.VVheiI turned twelve, my mother WaS SO displeased With my behaxior. She figured I WaS 24 enough to know b
42、ctte. ODC day sc IhlW IIIC ia IiIybCdIeOaI and gave InC a IhiCkyeUOW book hlut I saw IU Ihat book 25 the Xray I ViWed my diUbIed sister.Thae WeIe many baby 26 OfDaWu and me <essed alike: the Only 27 :1 Iooked Small and peaceful Whlk Dawn WaS hooked p to tubes and needles and marhin Tf you IoOICed
43、 ClOSlyJ you CoUId See the 29 in her eyes IhOUgiI She WaS always smiling. One PiCIUle Sl(XXl out: We Wele 29 each other. The WOldS below read, "I' m so happy to have a twin sister. Netti. The doctors make me cry. She makes me 30 刃 Lking back I realized how _31 I had been* I tad nes,er PUlnI
44、ySelf in Daux5 S shoes! Feeling 32 11 ied myself to SleePLater: Dawn Came to Wake me for dinner. I kissed her and hugged her 33 IIke in the picture.FlOaI IhaI on, I 譏as Diwn5s 34 , NO OIle WaS going o hu te ftx any ea>0Q. We Wele 35 Iamhel the OtheT half Ind She is myuwld.C. StareD. eny21. A. Con
45、lPlamB wander22 A hateB PityC disturbD Wafn23. A. PUt UP withB make U5c OfC. keep track OfD. get back at24 A PatIentB OIdC CIeVefD ConfIdent25. A. FcimcdB dungedC. CXPlainCdD. COllfirnlCd26 A PlCtUfeSB ClOtheSC. toysD. StOTleS27. A. PfObICmB SPOtighrC. similarity-D. difference28 A COUrageB di SappomtmentC painD ConCenl29. A. huggingB SUPpoItingC. ColllfbltingD. PIaISing30 A ImprOveB thmkC IaUghD SUmVe31. A. IUdeB sclshC. ICSPOlnibIeD. innex:CIlt32 A helplessB unhappyC despereD ashamed33. A- POIlteIyB. SenOUSlyC. IightlyD. PUlOSCly34 A PfoteCtorB assistantC educatorD COnsllItant
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