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1、全新版大學(xué)英語綜合教程3(第二版)課后習(xí)題答案全部單元UNIT 1Vocabulary1.1.1) on balanee 5) illustrated 9) involved2) resist 6) budget 10) econo mic3) haul 7) loweri ng 11) blast ing4) wicked8) boun dary 12) just about2.1) cut back/ dow n 2) pick up 3) get by 4) get through5) face up to6) tur n in 7) making up for 8)thi nk up3

2、.1) pursued his mathematical studies and taught himselfastr onomy2) ofte n gen erate misleadi ng thoughts3) attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work4) be suspected of doing everyth ing for money5) before he gets through life4.1) their in door, a profit, to in vest in2) d

3、evice, the improveme nt, on a global scale3) stacked, temptati on, n ever dined outII Con fusable Words1. 1) house 2) Home 3) home, family 4) household2. 1) doubt 2) suspect 3) doubted 4) suspected5) suspectIII. Word Formati on1) rise 2) final 3) regular 4) cash 5) hows, whys6) upped 7) yellowed 8)

4、bottled 9) lower 10) searchComprehe nsive ExercisesI. Cloze5. Text-related1) get by 2) temptati on 3) get through 4) improveme nts5) aside from 6) suspect 7) suppleme nt 8) profit9) stack ing6. (Theme-related)1) replaced 2) con sider 3) quit 4) world 5) tough6) fuels 7) provide 8) luxuries 9) bala n

5、ee 10) idealII. Tran slati on3. Wehave a problem with the computer system, but I think itfairly mi nor.4. My father died whe n I was too young to live on my own. The people of myhometow n took over (resp on sibility for) my upbri nging at that point.5. The toys have to meet strict/ tough safety requ

6、ireme ntsbefore they can be sold to childre n.6. Radio and televisionhave supplemented rather than replacedthe n ewspaper as carriers of n ews and opinion.7. Whe n it comes to this magaz in e, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magaz ines around the world.A decade ago, Nanc

7、y did what so manyAmericansdream about. Shequit an executive position and opened/ set up a household device store in herneighborhood.People like Nancy made the decisionprimarily for the improvement in the quality of their lives.But, to run a small bus in ess on a small scale is by no meansan easy jo

8、b. Without her steady in come, Nancy had to cut backon her daily expense. Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay thepremium for the various kinds of in sura nee shen eeded.Fortunately,through her own hard work, she has now got throughthe most difficult time. She is determined to continue p

9、ursuing her vision of abetter life.UNIT 2VocabularyI.7.1) decades 5) sle nder 9) on the side2) historic 6) web 10) authorized3) imposed 7) bade 11) term inal4) religious 8) site 12) make the best of8.1) went through 2) stood up for 3) laid dow n 4) take on5) let (us) dow n 6) draw on7) fall into 8)

10、pass for9.1) The Europea ns are fully con fide nt that the America ns willnot be able to justify their measures to protect the struggling America n steel industry.2)Clintonis, in the eyes of Joe Klein, staff writer of theNew Yorker and author of The Natural, the most tale ntedpoliticia n of his gen

11、erati on and the most compelli ng.3)Theres not much you can do if people are really intenton destro ying themselves with drugs.4)A differe nt experie nee of the world could forge a completely differentapproach to life.5)It is our conviction that cloning of humanbeings is bound to cause manyethical a

12、nd social problems in the long run.10.1) As for, do not compel, capture of, have forged2) At huge risk, the missi on, shelter3) who abolished, I n the eyes of, racialII.Words with Multiple Mea nings7.r II tell you in a minute how I have atta ined thegenuine sense of bel onging in America, but first

13、let me hear about your Frenchtrip.8.MostMcD on alds look almost the same on the outside,but actually there are about 16 differ?e nt basic desig ns.9.Loa ning money from the banks is but one of themethods we can use to get through a finan cial crisis.10.Thissec on d-ha nd car has bee n no thi ngbut t

14、rouble;its always break ing dow n.11.Inyour resume youvementioned everything but onevital point.12.Our tech ni cia ns have discovered a simple buteffective soluti on to the problem.13.Iamsorry, but I thi nk you should nthave lin geredon over coffee and missed the last bus.14.Thebankruptcyof the comp

15、anywas not caused by evil, butby simple ignoranceIII. Usage1)lon ely2)frie ndly3) weekly, mon thly4) lovely5) cowardly 6)k in dly/ sain tly7) lively8) motherlyComprehe nsive ExercisesI. Cloze8.Text-related1) forged 2) sta nd up 3) compelled 4)c on victi ons5) missi on6) abolish7) intent on 8) risk9)

16、i n the eyes of10)threats15. (Theme-related)1)assista nee 2) in volved 3) estimated 4)co in cide nee5) emerged6) referred 7) nu merous 8) stati oned 9)c oneern10)captureII. Tran slati on9.Though greatly affected by the con seque nces of theglobal finan cialcrisis, we are stillcon fide ntthat we can

17、faceup to the challe nge and overcome the crisis.10.Un der threat of con sta nt sand storms, we were compelled to leave ourcherished village and move to the new settleme nt.11.Accord ing to a rece nt on li ne survey, a lot ofconsumers say they may be motivated to consider buying products show n in T

18、Vcommercials.12.Having spotted a truck driver dump ing con tam in ated waste alongsidethe river, the old man reported to the police at on ce.13.Some scie ntists hold to the firm con victi on thatpeople will come to like gen etically modified crops someday since they can increase yields and help comb

19、at hun ger and disease in the develop ing world.Shortly after he achieved freedom Henson became intent on assisti ng fugitiveslaves. He secretly retur ned to the Un ited States from Can ada several times tohelp others to travel the Un dergro und Railroad to freedom. Once some slavecatchers closed in

20、 on the escaping slaves and Henson when they were on the run.He disguised them and successfully avoided capture.Later he built a small settlement in Dresden in Canada for escaped slaves, setting up a chapel and a school. He held tothe convictionthat slavery would be abolished, and the day wasbound t

21、o come whe n racial discrim in ati on no Ion ger existed.UNIT 3VocabularyI.16.) threate ns 2) by a small margin 3)civilize4) closedup5)wa ndered6)paste 7) without somuch as 8) sideways9) hook up to 10) universal 11) chart 12)Bathed in14. 1)n arrowed dow n 2)looked back on 3)cut off 4)fitinto5) wear(

22、the other) dow n6)lies in 7)put up 8)sta ndfor15. 1)which is likely to makepeople vulnerable to asthma has bee n found byresearchers at the Departme nt of Cli ni calMedici ne in Oxford.2) withmirrored doors had to be built in so as to maketheirsmall bedroom look larger.3) .feature the space shuttle

23、Challe nger blow ing up inJanuary 1986-killi ng all seve n crew.4) .threatenedto keep the pupils in after school, they werequieted at on ce.5) .are a major barrier to the countryseconomic growth dueto the fact that/because imported oil has absorbed 40% of itsforeig n excha nge.16. 1) looked back on/

24、 atmosphere/urba n life2) era/ hooked up to the / the electro nic3) the suburb / a sophisticated / system / an alyze / makeerrorsII. 1) away 2)i nside/i n 3)forward/through 4)back5)off 6)home 7) back dow n8)i n. outIII. 1) In ter net is not such an unu sual word as it used to be2) Most men do not lo

25、ok unattractive in them3) Wealthy as she is, she is not uncon cer ned by her sudde nun employme nt4)The claim is not unrealistic inview of a sharp decreasein the citys viole nt crimes.5) His poor health is not un related to his un healthy way oflife.Comprehe nsive Exercises17. Cloze17. 1) Statistics

26、 2)rural 3)era 4)stood for 5)o n thelatch6) vulnerable7)barrier 8)electronic 9)reflection10)civilized18. 1) together2)li able 3)shift 4)electric5)cautious6) sophisticated 7)thieves 8)break 9)chances10)sig nsII. Tran slati on1.1) The In ternetis cha nging the way people live, (no matter)whether they

27、are in urba n or rural areas.2) Medium-sizedand smallcompanies are more vulnerableto thethreat of the global econo mic crisis tha n large on es.3) With regard to our term paper, the professor asked us toanalyze the unemployment chart first, and then provide critical reflecti ons on then ati ons econ

28、o mic developme nt.4) It n ever occurred to him that their team would win thebasketball match by a large margin.5) Look ing back on my twenty years teach ing in high school,I attribute my success to patie nee, tale nt, and the con sta nt pursuit of knowledge.18. It is almost impossible to keep a det

29、erm ined burglar out.All you can do is discourage him for a few minu tes. Thus expos ing him to policepatrols. Common sense tells us that lighti ng is a barrier to criminal activity. Alight should be fixedin thedoorway and switched on at ni ght. Make sure/Assure yourself that you dontleave the door

30、on the latch if you happe n to be the last to come in. If you decideto buy a sophisticated electro nic alarm system, be sure to ask for its sig ns andput them up on both windows and doors. In addition you may have it hooked up toa police stati on.UNIT 4VocabularyI.19.) accord in gly2) loose 3) conce

31、n trati on4) stimulat ing5) fabric 6)if anything 7)reality 8) in tuiti on9) trifle 10) at the turn of the cen tury11) mess12) un derm ine1.2 1) approve of 2) slow dow n3) take n in 4) suckedinto5) set apart 6) dozed off 7)call forth 8)stretchinto9) keep up with 10)believe in1.3 1).provided in spirat

32、i on for many artists and musicia ns over the decades.2) .is credited to his powers of imagi nati on3) .on the foundations of an agricultural revolution4) .notto makeany complaintsin the presenee of the nurse.5) .the outbreak of the Seco nd World War.1.4 1) flaw/came to the con clusi on/would get no

33、 where2) in a row/dozed off/a mess of3) outbreak of/ has un derm ined / has stra inedII. 1)With Christmas only a week away2) With his physical condition improving day by day3) With our GDP growing steadily4) With all the shops closed5) with her eyes closed6) With the fog lifting during the nightIII.

34、1) like/as 2) as 3) like 4) like/as5) as/like 6) as 7)like 8) asComprehe nsive Exercises19. Cloze20.1) caution 2)cameto the conclusionthat 3)neverget any where4)un derm ining5) not give/care a fig 6) flaw7) bey ond any doubt8)fo un dati on9) remarkable/impressive10)imagi nati on21. 1) extent2)invent

35、ions 3)bet 4)manages 5)vision6) eve ntually7)achieveme nt 8)poverty 9) utilized10)breakthroughII. Tran slati on1.5) The volun teerssen t/assig nedby the RedCross dis in fected,with great caution,the drinkingwater in the village so as toavoid an outbreak of plague.2) Einstein spent many years trying

36、to unify the theories ofelectromagnetism and gravity but failed.3) Professor Wangreceived/w on the Preside ntial Award for hisexcellence in stimulating students creative imagination.4) As there were somemajor design flaws, the board of directors did nt approveof the econo mic stimulus package.5) Hav

37、ing realized that n obody could help him, Jorda n fin allycame to the con clusi on that he had to face reality and take up/meet the challenge by himself.20. What was remarkable about 2005 was perhaps that the UN declared it TheWorld Year of Physics. It was the 100th anni versary of Ei nstei ns theor

38、y ofrelativity and the 50th anni versary of his death. In 1905 Ein ste in published fivehighly importa nt essays in the history of scie nee, thus revoluti onizing physics.His great achieveme nts can be credited to his impressive powers of imagi nati on,con sta nt questi oning, and not giv ing a fig

39、for authority. It is bey ond doubt thatEinstein was the greatest scientist in the 20th cen tury.Unit 5 Givi ng Tha nksText AContent Questi ons22. He wrote them on a ship on the way to the island of Tulagi in the South Pacificon Thanksgiving Day, 1943.23. Preparinga traditionalThanksgivingdinner feat

40、uringroastturkey made the writer extremely busy.24. The writer was thinking about Than ksgiv ing.25. He decided to write letters to show gratitude to those whohad helped him in his life.26. He had always accepted what they had done for him, but neverexpressed to any of them a simpleThank you.”27. He

41、 decided to write to his father, his grandmother, and the Rev. Lonual Nelson, his grammar school prin cipal.28. His father had impressed upon him from boyhood a love of books and reading.29. He rememberedthat each morni ng Nels on would ope n the school with aprayer over his assembled stude nts.30.

42、He recalled how his gran dmother had taught him to tell thetruth, to share, and to be forgiv ingand con siderateof others.And he tha nked her for her delicious food and for all thewon derful things she had done for him.21.His reading of their letters left him not only astonishedbut also more humbled

43、 thanbefore, because they all thanked himrather tha n say ing they would forgive him for not hav ingpreviously tha nked them.22.The writer lear ned that one should lear n to expressappreciati on for othersefforts.23.The writer wished for all people the com mon sense to achieve worldpeace, and find t

44、he good and praise it.Text Orga ni zati on31.Parts Paragraphs Main IdeasPart One Paras. 1-9 On Tha nksgiv ing Day 1943, as a you ng coastguardsma nat sea, the writer came up with the idea of express ing his gratitude to people whohad helped him before.Part Two Paras. 10-16The writer wrote three tha

45、nk-you letters to hisfather, the Rev. Nels on and his gran dmother.The writer wishesevery one to findthe good and praise it.Part ThreeParas.17-23 Thewriter got three lettersin reply.Part Four Paras. 24-262-Corresp ondents Letters SentFather Tha nks him for teachi ng the writer from boyhood toLetterl

46、ove books and reading. Tellsthe writer how he, as a teacherand a father as well, felt content with his own son.The Rev. Nels onTha nks him for his morningschool prayers.i Tells the writer about his retireme nt coupled withself-doubt, and the re?assuranee brought to him by the writers letter.Gran dmo

47、ther Tha nksher for teachingthe writer how to tell thetruth, to share and to be forgiv ing, and for her good cook ing and her sprinkling the writers lifewith stardust.Expresses her lov ing gratef uln ess to her grandson.Lan guage Sense Enhan ceme ntI. 1) decades3) had done wrong5) appreciated7) rela

48、tives9) con sume2) un derg oing4) welcome reassura nee6) brought back8) accomplish10) represe ntingLan guage FocusVocabulary28.1) spri nkled3) reversed 4) repay2) in turn5) at sea6) traditi onal7) stateme nt8) lon ged for9) in secret10) unl oaded11)weep 12) un der way29.1)stretch out2) make out3) ho

49、pe for 4) tur ns (it) over5) put away 6) brings back7) got to8) go about30. 1) As supplies of traditional fuels diminish, people are working to in crease theuse of solaren ergy.32.2) We accord high priority to meeting the challenges ofecono mic and en viro nmen tal developme nt in the regi on.3) Whi

50、le it is true that children of today are exposed to moreinformationthan were children of the past, it does not followthat they automatically become more sophisticated.4) Since she borrowed those books from the library she has been immersed inBritish history and culture.5) Everyth ing cha nged in a f

51、lash on June 1, 2000 whe n he lostboth legs in a serious traffic accide nt.33.1) rdlike to express my sin cere tha nks to every one whohas bee n so con siderate of my wellbeing. My heart is filled with gratitude that words cannotexpress.2) After every one assembled on the playgro und amid the no ise

52、and exciteme nt of the specta?tors, our coach aga in impressedon us the n eed to do our best in quest of excelle nee.3) Everything I saw in my hometownwas marvelous. I could hardly believe that ithad undergone such swift changes throughcultivating fruits, vegetables, flowers and the rest in the past

53、 few years.II. Collocation1,fond of 2. sick ofIII. Usage1. To know what people really think, pay regard to what theydo, rather tha n what they say.2. It is cooperati on, rather tha n con flict, that will en able you to achieve yoursuccess.3. Ann made stude nts thi nk for themselves rather tha n tell

54、i ng them what to think.4. I think rll stay at homethis evening rather than go / out.5. Most people are content to let perfect days happen at rather tha n plan / pla nning for them.Comprehe nsive ExercisesI. Cloze(A)1) at sea2) Tur ning over3) reverse 4) got to5) repay 6) gratitude7) assembled8) imm

55、ersed in9) unl oadi ng10) swift (B)31. thoughtful of34. con scious of1.6 guilty of4. con fide ntof6. critical of8.ashamed ofgoingrandom1) In stead3) richer4) breath5) cherish6) special7) specific 8) shining9) miracles 10) giftII. Tran slati on32.1).Gran dmatook it for gran ted that food prices would

56、 soar,so she bought a lot of rice.2) .I can quote you several in sta nces of her dedicati on toscie nee.3) .The 1980s saw the start of the swift development of somespecial econo mic zones in China.4) .Tension betwee n the two coun tries stemmed in part fromthe latest spy affair.5) .Peter has worked

57、in a law firm for many years. You cancon sider hav ing him as your lawyer to act on your behalf whe n you n eed legalhelp.33.Amid the atmosphere of ThanksgivingGeorge was immersed in thediary left to him by his father, who died at sea after he completed two successivetrips around the world. The diar

58、y brought back every momentGeorge had spentwith his father andmany of the specific thi ngs his father did on his behalf.2) possessi onsGeorges father used to impress on him the need to undergoallkinds of hardship in quest of excelle nee. He also taught himthat nothing in the world could be take n fo

59、r gran ted.Eve n today,George still remembers how his father would quote Aesopsfamous say ing Gratitude is the sig n of no ble souls and tell him to accord thegreatest importa nee to it.Chin ese Tran slati ons of Texts A&B第五單元 表達(dá)謝意 課文A亞歷克斯?黑利二戰(zhàn)時(shí)在海岸警衛(wèi)隊(duì)服役。出海在外,時(shí)逢一個(gè)倍感孤寂的日子- 感恩節(jié)-他開始認(rèn)真思考這一節(jié)日的意義,對(duì)許多美國

60、人而言, 這個(gè)節(jié)日已成為大吃大喝、沒完沒了地看橄欖球比賽的日子。黑利決定寫三封不同尋常的信,以此來紀(jì)念感恩節(jié)的真正意義。寫三封感謝信亞歷山大?黑利那是在二戰(zhàn)期間的1943年,我是個(gè)年輕的美國海岸警衛(wèi)隊(duì)隊(duì)員。 我們的船,美國軍艦軍市一號(hào)已出海多日。多數(shù)船艙裝著成千上萬箱罐裝或風(fēng)干的食品。其余的船艙裝著不少五百磅重的炸彈,都小心翼翼地放在有軟墊的架子上。我們的目的地是南太平洋圖拉吉島上一個(gè)規(guī)模很大的基地。我是軍市一號(hào)上的一個(gè)廚師,跟岸上的人樣,那個(gè)感恩節(jié)的上午,我們忙著在準(zhǔn)備一道以烤火雞為主的傳統(tǒng)菜肴。當(dāng)廚師的都知道, 要烹制一頓大餐,擺上桌,再刷洗、收拾干凈,是件辛苦的事。不過,等到太陽快下山時(shí), 我們


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